#for our poor jock rip in pieces
meatriarchived · 10 months
y'know in routes of cc / nosy where nancy does accept maria & lee esp but, honestly, nancy's front garden is so nicely set up and maintained that maria would adore it so much?
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but also the fact that johnny's also got the skull hanging over his shack like nancy's got over that front archway leading up to the house is also kinda cute tbh c:
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and then its just. the contrast between the front of the house - nancys garden - compared to the back of the property. like, nice, look at all of johnny's trash piles back there hidden out of sight- fdsbk
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and then we ignore the jock dying for a moment cause YAY APPLIANCES IN SHACK WE CAN COOK but also the radio for broadcasting purposes :))
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supacutiepie · 5 years
here we go AGAIN- I got a NEW BNHA AU for yall
I’ve made up like, four to five really Big Ass Aus for BNHA which range from fantasy abo to quirkless society outcast tropes fest.
Right now, the trope fest is loving my muse. We got:
-Punk Bakugou
-Nerd Midoriya (with an attention for the arts. *I.E. Theater and Writing)
-Jock Kirishima (Soccer)
-Popular Kid Todoroki (Who is going to bring his abusive father and his poor trauma coping mechanisms to their KNEEs)
Also ft’ing:
The entire LOV squad are actually all anarchists/really over the top, rebellious, possibly mutinous, protesters and freedom fighters for their own causes. AKA a bunch of anti-heros
-Touya becomes Dabi, he ran from home at a very young age. He “works” on blackmailing corrupt businessmen and exposing really awful characters in the city. (Abusive husbands, “Unholy Men”, and anyone he can prove is using their “Rank” to hurt others.)
-Shigaraki is the figurehead for Problem Children”” AKA, anyone who got royally fucked by the system that doesn’t/refuses to care for kids who aren’t The Ideal. (( He came from a semi affluent family, but when they died(without him murderingthem this time lol) because of his mental illness, they battered and beat him down until he ran for his life and started looking out for kids like him. He highly resents the social/foster care system. who tried to flaunt his family’s tragic story while continuing to abuse him)
Everyone else will have a more developed plot point promises.
--Mainly the point here is that our Punk boy runs in similar circles to the LOV with underground shit and what not. Which becomes important because Todoroki is Going To Need It.
**** Major plot idea here is found family and friendships over blood relatives. 
-The Bakugou’s aren’t physically abusive, but they are negligent, emotional supportive, and verbally abusive.This is what turns Katsuki towards Punk and grunge and etc, he finds a nice niche that  “Gets It” but then also appeals to His Need For Aesthetics.
-Midoriya’s dad is super absent. He isn’t married to Inko in this, they parted relatively soon in Izuku’s life. (Despite this absence: He is actually a decent sorta dad. just a bad family guy. he tries hard not to miss birthdays, any sort of “First Time” events or shows, and when he does miss things he sends extravagant care packages to apologize and always shows in person for the very next event with more apologies. its not ideal, but its alright)
_The Todoroki family in this will be Worse Than The Canon*** And I highlight this to avoid making anyone upset by blindsidedness etc. I intend on ripping Enji to pieces, but in the story im thinking, he def hurts the ones around him a lot. 
-This just means that Shouto and Fuyumi will get hurt at some point, and that Shouto will very much need his new group of friends to Be Alright. (and might run away at some point. thinking abt it)
-Despite me enjoying the new chapters where endeavor is actively trying to fix shit and repair the tattered remains of his family, I do not give him this opportunity here.
-Which means Natsuo ran for the fucking hills and never intends on coming back until he can take everything from that man ESPECIALLY Shouto and Fuyumi.
--- Rei is alive, but the kids Don’t Know That?? 
Like, she still hurts Shouto. He still gets a scar though more realistic (not just  a splotch, plus some eye damage). But she most definitely had a full mental break and tbh its sad as fuck. But right after that she “vanishes” and enji claims she ran like a coward yadda yadda (truth is he hauled her off to an out of country mental facility never to be heard from etc)
This is p much all I’m thinking. Yall wanna use it, go for it. Just let me know so I can read or watch how it goes bc I doubt I’ll be able to do more than freak the fuck out and Make More IDEAS....
(Oh and in MY version I can’t let go of the otp so its poly shipping if yall curious. I LIVE for kbdk and ill die loving these three. todoroki MIGHT get some romance, but moreso he gets HEALTHY FUCKING RELATIONSHIPS!!!!... and a little romance because Inasa is a Big Dumb Sweet Loud Boy who stole my whole ass heart...)
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
"watch where you are going you little piece of shit" Loki says as he shoves Tony aside before walking off with his boyfriend.
"god Loki and Stephen are such assholes. They were made for each other. I don't know how they became popular" Clint says as he helps Tony up and brushes the dust and dirt off.
"well they are good looking, Loki does acting while Stephen does music, they are rich and known how to make friends easily"
"and they are bullies. You coming over tonight?"
"I am not third wheeling tonight. You need to start spending some alone time with Natasha dammit. I'll be fine. Aunt Peggy said I could stay over tonight because apparently dad is drunk and mum is high. Whoo what else is new"
"I can't wait until this year is over. Then you, me, Nat, Pepper, Happy, Arthur, Diana, Rhodey and Carol can start getting ready for MIT. Hopefully those dumb shits didn't sigh up for it"
"seeing as those two love to bully me, I wouldn't put it past them. Rumour has it they are returning back to England. "
"oh poor Peter Parker. Better not tell Aunt May or she'll drag Peter back to America. If those two weren't bullying you then they were bullying your cousin"
"I know. I'll have a chat with Peter tonight and see what he wants to do and if I want to live with all parts of my body working to perfection then I'll tell May afterwards"
"this sucks. Come one lets head to our classes"
Clint drops Tony off to his class before glaring at the golden couple sitting right at the back as he makes his exit. Tony sighs at his table in front of Stephen and Loki. He ignores their attempts as he reads through his homework to make sure everything is correct. He quickly hands it over to the teacher before his bullies takes it off him and does something stupid.
After a couple of minutes of torture everyone settles down as principal Fury comes into the class with two baddass troublemaking looking hotties that has Tony feeling all kinds of things.
"class you have two new students today. They transferred from Hydra High to here to complete their last year of school"
Tony gulps because Hydra High was one of the worst schools in America. All the troublemakers went there and if you weren't one then you became one usually during your first year. They were full of tough people that always caused trouble. Normally students were from mobs/mafia backgrounds and knew the prison system really well. Security was big there that it made it look like you were at an American airport. These two with their leather jackets, ripped jeans, slicked back hair and smirks looked completely dangerous. Usually not the type of people Tony would want to be around and yet he felt like he was getting a boner.
Tony watched Fury leave after saying something and then looked at the 2 new students who, to his surprise, was staring straight at him. The blond one smiled and looked around the classroom getting ready to speak first.
"hi my name is Steve Rogers. Please call me Steve. I look forward to getting to know everyone real well"
Tony gulps as Steve eyes Tony up as he says his last sentence. Tony looks away as he feels his face heat up before his eyes lay on the second person who hasn't stopped looking at him.
"hey the name is James Barnes. Everyone can call me Bucky. Just like what Stevie said I look forward to meeting everyone. Let's make this last year"
Tony lightly gasps as Bucky smirks right at Tony as he finishes his last sentence.
The teacher pats Bucky and Steve on the back before telling them to go sit next to Tony. Steve sits on his left while Bucky sits on his right.
"Tony will show you around and help you with whatever you need until you get used to this place."
The teacher puts on a movie that the class will be writing an essay on as she sits down and goes through everyone's homework.
Tony now not only has to ignore the two douchebags but now also the two hot guys. He stares right at he tv as he gets ready to take down notes. He eye rolls as he hears stephen and Loki speaking to the two new people.
"I feel sorry for you guys"
"you got stuck with this worthless piece of shit. How about hanging out with us and we'll show you boys a good time. It'll be way better than doing boring stuff. He never shuts up if you so much mention science or robots. He's just a waste of time and space. You wouldn't wanna be caught dead hanging around him"
"well lucky for me"
Tony feels Steve's hand on Tony's thigh
"and Bucky"
Tony feels Bucky's ha- wait is that metal? - on Tony's other thigh.
"are into pretty Bambi eyed brunettes who are into science. We'll probably won't be able to to hang out with anyone much at the moment anyway. We are signing up with the schools football team. We were jocks at our old school but got tired of the team being useless and transferred after hearing this school has the best team"
"damn straight we do. The best team ever"
Everyone looks up and much to Tony's relief it's Arthur. Arthur wraps a muscular arm around Tony.
"this is one of our best players in our team. He chose not to be Captain no matter how many times people ask. Arthur why can't you just be Captain. Ditch these losers and join the elite"
"you guys must be new. Just call me Arthur. Anyway come on Tony, Bruce has come returned and he's kicking up a storm."
"why doesn't Bruce handle Bruce?"
"ugh you got a cute scientist and a good looking rich man who are massive idiots for hanging out with you losers"
"no one asked you Stephen"
"well you should be handsome. Stephen is way too gorgeous not to look at or talk to"
"ugh I'm gonna vomit. Come on Tony"
Tony packs up and Arthur leads him out the door.
"are those two dating?"
"hell no. Tony isn't Arthur's type. If he had a vagina and looked like our best fighter Diana then yeah."
"that's good"
"got that right. Everyone would make Tony's life a living hell if wprd got out that those two were dating"
After class finishes Steve and Bucky head off to the cafeteria. After they are unable to find Tony they ask around and find out that he left campus to go eat with his friends.
They get out to the carpark after finding out where Tony went and took off.
Meanwhile Tony just finished eating and went out of the cafe with Clint and Natasha to smoke. Tony took off his glasses and stuffed it in his pocket before he sparked up.
They got to chatting about plans for the weekend when sounds of motorbikes come driving into the carpark and park right in front of the 3.
The three gasp as helmets come off to reveal Steve and Bucky. Steve is the first to notice and smiles.
"hey Tony"
Bucky seals the deal with a filthy smirk that promises good things to those that behave and a deep gravelly Brooklyn accented voice that would probably be able to make anyone harden and come in seconds.
"hey doll. Was wondering where you went off too. Had to have Stephen and Loki show us around. Let me tell you, it was real boring"
"ah yeah sorry about that. Did you guys follow me here?"
"no don't be silly baby. We didn't want to spend anymore time with the dynamic duo. Who are your friends?"
"the names Clint. This is my girl Natasha. So you two must be Steve and Bucky. The incredibly hot duo my friend can't seem to stop talking about"
"you talk about us?"
"you find us hot?"
Tony finishes his smoke and strolls back inside looking like a tomato much to Clint's delight.
"come in guys. I like you two. Come and kick back with us"
Steve and Bucky nod as they follow the couple inside. Clint places 2 seats on either side of Tony much to everyone's amusement (excluding Tony who looks horrified) and then introduces the 2 new people.
Everyone starts talking about school, life, memes and just random things. They all completely forget about school and it's not until Tony receives a call from his drunk father that they realize it.
"hey Tony what's wrong?"
"my dad wants me home. He told me I can't go to my auntie's house because I'm in trouble"
"what happened?"
"school called. Check your times"
Everyone except for Steve and Bucky look horrified.
"how can you two not be horrified?"
Steve grabs a hold of Tony's hand and drags him outside. Bucky stands up and pays for everyones food.
"we don't have parents to complain to. We have a mafia leader who is friends with principal Fury and he already knows what we are like so he let's us be."
"that's so cool. Well I better ring my mum before she has a field day over this"
"everyone Protocol Sunshine"
"what's protocol sunshine?"
"we use Tony getting bullied and how his parents are as a cover up if we so much as miss just one class because we all talk too much"
"oh that's cool. Well we will take Tony home and see all of you tomorrow."
"keep Tony safe"
Bucky nods not realizing to how much that one sentence means to Tony's group of friends. Friends that now Steve and Bucky are apart of. They may be badasses but it doesn't stop them from trying to be normal and makes friends they feel safe and good around.
Bucky sees a confused Tony sitting behind Steve and sits on his bike. He guesses Steve explained what they were going to do. The bikes turn on and they set off.
Tony is internally panicking because not only is his dad pissed off about school but he's not going to be too happy about this. Oh boy is he gonna get his ass kicked.
The boys drop tony off and give him their numbers before placing a kiss on each cheek and heading off. Tony takes a few breathes before making his way into the Lions den.
As soon as he steps inside he is immediately kicked down the front porch stairs as his drunk father starts yelling at him about all sorts of things. He starts beating the crap out of Tony causing Tony to scream in pain. He hears voices and sees his dad get knocked out before he blacks out.
Once Tony wakes up he feels pressed up against him. In front of him much to his surprise is Steve who looks like he had been crying. Behind him was Bucky who also looked like he had been crying. Tony frowns and wonders why do they care as he slowly gets out of the bed.
After going toilet, he heads to the kitchen and notices a tall man cooking something.
"uhm hello?"
The tall man quickly turns around and smiles as he motions for Tony to sit. Tony sits at the table and jumps as he hears a voice next to him.
"don't worry about him. He's mute and deaf. Hope you know asl"
"I do. One of my friends has a hearing aid"
"that's great. It'll come in handy. The names Friday and that's my older brother Jarvis. He's getting tea ready while our younger brother Vision is dealing with your shitty parents"
"shitty parents? Wait what happened?"
Tony jolts again from another voice and looks up to see Steve and Bucky coming into the kitchen. They sit down and explain how they saved Tony's life. Steve knocked Tony's dad out while Bucky called for the police. Thankfully they had Vision and his partner attend the scene so they didn't have to worry about false names and what not. Then they talk Tony back to theirs so their own nurse can patch Tony up.
"thank you guys so much for that. How?"
"well we wanted to turn around and come ask you on a date but then we turned into knights in shining armor. Our dad should be back soon. We told him what had happened so he wants to come home and meet you. We are trying very hard to prevent him from adopting you"
"but why?"
"well it would be wierd dating and adoptive brother. Bucky isn't adopted so it's not that wierd"
"no I mean why are you two doing all of this?"
"well for me it was love at first sight and I think Steve just wanted to bang you"
They talk and get to know one another until Vision returns home.
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samanthauniverse · 8 years
We all have our hang ups. Mine.......I despise Men...Ironically....I'm married to man. A full blown Jock Asshole who is Tender to me as a Teddy Bear...with teeth.
When I was born, my mother and biological Father were together. Married. Seemingly Happy. My mother got pregnant with me at the age of 17, my dad was 16. His mother, being the wonderful woman she is, made raised him proper. My parents had a beautiful wedding. Everything was good and right in the world. To do even better, my dad joined the Army. We went to Germany when I was 5.
Awesome. Great. Then He came along. My dad had a best friend, H.D. I'm not going to give away names. I'm not going to smear it like that. H.D. is paying the price already.
See,...this man decided when he saw my mom,...he wanted her and decided to visit behind my dads back......and wooed my mom. Now mind you, and I'm not justifying this in any way,cause Lord knows,...she is just as bad for letting it happen. H.D. convinced my mother to leave my dad, and to do it secretly.
Of course, he had made good friends with me and my sib. So off we go back to the states. My dad, was left behind in bewilderment.......not understanding all that transpired. Oh and also...H.D. was now AWOL with the Army and.......he had a wife and kid too that he was leaving behind. Okay. Okay. This is just too wild to believe...Right?
You have got to have lived it to know the truth. And I aint lying, cause ....I have nothing to gain here.
Okay. Back in the states. We moved A lot. Ive lived in Texas. Maryland. Pennsylvania. Florida. Georgia. I have changed schools so many times. Each one, I don't think was more than a year. some not even 3 months. Its hard to make friends that way. Its even harder to say Good bye to the ones you do make. It Sucks. Some places , I was going to school, my biological Father found us. Brought us Gifts, told us how much he loved me and my sib. Each time he found us, We moved. Eventually .......he gave up.  It was taking a toll on his mental health. Funny enough, my mom needed him. Her and H.D., needed my dad to keep us, for a couple of months, so that they could find a place for us to stay. I loved that that time with him. we have a large loving family.
My Dad, having retired from the Army, had his gear still and MRE’ s. Those are Meals Ready to Eat. High Calorie. They didn't taste too good, me and my sib, sat in the carport, sampling those things. Funny now. Kinda Funny then. Blech. My dad and Two Uncles watched over us. We saw our Cousins. I'm the Eldest of Five, Its multiplied since. My dad made us Fried Potatoes with our intitial cut from them. Me and Sib, would read the bible and Pray too. We went camping Once. I remember sitting in the truck. No seatbelts. It wasn't a law then. Listening to an 8 Track of Queen, the one that has a bloody hand holding their bodies. I Loved that thing. Each morning my Dad and Uncles woke us up with the music blaring ZZ Top.  I saw MTV first Debut on a Big Screen TV and played Atari, when it first came out.. Pitfall was my Favorite.  I miss those days. They were innocent. sweet. And it is so funny, I caught my Dad smoking weed. He looked so stunned, I just said, “ Its Okay Dad, Smoking weed is fine “ I wasn't that old.
My mom came for us and like that , we were gone again. Lost to my dad. H.D. has now stolen his wife. And successfully convinced me and my sib to accept him. Little did we know how much regret that would be. H.D. and my mom, got married. I know what I said earlier. I don't know how he did that or if he was divorced from his first wife before or after Germany. H.D. and mom, offered up Adoption to us. We said yeah.
The Look on my Dad’s face......I wish I could take it back. We went and saw our Dad. Asked permission for H.D. to Adopt us. MY Dad’s face............the hurt in his eyes. I so wish we hadn't done that. His Heart must’ve broke into a billion pieces.
That memory. Its a guilty thing to live with. A memory, I’ll never forget, and forever regret.
Because now,....H.D. is a step bastard. A child molester. And he still is married to my mom. I’ve wanted to bash his head in. Ram a baseball bat where the sun don't shine. to yank his balls off and roast his peter and make him eat it too. but.....I cant...because it seems God is doing one better than me. God took away his and my mothers son. my Half Brother. H.D. has to care of my mother, a woman who is so inept at taking care of herself. His days are now surrounded by the very object he wanted so bad, and now has no one to help him. Haha. He has gotten Fat and Stupid.
                    But I still pay, for a crime I didn't deserve. My Husband, that poor man.......puts up with my Nightmares. My Demons.  I sometimes romance the Idea of Suicide. I never shared that with anyone .......Until Now.  No. Don't Worry. I'm not there yet. Just......Romancing. so I write. sorta like Therapy, minus the bill.
I write a lot of Poems. Some silly. Some serious. But to Write. Freedom. Relief. Because this thing Ive tried to Lock up, Threatens to Consume Me and Destroy Me. I refuse to Back down. I Think.
              On the Edge of Darkness
                This is what is Familiar
                 It Licks at my Feet
          Summoning Me
Enticing Me
           So Easy to Fall
To Let Go           Sweet Release
This Life seems Tough.    I want to Fall
Here in the Darkness
          I Know Myself
                 To Rip off This Mask
                         To Let you See the Sad Little Girl
Who Is Scared.            Frightened.          Lost..........Lonely.
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