lz-didyounotice · 4 months
Princess Babysitting
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Heyy! Hope you lots are doing well! For this one, lots of fluff with the doctor. 10th discovering his companion can sing (at least decently). Also slipped some barbie tunes in there since it takes place in the 2000’s. Lots of fond memories. If I'm not mistaken, the next one will be a baking weekend with the 11th doctor. well, hope you enjoy.
Warnings : Comfort and fluff on the horizon. Barbie references.
Today was supposed to be uneventful.  
For once, you had hoped to get a little time off on earth, but of course, your best friend had to have other ideas. Fanny had an important meeting for their wedding, and couldn’t take the girls with them. She needed you to play babysitter for the two little blonds. 
And there goes your plans to go shopping with the doctor. Even if you were exhausted, you couldn’t turn her down. You were the godmother of the two little monsters after all, and the grandparents were too far from town to be called last minute. 
Getting the girl's bag, you finally got out of the car, the two blonds already sprinting for the door. 
“Wait up girls, the door’s not even open yet!” Key in hand, you let them in. Without doubt, you could feel this was going to be quite the afternoon.
Phone in hand, you tried to call the Tardis, watching the two kids going off inside the guest room.
“Hello ?”
“Doctor !”
“(Y/N)! What seems to be going on ?” The doctor let out, happy to hear your voice.
“Hum… Two little blond monsters scavenging my house… I am afraid our little afternoon out has to be canceled. Fanny had an important meeting, and I couldn’t say no to babysitting the girls.”
“Meh! The shops can wait, want me to drop by tomorrow morning ?”
“Could you also grab some coffee? I think I will need a lot of that.”
"Of course!"
It wasn’t the first time you had to turn down the doctor on one of your days off for the two little demons. You loved them dearly, and in the end you had always found your day more fun than if you had it alone. But spending less time with the timelord was always a bummer.
“So. Girls… What do you want to do ?”
“Can we play 12th princesses ?”
 “Why am I not surprised ?” You said laughing lightly.
“Please?~” The little girls asked, wanting to put out their little dresses. 
“Fine, go change, I’ll grab mine.” 
And just like that, morning rolled around. You, still covered in glitter as you had played dress up with the two princesses, pretending for there to be a magic portal in the main room.
The floor was still decorated with many floral stickers, all in the right order, as you were sound asleep on the couch. The two girls had been picked up late last night by their mom. You didn’t dare to take a wash before going to sleep, and instead wrapped yourself in the covers of your couch and slept as much as you could, not wanting to be unable to go through the day.
Soon, the whooshing sound of the Tardis, and an excited Doctor, woke you up, making you wonder at first why you were in such a state. 
Coffee sent spreaded everywhere as you caught the circular pattern on your floor, and the lovely sand shoes standing on them.
“Well, morning Doctor….-”
“Good morning to you too (Y/N). How was your night with the girls ?”
“I’m sure you can figure this out -” You mentioned looking at the mess the room was in.
For now, all you could think of was getting into a shower as soon as possible and getting rid of the glitter in your hair. “Well, make yourself home, i’ll be back in ten minutes..”
Not waiting for an answer, you barely looked at the doctor. Trying to get out of the mess your legs were trapped in. After struggling a moment, he had offered his assistance to you. But letting out a frustrated sigh you dismissed him, tumbling into your room to pick some new clothes, the covers following close behind.
You then went for the shower, still half awake. And as you turned on the shower, you felt every worry slip down the drain. Every sparkle trapped in your hair, finally escaping for the most part. Unforntunatly you knew you would find some on your pillow for the rest of the week.
And as you shampooed your hair, you only could think of that stupid movie the girls had you watch. "Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses". The main theme was still stuck in your head. There weren't any lyrics to it, just the melody. And as silly as it was, you couldn’t help yourself from smiling a bit as you started singing, enjoying the reverberation your shower was giving to your voice. 
As you finished showering, taking your towel around you, you twirled, continuing to Derek's tune on the small carpet. And as you opened the door, finally clothed to go on a new adventure, you bumped into the doctor a few steps away from the door.
“Why are you standing there ?” Blush creeps on your cheeks as you realize he might have heard you singing.
“Nothing, admiring your decoration-”
“Against the bathroom door ?” You almost wanted to laugh at the awkwardness he found himself in.
“Now you’re making this sound a lot creepier than it needs to be.”
“It is!~” You mentioned in an exaggerated whisper. Passing by him, you took the coffee he had put on the counter, and directed yourself to the Tardis, the doctor following soon after.
“How come I didn’t know you could sing ?” The brunette asked while putting in the new destination.
“Because you never asked ?” Now you were even more embarrassed. You could sing decently, sure, you would have hoped that by this time in your many lives, you would have caught some tricks to pass as okay. But the Doctor seemed genuinely surprised by your talent. 
Looking more into it, you could see there was something more, something he wasn’t sure he wanted to say.
“Something on your mind Doctor ?” You asked him in a softer tone.
“Do you think you could sing more often in the Tardis ?” The doctor feared for you to reject the proposition. It was in your very right to not do so. But the more he stayed in silence, the more his thoughts got loud. Even the radio wasn’t doing the trick anymore.
“I-I mean. If you're not bothered by it, I don’t see why not…” And finally, a beautiful smile brightened his face. As if something was just leafed from his shoulders. 
“Brilliant! So, where to? Past? Future? New planet ?” 
“How about the 20th century? Edwardian Era?”
“Allons-y!” He let out pulling the levers, you giving him a hand on the ones he couldn’t reach. 
And from this point on, you weren’t afraid to sing louder for him to hear, knowing it was something he appreciated. When in the mood he would even join you in your antics, sometimes, leading both of you to dance around the room, for it to be silly or plainly in each other's arms. 
The tension built more and more, to the point both of you couldn’t help it. And you were becoming more and more in love with the man, your heart jumping every time he held you so close to both of his hearts. 
You were becoming a mess when his hands reached for your waist, making you forget the lyrics to the songs you could sing by heart. It couldn’t have been more obvious, still, the Doctor doubted you felt the same, merely noting that some things made a small blush creep on your cheeks. He had supposed it was only shyness when infact it was him who was making you a blushing mess.
How thick the both of you were. Donna would probably have had both your head to not have said anything.
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fellwhite · 4 years
(Im not sure if that name is taken and its just a temporal name, it will be changed later)
Tws: Genocide, death
Just a heads up, this will be a long post cause i have no idea how read more works in mobile, also i do not know if someone has had this idea before so bruh, anyway here we go:
Basically, the concept is that instead of Chara being the first fallen child, Frisk will be the first one to fall instead in an underground where Asriel hasn't been born yet, effectively swapping Chara and Frisk's roles
And also Asriel is still just a child on Chara's arrival and he will help them go through the underground
This idea was based mostly on Epictale! But in this case it's on the classic undertale. Epictale by @yugogeer012
Frisk being the first one to arrive made A LOT of changes in the underground, some of them being by example:Toriel and Asgore didn't get divorced or anything, but they have been separated for decades, some monsters being more passive, while others are more aggressive, a similar yet fairly different underground with new chara-cters and more.
I still haven't figured out a lot of stuff so yeah this will have plenty of plotholes or things that make no sans-e. But anyway
Frisk:Attack 20 Defense 25
*The first fallen human
*A rather kind and passive human child who heavily dislikes humanity and loves their monster family,while most of the time they act very nice sometimes they can lash out revealing their not-so-friendly side,their metods to achieve what they want or to do what they think is right are a bit extreme sometimes,loves puns and dominates flirting, their favorite food is charamel and chocolate
Chara: Attack 30 Defense 20
*The last fallen child
*A sassy and almost creepy human child,they hate humans but they're a bit more nice to monsters, they love chocolate,hugs and golden flowers
*Asriel is their best friend
(Chara's personality will heavily change depending on the route)
*Toriel: Everyone's favorite goat mom, she stays mostly the same but she is more protective and better trained at fighting, her fight is significantly more difficult in all routes
Asgore: The king of the underground and a big fluffy dad, his fight is a lot more difficult since he feels even more guilty and he's more desperate to end this, he wields his good ol'trident and will sometimes use a knife, he fights in genocide too. Asriel is forced to stay on the entrance to the throne room by royal guards so you have to face the king alone
Asriel: Everyone's favorite fluffy boi, he becomes Chara's best friend in just a couple days and he will help them go trough the underground
He's against murder but he will protect Chara either way and might even take a life for them
In genocide he will disappear after Toriel's death
He's 12 years old
THE GREAT PAPYRUS: Paps is a former member of the royal guard and he is a lot more serious with his job, he still won't kill you and there's also a lot less puzzles on Snowdin because of his job and instead there's a lot more royal guards in the way (mostly dogs)
He still hates his brother's puns and still has great self esteem but he is more aware of many things,he has a bit of knowledge on timelines and resets thanks to Sans but he still does not know when a load happens
Sans: The funny bone man, brother of Papyrus and another member of the royal guard (against his will) Sans is one of the characters with the most changes, he joined because of Papyrus and now has 2 Defense and 2 Attack, still 1hp, still does a lot of puns but just like Papyrus he's more serious and he will fight you once before the fight with paps to prepare you (he can't be killed in that fight as he will dodge and he will use only some simple bone attacks). He fights you on all routes in the last corridor unless you're in neutral and you didn't kill Papyrus, he is not the last genocide boss anymore, still has gaster blasters and karma but both are used only in genocide
Undyne: More ruthless and negative, her fights are all harder but not too much, she is even more determined than before and bleeds during genocide route, her undying form is pretty much the same but the heart in her armor is constantly changing from green, yellow and to white
You'll depend on Asriel to survive
Alphys: Our number 1 lizard nerd
Alphys is another character that's pretty different, she's more confident but she still is very shy, she's also more less kind at the start so you'll have to make her trust you first, she'll be against you for a bit in hotland but she will start to help you once Mettaton tries to kill you with the chainsaw (which by the way it's an usable item here and you get it on all routes after the Mettaton fight, it's the second most powerful weapon only behind the true knife)
Mettaton: He's literally the same, in fact he's a bit easier but has a longer fight and a couple new weapons, in genocide his NEO form can take only 7 hits but the attacks are very long and devastating. Asriel stays out of this one as it's a 1v1
Napstablook: they're a little bit more confident but still incredibly shy, their fight is easier but takes a couple more turns and you will need Asriel to help you
Muffet and Grillby: They united their places in order to have a better chance for their businesses to survive, it worked out really well but they constantly fight. Muffet is the exact same but a bit more stressed and Grillby is more talkative, Muffet offers drinks now aswell as spiders, and the same goes for Grillby
Temmies: hOI
Red: yes baby Red is here too, she appears around the CORE with 2 dog guards (which she mentions on her original fight) and she's an main boss and character
There's some additional characters that i added, like Captain froggit, yes their name is literally captain so their position is quite convenient, and a few more here and there
Toby isn't here, instead there's a wolf with... An smiling face? (yep that's me)
A few additional changes:
Frisk is viewed as an mostly chaotic neutral and inclined to chaotic good, but in genocide this changes ti chaotic evil
Yes Frisk is the narrator and acts somewhat similar to Chara
Both Chara and Frisk use they/them, i personally view em both as female and nonbinary respectively but i'll leave it like this to avoid discourse or anything
Napsta is nonbinary and uses they/them and he/him, prefers they tho, i left them like that since i haven't seen much discourse about Napsta's gender so bruh
Sans and Paps are ??????'? sons
Since im no Toby Papyrus can use his special attack (which is a blaster here) but he will hold back by himself in his fight
Some notes:
There's some guard campaments and the royal guard headquarters, only the campaments are accessible but you can see the hq from far away
You can ask me any doubts or anything idm
There will possibly be a comic, plenty of art, a written version or even possibly a couple playable fights in the future, but it will be a while before that happens
Odds are it will be all written but im not sure yet, references will be on an individual post
The au name is subject to change
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pinkhuman99 · 3 years
Noticed something about Sans's dialogue when he's explaining blue attacks...
@lefthanded-sans already made a pretty good post about it a while back, but I was unable to find the original post to build off of it, so I'll just recap and post my addition in a separate post here.
First, we know colour is a big thing in Undertale. Each SOUL mode is a different colour and affects different boss fights (Green for Undyne, Purple for Muffet, Blue for Sans/Papyrus, etc.). Light blue attacks won't hurt you if you don't move. Alternatively, orange attacks will not hurt you if you are moving. Names are yellow (or, if you know the "Forggit trick", pink) when a monster is ready to be spared and no longer wants to fight.
Colour also plays an important part in Sans's dialogue. The original post by lefthanded-sans is pretty in depth; I only want to focus on Sans's "blue stop sign" dialogue.
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First, he mentions Papyrus's "special attack". It's a dark blue, the same colour that Papyrus makes the human's SOUL during the fight. "Blue attack" is in the lighter shade of blue associated with the attacks that won't hurt you when you hold still. This is clever, as it shows that Sans is talking about two different types of attack in a very subtle way.
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Red in UNDERTALE is often used to denotate something violent, like EXP, LV, or some of the human's genocide route dialogue. Obviously, the red here is not only associated with the red colour of a stop sign or stop light, but in the context of the next line, it is also meant to represent FIGHTing, something you SHOULDN'T DO:
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"Blue stop signs" here is in YELLOW, the colour a monster's name becomes when you SPARE IT. This can be a clever visual gag based on all the different colours Sans is speaking in, but I believe Sans is actively telling you NOT TO ATTACK PAPYRUS. Sans is saying you should STOP and SPARE his brother.
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mademeurowns · 5 years
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phil-and-a-corgi · 5 years
Teenagers and Party Poison (ALSO WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHEN YOU SPAM BAMD I DON’T UNDERSTAND IM JUST A STUPID ZOOMER PLEASE EXPLAIN) you friggen chicken nugget head coward short little forggit bro
teenagers - are you afraid of people the same age as you?
yes. im afraid of most people. as a tiny asian, imostly find myself cowering at tall white people.
party poison - do you speak different languages?
yes i can speak american and internet.
i speak motsly english and im pretty ok at cantonese, just to get around, for some reason im im spanish honors and i can also speak music.
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underscribble · 8 years
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also here are the pictures used.
I’m a fan of the wave effect in photoshop.
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