#forever disappointed he wasn't in the final ep
onelungmcclung · 2 months
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- Wasn't my idea. Huglin recommended you. - Then you're both sons of bitches.
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onethattwaddles · 2 months
[Queen of Tears Ep 07]
Finally, someone trashed the old and overused annoying "I realized I still love you." (Park Ji-eun-nim thank you very much!)
Hyun-woo is metaphoring how he feels for her to their lock in Germany.
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All along, Hyun-woo thought he fell out of love. That somewhere along the way in their marriage, that spark they had got lost, like how they couldn't find the lock at first. But now that he was here, he understood that it was still there. He just had to take a step back and dig a little deeper. And he found it. A little worn out, but it was there, still holding on. Just buried underneath many other emotions.
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So now I wonder what was running through Hae-In's mind during that time. She was probably infuriated, wanting to yell, scream, hit him... but then here he was, admitting that even after all he'd thought, said, and done, he found that she was still there. In his heart. And she knows it's the truth.
She wasn't angry. She was upset. She was disappointed he even thought of doing that. So she gave up. That's why it angered him. He broke her and made her cry. When all he wants now is to stay by her side forever.
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Love can wear out the same things do. But after all, aren’t the worn-out things the most beautiful?
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turtlesocksv2 · 4 months
Liveblogging Dead Friend Forever Ep 8
Shit has hit the fan and is going to continue hitting the fan this episode. Let's go!
Tee didn't steal the cash Non gave him to pay off his mafia debts? I am, honestly, shocked. I am not, however, shocked that mafia uncle thinks that Non is a police spy. This is not going to end well for Non but at least mafia uncle ends up in jail.
creepy teacher keng is going to get his ass a pair of cement shoes and I am here for it. dude, you are a math tutor why are you trying to investigate the mafia. They really are not trying hard to hide the fact that this is a mafia front. "the bathrooms are off limits, order food and get the fuck out" indeed. The closeup on the water jug makes me suspect poison but instead we get the frankly hilarious getting hit by a car scene, i hope that's how he dies.
OOoof, this favoritism from Non's mom is painful. Like, we knew she probably loved New best but hearing it...yikes. Non's not a good kid, like New is! Non can't do anything right, like New can! Poor Non.
Non's breakdown is so sad. this kid is Going Through It on all fronts.
oh my god, those voices reading the tweets...the salacious tones. so gross. Be On Cloud is Making A Point. very well done.
Non writing out the kills exactly how they happen 3 years from now. Either Non is (one of) the Killers or the killers found the script. So like, YES this is a revenge story! That shouldn't be shocking or disappointing to you, it was telegraphed! The fun is in how we get there not in complicated twists for twists sake! ok, moving on.
Tee being ordered to kill Non...i see i see. Tee doesn't like Non at all but is still horrified at the thought of killing him or his uncle killing Non. because Tee IS still a highschool kid himself, no matter how long his uncle has been making him do mafia shit is probably wasn't that. Tee's still got some goodness/innocence in him, which is probably the side he shows White.
LMAO at the netizens causing problems. yeah that sounds about right!
i am dying to see the awkward conversation between Jin and Non about Non coming back to finish the movie.
Tee being suspiciously nice. he's either plotting to kill Non to prove himself to his uncle or feeling incredible guilt that he's going to take Non to his uncle to get silenced. Or a mix of both! if I was Non i would not trust that water lol.
Jin stares at Non but can't even meet his eyes when Non looks back at him. GOOD. I don't care if he was upset about his crush 'sleeping with someone else', you don't just record people like that! He is, in fact, old enough to know that, even if he has poor impulse control because he's a dumb teenager.
is the prop an ACTUAL AXE. lol. lmao even. how did none of you realize this was going to end badly?!
Anyway, the knife being Non's, actually, is so fun. Just another little detail that the killers wanted the boys to recognize the calling card that's why Por got cut up a bit after he got stabbed by the branch.
You tell them, Non!
Oh, Top getting stabbed and Fluke having to take care of him...part of what Fluke was talking about how it's always him taking care of those things. I'm glad Non got to stab Top a little.
Jin trying to apologize for everyone but let's play some One Republic ft Timbaland 🎵🎶Because It's Too Late! To Apologiiiiize! It's Too Late! 🎵🎶
LMAO I was right to be suspicious of the water!!!! man did that kick in at just the right moment.
LOL Jin lying to the cops is just painful. You can tell that he's lying from a mile away, especially when he says that Non and Mr Keng truly loved each other. I do think it's interesting that they plotted to have the story be that Non ran away with Mr Keng.
Jin winds up the Final Girl of the version Por wound up shooting, even though Non had changed the script to everyone dying...them going back to the valley mansion because of Jin leaving the country...it's all about Jin, just like i've been saying! everything is connecting!
lol they all know Non is probably fucking dead and not with Mr Keng.
Tee, don't ask questions you don't want the answers to.
i knew it! I knew those were going to be Phi's last words to Non and it was going to eat him up! It's going to drive him insane and he's gonna murder people about it!
using the actual footage of Non's murdery breakdown in the movie...evil. Phi going to the movie premier... Iconic.
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rkrispyt · 1 year
I was curious if you still have hope for Portwell? I saw that some portwells still have hope. I personally lost all hope mainly bc r*na is so popular and I don't think that Tim won't make them endgame... It's sad that, nowadays, many ships happen bc of fanservice... You don't even have to look from a storytelling perspective to see where things are going, you just have to check what the fandom says and that's prob gonna happen... One thing that I don't get tho... If Tim really wanted for r*na to be canon since ep 1x5, why did he spend all s2 to make us not ship them? In the second half they didn't have any interactions. Gina was still annoyed with him in ep 2x11. Why didn't Tim plant some seeds for them in the second half of s2? Why is Gina most of the time the one who does sth in that relationship and when Ricky does sth, it's bc Gina asked? And the only time when he has initiative they ruin that (taking his role seriously for her (ep 3x4) and later they reveal that he didn't even read the whole script on the opening night day). I personally could never ship them. I saw potential in s1 but after that they were ruined. S3 just tried to hide the s2 mess under the carpet instead of cleaning it (Ricky still does the bare minimum for Gina and he wasn't held accountable for how he hurt her in s2, he should've apologised!!!). Idk but Gina deserves so much better... They'll prob make Ricky the best bf to her in the next seasons, but that won't change the way they got together (with Gina putting in most of the effort)... That means she is ok with the bare minimum as long as she is with Ricky which is really sad... She deserves so much more... Portwell deserved so much more... s2 Portwell would've def survived that summer... I hate fan service for ruining them...
I’m shocked to hear anyone still has hope for canon Portwell, ngl. I do not and can’t imagine ever having any ever again tbh. They not only effed them up pretty bad but the writers have lost me entirely. At this point I’d dread seeing what this team would do with them if they tried again.
To answer the rest of this ask, I will die on the hill that Gicky was not actually the plan or endgame or any of this nonsense backtracking Tim’s been doing. I can believe that when he put them together in season one it ended up intriguing him more than he had thought, but considering what they did with season two clearly it wasn’t enough for him to switch up the plan at that point to put them together or set up something in the future - quite the opposite soooooo tell me again how this was always the plan? Sure, Jan.
It’s so obvious to anyone paying the tiniest bit of attention that Olivia left, so they shifted everything to give Ricky another love interest that they thought could compete in any way with Rini and lose the least amount of viewers upon her departure. Gina was the only real option. They didn’t even do it WELL cause they cared more about doing it as quickly as possible.
I admit that during season three I don’t know if I would have claimed it was fan service, but after seeing that Tim had a version of that final scene where he jumped on that entirely unfounded and random Gicky theory about the chocolates, unfortunately, I have to agree with you.
I will never not be disappointed that this show that brought me such joy, was written so well, didn’t do all the garbage you would expect from this kind of show, and boasted about being proud that they were telling stories of good people being good to each other, has turned into such trash.
S2 Portwell will forever be one of my favorite ships, winning me over completely (as an anti and Gicky fan going into that season) because of how well they wrote it . Alas, another casualty of outside factors switching up the plan and terrible choices being made by those in charge as a result.
The Summer of Portwell was one for the books, but now, for that HEA fanfiction is where it’s at, friends!
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bengiyo · 1 year
Never Let Me Go Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
I can't believe we have new shows from Jojo two days in a row. Who ever thought we'd be here?? (I did, in 2012) Very excited about this one, but desperately hoping that Pond comes through for us this time.
I do like a slow-moving shot to open a show. I am prepared to feel moody.
Don't know if Neung is queer yet, but if he already is then I will have thoughts about gay boys and their moms.
Glad the father isn't actually negligent. Neung wasn't giving off a long-suffering air. It's nice to know that he feels like a beloved son.
This feels like a lot of weight to put on a young person, but Neung is coming of age and so I respect the dad trying to prepare his son for coming duties.
This rainy alleyway scene is giving Batman.
As others have pointed out already, this pendant is so huge. We get the metaphor, but goddamn.
Phuwin gives a strong performance here. I'm glad the sound editors toned down the sonic presence of his scream, though. I felt it was too loud in the trailer.
Every time I see Perth I'm like, "Welcome back, baby boy."
I've been complaining about the use of Dutch angles in GAP, but I think they're appropriate here. Neung's world is tilted by the loss of his dad, who clearly loved him (he literally named his son "Only One").
Love the use of this red outfit to announce that Tanya will take over as CEO.
I'm so glad Nat is in this show and linked with Perth. They're going to be fun to watch.
Glad this show is using Phuwin's multilingual talent.
Pond looks good in this so far. The school uniforms did not serve his frame well.
I like how workmanlike Jojo can be about exposition. Sometimes it's more efficient to have a character detail their limitations and worldview quickly so the audience knows their starting line. We can figure out the reasons as we go along.
Love that conversation with the bodyguard/chamberlain outside school. The shifts in your relationships as you come of age is always hard.
We never had anyone this famously wealthy at any school I went to.
Chimon remains excellent at building onscreen chemistry with literally anyone so well.
I will be very disappointed when we learn that Chanon was somehow involved in Pipop's death. Both Neungdia and Tanya assert that they feel like he's family. For Chanon, though, it probably isn't his reality. This is going to get messy and I'm here for it.
Almost gagged when I saw Apo and Mile in a product ad at the start of part 2.
Not to be too distracted by the gun, but what is in this notebook that Neung keeps in the same drawer as the gun?
Also noticed the retro style speaker, and the painting of a piano full of butterflies.
At least Neung has some trigger safety.
I'm so proud of the hair and makeup team so far. They have not missed once. Phuwin looks amazing sitting in the pool.
Fantastic choice to show Palm's commute. After seeing the wealth of Neung's life, the signs of poverty and frustrated hit hard.
Ball is life (and apparently a gambling opportunity to cause problems later).
I will never, ever tire of boys pulling each other into hiding spaces and getting too close to each other's faces. Mutuals, feel free to do this to me.
Nat is so good. I am so invested in this beef between Tanya and Kit, and am so curious about the family history that led to the exclusion of Pipong's brother.
The Gifted has forever ruined the arm grab for me in these dramas. It only ever reads as hugely manipulative.
What does Neung know about these family troubles? He didn't seem surprised about the tension when he walked in, and looked to Tanya for guidance on whether to hug Kit back.
Is Palm choosing to not wear a tie, or does he not have one? I'm not surprised he wears the uniform loosely after working as a fisherman.
I don't blame Neung for bailing on a father's day event.
Chanon definitely assigned Palm as a bodyguard. I think Tanya is aware of it.
Who is this taxi driver and why is he willingly contributing to truancy?
So we finally know what building these windows have been in. I have seen them in The Gifted and War of Y.
Neung isn't dumb, and I'm glad he's aware of what's going on.
Every time they say they trust Chanon, he gets uncomfortable. Is that guilt?
Oh ho, we're going to start seeing more of Perth next week.
I had a great time with this first episode, and like that both of Jojo's shows feel so distinct from each other right now. I completely forgot that Phuwin is playing Ice in The Warp Effect. Hoping to see Pond blossom as this character comes out of his reserve.
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i had to reread n edit this before posting like i was going over an essay jesus christ ((tristamp spoilers))
tldr; i was honestly disappointed but i still don't think it was completely awful + i hope if they do a 2nd season it's better *wants to see milly*.... fuck the director though
EDIT!!! 2nd season was confirmed so you can ignore the points where i question if it will happen lol
EDIT 2 actually idt i'll watch the 2nd season... for reasons that just hit me so.... + fuck night*w as well
most of this was written before the finale eek
the major problems were that the pacing was soooooo weird n some of the changes (both story wise and design wise) they made were questionable esp towards the latter half
my positive points:
i do still think individual eps at the first half were really good
i loved the animation + how they used colors
the backgrounds are cool
the artstyle shift in wolfwood's flashback was cool
i've always been "ok" abt vashwood honestly (sorry) but i will acknowledge they were very yaoiful here. i saw a person who didn't ship vashwood say the ep in tristamp where they literally just met made them ship it which was really funny bc how did that change your mind so fast
i'm ngl the milly + eriks name drops made me *JAWDROP* but that's something that only matters to ppl who watched/read the ogs first
my negative points (uh oh):
white washed wolfwood (+ his skintone is soo inconsistent in merch)
they gave vash no room to breathe n he doesn't get big sillay moments after ep 3
^ this is true for every character except i guess roberto? more on roberto later
^^^ goes with the previous too points but it felt like they were way too focused on the drama n sadness without enough (long lasting) happy or hopeful moments to contrast or balance it out overall - to the point were the characterization of our main cast suffered for it bc there wasn't enough there with them to make that properly work. and THEN the silly moments ended up suffering too bc they start feeling out of place. the drama beats kept happening one after the other at breakneck speed without breaks, messing up the pacing as well (i can kinda blame this at least partially on the fact they only had 12 eps when the og was 26 eps but i've watched plenty of 12 ep series with great pacing so i don't really know what happened here?)
i disagreed with this at first, but the lore with vash being front-loaded really did hurt the story a bit in the long run. obviously they did still spread the full details out over the course of the show but it was :\
specific to "the running man"- it's my fav ep tbh but it was strange how all the townsfolk were partying w the nebraskas with no indication they'd arrest them after they did so much damage n vash didn't even get to fix the damaged plant?? so why were they so joyous when the initial problem wasn't solved?
roberto.... was such a weird character... he managed to be both a dick n a guy w no personality, he was there to give exposition + attempt to be funny? n then die. also the marketing staff fucking hates him he's never in any merch wtf ((edited after the finale: well now we know he wasn't meant to replace milly (i had a whole paragraph complaining abt that lol) + now i feel like they added him just to kill someone other than wolfwood off))
i can't speak much on elendria bc i had so much trouble reading trimax forever ago that i never retained anything abt her other than she's trans, but everything involving her in tristamp felt strange/ like it didn't work. i have essentially same feeling about livio here. they threw legato to the side??
what the fuck was the thing with the plants towards the end. it just hit me what the hell
minor nitpicks:
i miss the old anime's ost :( tristamp's ost isn't bad by any means n there are tracks that i really like it's just idk man. especially with the the op song, i couldn't get myself to not skip the op SORRY. could you imagine how hype it would've been if a new rendition of H.T. or NO-BEAT started playing
i'm fine with stamp vash's design (blasphemous i know) but man would'n've one of his og coat designs worked well in 3d? i feel like it would've ((added after the finale: the new coat did look nice in black + they brought back his old hair in the last ep tho so. MAYBE... IN SEASON 2.... CLASSIC COAT....? *delusional*))
NO LOVE & PEACE?!?!?!?!
one of my nitpick points was that they technically didn't give vash the black hair bc i really wanna see it animated one day but assuming they are teasing a season 2 maybe they will eventually. but then how...?
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songwoongmink · 1 year
2022 Top 10 Songs
No. 10
KEY - Gasoline
Overall a good song with a more than perfect MV, but I disliked on my first listen and it took me a while to give it a second chance. Plus, I don't like the album itself, that is the physical item.
No. 9
SM Town - The Cure
I know it's a very recent release, but it's, in my opinion, the second best SM Town Winter song. The only thing I don't enjoy is the TaeMark rap. I want to buy the album but the shipping fees and the difficulty to find the Kangta ver. makes it complicated.
No. 8
As always, Changmin never disappoints. I hesitated between Fever and this one, but Devil is so unique among this year releases, and showcases best how talented that man is. Sadly it isn't enough to be ranked higher.
No. 7
One of the most awaited comeback of the year, and it was so worth it. That song is mindless fun, with beautiful women singing, and a catchy chorus I can't help but to sing.
No. 6
BIGBANG - Still Life
From its release up until, I think September, it was first. I was ecstatic when it'd be announced (for real), and it's an amazing song with so much artistry. But there were no promotions, nothing, and I can't really listen to it anymore, for some reason.
No. 5
Jackson Wang - Blow
Like the No. 2 of this list, it was an unexpected... blow, so to speak. Mind you, I don't check any GOT7-related songs, I don't like them. I'll just make an exception for Jackson, because that one song is so hot and pleasant to listen to. Also, there should have been stages (another common point with No. 2)
No. 4
The mandatory suju song hehe. That one has everything : insane vocals, good styling, moments I scream over, and an overall sexyness I wasn't ready for. What else is there to say?
No. 3
KANGTA (feat Paloalto) - Love Song
Not really a 2022 release, is it? Three years late, hm-hm, but I forgive him, it's great in all aspects. Too sad he didn't get to perform it though. The reason it's No. 3 is because, thanks to Kangta, I fell into a H.O.T rabbit hole (see No. 2) I still have to escape, and thanks to H.O.T, I bought a hi-fi stereo to listen to Resurrection I also bought.
No. 2
That song took me by surprise. Despite being a single, I would have bought it, did it existed physical. That song makes me so emotionnal for a reason I can't explain, it's beautiful. Plus, the cut on his face is so hot.
Before going on No. 1, here are some honourable mentions : BoA's Forgive Me (the whole EP is a no-skip) ; TAEYEON's INVU (the whole album is also a no-skip) ; KIHYUN's RAIN (was in the ranking for a while, too) ; WayV's Phantom ; SM Town's Happier ; and finally, ATEEZ's Cyberpunk (aka, their best song, sadly I no longer actively listen to them and I hated Guerilla). Now onto the main event!
No. 1
RYEOWOOK - Hiding Words
First, I'll say this : I was excited for that comeback, even had pre-ordered the EP. Then, the highlight medley and Bluebird happened, and I cried, and cancelled my pre-order. And still. Hiding Words is the best song to come out from a suju solo, title previously owned by The Little Prince. Between the MV, the lyrics, the concept, the high notes, the way Ryeowook sings, everything stands out as perfect. No wonder that man had been my second bias (and could be again, after the SM Town concert). The more I listen to Hiding Words, the more I fall in love. Bless him.
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myfriendlungleg · 10 months
okay the thing about supernatural is that it so immediately drops its premise. and that sucks cause the premise is cool. the whole roadtrip monster hunt americana thing? that was cool. s1, it has some over-arching plot and some emotional arcs, sure, but its main pull is the individual episodes: they're scary (middling, but im easy to frighten), there's some good mystery to them, they've got a really clearly defined aesthetic, some good action, they're so earnest, and the symbolism is actually pretty coherent.
The whole over-arching thing with John and the demon and their mom is good because its actually really consistent: the yellow eyed demon has a plan for sam, john has a plan for sam; free-will vs destiny is just going to college or sticking around to do what ur violent ex-marine dad tells you to do forever. the big mysterious purpose the demon has for sam, its not so different to that. (later seasons really double down on the whole god is just your abusive dad thing, but i think s1 did it first and elegantly). The finale, where john's possessed and the demon is telling sam about his fate, that symbolism is heavy handed but its great - its still just his father. And importantly, that plot never really distracts from the monster-of-the-week - its always the same consistent theme, making careful progress, around some pretty great monster eps.
Then s2 immediately is trying to do too much. It ditches the so-carefully built arc dean had in the first season (where he's finally acknowledging his resentment for john) in favour of unclearly defined manpain about being brought back from the dead, and then about how he's too ruthless (which wasn't really a s1 trait?), and then about how his brother's a 'monster' and he might have to put him down, and none of these problems are ever really given any hope of resolving. Sam's free-will vs destiny thing ditches the abusive dad symbolism that made it great and becomes a little exhausting. and because of that increased focus on the characters' (kindof ambiguous) emotional problems, the individual episodes suffer so much for quality. clowns episode where it isnt even a real clown, its just a guy. its like theres this clear pivot, which lasts the rest of the show, away from that initial monster-hunter roadtrip americana premise into this kind of forever plot, this sinkhole, where things don't get resolved and just escalate indefinitely. its kind of disappointing.
i will say though, the minor-character work gets a lot better s2 onwards. i mean we get bobby, ash, jo, ellen, plus a lot of really interesting one-offs (like andy) and they're all great and charming. i suppose that expansion of the cast is part of the pivot towards something more plot heavy. anyway. the other problem with season 2 is that they have one of the most beautiful actors in the world and they give him a crew-cut, like some kind of soldier. come on.
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Supernatural 14.16
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First half was really good, the second half was a bit of a mess. 
This episode had two writers, Davy Perez & Nick Vaught, this was their first time teaming up and also Vaught’s first time writing for the show. There were a couple moments when you could tell that two writers were involved particularly towards the second half when the tone of the epi changed, felt like I watched half of two different episodes that were fused together a little bit.
The first half was like a standalone, and like I said, it was really good, I liked it a lot; it was creepy and spooky, very reminiscent of early episodes like Hook Man and Wendigo and on the side to lighten things up there was Jack trying to make friends with the teens we met in the 300th which was awkward but cutesy. 
The second half...the ship took some blows. 
It started with Jack who had been invited to hang out with his new friends, he took with him the angel blade which he proceeded to show off, he started playing around with his powers, didn’t stop when his friends asked him to and one of the girls got stabbed. That obviously didn’t go over well with what used to be his friends and even though he saved the girls life, they want nothing to do with him. 
That sucked. In case you can't tell, I wasn't a fan of that then on the hunt side, it went from creepy to...I’m not sure how to explain it, like the creepiness factor just went down a bit.
The only moment, and it's not even a moment it's a thing, from the ep that irked me was that Sam tells the Sheriff to tell his son the truth about what it was that attacked him, even though less than 1hr (and I am being really generous by saying 1hr when it was probably more like less than 20-30mins)  before when that same sheriff tried to reprimand him and Dean for not telling the world about monsters and telling them to imagine the lives they could save if people knew what was out there Sam told him no, that it didn’t work that way that people die. And yet, Sam wants him to break his son’s innocence by telling him monsters are real instead of leaving him in happy ignorance like everybody else? And it’s not like something happens in between to make this make sense the only thing that happens after Sam tells the sheriff no on telling people about monsters is the sheriff’s son calling his dad to tell him he’s going after what he assumes is a coyote followed by Sam and Dean helping the sheriff kill the monster. That’s it. 
In my opinion the sole reason for Sam telling the sheriff to tell his son the truth happening is as a way for Sam and Dean to have a very small discussion on the way home about Jack, a discussion that would have made so much more sense at the beginning of the episode!
But like I said that's pretty much the only thing that truly irked me in the ep.
In the end the second half kind of comes full circle, the boys get home, they tell Jack their concerns about him being all powered up again, which won't lie I enjoyed cause I like them being dads, Jack lies to them and doesn’t tell them about what happened with the girl which not a fan off but finale coming up they gotta set things up and keep “hinting” that something is wrong with Jack. 
Will say real quick about the monster...it’s basically a wendigo. Except that before the man could turn into a wendigo the local Native American tribe caught him and as punishment for his crimes turned him into a forever human-hungry monster that’s trapped in the forest whose body will eat itself if he doesn’t eat. So like the cousin of the Wendigo with a wolfy trait cause the way to kill it is a silver blade through the heart. I’m pretty sure the writers came up with this on their own cause I tried to look it up and see if maybe it was tied to a Native American legend but I couldn’t find anything. 
Considering it was promoted as a new monster I was expecting a bit more. But whatever it's not that big of a deal.
I wouldn’t call this a good episode. But I also wouldn’t call it a bad one. I can see why some would like it, I can see why some wouldn’t; personally, I really liked the first half, the second half I didn’t care for, overall, I’m indifferent about this episode- maybe a little disappointed if I’m gonna be honest cause it started really well but mostly indifferent. That's not to say there weren't things I liked cause there were some things I really enjoyed like the boys being together which is always great to see.  I wouldn't say I liked the episode as a whole but I certainly don't hate it, and if it was on tv and I had nothing else to watch I would put it/leave it on.
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