#forever enamored with this incredible piece of written work
minumi-chan · 11 months
Let's do, for the ask game... 22, 32, 37, 51? You can pick and choose as you wish tho <3 There's no pressure to answer all of those!
Hee hee!! Let'sa go!! (Ask meme questions here)
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
I've tried my hand a several styles over the years to explore, learn, grow and find my preferred methods. The thing that I consistently try to stay away from is 1st person POV. I just find it so hard to maintain, and I dislike the limited perspective of only that character's viewpoint. I used to write a lot of horror and I do not now because it's not healthy for me anymore.
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
Only three??? Fuck...... I'm going to stick with my current hyperfixation, TMNT (Mainly Rise) Okay, let's go //cracks knuckles// I'm picking three writers that have consistently made me bawl my eyes out to the point of running out of tissues. I'm gonna be brave and @ people.
@taizi -- Holy shit, some of the most beautiful, heartfelt, emotional, family centric TMNT fic you will find out there. Gawd. Every story Taizi has ever written has brought me to tears. I love 2012 TMNT family because of Taizi's work. And the most recent ROTTMNT stories are just-- I want to hug them to my chest if that makes sense? Go read everything they have ever written, you will not regret it. Bring tissues.
@last-hourglass -- If you have not read Last Grain of Sand in the Hourglass, then please come sob with me over the way Teej so beautifully writes the Rise!family fighting their way to each other and a happy ending. My GAWD the way my emotions have been trampled by this fic. Also Teej makes INCREDIBLE art pieces to go with the story. Brilliant storyteller and artist. //throws a million roses their way
@bluepeachstudios -- Ame is a prolific TMNT writer with so many amazing stories OMGAWD!! I am currently absolutely completely intensely enamored by all things Ghost in the Shell. If you love 2003!Don, THEN OH BOY YOU'RE IN FOR A HEARTBREAKING TREAT!! 8DD But what I love about the story is that there is also healing, and family, and learning to trust again, to love again, to recover from and grow through the hurt. Ghost's history is a fantastical fiction, but the way Ame writes his struggles is so raw and real, and I will forever be crying for my favorite peepaw in the multiverse, Big Papa aka Gogo aka Casper aka Ghost, and rooting for his happy ending. I trust in Ame to give us that in the end. Please also come sob with me over Ghost's stories if you have not already tried them.
37. How do you choose where to end a chapter?
Depending on the story style, I try to choose an impactful moment for the ending. Sometimes that means a cliffhanger if it's the continuous style of story. Others it's trying to find an emotional beat to leave the reader on, especially if the chapter is more self-contained kind of moment. I focus on how the ending line feels a lot, so the chapter closes with a specific emotion evoked.
51. What’s your total AO3 word count?
I had never looked at this before this ask! Apparently it's: 160,872 words 😯
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herostag · 3 years
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My second piece for @oxbridge-quality-fanfiction-co ‘s breathtaking Story. It made me yearn, it made me ache, it ripped my heart straight out of my ribcage and i dont need it back. If youre into seemingly hopeless plots with Happy Endings, this is your story !!!
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hanjizung · 3 years
Hwang Hyunjin x Reader.
Word count:  1.4K
♡ Warnings ♡: FLUFF; suggestive ending.
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Heliotrope represents endless love. Often seen as a symbol for eternal love, heliotropes have endured over time to remain a symbol for undying love and passion.
The smell coming from the oven let you know that the cake you had been working on previously seemed to be ready. You looked around the house, appreciating how tidy everything was, your eyes stopping on the table admiring how it was accommodated for you date night with Hyunjin.
Taking out the cake from the oven, you started decorating it. It was your 4 years anniversary; the day started as usual for the two of you. He got up, took a shower and kissed you sweetly on the lips before he went to work. You waited for him to leave before hurrying to the shower and getting ready  to go out and buy everything you needed for today’s dinner. 
You went to a certain store to pick up a piece of lingerie that you knew Hyunjin would love, saved it in your bag and then continued to get the groceries for the special dinner, crossing the list of items needed once they were in your cart.
It was inevitable for you to proceed with your day without a smile on your face, but it was just your love for Hyunjin getting the best of you. Every day since you were together he brightened you up, his sole presence making you feel relaxed and glad to have him in your life, even if he was too dramatic or too playful; he was perfect in your eyes, just like he said you were to him. It took you a long time to accept that what he said was true, at the start of your relationship you thought that you weren’t enough for him. 
He was mad, obviously, but not at you. He was mad at all the people who made you think that to be with him you would have to be… not you. And since the start, he fell in love with your persona, not your looks. And it took you some time, but once you realized that you were thankful to him. Hyunjin was incredible, always making sure to reassure you that he was in love with you and never failing to enamorate you more and more, as if you could fall even deeper for him.
The sound of the front door opening made you turn to receive your handsome boyfriend with a smile. You got ready for him while the cake was baking, and protected your beautiful dress with an apron to prevent it from any frosting stains falling on you. 
Wiping your hands on the apron and taking it off, you made your way to the tall man who left his stuff on the couch and immediately extended one of his arms to pull you towards him and embrace you, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as well once you were against him.
“Hey, honey, I’m home,” he said, kissing your lips with his plump ones and smiling from ear to ear, still holding you with the only arm that he opened for you, and it was just then when you realized that he was hiding his other arm behind his back suspiciously, but you decided to ignore it with a playful smile on your face.
“Dinner is almost ready, baby. How was work today?” you asked, walking away from him to serve the plates that you prepared since you got home. You left the cake for later and listened to him telling you about everything at work. He didn’t seem to be too tired, and you thanked all the existing heavens for that, you knew he would be needing that extra energy for later when you two get more private.
Hyunjin moved around the house, his beautiful voice resonating everywhere in the house so you could hear him in the kitchen made you smile sweetly, and after 15 minutes of him talking, you finally announced that dinner was ready.
You ate together, remembering your past anniversaries and what special things you did for them, reminiscing about the start of your relationship, happy laughs and bright smiles on your faces while you talked. A few confrontations and discussions about silly things also happened, but just as you said back then that you would laugh about it in the future, you laughed thinking about what happened.
Placing the cake on the table so Hyunjin cut it for you, he was amazed by the pretty decoration and kissed your cheek when he read what was written on it. ‘Happy Anniversary’, in cursive so it seemed more elegant. He playfully smeared some frosting on you, only to lick it clean himself, making you blush. 
Hyunjin finished the cake quickly, waiting until you were almost done before taking your hand and taking you to your living room. You looked at him as he nervously paced around the place, one of his hands running through his silky hair and then you locked eyes with him when he cleared his throat.
“Y/N...” he walked to you, taking your hand in his. You looked down to where he was holding you, his thumb caressing the back of your hand sweetly. “It’s been a long way to get here, doll. We had our ups and downs, but we’re still together after all,” he took a breath in, his free hand looking for something in his pocket and once he had a small velvet box and he kneeled in front of you. Your mind realized what was going on, your eyes filled with tears and your other hand flew to your mouth in clear surprise. 
After the brief pause, he continued: “You mean the world to me, baby. I've known you for long enough to know that my life wouldn’t be the same for me. You’re the love of my life, and I want to be by your side for as long as life allows me to. Would you marry me,Y/N?” Hyunjin opened the box as he pronounced the last question. 
You threw your arms around him, hugging him as you let the salty tears roll down your face. “Yes, Hyunjin! Of course I’ll marry you! Yes, yes, a hundred times!” you cried out, burying your face on the crook of his neck. He corresponded your hug, standing up and spinning you around the free space of your living room just like in all the romantic movies you’d seen together. This was the best moment of your life, without a doubt.
When Hyunjin finally stopped, he placed you on the floor and kissed you sweetly, taking the ring out of the box and placing it on the corresponding finger. You stared at it, it was so beautiful… You hadn’t noticed that Hyunjin had left again, but you didn’t mind it, thinking that probably he had left to get some tissues for you.
He came back holding a tiny bouquet of many purple flowers that he gave to you. You took it in your hands, analyzing all the pretty flowers in it. Hyunjin’s hand wrapped yours, and he centered his eyes on the gift he got you.
“You know, the florist told me what these purple flowers mean, that’s why they’re the most important ones here. Wanna know what they mean?” he asked you. You looked up at him, nodding. “They mean eternal love. And that’s what I feel for you, pumpkin. I’ll love you forever.” 
You couldn’t help it, everything about this moment was so perfect, that without noticing you were crying again, a big smile painted on your lips as you looked from the flowers to the beautiful face of your now fiancé. 
You stayed like that for a few minutes, until you remembered what you bought and had to surprise him, so you moved away and practically ran to the kitchen.
Quickly, you placed the flowers somewhere they would be safe, and you went back to Hyunjin. Now it was your time to surprise him.
“Baby, I have to show you something. Let’s go to the room so we can play until we’re tired, what do you think?” you asked him, letting your hands travel all over you body, putting on a show for him.
With a smirk on his face, Hyunjin looked up at you, licking his lips before answering your suggestion.
“It’s playtime then, doll. Let's go.”
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sinner-as-saint · 5 years
Capital Letters 2
Bucky Barnes AU
 Part 1: Capital Letters.
 Big, BIG thanks to @pchynana for the suggestion. The idea they sent was incredible! They are a true ray of sunshine; a literal angel who is the sweetest ever and so easy to talk to! Show them some love, babies!
 Run-through: Heartbroken, betrayed and used, you managed to find a way to escape your heartless boss. Little did you know, that this act of yours would affect the arrogant beast in ways he couldn’t fathom; and may even lead him down the path of guilt?
 Themes: SMUT, slight non/con elements, language, angst
 A/N: Since none of you were having any of my sadistic fuckery, here’s another part of Capital Letters. Hope you like it! Also, is this turning into yet another series?!?!
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   Two weeks later, a new you surfaced.
 Two weeks of seeing his smug face, and being his little helper; the torture was finally over. Two weeks later, you slapped your resignation letter on his dark, wooden desk – almost as dark as his heart, and walked out of his office without letting him have the last word.
You didn’t even bother to see his face. Which, again, was probably amused and glad that you were finally leaving.
You said your goodbyes to Peggy and walked out of the wretched office. You didn’t even turn around to spare it one last glance.
   Finding another job after that was a little bit difficult. Almost every interviewer pried to know why you had left your previous job. Given he was a rather well-known and respected persona, a damn good excuse was needed.
You always made up some lie about how the distance affected your life and how you believed that your wage was insufficient.
 You were applying for jobs relentlessly, giving out CVs and tried online applications like a mad woman. And finally one day, you received a letter from the team who worked for the one and only, Thor Odinson.
 Your eyes widened as you gradually took in each and every word they had written; black on white – an excitement formed in you.
Not only was Thor Odinson one of the best adventure and romance writers out there, but he was also the biggest competition to J.B Barnes.
People loved Thor Odinson, it’s just that he was always seconds best to J.B Barnes.
A sinister smirk formed on your face; guess life wasn’t planning on treating you like shit forever.
 You had applied for the position of a personal assistant. And the letter in your hand mentioned that you had been accepted for it.
You placed the carefully folded letter on your kitchen counter, and stared at the paper in joy and disbelief.
You were now, officially, Thor Odinson’s PA?!
  Working for Mr. Odinson was a pure delight. He was the complete opposite of the previous a-hole you worked for.
Thor was jovial, vibrant and gentle. The first time you walked into his office; you were intimidated by the man.
His short brown hair, his muscular body, his voice – they all made you feel so small. He had heterochromia and his eyes were the most striking and the most intimidating part of him.
But as you worked for him and formed a rather pleasant relationship with your new boss; you realized that he was a gentle giant. He was always so polite, and truly cared about those who worked with him.
 You made new friends at your new work place; two lovely ladies named Wanda and Natasha. They were vibrant beings as well.
You were content with what you had. You were much more confident, and a month and a half later – you were over Bucky.
You couldn’t forget him entirely, but he was like a bad dream. And the thought of him didn’t make you cry anymore, but every once in a while, when his name popped up on your social media, or any magazine; a void formed at the pit of your stomach.
Yet, you were certain that if you ever saw him, you’d be able to walk past him like he was just another stranger.
  And just like always, whenever you made any bold claims; life put you to test.
Guilt was all he felt when the sound of the letter hitting his desk was heard. You didn’t even look at him, but he caught the pain on your face.
A pain he caused. A pain he was, heartlessly, responsible for.
He accepted the resignation, it was the least he could do.
Bucky knew what he did was wrong; immoral even. He had used you like a pawn in a game. He had toyed with you in the most selfish ways possible.
 The guilt consumed him.
However, on some days, his ego got the best of him.
 I’m J.B Barnes, I can do whatever I want.
He’d tell himself to fire up his dangerous ego.
Yet, when he heard the news that you were now working with Odinson – a wave of guilt and anger washed over him.
He hadn’t realized that he was keeping track of where you were. He wasn’t stalking you or anything, he just asked his team to keep an eye out of where you went next. And being his loyal pets, they did.
They informed him that you were now working for Odinson, as his personal assistant.
 He pretended that the news didn’t affect him. He pretended not to care about the fact that the woman he used for selfish purposes was now rubbing it in his face, and was also working for his biggest competition. He pretended that none of it affected him.
But it did.
 A strange feeling took over him the first time he accidentally ended up at the same restaurant where you and your new boss were having lunch along with another, red head. A colleague maybe?
A weird, unfamiliar feeling washed over him as he watched how you laughed at something Thor Odinson said.
An itch, a yearning probably; or perhaps was it an unhealthy infatuation?
He shouldn’t care. He told himself so over and over again.
Yet he found that he stayed there, unmoving, at the back of the spacious room, and didn’t leave until you did.
He noticed some changes in you. Was it your hair, was it shorter or longer? Was it your face, or the red lip you wouldn’t sport when you worked in his office?
Why did he care? You were just- just another girl he had fucked.
 He couldn’t believe how comfortable you were around Thor. You looked happier, you were glowing.
And he stroked his ego as he smirked, thinking about how the glow you had on right now was still no match to the one you had right after he had fucked you.
A strange fire formed inside him as he noticed the way Thor was looking at you, even in the presence of the other woman. He looked at you like you were the finest piece of art ever made. He looked at you with . . . pride?
Thor let his gaze roam over you. He looked enamored – by you.
 But then, Bucky realized that he was looking at you the same way. So, he lowered his eyes back to the screen of his phone - ashamed. Your laughter rang in his ear and for a second, just for a split second, he wished that he was the one to make you laugh like that instead.
  Having lunch with Thor and Natasha soon became a habit. Outside work, your boss was slightly more open. He was funnier and he could make you laugh like no one else.
However, each day, you had to deal with Nat’s daily dose of teasing – telling you how Thor “definitely has a crush on you.”
And every day, as a ritual, you had to tell her that “It’s nothing like that.”
 She’d roll her eyes at you, mumbling about how it was all too obvious.
 You could see why people would think that you and your boss were having a thing. You both spent all your time at work together, behind closed doors and wherever he went, you went with him.
He assigned a driver to pick you up in the morning and to drop you home in the evening because he’s nice like that.
From a third point of view, it could be seen as something it is not.
 Truth is, you didn’t want it to be more. You knew better than to get involved with your boss given your past experiences. You knew Thor was nothing like Bucky, but you were still very cautious of beautiful, powerful men who made you weak in your knees.
 Thor’s driver dropped you off at your apartment building and you thanked him, and rushed inside. As soon as you walked out of the elevator, and onto your floor; you couldn’t help but recognize the smell which lingered in the air.
Intense and fresh, it resembled the cologne of someone you knew. And despised at the same time.
 Cautiously, you walked towards your apartment door and mentally cursed as the scent had gotten heavier in the air.
If he was here, you would lose your shit.
 You rapidly unlocked your door and checked your watch in the process, it was quarter to nine. Dinner with Thor and Natasha was quickly becoming a thing as well.
It was rather late, he wouldn’t be here, would he?
 You walked into your own home with pure terror in your eyes. From the front door, you could see the living area perfectly, and the kitchen partly.
And there was no sign of an arrogant asshole. Yet, as weird as it sounds, you could smell his cologne in the air. Faint and lingering, it was definitely there. Unless, of course, you had collapsed into madness.
 You dropped your keys on the coffee table, and removed your heels. You stood in the middle of the living room and looked around – paranoid.
 The night was silent, and the only thing you could hear was your shallow breaths.
 You made your way into your bedroom, and as if life needed another way to kick you in the face – there he was, in all his glory, sitting on your couch, in your room, in your apartment.
 Bucky had found a way of making a comeback in your life.
  He looked up at you, a smug look on his face; mocking the fact that you believed you had gotten rid of him.
 “I’m gonna say this once, get the fuck out or I’m calling security,” you threw your purse on the bed and faced Bucky fearlessly.
He scoffed.
 “First of all, your security is terrible. All I had to do was tell them I am your boyfriend, and they let me in with ease. Second, watch that tone. That’s no way of talking to your boss now, is it?” he sassed.
Bucky stood up from the red couch and walked towards you. He looked just a powerful as the last time you saw him.
Dark grey suit, black satin tie, his hair was up in a bun, unshaved yet well maintained beard
He was hoping you would take a few steps back, but you didn’t. Much to his surprise, you stood right where you are and stared into his blue eyes with no emotion. Other than annoyance.
 “You’re not my boss. You’re invading my space, just- just leave,” you spoke calmly, not wanting to ruin your perfectly fine mood.
 He smirked as he walked towards you, his eyes very briefly flicking to your king-sized bed then back at you.
You gulped.
He wouldn’t touch you, would he?
Would you let him?
  He approached you slowly, and stopped when he stood right in front of you.
 “You really want me to? I could stay, and remind you how good it felt when you were under me, moaning and squirming until you begged me to stop. Something tells me you would prefer that,” he spoke, extending his hand out and tracing a line from your jaw to your collar bones.
His fingers were soon replaced by his lips as he pulled you into him, kissing your skin while mumbling what he intended to do to your body.
You wanted to push him away, and show him the way out and make sure he never comes back. But his explicit words had you captivated. And no matter how much you tried to resist, both you and him knew that you would give into his touch just as easily as the first time.
You were ashamed, but also very aroused simply by thinking about what it felt like the last time he touched you.
You were very well aware of the way he used you, and how much of a selfish asshole he was; yet you couldn’t fight it.
 “Your dress looks nice, you got all dressed up for him? You like him, huh? Just remember one thing babe, Thor can never make you feel the way I do, and if you let him touch you I swear to God I wi-,”
 “How the fuck do you know all that? Are you spying on me, you sick fuck? Jesus, get the fuck out! Now!” you yelled, pushing him away.
And when you did so, you could visibly see something flipped inside him like a switch. He looked more feral, more determined.
 Without another word said, he grabbed your arm and threw you to the bed which wasn’t too far away, so you fell perfectly in the middle of it.
Bucky climbed on top of you and adjusted your body so your head laid on your pillow as he straddled you.
You tried pushing him of you but he was stronger and your attempts were in vain.
 “Bucky!” you shouted again and he smirked, darkly.
 “Oh you’ll scream my name all right, just give me a second,” he mumbled as he loosened his tie, took it off and tied it around your wrists.
He then secured your bounded hands to the headboard.
You hadn’t realized that you had stopped struggling until you felt him tightening the knot around your wrists.
You just laid there, under him, breathing heavily while he undid the buttons of his shirt then proceeded to undress you.
He undid your pants and then unbuttoned your white blouse. Bucky then realized how much he preferred you in white. So pure, and innocent; just waiting for him to take you and mark you as his own.
He unclasped your nude, strapless bra and lifted it off your body, then dragged your matching thong down your legs.
In less than a minute, you were naked under him. He allowed his hungry eyes to roam all over your bare body as he grew more and more smitten by each passing second.
He straddled your thighs and bent down to kiss your lips. As soon as his lips touched yours; you couldn’t fight it anymore; your mouth refused to listen to your pleas and invited him in like a traitor.
His tongue slipped into your mouth and his hands each took your breasts; toying with them and earning soft moans out of you.
The sounds you made fueled his lust like no other woman could. After you, he had quite a lot of women in his bed, but none satiated his hunger quite like you did. Perhaps that’s why he quickly became obsessed with you; finding out where you are at all times, finding ways to enter your home and finally having you under him.
 “Bucky . . .,” you had meant for it to sound like a warning, yet it turned out like a moan as he tugged on your bottom lip.
 “I’m right here,” he whispered against your skin as he nibbled on it mercilessly, ignoring your pleas and groans; he was determined to make you surrender.
 He kissed his way down your body, peppering your skin with his feathery touches. He kissed around your breasts, down your stomach and around your belly button.
He placed soft kisses on each of your hip bones which caused you to tug on the restrains around your hand as your eyes rolled back for a moment.
 “Seems like you missed me, babygirl,” he whispered right above your wet core, his warm breath fanning against your folds; making you lightly thrust your hips upwards.
He chuckled.
 You opened your eyes and looked down your body. He had left a trail of wet kissed along your skin, and at the end of it, was him – kneeling at your feet, mouth dangerously close to your entrance and eyes looking up at you in hunger.
His large hands wrapped around your thighs and he separated your legs further apart, settling in between them; eyes clouded with mania.
 You watched him intently, his eyes never leaving yours – almost challenging as he placed his mouth against the most sensitive part of you. His tongue slipped inside your folds and he licked a thick stripe from your entrance to your clit, the tip of his tongue lingering at your bundle of nerves.
Involuntarily, a loud moan escaped your mouth and your back arched off the bed. Seeing your reaction, he hooked his hands around your thighs and secured you in place; pinned to the bed and against his skilled mouth.
Bucky closed his eyes as he relished the taste of you, his tongue teasing your entrance and his beard scratching the soft skin of your inner thighs as your legs wrapped around his head, cradling him as he lapped up your arousal.
You focused your vision back on him; his beard and lips drenched with your arousal, the lower half of his face hidden from you as he dove deeper into you with each stroke of his tongue.
 You felt the pressure building at your abdomen, and you knew you were so close to your release. Surprisingly, he was on his way to grant you your release, if your phone hadn’t rang.
 Your groaned; both at the sound of your phone and at the feeling of him lifting his mouth off of you. He panted as he rose off you for a brief second. He looked at your face, his appetite still not satiated, and the sight of his bread dripping with your arousal was sinful enough to make you blush instantly. A few strands of hair fell out of his messy bun and he looked, indeed, feral and cocky and arrogant – yet majestic.
The kind that made you want to jump on him and kick him out at the same time.
 The two of you looked towards your purse which was at the end of the bed, in annoyance. Your phone rang incessantly inside of it.
Groaning in frustration, Bucky reached over and grabbed your black purse. He opened it, and fished out your phone, and shamelessly checked who the caller was before you even had the chance to protest.
His jaw ticked as he studied the screen.
 “Why the fuck is he calling so late at night?” he showed you the screen and questioned.
 “None of your business, and untie me right now, that’s my boss, he probably needs something,” you spoke as the name ‘Thor Odinson’ flashed on the screen.
 Bucky smirked. The phone rang, while a devious plan formed in his mind.
 He slid his thumb across the screen and immediately tapped on the speaker icon. And Thor’s voice could immediately be heard.
 The situation was so messy it gave you a headache. You were tied to bed, with your ex-boss and the man you loathe so much straddling your naked body while your current boss called you to probably talk about something work related.
 “Hello? Y/N? Are you alright, what took you so long? Are you okay?” Thor’s concern could be heard and it was something Bucky didn’t like.
He placed the phone right next to your head and got back to kissing your body. His actions shocked you for a moment.
 “Yeah, I- uh, I’m good, I just- Oh fuck!” you swore as Bucky spread your legs even further and attached his mouth to your core in no time. His tongue poked your entrance and you felt like you were slowly losing your mind.
And you had to desperately hold on to your sanity because you still were on call with your boss.
 “Is everything alright, Y/N? It sounded like you were in pain, should I come over, are you sure you’re okay?” Thor asked again through the phone as Bucky licked lazily around your clit, flicking the little bud with the tip of his tongue.
You bit on your bottom lip, careful as to not let out a moan.
Damn you, Barnes!
 “N-no, I’m good. I’m okay,” you panted. “Is there anything you needed, Mr. O- oh holy shit!” you couldn’t hold back the moan as Bucky slipped one finger through your entrance.
Bucky smirked and kissed the glistening skin along your wet folds. You tried scooting away from him but his grip around your thighs was very firm.
 “Y/N, a-are you with someone at the moment?” Thor asked, and the hint of confusion and hurt was hard to ignore in his voice which came through the phone.
 At his question, Bucky slipped another finger into your entrance and curled his fingers inside of you; earning a quiet, breathy moan out of you.
You blushed at Thor’s question. 
 “What? No, no I’m just, I stubbed my toe and I- I fell. Sorry for swearing, that wasn’t at you, I’m- what is it you need, sir?” you asked.
The degree to which this situation was unethical and immoral was blowing your mind.
 Bucky growled when he heard how you addressed Thor. You never called him ‘sir’. Why?
He placed his tongue back into your folds, stroking your walls with his fingers at the same time. He applied just the slightest bit of suction on your sensitive bud and your bucked your hips into him; panting and turning your face as far away as you possible could from the phone.
You tugged on the restrains at your wrists again, and desperately failed at releasing your hands.
You closed your eyes as your body betrayed you and allowed the pleasure to wash over you.
 “I, uh, yeah I’ve been wanting to ask if you probably wanted to join me for dinner tomorrow. Just to celebrate the success of our recent publishing. No pressure, of course, I understand if you-,”
 Bucky pinched your skin as soon as Thor’s suggestion was heard by both of you. He lifted his mouth off you and hovered above your squirming body. Slowly, he removed his fingers from your entrance and forced them through your already parted lips.
He pumped his fingers into your mouth, coated with your own arousal, and licked along your jaw and finally kissed underneath your ear.
“Answer him,” he taunted in your ear, low enough for you to hear him, but Thor not to. He knew damn well you couldn’t speak with his fingers in your mouth.
You moved your head around, hoping he would remove his fingers from your mouth. And eventually he did, and left you panting.
 “I- uh, s-sure. Of course, I’ll be there, sir,” you replied, eyes closing as Bucky nibbled on the skin at your collar bone. His beard scratched your skin and you were ashamed to admit that despite all that happened, you still liked the feeling of it.
He growled against your skin again as you agreed.
 “Okay, alright. See you tomorrow then, Y/N. Good night,” Thor spoke and much to your relief, he ended the call.
Now you only had one man to deal with. The one teasing you.
 Bucky’s hand slipped in between your legs again, and he didn’t hesitate before slipping his fingers back in your entrance.
You moved your hips as to meet each thrust of his fingers, and chased your orgasm quickly because he had teased you enough.
You were on the edge, and with a couple more strokes of his fingers against your walls, you came, hard. Gushing at his hand while your walls clenched around his fingers; you moaned his name out loud again. And at the sound of it, his pants tightened even more.
He groaned as he placed his mouth back on yours. He untied your hands and threw the tie somewhere on the bedroom floor.
Instinctively, your hand flew to his hair, gripping and tugging at his roots as he kissed the life out of you. This would have been a different scenario if he was someone who really cared about you, but given he was here just to feed his ego; you couldn’t stand the gorgeous asshole.
 Once freed, you flipped the two of you. With you on top, his bulge pressed right against your throbbing entrance. It was your turn to straddle him now.
His hands lazily ran up and down your sides as you kept kissing him.
Bucky moaned when you moved your hips on top of his clothed hard on. He moaned into your mouth as you bucked your hips against his relentlessly.
He wasn’t used to having women be on top of him; usually he was the dominant one in bed. But with you, something was different.
He let you take control, and just when he thought you would undo his pants and cater for his throbbing member, you rubbed your wet core against the very firm tent in his pants and chased another orgasm. Your legs shook as you straddled him, coming again.
You moaned in his mouth as he tried to lift you off to have his way with you, but before he could, you grabbed both of his wrists and pinned them to the bed above his head.
You kept grinding against him, moaning against his cheek and the friction caused him to almost fall apart as well.
 “Fuck! Baby, I- just let me touch you, please,” he pleaded and you smirked against his bearded face. You tightened your grip around his wrists just in case he’d wanna free his hands, and moved your mouth to his ear.
Just like he did to you earlier.
 “You seriously think you can walk in here, barge into my room, have your way with me and I’m gonna give in to you completely?”
You spoke, kissing underneath his ear. He shuddered, and you figured that it probably was his sweet spot.
Bucky groaned, but remained silent.
“You’re tempting, Mr. Barnes, very tempting. But enough is enough, you don’t get to tell me what to do,” you spoke again, moving your hips against him just the slightest bit.
You could feel his cock twitching under you. And you loved it.
“You were really good to me today Bucky, but I’m gonna need you to get the fuck out before I call the cops and ruin your reputation forever, understand?” you whispered, allowing your lips to linger around his weak spot before lifting off of him.
 You didn’t care about the fact that your breasts were completely exposed, or that he wouldn’t even hide the fact that he was hard under you. You let go of his hands and the immediately held you at your waist, preventing you from moving away from him.
 “Y/N, I’m s-,”
 “Get out. Now,” you left no room for negotiation. You got off him completely and got out of bed. He sat up immediately and tried reaching out but you moved away from.
He couldn’t bear the sight of you, naked yet unreachable.
 Bucky knew he could’ve easily silenced you, and have his way with you whether you were completely willing or not. But he had fucked up already, and he needed to win you back – if possible.
 Making his way out of your apartment building and getting into the driver’s seat of his car, Bucky made up his mind.
You were his. And he wasn’t going to let Thor take you away from him.
On the other side, Thor smiled as he ended the call; hearing that you had agreed to have dinner with him the next day. Perhaps this would be the first of many dates. 
He had been enamored since day one. Ever since you walked into his life with your pretty face, your body which made him stutter, your calming voice and your easy-going manner; he was falling for you hard and fast. 
 Meanwhile you were in your room, sat on the floor, naked and deep in thoughts. Why did you let him touch you again?
And most importantly, why did you like it?
 Your gaze instinctively flew to your bedside table. Bucky’s recent book was still there, and on top of it was Thor’s recent book as well.
Bucky Barnes brought out the animal in you. While Thor made you feel safe.
A choice was to be made.
Would you make the wise one?
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strange-spaghetti · 5 years
☽☼ King Crimson ♪ 
I don't think I've ever seen one of my original flautist/saxophonists before, so hearing Mel Collins play, my reaction was absurd & I had no means of toning down my enthusiasm because OhMyGod! Incredible! I went berserk! My entire being: enamored & amazed. Sometimes the sax & horn levels were too low & his monitor must have been too high (& he will gesture to the s.e.). But the flute! He sounded gorgeous. Every time he picked up the flute, I was beaming. FRAME BY FRAME! Having flute on Frame By Frame was my favorite aspect of the night. That! was So! good! Belew Crimson is my favorite (sorry, Greg- sorry, Wetton- sorry, dude I can't recall the name of because frankly I only really go to that era when I want Mel, Lizard, & crazy jazz textures X)... Definitely not enough Simmons *bongk-pingk* electronic drums, but maybe that's a novel Broof thing they don't want reflected on them now. I don't know, I think Simmons is kind of just as synonymous with Crimson as mellotron... which also was very mildly done, but psyched whenever Fripp went for his keyboard. TONY! Man, too cool. What a character & a player. Maybe because of my horrible car speakers I expected the chapman stick to be louder (haha, duhmb), but way cool & sounded (&felt) beautiful on Starless. Starless was pretty shaky getting into it. &! I think, unless he was on some SERIOUS delay or loop, The Sax Was Dubbed! he went to fix the mouth piece & uhh.., sax was still playing. The dudes in front of me noticed too, so I can't be making it up. A lot of the heavyheavyheavy metal-esq jams that ya know scatters out & then collectively comes back after a few minutes to f*cking HIT you back into the song AHHHH!!!!! I was so excited to experience that. I love the long tedious & sometimes dragged bits that are Absolutely necessary to play contrast to the build up & bring back, like I get psyched watching videos of them do that & it was SO! Great to live in one of those moments. Professionals, dudes. An honest to god skill being able to do that sh*t live, in one take, right before you. Super incredible.  "Who's doing this?" Oh, my god, Alice that's Fripp! Godddddd, I love him! His way of playing is out of this f*cking world & he can make a guitar sound like a synth or a percussive instrument. A craftsman. There was this moment, wish I could remember which song, where the lights went dark red (not much stage design or lighting, which for them, works). This red presence canvased all & then there was Fripp: a vision in front of green illumination coming from the screens of his rack interfaces. (Hi, I love lighting a lot) I soaked it up. Gorgeous & the longest of my memories because the sight of it was deeply beautiful & I was just. there. Living & truly in love with life in the present beautiful moment of looking upon Robert Fripp. Not just was it wonderful to hear King Crimson songs & watch them perform, but Robert Fripp, ya know? I love his style & solo work a lot, I admire him a lot & what moves him to do what he does & practice. A lot of what he has spoken of & speaks of resonates with me & makes sense to my way of being; musically, spiritually, just being a thoughtful human being. Ah, I saw Robert Fripp. : ) Ah! & Mel Collins☆, & Tony (again) which man oh man that man. He makes everything just a little bit brighter which is funny to say since ya  know bass, but definitely a key ingredient to full pieces of music... The singer reminded me of Billy Sherwood, that may sound daft. He just moved like him. I only know of the singer because of a photo of him & pH. His voice works, & I'm for sure hard to please in that area. Singers matter, not sorry to say. Unique one of a kind instruments that time will take & alter, you can't say that about any other musical device. Like EASY MONEY! Sounded so tight! & Even from the Bah-Dee-Dow-Dow's !!!#@$##^@#$! AHHH, Yes! So happy they did that one. They did Cat Food.. which f****ck Tony! Killer! THE.THREE.DRUMS. How in the World! That was some out of sight synchronization oh my god. From the tiniest little miscellaneous percussion, they were on it! Pat was fun to watch. Rhythmic motions within the silence & of the thundering sound. Very cool... Nice piano bits that found it's way in... "No matter how closely I study it, no matter how I take it apart." Indiscipline was very different, of course no one can beat Belew, but that was really good & HAVING. MEL. THERE! ughghhh oh mygod. F*ck your composition, SAX anywhere & everywhere! Flute in any song! Give.me.it! Like flute in Frame By Frame!!! Bonkers! Absolutely mad. So in love. How can I ever listen to that song now knowing what Mel Collins has done to it?♡ ... A lot of my night was actually really bad haha. I got lost so I missed the first 15 minutes. I entered when Pictures of a City was ending : ( Really bummed. Can't recall Moonchild or In the Court just know that of course Mel Collins took 80% of my attention. I love you Fripp, but don't put an original woodwind/horn player parallel from you.... Alright: Mel Collins. The red shoes, Dig. The glasses constantly going on & off- double dig. Pretending to throw your sax, shut up! you’re still as f*cking cute as ever. Watching him adjust his equipment was cool. Fripp really didn't fiddle about with his guitar sounds if I remember correctly. Oh! except a really out of place ~groovy~ psychedelic wah-wah pedal which could have been from the singer's guitar, but that was fun. I liked that a lot. There was a guy there with a Christian Death shirt a row in front of me. When walking out I talked to him, showed him my Rozz Williams tattoo. He was heavily tattooed everywhere. This crowd felt like a bizarre scene. a third of these folks were younger & really stylized, it was kind of a spectacle to me- so many interesting looking people. & when I got to my correct seat after intermission (yeah part of being late) like the row I was in - all young. The dude next to me was f*cking good looking. What the hell is that all about? I wonder if he was like god this chick is c*mming whenever the sax plays. UGH! MEL. I hate how far I was. He would do these incredible things & it's like I NEED to "woo!" ya know!? I was so close to screaming his name because OHMYGOD! He definitely gave me a new experience. I've heard live sax/flute before (hell, I’ve recorded jazz musicians) & I’ve heard/seen Winwood's flautist/saxophonist but it wasn't really anything, even being that they were Chris Wood's compositions; it was nice, but I didn’t feel AT ALL like how I felt here- it could not compare to how moved or how over the moon ecstatic I felt for Mel Collins playing his & McDonald’s parts. Goshh.  King Crimson was one of the first bands I got into after my decade & personality shift, & I started collecting their CDS in 2016. An immense & heavily decorated atmosphere within the music, they are one of the best bands on the planet & I'm beyond happy I got to see them. I meant to see them in 2016, but I was still new to them & I didn't want to take off work. I really really really hope to see Fripp & them again. Oh, god please let me have the chance to hear Mel Collins play again, holy f*ck. (she's still on ‘im)... I haven't stopped! But i will end this here & maybe do a Mel Collins rave the next time I watch a Bryan Ferry video or listen to Camel or Chris Squire. Oh! last thing (this massive entry was written two separate days) & today I listened to Poseidon in the car to & from work & I skipped Pictures of City because I'm going to be sour about that forever, but! then after work I listened to it & %$!#$%Y@ F*ck! Mel! I really wish I got to hear him start that song off. Still too scared to look up what I missed. Next time I'm taking a taxi to begin with from the train station... I walked south of a street when I needed to have gone north... 30 f*cking minutes walking in the WRONG direction. But I made it & King Crimson was wonderful.・`✧*☆’☽゜ ...Hm, I don’t think I mentioned Mel Collins enough. Robert Fripp, who’s that?
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petertheparkers · 7 years
a tiny bit jealous
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Prompt: Reader has been friends with Peter since forever, and has been in love with him even longer
Requested by: n/a
Warnings: sadness, slight self-consciousness 
Word count: 2,018
Notes: There! Will! Be! A! Part! Two! Message me if you want to be tagged in it! Writing this gave me major feels you don’t even know.
Part two
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Crushing on your best friend is hard. Crushing on your best friend and watching them fall in love with someone else is infinitely worse.
That was how you lived your life. You had been irrevocably in love with Peter Parker since the sixth grade. But you sat idly by and listened to him gush about Liz Allen, Midtown's prettiest and smartest senior. It also didn’t help that she was incredibly nice, you couldn’t hate her even if you tried. Day in and day out, you bit your tongue as Peter ranted about how beautiful he thought she was.
Which is exactly what he was doing at lunch that day. Ned, your’s and Peter's other best friend, sat beside Peter at your normal table. You chose the seat opposite them and, as usual, Michelle was at the other end by herself, nose embedded deep into a book.
"She's just so..." Peter trailed off with a dreamy look on his face. You gave him a tight-lipped smile, sharing a silent conversation with Ned. He knew of your obvious feelings for Peter, the whole school knew. Except for the science nerd in question, who was so blind to your affections you wondered if he needed to see a doctor.
"I like Liz as a friend and all, but I don't think she's right for you." Ned began, and you shot him a look that screamed 'shut up now'. Peter's head snapped towards him, disbelief written on his features.
"What? Why not?" Peter asked. Approval from his friends meant a lot to him. You glared at Ned, taking a bite out of your apple without saying a word.
"Because I know someone who likes you." Ned blurted and you internally screamed. Ned was infamous for being unable to keep secrets. You were surprised he was able to keep your feelings a secret for so long.
"That's an understatement." Michelle snorted, her gaze not leaving her book once. Traces of a blush began to form on your cheeks and you felt your mouth go dry. Michelle had pieced your feelings for Peter together on her own, but you knew she wouldn’t say anything about it—as long as she wasn’t asked. 
"Who?" Peter asked, now fully investing his attention to what Ned had to say. Ned glanced quickly at you, and you feigned interest as a way to not seem suspicious. Thankfully, Michelle was staying out of the conversation.
"I promised I wouldn't say anything and you know I'm trying to work on the whole 'secret-keeping' thing." Ned rambled, trying to dig himself out of the hole he made. Peter gave him a look of disbelief, like he couldn't understand why his best friend was keeping something as important as someone crushing on him a secret.
"Before either of you start insulting each other with elements off of the periodic table, I'd like to remind you the bell is about to ring." You butted in, and as if it was on cue, the shrill ringing pierced through the cafeteria prompting you to stand up quickly and walk ahead of the boys. If Ned did end up cracking and spilling your secret, you did not want to be there.
"I'm just saying, Yoda could have picked a better time to die." You argued from your spot on Peter's couch, your friends flanking you on either side. You spent countless hours in this apartment, considering Peter had been your best friend since forever and your parents were rarely ever home. You didn’t mind though, the Parkers were more than kind to you.
Tonight had been one of your regularly scheduled movie nights at Peter's. You sat with your legs crossed, arms making wide gestures as you spoke. Ned opened his mouth to debate, but was cut off when May swung open the front door, a box of pizza balancing in one hand while she tried to get her key out of the lock.
"Hey, May." Peter called, instantly jumping up from his spot on the couch next to you to help his aunt. You smiled lightly to yourself, always loving when Peter showed thoughtfulness towards his aunt and other people.
Ned, noticing you staring, elbowed you in your ribs before Peter saw. You blushed, but were nonetheless thankful for Ned pointing it out. It would have been so much worse if Peter had caught you.
"So, (Y/n)," May began, and you twisted around on the couch to face her as she leaned against the table in the kitchen. May was, for lack of better phrase, a cool aunt. She had always acted as a stand in parent you could look up to, which you had always been grateful for. "Have you gotten a dress for homecoming yet?" You tensed slightly, eyes darting to Peter for a quick moment. He coughed, choking on the slice of pizza he had stolen from the box.
"Actually, I don't know think I'm going." You shrugged, picking at the chipping paint on your nails. Truth be told, you wanted to go to the dance, but you wanted Peter to go with you. And, since he failed to ask you yet, you had resigned yourself to not even going.
"What? Why not?" May asked. You shrugged once again, getting up to walk over to the kitchen table. You didn’t really want to stay on the topic anymore, all it did was remind you of your feelings towards Peter that weren’t reciprocated. 
"B-but it'll be fun." Peter tried to reason with you, a deer-in-headlights look on his face. You flashed him a tight-lipped smile. Leaning slightly to your left, you nudged Ned with your shoulder to gesture towards him. 
"I'm just waiting for the right guy to ask me." You finished off your sentence with a playful glare at Ned, who laughed in return. Although there was some major truth behind your sentence, you played it off liken you were waiting for Ned to ask you. You felt May staring holes into the side of your head, and when you met her gaze, her eyes darted between you and Peter, with her brows raised in a questioning matter. You bit your lip, silently willing her not to say anything.
Apparently, everyone could see you loved Peter.
Except Peter.
A few days after you had declared you wouldn't be going to homecoming, you sat in Peter's room doing your homework as he sat at his computer desk on his phone, having finished his a while ago. Usually he helped you with yours, but a text he had received was apparently more interesting. 
"How do you do math?" You groaned out, dropping your pencil onto the paper. Peter didn't spare you a glance, which annoyed you. His attention was on his phone, which made you slightly jealous the device was getting more attention than you.
Peter Parker made you jealous of a phone.
"Parker!" You called out, unsuccessfully, as he still ignored you. It wasn't until the third time you called his name did he look up, a goofy grin mixed with excitement plastered across his face as he met your gaze. You felt your heart pound in your chest and your mood become giddy as you took in his slightly messy hair and ruffled sweater. He looked adorable, and without even saying anything he made you fall in love with him all over again.
"You will never guess what just happened." He spoke up, breaking you from your trance. You quirked a brow, waiting for him to reveal what had just gotten him in such a good mood. "I just asked Liz to homecoming and she said yes!" You felt your heart sink into your stomach at those words. But, being the good friend you were, you forced a smile onto your face, not trusting yourself to speak without your voice cracking. You turned back to your homework in an attempt to hide the tears beginning to form.
The boy you loved was completely enamored with someone else.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Peter asked. For once, he wasn't being completely oblivious. But you wish he was. You felt completely stupid as your heart shattered. You knew he deserved to be with someone he liked, but you couldn’t help but want that person to be you and not her. You couldn’t even hate Liz, she was pretty and smart and everything you thought you weren’t.
“I’m just not feeling too great, I’m gonna go home.” You lied, stuffing your books into your bag without meeting his concerned stare. You knew you would be putty in his hands if you looked into the beautiful brown eyes that held so much worry for your well-being.
God, why does he have to be so nice? You internally ranted. 
“(Y/n).” Peter said, grabbing your wrist to stop you from packing up. Your heart raced in your chest and your skin burned from his touch but you tried not to focus on it. Now was not the time to be distracted by him. “Are you okay? Do you need me to walk you home?” You briefly met his gaze, but dropped your head back down when you realized he noticed the tears welled up in your eyes. 
“I’m fine. My stomach hurts, that’s all.” You muttered as you tried to rip your wrist from his grasp, but he held tight. He wasn’t hurting you, and you knew he would never try to. You weren’t completely lying with what you said. Your stomach did hurt, but it was because the fact you had just lost Peter—your best friend since childhood—to Liz, was hitting you in waves, each stronger than the last. You felt like you were going to be sick. You were genuinely heartbroken, but you were upset that Peter could have this effect on you—without even officially being together. You were in deep, and you didn’t see a way out.
“You’re not fine and you’re not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” Peter tried to put force behind his words, but his ‘in control’ demeanor immediately faltered when your head snapped up to him. By now, anger had mixed with your sadness. Frustration with the whole situation had built up and you wanted nothing more than to leave Peter’s apartment and never come back.
“Peter. Let me go.” You hissed and Peter immediately dropped your hand. Instead, he opted to block your path out of his room. You didn’t mean for it to come out so rude, but your patience had run out quicker than usual. You didn’t know if you were mad at yourself for investing so much of your heart in Peter or if it was because he was so blind to your affections. 
“Just tell me what’s wrong. I want to help.” Peter’s voice was barely above a whisper. It was as if he was afraid that if he spoke any louder he would upset you more. You ran a hand down your face, you didn’t see any other way out of this situation. 
“I like you, okay? A lot. And it physically hurts me to sit there everyday at lunch and in gym and in every other freaking class and listen to you go on and on about Liz. So, excuse me for trying to not rain on your parade and leave before I let my emotions go crazy, but clearly that didn’t work!” Your voice grew louder with each word, and by the end you were practically yelling. The tears that had brimmed in your eyes earlier had finally escaped when you mentioned Liz, and now a steady stream of tears left wet tracks down your cheeks.
A moment passed in silence and you waited for Peter to say anything. He stood ramrod straight, a shocked expression on his face. Another minute passed and neither of you had said anything. Three minutes. Four. He said nothing, and the silence broke you.
“I should leave.” You finally spoke up in a weak voice. This time, Peter didn’t protest. All he did was step to the side, finally letting you through.
And you left without another word.
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