#for only 3 quests worth of setup this was pretty good i think. quite effective
ferrocyan · 8 months
6.55 thoughts I LIKE WUK LAMAT :D they made her for me. they know i've been missing my wife yda ("yda") since arr and went we got you man. here's a genki girl for you. thank you writers i love you
the justification for our coming to tural and meddling in politics is . it smacks of "we're sidestepping the problematic aspects now no need to think abt this too deeply" in my opinion. but i'm not.. opposed to it? it succeeds in making me not feel dread for dawntrail, i guess. i'm actually pretty excited to see where the story will go
like straight up going "we're not the colonizer here, we're stopping a potential colonizer from gaining power so it's ok to meddle in this foreign nation's politics!" is. lol. "these people like it when foreigners meddle bc it means their leader knows how to do international relations" lmao even. well i am a stormblood lover at heart and my instinct is to go ok cool let's go on the adventure then
back to wuk lamat. she's not really all that, is she? despite all the bluster and her status. i think the devs have put a lot more effort in the cutscenes this patch and you really get the sense that she's in over her head here. i like that tbh. a weakling who nevertheless chooses to tank is a novel concept for me, i'm so into it. wuk lamat feels like a synthesis btwn "yda" the false identity and lyse the real person underneath, they took the traits between these two and made them into one girl. my perfect waifu. there will definitely be differences btwn wuk lamat and lyse (the lack of her immigrant narrative, for one) and i'm excited to have another flavor of my favorite girl
and then there's... the scions. i am beyond happy to see that estinien's journey to tural is just him having seen the east and north and south.. ok let's go west. KING. my beloved hobo i'm so happy for him. urianger and thancred also look to be having a good time, good for them, have a great time with your thing fellas. y'shtola has been unseen? at all? is she sitting this expansion out without a word, damn unexpected for the poster girl innit? though as for the one who is sitting out with a word. hmm. hmmfhphfhgfhdgshfh sorry. sorry for my schadenfreude. but this is a very, very funny way to go for g'raha. i thought the funniest thing the devs could do was "somehow zenos has returned" but this is so much fucking funnier. oh my sides. g'raha doesn't deserve this, probably (though i have been feeling that he's a bit redundant now, sorry to his fans) but if i'm getting krile in his place i sure as fuck won't complain lol. but then there's the twins. yeah i guess they do have to join us. for the first time ever i'm not happy about alphinaud being included. his character being turned into a garlemald simp is just. ugh. i have nothing objective to say abt that i just do not want it
well whatever. with this setup i'm hyped to see the scions divided and possibly fighting each other. my prediction is that the miqo'te machinist in the poster is koana-niisan and he's the one who hired thancred and urianger. which might leave the mamool ja guy as the one with imperial ambitions whom we must stop. err that would be a bad look... i sure hope not. my dread for dawntrail might be coming back
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jackkel-dragon · 7 years
Gearing Systems in RPGs and MMOs
So, after seeing some annoying complaints about a system I liked, I've decided to write a bit about how I feel about gearing systems in RPGs and MMOs. This might get a bit rambly.
To start with, I'm going to give an apparently unpopular opinion: I don't really like the way a lot of RPGs seem to handle player equipment. So many games try very hard to give the player a sense of progression through having their gear replaced every few levels. As many RPGs can trace their lineage back to Dungeons and Dragons, this sort of makes sense. D+D expects the player characters to start with hand-me-down mundane gear, upgrade to badass gear, then start to acquire magical items, and eventually find legendary equipment. It's not inherently a bad system, since you really can feel how powerful you're getting when you end up with a flaming magic sword after starting with a kitchen fork. But it's so exaggerated and overused in so many games that it's starting to grate on me quite a bit.
Here's the problem with how the system is used: in Dungeons and Dragons, a good DM will make you wait for your upgrades. Each boost to your power level will be felt. You don't go from a rusty sword to a magical flaming sword without noticing the effect. A mithril shirt will make previously challenging fights a breeze. But in so many RPGs, and particularly a lot of MMOs, there are so many mini-tiers that it's often not worth upgrading unless you get the items for free.
To give an example, let's use a game I actually like: Final Fantasy XIV. There's often at least one new piece of gear for a slot every 2-3 levels. Early on, you'll want every upgrade you can get, at least until your slots are filled. But after you hit about lv15 or lv20, it stops being cost-effective to keep yourself upgraded. Even gear from NPC vendors (usually the cheapest option) starts to cost thousands of gil per item. Earlier this week, I did a few dungeon runs with my lv62 class and ended up with 25k gil. I then bought half of a full set of gear for my lv30 crafting class and was left with under 500 gil. After selling the old gear, I had about a thousand on hand. Because of this huge money sink for gear, I usually allow my average gear level to sink as I level up, only using dungeon gear to upgrade until a class hits lv50 (when the base game's endgame gear becomes available, which uses a different currency that I have too much of).
This sort of over-complexity is even in single-player games, which I assume is based on the Diablo model. I have never played the Diablo games, but from what I understand the Borderlands series tends to do a similar thing with its loot. You'll get these named, special weapons from quests at one level, but within 3-5 levels those guns are utterly useless as anything other than vendor trash. Meanwhile, even the white/common guns that enemies drop will be better in that they at least hurt the enemies you fight.
This is all really frustrating to someone like me, who isn't interested in busting out a spreadsheet every thirty minutes to see which piece of gear will get me that +2% boost that I need. I understand the desire to use progression as a way to hook the player, but I don't want to be frustrated at needing to sell gear given to me by a character I like because "Rusty Mithril Axe" is five times better. (It doesn't help that, especially in MMOs, pre-endgame gear so often has really lame-sounding adjectives in the titles. It's not an Iron Sword, it's a "Mud-stained" Iron Sword.)
I could go more into what I dislike about this kind of progression, but I may have already lingered on that for too long. Instead, I'll give some examples of better progression ideas. Ones that I feel are less annoying to play and far more satisfying than the systems I mentioned above.
To start with, the system that made me start thinking of this topic: the gear upgrade system in Secret World Legends. While both versions of the game have flaws (and still haven't finished the Tokyo storyline that we were promised years ago...), the gear system of the reboot does not deserve the disdain I've seen for it. The original game, The Secret World, had a very standard MMO gear progression: you got random drops sometimes, dungeons had slightly better gear for their level, and you always had to be swapping out gear because nothing remained useful for long. SWL, on the other hand, keeps the random drops while adding a great twist: you use the otherwise vendor trash-y gear to upgrade your equipped gear. For instance, I have a Blood Magic Tome and a few spare weapons I don't use. I spend some anima shards (earned from quests and enemy kills) to consume those spare weapons to make my Tome more powerful. When a piece of gear hits max level, you can combine it with another item of the same type (also max level) to increase its rarity. You can do this until you hit max rarity. So unless you come across an item with a bonus effect you want to swap out for, you never have to hunt down new gear. You power up your weapon and talismans as you go. It's still a grind, like any MMO, but one that doesn't require luck and spreadsheets.
Going off that, there are a few other MMOs that dabbled with this idea, but either dropped it or didn't go far enough for my tastes. Lord of the Rings Online has a "Legendary Item" system, but it's a massive grind and time sink that is far more complex than it needs to be. Maybe it has improved since I last played, but the "Imbuing" system I read about in patch notes once only applied to the current expansion or later. It doesn't help that your legendary weapons really didn't feel that... legendary. You could carry 6-10 legendary items at a time (based on cash shop purchases), and you could only get the materials to upgrade legendary weapons from breaking down other legendaries. Which meant that every other monster you fought had a legendary weapon lodged in them. It'd be like if Bilbo or Frodo had Sting... and Sting 2. And Sting 3. And Sting Mk4. But not 5, because he broke that down for legendary fragments to make String Prime glow in the dark better. It was a cool idea that really fit with the setting, but fell apart under the weight of MMO gear mechanics. It felt like more of the same, only pretending not to be.
Another one that feels like a misstep to me is Final Fantasy XIV's relic system. Basically, each class can get a "Relic Weapon", an item that has a story behind it and must be reforged in a long quest chain. Except, because of the gear treadmill and power creep, it's actually pretty damn weak even for its own content. You have to do 4-5 very long quest chains to make it worth using, and it still becomes underpowered the moment a new patch comes out. Due to the obscene amount of effort to do each phase of the quest, a lot of players just ignore the whole system. Now, if the relic weapon were the only weapon after a certain part of the game, maybe that idea could work. But as things are, no one wants to do hours of questing to upgrade a single item when they could just pay some gil to a crafter or do a raid. And it's really too late to make the relic a mandatory system, because it would just piss off the people who skipped the relic at first.
Since the last two were more about systems that could have been cool, I'll mention a subsystem that I feel works well: gear modifcations. Whether it's Materia (FF7/FF14), Essence Gems (Jade Empire), or weapon mods (a lot of shooters), it always allows for a sense of progression and modifcation that doesn't cheapen the gear you're using from a story standpoint or (usually) get too complex and number-crunchy. It's easy to tell whether a +1 or +2 materia is better, and if you want to shuffle around which slots get which materia, you can. Given the choice between a game that gives me dozens of guns or dozens of scopes as loot, I'd probably go with the latter even if the overall system works the same way. In general, such a system gives more value to each piece of main gear (in story and gameplay terms) due to the multitude of mods you can add. For instance, Horizon: Zero Dawn mostly has 3 tiers of each weapon (aside from a few uniques), but you're constantly getting modifications you can slot into them.
Overall, here's my big point: It's fine to want to have gear progression as part of your RPG/MMO. It serves as a useful motivation to keep playing the game, to try to get the best setup possible. But when you flood the player with gear upgrades, after a certain point they will get overwhelmed or stop caring. In some types of games, this could easily be a death sentence. So, as a general rule, I'd strongly suggest RPG creators to space out the progression better, allowing the player to enjoy each tier before they move on to the next. This could even help with game longevity, as players feel more compelled to improve their equipment when they have a solid goal. (This is why most MMOs' endgame gearing is so addictive to some people: the goals are much more clear.)
Personally, I'd go a bit further. I want to see a true legendary item system in a game someday. It can be a single player game, if that makes it easier. I want to have a game where, instead of looting gradually better swords from each new enemy, I get something like Glamdring in the first third of the game. Maybe it's a new weapon that needs to be powered up, or an old weapon that has "gone to sleep" from disuse. But, as the item is used, it becomes more powerful and I can add new powers to it. (The closest I've seen to a system like this, aside from the ones I mentioned above, is the Neverwinter Nights module "Kingmaker". In that mod, your talking sword will get a new ability that you choose whenever you level up.) A lot of RPGs have a sort of power fantasy element, like how Dragon Age Inquisition lets you build a pseudo-nation from scratch. For me, my power fantasy would be the creation of this sort of legendary item. It would become a legacy of sorts, and in a game focused on this sort of system you could even have an epilogue where the legendary item is passed on to a new hero. (Like how Gandalf and Thorin found the elven blades in the troll den, and how Bilbo gave Sting to Frodo.)
At any rate, that's my personal opinion on RPG/MMO gearing. I doubt games will change much anytime soon, but I wanted to get some of it down while I was thinking about it. After seeing people complain that the gearing system in The Secret World was "so much better" than Secret World Legends, despite the former being so bland and annoying... I had to get down some of the issues I have with how people seem to think RPGs should look. But, going off what I've seen, I'm fairly certain I'm in the minority. So I'll probably continue my descent into focusing on story-based games and playing games I mostly dislike in order to get to the story.
Anyway, I hope anyone who got this far found something interesting in my ramblings. I didn't expect to write so much, so hopefully it's not as boring as some of the systems I decided to call out.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Forgotten Stories is an Amazing Skyrim Mod, and You Should Play It
May 26, 2020 1:00 PM EST
Sometimes, you find a mod that defies expectations and becomes a worthy game in its own right. Enderal: Forgotten Stories is one such mod.
Enderal: Forgotten Stories is a total conversion mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Developed by a dedicated team of German modders by the name of SureAI, the first version of Enderal was released back in 2016. The updated Forgotten Stories expansion from 2019 saw a number of additions to quests and content, as well as a standalone release on Steam. It’s the definitive and complete version of the tale, and is worth playing again if you’ve only dabbled in the original previously.
This mod completely replaces the landmass and setting of Skyrim with an original one, and overhauls most of the gameplay systems as well. Skyrim’s general DNA is still inevitably present in movement and systems, but the way it works is wholly redone. It is less the freeform “do whatever you want” simulator that Skyrim quickly becomes; Enderal is instead a focused, story-driven RPG with a splash of open-world content that better utilizes the space. There’s less reliance on scaling enemies, and more on not reaching into areas beyond your means, as the story will nudge you there when you’re ready.
That story, world, the characters contained within, and the full span of Enderal’s adventure? Those are so fantastically realized that it feels disingenuous to call Enderal a mere mod. It easily transcends the boundaries of Skyrim, overcoming many of the gameplay issues and lacking elements of its source material. Having finished it recently, I now find myself thinking of Enderal not as just a Skyrim mod, nor even its own standalone game and RPG.
I now think of Enderal: Forgotten Stories as one of the best video games I’ve ever played.
Since Enderal hasn’t left my mind for long since completing it, I feel that it’s important to I write this down and share it. I want to talk a bit about Enderal’s design and gameplay systems. I’ll cover a little about the story and characters (in non-spoiler terms), as well as how emotionally devastating its ending is. And finally, I’ll briefly touch on the many ways it shines a light on all of Skyrim’s greatest weaknesses. I’ve come to develop a more negative view of Bethesda’s most recent mainline Elder Scrolls foray, and Enderal has helped me put all of that into words.
In the interim, I urge you to go and check out Enderal: Forgotten Stories at your earliest convenience if any of this has sounded slightly appealing to you. It’s comprehensive enough to have its own standalone Steam page and installer, with many Skyrim mods that are considered “mandatory” baked into it already. In fact, it’s comprehensive enough to have its own mods also! Go there now, pick it up, and see for yourself. This is something special, and the SureAI team deserves the attention and spotlight.
Skyrim: New Vegas
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Enderal takes absolutely no time in laying its cards on the table for you. The opening scene is a gorgeous, sun-baked vista of a lush garden near sunset. It’s idyllic, pushing the graphics of both the base game and the included ENBoost and graphical mods to the max. It’s also very clearly wrong, with something uncanny about the whole scene lurking just below the surface. A quick glance around the place will see that uncertainty grow, with the culmination of that scene making it crystal clear. I won’t spoil specifics; once again, I urge you to check it out, and the introduction alone should demonstrate that you’re in for a ride.
More cutscenes and important setup will follow, including character creation. The first area or two play out like a tutorial, helpful both for newcomers and those familiar with the workings of Skyrim. All throughout, the placing of story elements and themes has begun, and seeing that all eventually culminate more than makes up for its “slow” start. More importantly, you’ll get through the first scripted dungeon and be greeted by a sun-swept vista not unlike the one from the intro. This game is utterly gorgeous. The continent of Enderal beckons forth.
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Mechanically, the game might be a little bit off-putting for Skyrim veterans. That’s not to say it isn’t good; Enderal simply does away with the learn-by-doing skill system for something more focused. Killing creatures and completing quests give experience, and experience thresholds grant you a level-up. You’ll choose health, magicka, or stamina and get a selection of points with which to invest into specific skills. You can’t just plug these points straight into your skills, though.
“It feels disingenuous to call Enderal a mere mod.”
Memory points are your big talent/perk purchases, which are applied through a much fancier in-game version of the Skyrim perks. It’s not just opening a menu and clicking a constellation: here, you meditate to reach a bizarre shrine in your mind, where physical stones reflecting the perk trees are represented to interact with. In addition to the passive powers here, you’ll unlock talents which function like dragon Shouts. These have individual cooldowns rather than global ones though, so mixing and matching them in combat is far more useful than Skyrim‘s counterparts.
For general skill levels, you need to acquire and study a learning book of the appropriate skill and quality. Doing so increases that skill by 1. Want to get One-Handed from 15 to 16? You’ll have to scavenge or buy a One-Handed learning book of the apprentice difficulty. To get beyond 25, you’ll need an adept book, and so on. Skills have been split between learning and crafting, with the latter being less directly tied into combat trees (Alchemy, Enchanting, Lockpicking and such).
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This means that you cannot master everything in a single playthrough like you might in Skyrim. Builds become important, and swapping to a new combat style on a whim requires some investment. This would probably not go down well in Skyrim; open exploration carries that game, and diversity in one’s playstyle can alleviate a sense of repetition after long sessions. Enderal wants you to think about your build and develop a roleplay attachment to your avatar, instead. As you’ll see from the heavier story focus, that becomes increasingly clear as you play.
Experience also becomes a premium resource. Enderal isn’t as large as Skyrim, but it’s far more curated. Leveled lists and scaling rewards are barely a factor here, and bandits won’t suddenly find late-game armor. Completing side quests and exploring where you can now helps you progress your build. Given that the game can be pretty difficult in the early hours, that’s a good mindset to embrace. Exploring is a good idea, right up until you cross a boundary you probably shouldn’t have and get completely murdered.
“Enderal feels to Skyrim as Fallout: New Vegas did to Fallout 3.”
There’s further incentives for exploring carefully as well, with rare pickups that can grant bonus experience or even permanently increase your carry capacity. Set items now exist and are quite powerful when combined, and rare crafting schematics or learning books are scattered across the land. The fact that everything feels hand-designed instead of just generated en masse helps the world seem more real. Thus, when the plight of the story starts to ramp up and affect the continent I’d grown attached to, I felt it all the more from seeing it myself.
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Still, even with all the benefits for exploring, Enderal is a comparatively more linear game than its source. Modern Elder Scrolls games are happy to let you wander off the beaten path for a hundred hours and ignore the main story entirely. That’s not at all encouraged for Enderal; in fact, unlike Skyrim, you are seriously missing out if you don’t engage with the main quest. Major biomes of Enderal’s landmass are gated off by the challenge they represent. You can go there and try to survive, but generally the main story will introduce you to it once you’ve progressed far enough to be ready.
In this way, Enderal feels to Skyrim as Fallout: New Vegas did to Fallout 3. Obsidian’s Fallout foray was more linear and focused than its predecessor’s open-world jaunt around post-apocalyptic Washington, D.C.; wandering too far would get you torn apart by Deathclaws. This lack of freedom was exchanged for much sharper writing, a better plot, and more narrative options and choice. Enderal feels as if it’s done much the same to Skyrim, and given how fantastic the story and characters are, it’s a trade I’d make a million times over.
The Adventures of Jespar (featuring the Player Character)
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Leaving the tutorial dungeon brings you to a secluded valley within Enderal proper. There’s a few treasures and hidden secrets to be found there, but eventually you will have to follow the path that leads beyond. That one path will see you encounter a couple of apothecary NPCs, who explain a little more about the world you’re in.
Attempting to leave will see you overcome with Arcane Fever; this is both a story point, and one of Enderal’s new gameplay mechanics. It functions similarly to Fallout’s radiation, increasing when exposed to magically dense areas. Most importantly, Arcane Fever is exacerbated by using magical healing and potions. No longer can you just open your inventory and chug twenty potions to heal up, as this’ll quickly raise your Fever. Get too high and you’ll start having negative side effects, and at 100% you die outright. Food items don’t heal much in combat either, but out of combat? You’ll get a satiated buff that will regenerate your health over time, so you still want to stay fed. It’s a clever little way of balancing Enderal’s combat and making it less absurd than Skyrim.
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Nonetheless, you find out about this system shortly after the apothecary conversation ends. It’s here that you’ll meet Jespar Dal’Varek, one of the major NPCs of the game. He leads you into the main story quest for Enderal, but he’ll also take the time to chat you with if you want to ask questions. By the end of that first segment of the game, I was ready to follow him anywhere. Jespar is one of the more well-written and constructed NPC companions I’ve had the pleasure of encountering in video games. He’s a very easy-going sort and it’s clear why they introduce you to him first, but the cynical and anti-idealist side of him comes to the fore if you start asking.
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In fact, there will be side quests and conversations entirely focused on getting to know some of the side characters better. These were usually highlights in my playthrough, which should give you an indication of the quality of these characters. In Jespar’s case, this is further strengthened by such fantastic voice acting that you’d almost forget this was a free mod. In fact, his voice actor Ben Britton has springboarded into the industry off his work here. Small wonder that Jespar is the focus character in the writer’s spin-off novel (the audiobook is also voiced by Ben).
“By the end of that first segment of the game, I was ready to follow Jespar anywhere.”
Jespar might be the first and most prominent, but he is far from the only character worth remembering in Enderal. Throughout the main quest lines, you’ll be introduced to a slew of primary characters, many of which have just as much depth as him. The interactions of these characters both with you and each other really sell the narrative being told, and it was very easy to grow attached to them (or to loathe them, as the situation demands).
I cannot stress how strong the writing for Enderal truly is. It’s not just the characters either; the entire game world is incredibly well designed and presented. The continent is built on a religious caste-based society with heavy stratification, and you’ll have the opportunity to investigate and interact with each level of it. You’ll argue the pros and cons of religiosity, discuss the nature of life, death and reality, or dive into a magic system which literally plucks aspects from alternate timelines in order to function. Whether through its world-building, characters, or overall narrative, I found myself hopelessly drawn in by Enderal and wanted more.
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All throughout, the main quest runs through the bulk of the continent and takes you to appropriately leveled zones when the time comes. Each arc of the quest finds new ways to introduce spectacle, to develop the characters, and to ramp up the stakes and scope of the plot. There’s sections that are presented with better tension and horror than most horror games can manage. New difficulties will arise, characters will be hurt or even killed, and victories will be tempered with losses. Before I knew it, I’d been playing for over a hundred hours and had fully cleared the map; that’s something I’d never care to bother with in Skyrim.
Very quickly, you’ll realize just how big the implications of the story are, and this will continue without letting up until the conclusion of the game. And that conclusion is something else. There’s a sense of uncertainty and tension throughout the entire story, and neither the characters nor the player are ever quite sure that what they’re doing is the correct answer. Like everything else, this will build up to a finale that was so brilliantly handled and emotionally charged that I was reeling for days afterwards.
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Finding the right words to describe it all without delving into spoilers is a difficult task. Much as I’d love to do so and start gushing in fantastic detail, that’s not the point of this editorial. Besides, it’s really something that I would rather people experience firsthand. Suffice it to say that Enderal’s writing and story is excellent, with quality that holds true until the very end. I expect that I’ll be thinking of some of the climactic moments for a long time to come. It really is that fantastic a tale.
“This will build up to a finale that was so brilliantly handled and emotionally charged that I was reeling for days afterwards.”
I have to take a moment to credit the sound, also. Enderal: Forgotten Stories might be a free mod, but it has an excellent and fully original soundtrack composed by Marvin Kopp. It’s so strong that I’ve been using it as background music while writing this piece, and will probably do so for future writing sessions. It also is fully voice acted, with absolutely fantastic voice direction. Not every actor is as professional as another, and there’s a couple of outliers that really hurt to listen to in the cities and side quests. But the primary cast deliver some fantastic performances, and most seem to have at least one scene that catapulted them from good to exceptional. All of the sound really helps carry the narrative that much further into greatness.
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It’s not without flaw, of course. The pacing is generally good, but there is one quest near the end of the game that comes across as quite rushed. An important detail for the plot is revealed, and then immediately an NPC blurts ahead three steps in rapid succession. It was such a sudden guess about what was happening that it felt like random speculation, yet it was completely accurate. I suspect this was to get things in position for the finale without compromising that sequence, so it’s forgivable. Even so, the good far outweighs what little bad I could muster. Enderal is a story worth experiencing, and I’m genuinely glad I did so.
The Post-Enderal Lens on Elder Scrolls
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It’s probably quite obvious at this point, so let’s address the elephant in the room: I don’t particularly like Skyrim.
That statement is usually enough to tank a game writer’s credibility given its reputation and scores, but hear me out. It wasn’t a case where I hated the game on purpose and refused to touch it from there. Skyrim took up a good hundred hours of my time, and even more once mods (besides Enderal) entered the scene. I completed the main quest and all the major faction quests, played through the DLC, and tried numerous different builds. There was a fun enough experience to be had, but I won’t lie and say I didn’t enjoy my time with it.
The problems that I have with Skyrim emerged only after time and reflection. My first Elder Scrolls game was Morrowind, and it is still possibly my absolute favorite game ever. Skyrim was unlikely to live up to that completely, but it still falls short in almost every metric. I replayed Morrowind in full a few months ago, and I only came away from that slow, ancient game loving it even more than previously. Nostalgia is not what pushes that game ahead of its follow ups in my eyes: it’s the richly detailed and exotic world, the flexible design, and the many guilds and factions to dive into that make Morrowind so strong. We will probably never get another game quite like it.
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When I think back to Skyrim, I don’t think of any of that. I think of going off on random adventures and losing myself in the wilderness for a few hours. I’ll accumulate gear, get stronger, tick off increasingly more quest markers from my list, and just continue going through the motions. Bethesda’s approach nowadays seems less about making high quality content, and instead making more content. Whenever Skyrim has the opportunity to provide depth or meaning, it comes away lacking. The gameplay is more action than RPG when compared to its predecessors, but the mechanics are lackluster and simplistic.
Most don’t even seem to bother with Skyrim‘s main quest, though I pushed through and completed it. Still, barely any aspect of it really stands out in my mind or impressed me. By contrast, the main questline in Morrowind is the highlight; so too is the main quest line in Enderal. So many moments of Skyrim that could’ve been something more end up feeling like yet another item crossed off the list. I could go back now and still probably play it for tens of hours if I wanted, and I’d probably enjoy it. But if I wanted depth, I’d only find an ocean-sized puddle. For all its vaunted freedom to play it as you want, that’s all Skyrim can ever offer you, no matter what else you might desire from it.
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Enderal: Forgotten Stories felt incredibly refreshing to me as a result. It took all the potential of Skyrim’s size, condensed it into a large but focused story, amped up the presentation and mechanics, and proceeded to deliver one of the best experiences I’ve had from any RPG I’ve played. If ever there was a game that nearly elicited the same sense of wonder I got from Morrowind, it would be Enderal, not Skyrim.
Morrowind isn’t the only titan of RPGs I’ve had the pleasure of playing recently, either. In the last year, I’ve sought to play or replay many of the titans of PC RPGs. I grew up with the likes of Baldur’s Gate 2 and Planescape: Torment, and I revisited them recently with fondness. Contemporary RPGs like NieR: Automata, The Witcher 3, and even Final Fantasy 14: Shadowbringers all have stirred strong responses in me. Yet even amongst all these heavy hitters, Enderal left such an imprint on me that it absolutely deserves to be discussed and compared alongside them.
“If ever there was a game that nearly elicited the same sense of wonder I got from Morrowind, it would be Enderal, not Skyrim.”
The Elder Scrolls 6 is a long ways off, and the last few showings of Bethesda’s games have been less than spectacular. I have no real anticipation for what’s to come from them. When you consider what a German modding team managed to make with that framework and deliver it for free, it just cements that feeling all the more. Instead of looking to that distant horizon, I’m instead prepping to go back and visit SureAI’s earlier works. Enderal isn’t their first game; they made a similar mod for Oblivion called Nehrim, set in the same world and apparently of equal quality. Nehrim is getting its own stand-alone Steam release in June, and there is no game I’m looking forward to more than it right now.
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If you happen to like RPGs, I heartily urge you to go check out Enderal: Forgotten Stories. Regardless of whether or not you think highly of Skyrim, there’s a really incredible experience here that is a worthy game in its own right. You don’t even need to install Skyrim to run it, just own it. Even if you have to buy the unlisted original edition of Skyrim to play, since it doesn’t run on the Special Edition, you should still consider it. Believe me when I say that it’s worth it.
May 26, 2020 1:00 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/05/forgotten-stories-is-an-amazing-skyrim-mod-and-you-should-play-it/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=forgotten-stories-is-an-amazing-skyrim-mod-and-you-should-play-it
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clumsypixiedream · 7 years
KingsRoad Tool
Tapping on enemies rolls out symptoms reported by your training. Within the realm! code play around in Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems fingernails the fundamentals found in titles like diablo and torchlight, nevertheless after a little substantially less sophistication. Your whole occasion is incredibly direct path, much like the maps, at a minimum regularly, despite the fact that all of them adhere to a equivalent formulation. |Every one are exposed for your figure, conveying stats like more armor, sooner symptoms, and other modifiers you might actually contemplate. Climbing an quantity permits a suggest commit to an indirect or lively competence, gated by levels. your tier signifies positioning them (so long as you can pay gemstones to open it as soon as possible!) - it is all a substantial anxiousness concerning the travelling bag room. Apart from cooperative play around (knowning that i greatly encourage that - it will take the benefit from mincing), there's a get together and competition procedure. You might also play around still another training whilst not having arriving at re-use You can actually equip your newbie with uber armor and understanding by using to pay out to open them and bouncing in included in the more extensive levels. At battle’s end, the review was yet increasingly being stressful. There's also log-in and questing treats alongside jewel chests found in maps you ought to open with gemstones. |Individuals rapidly find that a company is necessary to obtain by some of the maps and instances - except if you'd pretty grind your figure to find competence issues - or select them. does achieve some lovely blowout understanding - set on control (class mend), protector (normally takes all blowout impairment), but are risky towards impairment he discounts during a get together (think of a little more impairment = a little more yellow metal, a little more xp). The great thing about farmville will be the care they possess given to each individual guide. You can find established online forums and guilds to sign up, but guild talk is just as uneasy to make use of. The very first 20 levels are fantastic! Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems is known as a 3d hack and cut web browser mmo published by rumble premiums. You must grind for yellow metal and declines, but upon getting learned an quantity, you are able to apply it more on vehicle, rendering it even more tolerable. greatly fitted athletes. -deficiency of more subject material (2 days or weeks instances aren't included for the reason that directory) it was authentic negative! Interestingly? With vehicle play around, just - the game offers enough zero cost gemstones (premium currency). |Celebrations are mundane and duplicated with the exact same kind of equipment only to some extent good each and every time (the game play has some truly serious issues while using stats rising cost of living). Leaderboards are usually forwarded to p2w athletes plus the success aren't definitely worth the effort and hard work. Now basically just to go into the game play you must refuse 12 popup advertising. will benefit you, there's no lvl limitation so lvl 45 could actually help lvl10 on his operates, which is used to do my normal challenges operates with help of guild companion in first and foremost small amount of hour, and unlocked superior lvl tools on forge, i see effective future in this particular code, i'd to determine a little more pvp attribute put in, in this code. I enjoy not buying the gear. Tried it concerning the geforce 6150 se 128mb specialized visuals with latest nvidia brings. The newest wound up increasingly being to decrease these mindless tabs at the end of the screen utilizing these not so big not so big young arrow rendering it extremely difficult to shut without having mindless actually buy! Find! Find-for-god’s-reason actually buy!! Showing. Despite many of the instances we have with each other arranged one thing was virtually impossible, individual resourcefulness shows the collective unsuitable and time and again. With your factors employs mana, despite the fact that, so you will wish to be proper about which factors you incorporate and whenever. |Whilst all things you’ve look over up to now implements instantly to Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems, on top of that, it corresponds to nearly every other code inside the genre you can ponder. High quality currency can be obtained to assist enhance the practical experience in many ways. Purchasing reported that, you will end up buying a great deal loot how the larger sized travelling bag will be considerably desirable reasonably during the early periods. The sole other angle that is linked applying the genre’s shift with zero cost-to-play around can be a which might massage some people an inappropriate process (despite the fact that me personally, i am appreciating it). Total-fledged premiums has lastly came to myspace. Somewhat, experience simply because you decide on a training and check-out combat considerably rapidly. It’s highly common under consideration, but Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems the level of code you are able to plunge into included in the end for this extended day and easily switch your mind out of and off to experience. Although it comes up actually like you consume for good gear you simply need to use the developing procedure included in the blacksmith and you could exchange your shitty device for far better gear. And if you want to improve you may spend. |The dim occasion focuses on very close-up symptoms, even as possibly archer and wizard invade by way of the mileage by means of arrows and spells correspondingly. As an alternative to increasingly being manifest a sprawling, constant start world or dungeon like diablo and torchlight, Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems is reasonably break up as a direct path series of not so big, discrete levels which every single have a couple of minutes experiencing. Just about every seven hrs, the game addict will get a celebration-strengthening blessing that can last for half an hour, so men and women needing to tier a little more rapidly within one period will most likely choose to have the benefit of this vehicle specialist. propensity to request young regarding course of action and many other things regarding rapidly resolving occurrences as they definitely arise. Interestingly, as athletes progression while using game’s article, they considerably open more and more companies inside the “home base” store, which in time carries a “tailor” figure that is certain to market vanity skin to athletes in return for challenging currency. Lady figure options are popular by their absence at the present time, go through the setup for this selectable sex will likely need really not a new figure system (not to mention fine mesh and animations) however in the option for many of the exposed device supplies for being remade for your personal new system, it is really not vital for that not so big company at rumble up to now. It appears to be effective, sounds effective, works well, functions high quality writing with many different temperament, and most importantly doesn’t insult the game addict when you find yourself as well ruthless with frequently its monetization or personal functions. In conclusion, Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems is a great illustration of rules to create an internet code for “core” game enthusiasts, and puts an exceptional precedent for other creators to go by in addition to down the line. It's on to the person to construct arrangement internationally again, whether or not this were to the player to merely relax all round and be sad about daily life it can't be an exceptional code. |As mister william, a dim occasion in alexander's own defense, you pledge your blade and bow towards security by way of the queen. Exactly how does new title check well to all of those other competition? I seriously pray your swords are sharpened, arrows all considered, and spell books and wands well prepared, because we are stepping into the realm of Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems! The overall game play around of Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems has athletes oversee their avatar, the Individuals get in touch with decide an event the places they're tasked to finish the total amount by defeating many of the enemies inside of the guide. For folks preferring a no-nonsense, in-your-face motion, the dim occasion is what you would like, as this the melee form of Kingsroad Cheat Engine Gems. Also worth noting would be that the 3 training could well be built to concentrate on one’s play around vogue - the dim occasion, to provide an example, could well be played like a melee dps figure or simply a tanky a bed that will endure enough impairment. Putting in these young particulars makes the game play big fun experiencing that you become a beginning to feel that you simply aren't mindlessly droning about and going by maps monotonously. The enchanting vehicle specialist is similar to the forging procedure, but athletes ought to gemstones and crystals to enchant their device. Pleasant battle hammer. code play around-smart, there are certain surveillance camera matters. |This happens to be a period of time-using challenge that numerous regular people may perhaps most likely not have endurance to undertake, in spite of this for those who wish to have each one of the training to get the most significant tier, they're thank you for stopping by grind by many of the previous maps they've achieved, as they quite simply are able to be re-jog. big fun strong towards code. The storyline form of the game is similar to a tale ebook. You can actually be part of, and produce events. You can find competence issues with gemstones. If you have played an motion rpg preceding, do you know what goes on goes on succeeding: a substantial amount of simply clicking, a substantial amount of loot, more of owning dealt with whenever a tremendous ogre concludes You can actually get yellow metal by inserting your cursor in regards to this, but you must click through other supplies. Every bit as frustrating, i recall after i unintentionally furnished a sword i'd received like a intention repay and rapidly discovered that there is absolutely no way to repurchase There is no precise code play around discipline for death-no enemies get back to daily life, bosses don't charge their healthiness, and also don't even ought to initially still another store how you will do in torchlight. |That is certainly mainly obnoxious for the reason that most of your fatalities will likely not derive from negative ways-in an motion-rpg, death typically is basically simply because you punched the link an instant much too latter part of the. When you have finished the game's nearly twenty-five levels, you are able to replay them within more extensive challenges inside a find "popular" loot. Any of these are problems that will eventually be set shortly. Leave the safety by way of the hearth beneath while you showdown to prevent the players of wicked from ruling the globe. • craftable object upgrades. The mist pvp predicament will jog 00:00 utc mar 02 - 23:59 utc mar 07. first and foremost spot: alright fusion rune, pvp acceptance token, 400 guild rank, (150) wing drive crest second spot: alright fusion rune, pvp acceptance token, 200 guild rank, (130) wing drive crest 3rd spot: alright fusion rune, pvp acceptance token, 100 guild rank, (115) wing drive crest fourth spot: alright fusion rune, basis of characters, 50 guild rank, (100) wing drive crest mist sign up mist trainer mist challenger mist fighter mist duelist mist berserker mist gladiator mist slayer mist inquisitor pvp battler pvp slayer.
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