#for some reason i like 'aero' lmao
monochrome-m0use · 2 years
okay yeah it's just getting painfully more and more obvious wow
so uhhh hi yes this is my most obscure kintype now but idc
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watch me spend months now trying to find more info on this one
confirm or deny stuff, ya know
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il-predestinato · 1 year
the car is shit because it doesn’t have a strong front (like the f1-75 did @ the start of 2022), and they can’t change the chassis because of the cost cap. it’s too expensive. so we’re stuck with the chassis binotto & co. designed to suit carlos’ driving style (re: understeer). i know they’ve tried to add some aero-related pieces to strengthen the front in their development (e.g., new diffuser, front flap, etc.). which is why charles was feeling a little more like his old self yesterday and carlos fell off a bit. i’m so ready for the 2024 car since they’ve said they’re designing it toward charles’ driving style (oversteer, fast). hope they can deliver for him. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 he deserves a great car!
I truly have no words...
Charles did a great Q3 lap. Drove on the edge a few times in sector 2, and then the rear just... doesn't respond in sector 3. And his lap time is nowhere as a result. He really could have done nothing more. The SF-23 truly belongs in the trash. Absolutely disgrace of a car.
What's worse is this disgrace of a team, who developed the fast pointy F1-75 into an understeer tractor AND stopped development early to focus on the SF-23 (LMAO), an even worse understeer tractor that they now can't develop out of a wet paper bag. They need to bin their organizational philosophy, bin a perpetually feckless strategy team (notice how this season Merc always finishes where they deserve by just ... you know, behaving normally?), bin their useless second driver who at best gives bad data (Silverstone tire wear) and at worst does everything to undermine their fastest driver (Silverstone quali, Austria race, Monaco quali, Australia quali, Saudi race - weaving, Silverstone 2021 race - shoving off the track, etc. I can't even keep tabs anymore, it's actually getting comical) while politicking car development into the midfield.
I'm constantly mind blown this team cannot do simple math. To win WDC/WCC, you don't need both drivers to be comfortable, you don't need your drivers to finish 1-2, YOU NEED YOUR FASTEST DRIVER TO FINISH P1. The points difference between P1 and P2 is fucking enormous. As long as you make a car that CHARLES can win in, it doesn't matter if his teammate is P3, P4, etc. (or if you're special like Perez, DNF in FP1 and then P9).
There's talent in the team. Charles is generational. I think Vasseur is trying to do right, but dear god - there's a reason Schumacher was so successful. He had the political sway and brought in his own people to absolutely GUT Ferrari over several years and turned it into something unrecognizable. To win with Ferrari, you must first disrespect and destroy Ferrari.
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soulhavens · 10 months
my running list of wallaru thoughts (plus one or two headcanons)
the trauma from sybil's speech ))):
the wallaru zeke quest i midnight oil - a slurry of plant-life and dream water, used in place of coffee.... the YW definitely is the Midnight Oil addict (caffeine addict yknow??) - they run on stress and Midnight Oil lol
i hate the sounds that the dingos make when we defeat them ):
Krokodile dundara tries to fight his own battles but the YW steps in... dundara kinda reminds me of moo bo (moo bu?) in that he comments on the wiz's uhhh.... battle-readiness
anyway it seems like the wiz has some pent up aggression that they're looking to burn off with battles
the kangaroo bushwhackers comment on how the YW takes their battle v seriously.... so no holding back on the YW's part
I think it'd be cool if we get to see our companions do some of the mob fights?
the bushwhackers are unionized!!
Fallen Arachna Empire... WHAT. "Great Prince"???? oh no
lol spiders of the multiverse. i see you KI, i see you
how did i know it was a con
fghjkkjdhg the loading screen for Rest by the Fire
daseinnnnnnnnnnn D:< i miss you
did we just get a cut scene for a cannonball-ed emu?
are we about to re-enact the emu wars LMAO
phett and cadd - i see you KI, i see you
when we're destroying the emu cannons... we're walking along quite a thin ledge. i bet the yw isnt in a great headspace here for a number of reasons
did we just get called out for being isekai-ed into the spiral???
i bet the outback makes the yw feel nostalgic for the aero plains (god i miss the aero plains..)
dasein )): "It is you! the real you" im gonna cry
aaaahhhhh "and what are my dreams, my unrealized reals?" "I want to be Something. I want to be good. I want to belong (everywhere)"
has the wallaru loading screen been changing as we go through the world? like it was just the poster and now its the poster with "ned collie was right" and i think thats super fucking cool
in hindsight it's probably cued into which area you're loading.... but it gives the effect of "its evolving as you play thru wallaru" which i like
the yw keeps nodding off and having dasein dreams, which makes me think that during this world the yw is just chronically running on a lack of Good sleep, yknow?
something about judge judi is throwing me off. i dont like her.
VEG???? not you ):<
wait actually? maybe not so bad....
who tf is the prince theyre talking about. i s2g.
oh goodie. corrupt government. didnt see that coming.
patrick warburton??? (no, unfortunately)
fought the law and won..... what an interesting badge. the yw is collecting so much trauma (:
bonesbury rules of magical combat?? (ok i know this is a play on john locke... but im intrigued by there being various sets of magical combat rules)
i love morp
oh god wait are we about to get into some matrix plots? yknow. cos morpheus?
"Even way out here we've heard of the one who walked the Reverie" i think its interesting that diff NPCs know the YW for diff reasons which is cool
"can't let anyone around the barrier with corrupted influences about" but we are child of light and shadow, divine paradox, touched by shadow.... hmm
me, staring at the magistreto, squinting: "...maestro? master? professor hex? the professor? is this another dr who reference??"
i like how small we are in the eucalyptus forest
dont mind me side-eyeing sandiago
did..... did we just watch an NPC get vored? oop no theyre alive
it amuses me so much that phasmanian devils can do the apollo spell (and it amuses me still that hes a chicken because apollo. a pollo. hah!) - also... thinking about how spells work again, especially when theyre based on an in-game character/npc/boss you fight... (coughcough the morganthe spells)
i am going to slap these judges and also these gold class guests
dasein stop breaking my heart ))):
"But you can brainwrite yourself. Just jump in the lake. See the scaries what haunt them when the sand hits their eyes." - oh boy... the YW is def not in a great headspace and everyone else can tell
okay so the dialogue box says "Sandiago camel" and "old one camel" but the mob title is "Feral camel" lol? wait wait wait old one??
hey sandiago im getting a bad feeling about you and morp too (rip me from approximately 13 notes ago)
"The Dreamer has only ever been seen by Wallu. Imagine what it could create if fueled by diverse experience?" oh no i'm getting a bad feeling about this
Freddie Croaker says to tell Judge Veg he says hi, but it doesn't seem like we as the YW do that? (at least not in the dialogue immediately following the instance..)
welp. morp.
"They built the Great Barrier because strangers came here, right up to the Dreamer itself, and made something horrible. An engine of evil it was, that could reshape the Spiral. Even the Great Tree could not perceive it. We could not allow such a creation." Oh no oh no oh no... i'm getting bad feelings b/c dasein... and the yw... and the old one..
"then we enter the dreaming to.." sandiago.... why are you trying to access the dreaming? and with morp continually being like "i feel like i know you" hmmmmm
its fucked up that you fight hostages but also i like the mechanics. i know that damaging the hostages is like breaking the aura on them which is like the ropes, but wouldn't it fucked up if you actually had to damage the hostages to release them
god these judges are sooooooo annoying
"Ten, nine, the Spiral hates Dasein" KI ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME SOB
"in these waves which are not water swim the thoughts which yearn to be real" i am sensing a major potential for YW angst right here
avatars of avarice... are we about to get into layers of hell/seven deadly sins or something?
sandiago was the one who guided the old one to wallaru... interesting........ ohhhhhh he was a founer of the cabal. wild.
i'd need to go back and do mirage since i dont really have an opinion on sandiago.... but more yw angst potential (:< this time with Betrayal
"This sapce is special. Its waters are not entirely real, thus not visible to Bartleby - a blindspot in reality." interesting piece of lore that i need to think about
oh are we finally cashing in on freddie kroaker's "say hi to judge veg for me"? nice
so far i do like the theme of "you can have done some Not Great Things in the past and still grow and change and learn"
ok wait judge veg's "I was always a fighter, a weapon to be aimed. First against the outlaws of Wallaru, then against unhealthy diets, then the Spiral itself. I don't know what to do after this." jdgkl;akdjfksoa;dkfja;dkf im - I think veg and the YW would reallly relate to the "a weapon to be aimed" line
"...because I'm a bad guy" not a big fan of this line, or of freddie kroaker in general..
freddie's plan was to remake a toxic, juggernaut crab..
the dreamer is bartleby but like different? hm "from his unconsciousness imaginings come new realities' idk how to feel about that
we get to connect dasein to the dreamer though <3
"Wizard, you are real. and so is he." ajdgkls;ajdka dasein and the yw real <3
"What are you doing here?" "We're here for you, to help you figure out where you belong" omgomgomgomgomg
dasein my beloved
"Was [our Walkabout] all you had hoped, Wizard? You did not face your demons, nor realize your truth as we all did." [insert YW's assumed dialogue here] "Haha, indeed, well said my friend. Your truth is to help others, as you demonstrated countless times in our journey. Your walk was for your friend after all." - I'm unsure about how I feel about this line too - in some sense I was hoping the YW would get more of their own conclusion, although i understand thats not possible with the way the wiz protagonist works
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mushroom-for-art · 2 years
Lmao I was inspired, I'm meant to be writing the horrors and yet the movie au dorks are at the helm, featuring the wonderful @oogaboogaspookyman s monochromatic actor
April fools
May casually walked down a hallway within the studio before sliding into broom closet to her left with efficient quiet her back bumping into the monochrome two already hiding in said broom closet who made a slightly startled squeak at their close proximity though May didn't care much keeping her back to him but tilting her head up slightly to look at him.
"You got the goods?" She asked though in a hushed tone.
"Why do you say it like this is some mafia trade?"
He sighed softly at her antics as she turned to face him properly.
"Because you're trading your goods, for my services," she cast a wink as she poked his chest lightly, unable to see his embarrassed expression for the dark of the closet. "And if you don't got my goods well buddy boy this deal is gonna fall through and you may like me so much because I can be real dangerous when I don't get what I'm owed," though she threatened her voice was entirely playful.
"This mafia movie you're shooting is getting to your nogging. But yes I have 'the goods'."
He exaggerated with quotation marks finally turning the closet light on earning a hiss and what the fuck from May at the sudden light as he pulled out a large carry on bag, he unzipped it slowly for emphasis opening it to reveal it loaded with different kinds of treats.
"Hersheys, Moreos of varying delightful flavors for your enjoyment, aero bars, dairy milks, milky way buttons large, caramac, Pokey sticks, reeses pieces, m&ms and many other delightful treats await."
He quickly closed it, zipping it up closed.
"If you can hold up your end of the deal."
"Darlin' you were just speaking my language, don't you worry toots, I'll treat you right." She grinned playfully doing some sort of accent as she booped his nose, "though, surely you could part with something, for my troubles, call it a down payment hmm, keep me sweet? Gonna treat me well Shugs?" She put her hands on his chest as though fiddling with an invisible tie.
"You're enjoying this too much."
He snorted softly but chuckled finding her demeanor somewhat amusing as he pulled out a random thing he paused ripping off the packaging with his teeth before holding the chocolate bar out for her watching her just bite the chocolate and hold it in her teeth with a grin, she gave him a wink and slipped out of the closet as he sighed zipping up the carry bag and hiding it for later.
It was in honesty a difficult job, he wanted her to complete many tasks in advance for April fools, he was always the butt of jokes, but not this year! This year he had help.
It started when everyone had left to go home, she put her plan into motion, firstly the put all the cameras on loop to cover her tracks, secondly she hit the bathrooms carrying carrier bags of jeans and shoes she set them up matching up shoes and trousers in the mens to make every stall appear occupied locking them all from the inside and putting out of order signs on all the doors to cause frustration and the reasonable idea that all of them were full due to the previous closures.
Next she booby trapped different doors and chairs, taping Foghorns so when the door was slammed open or chair sat in it would honk loudly and startle people, she hid them all over some obvious to throw them off the tracks some very expertly hidden. She also took this time to sneak Rubber chickens and whoopee cushions under seats and cushions. On Marie's desk she put a paper cup with "Spinarak inside! Very big! Only lift cup if you're ready to get rid of it!" She'd asked a local Spinarak to make an exit hole in the cup so it looked as though a large spider escaped and it looked authentic.
She removed the bottom of Derricks keyboard carefully, in honesty this one was personal as he has been incredibly rude and quite mean to her for no reason for quite some time, she carefully placed down tissue paper and super fast growing seeds, watering them generously and offering a little psychic help and replacing the keyboard top, and did the same to his work station so when he came tomorrow it would be taken over by nature.
She hit Kathleen's office next, this one was personal to her monochrome friend as she'd not been doing her job properly and fucked up his appointments, she looped a ziptie around a Febreze spray bottle trigger, "fire in the hole!" She pulled it tight and threw it into her office, closing the door as it hissed letting out all its content. In all honesty she would've used a fake fart spray herself but she figured monochrome just wasn't that evil.
Finally, her magnus opus, she spilled hundred upon hundreds of sticky pads and concentrating her psychic energy they flew everywhere sticking to everything along halls window chairs plants set pieces everything! It was a whirlwind of color and chaos.
When she finished she kisses her fingers in an exaggerated mwah of her brilliance before setting the cameras to start recording live footage seconds before the new work day began leaving no trace of her crimes. With that she slipped away into the night to her movie trailer, she preferably would've been enjoying her prize but he's clearly hidden or taken it with him because she couldn't find it.
The next day was complete and utter chaos, there was accusatory yelling frustrated screams, loud HONKS of Foghorns and Kathleen came running out her office coughing and gagging at the overwhelming Febreze scent while Derrick yelled and raged over his computer. He smashed it into a wall and punched a hole into a door before higher management called him into their office. In all honesty probably would've been easy to remove the plants but he was a hot headed asshole anyways.
A worker pointed an accusing finger at ??? Shouting that it must have been him. The boss quickly told them that no it couldn't be because the monochrome one was with him. Another pointed at May, "then her then! She used her powers to do it!" They cried.
"Me? I, I mean I don't know how to break it to you but I'm not the most gifted with psychic abilities," she frowned a sad frown managing a very sad voice that was pitiful without it being obvious that was the intention. Monochrome was impressed by her acting as another worker snapped at them saying that May wasn't capable of such a thing, stop being an asshole.
It halted all work and filming that day as everyone worked to clean up the unexplained mess of pranks with more yelling as hidden jumping snake pranks leapt out from places at cleaning workers. May effectively bumbled along as though just as unsure as everyone else despite knowing where they all were leaping in fright with a squeal at the peanut spring snakes and getting shocked by hidden shockers to really strengthen the image of innocence.
May collapsed onto her bed in her trailer exhausted, setting it up and taking it down was tiresome stuff. She grumbled to herself that her supposed friend hadn't looked at her once or made any indication of trade off, angrily thumping her tail into her bed at his betrayal. She'd get him for that as she snuggled her cushion.
She groaned as someone knocked on her trailer door dragging herself out of her comfy bed.
"Imma coming Imma coming it better be worth it," she emptily threatened as she opened the door to the monochrome bastard she was just thinking about. "You." He smiles at her unaware of his supposed treachery.
"Yes? Me-eh!"
She yanked him into her trailer with one hand holding him against a counter, "you got a lot of nerve showing up you slippery snake." His mouth hand open in confusion as he awkwardly ah'ed? Before making an oh holding up the carry on bag of sweets.
"I didn't want to give it to you where people could see in case they suspected anything. Honest!"
She eyed him taking the carry on with one hand keeping the other holding him to the counter using her teeth to open the zip and stick her nose in sniffing, yup, smelt like sweets in there and it was heavy.
"Hm." She removed her hand to stop pinning him, "you're forgiven, could've been mighty bad for you otherwise pardner"
"Western mafia huh?"
She nodded as she pulled out some Pokey sticks, nodding firmly as she popped one in her mouth confirming around the biscuit, "Western mafia." He chuckled as he watched her nibble the Pokey slowly making it disappear into her mouth seemingly satisfied with the trade off.
"Am I free to leave unharmed?"
May chuckled, stepping aside so he could get to the door, popping another Pokey in her mouth with a "suppose." He grinned putting his hand on the door he paused and leant over close biting the pokey and snapping it before rushing out the door as she stood there in confusion.
"The fuck??" She finished chewing what was left of her Pokey. "What a bastard."
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vermanaward · 3 months
dawntrail msq, 92-95
i'm just getting this out ahead of time. if this ends in another cheese debacle im. pls don't
apparently 'use your words to ask for things' is a concept that moblins are allergic to. god dammit
koana is that guy who studied abroad for a semester and came home all 'they do it Like This in Sharlayan We Should Too'
dont love that he's internalised so much that the foreign way is besterest, or that the writing keeps half supporting his assertions
[while standing right next to an aethyryte] whyyyyy do we have to taaaake a booooooooat
wait this is why we had that aside with the melodramatic elf wasn't it. sigh
so as well as speedrunning his character arc he's speedrun his citizenship arc. good for him i guess?
cool, role quests unlocked. time to ignore those until level 98
okay the gulool jaja fight was p fun
also i like that this whole hting isn't just. heeheehoohoo trial by combat goes brrr. he's like if izaro actually rubbed his braincells together and didn't set the empire up to fail
[koana voice] everyone will think twice about fighting us once we have advanced technology
yes that's definitely how this works. also absolutely the reason garlemald left sharlayan alone. not because sharlayan kept running away like the cowardly fucks they are.
wow. gee. lamat got herself catnapped this definitely wasn't incredibly predictable
doing the stealth section while it's pissing it down with rain so my girl has her bright white umbrella out = top tier
well. koana's not having kids the old fashioned way
and once again we all just. stand there like muppets while the bad guy retreats.
then again literally all of this could have been avoided if someone had. escorted the catgirl when she was lured into the Very Obvious Trap. sigh
either way this is going to end with one of the cats on the throne and the other in an advisory capacity. and i hate it
i had to xp grind here bc of Miscalculations. how embarassing -_-
worlar's echo
finally realising that the urqopacha day theme has the same opening as the sohm al theme. concerned about what further parallels are going to be drawn. is valigarmanda nidhogg's ex? is estinien going to get posessed again? pls say no
at least there's not a blue hair elf pld for them to kill off this time
okay so i was wrong about valigarmanda. i still expect that the seal in the city will house a boss fight, though.
new prediction: the feat of ice will start with 'strengthen valigarmanda's prison', and end up being 'actually just fucking kill it'
pretty purple bird. it's the next dungeon boss isnt it
dungeon 2 - worqor zamor
alisae green dps LMAO
how i feel during prog sometimes. tbh
krile uses aoe spells?? in dungeon??? what is this MADNESS
hot Damn i like boss 1 a lot. it's cute but also its mechanics are kinda fun
i also like that trusts don't just run to the safe spot straight away any more. little details in programming them that makes them seem more human
boss 3's no slouch either. honestly a good dungeon alround tbh
the gear is unique too. dyes too
aaay got the orc roll too
...and we didn't use erenville's magic macguffin when lamat was missing because....?
WHY COULDNT WE FEED IT THE INFORMATION IN THE FIRST PLACE. christ this is so needlessly padded
the normal was pretty fun. ex hopefully will be interesting. the persistent dot on everyone after the add phase was an interesting touch. music slaps too
it occured to me about half way through that if valigarmanda is/was an auspice, it probably lost itself to aramitama at some point, which is. sad, honestly. give your local long lived sentient animal a hug before they go mad and blow the world up
also i noticed krile casting aero ii at vali and. i guess her ai script just loops aoe spells in part of it, instead of being smart enough to tell between single target and multiple targets. at least she aoes i guess.
oh. the "golden city" was amarout wasn't it. 🙃🔫
iq br'aax
so instead of using our words and just. asking someone what this recipe is, we're going to watch people and divine a particular recipe from the aether. why is this storyline so allergic to people talking to each other like adults
what am i saying this is xiv nobody talks to each other like adults. urianger least of all.
[consults crafting log] well either it's higher than level 95, requires a master crafting book, or doesn't exist. there i solved the trial can we- [dragged off stage out back]
...why the fuck is french toast a level 93 recipe
oh okay i used my words and asked someone and we were forbidden from being told this information so i guess we're just following quest markers until we stumble upon it by happenstance and exposition
oh my god alphinaud shut up about the fuckin firewood
brokering peace by appealing to a greater xenophobia is. it sure is a tactic i guess
not that he's wrong per se but like.
if there's been peace for eighty years tho, and barring the use of something like black rose, you'd have thought the cinderfields would have grown back by now. ash is a wonderful fertiliser, after all. but what do i know
(even then the east end still has more regrowth that. an old battlefield in the middle of a rainforest? okay.)
pls krile i powerleveled cul so i could afk macro my own consumables. i do not cook
i keep periodically remembering the person responsible for overseeing this expac and i'm just. yeah. the heavy handedness. yeah.
Oh Boy Parenthood Drama man
Wuk Lamat Has Two Dads (but no mom. xiv pls)
"several cutscenes" says the prompt, while there's the telltale solo instance marker around an npc. sure, jan
apparently squex did not in fact get the memo that people hate rp battles
wol: [popcorn intensifies]
we are actually visiting. an entire map during a single arc of the story. this is unprecedented. at least outide of final zones, anyway. which i know this isn't bc my shared fate and aether current trackers are half empty
you know i. i'm extremely not a fan of how it's the lizards of all the groups here that are the supremacists who are not above lying/cheating/stealing/etc. just saying
actually i've been sorta wishing i could bring it up. 'yeah i beat several shades out of him for bullying harmless tonberries. who then finished him off with their knives, yes, but fucker had it coming'
why are there alkonosts here 👀 not that it really matters but. pretty birb-not-birb
man we're gearing up to Power Of Friendship the racist supremacists again aren't we
whatever. lower yak'tel is so pretty, i can't wait to fish here :3
i like how everyone assumes that we're on the level and didn't murder bakool for his blessed scales like he kinda deserved
actually i just saw a glow in the dark skeletal alkonost and now im wondering if the glow in the dark isn't like. radiation or someshit
i guess it tracks that the one thing wuk lamat would learn from the wol would be the ability to look at an enemy who despises everything that they are and go. "FRIEND SHAPED. :D"
oh okay we're Power Of Science (And Also Friendship)-ing our way out of this
which is great and all but man. sometimes people are just power hungry dicks, you know? this is the same shit we went through in garlemald. 'waugh they were only xenophobic warmongers because they had to live in a shitty country and people were shitty to them'. which, again. werlyt author -_-
...the catboy's going to quit, isn't he
ilevel for this battle is 666. lmao
"everyone ready?" erenville: [flees]
i didnt realise roegadyn were from yorkshire
i'm going to go out on a limb here and assume the fact that kettie is still alive is connected to something in not!amaurot
im also going to crash here bc its 2am and ive been awak since [looks at clock] too early. TMORROW: WE CONTINUE
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