#for the record these are all plane designation numbers
ralfmaximus · 5 months
Remember that 737 MAX whose door plug blew out in flight?
A boeing whistleblower created a burner account and reported the following (reproduced here in its entirety in case the original gets deleted):
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Current Boeing employee here – I will save you waiting two years for the NTSB report to come out and give it to you for free: the reason the door blew off is stated in black and white in Boeings own records. It is also very, very stupid and speaks volumes about the quality culture at certain portions of the business.
A couple of things to cover before we begin:
Q1) Why should we believe you? A) You shouldn’t, I’m some random throwaway account, do your own due diligence. Others who work at Boeing can verify what I say is true, but all I ask is you consider the following based on its own merits.
Q2) Why are you doing this? A) Because there are many cultures at Boeing, and while the executive culture may be throughly compromised since we were bought by McD, there are many other people who still push for a quality product with cutting edge design. My hope is that this is the wake up call that finally forces the Board to take decisive action, and remove the executives that are resisting the necessary cultural changes to return to a company that values safety and quality above schedule.
With that out of the way… why did the left hand (LH) mid-exit door plug blow off of the 737-9 registered as N704AL? Simple- as has been covered in a number of articles and videos across aviation channels, there are 4 bolts that prevent the mid-exit door plug from sliding up off of the door stop fittings that take the actual pressurization loads in flight, and these 4 bolts were not installed when Boeing delivered the airplane, our own records reflect this.
The mid-exit doors on a 737-9 of both the regular and plug variety come from Spirit already installed in what is supposed to be the final configuration and in the Renton factory, there is a job for the doors team to verify this “final” install and rigging meets drawing requirements. In a healthy production system, this would be a “belt and suspenders” sort of check, but the 737 production system is quite far from healthy, its a rambling, shambling, disaster waiting to happen. As a result, this check job that should find minimal defects has in the past 365 calendar days recorded 392 nonconforming findings on 737 mid fuselage door installations (so both actual doors for the high density configs, and plugs like the one that blew out). That is a hideously high and very alarming number, and if our quality system on 737 was healthy, it would have stopped the line and driven the issue back to supplier after the first few instances. Obviously, this did not happen. Now, on the incident aircraft this check job was completed on 31 August 2023, and did turn up discrepancies, but on the RH side door, not the LH that actually failed. I could blame the team for missing certain details, but given the enormous volume of defects they were already finding and fixing, it was inevitable something would slip through- and on the incident aircraft something did. I know what you are thinking at this point, but grab some popcorn because there is a plot twist coming up.
The next day on 1 September 2023 a different team (remember 737s flow through the factory quite quickly, 24 hours completely changes who is working on the plane) wrote up a finding for damaged and improperly installed rivets on the LH mid-exit door of the incident aircraft.
A brief aside to explain two of the record systems Boeing uses in production. The first is a program called CMES which stands for something boring and unimportant but what is important is that CMES is the sole authoritative repository for airplane build records (except on 787 which uses a different program). If a build record in CMES says something was built, inspected, and stamped in accordance with the drawing, then the airplane damn well better be per drawing. The second is a program called SAT, which also stands for something boring and unimportant but what is important is that SAT is *not* an authoritative records system, its a bullentin board where various things affecting the airplane build get posted about and updated with resolutions. You can think of it sort of like a idiots version of Slack or something. Wise readers will already be shuddering and wondering how many consultants were involved, because, yes SAT is a *management visibilty tool*. Like any good management visibilty tool, SAT can generate metrics, lots of metrics, and oh God do Boeing managers love their metrics. As a result, SAT postings are the primary topic of discussion at most daily status meetings, and the whole system is perceived as being extremely important despite, I reiterate, it holding no actual authority at all.
We now return to our incident aircraft, which was written up for having defective rivets on the LH mid-exit door. Now as is standard practice kn Renton (but not to my knowledge in Everett on wide bodies) this write-up happened in two forms, one in CMES, which is the correct venue, and once in SAT to “coordinate the response” but really as a behind-covering measure so the manager of the team that wrote it can show his boss he’s shoved the problem onto someone else. Because there are so many problems with the Spirit build in the 737, Spirit has teams on site in Renton performing warranty work for all of their shoddy quality, and this SAT promptly gets shunted into their queue as a warranty item. Lots of bickering ensues in the SAT messages, and it takes a bit for Spirit to get to the work package. Once they have finished, they send it back to a Boeing QA for final acceptance, but then Malicious Stupid Happens! The Boeing QA writes another record in CMES (again, the correct venue) stating (with pictures) that Spirit has not actually reworked the discrepant rivets, they *just painted over the defects*. In Boeing production speak, this is a “process failure”. For an A&P mechanic at an airline, this would be called “federal crime”.
Presented with evidence of their malfeasance, Spirit reopens the package and admits that not only did they not rework the rivets properly, there is a damaged pressure seal they need to replace (who damaged it, and when it was damaged is not clear to me). The big deal with this seal, at least according to frantic SAT postings, is the part is not on hand, and will need to be ordered, which is going to impact schedule, and (reading between the lines here) Management is Not Happy. 1/2
However, more critical for purposes of the accident investigation, the pressure seal is unsurprisingly sandwiched between the plug and the fuselage, and you cannot replace it without opening the door plug to gain access. All of this conversation is documented in increasingly aggressive posts in the SAT, but finally we get to the damning entry which reads something along the lines of “coordinating with the doors team to determine if the door will have to be removed entirely, or just opened. If it is removed then a Removal will have to be written.” Note: a Removal is a type of record in CMES that requires formal sign off from QA that the airplane been restored to drawing requirements.
If you have been paying attention to this situation closely, you may be able to spot the critical error: regardless of whether the door is simply opened or removed entirely, the 4 retaining bolts that keep it from sliding off of the door stops have to be pulled out. A removal should be written in either case for QA to verify install, but as it turns out, someone (exactly who will be a fun question for investigators) decides that the door only needs to be opened, and no formal Removal is generated in CMES (the reason for which is unclear, and a major process failure). Therefore, in the official build records of the airplane, a pressure seal that cannot be accessed without opening the door (and thereby removing retaining bolts) is documented as being replaced, but the door is never officially opened and thus no QA inspection is required. This entire sequence is documented in the SAT, and the nonconformance records in CMES address the damaged rivets and pressure seal, but at no point is the verification job reopened, or is any record of removed retention bolts created, despite it this being a physical impossibility. Finally with Spirit completing their work to Boeing QAs satisfaction, the two rivet-related records in CMES are stamped complete, and the SAT closed on 19 September 2023. No record or comment regarding the retention bolts is made.
I told you it was stupid.
So, where are the bolts? Probably sitting forgotten and unlabeled (because there is no formal record number to label them with) on a work-in-progress bench, unless someone already tossed them in the scrap bin to tidy up.
There’s lots more to be said about the culture that enabled this to happened, but thats the basic details of what happened, the NTSB report will say it in more elegant terms in a few years.
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
The runway -Part 1
Lenny Miller x reader (Cillian Murphy’s role in movie Anna)
Finally!!!! I’ve had this request for a while in my drafts and it’s turn for some Lenny Miller mini series.
@l1-l4 Andy I’m really sorry it took me so long to post this, but stories have their own time (at least to me), I loved your request since the very beginning so here it is finally, I think it would be perfect for a mini series, as there are several important points to reach, but I hope you like this! 💕
Special thanks @heidimoreton for the gifs help!! 🌷
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Lenny poured himself a glass of wine and walked towards his bed. Loosening the knot of his tie, he flicked through the confidential file he got at the end of his day at the office. A new mission, after his last successful one where he rescued a diplomat that was caught in a zone of conflict, now he would have get inside of a world he didn’t know anything about; a model agency.
“Adam, yeah, sorry about calling this late.” He greeted the other man in the line.
Lenny heard him chuckling. “Shit boss, you know you’re not sorry.”
“You’re right, I’m not… I need you to get me all the information you can for a new mission.” Adam was young, but he worked hard at the office. “I’m after Anna and Y/N Y/LN.”
“The Runway sisters? They can be all you want, but they ain’t criminals, Lenny.”
Lenny frowned staring at the photographs they attached to the mission file.
“You know the rule number one right, Adam?”
“Don’t ask questions? Are there more rules?” Lenny could hear him typing fast. “All right, the sisters have a fashion show tomorrow night in NYC at seven, then they are going to have dinner at a new exclusive restaurant. I’m sending you their address, their gym schedule, the number of their dentist, the hair salon stylist, oh! And their assistant’s DNA.” Adam joked.
“Since you’re in such a good mood, get me a ticket to NYC, I’ll also need a seat on the fashion show and a table at that restaurant.”
Adam gasped. “The show is only by invitation by the designer and the restaurant had a one-year reservation RSVP, it’s full.”
“Oh, about the plane ticket? Since we’re hitting an elite world and the CIA’s got budget, make it a first-class seat. Good night Adam.”
Hanging up, he couldn’t take his eyes of Y/N photograph.
“Sir, I’m sorry for calling so early, I’m on my way to NYC. Just wanted to ask for your approval to take active part in the mission.”
“Sir, these models only care for parties, designer bags, being covers for the magazines, they can mess up and ruin our work. We’d lose the invaluable progress we have.” The investigation was almost done, they just needed to take the leader down, they had all the targets drafted.
“What do you suggest?”
“Allow me to be their manager, that way I can guide them through the mission.”
“Do whatever you have to do to bring those bastards down.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
As he boarded on the plane, Lenny took the files from his briefcase, he continued studying the girls background. They were French citizens, but divided their time between London, NYC and Los Angeles.
Anna was the trouble maker, the party girl, drugs, alcohol, rebel without a cause, it was written all over her face as well as in the cover of so many gossip portals, a deep contrast with her sister, Y/N she had a career in business, ran her own shoe brand, was an ONU volunteer, part of a program to feed woman in trouble, they were practically the devil and the angel. But even though apparently, she was the good one, he was afraid she would be the one giving him more trouble.
Sipping on his coffee, he then went on to check Anna’s profile, according to the record, for some reason, she wasn’t taking the runway with her sister like they had done in the past so many times. Apparently nobody knew her location and Y/N had been covering her work recently, doing three runways in one day, press conferences and attending numerous social events.
“Mr. Richardson, allow me to introduce myself.” Lenny extended his hand at the man. “I’m the new manager to the Y/LN sisters.”
Richardson looked at Lenny and let out a loud fake laugh. “No fucking way, those girls are pure gold, they’re making me earn a shit loads of money, you can get the girls that appear on the pedicure ads.”
Lenny took a look at his watch. “Perhaps I didn’t explain myself correctly.” When Richardson tried to open his drawer to get his weapon, Lenny smirked. “Don’t even bother, it’s not there anymore.”
And his smile grew as the phone started to ring.
“You can’t do that, I signed those girls.”
Lenny looked at him, he was starting to sweat.
“The VP of the agency gave me this.” Lenny informed Richardson and putting the sheet on his desk, he leaned back. “He mentioned he appreciated all your hard work and he would assign you to some model called Cara?”
“He can’t do that!” Richardson stood up, shouting. “I made this agency win millionaire contracts with those sisters!”
“Oh, he said you would bring that up that’s why I suggested you take the Hadid sisters instead.” Lenny’s eyebrows raised, his voice remained calm.
“In that case…”
A sick smile appeared in Richardson’s face. Lenny wanted to throw up.
Closing the button of his suit, Lenny walked to the door. “Don’t worry you can keep your office, I will choose another one.”
It was easier than he thought, this man was pulling the trigger by himself.
Now he needed to go to a fashion show.
Skipping the red carpet, Lenny walked around the building to get in, cameras flashing everywhere, waiters handling glasses of champagne, the mix of perfumes was making him feel sick. All the people looked the same; like they were starving themselves or they were suffering.
The loud music, people taking photographs, bodyguards whispering in the corner, reporters taking notes about the women taking the runway, he felt so out of place.
But soon, Lenny found his spot, it was at the end of the runway, right in the middle where the models would stop before walking back again.
The next thing he knew is the lights went down and the music changed to a dramatic tune. A silhouette was illuminated at the end of the runway, the curtain fell to the ground and revealed the woman behind it.
“That’s Y/N Y/LN.” Said someone on his right, talking to a camera and recording his message. “And she’s wearing Emilio Pucci’s emerald dream dress, the master piece of this collection, with-”
That was all Lenny heard, as Y/N started taking the runway he was completely mesmerized by her presence. His eyes were fixed on Y/N, her steps hitting the runway, her gaze never leaving a spot in front of her, barely blinking.
She moved with such elegance, not looking down to the floor, a serious expression on her features. The emerald dress hugged her figure beautifully, one of the arms was covered in beads that were shining every time it hit the lights, part of her skin was exposed as the piece was asymmetrical.
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Lenny saw Y/N placing her hand on her hip and the way she snapped it to the side, made him lose the tie a little around his neck, then in a slow motion, she gave her back at him and she started to walk back right were she had started. Slowly, he let out the breath he didn’t know he had been holding.
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Seeing all the details of her and the dress so close made him feel like the air had been kicked out from his body. It all happened in the blink of an eye and soon other models were taking the runway.
He lost count of how many they were, all looked the same but didn’t have the same presence Y/N showed off while doing the walk.
As the lights got down, all the models made a human wall at the sides of the platform, the music stopped and silver papers were thrown down from the ceiling as Y/N appeared once more hand linked to a man with white hair and bear dressed in a navy suit.
The pair walked mid runway and Y/N let go of his hand to start clapping as the rest of the people, then they shared two kisses on the cheek and walked back to disappear.
Lenny sighed and decided to take a walk backstage where he was greeted by models half naked, changing clothes, dresses and shoes all over the floor, cameras filming interviews, assistants going mad… it was a totally different thing from what he just saw.
“I’m looking for Y/N Y/LN.” He asked someone who was walking past him.
“Take the corridor, first door of the dressing rooms.”
Following the instructions, Lenny knocked on the door and a soft come in, invited him to open it. He was surprised to find the top model tidying up around, folding her clothes, she was now wearing a short dress in red tone with colorful beads, her hair free.
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“Hi, how can I help you?” She asked when Lenny was lost for words, the pictures didn’t really do any justice to her beautiful features, and there was a genuine smile, in deep contrast to the serious poker face she showed while walking.
“I’m Leonard Miller… Lenny, your new manager.” He offered his hand to her, noticing how she was taller than him.
Y/N looked at him surprised accepting his hand.
“Nice to meet you, Lenny. I’m-”
“Y/N, I know… where’s your sister?”
That seemed to make her uncomfortable and she looked away.
“She didn’t feel well.”
“Is this a common thing? Do you take her place in other runways?”
Y/N shuddered. “Sometimes.”
Lenny decided to not make her feel uncomfortable on their first encounter. “You did it amazingly out there.”
His words seemed to get her attention because the smile grew again in her face.
“Thank you… that means a lot.”
Lenny wanted to ask her if she didn’t hear that often, but a woman appeared rushing Y/N out of the dressing room, demanding some time for an interview and other things he didn’t understand.
Giving him one last look, Y/N walked out, but she turned her head around. “I’ve a full day of work tomorrow, would you like to have breakfast?” She proposed. “To discuss the next projects?”
“Sure.” He was about to say that he’d be going to the same restaurant as her, but decided to keep his mouth shut.
The line to enter the restaurant of course was full, paparazzi across the street flashing, fans behind a barrier shouting, a limo stopped right in front of the main entrance, someone reached out to open the door and the crowd went really loud, the paparazzi wild as Y/N raised her hand and waved at them, a huge smile at the sound of her name. A couple greeted her and posed for a photographer, then they cut the ribbon and inaugurated officially the restaurant, as the people started to walk in, Lenny saw Y/N walking in the opposite direction, to the crowd, shaking hands with the people waiting, taking pictures with them, signing things, hugging those crying inconsolably.
Everything seemed pretty normal to Lenny, given her line of work, this was her world.
Until a man pulled her abruptly and Y/N screamed for help. Lenny was on her in mere seconds, helping her out, releasing her from the man, he held him by the collar of his shirt as security from the restaurant rushed to get him, just in time right before Lenny pulled out his gun.
“Are you alright?” He asked looking for any sign of injury. “Let’s get you out of here.”
“No, no… I signed this engagement a long time ago, I need to be there.” Y/N tried to catch her breath, feeling off for having all the eyes on her, the cameras started to flash suddenly in her face.
“Let her pass!” Lenny requested shoving the people around, an arm protectively on her back.
Once inside, Y/N left the scary moment behind, she greeted everyone, posed for endless photos and made Lenny ask himself how she could always keep the smile on her face, she didn’t seem to be tired, never made a face or said no to anyone. And once she finished with her affairs, she walked to the kitchen to thank the chef and staff. It was two hours later that he caught her coming from the ladies room.
“Perhaps it’s time to head home, Y/N.” Lenny stated firmly, hands inside the pockets of his suit.
“But I’ve to work, this isn’t my free time.”
But his hand was placed firmly in the middle of her back as he walked to the back of the restaurant.
“You’re awake since 6 o’clock, did an interview this morning, the runway and this, you need to rest.”
They drove in silence to her apartment, Y/N felt intoxicated by his lotion, it was so masculine. He had such an intriguing personality, totally different to her previous manager. She was so grateful for not having to work with Richardson anymore, she never liked the way he was always around when the girls were changing their clothes for photo shoots.
Y/N looked at him intensely. “How do you know?”
“I’m your manager now, remember? I’m supposed to know your schedule.”
“That’s why you had a gun?” She asked casually stepping inside her apartment. Lenny was taken aback by her question.
Lenny leaned against the door frame. He knew she would be a trouble. “I’ll tell you if you tell me where I can find your sister.”
Y/N looked away from his piercing blue eyes. “Thank you for helping me tonight.”
He offered her his business card, pointing out his personal number in case she needed something. “My pleasure.”
And with that, Lenny walked away, trying to force himself to stop thinking of that pair of kilometric legs.
Part 2
Master list
Lenny blurbs
Ok Can we now talk about how gorgeous is that dress?!!? It’s an Emilio Pucci from the 2011 collection and I’ve been in love with it ever since 💚 just a random fact in case anyone is interested 😉
I hope you enjoy this Lenny series, you know it would mean a lot to know your thoughts about it 🥰 if you want to be added/removed from the tag list just let me know xx
Tag list @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @cutecurly-hair @strayrockette @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @moral-terpitude @mrkdvidal1989 @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @cilliansangel @sydneyyyya
And I’m adding you guys because you liked the previous Lenny stories: @camilleholland89 @allie131313 @star017 @babayaga67 @imichelle-l-rigby @windguidesyou @lovemissyhoneybee @jyessaminereads @emmanuelle19
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Junkers Ju 88
The Junkers Ju 88 was a two-engined medium bomber plane used by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) throughout the Second World War (1939-45). Ju 88s were involved in the Battle of Britain and London Blitz as bombers, but this versatile aircraft saw action in many other theatres of the war, primarily as a dive bomber and a night fighter.
Design Development
After much debate between the German high command and the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), the Luftwaffe bomber command (Kampfwaffe) was obliged to adopt the position that bombers should primarily be used strategically to assist ground troops. This meant that unlike, say, the British Royal Air Force, the Luftwaffe concentrated not on heavy bombers but building squadrons of more versatile medium bombers.
In August 1935, aeronautical companies were invited to provide an answer to the German Air Force's requirement for a two-engined, medium-sized and high-speed bomber (Schnellbomber). Junkers came up with the Junkers 88, with various prototypes given a V designation plus a number 1 to 5. The first prototype, the Ju 88 V1, flew in December 1936 and impressed with its high speed. By March, the Ju 88 V5 was capable of speeds of over 300 mph (500 km/h) and so broke several records.
The decision in 1937 to give the Ju 88 a dive-bombing capability meant that the design process now became fraught with delays and constant revisions. As the historian J. Holland notes, "some 25,000 changes were made to the original design" (216). Most significant of these changes, perhaps, was the strengthening of the wings to take the force which resulted from steep dives, the addition of brakes to arrest the plane at the nadir of the dive, and the lengthening of the fuselage to admit extra crew members. The consequence of all this was that the plane ended up being much heavier and slower than the original plan, a situation that led Field Marshall Erhard Milch (1892-1972), one of the founders of the Luftwaffe, to disparagingly describe the Ju 88 as a "flying barn door" (ibid). The problems of weight and speed were partially alleviated by adding rocket boosters for takeoff when carrying heavier bomb loads. The design changes kept on coming, too, notably an increase in the wingspan. As a result of the complex design, the Ju 88 took more time to build than many other aircraft types.
Introduced into Luftwaffe service in September 1939, just as WWII started, the Ju 88s' challengers as the medium bomber of choice within the Luftwaffe were the antiquated and poorly armed Dornier Do 17, the equally vulnerable but faster Dornier Do 215, and the tried and tested Heinkel He 111, which was overall the best of the three at the beginning of the war. The Junkers Ju 88 was smaller than the other three medium bombers but faster than the He 111 and the Do 17, and yet it was capable of carrying as heavy a bomb load as the He 111. As a consequence, gradually the Ju 88 took over from the He 111 as the bomber of choice but both saw service right through the war. All of these planes had two engines, which fundamentally restricted their bomb loads and range compared to Allied heavy bombers like the B-17 Flying Fortress and Avro Lancaster bomber.
The upside of its checkered design history was that the 1940 version of the Ju 88 was more versatile than originally planned, making it perhaps the most versatile of any aircraft of any air force in WWII. The Ju 88 could perform as a bomber, dive-bomber, and night fighter. Other duties performed by the Ju 88 included long-range reconnaissance (when they were fitted with extra fuel tanks, radar, and cameras), attacking shipping, and minelaying at sea. Finally, one distinct advantage of the Ju 88 was that its frame was built in such a way that it could withstand tremendous punishment from enemy fire. Factories dedicated to Ju 88 production included those at Brünn (now Brno in the Czech Republic) and Graz and Vienna in Austria. Air forces which operated Ju 88s besides the Luftwaffe included the Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, and Romanian.
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bangtanhoneys · 8 months
GRACE TOUR DIARY: March 25th 2025 - Los Angeles
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It was nice to spend the money not having to rush. Grace was currently lounging in her bed in her suite, on one of the floors of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. She could already hear Sejin on the phone, hear the bustle of make-up artists and hair stylists clearing up the stations from the past few days. Her suite had become ‘Queen HQ,’ having taken on another Queen name like her team had - here talks were done about interviews, schedules checked, last-minute costume checks and the like. 
But after tonight, she would be heading on a private plane and heading to Chicago. More interviews, photoshoots, meeting some important people, her concert and then she was off to New York. It was a whirlwind of noise and lack of time - how everything was scheduled to the last minute, trying to cram as much in as possible without overdoing it.
So far, each concert had been met with amazing reviews apart from the good few who were claiming she was nothing without BTS and just another singer who thought they could pull it off. Her numbers so far were totalling 66,000 if everyone attended tonight’s concert. 
She had also seen the guest list for the VIPs tonight - Beyonce being one of them which made her stomach twist with nerves. One of the biggest artists of all time was coming to see her. The Kardashians were also in attendance, Harry Styles and the list went even longer than that. 
With a deep sigh, Grace threw back the covers and went to take her shower.
The set list ran through her head, her body doing the dance moves but smaller in the shower and she was singing along to 7 Rings as she got dressed, twisting her wet hair into a messy bun for it to be dealt with later. Her mind then went to Chicago, then New York and then she would fly back to Seoul for another important performance.
If any solo career had looked simple, Grace’s had looked complicated.
Everything planned and prepared in secret, from early 2023 right through to her birthday last year when the album had been announced, her tour announcement, the mini album and then her first tour date. Yet in between all that, she was meeting designers, doing interviews to be released later on, making plans for later on.
Always later on.
Never once interfering with her boys’ plans. 
That had been the major rule: whatever the boys wanted to do, it was going to come first. 
She had been there for nearly all of it and she had seen all the good and the bad, she had seen what worked and what kind of didn’t. She had been behind the scenes of all of Jungkook’s GOLDEN album and his promotion for it. And by the time she had been ready to put her own on display, she had a very good idea of what she knew what was going to work.
Interviews in England, rather than America as they could wait till her tour, focus on Europe as well as Australia and New Zealand even though her tour wouldn’t be going there mainly due to time. 
And cross fingers, her solo career had been somewhat of an success. 
“Morning,” she said as she went into the dining area of the suite and flicked the kettle on.
“Morning,” various voices came back to her.
“Grace, what do you think about doing a pre-recorded performance for iHeart Radio Awards?” Sejin asked, flicking through some paper while typing something on his laptop.
“Do we have time for that?” she asked, adding two sugars to her tea and a good splash of milk. “When is it?”
“Award show is on the 27th but it could be recorded while we’re in Los Angeles, we just delay heading to Chicago until the filming is done. The Grammy Museum have given us permission to use their rooftop venue as well,” Sejin read from the email and glanced over.
Grace paused. She knew it would be a good opportunity and she knew it wouldn’t have been asked of her to do it if they didn’t think it she could do it yet they only had a day to do it, even that. 
“Is it my songs or BTS?” 
“They want you do 7 Rings and then Butter,” Sejin replied.
Another pause.
“Okay, let’s do it. See if we mix the two so they can flow together - I’ll use one of the tour costumes that we haven’t used yet for the show and we just need seven dancers so see if anyone is up for doing this, the rest and the rest of the time can fly out to Chicago to get started on rehearsals. Interviews and everything else, well let’s see what time we can get out of L.A.”
She must have been mad.
By the time she got the concert venue, her mind had switched off to what else was going on and focused on the concert ahead of her. BTS and TXT songs were playing around the arena and outside where people were already waiting, hoping to catch a glance of celebrities.
A quick change into her gym clothes, Grace made her way to where they had set up a small gym area with a BANGTAN BOMB camera following her. She had a quick laugh with the camerawoman before the filming started. “So, you want to know my tips for how I can sing and dance and run all at the same time?” Grace grinned at the camera, which ‘nodded.’
“Here’s is the secret technique - pick a song that’s really going to make you sing and then get on the treadmill,” Grace said as she flicked through the music choices on her phone that was connected to the speakers. Outro: Ego started as Grace set the treadmil to a slow walk then just as Hobi started, she had broken out into a jog.
It was quite impressive to watch her sing along, all the while building up her speed until it got to the chorus where she started doing the choreography albeit not to the full extent as she was stuck on the treadmil. 
They still had a few hours left until the concert so a run through was planned, to go over niggles from the night before which was mostly blocking and making the volume loud enough for everyones in-ears.
By the time they were done and back stage getting changed, Staples Centre was open and filling up.
“Los Angeles night two - let’s go out there and show Queen B that she is amazing and we love her,” Grace said as she was surrounded by her dancers who all laughed. “Okay, just half joking. BANG,” she left it off as her dancers followed with “TAN” as they lifted their hands.
Nothing, absolutely nothing could replace hearing the crowd lose their absolute shit as the VCR played and the beginning beats of 7 Ring. Her female dancers glanced at each other then her, grinning and nodding their heads before they were lifted up. 
Even in the VIP area, she could see them and it lit up the whole crowd as the colours changed to the beat. They were constantly out, even when VCR’s played so they could do costume changes and the cheers never stopped. Neither did the singing. 
“Los Angeles, it’s been an absolute pleasure to be with you tonight,” Grace started out on the main stage, dressing in her outro gear to finish up the concert. “Thank you for being an amazing crowd, you’ve certainly outdid yourselves from last night. If you could put down your ARMY bombs for second,” Grace paused and watched with a fond smile as every single one dropped out of sight.
“How many of you out there are BTS fans?”
The whole crowd lit up again, screams were heard and then the screaming got louder the moment Dimple was played. Three male dancers joined her on stage, dressed similar to what the boys had worn and even though she was singing in Korean, she swore she could hear the crowd singing along.
By the time she got to Dangerous Woman, got to thank everyone and bow to the crowd, the screams had not stopped. They were still going as she climbed down the few steps off the stage, Sejin there with a bottle of water. 
And he did something he rarely did.
He hugged her.
“I’m very proud of you,” he said as he let her go to wrap the dressing gown around her shoulders tightly. “We all are.”
It took awhile to get back to her hotel after removing her costumes, make up and washing her hair and then getting through the traffic. The moment she got through her hotel door, staff had left her lamps on for her and on the coffee table was a large bouquet of pink roses. 
‘I’ll be seeing you soon
Jinnie x’
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lunacornfan2k24 · 1 month
So I’ve been having thoughts that I never thought that I would ever have…I’m thinking specifically about Fabricator
Full disclaimer: Fabby has never been my favorite ieytd character, she gave me major Kikimora from the owl house vibes whom I’ve never liked
However, I think Fabby is having her creativity squashed in Zoraxis
Fabby used to be a fashion designer before joining Zoraxis. She enjoys making clothing and machines that are fashionable, functional, and deadly. But, before we meet her in ieytd 2, the machines that she creates aren’t very stylish.
(Yes I know having fabby be the designer for those things is likely a retcon but it’s in the games so I’m counting them as her designs)
The blueprints from Zors car from friendly skies are in Fabby’s workshop. The car is based on a Rolls Royce from 1925 which if you look up what that looks like from the outside, doesn’t quite match what we see in game. The car in ieytd has square doors while every picture I can find of a 1925 Rolls Royce Phantom I Jonckheere Coupe has these beautiful round doors that a designer like Fabby wouldn’t not include unless she was asked to. It is Zors car after all and Zor likely wanted square doors instead, stifling Fabby’s style.
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The blueprints for the “gren-egg” from Squeaky clean are also in her workshop and does not have any style to it whatsoever. It’s a giant green ball that is easily dismantled by some quick TK work. What kind of name is “gren-egg” anyway? It sounds like a bad pun that someone else came up with (my money’s on Daniel Sans). Quite frankly it’s giving brutalist with handles. I’m sure if they had given Fabby free range to do whatever she liked, the design would have been more visually elegant.
Lastly, the kinesium explosion testing in hot water for ieytd 3. They look like you standard ocean mines. You could argue that the kinesium mines and the gren-egg were built knowing that their only purpose was to explode, but fabricator would try to design everything to be worthy of the fabricator name, even if it wasn’t going to last long.
You’ll notice that I completely skipped over her machines from ieytd 2. There’s a reason for that. Our handler tells us the very first time that we ever meet the fabricator that she normally doesn’t take center stage in Zoraxis schemes, she’d prefer to keep her Zoraxis work behind the scenes. So why doesn’t she do that for the second game, going so far to be the stage manager for the play that’s only a distraction to capture the Prime Minister?
Maybe because she knows a big time star like John Juniper has high expectations when it comes to the aesthetics of the plan. The literal Masque of the red death was gorgeous and had the red stripes like a sports car. She could’ve made it all red but instead it looks chic and ominous.
The mimic mask is like fucking artwork. It’s stylish, it’s functional, it’s slim, and it’s incredibly impressive feat of engineering. Everything else she’s built is nothing compared to the beauty of the mimic mask. (The alliteration of the name is also way more elegant than “gren-egg”). There’s a reason why everyone in the fandom is obsessed with it! Everything else that she makes in ieytd is beautiful including everything on juniper’s plane.
That’s what Fabby can do when she’s pushed to be her very best…and that’s not what Zoraxis does for her.
Zoraxis stifles her creativity and doesn’t let her shine. She had to become more involved with a scheme with John Juniper of all people to truly be challenged and build some of her best creations. I can’t blame her for stepping out into a bigger role just for the opportunity to have more creative freedom.
People have pointed out that Fabby sounds tired in the voice recordings we have from ieytd 3 and I think they’re right. It could be for any number of reasons but I think that she sounds tired because she’s not being challenged in terms of style in her creations.
But maybe that’s how she normally sounds. Maybe ieytd 2 was Fabby thriving but the rest of the time she’s bored with the work Zoraxis is having her do. Granted, I don’t know shit about engineering so a lot of the style could be in the inner workings of the machines, but why can’t her style be on the outside as well as on the inside if her creations?
Zoraxis is stifling her creativity and I can’t blame Fabricator lacking steam in the third game. Personally, I can see Fabby eventually burning herself out or following the steps of Anna, Solaris, and Roxana and leaving Zoraxis.
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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How did a Philippine attack jet manage to shoot down an F-22 in an air combat exercise?
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/10/2023 - 20:01in Military
In early November, the Philippine Air Force (PAF) announced that one of its FA-50 light attack jets managed to "shoot down" the current U.S. air superiority champion, the F-22 Raptor, during air combat exercises held in July of this year. This ad came along with an image recording the feat.
The image captured by the FA-50's cannon camera shows the Raptor in the sight of the Philippine fighter while the pilot fixed himself on the stealth jet with an infrared-guided missile (heat search).
"This case marked an important development in military history. The Philippine jet combat plane triumphed over a 5ª generation jet fighter in a simulated air combat arena, which took place in the airspace over Luzon, in the context of the Cope Thunder exercise,” the PAF statement said.
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But although this achievement is certainly worthy of celebration for the Philippine Air Force, a more detailed inspection of this image offers a series of valuable clues about how a training aircraft transformed into a $38 million attack managed to surpass the $350 million Raptor or more.
And here's a spoiler: as so often happens in this type of exercise, the F-22 seems to be flying with a wing metaphorically tied to its back.
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The simulated confrontation between the Filipino and American jets took place during the Cope Thunder 23-2 - a series of bilateral fighter training exercises and exchange of experts on the subject that took place in the Philippines between July 2 and 21. The U.S. Air Force sent 15 aircraft, mainly F-16 and F-22, along with more than 500 aviators to participate in the exercises alongside a similar number of PAF personnel operating FA-50, A-29 and AS-211 aircraft oriented to attack the ground.
But despite dozens of aircraft carrying out dozens of missions over almost three weeks, the part of these exercises that caught the world's attention occurred a moment before a PAF pilot proudly announced on the radio: "Fox 2! I hit a Raptor in the right turn!"
Combat exercises, such as those carried out during Cope Thunder 23-2, are often misunderstood by the media that inform them (although this misunderstanding can sometimes be attributed to biased media). Clashes between aircraft, for example, are often presented without context, as if two jets had simply been taken to the sky as if airborne for a departure in a barrier-free cage, but the reality of these situations is anything but that.
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An F-15 and an F-22 during air combat exercises.
The purpose of these exercises is not to ensure victory, but to create circumstances that lead to learning. In order to ensure that all pilots and support crews get the most out of these expensive endeavors, the rules of these exercises - commonly known as Engagement Rules or ROEs - are intentionally defined not only to balance the battlefield, but often to put the most capable unit or platform at a clear disadvantage.
In the case of the F-22 Raptor, its stealth, sensor fusion capabilities and the AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles (AMRAAM) aim to give its pilot what the U.S. Air Force calls a "first kill opportunity". In other words, the fighter and its on-board systems were designed to allow the Raptor to sneak through enemy airspace without being detected, to face enemy fighters beyond visual range - destroying the enemy before he even realizes they are in a fight.
Even when forced to fight closely, the capabilities of the aircraft allow Raptor pilots to dictate the nature of the combat, sneaking through the airspace until they place themselves in the most advantageous position before the start of combat.
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But if you allowed the F-22s to fly like this in air combat exercises... they would simply eliminate the enemy 60 miles away the minute the commander of the exercise said, "Go". And no one would take much advantage of the training.
Instead, it is common practice in exercises like these to establish ROEs that compromise the strengths of the Raptor and create advantages for lower fighters to put pressure. By barring combat out of visual range, for example, you eliminate the stealth advantage of the F-22 (s Stealth does not work against eyes and short-range infrared-guided weapons are more likely to crash).
Other rules, for example, forcing Raptor pilots to fly with heavy fuel launch tanks under their wings, can drastically reduce the aerobatic maneuverability of the aircraft, and through intentional positions of the aircraft at the beginning of the exercise, such as placing the lower capacity jet directly behind the F-22, can make things extremely challenging for Raptor pilots.
The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is widely considered the most dominant air superiority fighter that has ever flown, thanks to its unique combination of stealth, sensor fusion and hot rod performance, usually found only in non-serial fighters of the Cold War era, such as the F-15. Powered by a pair of advanced Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 turbofan engines, each producing more power under post-combustion than the J58 turbojet that boosted the SR-71 Blackbird, the Raptor has a recognized maximum speed of Mach 2.25 and the ability to supercruise - or fly at supersonic speeds without the use of its post-combust - at speeds above Mach 1.5.
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The maximum speeds may not win the fights, but the incredible power of these F119 grants the Raptor an impulse-to-weight ratio arguably the best in the world, something between 1.25 and 1.37 for one. In other words, the aircraft's engines produce between 1.25 and 1.37 pounds of thrust for each pound that the aircraft weighs with a standard combat load, making this stealth fighter one of the fastest tactical acceleration and climbing jets on the planet. These engines are adorned with two-way thrust vector control nozzles that allow the pilot to orient the thrust output independently of the fuselage, allowing greater control when flying at a high angle of attack (such as when orienting the nose and jet weapons down towards an opponent), as well as extreme maneuverability.
But the Raptor is much more than brute force. Despite being the first and oldest 5ª generation fighter on the planet, it remains the most stealthy, with a frontal radar cross section estimated at only 0.0001~0.0002 m2. This makes the Raptor potentially 30 times more stealthy than the F-117 Nighthawk and 1,000 times more stealthy even than the most optimistic estimates for Russia's intended competitor, the Su-57. This extreme degree of low observability is reinforced by the F-22's powerful AN/APG-77(V1) active electronic scanning radar, which is considered so capable that it surpasses even the most modern AN/APG-81 of the F-35 - the most powerful radar ever installed in a fighter - for air-to-air tasks.
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The F-22 fights with up to six AIM-120 medium-range advanced air-to-air missiles (AMRAAM), two AIM-9 Sidewinder infrared guided missiles and a 20mm Gatling M61A2 cannon on board.
The FA-50, on the other hand, is the light combat version of Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI)'s T-50 Golden Eagle supersonic training aircraft, initially designed to replace the former Korean fleets of Northrop F-5Es and Cessna A-37 Dragonflies.
While the F-22 was designed to outperform the best fighters on the planet without saving expenses, the FA-50 was designed with accessibility and efficiency in the front and center, but that does not mean that it lacks teeth. Powered by a single General Electric F404-GE-102 post-combustion turbofan engine that produces about 17,700 pounds of thrust, this two-seat aircraft can reach speeds of up to Mach 1.5 and offers a thrust-to-weight ratio of 0.96 to one.
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The FA-50 comes with a 3-cane, 20 mm General Dynamics A-50 rotary cannon and seven hardpoints for carrying weapons, including the AIM-9 Sidewinder, along with a long list of air-to-ground ammunition for attack tasks. The aim for air and ground operations is controlled by a modified Israeli EL/M-2032 Doppler pulse fire control radar, which is rumored to be similar in performance to the APG-68(V)7 multimode radar of American origin, harnessed by Korea in the KF-16.
The FA-50 has an economic performance that will not break many records, but it will not break the bank either. So... how the hell did he manage to shoot down the most powerful fighter in flight?
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Although we do not know the combat rules to which these aircraft were subjected during this exercise, there are some things that we can deduce immediately through the only image disclosed above.
The first is that this involvement occurs clearly within the visual range. As it is almost certain that the F-22 Raptor would quickly dominate combat beyond the line of sight, it is safe to assume that the ROEs for this exercise forced the two aircraft to stay close, where the advantages of the Raptor, in terms of stealth or situational awareness, could not be of much use.
But some small details in the silhouette of the F-22 are even more revealing. If you look closely at the image, you can clearly see what look like the Raptor's external tanks filled with fuel still under the wings during this combat.
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An approximate view of the PAF image compared to a similar photo of the F-22 carrying with flammable fuel tanks.
When not in combat or when flying on missions that do not require stealth, the F-22 Raptor is often seen flying with two huge 600-gallon external fuel tanks under the wings that carry an additional 8,000 pounds of fuel. These external fuel stocks have a seriously damaging effect on the performance of any fighter and, as such, are the first thing most pilots drop before facing an opponent.
These tractable tanks dramatically increase the amount of weight carried under each wing, which can increase the stall speed of the fighter (or the speed that the jet must maintain to avoid an aerodynamic stall), while dramatically increasing the inertia of each wing, limiting the ability of the fighter to roll or perform sharp turns. They also increase drag, forcing the fighter to work harder in all forms of maneuvers and reducing the rate of ascent and acceleration.
In other words, no Raptor pilot would enter an approximate air combat with their launch tanks, unless required by the engagement rules of the exercise to inhibit the performance of the fighter and give the smaller jet a better chance.
Thus, without further context regarding the circumstances of this combat exercise, it seems clear that the intention here was to provide all the personnel involved with the greatest training benefit, and not to make an analysis of the domain of the Raptor. And, as such, the cards were, once again, against the powerful F-22.
Source: Sandboxx
Tags: Military AviationCope ThunderJoint ExercisesF-22 RaptorFA-50 Golden EaglePAF - Philippine Air Force/Philippines Air ForceUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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mybeingthere · 10 months
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A great photograph of Howard Finster by Margo Rosenbaum.
Born on February 17, 1939, she earned her bachelor’s degree in painting and drawing from the San Francisco Art Institute in California and her master’s degree in the same field from the University of Iowa. In 1966 she married Art Rosenbaum, also an artist and musician. Over the years, Rosenbaum has collaborated with her husband on numerous projects, most notably photographing folk musicians as he recorded their performances.
Howard Finster (1916 – 2001) was an American artist and Baptist minister from Georgia. He claimed to be inspired by God to spread the gospel through the design of his swampy land into Paradise Garden, a folk art sculpture garden with over 46,000 pieces of art. His creations include outsider art, naïve art, and visionary art. Finster came to widespread notice in the 1980s with his album cover designs for R.E.M. and Talking Heads.
Finster was born at Valley Head, Alabama, and lived on the family farm as one of 13 children. He attended school from age six into the sixth grade. He said he had his first vision at the age of three years, when he saw his recently deceased sister Abbie Rose walking down out of the sky wearing a white gown. She told him, "Howard, you're gonna be a man of visions."
He became "born again" at a Baptist revival at the age of 13 and began to preach at 16. He gave the occasional sermon at local churches and wrote articles for the town newspaper, and became a full-time pastor at Rock Bridge Baptist Church in 1940. He later served at the Mount Carmel Baptist Church in Fort Payne, Alabama, shortly before venturing into full-time art.
Finster began building his first garden park museum in Trion, Georgia, in the late 1940s. It featured an exhibit on the inventions of mankind in which Finster planned to display one of everything that had ever been invented, models of houses and churches, a pigeon flock and a duck pond.
When he ran out of land in Trion in 1961, he moved to Pennville, Georgia, near Summerville, and bought four acres (16,000 m²) of land upon which to build the Plant Farm Museum "to show all the wonderful things o' God's Creation, kinda like the Garden of Eden." It features such attractions as the "Bible House," "the Mirror House," "the Hubcap Tower," "the Bicycle Tower," "the Machine Gun Nest," and the largest structure in the garden, the five-story "Folk Art Chapel." He also started putting up signs with Bible verses on them because "he felt that they stuck in people's heads better that way."
He retired from preaching in 1965 and focused all of his time on improving the Plant Farm Museum. In 1976, he had another vision to paint sacred art. According to Finster, "...one day I was workin' on a patch job on a bicycle, and I was rubbin' some white paint on that patch with this finger here, and I looked at the round tip o' my finger, and there was a human face on it... then a warm feelin' come over my body, and a voice spoke to me and said, 'Paint sacred art.'"
His diverse range of subjects include pop culture icons like Elvis Presley, historical figures like George Washington, Ronald Reagan, religious images like The Devils Vice and "John the Baptist," UFOs and aliens, war and politics. His paintings are colorful and detailed; they use flat picture plane without perspective and are often covered with words, especially Bible verses. Every painting also has a number: God had asked him to do 5,000 paintings to spread the gospel and Finster wanted to keep track.
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ginandoldlace · 3 months
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The Comet Hotel in Hatfield was described in the 1950s by the often grumpy architectural historian Nikolaus Pevsner as ‘one of the earliest inns in England, built in the style of the twentieth century, without borrowings of the past’ which in ‘Pevsner speak’ can be translated as ‘me like this one’. The architect behind this object of Pevsner’s overwhelming affection was E B Musman, who was a bit of a superstar of the day having designed a huge number of suburban pubs between the wars. Now most of Musman’s pubs are very much in the style of Merrie Olde England, you probably know the sort, they tend to sit in prominent positions on 1930s suburban housing estates looking like Tudor Manor Houses and are the sort of buildings that Toby Carvery love to buy up in order to overfeed you and your elderly relatives once a year on their birthday.
However, not all of Musman’s pubs were Tudor themed and this one, built in Hatfield in 1936, is a testament to his versatility. The Comet itself was named after the Comet racing plane, built a few hundred yards away at the de Havilland works, and from above it forms the rough shape of an aircraft.
There’s no record of Musman’s reaction to Pevsner’s effusive praise of his design but I can’t help feeling that he would have felt a little let down by the great man describing this place as merely ‘an inn’. Musman considered the Comet to be rather special and proclaimed, “This concept is neither a public house nor an inn, neither a roadhouse nor a hotel, but at its present stage combines certain aspects of them all. It has the bars of the public house, the restaurant and cocktail lounge of the hotel, the tearoom, the dance hall and outside sports amenities of the roadshouse”, so there you go, not an inn, but also an inn.
Whatever the concept behind this ‘maybe an inn’ is it certainly is a gorgeous building and has recently been renovated to a very high standard indeed. It’s the sort of place you can pop into to enjoy a quiet Dry Martini without someone asking if you want to supersize your roast to the point where you don’t want to eat for a week, its a classy joint.
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pacificeagles · 2 years
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Boeing 307 Stratoliner
In 1935 with design work for the B-17 well underway, Boeing decided to create a civilian airliner from the same basic design. Borrowing the wings, engines, landing gear and tail from the B-17 and marrying them to a new cylindrical fuselage designed to be pressurised, the new Model 307 promised much better performance than existing airliners. It could cruise at an altitude of 20,000ft, unlike contemporary planes that had to remain below 15,000ft. With the plane having the ability to fly higher than most weather systems, Boeing gave it the name “Stratoliner”.
Despite the advances promised by the 307, orders were relatively few. The first plane was destroyed when it crashed during a demonstration flight for Dutch airline KLM. Pan Am ordered two Stratoliners and later an additional four, and Trans World Airlines five. The first delivery was to the eccentric tycoon and adventurer Howard Hughes, who bought it for a round-the-world record attempt that was abandoned when Germany invaded Poland in September 1939. Pan Am took delivery of just four 307s before the war put an end to civilian aircraft production but TWA received all five that they ordered. These were named after native American tribes – Apache, Comanche, Navajo, Cherokee and Zuni.
With the outbreak of war in 1941 Pan Am’s 307s remained nominally in civilian service but were under the direction of the Army Air Forces’ Air Transport Command. These were assigned to fly on South American routes for the AAF. The five TWA planes were bought by the AAF and received the military designation C-75 but were flown by their original TWA crews under contract. These were assigned to ATC and initially flew two transatlantic routes: the northern route from Gander to Prestwick, and the southern one from Natal to Accra in the south.
For the first year of the war the C-75s were the only planes capable of nonstop transatlantic flight, although they had the pressurization gear removed and additional fuel tanks installed to make these flights more comfortable. These aircraft regularly flew ‘top brass’ across the Atlantic, including members of the Chiefs of Staff and Harry Hopkins, Roosevelt’s personal aide. A C-75 was also dispatched to China to collect the Doolittle raiders after all of their B-25s were lost.
In 1944 with sufficient numbers of purpose-built military transports available, the C-75s were reconditioned and sold back to TWA. They continued to serve the civilian market for years after the war, although seven were lost to accidents. One 307 serving with the French airline Aigle Azur may have been accidentally shot down by anti-aircraft fire during the Vietnam War in 1965.
Boeing C-75 Stratoliner Specifications
Boeing C-75 StratolinerRoleTransportCrew5: Pilot, co-pilot, engineer, 2 cabin crewPowerplant4x Pratt & Whitney R-1820-G102A (1,100hp)Speed215mph (cruise) 241mph (max)Ceiling23,300ftRange1,750 miles (internal)ArmamentOrdnanceDimensions74ft 4in (length) 107ft 0in (wingspan) 20ft 10in (height)Wing Area1486 sq.ft.Weight30,000lb (empty) 45,000lb (gross) Number produced5
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Archangel Michael channeling
Beloved masters: As you learn to tap into the cosmic records within the higher realms, you are beginning to broaden your awareness of your cosmic lineage. The process of reunification is well under way, therefore, many faithful Servers of the Light are now striving to reclaim the many Facets of their Divinity. A part of our mission is to help you remember your Divine Heritage, and to also help you understand the unprecedented process humanity is in the midst of at this time.
My brave Ones, you have been separated from your Soul Family for many eons of time so that you could experience and fulfill your own unique Divine Mission. You have experienced other universes, sub-universes, galaxies and civilizations beyond your wildest imagining.
As you came forth and began your journey within this sub-universe, your experiences became more focused and detailed in preparation to an even greater fragmentation of your Essence so that you could experience the density of the newly created galaxies and star systems within the lower realms of Light. 
As you are aware, those of the Angelic Kingdom were designated as the messengers, protectors, guides and teachers for humanity by our Father/Mother God. When it was ordained that a contingent of Archangels and great Legions of Angelic Beings would accompany humanity into the unknown regions of diminished Creation within the young galaxy called, the Milky Way Galaxy; there was a mandate sent forth that some of them would have to greatly fragment their Essence in order to fulfill this mission. 
Therefore, these wondrous Beings of Light agreed to have their White Fire God Seed Atom fragmented into greatly diminished Soul Sparks of God Light. This was necessary so that they could be embodied on the Earth Plane of consciousness during the unprecedented experiment in duality and polarity. They were also given the  gift of Free Will that was to be bestowed upon humanity. This is why there is such a vast number of Souls who are of Angelic Lineage, and why there is also such a great diversity of wondrous Beings of Light from other Universes, who were chosen to become the Avatars and shining Spiritual examples for each great Era, embodied on Earth. 
These phenomenal Beings were sent to the Andromeda Galaxy, which is the closest galaxy to your home galaxy — the Milky Way Galaxy. There are many very advanced “mentally focused” planets and civilizations there, and many of the Legions of Light and Light Warriors came from that galaxy.
The Sacred Triads of the Angelic Legions and the great Avatars, who were to embody on the Earth Plane to guide humanity, all spent a very long time on Andromeda preparing for their mission in your galaxy, solar system and on Earth. During the “resting and rehabilitation” in-between life-times for this special group, most often, these StarSeed Soul Fragments return to the Andromeda Galaxy home base, which was created especially for this group. When they are ready, they are given their next assignment. Time after time, they have returned to the Earth Plane to assist humanity in their great struggle to release themselves from the shackles of the past and to gain Spiritual freedom once more. 
Those Earthly Souls, who are still functioning within the limitations of the Third /Fourth-Dimensional environment, cycle into the higher Fourth Dimension for rest and rehabilitation. They then spend time on one of the Seven major planets of your Solar System. Their lessons, training and focus will be on the most important attributes, talents and qualities that are needed to assist them to return to balance and harmony—within the limits of Universal Law—of the existing Dimensional realm in which they are attuned. Yes, to the physical eye, these planets may look lifeless and dead; however, in various ways, they all resonate to the frequencies of the Fifth-Dimension or higher, and they are all teaming with life— they are lush, beautiful and bountiful.  It is time for the Earth to catch up with the rest of its solar system so that all may move upward on the spiral of Ascension.
Those whose Soul Song resonates to the three highest Sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension will spend their in-between life-times on the five, higher Frequency planets of your solar system. There they will gain access to and begin to reactivate the more refined extra-sensory abilities, which have atrophied because of misuse or non-use down through the many Ages of incarnational experience.
My brave friends, this is just a small overview of some of the higher teachings and information that await you as you refine your mental processes and integrate the higher Frequencies of Light of your approaching Fifth-Dimensional environment. You cannot begin to comprehend what awaits you in the brave, new world you are endeavoring to create and enjoy. 
Many of you, the StarSeeds and Wayshowers, came into this lifetime with more Facets of your Diamond Core God Cell  active than those still functioning within the Third / lower Fourth-Dimensional realms. Therefore, you have had many more “bursts of God-conscious awareness” over the past years. If you compare notes about your earlier experiences with others, such as our beloved Scribe, who faithfully transcribes our messages, you will find that you have had many similar experiences throughout your lifetime. You are finding that this is not a common occurrence for the average person who still exists and functions within the lower, distorted realms of the mass consciousness belief structure. 
What many of you are now experiencing, dear Ones, is the transition of the final stages of the Fourth-Dimensional Realm. What is occurring at this time for many of you who are on THE FAST TRACK OF THE ASCENSION PROCESS: you are in the process of integrating the remaining Facets of your Higher Self within the more refined levels of the Fourth Dimension. This activates many memories and feelings, like a kaleidoscope of experiences from your ancient past within the higher realms. Over the past several years, we have been relaying to you the critical process you must go through in order to arrive at your programmed destination—the first sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension. 
You and other dedicated Light Bearers now have the ability to tap into the Fifth and Sixth-Dimensional Cities of Light in order to access and bring forth the God Particles of Love/Light called Adamantine Particles. These wondrous Creator Cells will further activate the etheric Diamond Core God Cell that lies deep within your Sacred Heart Center. This God Cell contains the full measure of your Divine birthright; all the attributes, qualities and virtues of God Consciousness available to humanity for this Sub-Universal experience.           
We encourage those of you who are new to the process to go into your personal Pyramid of Light in the Fifth Dimension. Lie on the crystal table as you envision the particles of Light from the City of Light over your area trickling down through the great double-terminated crystal which hangs over you into your etheric body. Watch as it flows down the column of Light that connects with your physical body, permeating every facet of your Being down into your deepest cellular core and DNA. Then envision a portion of this wondrous Elixir of Love/Light/Life flowing down into the core of your Mother Earth, assisting in her transformation process, and also flowing out into the world via your Sacred Breath.
Know that before you embodied in your present physical vessel you left an Etheric Replica of yourself on the crystal table within your personal Fifth-Dimensional Pyramid of Light. If it is your desire, you may dedicate a portion of the Adamantine Particles that you have activated with your own Love/Light to the World Pyramid in the higher Fifth Dimension. Your blessed gift will be mixed and melded with the Love/Light gifts of others and used to create miracles of Divine proportions; for the greatest good of the Earth, humanity, and all Creation.  
We are asking you to become a Light Beacon and a bearer of the new frequencies which will gradually sweep around the Earth and into the hearts of all humanity. My steadfast friends, you can help transform your nation and the world. Be bold in your vision; see what is right in your world, thereby reinforcing the Love/Light that dwells within each and every person you meet. Do not focus on the shadows, for wherever you focus your attention, that is what you reinforce and magnify. Your only true enemy is fear. Release the fear so that you may radiate the maximum amount of Love/Light, and then, watch as the miracles unfold. 
What is your passion? What brings you joy and satisfaction? You can accomplish anything you can envision — this is a time of reclaiming your Divine Heritage. It is time to release and transmute or upgrade many of the old restricting thought forms and structures that you have accepted as your reality. If you will spend some time in meditation and contemplation, reviewing the “structures” you have created in your Fourth-Dimensional reality (which includes mental, emotional, physical and even some spiritual restrictions), you will quickly determine that it is time to release many of the “ties that bind” you, so that you may move quickly into the expanded, empowering world of tomorrow. 
You are a master of manifestation on the higher realms and also on the physical plane of existence; you have just forgotten. Believe in yourself and cease creating those things that bring you pain, guilt and suffering. Become a cocreator of the Light, peace, balance and harmony once more, so that you may assist in remanifesting the pristine beauty of planet Earth. 
We of the angelic realms are here in great force to help you move through these times of evolution and great change with ease and grace. However, you must ask for our assistance, for we cannot infringe upon your free will. You have encoded within your Sacred Mind Light Packets of wisdom waiting to be brought forth and shared with others. You can achieve or become anything you can envision, so why not reach for the stars and your highest potential? 
Reclaim your rightful place as a master of Light, dear one.  Please REMEMBER, as you integrate the knowledge of Spirit and illumined truth, we ask you to go forth and share your wisdom. We are ever near to guide, protect and inspire you, but mostly to love you. I AM Archangel Michael.
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alien-hybreed · 4 months
Nobody wants to be at work after hours.
Especially when nobody else is around and you work in a creepy, old office building. So when a high priority request drags Danica back late at night, she's understandably in a hurry to leave.
However an ancient plot by beings from beyond the mortal plane is about to come to fruition, thanks to Danica, her boss and a powerful Demon...
Save for the soft glow of a few dozen computer screens that had been left on, the office was eerily dark. Danica clutched her purse tightly to her chest as she carefully inched past the cubicles towards her workstation. The tall, dark-haired woman shivered as she felt her skin prickle. She hated being in the office after hours. And not just because it meant being at work when she should be home. The 13th floor of the old Amerath tower was downright creepy. Not surprising given the architect cited the graveyard in his home town as a design influence. Supposedly the building was named after his lover though there was no sighting or record of such a woman.
Even when Danica first started at the agency, the thirteenth floor gave her the most unpleasant gut feeling. Most days she felt like she was being watched and some days, she could almost swear she could feel a hand on her knee or shoulder, hear a rasping breath close by her, yet she would turn around and see she was completely alone. She could even swear that some days she could hear whispers on the phone line when she was about to dial out.
Nobody else had made any mention of such am experience, so she did her best to keep it to herself. The rest of the office was judgemental enough as it was. The last thing she needed was for them to write her off as some crackpot babbling about ghosts. Yet here she was, in the office after dark. Again.
Last time Danica was in here after hours to retrieve some files for a client, she'd all but sprinted to the elevator once she was done. She was trying hard to not convince herself tonight wouldn't be the same, yet she could already feel beads of sweat dripping down her low cut blouse. Surely this could have waited until morning? Why was her boss so adamant she come in tonight for this anyway?
Finally reaching her cubicle, Danica slid onto the seat by her desk. Practically perched on the edge of it, her slender legs clamped together as she took a deep breath. The files. Just gotta scan the hard copies, upload them and be out. The rest could be done from home. Taking a deep breath, Danica reached for the manilla folder by her keyboard. In that moment, the shrill ring of her desk phone cut through the empty silence like a razor. Danica yelped and jumped backwards, sending herself and her swivel chair crashing to the floor in a heap.
She muttered and cursed as she pulled herself up, glaring at the phone as it rang out. Danica swallowed hard as she stood her chair back up only to nearly drop it when the phone rang again. She let it go once more and not five seconds later it rang again. "All right fine. Think this is funny? I'll show you funny!" She snapped aloud, more of a defiant affirmation for herself than anyone else. Hand trembling, Danica picked up the phone...
"This isn't funny, Glen." She angrily stated as she held the handset to her head. There was only a low static crackle. No office prankster on the line, no boss with another demand. Just the static.
"Ok, good job team" She mumbled as she went to hang up.
"No fun. You're noooo fun. Not yet, Vaarl..." snarled a strange female voice. Danica dropped the handset like it was a snake and nearly fell back against the cubicle wall. Adrenaline thundering through her veins, she snatched the handset back up, yet once again, there was only static. Danica peered anxiously at the caller ID. Not only was there no number, but the phone wasn't even taking a call. Stifling a whimper, Danica thrust the handset back into its cradle. Maybe the stress of her job was making her start to lose it...
She seized the manilla folder and turned to leave the cubicle when the phone rang again. She gasped and stifled a terrified sob as she ignored it and made a break for the scanner in the corner of the office. As she walked past the other cubicles, one by one the other desk phones began to ring as she passed them. Eventually, it sounded like every phone was ringing in unison. With tears streaming down her face, she whirled around and screamed. "STOP IT! STOP! STOP! STOP!"
And at that, every phone immediately stopped. Her chest heaved and her heart was pounding. Just get it done and go, she thought to herself. As she turned to face the scanner, she felt an enormous hand clutch her thigh as a low voice whispered in her ear. "Vaarl..."
Danica squealed and bolted for the elevator, tossing the folder behind her immediately. Fuck it. Nothing was worth this, she'd deal with it in the morning when everyone was back in. Reaching the elevator, she frantically jabbed at the ground floor button. As she did, the phones began to ring again.
"C'mon, come on, please hurry the fuck up" She wailed as the lights slowly crept up from first to second, second to third. The elevator was always painfully slow but this wait was agonising. More and more phones began to ring and Danica was convinced she could hear heavy breathing. Finally the elevator reached level thirteen. The doors slowly began to slide open and she let out a sigh of relief. Out of here, crisis averted.
As she looked into the elevator, it's insides seemed pitch black. Strange that the light would go out, it was perfectly well lit in there five minutes ago when she arrived...
Danica's breath caught in her chest as the phones abruptly went silent again. In the same moment, dozens of pinkish red eyes blinked open within the elevator. Danica shrieked and turned to run.
"VAARL"  boomed the voice from the phone as several giant black tentacles lashed out from the depths of the elevator to snap around Danica's arms and legs. She screamed, straining and kicking as the thick, wet appendages pulled taut and dragged her backwards into the elevator.
A particularly large, flat tendril - more like a giant elongated tongue - slid under her blouse, up her back an around her chest. Danica shrieked and cried as she felt another slip through her briefs and pull the crotch to one side. She shuddered as another wasted no time pressing against her slit. All the while she was pulled back inch by inch.
"Noooo! Nooooo!" She wailed, hands clutching at the air as her arms were slowly pulled behind her back. She could see the tip of the giant tongue wriggling between her cleavage as it began to split open, thousands of tiny tendrils and tubes writhing out from it. She went to scream again as the tendril at her crotch shot up, impaling her vagina on its grotesque, throbbing shaft. In the same instant, the writhing mass protruding from the tongue lurched up to coil around her neck and face. The best Danica could manage was a muffled moan as she felt an enormous phallus slide between her lips and work its way down her throat.
Slowly, the tentacles began to gently squeeze her supple body. Danica struggled fitfully, trying to kick and tug as the tendrils in her began to swell. Her torso shuddered as she felt dozens of suckers and soft nubs lining the tentacles begin massaging her skin. She felt the tentacles enveloping her face pull tight against her as she let out an involuntary moan of pleasure. The tentacle in her vagina was moving with a steady pace that made her eyes begin to roll. No matter how she had found herself here, it was becoming harder to tell herself she wasn't very quickly beginning to enjoy it.
Her muscles began to relax, her hips gyrating of their own accord as she rubbed against the tentacle throbbing inside her. The harder she tried to hold it in her, the harder it pushed back. Fear rapidly gave way to lust as the tendril in her mouth began to throb, sending a delightful warmth spreading through her body. Danica squeezed her fists, feeling her nails grow long and pointed as she did. Despite how much she had eased into the thing's embrace, she could feel a strange new firmness all through her body. It was as if the more she relaxed, the more she enjoyed it, the stronger she became.
"Relax Vaarl... we have such pleasures to show you" crooned the voice from earlier. Vaarl. Danica liked the sound of that. The more she had heard it, something about it felt right. More so than Danica. She didn't want to be meek, little Danica anymore. She relaxed even more into the embrace of the tendrils as the elevator doors began to close. Whatever this Vaarl was, she wanted it.
Show me, she thought. Show me everything.
* * *
"Meet me in your office later tonigh, it's urgent" was the cryptic message Glen received on his lunch break. At first he'd thought he was getting blackmailed. The sms came through from no number. That was surely impossible unless he was getting hacked. That's what his friends on Facebook always said. Naturally he'd texted back a demand that the sender identify themselves. He immediately received a single emoji in response. The little devil horn ons with the sly smile.
His approach completely changed at that point. Surely this was a hook up. Some saucy little minx in the office wanted him bad and tonight was his lucky night. Maybe that's why someone kept calling his phone earlier that week and breathing heavily into it while they moaned lustfully. He'd thought it was a prank, but surelyit was his secret admirer - barely able to restrain herself...
His palms were sweaty with anticipation as he opened his office door and reached for the light. Despite his expectations, the sight of a woman sitting on his desk gave him quite a start. Lucky for him there was no one else on the 13th floor to hear his squeak.
The woman reclined back, slowly uncrossing her legs with a low moan. Was that Danica? Danica from legal? It looked like her but Glen had never seen her dressed so... exquisitely. She was wearing what appeared to be several sheer golden and bronze robes. The fabric was thin like fine sheets, clinging to the curves of her body as she moved slowly. Her eyes were thick with copper eye shadow, glossy black lipstick matched her thick black hair. Glen was used to seeing her hair in a neat bun or ponytail, yet now it seemed to reach down to her ass, impossibly long and luscious locks that seemed to blow in a non existent breeze. The toes of her bare feet ended in long, pointed black nails just like those on her hands.
"D...Dani?" Murmured Glen as his eyes hungrily roamed her. He could see her pert nipples and the lips of her slit through her robes and couldn't help but stare.
"There is no Dani... only Vaarl..." She hissed as she ran her hands over her chest and down to her crotch. One hand trailed back up towards her breasts while the other began to stroke her inner thigh.
"Uhh... Ok. Vaarl? Is this a role play thing?" Whispered Glen as he stepped closer.
"You will play your role, yesss..." purred Danica as she began to spread her legs.
"I am the gate, I need my key... unlock me... open me..." She moaned, pouting with each syllable as her fingers pushed her robe open, prised her pussy open and plunged into it.
"Oh sure I've got a key for that" Panted Glen as he tried to get out of his pants as quickly as possible. Danica's invitation couldn't be more obvious.
"You want to be my key, mortal?" Rasped Danica, her torso rising from the desk as if she were being lifted by an invisible force. Her eyelids fluttered as her forefinger circled around her clit, her mouth hanging open as she rolled her hips forward. Glen stepped forward to put his hands on her waste.
"Fuck yeah babe, open wide for me..." he Stammered as his swelling cock brushed against her thigh. Her skin was incredibly cool to the touch and yet it made Glen feel like he was standing by a roaring fire place as he inched his cock closer to her sopping wet entrance. At that, Danica withdrew her fingers from her slit and trailed them across Glen's lips. He leaned forwards and gently sucked on her finger as his cock began sliding into her vagina. As he did, he felt his mouth go a little numb, his head felt heavy as he leaned into her embrace.
He wanted to speak, he had so many questions. Yet no matter how hard he tried, Glen couldn't break away from Danica. Couldn't form the words, couldn't bring himself to stop sucking or pressing into her. He didn't want to stop, the more she moaned, the stronger the compulsion to please her was becoming. Her legs began to cross around his waist, pulling him closer, holding him tight as his cock rocked back and forth. A bolt of purple lightning flashed outside the office windows and for an instant, Danica's easy seemed to glow golden yellow as thick streams of black oil wept from them. Glen reared his head back in surprise and tried to speak.
"Wha.. what..." he slurred as her legs began to slacken. He could pull away and yet he couldn't stop himself from continuing to plough her as hard as he could.
"Esh tha de nah nayah narr..." purred Danica, her glowing eyes dimming to a reddish orange as the syllables rolled off her tongue. Glen felt like his insides froze, each syllable was like a static shock coursing through every nerve in his body.
"De... Nah... nayah narr..." he repeated, his business shirt slowly smouldering away to ash and falling from his body as he spoke. Danica snarled and thrashed her head from side to side, her fingernails clawing into Glen's back as his cock pressed deeper and deeper. Her hips rolled forward, her pelvis grinding against his as they both huffed and growled. The lightning flashed again and Glen could feel Danica lifting off the table, pulling him up with her as she began to levitate nearly two feet above the desk.
"Esth tha nayah narr... tha nayah narr! Nayah narr!" She cried out, her voice rising to an ecstatic howl as the lightning flashed again. Glen could feel it in his soul that this was an invitation to even greater pleasure, to fulfil his true purpose now that he was the Nayah, the key. Vaarl was his to own and he would relish the exquisite pleasure of her flesh. Glen and Danica had only ever been dreams, it was time for Vaarl and Nayah to wake up.
"Nayah narr! Nayah narr!" He moaned, his voice cracking before giving way to a bestial rumble as his vocal chords began rearranging themselves. His body felt like it was on fire as rivers of sweat poured from it, Vaarl's human vessel was equally drenched as it strained to withstand the changes it was going through. Nayah let out a sigh of relief as he felt the cold, moist touch of tentacles caressing him as they began to manifest in the air around him. The lightning flashed again and a throbbing pain flared through his forehead as his horns began to form.
"Ish'vel de narr... ish Vaarl de naar" moaned Nayah as he relaxed into the grip of the tendrils, allowing himself to be cradled in the air by the slimy appendages. His skin beginning to redden as his muscles began to strain and bulge, swelling with the baleful energy pouring into him from beyond this world.
"De narr, Vaarl de narr" he moaned, begging her to take him deeper, to receive everything he had to give her. Vaarl twisted Danica's face into a wicked smile as she released her grip from Nayah's vessel and slid free from his cock. Nayah whimpered a little as he felt the cold night air on his engorged member.
"Ves arr... ves arr..." he murmured, put me back, in the Infernal tongue. Without their physical connection, he could already feel his energy depleting. He didn't want to go back. He didn't want to be Glen, never again. This was the promised hour - Vaarl his promised bride. The consumation of their union was destiny. Their destiny. It was all that mattered.
"De narr Nayah narr" chuckled Vaarl as she turned around to perch on the desk on her hands and knees. The creamy white flesh of her host's glorious ass presented to Nayah. He breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the tentacles push him towards her. One thin tendril coiled around the base of his shaft, guiding his cock into her slit once again. Vaarl let out a Gleeful moan that turned into an orgasmic wail as her feet began to change into enormous paws. Her robes seemed to liquify, drenching her body in liquid gold as she pushed back on Nayah's cock. The connection to hell through their union was re-established and like Vaarl, Nayah's vessel was brimming with energy once more. Bones snapped and popped as his body began to grow taller, more heavyset.
He growled and moaned as his flesh turned the colour of fresh blood, his horns extending and curling back over his head like those of a ram. Beneath him, Vaarl howled as the liquid gold seeped into her body and began sprouting as thick, fluffy, golden fur. She gasped and wailed as the bones in her face loudly cracked and shifted, her features becoming increasingly vulpine. Nayah roared as he seized her ass cheeks and pulled her back, his cock slamming impossibly deep into her as it grew longer and thicker. Oily tears wept from Vaarl's forehead as four more eyes blinked open underneath the gunk. Each eye burning like a hot coal as they darted around, observing their surroundings.
The more they fucked, the more energy poured into them and in turn, the world. As they changed more and more, the gateway to hell grew stronger. Vaarl moaned with delight as nine enormous, bushy tails extended from the base of her spine. Nayah grunted as the tentacles cradling him began to merge into his arms, legs and back. There was no trace of their human vessels now. Just a pair of moaning, snarling demons engaged in a monstrous parody of doggy style sex.
"De narr... de narr... Nayah! Nayah! Nayahhh!" Shrieked Vaarl as her inhuman body hit its orgasmic peak. Nayah roared like a lion as the lightning flashed once more. In that instant, instead of the city skyline outside the window, the Throne room of an enormous Gothic palace flickered into existence. Seated on the enormous throne of Skulls and naked bodies at the heart of the room was their mistress. Her slender legs crossed and her giant, grey feathered wings resting across the ground was none other than the Demon Queen Allarielle. She clapped melodramatically as she rose to her feet. The incredibly tall demoness wore over her slender body, an incredibly shiny, skin tight leather body suit as black as the night sky. The suit seemed to be constantly tearing open and reknitting itself in several spots across her arms and thighs, exposing her pale white flesh. Several dark iron chains seem to writhe around her limbs and body with a life of their own, weaving in and out of the holes in her suit. The top half of her face was covered by an eyeless metal half helmet that seemed ruptured and broken by several horns sprouting from it and arching back behind her head. Amidst her horns, an enormous mass of platinum blonde hair trailed through the air as if she were underwater. Her lips were a bloody crimson, full and voluptuous, entrancing to watch as she spoke. Behind her trailed her six grey feathery wings, each of equal size.
"At last..." purred Allarielle. The sight of their creator drove the two cavorting demons into a Frenzy. Vaarl whirled around onto her back, spreading her legs as wide as they could. Nayah pressed close to her, his tendrils coiling around Vaarl's body as he began to reach a climax of his own. Yet neither of them took their eyes off their queen for ever a split second.
Her body seemed to blur as the demon queen strode into the office, a wry smile tugging at her lips as she watched the two demons. Curiously, the demon queen cast no shadow within the office, as if she wasn't quite physically there. "Ah, my children of the night, what sweet music they make" Proclaimed Allarielle with a sultry chuckle. "You have done well. The gate is open..." She continued while Vaarl mewled weakly, involuntarily writhing in Nayah's grasp. Allarielle drew close to the two hellish lovers and reached out to stroke Nayah's cheek. "You may finish now" she crooned.
At that, Nayah's cock shuddered, splattering torrents of cum into Vaarl as he shrieked with delight and collapsed in a heap on top of her. The two of them moaned and convulsed as an endless stream of Demonic seed pumped into Vaarl. Thick strands of black goo oozed from where Nayah's cock throbbed within her vagina, drizzling across the desk beneath them.
"Yes! YES!" Cackled Allarielle, raising her hands to the sky as her outline ceased to blur, her shadow becoming visible as she fully materialised within the world. She ran her hands across her shiny black bodysuit, her nails tugging at her exposed flesh as she relished being 'real' for the first time in hundreds of years since she last walked the earth as a mortal woman. Nahya and Vaarl howled in unison as an unnatural Wind began to blow from the window into Allarielle's throne room. Thousands of ghostly faces raced past the Demonic trio, dispersing into the world outside the office as they were allowed onto the mortal plane. Each face a Demonic soul in search of a vessel they were now free to possess.
Vaarl's lips quivered. It was cold now. So cold. She slowly averted her gaze from Allarielle as the throne room in the window disappeared. Looking up at Nayah, she gasped in shock. Staring back at her was a statue of Nayah, frozen as he was when he passed out after emptying himself in her. Vaarl was too weak to push the statue off her, too exhausted. Her arms felt so heavy.
"Rest now..." whispered Allarielle, stroking Vaarl's head. "Your work is far from over"
Too tired to reply, the last thing Vaarl saw was Allarielle's bodysuit slowly morphing into a plain black business suit and blouse. Vaarl's eyelids grew heavy until she could no longer keep them and with one last blissful moan, she too, hardened and turned to stone...
* * *
As the sun dawned on a very different earth to the one it had set on the night before, light streamed into the manager's office on the 13th floor of the Amerath tower. As the sunbeams gently caressed the Monstrous statue on the desk, it began to heave from within. Cracks formed and in no time at all, whole chunks of the statue tumbled free. Nestled inside, arms flailing as she fought to pull herself free, was a woman named Danica.
Danica gasped for air as her head broke free from the statue's chest. Thin blue slime streaked her naked body and dribbled from the cavity in the statue she was pulling free from. Panting and gasping, she looked over her shoulder at the statue's six-eyed fox head and its oddly human anatomy. Vaarl, whispered a voice in her head. The sight of the thing gave her shivers.
Looming over it was the broken statue of some sort of tentacle-devil. Looking at it made Danica's heart tremble. Streaking away from it was a trail of more blue slime, leading to the corner of the office. There was Glen, her boss. Also naked and streaked with slime, he was curled in a foetal position, rocking back and forth. Looking up at her, he cried out.
"Wha... what happened? What happened!?" Babbled Glen, eyes wide with fear.
"What happened to us? How did you even get here? The last thing I remember... the elevator, the elevator and..." Stammered Danica as she looked around at the devastated office and slowly brought herself to her feet.
"N-no... what happened to you!" Exclaimed Glen as his voice trembled with fear, his arm slowly raising as he pointed at Danica's stomach. Danica looked down, her eyes going wide as she saw her stomach. Where she had once had a slender, supermodel waistline, she now appeared to be 9 months pregnant, her belly visibly wriggling as something shifted inside her.
There was no telling who screamed louder, Glen or Danica.
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peter-author · 1 year
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Nonsense About Hypersonic Weapons
There’s a media circus around hypersonic weapons. The media issue is threefold. One these weapons are hard to design and build, two we’re lagging behind Russia and China and three, and this is a critical part, we’re so far behind we’ll never catch up without more money.
Here’s a little history. In the ‘60s (yes the ‘60s) Kelly Johnson’s Skunk Works designed a seriously supersonic plane called the YF-17. It was a secret for over 10 years until the plane was accidentally renamed the Blackbird and broke speed records flying across the USA in the late ‘70s. It was not until 1990 that the plane was officially shown to and flown for the public – 25 years after Skunk Works first started secret test flights. Keep that time frame in mind.
Now, the USA is behind in the hypersonic weapons race.  Nonsense. We’ve had prototypes flying since well before 2010. There were three test programs then, the HTV-2 from Kelly Johnson’s Skunk Works (HTV-1 is not mentioned but predates 2010 by 5+ years), X-51 (well, there were X-49 an X-50 before that), and HyFly – these two both from Boeing. Since then there have been prototypes aplenty flying all over the country, seven prototypes in all from Lockheed Martin (ex-Skunk Works), Raytheon/Northrup Grumman, Dynetics/Sandia, Lockheed Martin/Dynetics, Sandia/Dynetics, Boeing and Lockheed Martin/Rocketdyne. Some of these are Air Force projects or DARPA/Airforce projects, or Army/Navy projects, or just plain Army projects.
The testing breaks down into two types of hypersonic systems: Scramjet or Boost-glide. In the first you air-launch the vehicle and a scramjet engine turns on and it zooms away at fantastic speeds at high altitude (usually). What’s a scram jet? Well, the combustion inside the casing is so intense that the engine needs more and more air to fuel the fire and the engine literally sucks its way faster and faster, especially at high altitude where the air is thin. In the Boost-glide vehicle, a rocket takes the vehicle to a very fast high altitude (sometimes just into space), aims it down towards a target and speed and gravity handle the rest. Some of these are long range weapon delivery vehicles like the LRHW (yes, that means long range hypersonic weapon – catchy, no?) and some are meant to be carried closer to target by conventional planes and launched towards target but at hyper-velocity speeds (Mach 5+) that an enemy will have little defense for.
And are these weapons ready to combat the China and Russia threat? Publicly? No. The Air Force, Army, DARPA, and Navy want more funds, the Pentagon wants more secrecy, the manufacturers want contracts that never end. And the media only gets snippets of information of tests that “failed to reach objectives,” “need more development” or “we’re trying to catch up.” Oops, we’ve seen this dance before. Mike White, the Pentagon principal director for hypersonic vehicles is quoted saying, “For operational security reasons, we cannot disclose the number of hypersonic flight tests and dates…. Across the department, we have dramatically increased the number of hypersonic flights tests in the past few years…” Translation? We’re having flight tests, not trials. The vehicles fly and we’re ready for next steps and newer, more expensive, models.
What, you thoughts the Blackbird program of the ‘60s, ‘70s and 80’s ethic was a one off?
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talenlee · 7 days
Tieflings in Cobrin'Seil
If you ask the Tjosen, the history of Cobrin’Seil is fundamentally untrustworthy. There are things in the historical accounting of the world that aren’t just myths and legends, but in some cases represent sequences of events that were accounted for realistically and correctly by people who did experience them and then the actual events of history were changed after the fact. These aren’t small things either — multiple historical sources with different levels of verifiable information describe completely competing series of events and locations in specific geographies in verifiable ways.
One of these histories describes the remnants and the peripheral states of the Tiefling Empire spread across Bidestra like slick oil. It speaks of wars, of capture, of armies, of currencies, of specific exchanges, of military rules and tactics and weapon designs and does these accountings that describes the fall of city after city, the horrors of a world being consumed and even smuggled and lost diaries of slaves of this empire.
Art by Skadi
There’s almost no non-written evidence this empire ever existed and what evidence exists provides almost no meaningful details about it, just about how those it interacted with feel about it or experienced in terms of losses and despair.
Where is it, then?
It’s not the Tiefling Empire. Not really. That’s what it’s called, because that’s one of the few remains of it that exist. The name of the Tiefling Empire is lost, too, and it’s so lost that the Fair Folk — normally, the reality-next-door where things can get stashed safely — have no idea what the hell it is. Cultures more ancient than it have records from before this period —the Eladrin, for one, but also the deep words of the Hadalan, and the oldest stories of the isolated Orcs have stories about the time that somehow avoid mentioning anything to do with a vast and powerful empire of demon-people.
But what can you do? The story needs a name. You need something to reference. And the only lasting material from the Tiefling Empire is the near-random appearance of their aftereffects in other cultures. That is: Tieflings.
An Empire Unmade
There was, categorically, really, an Empire that is now known only as its name ‘The Tiefling Empire.’ Some attempts have been to give it names, to attribute ancient terms to it, from varing different phrases or ancient texts, or attempts to read deep into the terms from other cultures, but none of them are accurate. What texts account for real names and terms that can be used to connect to this place have been lost to time.
What happened is that this Empire really existed. They really did spread almost entirely across Bidestra, and subjugated almost all the nations. In the process, they conquered an immense number of countries, destroyed cultures in a truly phenomenal way and created a world in which their dominant cultural hegemony was explicitly hunting every other culture for fun and sport in the name of a purely racist ideology. This racism was built around access to and control of demonic energy, which was biologically tracked through eugenics breeding programs.
Art by Humble Squid
Bear in mind, this was not a demonic empire on the prime material plane. This was an Empire of Prime Material natives using demonic power and magic to create a global order. Even demons hated what it was doing, but the Empire was powerful enough to prevent them from stopping them.
There is one word that lasts from this empire, which referred to the least social class they had, the people who were inside the circle of chosen demonic empowerment, which was Tiefling. The term on its own provides no meaningful insight into what that culture was or what it was like, but it is the only word that remains in the texts to describe the people who were in any way connected to the Empire.
Then, one day, the Empire did something, in their great magics that backfired and made it so the Empire not only stopped existing, but had never existed. The magic that unravelled history and unmade the Empire was so immense and so powerful that it melted individual words from pages in histories, even as it left those books intact. One theory, that seems to hold, is that something was created inside the empire could kill or destroy a person and in the process destroy them so utterly it also destroyed their place in history. Imagine a kill spell that killed a person and then made them completely forgotten, by going through time and disposing of them, and then the realisation of what it meant to completely erase someone in the vastly interconnected world of an Empire.
If this is the case, by the way, it holds that Tieflings are not actually the ‘least inside’ remnants of this Empire, but rather the ‘first outsiders’ – a border culture created from the Empire’s people.
Glossary Note: Conventionally, the term used in D&D for this mechanical package is race. This is the typical term, and in most conversations about this game system, the term you’re going to wind up using is race. For backwards compatibility and searchability, I am including this passage here. The term I use for this player option is heritage.
Art by Joshua Esmeralda
Types of Tiefling
Tieflings, ostensibly, are a type of Human. Kinda. Because the nature of humans as a base template for a lot of other cultures means that Tieflings can show up in a lot of other heritages but they’re just not called Tieflings because the term Tiefling is commonly used to refer to ‘the human version of this.’
Orcs have Tieflings, which they call Tannaruk. Tannaruk are also often marked with dark red or black skin, that sets them apart from the local orcs. Elves, Drow, and Eladrin call their Tiefling members the Fey-Ri, and often claim they’re connected to Shadar-Kai (if they’re feeling racist) or The Spider of Nightmares (if they’re feeling less blatantly racist). Shadar-Kai don’t tend to notice their Tieflings. Goblin Tieflings often get called Yigs, and the Gnoll Tieflings are known as Yeens. Every culture has these creatures, and they many times just straight up look like them, with some demonic additions.
Human Tieflings, they’re the ones who are really obviously the things people call ‘Tieflings,’ though. That means they get to define the idea of what they are, and that’s what most people mean when they say ‘Tiefling.’ It’s also a byproduct of being a Tiefling that gets you the mechanical package of a Tiefling; so even if your parents were Small, like Halflings or Kobolds or Goblins, a Tiefling child of them is big enough to push out of the Small category, but not necessarily two meters tall. A Minotaur Tiefling is also a terrifying thing to the community it’s in because it’s smaller than most of them.
There’s no blood quanta or actual genetic lineage to Tieflings. There’s no connection to specific locations or demonic rituals. Some people try to generate Tieflings intentionally which never influences the chances for a Tiefling. Some families have a lineage of Tieflings reaching back ten generations, and there’s nothing guaranteeing any subsequent children are or can be. This unreliability is only known to experts and academics because even though they’ve crunched the numbers and shown literally no causal relationship between what people do to cause and prevent Tieflings and the rate at which Tieflings occur. It’s very important: Nobody knows in Cobrin’Seil what causes or prevents the birth of Tieflings.
Which means everyone has Tieflings, but only human Tieflings get called Tieflings except by academics. More interesting than that is that while Orcs usually consider their Tannaruks as being empowered by something outside, they almost always think of Tieflings as a byproduct of something hinky. There are stigmas associated with being a Tiefling, but the Tieflings do not have any relationship to those stigams, as they are entirely imagined.
There are two cultures that do not seem to have Tieflings. The Dio Baragh, who arrived in the world recently enough that they don’t seem to have been influenced by the strange force that creates Tieflings, and the Hadalan, whose strange soulless blood predates demonic influences. And by ‘predate’ I mean ‘hunts down and eats.’
Wonder-Working Power
The Tiefling Empire is no more; it does not have its towers and it does not have its place in history. Whatever it was, whatever stories have been reconstructed by fools and racists and Tiefling supremacists based on the collected histories, they are entirely ghost stories now. There never was a great and sprawling empire to connect to, there are only the stories people tell themselves about it, and therefore, the things they create in response to it.
Art by Sam Santala
And here’s the tricky problem: Because the stories of the Tiefling Empire have existed for a long time, so to have people inspired by it. Because while most people sensibly listen to the story of a global empire that consumed the world and did something so incredibly terrible it successfully unmade itself from all reality, there are some who hear about this ancient power that almost destroyed the world in the name of its own racial superiority and think ‘oh, bad ass, I would definitely be included in this in-group of demon-engine powered people.‘
In so doing, throughout history, a number of racists and demoniacs have built things to try and reconstruct this bygone age. There’s nothing to connect to: There’s no ancient engines left, no mysterious magic, no archaic rune language they can actually deduce, because, very importantly, everything they think about the Tiefling Empire is made up, they have created a whole host of powerful items and magical spells and terrible cultural workings trying to replicate nothing. Which on the one hand, is very impressive because you know, someone made a hand-held weapon that works by compressing a demon’s soul until chunks of hellfire spit out, that’s very technically challenging, they did it animated by a wish to make an actual monstrous, blatantly evil empire happen.
Thus the average Tiefling has a strange and unforunate legacy: They are many ways empowered to use machinery and magic crafted by terrible racists who produced it imagining they were enabling Tieflings of the future, just like them, to create one of the worst things that could exist.
The Tiefling represents a random population with no actual meaningful commonality, contending with a world of stories. People telling one another what it means to be a Tiefling without ever necessarily having anything true to base it off. You are a person surrounded by stories, and the one true thing you know about your origin is that there will never be satisfying answer, and that the Empire that gave rise to you, for all of its pretended and imagined glory by weirdoes today, would have hated you too.
In Pride Month, remember that there’s always a space for a bit of demon inside.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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Welcome to G.R.O.S.S!
It looks like Calvin found something he shouldn't have...
In an alternate universe of Calvin and Hobbes, The Supreme ruler and Dictator-for-life and his trusty first officer/president(Who in this alternate reality is alive[Don't question it]), led a group of soldiers (he had a few friends in this reality) deep into the "Jungle" for an exploratory mission. The jungle was just the woods behind his house.
Suddenly, one of his men (whose name has been stricken from G.R.O.S.S records) fell through a patch of loose dirt. What he found? An underground complex, long abandoned, made by some unknown race. The president and a detachment of three men stood guard, while Calvin led an expedition into the winding, labyrinthine halls.
All rooms were empty but one, obscured by fabric and debris. What they found inside would change the course of history.
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And lo, beyond the gate stretched an infinite plane of wooden stools. After about 2 days, the portal shut down. You can guess what they did with it after that.
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Infantry: The Backbone of G.R.O.S.S. Usually operate behind the world's prying eye, and rely on such groups as the government and SCP foundation to stay out of the cameras. Wield unusual energy weapons that, when fired at living beings, will cause sudden pains! Goes from "Griffin's knee" to "Taser". Their armor is constructed of...something, that seems to be indestructible, and their gas mask filters out most lethal toxins.
Public Relations Infantry: These guys have the unfortunate roles of being the facade G.R.O.S.S puts up. They are very poorly armed, bringing to bear a wide variety of sad-looking airsoft armaments. Their only claim to fame is possessing the worlds only fully-functional airsoft vehicles, including tanks, armored cars, and a number of drones. The more fortunate ones serve as scouts in the main bulk of the force.
*Riotman: It was a tough decision to allow twelve year olds join the ranks, but a role was eventually found for them as a kind of rudimentary security.
Cadet: Calvin decided to shape new recruits in his image frm day one, giving them his signature striped red shirt and paper hat. Put through grueling runs through forested areas and almost dictatorial bedtimes, these guys are put through the ringer.
Officer: Just what you'd expect. Command squads of Infantry, and form a sort of UnderCouncil to the Higher Order. There are two rankups to the officer class, being the "El Capitan", and the "Significantly Large Cheese".
WHCA: Designed by Lord Darwin Watterson of Elmore X-0056, The Watterson Heavy Combat Armor is constructed of duralumin, padded on the inside to prevent blunt force injury, giving it twice the strength of a bear suit. In the wrist, a laser provides an offensive armament.
The Killbot:
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This is an RP blog about Calvin and Hobbes, so some things should be abundantly clear.
No Godmodding, this usually ruins the whole experience.
Standard DNI
*Name subject to change
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starlightkissr0845 · 2 months
T-shirt dla dziewczynki z haftem w stylu Harajuku
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Passengers can travel with their pets on most airlines, but there are often restrictions and requirements that need to be met. The exact rules can vary between airlines, but here are some general guidelines:\n\n1. **Type and Number of Pets Allowed**: Airlines typically allow domesticated cats and dogs. Some may allow small birds, rabbits, or household rodents. Airlines often limit the number of pets allowed per flight, so it's essential to book in advance.\n\n2. **Pets in the Cabin**: Small pets can usually travel in the cabin with you, as long as they can fit in an approved airline-approved pet carrier that fits under the seat in front of you. The pet should be small enough to stand up, turn around, and lie down in the carrier comfortably.\n\n3. **Pets in Cargo Hold**: Larger pets or those traveling without their owners often fly in the cargo hold of the plane in a specially designed crate. Airlines have specific size requirements for the crate. The cargo hold is pressurized and temperature-controlled to ensure the pet's safety.\n\n4. **Health and Vaccination Records**: You'll need to provide a health certificate issued by a veterinarian within a specific timeframe before travel, usually within 10 days of the flight. Additionally, pets must be up to date on all vaccinations.\n\n5. **Muzzle and Leash Requirements**: Some airlines require that your pet be leashed at all times and muzzled when outside its carrier. Check with your airline for specific requirements.\n\n6. **Reservations and Fees**: You'll need to make a reservation for your pet and pay a fee, which can range widely depending on the airline and the size of the pet carrier. Fees may also vary based on the length of the flight.\n\n7. **Temperature Restrictions**: Many airlines have temperature restrictions, meaning they will not transport pets if the temperature is either too hot or too cold at any point on the itinerary. These restrictions are in place to ensure the pet's safety.\n\n8. **Breed Restrictions**: Due to respiratory issues, some airlines restrict or do not allow certain breeds like Bulldogs, Pugs, and Persian cats to fly, especially in the cargo hold.\n\n9. **International Travel**: Moving pets internationally can be complex, with specific regulations for each country involving quarantine periods, microchipping, additional vaccinations, and more.\n\n10. **Comfort and Safety**: No matter where your pet is traveling, you'll want to ensure its comfort and safety. Bring familiar items like a blanket or toy, and avoid feeding your pet for several hours before the flight to reduce the chance of nausea.\n\nRemember to check the specific regulations of the airline you'll be traveling with, as well as the destination country's rules for entering with pets. It's also a good idea to get your pet used to its carrier and make sure it's comfortable before the flight.
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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How the advances of the 'Jet Age' helped five military planes break aviation records
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/18/2023 - 00:16in History, Military
The post-war era saw tens of thousands of fighters and bombers produced around the world. These five were revolutionaries.
The post-war era saw technological advances that made warplanes exponentially more powerful than before. Jet engines, radars and guided missiles made individual planes faster, more capable and more lethal than a squadron or more of its wartime equivalents. These advances in the "Jet Age" have led to some record advances - and breaking records.
Here are five military aircraft that have reached new heights in the areas of air combat, engine power, payload, resistance and large number built.
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Air-Air Combat Champion
Just 20 years after the end of World War II, the Vietnam War produced many surprises for the United States. The poor performance of third-generation fighters, such as the F-4 Phantom II and the F-105 Thunderchief, in air-to-air combat, against a smaller military power equipped with inferior aircraft, led engineers who designed fourth-generation fighters to again emphasize maneuverability rather than speed.
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The F-15 Eagle was designed purely as an aerial superiority fighter, with the design team operating under the principle of "not a kilo for air-to-ground", which meant that the plane was designed entirely for air-to-air combat, not to drop bombs. As a result, the F-15 has an incredible record of 104-0 in air combat, with 104 enemy aircraft shot down and zero Eagle losses. (However, the F-15s were lost due to ground-to-air missile firing, including a 2018 incident in Yemen).
This is probably the permanent record for a combat plane anywhere, at any time in history, in air-to-air combat. The alleged slaughter, on October 20, of a Houthi cruise missile by a Saudi fighter, probably carried out by an F-15, would indisputably be considered as another slaughter.
Climb time
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Sukhoi P-42, the Su-27 nicknamed Streak Flanker.
In addition to maneuverability, one of the most useful attributes of a jet fighter is the engine power. A fast jet with high acceleration capacity can approach the enemy faster, maneuver to an advantageous position more quickly and escape faster if necessary. Above all, it can gain altitude faster, which gives the fighter pilot not only a positional advantage, but also energy to spend on maneuvers.
In the 1970s, an F-15 Eagle nicknamed "Streak Eagle" reached an altitude record of 98,425 feet in just 3 minutes and 27.8 seconds after the brake was released on takeoff.
Even so, it had enough momentum to continue to climb to almost 103,000 feet before going down. The Streak Eagle also set a climbing record of 15,000 meters (49,212 feet) in 77.02 seconds.
In the 1980s, a modified Sukhoi Su-27 "Flanker" jet fighter, designated P-42, easily broke the record of 15,000 meters of the F-15, reaching the same altitude in 70.33 seconds.
Higher payload of bomber
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After World War II, the jet engine quickly replaced the piston engines. Jet engines could provide much more thrust, allowing heavier and faster aircraft and heavier payloads. The bombers, in particular, saw the amount of bombs they could carry fire. The B-52, first flown in 1952, broke records, with a single bomber capable of carrying the same cargo as two B-17 bomber squadrons.
The B-52 is the all-time champion in bomb payloads, with the manufacturer Boeing reporting that it can carry an impressive 70,000 pounds. Of the 76 B-52 bombers in service, 36 are capable of carrying up to 36 cruise missiles with AGM-86B nuclear warhead each.
All B-52s can carry GPS-guided JDAM bombs, laser-guided Paveway pumps, conventionally armed JASSM-ER cruise missiles, LRASM anti-ship missiles, Harpoon anti-ship missiles, Quickstrike naval mines and common and unguided "durre" bombs.
Flight without longer refueling
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All aircraft are restricted by distance and altitude. Factors such as payloads, climate and crew resistance can also affect the time a plane can remain in the air. Aircraft without pilots and without the life support equipment necessary to keep a pilot alive can dedicate this payload or range, giving unmanned aircraft a range advantage over manned aircraft. Therefore, it is no surprise that the military plane with a world record for non-stop flight does not even have a pilot.
In 2013, a U.S. Air Force high-altitude and long-term RQ-4 Global Hawk reconnaissance drone took off from Grand Forks Air Base and remained in the air for a record 34.3 hours. The aircraft, known as "Lady Hawk", also set an aircraft record with flight crew and exclusively female support.
Most produced combat jet
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If you want to look for the most produced jet fighter of all time, there are only two candidate countries: the United States and the former Soviet Union. The two countries were superpowers that led opposing blocks during the Cold War, and armed and equated not only their allies in NATO and the Warsaw Pact, but also non-allied friendly states. Although countries like France and Sweden built very good fighters, they did not even have close to the customer base ready for a superpower.
The most produced jet fighter is the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21. Known as "Fishbed" by NATO, the MiG-21 was a fighter optimized for air-to-air combat, but it was also capable of limited air-to-ground missions. The jet was elegant and similar to a dart, with short and stuffy wings and an air intake from the engine in the nose. The fighter could reach a maximum speed of Mach 2 and carry up to four short-range infrared teleguided air-to-air missiles.
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According to the most detailed count available, the USSR built at least 10,158 MiG-21 jets, making it the most numerous fighter of the post-war era. The MiG-21 is also officially recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records in the category of largest production of military jet aircraft.
Source: Popular Mechanics
Tags: Military AviationHISTORY
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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