#for when adulting gets ahrd
tacochippy · 2 years
Cant wait til im an adult and i can turn things into a game without running into other poeple in my house. Oh im deppressed and getting into the bath is a lot of work?? No ive been buying extra shampoos and stuff so i can make potions in the bath again !! its not getting clean its MAGICAL. Heading out for a walk? What no im a famous celebrity trying to go unnoticed by the paparazzi. Im a fashion model trying to get noticed by a fashion company. Cooking is making cute tiktoks with pretty bowls and failures become viral because its silly. Grocery shopping ?? Whats that? I only know going into the big scary unknown of space (wal-mart) trying to collect parts (groceries) to repair my spaceship (make dinner) so i can get back to earth!!
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tearwolfe · 3 months
do you have any advice for drawing fat and chubby bodies? trying to diversify my body types in art but it's really ahrd to adjust.... need to draw fat akito now.
follow your heart and draw with love...
just kidding. maybe. do that but there's more to it. use references, and understand that there's more to drawing fat people than belly. body fat settles in the legs/arms/face etc.
whenever i'm stuck i like looking at other people's art, because there are so many ways you can stylize drawing fat people because nobody's body looks the same!!! this may sound weird and counterintuitive but i like looking at chubby furry art because finding fanart of fat anime or game characters usually leads into fetish territory.. and furries do too but i find it easier to find fat furries just existing. laika from laika's comet is my fat doggirl icon i love her she helps me when i need help. honeybeest on instagram is also really good at drawing chubby/fat furry characters. wolfertinger666 (tumblr) is another good artist but his account is 18+ so don't go there unless you're an adult.
it's important to just practice! do some studies, some sketches without any character in mind, and get comfortable with putting some weight on a body before applying it into a finished drawing. that applies to trying anything new!
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brookylnbabyyy · 5 months
Happy birthday(best bro;)
it's still 18 days to your birthday my bro, but i am writing this before cause you know how excited i get about birthday, so if your are reading this it is your birthady so my fav hooman happy birthday! 🎉 Another year olde, as you dive headfirst into another year of adulting, I just wanted to take a moment to remind you how much you mean to me. Even though life has been keeping you crazy busy lately (seriously, do you even have time to breathe?), I want you to know that not a day goes by when I don't miss your goofy jokes, the time when you roasted my crushes and most importantly, your very important life advices
Sure, we might not get to chat as often as we'd like, what with your hectic schedule and all (seriously, can you spare a minute to text your favorite sister?), but that doesn't change the fact that you're still my favourite, my fellow troublemaker, and my best friend rolled into one. Remember all those times when i sued to do nothing rant about how ahrd life is and youd' listen? who else am I going to rant everythinf about my life if you're not around?
But in all seriousness, bro, I couldn't ask for a better brother. You've always been there for me, whether it's to offer sage advice, or simply share a laugh over a ridiculous meme. And even though life may pull us in different directions at times, know that my love for you knows no bounds.
So here's to you, my dear brother, on your special day. May it be filled with laughter, love, and lots of cake (preferably the chocolate kind). And hey, whenever you're ready to take a break from adulting and fianlly have the time you can shoot me up a text . I'll be waiting, raedy to annoy the shit out of you ranting about how hard life is XD Happy birthday, bro! 🎈🎂🎁
Though miles may separate our embrace, In my heart, you hold a special place. For you're not just a brother, but a friend, A bond that lasts until the very end.
So here's to you, my brother dear, With every moment, you bring me cheer. In this journey of life, come what may, I'm grateful for you, every single day. (it took me a lot of time to rhyme this so you better appericiate) lysm<3
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melodramaticmelon · 7 years
hi so i feel like i owe an explaination for the lack of art so this might POSSIBLY get long but ive had an emotionally draining day so who knows ((read more))
putting this in front bc just in case yall need a reminder im a 21 y/o guy from asia [i am mixed asian/eurpoean-ish. i am not latino. i feel i have to say this since most of the art portayed are of 2 mexican boys] and i have a lot of followers who arent of legal age and i need u 2 know youre following an adult. this blog is sfw, but i want to be transparent about it.
ok so firstly i got depressed in januarry bc of my military service and it started to get better around feb when i got really busy so idk if doing things helped or distracted me either way it worked lol. since then its been up and down, recently got bad again
since then lifes been rlly busy tbh with office and ive been a aprt of my language community but overall the lifestyle and lack of sleep, tumblr time and generally time to surround myself with art has left me depleted for the past almost year and ive honestly gotten super out of touch with art, tecnical skill wise and emotionally and ive been having a had a ahrd time drawing and feeling like i like drawing or getting any kind of catharsis im v sure this is still depression lol, its just been extremely difficult to get back into art, esp the emotional aspect as i feel that i cant let off emotional steam or deal with stuff like i could before. 
i will continue to draw and stuff but updates will be far less frequent until i sort out some of my own things. 
also re: aridante bc i feel like i need to say this like... as much as i love them [and maybe this will change when the new book/movie comes out] i feel like ive become disconnected from them, the experience, the book, the message etc 1. bc its been so long since ive first read it 2. again i dont feel the catharsis from producing fanart, which was what motivated me to draw so much 3. these characters are 17 and im 21 lol it was different when i was 19 but now as an adult like... out of respect for characters and individuals of the age who read the book and empathize and share similar experiences, i dont feel comfortable drawing them as much in a way that fulfills my needs bc my own needs have changed and it doesnt align with what i can portray with these characters. i`ll obviously still do fanart and stuff but itll be much less as i`ll need to find other ways to deal with my own internal nonsense and negotiate what i can show with pre-existing fictional characters vs say my own intellectual property.
this is probs as concise as i can make it also im tired, im rlly sorry for the sudden lack of art and i do feel bad about not posting as much because i remember how happy and vibrant I was, how vibrant my interactions were a year plus ago when i posted things more consistently. 
I`m still active tho like everyday and stuff on my main @fudeh​ so im not ~gone~ per se
ye if u read all this thanks a bunch <3
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plushyontheweb · 6 years
10 facts about me
tagged by @nidoarisato
1) my lower jaw is smaller than a regular adult, this causes my lisps which makes my R’s sound like W’s like the real life hewwo meme. 
2) im either very subconscious of it or i dont care..there is no in-between. however this is the reason why i dont like to talk much or go in voice chats.
3) im very patient
4) im a SLUT for the paranormal
5) im currently addicted to SWTOR and WoW, however my interests is slowly going towards hack and slash type games like bloodborne
6) if you get me talking about my oc’s or talking about plot stuff with other peoples oc’s, good luck getting me to shut up lol
7) i would die for my doggo
8) sometimes i get depressive episodes that last for a day or a week at most. 
9) heading towards a degree in biologically :3
10) i dont follow much fandoms much, btu when i do..ohhohohoh i do it AHRD!
do it if yall want :p 
@haretasora11 @theglassesgirl @abbydreamzalot
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