maidensofmyths · 7 months
Maidens of Myths
We are an Indie Company that makes Table Top Role Playing Games, Our current lovely Child of Internet Carboard is Forgotten Hymns! it TTRPG Based in D12 System, where you can Customize to your Heart's content and THEN MORE, We Use a Template based system where you pick a plate a take ability's from templates with some sets ability's, the aim to combine them to make powerful character and make legends with 50,000's viable combinations and making more nearly everyday, this isn't some generate your moves type game but rather a in-depth Combo system If you are interested in learning more we have a discord you can join!
We look Forward to seeing your face's soon! Bye Everybody and thank you for taking the time to read this - The Maiden
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discipleoflogarius · 9 years
✞ Meet the Muse ✞
[No reblogs! Make a new post please!]
|| The Basics || Name: Alfred Nickname(s): 'Executioner’ ‘Minister’ Age: Mid-twenties Species: Human || Personal || Religious Belief: Probably the religious equivalence of Catholicism that’s practiced outside of Yharnam. Sins: Lust / Greed / Gluttony / Sloth / Pride / Envy / Wrath Virtues: Chastity / Charity / Diligence / Humility / Kindness / Patience /Justice Primary Goals In Life: Avenge the holy Martyr Logarius. Put an end to the Vileblood scourge by killing the immortal Queen Annalise and preventing any further activity of the remaining Vilebloods. Languages Known: English. Secrets: Formerly training for Priesthood, but prior to that, he descended from a wealthy family and was considered the ‘problem child’ for his emotional instability. His parents sought the Church for an easy way to remove Alfred from their social circles. Quirks: Tends to fidget often, particularly after prayer. Savvies: Handy with unconventional tools; can recite most Healing Church prayers on a whim. || Physical || Height: 5′6 Weight: 155ish lbs Scars/Birthmarks: He has a few minor scars on his hands and knees from everyday wear and tear, and a handful of small dark birthmarks on his upper back and belly. Abilities/Powers: Pro at wheel-swinging? Restrictions: Terrible at long-range fighting; he’s extremely slow, which is his most prominent weakness. || Favorites || Favourite Drink: Chamomile tea with two [large] spoonfuls of sugar. Favourite Color: Pale blue/powder blue. Favourite Music Genre: Gregorian Chant. (⊙ヮ⊙) Favourite Book Genre: Historical non-fiction. Favourite Season: Late-autumn-about-to-be-winter. Favourite Butt Type: Large and grabbable. Favourite Swear Word: Swearing is for sinners and Vilebloods. Favourite Scent: Frankincense. Favourite Quote:  Everything Logarius has ever said??  “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..” - John Milton || Fun Stuff || Bottom or Top: Depends???? Sings In The Shower: Occasionally! Likes Bad Puns: Heck yes. Morality: Lawful [Technically Lawful Evil?] / Neutral / Chaotic / Good / Gray / Evil (borders between Chaotic Good and Chaotic Neutral) Build: Slender / Scrawny / Bony / Fit / Athletic / Herculean / Baby fat / Pudgy [+ mad crazy upper body muscle LMAO] / Obese / Other. Favourite Food: Sweets, particularly pastries. “Boss” Theme Music :  P L A G U E   Their Opinion On The Mun: Possibly Vileblood scum? Unsure. Was tagged by: Myself! Tag 15 People: Anyone who hasn’t done this little blurb yet!
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maidensofmyths · 5 months
Welcome back to The "Weekly Character" Where we share a Media Character outside of Forgotten Hymns made in the Character sheet system, welcome our second runner from a nice show for Kids Pinkamena Diane Pie or Pinkie Pie!
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Im also happy to announce the First Recording of the moonglow Podcast is finised and we are putting in the touches to release it to the public as soon as we can, Thank you all for waiting
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maidensofmyths · 5 months
Inducing the new "Weekly Character" Where we share a Media Character outside of Forgotten Hymns made in the Character sheet system, I'm Proud to Show the first one: DIO
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While we are still getting the Moon Glow Podcast together, we are gonna show this to help get people use to the system and show off our template system, we thank you for your patience!
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maidensofmyths · 7 months
Big Update today to Forgotten Hymns
We have competed The Combat, Tanks, Stealth and Race, Extended Templates Today alone Thanks to the Myths Hard Work If you are interested Playing Forgotten Hymns you should come join our discord server where we have all the materials to start!
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maidensofmyths · 7 months
Most Normal Forgotten Hymns Party
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maidensofmyths · 7 months
Update Forgotten Hymns is starting a Podcast to induce everyone to our TTRPG, currently we are planning on having a 3 player party with Zombie Plush, Ami Da Ballin, Link The Maiden and can't Forget our Lovely CL(DM) Odyssey The Myth, Not much is to be said So if you are interested stay tuned in when EP1 comes out
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maidensofmyths · 7 months
Forgotten Hymns is a custom TTRPG where there are 6 stats Strength, Occult, Intelligence, Discipline, Luck, and Charisma each stat has 3 skills and 1 Ritual type.
Rituals are magic but instead of spell costs, it takes time in combat to cast you get a Ritual every two levels. Instead of classes or skill trees, there are Templates, Templates are a set of six abilities that are focused around a theme, at level 5 the beginning level for most parties you get two Templates. There are two kinds of Templates Standard and Race, Standard can be picked every 5 levels, and Race can only be picked in character creation and you have to unlock all of the abilities from the Template. When in character creation starting at level 5 you have 15 character points these points can be used to unlock the abilities from Templates or can be used to upgrade skills
There TTRPG can be done in any setting and time if you want it to be space you can do that, if you want it to be Mid-Fantasy you can do that,
This Alpha build of the TTRPG can be played in its state
If this sounds cool, nerdy, or just minmaxy feel free to join the discord here
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