#forget the little world anhilation pact the tried to get rosamund in on
mightbeabird · 2 years
Of course Snow White was intrigued by the stepmother. Wanting to eradicate the stories seems to be a goal the stepmother has BEEN working towards, and couldn’t this powerful being be reasoned with? If they could achieve that goal much faster together?
I wonder if the stepmother would respond to that though. Given literally everything about her, she’s far beyond human, and far past the woman who went mad after learning the nature of her and her daughters story.
She’s eaten countless people and stories. To what end? She’s not fully consuming them if somebody can pop out and grab an apple (absolutely hoping and praying that comes back around btw) but eating them seems to serve a purpose.
I can’t accept that she’s blindly destroying or eating for pure revenge. I desperately want to know if/what she has or knows of that we don’t. I want to know if there are any other beings that warped themselves to her level. What does it take to become so horrible to behold that you can’t be comprehended? What is it you want that drives you to those depths?
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