#for real tho theres a lot of goodness there there is just this subset of people who have put themselves on a podium and literally
mencnfire · 2 years
♦ ☀ ✂ ❣ ❧
the salty af munday meme
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♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
being kind of lowkey stalked? or at least, i assume as much - by someone i've had to block across blogs. i just don't understand that? i've always been open about saying, like, if you wanna ask why you've been blocked - go for it. but block evading by following me on alts is bizarre? i don't understand the end game there. idk, mildly annoying but not like...awful. just a little strange.
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
i'm very much over those blogs that are aesthetics with zero threading / character interaction. every post is either an ooc ramble or a little 'my character likes x lol' - i feel it defeats the purpose of rp. i've been mutuals in the past with someone who would constantly post interest calls, starter calls, inbox calls and then ooc posts / these one liners about their muse. what got me was that every post felt very baity. like, these short posts are, ultimately. they're an easy way for likes / comments without putting in a tonne of effort.
i guess, i'm just not a fan of the low effort style. & this is coming from someone whose head hasn't been in the game the last few weeks.
i think i just feel that people can run their blogs however they want but, they shouldn't expect everyone to like it.
✂ A fandom that you feel isn't open and accepting?
resident evil. 500000000000%. and it's a shame because there are a lot of very nice people /in/ that fandom. i feel, as individuals, the fandom is lovely but as a group - it feels a very hostile and anxiety-inducing environment. like, i've never joined a fandom and immediately felt scoffed at - but that fandom made me feel that way.
there's this vibe of like 'if you don't write a character a certain way, you're not valid' and it's beyond gross. certain portrayals are treated as gospel, while other - just as good - portrayals are shunned and scoffed at. it's a very gross environment. i've had conversations with multiple people from the fandom who feel the same thing & it's just a crying shame that so many re lovers will be disuaded by a small group of people.
my re mutuals here are the lovely ones - like, i've had nothing but good experiences with them and i /adore/ their portrayals. we're all resident evil lovers and we embrace it. others in the fandom? not so much, the elitism is genuinely saddening.
❣ How salty are you feeling right now?
a little salty. i've not been feeling too hot the last week & it's making me antsy - you know the feelin', i'd hit you up to rant but i want u to be taking it easy cause i think ur cute.
❧ Have you ever been jealous of anyone?
nah. jealousy's a gross thing i don't waste time on - i admire a lot of people & always try to see the best in people. people i don't like very much i just ignore. but nah, jealousy's never been a thing for me. even in my relationship, i don't do it. it's not worth the energy & is way better to just be happy for peeps
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