armatization-a · 2 years
( @forfodlan​ )
❝  i love you.  and i know you don’t feel that way about me and that’s okay i just.  i wanted to get to say it at least once.  ❞   /   leonie to shamir
[ unrequited, false assumptions and pining prompts ; accepting ]
"Leonie." Shamir's tone is sharp and clear, like a blade slicing through butter. "That's enough."
She knows. Goddess, how she knows. Shamir isn't blind or stupid, but she's angry. She's angry because Leonie can't seem to let it go. She's angry because Shamir can't let her go, either. They've trapped themselves in an awful predicament, and they both want to get out of it on different sides to each other. Leonie wants Shamir, but Shamir cannot do that.
"You have to let this go. Whatever you think this is, you have to stop." Her arms fold across her chest. "We can't do this." She can't afford to fall in love, only to lose Leonie too. She will not do that again.
"Don't keep pushing. Don't keep telling me. Don't."
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aethele · 2 years
@forfodlan​  said:  [ TOUCH ]:  just for the sake of the contact, the sender reaches out and gently touches the strands of the receiver’s hair.   / from edie if you want!
things done with hair prompts  /  not accepting
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     He pauses his breath halfway through his newest reformation proposal  ( a long-winded proposition to restore farmland burned in the fires of war )  when Edelgard’s hand reaches out toward his lapels.  A curious gaze falls to her fingers,  curled about long amber locks that feel far heavier some days than others.  He gives her a sheepish smile.  “Ah,  I know precisely what you are going to say.  Yes,  I need to cut it soon.  I truly did not intend for it to ever grow so long...”
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regancrested · 2 years
@forfodlan​ asked:  shelter: protect them.
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 in  an  act  of  self-preservation  claude  would  always  find  himself  making  a  tactical  retreat.  from  day  one  he  had  always  been  left  to  fend  for  himself  with  no  one  out  there  to  protect  him  from  harm.  ‘you  need  to  be  able  to  protect  yourself’  and  ‘you  need  to  stand  up  for  yourself’  great  lessons,  but  forced  to  learn  too  early.  it  made  him  reluctant  to  trust  others  because  in  the  end  you  can  only  trust  yourself.  
 however,  on  this  particular  battlefield,  alliance  leader  finds  himself  cornered.  he  gazes  up,  looking  up  at  the  soldier  in  front  of  him  raising  their  sword,  ready  to  strike  him  down.  (  ‘is  this  it?’  )  he  had  ordered  the  rest  of  the  soldiers  to  go  on  ahead  so  they  could  open  the  gates.  even  if  he  were  to  call  for  help  no  one  would  likely  come  to  his  aid.  
 his  bow,  knocked  out  of  his  hands  minutes  earlier,  planted  in  the  ground  too  far  away  from  him.  even  if  he  were  to  make  a  run  for  it,  he  would  not  make  it.  and  trust  him,  he  already  had  considered  the  option.  there  is  no  glory  in  any  of  this,  no  grandiose  demise.  just  a  soldier  about  to  strike  down  a  replaceable  commander  who  was  unable  to  make  any  difference.  regret  begins  to  pool  in  his  stomach,  but  there  is  also  something  else  there:  acceptance.  
 claude  von  riegan  closed  his  eyes  and  waited  for  the  inevitable  moment.
 he  hadn’t  even  heard  their  rapid  footsteps.  the  first  thing  he  hears  as  sound  returns  back  to  him  again  is  the  sound  of  a  painful  cry  as  soldier  falls  backwards.  when  he  opens  his  eyes,  he  sees  his  former  teacher,  nay    —  his  friend  standing  there.  the  sight  is  a  reminder  that  he  no  longer  needs  to  face  his  battles  alone.  
 however  reunion  does  not  last  long  as  claude  rushes  over  to  his  bow  without  a  word.  and  perhaps  it  was  a  bit  reminiscent  of  the  tactical  retreats  he  used  to  make.  yet  this  time  it  was  different  as  he  shot  down  an  archer  who  had  aimed  at  byleth  from  afar.
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     ❝      i’m  hurt,      ❞     he  definitely  looked  worse  for  wear,  but  he  refused  to  back  down.     ❝      but  i’m  with  you.      ❞
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fatesarisen · 2 years
&. 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. ❛ nope, puppy dog eyes aren’t going to work this time! ❜   /  bernie to raph  /  @forfodlan​
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raphael  would  continue  to  try  ,  hamming  up  the  look  .  “  aw  ,  bernie  bear  ,  please  come  with  me  ?  it  would  be  fun  !  pleeasseeeeee  .  ”
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damnedreams · 2 years
marianne hands him a tiny piece of embroidery. it’s a bow with an arrow flying from it in the center, with floral accents around the side. “i-uh, i made this for you.” she had the idea, so she did it. which was kinda new for her. “only if you want it though!” / for claude
PROMPT: INBOX CALL / @forfodlan
He's settled in the dinning room with a book and a warm plate of dinner. While in the midst of turning the page, Marianne's soft voice breaks his focus. Quickly finishing the sentence he's on, his finger slides down keep his place in case it's a quick conversation.
Claude turns his attention toward her and raises a curious brow.
"You made it for me?" He repeats with surprise coloring his tone. Bending the corner of his current page, he closes the book to place his full attention on his comrade. Reaching for the embroidery he takes it in his hands, careful and gentle. Silence falls between them as he inspects the needlework.
After a minute or so the corner of his mouth quirks into a half-smile. Green eyes shine with gratitude as he meets Marianne's eyes.
"Thank you Marianne. This is very kind of you, I'll definitely keep it somewhere safe." His fingers run over the floral patterns on the edge before settling on the arrow in the middle. A tribute to his choice of weapon. It's a kind gift, and one of the few he's received since moving to Fódlan.
Unable to help himself, he can't help but ask in a teasing tone. "Are you making one for everyone in our house, or am I a special case?"
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starsdeath · 2 years
" you are wounded! sit. sit! as your empress, i command you, sit and let me tend to your wounds! " / edelgard to shez
"Uh," very eloquently, Shez blinked slowly at their empress, wondering if they'd gotten hit in the head sometime during the fighting and had simply forgotten (which would have been a different kind of wondering, but one they were much more familiar with handling). Even so, mouth slightly agape, they practically dropped their body onto the nearest chair to follow the order.
Remembering they were in front of royalty (not that that knowledge had ever stopped them from making a fool of themself in front of said royalty nor from treating the empress herself far more casually than anyone really should, probably), they spoke up, "Uh, are you sure Edelgard? I mean, you are the empress. Surely you've got more important things to do than tend to me?"
The smile that touched their face was genuine, if a little sheepish, though they hoped it covered for the faint flush to their cheeks. "Besides, I'm used to cleaning myself up. You don't have to worry about it too much, okay?"
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bubblymemes · 2 years
life is slamming me hard. i don’t get paid for three more days & my account is at literally one dollar — with a 30$ bill pending behind it. if you’d like to consider helping me out, i have a venmo at SkyeKaye. if you can’t, no worries, i understand. it’s a hard time for all. — love bubbles / eevee from @nonatlas & @forfodlan.
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yuribrd · 2 years
 @forfodlan​ || mercie brings yuri a brooch that she saw in the market place. it’s the same color of his hair.   / i had to when i saw ur headcanon
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          ❝ Mercedes! ❞    Affectionate as the exclamation is, there’s lighthearted scolding within it too.  Surprising as the gift is, it’s touching, to know she’s thought of him.    ❝ You’re putting me to shame.  Such a pretty thing, I wouldn’t dare refuse it. ❞    In his palm, the brooch gleams, pale purple hues, an amethyst, perhaps.  Or purple spinel.  It’s gorgeous, regardless.    ❝ I hope you didn’t trouble yourself over this though.  Times like this... such a thing would shine too bitterly if it inconvenienced you. ❞
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armatization-a · 2 years
( @forfodlan )
❝ Do you think I’ll make a good mother? ❞   / edie to bernie
[ everything baby ; accepting ]
Of all the things Bernadetta expected, it wasn't this. Edelgard has asked her all kinds of things, mostly professionally. But she's never asked something so personal before, so cutting. Bernadetta doesn't even know how to respond.
"Um-?" The noise escapes her, desperate. "Why are you asking?" Is she planning a family? That seems odd. She knows Edelgard is capable of kindness, of gentleness, but she didn't expect her to want to be a mother. Honestly, Bernadetta doesn't know what makes a good mother. She boldly takes Edelgard's hands in hers all the same.
"I don't know, but you're a good emperor. Being a mother isn't so different, right? Your subjects are your kids. And you can be kind and gentle, but tough." She looks down at their joined hands. "You could be a great mother, I think. If you wanted to be."
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aethele · 2 years
@forfodlan​  said:  “i assure you, ferdinand, i can handle this matter myself.”   / from edelgard  
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     “Yes,  of course.  I know you can.  Likely far better than I ever could.”  A shoulder rolls for his ear and his eyes drift down at such a wholly truthful statement.  He sweeps his hand across the back of his neck,  sheepish,  tracking the long bristles of hair there disheveled like  haysticks  by their newfound length. 
     His nerves are antsy with the same trembles he gets from a sip too much of coffee  ( perhaps that is why he despises the drink so much;  not only is it an acidic taste,  but a  familiar one,  too ).  In truth,  he is being selfish.  The desire to  help her  is less one of his own good-nature,  and more so to give himself some small sense of purpose.  He does not mean for it to slip quite so  desperate.  “But—I would like to help.  Please let me help.”
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spentlegend · 2 years
@forfodlan​ / for Estie.
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❛ Alright, let’s take a look at this. ❜    Ed takes the lance in his hands. He gently turns the weapon over in his palms, noting the damage it had taken from the last time Estie fought with it.    It was truly like nothing he had ever seen before  ––  and Blackbeard had seen much in his time. Still, a weapon was a weapon, which meant it was most likely fixable.    He just had to know a bit more about it.    ❛ Tell me about this    ...    what did you call it?    Crescendo? ❜
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endlesscacophony · 2 years
@forfodlan || [ ♥ ]
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"Hey professor!" Sylvain called, making his way over to the other, "You doing anything right now? I'd love to share a meal with you, perhaps some tea?"
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fatesarisen · 2 years
&. 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. ❛ thanks to you, i know what it means to love again. ❜   /  edie to bernie  /  @forfodlan​
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bernadetta  had  been  sure  her  entire  life  that  she  would  never  find  someone  who  would  put  up  with  the  fear  and  panic  that  plagued  her  life  .  that  she  would  be  too  much  for  people  .  but  then  edelgard  showed  her  that  wasn’t  true  .  bernadetta  giggled  ,  glancing  down  at  her  feet  .  “  i  really  should  be  thanking  you  .  ”
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nobleburn · 2 years
“the training grounds were full. i’m happy they were practicing , but i also am upset i couldn’t practice my swing.” / from ingrid
Nikolette knew all too well how busy the training grounds could become. She'd taken to training at odd hours, either exceptionally early or unusually late, simply to avoid the rush and be able to enjoy herself in peace. It was for the best, really. The last thing she needed was some nosey onlooker catching sight of her enthusiastic fervor for combat, saying something about it, and accidentally spreading the image of her as anything other than the refined, elegant lady she was.
Still, for however much she liked to keep her hobbies to herself, an opportunity to get to know her distant cousin better seemed hard to pass up. "You know, Ingrid, there's a place not far outside of the monastery where I've trained before in just such circumstances." On those rare occasions when even her typically atypical hours were busy, or she couldn't spare the late nights or early morning. "If you'd like, I'd be happy to show you. Perhaps we could train together?"
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decimatlas · 2 years
@forfodlan​ gets a starter for Dorothea.
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❛ En da sha bu no bie shun dwu... Dien shu twu kieranu sa lei. ❜    Her fingers pluck at the strings of the Harp of Ages, a gift bestowed unto her line by the Golden Goddess, Nayru.    Oh youth, guided by the servant of the goddess, unite earth and sky, and bring light to the land.    The lyrics flow from her lips before she trails off. Her eyes scan the young woman before her, gifted with a seemingly divine talent. 
She then feels compelled to do something she has never done before... Zelda holds the harp out to Dorothea, blue hues softening as she looks upon her gracious expression.    ❛ Would you like to try? ❜
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yuribrd · 2 years
@forfodlan​ || [ FEAR ] : sender, out of instinctive fear, grabs receiver's hand for comfort. / from bernie Hand holding.
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          Bernadetta had been running about for what must have been hours, with Yuri trailing along after her.  Today, they’re finding interesting-looking plants and leaves.  It’s a silly little game, Yuri thinks.  It’s a stupid—  albeit necessary for his purpose here—  waste of time, is what he tries to convince himself.  Yet, without even realizing, he’s having fun.  Never before in his life would he have imagined he could feel so pleased doing something as pointless as finding a leave covered in weird spots and holes for his friend to see, as he is now.
          Sometimes, he becomes almost aware of it, and it confuses him, but right now?  Right now, he’s trying to figure out where Bernadetta went, so he can hear what she’s got to say about what he’s found.
          Only, when he looks up, he doesn’t see her.  No, he sees the Count, who’s not far off, apparently also looking for his daughter.  Thankfully, the gardener’s assistant looking at a plant in the garden isn’t nearly notable enough to warrant his full attention, and when he doesn’t spot Bernadetta, he moves on.
          When he’s sure the Count isn’t coming back, Yuri sets to looking for Bernadetta again, and after a good few minutes checking all of their favorite places, he eventually finds her at the base of an old tree that’s surrounded by lush bushes, which create a perfect little hiding spot just at the base of the trunk.
          ❝ There you are, ❞    he greets, his voice sing-song with eagerness as he pushes himself partway through the bushes to fetch her.    ❝ Let’s go, we still have time before the gardener will be needing me. ❞    With that, he turns to leave, expecting her to follow, until he feels her hand around his.    ❝ H-hey— ❞    Unexpected, the sudden halting of his exit nearly makes him fall back, but when he looks at her, rather than being upset, he is only concerned; she’s scared, and he can see it clear as day.
          It’s no wonder why either.  Yuri has, a few times now, seen or heard her struggling to avoid being taken.  Witnessing it, even thinking about it, makes him sad and angry all at once.  He thinks of his own mother, and can’t imagine how a parent can bring themselves to make their kid not want to be around them that desperately.
          ❝ Hey, ❞    he repeats, this time soft, quiet,    ❝ Look, you see?  Everything’s fine now, Bernadetta. ❞    Still, he doesn’t try to pull her from their hiding spot.  Instead, he sits beside her  ( on the bare dirt, just for her! ), one hand still in hers, the other reaching into a small pouch at his belt.  From within, he pulls what must have been one of the flight feathers of a small bird, and holds it out to her.    ❝ Here.  It’s pretty much the same color as your hair, so I thought you might like it. ❞    It’s a horrible gift, he thinks, but all he wants is to take her mind off of her father.
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