#for reasons that as far as i can tell mainly arise from leftover c2 drama which is funny in its own way
densitywell · 6 months
given how much people argued during c2 and accused certain characters/ships of being abusive, i would say that most bell's hells hate is 100% projection by c2 fans. or maybe not projection, something else? something that quantifies as like, transferring hate of one series to another. like i can guarantee the second c4 starts up and sam's new character does something crummy that people will be like "MY PERFECT PRECIOUS LAUDNA WOULD NEVER DO THIS!" when like currently they're calling her irredeemable and selfish.
yeah i know what you mean! some combination of hindsight bias and nostalgia? i know there was a lot of complaints about c2 by vm fans when it first came out at least. people want the old thing that they're familiar with and quite likely started with, not this new thing that's slightly different and is taking resources that could be devoted to their old thing.
but yeah i was just thinking yesterday about caleb not telling the rest of the nein that he killed his parents for like, 80 episodes after he told veth and beau, and how if we knew someone in the hells was keeping a comparatively big secret at this point people would be losing their goddamn minds lol. bards lament was episode 85. i too am worried about my little guys falling apart and failing, but i don't think its nearly as inevitable as some people make it out to be.
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