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typinggently · 4 years
I feel like feral Bruce would Absolutely rock crop tops. Idk I just feel like he would go ham with a crop top on lil bit of glitter in the hair you know. ✨ (love your posts btw🥰)
Firstly - thank you so much, lovely!! And when I tell you that I had a list of Summer Fun Facts for the Feral Bat that included crop tops… Great minds, truly!!! But after your ask I got thinking about the concept for a moment. Let’s say it’s -
Feral Bruce in Crop Tops Hour!
(I also went above and beyond to find actual pics and outfits but very few really resonated with what I had in mind, so I hope you’ll forgive me if this will be a bit of an exercise of imaginative dress-up)
Let’s start with the glitter hair!!! I feel that’s very much a Brucie look. You know Brucie loves to spend all night in Gotham’s hottest (or coldest) clubs, and he needs the Looks to match. So what I could imagine would be his hair gelled back with a nice layer of glitter, to really sparkle in those flashing lights. Then some nice dark, high-waisted jeans, some shoes he can dance in and a loose, almost see-through crop top with BRUCIE bedazzled on the front. Just, you know. In case someone doesn’t know who he is. It’s a great look because the high-waisted jeans and the shirt actually cover a fair bit of his body, but the airy and loose quality of the top that just hints at the outlines of his body, as well as the occasional flash of pale skin makes it look like he’s much more undressed than he really is. And come on. It’s a hot look.
 This whole thing reminded me that I actually mentioned Bruce in a Crop Top before, as part of his workout gear – that is, a pair of tapered tracksuit bottoms, a grey leotard with a velvety bat on the chest and a cropped sweatshirt that says FUCK on the front and OFF on the back. Since his fighting style is built equally on grace and strength, dancing and gymnastics are an important part of his routine. So yes, he absolutely needs his bat-leotard. Also it’s cute. And the FUCK-sweater (Alfred doesn’t like it much) is usually a good way to have his peace, since many mainstream gossip mags don’t like having that word printed in bold letters on their pages, so paps don’t photograph him that much when he’s jogging through Wayne Manor Park or just outside for some other fitness-y reason.
 Apart from being sexy and weird, of course, Bruce can be a tad eccentric. So of course his autumn outfit for casual strolls through the foggy streets of Gotham with all the gothic facades and grimy streets would be a big woollen coat (you know, the kind that billows behind you a little), dark jeans, heavy boots and a torn shirt. And by that I mean the thing is in tatters from about the sternum down. It looks like he wrestled it from a lion and put it on, really. And it’s probably either a bright, autumn colour like red or orange, or it’s white with something written on it. If you got close enough to read it, it might be parts of Dracula, which someone with odd sleeping habits might’ve written on there over the course of 5 hours, while listening to the “Charcoal” Album by Brambles on repeat. Halloween season, and all that. His body appropriately looks even paler than usual, from the glimpses people get when the wind picks up and blows his coat open and does this man never get cold?
 Bruce can be eccentric in a more cubist way, too. You know those trousers with the wide legs that look almost like floor-length skirts when you’re standing still? Black, of course. And for a jacket? Top? We have an origami-like construction, probably with wide sleeves, probably white, with the folds parting at the front to reveal basically his whole torso. This is something he just likes to wear in summer, at home. It’s fun to dance or even walk in, since the shapes move so interestingly, and it’s terribly distracting to Clark whenever he comes over since he never manages to guess just when he’ll get to see Bruce’s bare skin. Tantalising, truly. (Clark wishes the man would wear. something ordinary just ONCE when they’re together so he can keep his mind on the things that need to be done)
 And hey! Bruce can do that! Casual? No problem! Loose hair, free of product. Sunglasses (it’s summer). Jeans. T-shirt. Very normal. But – just make it a little shorter, you know? Have the shirt be tight, and end at around the dip of his waist. And let’s have the jeans sit low on his hips, so the happy trail and his v-line are nicely visible. And you know, since we’ve already gotten this far, let’s just make it a Superman-themed shirt. Now wouldn’t that be a fun outfit for Brucie to visit Metropolis in? “Oh, no, no. Not Mister Wayne, please. I’m undercover. I’m in Metropolis. See? I’m wearing the shirt? With the, you know, the sexy sky man? But yes,  call me Brucie. Yeah, that’s better. What am I – ? oh, here? Just for fun, just for fun. I thought I’d come look at some tan people for a change. But look at this – now I stick out! Trés uh? Bad. Horrible. Well, not that bad. It’s a nice look, yeah? Here, you want to take a pic of me in front of- what’s that thing?” (Brucie always talks so much when the paps see him, they never get to ask any questions)
 And finally – the Galliano 2011 inspired look. You know I had to. Let’s give him a black silk shirt, unbuttoned after about the third button. It’s not quite a crop top per se, but you see an awful lot of his torso, so let’s count it. Black suit trousers and suspenders, but the suspenders are worn underneath the shirt, which gives that lingerie flavour to the whole look. Then let’s give him the smokey eyes and voilà! That’s a Look to wear around home while waiting for Clark to drop in and ask about what he was doing in Metropolis. (Clark really wishes the man would wear something ordinary just once…)
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