#for those who want a catch all blacklist tag and don't want to follow something that affects me too
urconductor · 3 months
#URCONDUCTOR; indie roleplay blog for pom-pom from honkai: star rail, written by ender. canon & headcanon-based. please read rules before interacting!
DOSSIER. (tbd. pom-pom is an adult and goes by they/he pronouns tho)
Hello, hello! I’m Ender, an adult and an extroverted gal with autism and ADHD. Thanks for taking the time to read this! There’s no password to send in, so no need to look for one! Please read these carefully. Be 16 or above to interact.
BLACKLIST: TRIGGERS. i NEED these tagged. i have a physiological and psychological response to these topics that can greatly affect my mental health. if you can't respect my triggers, we cannot write together. My catch-all tags are "ender dont look" and "ender don't look".
any religious themes, emphasis on them when they're minor, and/or religious intolerance.
use of the word “god” in reference to powerful beings. Replacing such things with “ruler”/etc and generally making relations akin to king/subjects are good buffers that I can work with.
excessive verbal swearing
craneflies and daddy-long-legs
Extremely heavy organic gore visuals, especially in regard to organs, guts, and the heart
vi.vziepop, good omens, supernatural, c.ult of the lamb
BLACKLIST: SQUICKS. i'd appreciate these being tagged as well, but they do not spawn a severe reaction from me. i just want to avoid them.
any deep, in-depth descriptions of non-fantasy occult/magic + occult in general (like direct mentions of ouija boards, details of rituals, and stuff)
all smut and lewd content
TAGGING. I tag writing and fictional-related talk of potentially triggering topics as #trigger cw. various medias are tagged as #media cw. If I miss anything or you need something tagged, please tell me in DMs! i’m happy to help you curate your experience, and i want everyone to stay safe. /gen
non-roleplay blogs, please do not reblog any of my posts. if it's someone else's art/musing/photo/etc I've reblogged, those are free game! but please do not touch posts made by me whether they are in-character, out-of-character, or just my sketches. thanks!
I am mutually exclusive but am generally super friendly! I'll give nearly everyone a chance, even if I don’t know the muse or media! Crossovers, even with no plotting beforehand, are really fun.
i require a rules page to read before I follow, and won’t follow until I’ve read the rules. I tend to like promos to bookmark them so I can read the person’s rules later.
i won’t follow people who do not tag any of their posts. even basic “ic” or “ooc” or “musing” tags and such are good! I don’t care how fancy or simple your tags are, I just care that you have them and use them consistently.
i am duplicate and OC-friendly! For OCs, I require at least a simple About page to look at ‘cause I prefer to know your character a little before interacting! Duplicates are also fun for me to plot with ‘cause past/future meetings, AU meets canon, etc. are SUPER epic plots and very fun! I’m very used to duplicates and have been for years across different RPCs ^.^
i do not roleplay in “character: text” or *action* format. I prefer to interact with people who roleplay paragraph style and have a basic grasp of grammar, punctuation, and spelling; I completely understand if English isn’t your first language, though!
i do not mind unplotted violence against my muse, especially if they're messing around and finding out. however, make sure you are also prepared for the consequences. I love action and battle threads, but anything significant must be plotted.
Mun does NOT equal muse. Just because I, the mun, think or know something does not mean that my muse will. I’m an omnipresent narrator, they are characters in-universe. They each will have different thoughts and opinions than I will. It should go without saying that I do not condone everything any of my muses do.
i am a slow writer. I have college and several other things that take up my time, so I can’t be here twenty-four-seven! Also, my muse fluctuates. I may reply to something instantly if I have the muse for it, or I may get to it weeks later. I hoard drafts and asks like a dragon to get to them eventually! BUT feel free to nudge me if you want to remind me, I won’t mind!
importantly, I match my partner’s energy. If someone frequently engages me to talk about our characters, I’m likely to do the same! Unfortunately, the same applies if we hardly interact or talk at all; I’m good at interacting and communicating first, but I have a limited pool of energy.
i do not ship romantically on this blog. I don’t mind others’ romantic content, I simply personally abstain from writing romantic ships due to being harassed over them in the past. However, I love familial ships, platonic ships, rivalries, work relationships, enemy/antagonistic dynamics, and relations that can't necessarily be defined with words!
Expect headcanons to sometimes fluctuate and also expect canon divergence.
i am unaffiliated with any fandoms or creators.
i will interact with/make AUs for the following fandoms. Still, they can be tagged upon request: Final Fantasy(i know the most about VII, VIII, IX, X, XV, Unlimited, Dissidia, Dissidia 012), Sonic The Hedgehog, Pokemon, Portal, Gravity Falls, Ducktales 2017, A Hat in Time, Little Nightmares, Over The Garden Wall, OMORI, IB, The Legend of Zelda, Don’t Starve, Pocket Mirror, Super Mario Bros., Spiderverse, and Overwatch. I am very selective but not opposed to Five Nights at Freddy's, Murder Drones and The Amazing Digital Circus interactions. For these, if I followed you first/we’re mutuals, then we’re chill!
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rpbetter · 3 years
"writes dubcon therefore is a freak who should be bullied off the site" ho boy i'm fed up with people acting as if consenting adults writing [insert "problematic" fictional thing here] is the worst thing in the world. seen way too many people justifying harrassment of REAL PEOPLE by "they write thing that triggers me". ok, and? mute the tags or don't follow! "it triggers someone" is not a valid reason to ban a topic. piano music triggers me yet i don't go around demanding everyone stop playing the piano.
Anon, not only is everything you said absolutely valid, but also, thank you for demonstrating that triggers are incredibly varied and as such, we cannot predict everyone's triggers. Making the entire "point" of banning for possible triggers invalidated as hell.
We should be aware of things like the most commonly occurring phobias (things like arachnophobia and coulrophobia that are, additionally, easily triggered by imagery) and tag them. We should be aware of very obvious triggers, that are, again, easily set off by imagery, like blood, eye trauma, and depictions of domestic violence. And we should always read and be aware of our writing partners' stated triggers so that we can tag them appropriately or even decide that it isn't going to work because our muse, canon story, or interests are going to present an unfair situation in this partnership.
But triggers can be highly unusual, as well as activated differently (even at different times) for everyone. I'm not triggered by seeing hotel rooms in pictures or movies, I'm not triggered by writing scenes that take place in them, but I'm triggered to some degree by being in one. It's outrageous oversimplification to act like all triggers are the same, they all display the same way, they're all going to trigger someone on the same basis, everyone's going to react the same to their triggers. There is absolutely no way to prevent 100% of possible triggers for 100% of the population, 100% of the time.
Add to this that way too many people trivialize triggers by throwing around that term to justify the banning of something that makes them uncomfortable or that they take a personal, moral issue with. "I don't like this" and "I'm grossed out by this" and "this makes me feel uncomfortable" is not being triggered. It's just a good way to weaponize the better nature of other people so that they comply.
Most people legitimately do not want to trigger someone, especially if they have triggers and know what it's like. Just like no one wants to be accused of cruelty towards trauma survivors in general, or be designated a pedo, rape apologist, or fascist. They're all things to weaponize in order to isolate, shame, and control. And that's really fucking gross. These are serious, real things that have no business being trivialized to police content, win internet arguments, or garner popularity.
The potential for someone to be triggered isn't a reason to ban anything; we have tags, we have blacklist.
While I'll be the first to say that tumblr's blacklisting can be as shitty as everything else on the site, the primary issue with running into content you don't want to see comes down to two factors: no one tagging/tagging correctly and actively exposing yourself to that content. Going through people's properly done tags and blog warnings about their content in order to "call it out" is actively exposing yourself by choice. You actual walnuts.
Calling people on on their "problematic" content is bringing those topics to the attention of other people. That's the whole point of this gross behavior: look at the freak pedo abuse apologist I found, they write dubcon!! Don't look if you'll be triggered uwu
Buddy, pal, my guy...you just put that on blast for anyone to run across. Maybe their blacklist catches those words in your callout post, maybe it doesn't. Maybe they think you're a safe space because you promote yourself that way, so they click it anyway. Point is, you just willfully and irresponsibly exposed people because it's more important to you to demonize a rando on tumblr RPing something you take issue with. Good job!
Furthermore, dubcon itself is such a hilarious issue to take. Do they realize that isn't always sexual, or? Not? I'm thinking not. Funnily enough, one of the oldest posts I've been working on for this blog is about exactly this topic, the myriad situations that are dubious consent. That doesn't have to be sexual, and neither does it have to be intentionally predatory. You can come up with some amazing character development with a lot of muses in the RPC with dubcon because almost everyone's muse has some manner of trauma that might negate their perception of their own consent...and what do you do then? Is it removing more agency from that muse to shut them down, or is that always the better option? Can you separate your opinion as the mun from your muse's natural reactions? How does this impact the muses involved not just that moment but the next year?
Point is, dubcon isn't always some rapey situation. Even if it was, even if someone is writing it that way, it's literally not your business or your problem.
There's one mutual-in-law on my RP blog that really bothers me. They write things that I find fetishizing, incredibly rapey, all around shit that bothers me. I don't want to see it, some of the things they write makes my damn skin crawl. This person doesn't know it, we certainly don't speak and I don't think they like me very much, but I've repeatedly defended their right, specifically their right as a person with some long-term callouts on them, to write what they want to. I have them blocked and their urls blacklisted so I never have to see my mutual reblogging their threads. It's not a problem because I don't click "show anyway." Why would I, if it genuinely bothers me so much?
That's how you handle things that bother you; you use the tools available to not interact even by accident. Not by launching a morality crusade.
If any of us want to write what we enjoy, we have to allow others that same freedom. It's always a matter of time before this policing grows to include more and more topics, it's been used multiple times to get well-meaning people who don't fall into the general demographics to police queer, BIPOC, and other marginalized groups off of platforms. We've been fortunate in most of the RPC that it implodes on itself before it gets all the way there, but even so, you can see it.
It starts with things that produce a visceral reaction in the great majority of people, positions this with a repeatedly condemned idea presented as solid fact that fiction is reality, and you've got the start of something awful. Today it's something you don't like, maybe even something that triggers you, so you either support it or you quietly allow it to happen. Who needs to write that "freak shit" anyway, can't they just be gross privately? Six months from now, it's something "problematic" that you enjoy like violence that's canon-typical for your muse, or your OTP because they're gay and that's fetishizing, they're cis male and female but one or both is bi and that's bad representation, or they canonically have a rocky relationship so that's romanticizing toxic/abusive relationships.
If you can't care for any other reason, you really should care about how it is going to impact you sooner or later. In an environment like this, you can stay in your space, put warnings on your blog, and tag properly and you're still going to get a callout if the wrong person finds your blog. Just takes a single person with more time, energy, and skewed ideas of justice than they have reading comprehension or common sense.
Again, I cannot encourage people enough to give warnings, but it's difficult to ignore why those warnings are slipping; they're a way to be found, designated as a Problem, and called out. Look, it's another reason why callouts actually make things worse, not better! People put that shit in their rules so you can avoid content, they're being responsible and interested in promoting a safe RPC. Let them do it, damn.
You can't tag everything, and if you've never experienced what a giant series of repetitive tags is like on a screenreader you probably should before you tag seven paragraphs of possible issues. You can tag for visuals, you can tag for the obvious things, and you can tag for what's in the rules you agreed to when you followed/followed back. But you should also warn people that you write "dark topics" on the tin, and expand on that in your rules for specific things like graphic violence, toxic relationships, dubon, and addiction.
That's how responsible adults, not over-aged children, make better decisions about their mental health and general comfort. Not by appointing themselves the watchdogs of the damn RPC, here to protect you whether you want to be or not, find that incredibly insulting or not when you're in one of their categories of people who must be protected, by forcibly banning Problematic Everything. Problematic, of course, being entirely in the eye of the content police.
It's fiction. No one and nothing real was harmed. It's great that you are so invested in the fictional world and people that make you happy, but take a fucking big step back into reality. The real people you're harming with your bullshit had every right to peaceably exist. If what they're writing is triggering to you, stay. away. from. it.
Without any coincidence whatsoever, that's how you get from the base-point of Problematic Material to Problematic Mun. Yeah, it's just fiction, it's just RP, but I also took something out of context OOC or was upset by their tone on their own blog or couldn't exercise the minimal adult logic to remove myself from their presence OOC as well. So, now, you've got OOC behavior being added to the callout, if it wasn't already. Everyone is now ableist, transphobic, racist, and a misogynist because it lends that visceral reaction to the callout and ups the game from just being "y'all so gross you aged up a cartoon character to ship" to "this is REAL and it won't be tolerated! OP is actually a pedophile, they told a sexual joke in a discord server with a minor present and I have the receipts!"
What are the most storied callouts in the entire RPC? I'm absolutely certain the same names came to mind no matter what fandoms you're in, and one of them was "Matt." Another was probably "Ares/Snow". They're all successful and keep being brought up out of the closet anytime people are bored enough because their primary punch is the mun themselves being a predatory threat to the community. The mun is verified to be a bad person. Well, of course, that's got to be repeated, it worked. (Even if it did not, at all, work and only made it harder for people to avoid any of these muns.)
Are there people in the RPC who are legitimately a problem? Absolutely, yes. We're all supposed to be adults, however. Part of being an adult is having and acting upon one's agency. If someone is coercing you into things you are not comfortable with, shut it down. If you have difficulties being certain of those situations, run it by a trusted, honest friend or available, impartial source in the RPC for a second opinion. If you can't handle any manner of confrontation, there really are situations in which it's perfectly alright to block someone without any discussion. It's just the internet, you're in control of your space. Own it.
Minors are a whole other can of fucked up worms I'm not even getting into right now except to say that because a minor exists in a space they were told to stay out of does not mean we ban all topics inappropriate for their consumption.
tl;dr: banning shit doesn't work anyway, the whole idea is predicated upon some incredibly problematic takes IRL, and no, there's no justification for it outside of intense personal problems with one's own importance. That energy would be infinitely better spent volunteering one's time to help real people in crisis or after surviving one, or even oneself in developing some healthier approaches and thought patterns.
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cyanide-latte · 3 years
It was suggested to me that it might be helpful to throw together a quick little how-to guide just in case some of my mutuals and followers don't know how to block/blacklist on mobile.
I know I needed to be shown how originally, since I'm so used to X-Kit and Tumblr Savior taking care of that on the desktop version of the site that I had no clue blocking tags/blacklist filtering words could be done on mobile at all!
This won't be the fanciest thing since I'm doing it on mobile while I'm at work, and there are probably better guides out there but if this can help even one person then that's a win. So start by going to that menu that shows your activity and your private messages!
Tumblr media
See that 3 dots in the top right? You wanna click on that! From there, you'll get 2 options: "Refresh" and "Settings". Select "settings" and you should get this menu.
Tumblr media
You want filtering!
Which should take you to a page that shows the tags you have blocked mobile and the filtered posts tags! Yours will likely be blank, so select the +New option on the tags and enter the exact tag you want to block.
Now, that should catch and block anything tagged with that tag you don't want to see. Even if you have mutuals who reblog without tagging, so long as the OP used the tag on the post, the filter will catch it!
"BUT WAIT!" you might say. "Sometimes even the OP won't tag appropriately, Cy! What then?"
Believe me, I hear ya! And I don't mind throwing myself under the bus here with an example. This is why you should also use the second option too, "filtered post content"!
Tumblr media
As you can see, I've got "Danny Phantom" filtered. I've got it blocked as well but I don't mind explaining this filter for the example. I've got nothing against Danny Phantom, but I have a handful of mutuals who love it, and oftentimes they won't tag anything they spam-reblog. And that's fine because again, if the OP used the tag, the block will still work. BUT, sometimes even the OP won't tag a post, right? Which is why I've got "Danny Phantom" filtered as well with the second option, because if those words appear in the post itself somewhere, the filter will catch it too! (Obvs if the words aren't in a DP post at all, it won't be filtered, so it's not perfect and it won't catch everything, but it's pretty darned close to it.)
Anyway, I'm sorry this got long and rambly but I hope this can help someone! And if anybody has any further advice for navigating the best ways to filter content and curate a better experience with the mobile app, please feel free to share on here, especially if I've somehow missed something!
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luci-four · 4 years
Hi! I read your i want to kiss you story and i can't say how much i loved it. Is just, the fluff nice feeling that left after reading it is something i don't always get when reading other fanfics (I dont mean wrong, all writers are great but yours catch me in a way others doesn't!) Do you think you could make a nsfw of satanxmc on their first time? Like, continuing the 'I want to kiss you' story? If not any scenario that you choose for them on their first time
A/N: Wow wow wow what a compliment, thank you!! Very sweet of you!!! Those kinds of emotions are always my goal when writing, so hearing that really boosts my confidence. I tried to make this a continuation to I Want to Kiss You, but im so so sorry I completely fuckin forgot about the first-time deal and my one, horny braincell said: “sexy” LKSJDGHF (also if anyone forgot, please remember my ns*w tag is “asmos fantasy” so you can blacklist it to avoid it!!)
If you haven’t read I Want to Kiss You, I suggest you do! ★
I Want to Touch You {Satan x MC} {NS*W}
I want to kiss you.
It sounded so redundant in his head as he’s said it so often to himself, but god, how he loved to say it against their skin.  
Feeling his breath bounce off of the crook of their neck is one of the most precious feelings to him; The way it warmed his face was nothing compared to the heat he wanted to feel radiate off of the rest of their skin. Flushed, shivering at his touch and such sweet yet sinful sounds falling on swollen lips as his teeth graze their skin until his shirt is wrinkled in their hands; their fingernails just a hair away from piercing along his back as he so desperately wants them to.  
He can feel them, the way they arch their back just to press their chest against him, an attempt to keep his lips upon their skin as long as possible; silently begging more and more for just one touch, one caress, even just one filthy word to roll off of his tongue and trickle along their body. They straddled his hips-- a spot to sit where he could admire every inch of them as though he were reading the writing of his favourite book—their legs tensing around his waist each time their body jolted with the same shock of ecstasy he was experiencing. They were seductive; their body giving little cues to show that it begged for his in the most intimate of ways—he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out.
I want to touch you.
So badly. His fingertips dug into the soft flesh of their hips—annoying how their clothes still stood in his way--- his grip holding strong and bringing their hips down against him as they slowly started to find the need to rock them to get some sort of relief from his teasing. They moved slow, drawing each movement out as long as they could to get secret pleasure without letting him know—but he did. He picked up on every little movement, as sharp as ever, and heavily craved more.
I want to touch you.
They got bold now, grinding against him with more desperation, picking up the pace, growing erratic; Satan couldn’t hide the wicked smirk that grew across his lips, already thinking about the ways he could tease them, torture them, make them beg for him to give them their long-sought after release--  
Their hands pushed him back against the headboard to his bed and ran down the front of his chest. Leaning back, he could see the fire in their eyes, just how swollen their lips had really been, and had such a beautiful view of the marks he left like galaxies hidden just beneath the wrinkled collar of their shirt. He was more than happy to give them a smile and lift his arms once they shyly tugged at the bottom of his shirt, only to rest his hands back on their hips while theirs explored every inch of his torso, their lips following close behind.
I want to touch you.
He started getting antsy. Their hips kept at such a sporadic pace that he started to wonder who the real tease was in this situation. Hands slyly moving to hold their ass—again, annoyed by the clothing keeping him from their skin—he squeezed hard, taking control of their movements and bringing their hips as close to possible to his own at a rough, quick, and almost hungry pace of his own, capturing their sultry moan with an equally rough kiss while their nails dug into his chest.
I want to touch you.
His hands only left the curve of their ass for a moment—to strip them of the clothes across their chest as well—before grinding their hips down against his previously obvious erection. He let them get their fill, marking him up, and started to trace his hands up their back, sides, and felt up their chest, quickly discovering how MC liked to be touched.
I want to touch you.
He started off gently-- feather light kisses along their chest, letting his breath tickle them just enough to stir them up. His hands were fleeting, touching here one moment before leaving the next to be replaced by his lips; he cupped their chest, only quickly brushing his thumbs over their nipples to get them hard. They let out an embarrassed sound that made them cover their face, though Satan only laughed at how adorable they were. Adorable—yes, that was what they were, but Satan wanted to make them so much more than that. Red faced, crying out, begging, everything that could ever make them so sexy and sinful that he couldn’t stand it. He dragged his tongue up their breast, dipping into their collarbones as a tease; his lips made his way to their nipple—bouncing between the two—undecided on which action caused the sweetest of sounds. Was it the way his tongue played with them, dancing and swirling around—or was it the way his teeth brushed against them for a small twinge of painful pleasure? Whichever it was, it had been working; MC’s moans only grew more frequent, their hips moving restlessly as he teased them further by dancing his fingertips around the waist of their pants.  
I want to touch you.
They beat him to the punchline; They were cheekier and much more needy than he originally thought. Their fingers trembled with the excitement that mirrored throughout his body, fumbling over the zipper and button to his pants, mumbling with apparent irritation that caused Satan to laugh under his breath. Should he help them? -- He thought not. Satan only met their efforts with a smirk, leaning in to kiss them once more as they continued to struggle; he sucked in a quick breath when they finally got to their prize. Their accomplished smile was rose coloured through his half-lidded eyes.
I want to touch you.
MC took him in their hand, a gentle hold at first as they knew the power they held over him now-- Satan knew they were going to exploit it. They stroked him softly, slowly, making sure to play with the tip just enough with their thumb to get him to sigh. He could feel the blush rising up his neck as MC’s careful kisses dragged it along.
I want to touch you.
His hands worked to get into their pants as well—it was only fair, wasn’t it? The closer he got to touching them, the faster the pace of their wrist got. It was driving him mad, the way they only teased him at times-- making him do the work by bucking against their hand and speaking breathy words against his skin. Such dirty words passed that taunting smirk of theirs, they made him bite his lip just to control himself. God, he wanted more.
I want to touch you.
Satan stripped them of their remaining clothes now, sucking another breath of air through gritted teeth as they grinded against him, skin to skin now. His hands made way back to their home—MC's hips—and gripped hard. Their skin underneath his fingertips was tempting; he could press just hard enough to leave little bruises to mark that he had been there—that he was real, they were real, this was real. He could do this—moments of such heavy intimacy—because he was real to them. He was Satan, and that was enough. Nothing else mattered.  
That drove him mad.
I want to touch you.
His face was flushed, and he knew he looked like a complete mess. Messy hair, lust filled half-lidded eyes that he only held for them, his bottom lip on the brink of bleeding with how hard he has to bite it to keep himself in check. They moved against him, their heat against his, grinding against him as they had before; the difference this time was the feel of their skin. Soft, warm, teasing. They knew he wanted them—well rather, to be in them and he made this very clear with how blunt his words were—but they got their thrill from seeing him melt beneath them. How much longer could he hold out? Not long.
I want to touch you.
He held them close, wrapping an arm around their waist and using the other to guide them onto his length. Satan laughed under his breath at how eager they were to take him all in, but told them to be patient—knowing they’d start to beg for more; those are the words he wanted to hear—those breaths, those moans, those soft little gasps that have just barely audible ‘pleases’ within them. He only allowed them to move slow, drawing the movement of their hips out as they rocked so that he could hit that sweet spot over and over again, pulling them close enough each time to nip at their shoulder.  
They were gorgeous. Face doused in lust, a thin layer of sweat coating their body, closed eyes and lips that parted only to call out swears against God and to sing his name so deliciously.
MC needed more-- he knew that. Allowing them to up their pace and matching them move for move, watching as the entirety of his length disappear over and over again, soaking in the sinful sounds that filled the room and allowing his thoughts to play over just how he wanted them next. On their back? Their hands and knees? How does he want them—where does he want them? How fast? How rough? This was one of the only things he never thought through.
Not that it mattered, because MC did as they liked. Despite his orders, MC continued to tease him. Using filthy words that tainted their lips, stopping their movements just to hear a whine bubble from deep in his throat; it was clear to see they were set on being a brat the entire time. It was only fair he shows them who was superior, right? MC wanted him to work for it—it was obvious by the way they whispered against his ear words that he secretly prays never fall on other’s ears, the way they nipped at his skin, the way their fingertips danced across his chest and the way they knew just how to bounce in his lap to get him worked up enough to make a move.
A moan, a groan, a quickened pace of breathing as the long-awaited filthy word finally passed his lips.
He tossed them onto their back, hovering above them with a serious, demanding fire in his eyes. Satan slid his hands up their arms, holding their wrists down above their head and leaned in close to whisper in their ear; just five words were all they wanted—all they needed—to know what sort of night they had gotten themselves into.  
With a deep, rich, sultry, a little raspy voice, he whispered,
“I want to touch you.”
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shadowfae · 4 years
What's your opinion on tagging posts with alterhuman labels that don't necessarily apply to you, but may overlap with thier experiences and you would potentially like to solicit the input of individuals that do use them?
Good, do so, probably also good to mention that’s why you’re tagging it because it might confuse a lot of folks otherwise.
I’m not gonna know who the active copinglinker voices are if they never tag things so I end up seeing them. Right now, I have no idea what the active linking tags are, and this is typically how I’d find them: linkers tagging their post with otherkin or alterhuman or ‘hearted, and then we follow their tags to the accepted linker tags and start following people.
Tagging is half etiquette and half networking, and it’s good when people understand this. Tumblr in particular has a few rules: first five tags are the only ones that show up in those tags, send a few numbers to the person you’re reblogging from if you’re reblogging an ask game, tag your trigger/squicks with the trigger/squick first and THEN // / cw / tw so blacklists can catch it, careful with how you censor words because it’ll either appear in searches for that word and can be blacklisted or it will do neither, and for fuck’s sake tag your original posts with your own personal tag so people can look through that before they follow you instead of hunting for posts through a bunch of reblogs of cool stuff.
I would say at the end of the post “Putting this in the tags for [X reason]” or something like that, just a disclaimer of why you’re doing it. I made actuallydeific as a tag because I was really annoyed with all the angels tagging their shit deitykin when they’re... not... deities... but there’s tagging things wrong and putting things in the tags for visibility and networking.
Using that specific example, a post that isn’t about godkin but can go in the godkin tag for visibility, is a post just like you said: getting advice and visibility and being all “Not quite your thing but I’d like your thoughts?”. On the other wing, angel aesthetics and angsting about the war and wanting to go back to heaven being 90% of the godkin tag is spam and going to annoy folks.
So long as you basically state why you’re doing it, absolutely nobody’s going to have issues. If you don’t say that, it’s pretty well free for all. But if you’re putting it in the tags, typically it’s for a reason, and if you didn’t want engagement then I have no idea what you’re doing.
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