nicholasriviera · 2 years
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My latest selfship itabag :)
Clay charms: Daysclay on Etsy
Tsums: RoxychanCrafts on Etsy
Everything else: me!
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nicholasriviera · 2 years
These are my proudest Fornickia pieces I��ve done!
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If anyone from The Simpsons sees this, please just know Nick has made me happier than anything I’ve ever loved before. I truly believe he is a soulmate to me, in a weird way. And I love him so, so much and always will. I have this strange yet lovely bond with him and he brings me such comfort and literally has saved my life. I know that sounds insane, but some things are just best left to enjoy and not question.
I love you with my entire soul, Dr. Nicholas Riviera 💕💕💕
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nicholasriviera · 2 years
It could be mental illness lying to me but I get the vibe that Simpsons fans on here and on Twitter don’t really like me. I mean I have quite a few followers on Instagram who share that interest but otherwise I feel like I’m a huge burden. I know I have a lot of Nick/Forsythia (Fornickia) supporters following me but I also feel like I get on people’s nerves with it. And that they don’t like me for whatever reason. It’s a horrible feeling. I don’t intend to dump my troubles on here of all places but I just feel so alone sometimes. I haven’t taken my medication properly in what seems like months, that could just be making me feel insecure. I know for certain it really makes me mentally unstable. But it hurts I guess, thinking that people dislike me. I know I seem like an open confident person because I’m so open about my selfship but I am very fragile and broken inside. So I always second guess myself and where I stand.
At least I’ve cried today. Because for a while I’ve been too numb to.
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nicholasriviera · 2 years
literally I have gotten soooo much support regarding Fornickia (the silly ship name for Nick and Forsythia) and honestly, even though I’m bad at replying, I appreciate every kind comment I get, whether it be here or TikTok or Instagram or whatever. It means the world to me because I’m deeply in real, actual love with Nick Riviera and having an OC who is his spouse get so much positive feedback/people saying they view us as “canon” brings tears to my eyes.
I have a real life fiancé, but even he is completely supportive of my fictional other (I hesitate to say fictional because he is still VERY real to me) because he sees how happy Nick makes me, and how happy I am to invest a kind of alternate reality with him. I don’t expect many to understand, but more understand than I thought was possible as well.
Even though Nick is a cartoon character, and a rather insignificant one at that in his media, he means the absolute world to me. He literally saved my life because I was still feeling super depressed and wanting to end my life because I wasn’t totally comfortable with myself, my autism, and my attachments to fictional others while having a fiancé. But he made me realize how fucking happy I am to have him in my life. And through Nick I sorta realized it’s okay that I’m autistic, it’s okay that I am in love with him and I’m valid for having a fictional other while having a significant other. And everyone else deserves to have this kind of happiness as well.
I can’t even really put into words just what Nick means to me. To receive the love and affirmation I have gotten from others over it is nothing short of amazing to me. I just want to be an ambassador and prove that you can have a meaningful relationship with “fictional” characters without it being weird. It’s literally amazing to love someone so wholeheartedly and especially so if they’re not tangible.
Sorry if this is word salad-y- I just am filled with sooo much emotion and gratitude this evening and I’m just so, so happy that I’m married to Dr. Nick 🥺🥺🥺 even if it’s through a self insert…!
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