#for the full experience listen to the crane wives' unraveling while reading
not-a-hawk · 1 year
“Hurry up!” he exclaimed. He practically bounced on the balls of his feet, dragging Scott by his hands as they walked through the trees.
“Nothing,” Scott panted, “Nothing is worth getting up at four AM and walking half an hour up a very tall hill for.”
“Hey.” Scott turned to look up at him and oh gods, he had the smile, the one that without fail always melted any anger Scott could possibly feel towards him. “Trust me?”
Scott sighed and took his hand as they reached the end of the trail. “Fine. You better not be-” The words caught in his throat as looked at the view they had woken up so early for.
The only thing going through his head was wow.
“I know, right?” He hung off the tree branch leaning off the cliff, not at all worried about falling. “I found it while chopping wood a few days ago, all I could think was, ‘this view will be amazing at sunrise.’”
They were looking at a lake, surrounded on all sides by cliffs and hills. The rising sun revealed all the flowers in the cove, the lily pads on the water. The birds sang their morning song, blending with the lapping of the waves against the shore. Everything about it was just, so, so, perfect.
“Do you want to see it up close?” He grabbed Scott’s hand and jumped off the tree he had been holding.
“How will we get down?”
Jimmy smiled again. “We jump.”
With that, he leaned back, dragging Scott down with him. They were rolling down the cliff together like they were children again, and both were having too much fun to worry about getting hurt. They were screaming and laughing, and Jimmy pulled Scott close and whispered something he couldn’t hear, but neither cared because they felt like children, so incredibly alive.
They rolled into a stop on the water’s edge, laughing and hugging as the water lapped at their clothing. Jimmy let go and continued to roll into the water, still laughing. Scott sat up just in time to see his head go under and realized how cold he felt. The water had soaked into his clothing and his skin had gotten used to it, without Jimmy the chill stung him.
He laughed as he resurfaced. “Aren’t you going to go for a swim? The water is absolutely freezing, you’ll love it.”
“No, I’d prefer to not soak myself to the bone.” Jimmy laughed in response, and the light caught the water on his feathers, making him nearly glow against the red morning sky.
“Well, that’s too bad.” He swam towards the shore, grabbing Scott with his soaking arms. “It's a shame that you won’t join me underwater!” He pulled Scott under, ignoring the laughing protests as he swam them further into a lake.
They were both laughing and soaking as they resurfaced, Jimmy holding Scott by his middle. Their foreheads touched, and Jimmy asked if it would be alright if he could kiss him, to which Scott said obviously, and Jimmy pulled him underwater again. The kiss probably only lasted a few seconds, but by the gods those were some of the best seconds Scott had ever had.
They stayed at the lake the whole day, letting the air dry their soaked clothes. The gentle breeze was cool, blending perfectly with the hot summer air. The two sat in the flower fields, making crowns and discussing their future home as if they were fourteen having their first real crush all over again.
“And we’d have one of giant canopy beds,” Jimmy said, picking some of the flowers from the field, “With those like, beaded curtains, except the beads would be flowers.”
“This is a lot of flowers so far,” Scott pointed out. “We’re going to need a garden.”
“Yes!” Jimmy walked back over, holding a small bouquet of flowers, “We’d have a giant garden out front, and we could grow all our own food. We wouldn’t need to rely on the village, it could just be us two.” Jimmy plopped onto the ground next to him, motioning for him to take the flowers.
Scott obliged, taking the flowers. “Just us?” 
“Just us.”
He thought for a second, before leaning over and kissing his forehead. “I’d like that.” He tucked a sprig of forget-me-nots behind Jimmy’s ear. 
They sat there, watching the sunset, ending the day as it began, tired, happy, and content to simply enjoy the view together.
Scott turns the flowers over in his hands. He can’t enjoy them anymore, nor can he enjoy the house too large for one person, or the view of a sunset over a lake, or the feeling of a ring on his finger. He can’t enjoy much of anything anymore, not without him there.
He sighs, lowering his head. “I’m so, so sorry,” he whispers, voice cracking. “If I ever get you back, please don’t hate what’s become of me.” He looks at the bouquet of forget-me-nots and carnations in his hands, wishing they didn’t have the meaning they held. He placed them in the book on the page for reanimation, choking back his tears. Jimmy had always liked pressed flowers.
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