#for some reason I used to think Saru was the shortest S4 boy?
ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
AliHida height swap, Akiyama is the tall giant while Hidaka is perfectly of average height. How does that affect their relationship in general? (Can also be due the effect of a strain)
I like the idea ofthis being a Strain effect because imagine Akiyama being unexpectedlypleased by his new height while Hidaka’s all ‘….so this is whatit’s like not having to duck when you walk through a door.’ When theStrain first hits them I think everyone else is suddenly surprised byhow short Hidaka is now that he’s Akiyama’s height, like normallyAkiyama’s so calm and authoritative that most of the cast has neverrealized how short he really is (until I had to look it up for an askonce I had no idea that not only is Akiyama shorter than Fushimi buthe’s actually the third shortest member of the squad, ahead of onlyEnomoto and Fuse). Now that the much less intimidating Hidaka hasAkiyama’s height he just seems really short, like are you sure youand Akiyama switched heights because I don’t think Akiyama was thatshort, Benzai probably has to verify because he knows Akiyama’s exactheight. Meanwhile Akiyama is now twice as intimidating andauthoritative as a tall giant, and is also surprisingly pleased byhow easy it is to reach the high shelves.
I can see thisbeing a bit weird for their relationship, like Hidaka’s actually alittle disappointed that he can’t rest his chin on Akiyama’s headanymore and he misses being able to just wrap himself entirely aroundAkiyama like he used to. Akiyama I could see being suddenly a lotmore awkward about his secret dom tendencies, like he’s already a biton edge about them and tends to go from 'lick my boots’ to 'oh dear Ididn’t tie the knots too tight did I let me get you some cream forthe rope burn’ but now that he’s taller he feels like it’sjust…mean to be tying Hidaka up and making him beg. Alsoimagine that usually Akiyama complains about Hidaka being taller thanhim (at least in part because since Hidaka’s so tall he’s one of thefew alphabet boys who’s noticed that Akiyama’s a little on theshor…perfectly average height end of things and so Hidaka sometimeslikes to tease Akiyama a bit about his height) but secretly he ratherlikes being held by his giant boyfriend and fitting so nicely againsthim, and now he feels all awkward and giant and clumsy.
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