#for some extra spice: mick also finds out who his parents are
Keeping everything up to the end of 15x18 canon, what would you have liked in the last two episodes of SPN? How would you have ended it for Cas, Jack Dean and Sam?
Anything at all, your wildest dreams, go nuts!
this'll be a long one lmao
Well, Dean Sam and Jack get Cas out of the Empty, obviously. They defeat God the same way they did, only Jack gives all the power to Amara and she herself becomes "the Almighty Balance of the Universe between Light and Darkness (Dean refers to her as the A.B.U.L.D.)" or whatever. They bid her farewell and she's off to do her God duties. Then, for angst, Dean tries to avoid the fuck out of the confessional for angst purposes, and because he needs to deal with his own shit/sexuality/etc, which is fine by Cas because he never expected him to reciprocate anyway. Sam and Eileen get married and they're both the Best Man for either sides. (Yes Eileen gets a best man because she said so. And it's Dean, since Sam hogged Cas.). Since Dean is still up his own ass, and Cas decides he doesn't wanna wait for something that isn't coming, he tries online dating. He matches with one "HogwartsReject78" and they start texting. On their first date, Cas finds out that this was (insert magical resurrection by witch or whatever the fuck, it's spn, death never lasts) Mick Davies. So they date, it's all very cute, and Cas gets some loving that he deserves :) And Dean is PISSED the FUCK off over this. Not even because it's Mick, just because he's dating AT ALL. Like,,,, "how DARE he not wait for ME to get MY repressed head out of MY ass?" So he's all pissy like "well, so much for that love speech, guess it didn't matter, huh." And then they fight, it's nasty, Cas leaves the bunker and moves in with Mick. So then Dean calms down, he wants to apologize to Cas and he wants to be happy because Cas deserves to be happy even if it isn't with him. Then Dean goes on a self-discovery to find himself, he gets therapy, basically fixes all his bad repressed shit going on with him, because he wants to be better. Not just for Cas, but for himself. And also for Jack, because he treated them like garbage™ and he doesn't wanna be like that anymore. Somewhere around this time, Jack also had a selfdiscovery and they discovered that they were nonbinary. They went over to Cas and Mick's place first to tell Cas bc Cas is the most important alive person in their life right now, and they thought he deserved to know first. Cas OFCOURSE was incredibly supportive and gave them nothing but love and encouragement. Sam and Dean had a little trouble, but Dean went out of his way to make the kid feel more at home so he bought nb merchandise for them (shirts/flags/etc) and Jack was very touched that Dean would do this for them. They told Cas about this and this is where Cas wanted to talk to Dean to make up. Because if there's one way to get to Cas's heart, it's through his kid. They make up, it's very sweet, but Cas starts catching feelings for him again.
From here on I have two perfect universes, which co-exist because I said so <3
In one, Cas has a talk with Mick about these complicated feelings and Mick tells him that he's been sensing it for a while. He knows that Cas longs for Dean and to have Dean with him, and it's okay. He's just glad that he had a chance to show Cas what being loved and cared for feels like. They have a healthy breakup and stay in touch throughout their lives. But Cas and Dean reconcile, they get together, and basically happy family all that jazz. In the other, Cas decides that Mick is enough for him, and that all this time with Mick truly has shown Cas that he does not need Dean to be happy. They start their own family and adopt a little daughter together, a little sister for Jack (who is overjoyed, as they always wanted a little sibling) and they live happily ever after.
I just want Cas to be loved, damn it :')
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