#simpsons ita bag
bmoviebabylon · 2 years
*people around the world crying and begging* YOUR BAG IS MEANT TO HAVE A THEME PLEASE THEME YOUR BAG
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puffitale · 4 months
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Trying the ita bag thing
Yes, that's 4 Simpsons pins. Soon to be 5
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nicholasriviera · 2 years
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And since I had an excess of Nick photos, I designed yet another itabag! This one makes five or six ita bags I have for Nick alone. (Honestly, I repurposed all my previous ones FOR Nick, so…)
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cutetinyartist · 3 years
When you get this, please reply five things that make you happy and send this to the last ten people in your notifications 💙 (you don't have to answer this if you don't want to)
This is such a cute ask! 🖤 Sorry it took me so long to answer but here's my five things:
1] G/T Fluff!
Of course this is my first choice! I always find it so comforting to read/draw/daydream about cute g/t scenarios. I have pretty bad anxiety, but imagining a giant holding me and helping me through it always makes me feel better 🥺💕
I still need to get better at writing and drawing it, but you guys are always really supportive when I do post and it makes me love this niche interest + community even more! 🖤
(Plus the Iron Giant is my favourite animated film of all time and I'm 80% sure it's the reason I love giants, robots and animation as much as I do-)
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His music just means so much to me and I love everything that he stands for! I've been to four of his concerts so far and I swear he gets even more amazing every time 🥺🖤
When I saw him with my mom last week I completely burst into tears when he performed 'God Save Me (But Don't Drown Me Out)' cus I absolutely adore that song and being able to just shout along with the lyrics "I won't let my insecurities define who I am! Not gonna waste my life cus I've been fucked up!" Was something I really REALLY needed, he performed it at 3 of the shows I went to and every time it was perfect 😭🖤 Honestly a LOT of his lyrics resonate with me on a really personal level, but that one is definitely one of my all-time favourites 🖤🖤🖤
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3] Collecting Things!
I have so many figurines, collectibles, plushies and things like that, I literally need new shelves to fit all my stuff on 😭😂 Plus my Ita Bag is stuffed full of pins and keyrings, I preordered the new NSP ALBUM which comes with a Pin and I'm gonna have to rearrange my whole bag to fit it in 😅
My parents are the same too, I blame them for making me such a nerdy hoarder 💀
I'm too lazy to find a pic of everything but here's my Funko Pop! Figures of Hologram Rick, Dom and the Iron Giant! 🥺🖤
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4] Cartoons
I literally wouldn't be where I am today if I didn't watch cartoons, I literally want to make them for a living! 😂💕 I just adore animation so much, I won't list all of my favourites cus we'd be here for way too long but my Top Five are South Park, (Classic) Simpsons, Rick and Morty, Futurama and My Little Pony! 🖤 (And that's just the TV shows I like, if I listed films we'd definitely be here for too long)
Those shows have inspired me a lot over the years and I really hope I can make something as awesome as them one day 🥺💕🖤
Ooh and one other thing is Shoocharu's NSP Animations! Those seriously inspire me a LOT and I'm hoping to try animating a full music video soon too 🖤
(Also I'm just a massive simp for some cartoon characters okay-)
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5] Taskmaster!
It's one of my favourite TV Shows of all time! I love how ridiculous it gets sometimes, if I'm feeling a bit down I'll just watch clips from it and it cheers me up a lot 😂🥺💕
Plus I usually end up simping for at LEAST one contestant per series (and Greg Davies ages like a fine wine so every new season I love him more 👀😂)
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Thanks again for the ask! 🖤
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girlvinland · 3 years
Omg the Do it for Him poster made me remember there is a creator who is making ita bags (w various colors and pronouns) like the Simpsons scene/meme and I really wanna get one just to put Orn merch in. I need to see if/when that kickstarter is launching.
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ladydorian · 4 years
tag game ★~(•◡•✿) 50 questions you’ve never been asked before
THIS LOOKS SO MUCH FUN thank you @ithinkwehitametaphor​
what colour is your hair brush?
I had a green and white one for years but it just broke so I’m using my backup mini black one that I keep in my purse until I can get another.
Are you typically too warm or too cold?
I’m usually cold except for in the summer.
what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Proofreading IFUs while blasting music to drown out the sound of my neighbor blasting music.
what is your favorite candy bar?
Oooh Japanese Kit Kats. I’ve got some matcha ones in the cabinet right now, but the apple pie ones were also really good.
have you ever been to a professional sports event?
Mostly baseball and hockey when I was younger. Nothing recently, I’m not terribly interested in sports.
what is the last thing you said out loud?
“Saigo ni nan to itte ita kke anata wa nan to itte ita kke...” (I was not even paying attention while writing this but “Kekka-ron” by SUPER BEAVER came on and I automatically started singing the opening lines)
what is your favorite ice cream?
So I really can’t eat dairy (even tho I do sometimes), but there’s this brand of coconut milk ice cream called Luna & Larry, and their cherry amaretto is the besssssst.
what was the last thing you had to drink?
Drinking coffee right now.
do you like your wallet?
It’s cute, it’s pink and black and has cats on it, and I bought it from an anime con a couple years ago.
what was the last thing you ate?
Chocolate almond milk pudding for breakfast.
did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
No but I bought these awesome Shintaro Kago enamel pins for when I finally get off my ass and redo my itabag (link contains kittens exploding from cute girls’ faces, and there is a bit of blood - also the site is very NSFW).
the last sporting event you watched?
We watched some marble racing after seeing John Oliver talk about it.
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
Caramel I guess. Not a huge popcorn eater.
who is the last person you sent a text message to?
I texted my brother Mark about Rakuten Global Market closing. Though I’ve only bought maybe one j-rock CD off of there once. I usually just go to cdjapan.
ever go camping?
A few times. I’m really scared of bugs and spiders, so it’s not something I do often. But I’ve had the fun experience of getting up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and seeing a snake slither right past the building.
do you go to church every Sunday?
I haven’t been in a church since I was in high school (except for funerals) and I’d like to keep it that way.
do you have a tan?
I don’t tan, I burn. I got my dad’s Italian hair and my mom’s Irish skin.
do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Oooh, Chinese food. Especially crab rangoon if they’re homemade.
do you drink your soda with a straw?
I slam that shit straight outta the can.
what color socks do you usually wear?
If I had a choice, I would never wear socks. But when I do wear them, they’re usually novelty socks with, like, tacos and poptarts all over them.
do you ever drive above the speed limit?
When my stepdad taught me how to drive, he said “always go 10 miles over the speed limit, because that’s what everyone else is doing and they’ll run you off the road otherwise.” I’ve only gotten caught about 3 or 4 times.
what terrifies you?
Talking to people. Being judged. Failure. All my friends abandoning me. Being alone.
look to your left, what do you see?
My ONE OK ROCK tote bag with an Arches cold press watercolor pad sticking out of it. I need to paint larger pictures more. That’s good quality just sitting around going to waste.
what chore do you hate?
Emptying the dishwasher when it’s cleaned.
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
That episode of the Simpsons when they went to Australia because Bart got in trouble, and Marge went to the bar asking for a tea and the guy just kept saying “Beer?” -- “No, TEA.” “BEER?”
what’s your favorite soda?
La Croix, though it’s technically sparkling water.
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?
I usually just get takeout, I haven’t been in a typical fast food place or a drive-thru in years (unless you count the Korean chicken wing place, I guess that’s kind of like fast food. But I don’t go to McD’s or anything.).
who’s the last person you talked to?
I told Greg I was going to throw some laundry in but he already did it.
favorite cut of beef?
Not really a steak person but I’ll eat a burger all day long.
last song you listened to?
[Alexandros] - “Philosophy” (it’s gotten me thru some tough shit a couple months ago)
last book you read?
I read @ithinkwehitametaphor​‘s Narcos fanfiction and @mouthface​‘s Brommet wip. I’m a straight-up fanfic person these days.
favorite day of the week?
Probably Saturday, but Friday is a close second.
can you say the alphabet backwards?
Oh god no.
how do you like your coffee?
1/2 - 1 teaspoon of sugar. No cream.
favorite pair of shoes?
I got an old pair of Chinese Laundry black boots with studs in the heels that I wish I had bought 2 pairs of before they were discontinued.
the time you normally go to sleep?
During the week, about 10:30PM - 11:30 (it’s a little later now that I’m working from home). Weekends are usually between 1AM-2 (look, I’m old OK).
the time you normally get up?
8:30AM or so (working from home), and between 9AM-10 on weekends.
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
I have maybe been awake for 2-3 sunrises in my life, so sunsets it is.
how many blankets on your bed?
Just one.
Describe your kitchen plates.
I have a couple plain blue ones and then some white with black trim. I think they were all housewarming gifts from my grandma from about 10 years ago.
do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
Vodka and beer.
do you play cards?
I used to on occasion, but I don’t have friends who live around me, so I don’t really have anyone to play with.
what color is your car?
Red with the coolest bumper stickers ever.
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can you change a tire?
If I need to, I guess.
favorite job you’ve ever had?
I don’t think I’ve ever had a job I liked.
how did you get your biggest scar?
I fell off a bike at Soulcycle a couple years ago and punched a quarter-sized hole in my right thigh. Rode thru the entire 45-minute class, drove home, made dinner, and about 2 hours later finally asked Greg to take a look at it. I thought it was just a scrape, but he told me we were going to the hospital immediately as fat tissue was leaking out of it. I ended up getting 10 stitches and was called “one badass bitch” for my ridiculous pain tolerance.
what did you do today that made someone else happy?
Idk, I like to think I’m a good listener if anyone wants/needs to talk.
I’m always terrified of bothering people, so if you want to do this, please do!
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sbknews · 7 years
New Post has been published on Superbike News
New Post has been published on http://superbike-news.co.uk/wordpress/mxgp-heating-leon/
MXGP Heating up in Leon
The 4th round of the FIM Motocross World Championship is about to take to the dirt at the MXGP of Leon-Mexico this weekend. This will be the only time this year that the riders of the MXGP and MX2 world championships are in Central America under the Mexican heat. Hosting MXGP and MX2 for the 4th year in a row, Leon is set for another year of bar to bar racing.
MXGP Perfect weekends are hard to come by but Team HRC’s Tim Gajser figured it out at the MXGP of Patagonia – Argentina. Gajser won the Qualifying Race, Race 1, and Race 2, he accomplished all of which in a cool and precise manner. The Slovenian won in Leon last year and he will need to keep his cool once again if he expects to have the same success under the bright sun and 30 degree Celsius temperatures predicted for Leon.
Monster Energy Yamaha Factory Racing’s Jeremy Van Horebeek had his best races of the year in Patagonia Argentina finishing second overall. Momentum and confidence are often the keys to win, keys that Jeremy holds coming into Leon.
Team HRC’s Evgeny Bobryshev is impressing week after week with Patagonia Argentina being the pinnacle thus far. The Russian fought through sickness up to and during the GP eventually coming away with his first podium of the season and a second place finish in race 2. In 2015 he placed third in Leon and last year was one spot shy of the podium. Assuming Bobryshev has recovered, he is likely to be competing for his second podium this year and maybe even the victory in Leon.
Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Antonio Cairoli came into Patagonia with the points but saw himself slip into second in the championship after a testing weekend. The Italian showed some serious speed on his way through the pack though and will look to better his 2016 MXGP of Leon 6th place finish.
Monster Energy Kawasaki Racing Team’s Clement Desalle sits 6 points behind Cairoli in the championship. The MXGP of Patagonia Argentina was a mixed bag for Desalle as he placed 3rd in race 1 and lead laps in race 2 before losing rhythm and dropping to a 10th place finish for 6th overall. If Desalle can keep his focus it’s clear he has the speed to challenge for a win in Mexico. Desalle’s teammate Jordi Tixier will miss the MXGP in Leon due to a surgery, leaving Clement as the only MXGP rider in Monster Energy Kawasaki Racing Team.
Monster Energy Yamaha Factory Racing’s Romain Febvre was about to win the Overall last year going 1-2 to Gajser’s 2-1 in Leon. Febvre has spent the week training in the US and now looks to conquer this year’s MXGP of Leon.
Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing’s Max Nagl rode at podium level during the last MXGP of Leon placing 3rd and after an 8th in Neuquen he is undoubtedly hungry for a result closer to last years, if not better.
Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Jeffrey Herlings won in Leon last year in MX2 and after a difficult start on his 450cc rookie season, Herlings’ frustration is evident. With signs of improvement in Patagonia Argentina’s race 2 he is heading to the right direction and he is always a potential top finisher.
2016 MXGP of Leon, Mexico MXGP Top 3 Tim Gajser Romain Febvre Max Nagl
2017 MXGP Championship Top Ten: 1. Tim Gajser (SLO, HON), 106 points; 2. Antonio Cairoli (ITA, KTM), 96 p.; 3. Clement Desalle (BEL, KAW), 91 p.; 4. Jeremy Van Horebeek (BEL, YAM), 84 p.; 5. Evgeny Bobryshev (RUS, HON), 82 p.; 6. Gautier Paulin (FRA, HUS), 72 p.; 7. Romain Febvre (FRA, YAM), 65 p.; 8. Kevin Strijbos (BEL, SUZ), 56 p.; 9. Shaun Simpson (GBR, YAM), 55 p.; 10. Max Anstie (GBR, HUS), 49 p.
MX2 Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Pauls Jonass was the other rider to figure out the recipe for a perfect weekend in Patagonia Argentina and it was the second time this season but after struggles in Indonesia he sits second in the championship. Jonass finished fourth in last year’s Leon GP but with speed that seems unmatchable at times he is a favorite for this weekend.
Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Jorge Prado Garcia battled for wins against his teammate Jonass during both races in Argentina ending up 2nd overall. The 16 year old Spaniard now looks to come out on the top step of podium in Mexico.
Team Suzuki World MX2’s Jeremy Seewer rode consistent in Neuquen finishing top 5 in race 1 and second in race 2. His results give him the red plate coming to Mexico, where last year he finished 2nd behind the previous MX2 rider Jeffrey Herlings.
Kemea Yamaha Official MX Team’s Benoit Paturel made some good moves in race 1 at last round finishing 2nd but a mishap in race 2 resulting in a ninth place, cost him the red plate. Benoit now sits 3rd in the championship standings and is searching for his first race win of the year in Leon.
Monster Energy DRT Kawasaki’s Darian Sanayei heads to Leon confident after his best MX2 showing in Argentina with 6-4 finishes for 5th overall. The American has spent time back stateside and with a refreshed mindset and improving results he is looking to turn heads in Mexico and grasp his first career MX2 podium.
Russian Vsevolod Brylyakov, Sanayei’s Monster Energy DRT Kawasaki teammate has shown speed and been atop practice times but has yet to put all the pieces together come race day. Brylyakov was on the Leon podium last year and with the right combination may be a dark horse this time around.
LRT KTM’s Julien Lieber has had strong performance to start the season but after issues in Patagonia he now looks to rebound for the last race before heading back to Europe.
2016 MXGP of Leon, Mexico MX2 Top 3 Jeffrey Herlings Jeremy Seewer Vsevolod Brylyakov
2017 MX2 Championship Top Ten: 1. Jeremy Seewer (SUI, SUZ), 110 points; 2. Pauls Jonass (LAT, KTM), 107 p.; 3. Benoit Paturel (FRA, YAM), 104 p.; 4. Julien Lieber (BEL, KTM), 99 p.; 5. Thomas Kjer Olsen (DEN, HUS), 99 p.; 6. Brent Van doninck (BEL, YAM), 73 p.; 7. Samuele Bernardini (ITA, TM), 70 p.; 8. Jorge Prado Garcia (ESP, KTM), 67 p.; 9. Michele Cervellin (ITA, HON), 62 p.; 10. Vsevolod Brylyakov (RUS, KAW), 59 p
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nicholasriviera · 3 years
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a 30 year old with a Simpsons character ita bag…You Wish You Were Me
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nicholasriviera · 2 years
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My latest selfship itabag :)
Clay charms: Daysclay on Etsy
Tsums: RoxychanCrafts on Etsy
Everything else: me!
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nicholasriviera · 3 years
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Updated Dr. Nick ita bag. Featuring the Mx Paint bag by tori_png, buttons by Allyssinian, stickers and pin by me, and the figure is from Argentina! Oh! And I painted the backdrop.
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