#for me is ut/dr and lemon demon
yanderespamton78 · 1 month
whats a fandom that you will literally never escape
like every few months you are like "ah finally i think i can move on from that fandom. i think the obsessions run its course" then a few months later youre obsessed with it again
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therewillbenoromance · 2 months
intro thingy!! :3
yo!! im ethan, he/him, aroace transmasc guy :D
i'm a minor (13-15) so no creepiness or nsfw or whatever!!
my timezone is EST/EDT, just a heads up b4 you try to interact at like 4am lol
feel free to use any of my art as a pfp, as long as you credit me :3
my interests areee:
chonny jash, ut/dr, fnaf, will wood, homestuck, rain world, mlp, lemon demon, tsp, dsaf, dialtown, regretevator (taz's fault 💔) and the glass scientists :]>
useless dumb facts abt me:
my fav hs troll is tavros (hes so silly!)
my fav jashling is mind (hes stolen souls place in my heart. sorry 🫡)
if i were a fruit id be an orange because im giniminosaurus - whatever you say, (insert that entire audio that i find stupidly funny for no reason)
my favorite songs are charlotte and be born, both by chonny jash!! :] (this changes periodically btw loll)
i have 2 gimmick blogs: @nosignificantharrassment and @cccc-daily. the first one is pretty much abandoned bc i forgot that i would have to actually post nsh or hunter related things, and that meant mostly drawing nsh. i didnt even have a set design for em (i still dont 💔) so it was kinda a recipe for disaster. i might work on it again sometime in the future but rn i just cant lmao. cccc blog is relatively active tho :3
Tridential Construct AU (cccc x rain world) (started working on the loorreee)
Never Meant To Know Animatic (in the storyboarding phase)
DNI: zoos pedos zionists racists homo/transphobic people fatphobic people proshippers and anyone else whos just. yknow. a shitty person
friend tags:
#friendship truly is magic <3 - interactions with @irusanw4 :D
#zilly friend :3 - interactions with @c0smicallyk1ssed :]]
tons of cool websites here!!1!
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^ me btw :3 if u even care... ^_^
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furyohin4urr20 · 4 months
I've been here for a spell, so I feel as though I should formally make an intro post.
Hello, you beautiful boys, girls, neithers, boths, and in-betweens! My name is Fu Ryohin and welcome to my blog!
☆ About Me! ☆
☆ Ryo, 18, Aquarius
☆ She/They, Bisexual Nonbinary Demigirl
☆ OC Artist, I make art mostly based on my own OCs, which are sometimes fandom based! I also do fanart when I feel like it.
☆ Currently in a relationship with @generalsandwitchdragon 💜
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☆ Interests ☆
☆ Dialtown
☆ Anime
☆Alt Music of Various Kinds (WWATW, Lemon Demon, MSI, THD, Weezer, Jazmin Bean, Oingo Boingo, Mother Mother, etc.)
☆ Basic DNI ☆
Please stay away:
◇ Homophobia/Transphobia/Aphobia/Exclusionists (TERFS FUCK OFF)
◇ Racists/Bigots/Xenophobes/Zionists
◇ Proshippers (I will not have this filth here)
◇ Gatekeepers/Elitists
☆Tag Guide☆
◇#fu ryohin: Any post I've made myself.
◇#fr asks: Answered asks.
◇#fr reblogs: Posts that aren't mine but I added to.
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turtlemagnum · 7 months
figured i should make a revised version of my pin (holy shit was it long(to be fair it still is(shut up!)))
facts about me for REAL GAMEWAD's:
the name's turtle. it's not my legal name, it's better!
my interests include writing, music, video games, animals, history, obscure political philosophy (and philosophy in general), making fun of virtually everyone who's ever been considered a philosopher, weeb shit, guns and occasionally other varieties of weaponry (usually the kind that individual people can effectively use), linguistics, and misanthropy. and also probably some other things i'm forgetting.
in terms of specifics, my biggest writing project/interest at the moment is this fantasy setting i've been developing for years now and marginally more recently, a game to go along with it and hopefully become successful enough to turn it into a series.
my musical tastes generally require some degree of complexity often not found in things like pop music. my fallback genre tends to be progressive rock, with some of my favorite artists in that group being yes, king crimson, jethro tull, jimi hendrix (best guitarist of all time i will FIGHT YOU), emerson lake and palmer, and while i'm not quite as experienced in terms of foreign prog i've really liked what i've heard from midas and (i think?) masayoshi takanaka. i think the most mainstream artist i like is bowie, which to be fair he's pretty weird for a really popular artist. i also like two (2!) whole metal groups, those being dio and symphony x. i think the main thing that really sets them apart from most other metal is that the singer actually sings rather than the generic metal screaming (which, to be fair, i think screaming can be done well, but we'll get to that later). nothing quite helps me think about writing as listening to really good metal, a lot of my setting has actually been heavily inspired by listening to dio (which, to be fair, his subject matter tends to have heavy fantasy elements, so it makes sense). i also like tally hall and most of its splitoffs (e.g. miracle musical and some of bora's stuff), and also lemon demon/neil cicierega, though to be fair i'm not hard into them like i used to be. very occasionally, i'll listen to old school funk/soul and the things it inspired like a good chunk of classic rap (like nwa). not sure if i'd consider death grips to be "rap", but that's probably the closest descriptor i'm aware of and either way, i do quite like death grippin'. a few other artists i like include oingo boingo/danny elfman's stuff, marty robbins (honest to jod the only country i actively enjoy), a bit of aphex twin and his infinite niche side projects, pilotredsun/pilotredsky, molchat doma, and queen.
i like a lot of different game series, but some of my favorites include UT/DR, zelda, mario, pre gen 5 pokemon (i know i'm a boomer but i was literally like 10 when gen 5 first came out and even back then i didn't like the look of it, and i've just sorta lost interest in pokemon games post that point), i'm a self loathing elder scrolls and fallout fan (the best idea bethesda ever had was letting obsidian develop new vegas), and i hate myself even more for becoming an unironic star wars fan after being recommended the KOTOR games as being some of the best RPGs of all time (KOTOR 2 is, and KOTOR 1 is enjoyable enough), being a sane PC gamer i love pretty much everything valve has ever touched e.g. half life and portal (with the exception of the CS games, they strive enough for realism that they're not fun mechanically but they're not realistic enough to be fun in terms of being a simulator)(also TF2 devoured my life during middle school and most of high school, but i've fallen out of love with it at this point), i fucking love the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, GTA is mostly a driving simulator for me where you can also just shoot anybody who cuts you off (which, to be honest should be a feature in literally every open world driving game, but i digress (isn't this whole thing an exercise in digression? (fuck you! shut up!!! bitch.))), and also i fucking love emulation and piracy sooooo so so soso much. sometimes i actively pirate things i already own just because i can. also i cheat in gtav online purely to get free money to buy all of the exorbitantly expensive shit and also not get griefed by the other cheaters. i like fast cars in video game!!! im not giving rockstar real money so i can buy the back to the future car!!!!!
i'm definitely a dog person, though i also very much love cats, and also i love pretty much all varieties of animal (though to be fair, i don't really like animals bred to be "cute" since they just kinda look like monstrosities to me. which to be clear, isn't their fault, and if i met one in person i'd be nice to it because it's still a little animal, but i just kinda feel bad for em y'know. not a fan of the dog eugenics to be perfectly honest. also, fuck invasive species, i'm not really into hunting but given the impact they tend to have on the native environment of the US, i definitely plan on hunting hogs, and also i like bacon/ribs/pork chops)
huge history nerd. most of my knowledge is from ww2 and onwards, but i do know a fair bit about general history. i'm definitely an amateur and by no means anything resembling an expert, but in my experience i tend to know a fair bit more about history than most normal people (i don't think there are many people under 30 these days who know what the hell a rhodesia was, for example)
in terms of philosophy, i don't really like to ascribe labels to myself and prefer to simply state my beliefs and opinions, mostly because in my experience people will generally mostly agree with what i have to say so long as i don't call myself the label that arguably most accurately describes them. if you think i'm a communist, i'm not gonna refute you, but i'm not gonna actively choose to call myself a communist. same goes with terms like "liberal", "libertarian", "anarchist", or "socialist", since literally all of these terms are deeply politically loaded and tend to mean different things to different people, i could very well describe the same positions i hold to two very different people, and they'd each very likely come away with a different label that probably says more about them than it would about me. i, of course, have my own opinions on what these words mean, but they're generally unpopular ones that will undoubtedly make someone angry. thus, i consider the only winning move to be simply not playing. to be frank, if you're at all curious about my beliefs, just read through enough of my posts as i tend to be pretty open about what i'm thinking. also, if you know who my pfp is, you probably have a pretty good starting point to make sense of my views from.
in terms of making fun of philosophers, i'd like to propose a hypothetical. let's assume that the afterlife is real. personally, i don't think marx would be in a hell at the behest of a higher being. i do, however, think that he'd be forever condemned to be surrounded by the countless generations of insufferable marxists incessantly arguing in typical leftist infighting fashion, which i'd argue may as well be hell
in terms of weeb shit, i mostly mean anime, which is to say the few anime i've historically had the attention span to watch and the rare manga i've had the attention span to read. during the wait for part 5 of jjba to be animated, i read through part 5-7 and i still haven't caught up with the part 6 anime. i fucking love what i've seen from cowboy bebop and honestly i need to pick it back up, i've more recently watched a decent chunk of fist of the north star, and the most recent manga i've read was a compilation of the yugioh manga (which i honestly didn't expect to be as good as it was). i forget if it was this year or last year, but i watched fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood all the way through and fucking loved it (not sure if i'd call it the best anime of all time, but moreso out of a lack of broad experience and a hate for sweeping generalizations rather than thinking it's overhyped). and also i grew up on youtube abridged bullshit like dbza and ygotas (and also like 2 VHS's of the gen 1 pokemon anime)
oh boy!! guns!!! so yeah i'm like, extremely autistic, and modern(ish) small arms are one of my biggest special interests. if you want me to explain basically anything about how guns work, ask me! please. i need to gun rant....! babey..!! (if you don't wanna hear about guns, probably don't follow me)
i like linguistics in much the same way that i like history, insofar as how i really like it and think it's so fucking cool and try to learn as much as i can about it but i'm also really stupid and have a hard time understanding the extremely complex bits (moreso with linguistics on that last part, i wish i knew how to read that thing where there's a specific character for literally every sound ever to make pronunciation guides completely unambiguous). also i really like the intersection of culture, linguistics and history and the like, i love how interconnected the fields are (though to be fair, basically everything is interconnected if you learn hard enough)
he/they/it pronouns because i don't really care how people refer to me as long as it's not femininely or neopronouns (nothing against either of those, just don't personally vibe with them). also, i like "it" because my grandparents would jokingly call me "it" a lot, and eventually it felt very much like a term of endearment (so weirdly enough, it doesn't feel dehumanizing to me despite that being The Point for most it/its users i've seen). my gender is just some guy, maan. or in other words, i'm an amab person who's more or less "gender confirming" with my biological sex, but also i reject a lot of the bullshit with "normal" masculinity so in essence: i'm a man when it's convenient, and genderless when it's not. sexuality is a bit weird, i can absolutely develop romantic feelings for people regardless of gender but in terms of sexual attraction, it's pretty much just women and people of other genders who present femininely/androgynously (though with women specifically, i also really like masc women, which Sucks for me because in my experience most of them are exclusively into other women)
fuckin uhh tags. vent tag is #turtlevent, gun tag is #turtlegunrant, will add as necessary
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down-thedrain · 2 years
"this is the only way I can write lore" god yeah me too. anywayz
6, 8, 11, 17, 18, 30, 34, 35, 39, 40
6. are there any other preexisting characters that inspired an OC?
does real life dr**m count as a character. i mean ig since he wants his fanbase to ship himself w ppl so badly
to actually answer the question. i'm sure all of them have super subtle inspirations that i sort've subconsciously added on without really knowing it but specifically:
- the main 4 used to all be undertale ocs before i rebooted them and they still have very vague references to the aus i created them for. i don't really wanna mention which cuz just thinking about it makes me lowkey nauseous but it's definitely there
- similarly c4's based on grillby from undertale and c4 and java's dynamic is based on grillby's and sans's
- given how much avatar the last airbender inspires the pacing and writing style i wouldn't be suprised if requiem isn't at least partially inspired by the idea of the avatar (particularly with the idea of being a bridge between the spirit world [gods' and good/evil spirits' plane of existence] and the physical world [earth])
- like i said there's probably a lot of subtle references that even i don't know about djfkdhdk those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head
8. is there a certain song or playlist of songs you have that make you think of an OC/your story for them?
- here comes a thought from steven universe reminds me a lot of ruby/java
- regular lake and reviator lake make me think of swift and python respectively. these two songs make me very mentally ill
- fun fact! vysel was the result of me listening to lifetime achievement award by lemon demon on loop a trillion times and thinking "hey. what if that was an oc". but also kicks by barns courtney fits him so so so so so very well it makes me go stupid
- i just did a bad thing by bill wurtz also reminds me python which is funny cuz it sounds so Not like python but it just. works (particularly with the line "i just did a bad thing, i've ruined everything, and i've let the things i've ruined ruin me")
- dasher by gerard way also reminds me of java unfortunately. i think java would like gerard way nd probably mcr in general too lmao
- i could also sit here and talk about jack stauber all day but no one wants to hear that so let's move on lol
11. which character has been through the most design changes?
swift. easily. she used to took so different (and so worse tbh) it's crazy
ok remember earlier how i mentioned that the main 4 used to be undertale ocs. swift used to be from a completely different au. and her role/personality was completely different too. again i don't wanna go into details cuz i don't wanna remember my ut phase Ever but like. she used to have gray as a main color n shit and god her old design looked so ugly lmao
the main 4 all used to look so so different tbh. all of them has different clothes and stuff cuz i made their designs in motherfucking g*cha l*fe cuz i couldn't draw yet. (they all used to be part cat part demon btw. did i mention that i made these guys when i was 10.) but swift was the only one who went through a complete design overhaul cuz their design was That dogshit
(python does get an honorable mention in this regard because it used to be a girl but then i changed it cuz i had too many girl ocs. he transitioned in universe AND irl go figure)
17. who is your favorite OC?
ruby lol. i think it helps that she's the first ever oc i made period but also she just,,, ouhdjdhdjdh i really really like her design even though it's not the most interesting but she's so so so so friend shaped i wanna give her a hug irl. i project onto her the hardest so i feel very personally close to her too, she's the person i wanna be when i grow up. she's very easy to draw too, i don't have to force myself to draw her like i do my other ocs (not that i don't like drawing my other ocs but ruby is the one i go to the most when i have art block). and she's just a lil silly and she laughs and i don't make her wallow in her own sad backstory so when she really gets sad it feels so real and just thinking about her gives me the warm fuzzies :) i like her so much
18. who is your least favorite OC?
vysel. holy fucking shit. out of every oc i've ever made (for this universe of otherwise) i think he's the only one where i've actively given him next to no redeeming qualities cuz he doesn't deserve any. i don't wanna make him symathetic i want him to fucking die. his entire meta purpose is for me to vent how much i fucking hate e-celebs and how much i wanna see them fail. that's why he dies twice in the story he's just that fucking terrible
i do think he's fun to draw and write and i really like his contrast with python character-wise and how much influence he has over basically half the world and i REALLY like how java has a "don't meet your heros" moment with him but like. personality-wise i think i made him a little too hateable for my own good but. wtv it's ok
30. which OC has been the hardest to develop/design so far?
i remember vysel and especially swift were hard to design but i'd have to go with requiem. they're design is nooot veryy interestingg atm and while i have a good idea of how they fit into the story n such i just. i don't know how to write them. at all. and i never feel like focusing on them either so i'm stuck in perpetual hell lol
i think writing specific scenes with them in it would probably help but then that means getting into "season 2" of the story and s2 is a lawless land LMFAO
34. what scene that you've written/imagined is your favorite?
(okay here's the part where i go too way to hard in on responding lol)
python/vysel confrontation scene my heart goes out to you
it's set in the middle of the story and it sets the tone for both vysel's character and is basically the launch point for python's arc and like. it's the point where the story goes "oh shit we're getting serious now" and it sets the tone for the back half of season 1 and. please whoever's up there give me the strength to write this i'll go absolutely batshit
without fully spoiling everything building up to that moment, i do wanna say that python isn't a bad guy. not at all. but...
y'know. when you leave your life of endless work and ridicule from almost everyone around you, only to be forced to marry someone you don't even know at 14 (when it was born the world didn't see a problem with doing that). so you leave in hopes to find somewhere you can truly you call home, scamming and bartering for everything you have along the way.
and the you finally find that place, and you think that you'll actually be happy for once. and then some guy who doesn't know a thing about what you've been through makes you the laughingstock of the city. and you're fucking done being pushed around and forced to leave cuz everyone thinks you're a freak who doesn't deserve happiness.
so you stop the problem at its source.
and the audience and the rest of the characters don't know ANY of that shit. all they know is this: up until that point you see basically no genuine emotion from python, he just jokes and insults everyone around it and hopes that they hate him enough to never ask any personal questions. and everyone is used to that by that point. but then you see the anger, the heartbrokeness, the hell on its face when he sees the flyer and the characters don't understand why or what vysel even did but when python looks at them and says that this fucker has to die they know better than to try and stop him. and. and fuckenkasbwkdhwkevwkdhekev i go absolutely bonkers
i wanna save what's actually in the scene for another time though. i think it's better if the characters tell you what happened, not me.
if i ever do write it i'm posting it instantly this is the one aspect of the story i can confidently say i'm proud of
35. which OC would beat you up if they met you IRL?
vysel. i don't care that he's a whole foot taller than me i'm kicking his ass i'm grinding him into sawdust
39. what's your favorite part to draw on a certain character?
i love drawing ruby's lil dangling star earrings. i used to not draw her earrings but now that i have i'm not going back jfkdfhfkfh they're just so fun and they're so her yk
40. what's your least favorite part to draw on a certain character?
idrk? i designed all my ocs with the intention of being fun to draw
i have been wanting to do a map of python's body markings and that hasn't been very fun. i feel like i'm very very close to making them look like how i imagined them to look but it's been slow going unfortunately so there's that
and that's it WOO
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