#casmick destiel longcon
dean being a casmick truther makes sense because why else would he be so jealous of mick?? gays can sense other gays
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they weren't even dating yet
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lordgolden · 3 years
au mick is still around when jack is born and cas doesn't die. dean and mick both immediately start trying to parent that child to get closer to cas. mick reads jack a bed time story? dean PERFORMS him a bed time story the next night voices, props, and all. mick makes jack some pancakes for breakfast? dean then makes a breakfast BUFFET and has jack help him cook and everything. he even goes out and buys them matching chef outfits. dean sees mick and jack playing catch once? HE LOSES IT!!! jack and dean are gone the next day and spend the whole day at a baseball game. dean tackles someone to catch Jack a foul ball and harasses his favorite player to sign it. cas just sits back he's winning either way dean is aggressively co-parenting with him
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aturnoftheearth · 3 years
my application to join the cdlcu (casmick destiel longcon cinematic universe) created by @plantdadcas
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It started out with a XX
Part 1  |  Part 2 
I said I would tag:  @casmick-consequences & @proudcasgirl  If anyone else would like a tag let me know, I can add you.  Part 2 under the cut!  Love you all. 
Dean was avoiding Castiel, which was fine honestly, it was probably better this way. Sam on the other hand was very helpful when Castiel had a question that was not easily answerable via google. There were some questions that when asked, the answers seemed juvenile and Castiel was sure that someone some where was making fun of him for asking the questions. Claire was also being a bit of a mixed bag when it came to help, for the most part her advice was sound, but there seemed to be a hint of teasing to some of her words.  Claire had recommended that perhaps he should change his outfit if he was going out on a date. Mick had obviously seen what he was wearing the last time Mick was around, and one should put their best foot forward. It seemed like a correct idea, so he had asked Sam what one should wear on a date. Claire’s suggestion was a bit more explicit than he would have liked, but that seemed highly inappropriate for a first date. Of course he had showed Sam what Claire had responded and he laughed but just stood and closed his laptop. “Come on then Cas, we need to go find a store. I’m not sure you want to wear hand me down flannel on your date. Let me just change and we can go.”  Vaguely Castiel wondered if he should ask Dean what he thought appropriate first date attire was, but he was not sure if Dean would even talk to him right now. After bowing out of the library yesterday he hadn’t seen the other man, though he was not looking for Dean either. A few moments later Sam returned with a jacket and shoes, appropriately dressed in human attire for the elements and motioned to the garage. That is of course where Dean happened to be, going through some stuff in the Impala’s trunk. “Where are you two headed off to?” Dean asked as he looked up from his duffle.  “I was going to take Cas here clothes shopping. I figure he would want something a little different than the suit and trench coat for his Date.” Was it Castiel’s imagination or was there more emphasis than needed when Sam said the word date?  Squinting and tilting his head a little he watched as something silent passed between the brothers, Dean’s face becoming a stone façade that was hard to read and Sam rolling his eyes. “Did you want to come with us Dean?”  A hard look is shared again and Castiel is reminded that there is a lot to human emotion that he still does not understand. Somehow they all end up in the Impala with Dean driving and Sam sitting in the passenger seat allowing or Castiel to think more on what he knew of the human experience.
Being so close to the Winchesters he had observed Dean “picking up chicks” countless times, and observed the flirtation that Dean often used. However, those flirtations were only for the night and that is not something Castiel wanted to experience. Since loosing his grace and becoming human Castiel just wanted to belong, to have a place... to have someone. What he wanted was Dean but he knew that was something he was never going to be able to have, so instead he would follow some advice that he had found (with Claire’s help) and find someone who wanted him. Mick seemed to want him in that sense, and that was what first dates were for after all, seeing if there was compatibility. No matter where Castiel’s heart was currently set, he was going to try this new thing out with Mick.  The mall is where they ended up and Castiel found himself dragged through a few stores, looking at colors and textures and just viewing fashion for a while as Sam and Dean argued over what things he might like. Wandering away from the brothers a bit he found himself in a store that seemed to have a selection of items that felt good in his hands and had a wide array of colors. An attendant was able to assist him in selecting the correct sizes and ushered him into a fitting room to try on some things. After what felt like hours he had a few outfits that the attendant called business casual, a few that were more “comfy casual” and a few miscellaneous pieces. Castiel was explaining to the young man that he was looking for something for a first date when Sam found him and paid for the purchases without even looking.  With the help of Matthew, the attendant, he chose a dark blue button down shirt, the gray “slacks”, and brown shoes with a matching belt for the date. Matthew also suggested a few accessories should he want them, such as a watch or a necklace to complete the outfit. That particular store did not have what the attendant was suggesting, however he did mention a few other stores in the mall that may have what he was looking for, and bid them a wonderful day.  Sam guided Castiel out of the shop and over to a few of the suggested places until Cas found some accessories that he felt comfortable with and met back up with Dean. It looked as though Dean had been shopping as well, as he had a few bags of his own, but did not comment on what Castiel had purchased. Leaving the mall, Sam suggested that Cas wear his watch to get used to it, and they headed off to the local Walmart to pick up some generic things that they needed for the bunker while Cas waited patiently in the Impala sending a few texts to Claire about the shopping experience and of course checking to see if Mick had sent him anything while he was out.  << Here are the details I said I would send you, looking forward to tonight! XX 
There were simple directions to get to the place, and the name. Castiel smiled, he was looking forward to it as well.  >>Thank you, I am looking forward to it as well. I should warn you though that I do not need to eat.  << That just means we can share ;) . I am not opposed. XX Castiel was still staring at his phone with squinted eyes and a tilted head when the brothers came back and headed back to the bunker. No time for conversation on the way either with the loud blaring of the Blue Oyster Cult through the speakers, but it was fine anyway. Castiel had a date to get ready for. 
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This is the reference image for the outfit I pulled from pinterest because im at work and really tired... but yeah.
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ok but also au where mick lives but they need shit from him so because sam and dean noticed mick's infatuation with cas they urge cas to flirt with mick to get information. cas is hesitant but he's on board, so then he and mick start flirting and it completely backfires because cas likes it and likes all the positive attention and now dean has to deal with that mess and wonder why it bothers him so much. anyway i think destiel wouldve gone canon way sooner
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ok but an AU where cas goes fucking feral over jack´s death in 14x20 (GREATLY deserved), and before all the monsters come he fucks off with jack's body and finds a place where he can prepare him for a hunter's funeral.
he finds the old lakehouse where he took care of kelly during her pregnancy, and he decides he wants to do it there. he gets it all done, burns the body and keeps the ashes close to him.
obviously chaos is going down with sam and dean, but they still manage to go to that crypt house thing, and there is another dead body there which turns into belphegor, they use a spell that doesn't need angel blood and they go on without cas.
over at cas, he wants to help but he doesn't wanna be involved with the brothers, so he remembers the (now abandoned) Men of Letters HQ. he wants to find weapons and information so he flies over there to gather intel, only to find a ghost attached to a typewriter in one of the storage boxes. and it happens to be no one other than mick davies.
basically, with all the info they got there, cas manages to get mick on his side and turn him back into a human. mick helps him find the things they need to help eradicate the souls from hell, and along the way learn more about and learn to appreciate each other.
cas tells mick all that's been going on with him and the winchesters, and mick takes cas's side on this seeing as 1. his son has died and neither brother went to comfort him, 2. they put his son in a box/held him at gunpoint before his death and didn't even apologize and 3. they still blame him for mary's death which (in mick's words) is "a massive load of horseshit".
mick basically tells cas that they'll work it out together, and to encourage him to not go back to the brothers until they've apologized. probably an entire speech on how cas isn't a bad person for failing to do the right things and that he deserves to be told that he's loved; all of this coming from experience with a group of people that only keep him around because he's needed and not wanted.
so, after some time, dean prays to cas from purgatory in a hopeless, pleading voice that he's sorry and that he needs to have him here because they can't do it without him. cas, obviously, goes straight to him in purgatory and they get out with the things they need, they hug and it's all good again. in the meantime, cas and mick will have gotten very close and cozy with one another, and cas asks if they can both join them in the bunker. dean hesitantly agrees, after trusting cas that mick isn't a "tea-sucking douchebag" anymore.
things kinda go on, like, from 15x10 onwards as to how they were originally, only mick is with cas and while the boys are away cas and mick get even cozier hint hint. he helps him with getting jack back, as well. mick is gonna be the one to stab the pedophile Grigori in the back. "well. you must be jack!". and jack sees cas behind him and cas rushes to him, unbinds him and gives him a hug.
so from here on, dean notices mick&cas and their own special "profound bond", obviously gets jealous but doesn't know why. sam talks him through it and dean realizes his feelings for the angel. he starts treating cas the same way mick's been treating him. mick definitely notices dean's sudden change in behavior, makes his own conclusions and has the talk with cas. cas, sadly, admits to being in love with dean (along with the deal with jack, and why he hasn't been fully happy in the relationship) and mick understands. he wants nothing more than for cas to be happy, so he backs off and decides to go back to london.
from there on, it all just goes like we've seen it in 15x18, and cas does his speech yada yada, only in this version dean kisses him fully on the mouth and holds him close as the empty devours them both whole.
this went on a bit too long. idk why my mind makes such explicit, vivid images of an alternate universe but i hope you like it kfljsdjf
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ok but if mick just stayed alive for a little longer just to flirt with cas and make dean jealous, i think it would've fixed him
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also cas would call mick "michael" and dean would 100% say it mockingly to sam behind their back
"Hey, have you seen Cas around?"
"Meh, probably somewhere smelling roses with MiChAeL!"
"...hmm maybe you're right. You're not jealous at all."
"Can it, Sammy! Eat your damn rabbit food!"
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Totally not thinking of the boys all going on a hunt together and Mick accidentally getting hurt (only a little) because Dean was being all jealous because he'd just found out about CasMick being A Thing.
Totally not thinking of it backfiring on Dean completely when Mick makes the joke of Cas 'kissing it better', and Cas misunderstanding.
Deffo not thinking of Cas kissing Mick and healing him with his grace, and deffo not thinking of Dean's 'Error 404: Does Not Compute' expression in the background.
(Pray4Sam 😩)
hslfjlsdflsk wait i love this actually. And afterwards, Mick makes sure to have as many "little accidents" as possible, to have Cas kiss him better.
Cas, who has realized that Mick is doing this on purpose since the 5th time, goes along with it because he actually really likes kissing Mick.
Meanwhile Dean is fuckin' seething in the background, still trying to claim "he's fine" and "he's not jealous" and "mind your business, sam"
Truly. Pray for Sam.
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lordgolden · 3 years
cas ABSOLUTELY would flirt with mick only in front of dean to make him jealous. also do love the idea that mick is part of the longcon if only so that he does the “hey doesnt his hair look sexy pushed back” thing from mean girls about cas to dean
IT WOULD BE EXACTLY LIKE THAT SCENE. EXACTLY LIKE IT!!!!!! I agree that Mick being part of the longcon is the funniest option. He is fairly chaotic good so it tracks. Cas would just be getting so cozy and close with Mick and Dean would get fed up and leave the room in a huff and then Cas would just immediately push Mick away lmao. Sam fairly quickly figures out what is going on and does anything he can to help
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Keeping everything up to the end of 15x18 canon, what would you have liked in the last two episodes of SPN? How would you have ended it for Cas, Jack Dean and Sam?
Anything at all, your wildest dreams, go nuts!
this'll be a long one lmao
Well, Dean Sam and Jack get Cas out of the Empty, obviously. They defeat God the same way they did, only Jack gives all the power to Amara and she herself becomes "the Almighty Balance of the Universe between Light and Darkness (Dean refers to her as the A.B.U.L.D.)" or whatever. They bid her farewell and she's off to do her God duties. Then, for angst, Dean tries to avoid the fuck out of the confessional for angst purposes, and because he needs to deal with his own shit/sexuality/etc, which is fine by Cas because he never expected him to reciprocate anyway. Sam and Eileen get married and they're both the Best Man for either sides. (Yes Eileen gets a best man because she said so. And it's Dean, since Sam hogged Cas.). Since Dean is still up his own ass, and Cas decides he doesn't wanna wait for something that isn't coming, he tries online dating. He matches with one "HogwartsReject78" and they start texting. On their first date, Cas finds out that this was (insert magical resurrection by witch or whatever the fuck, it's spn, death never lasts) Mick Davies. So they date, it's all very cute, and Cas gets some loving that he deserves :) And Dean is PISSED the FUCK off over this. Not even because it's Mick, just because he's dating AT ALL. Like,,,, "how DARE he not wait for ME to get MY repressed head out of MY ass?" So he's all pissy like "well, so much for that love speech, guess it didn't matter, huh." And then they fight, it's nasty, Cas leaves the bunker and moves in with Mick. So then Dean calms down, he wants to apologize to Cas and he wants to be happy because Cas deserves to be happy even if it isn't with him. Then Dean goes on a self-discovery to find himself, he gets therapy, basically fixes all his bad repressed shit going on with him, because he wants to be better. Not just for Cas, but for himself. And also for Jack, because he treated them like garbage™ and he doesn't wanna be like that anymore. Somewhere around this time, Jack also had a selfdiscovery and they discovered that they were nonbinary. They went over to Cas and Mick's place first to tell Cas bc Cas is the most important alive person in their life right now, and they thought he deserved to know first. Cas OFCOURSE was incredibly supportive and gave them nothing but love and encouragement. Sam and Dean had a little trouble, but Dean went out of his way to make the kid feel more at home so he bought nb merchandise for them (shirts/flags/etc) and Jack was very touched that Dean would do this for them. They told Cas about this and this is where Cas wanted to talk to Dean to make up. Because if there's one way to get to Cas's heart, it's through his kid. They make up, it's very sweet, but Cas starts catching feelings for him again.
From here on I have two perfect universes, which co-exist because I said so <3
In one, Cas has a talk with Mick about these complicated feelings and Mick tells him that he's been sensing it for a while. He knows that Cas longs for Dean and to have Dean with him, and it's okay. He's just glad that he had a chance to show Cas what being loved and cared for feels like. They have a healthy breakup and stay in touch throughout their lives. But Cas and Dean reconcile, they get together, and basically happy family all that jazz. In the other, Cas decides that Mick is enough for him, and that all this time with Mick truly has shown Cas that he does not need Dean to be happy. They start their own family and adopt a little daughter together, a little sister for Jack (who is overjoyed, as they always wanted a little sibling) and they live happily ever after.
I just want Cas to be loved, damn it :')
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Hmmm i think im finally starting to understand the casmick agenda and i quite like it actually 👀 cas can do so much better than dean and it shows
He can and he should. No one's saying that Destiel can't be endgame HOWEVER we should ALL agree that Cas deserves a nice lil sidepiece that treats him right and gives him the love that Dean's yet too deranged to give him.
I think seeing how well Mick treats Cas, and how easy it can be to have that, could really fix Dean <3
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Mick takes Cas out to an angel themed art exhibit and buys him the painting he can’t stop looking at and talking about. Cas hangs it up in his room.
(I love the thought of Cas saving little trinkets from his and micks dates and putting them in his room.)
sdfjkljsfljf i love the thought of Cas's "guest" room just being filled with paintings and little statues and trinkets and what not, all gifts from Mick, and it pisses Dean the fuck off.
He thinks it's because he doesn't like Cas filling the guest room like it's his, as if they never have guests over, but Sam knows the reason.
"Dean, we have other guest rooms, it's not that big a deal."
"That's not the point, Sammy. Cas needs to learn to take care of other people's properties!... I mean- why is MICK buying him stuff ANYWAY? It's like he's buying him onto HIS side."
"....sure Dean, I'll just... go to bed. Enjoy moping around."
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lordgolden · 3 years
cas plays London Boy once and Dean breaks the speaker
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lordgolden · 3 years
buying t-shirt that says “talk to me about the casmick destiel longcon”
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Tbh I'm a closet Casmick convert, this is the only thing that makes it all better. Adam wants Casmick. Adam wants Casmick!!! And he's so hot. If only Misha would want Casmick too... then I could die happy. Nature is healing. I'm finally over that other ship (but afraid to tell my moots) and now I only know Casmick bliss. Cas the cutest little angel in the garrison gets a gorgeous masc boyfriend. It just makes me so happy. They meet in heaven and Mick takes care of Cas and mends his broken heart.
See? i DO like this i DO love all of this!! I could only IMAGINE what Misha would think bc Adam now knows it exists and they are good friends and I can only imagine Adam telling Misha about it and Misha being like "Yea you know what? Cas DOES deserve to be happy and to have someone that loves all of him. He doesn't deserve to wait that long for happiness. Cas is my BESTIE!!! I LOVE that for him!".
It's just that terminal heller in me that's like "but DEAN! imagine if DEAN got his SHIT together and he DOES love Cas and he DOES want Cas to feel loved and happy" and it's like a constant pull from left to right and my brain hurtsssss.
Which is why I'm happy with living in both canons. :) Both universes where Cas is happy with the both of them. :) He's happy and content with Mick and he's happy and content with Dean! As he deserves!!!!
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