#for the record it is canon compliant and no actual self harm takes palce
the-amber-raven · 11 months
things left unsaid
“What happened? Is he – was it a blood clot?” Bobby was parsing through every moment he had seen Buck during their shift – had he missed Buck favouring his leg in some way? Or rubbing his chest? Coughing? Damn it, he’d known the risk was too high, why was Buck always so stubborn? His entire body was pulsing with fear-fuelled adrenaline as he considered all of the worst case scenarios. He was so focused on his own imaginings that he almost missed the nurse’s hurried reassurance. “No, no, not a blood clot. Mr Buckley was brought in by paramedics after cutting himself.” Bobby froze. -- Or, the episode tag to 3x06 Monsters, wherein Bobby makes an entirely incorrect assumption about what Buck ‘cutting himself’ means but at least it actually forces them to have a conversation and resolve some things.
Chapters 1/1 | Word Count 8,657
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