#forrest and kiragi are good as brothers :)
moonstoneraven · 2 years
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fates kids sprite edits part 2!
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authordgaster · 2 years
What're the relationships like between the Fates kids?
Between the six of them?
Eh… well, here’s everyone’s opinions on the other members of their little group:
Shiro->Selkie: “My adorable little cousin! We love eating together, even if we sometimes disagree on flavors.”
Shiro->Forrest: “Kiragi’s best friend. Totally thought he was a chick first time we met. I respect his choices in fashion, even if they aren’t the most practical for battle.”
Shiro->Soleil: “She’s quite the personality, if a little predictable…”
Shiro->Dwyer: “I dunno why Selkie likes him so much, but if he hurts her… well, I’ll stand by and laugh as she eats him alive.”
Shiro->Midori: “I appreciate all the kid does for me with her salves and tonics, even if they smell like death. She can be a bit pushy though…”
Selkie->Shiro: “Food buddy! He’s more like a big brother than a cousin!”
Selkie->Forrest: “Clothes buddy! Taught me to sew! I made him a pillow to apologize for messing up his fabric…”
Selkie->Soleil: “Dancing buddy! She’s fun to play with! But why does her face get so red whenever we talk…?”
Selkie->Dwyer: “BEST BUDDY! We’re best friends! He promised to heal me whenever I’m hurt!”
Selkie->Midori: “Herb buddy! I love trying whatever new medicine she makes! It’s fun!”
Forrest->Shiro: “Kiragi’s eldest cousin. We haven’t spoken much, but he’s strong and he seems like a very nice person.”
Forrest->Selkie: “Her tendency to leap before looking can be troublesome at times, but she’s incredibly nice and willing to fix her mistakes. I can see why Dwyer likes her so much.”
Forrest->Soleil: “We both share a love for all things cute, though her stubbornness can be a bit headache inducing. Still, I’m happy to call her a friend.”
Forrest->Dwyer: “It’s incredible someone so lazy could be Aunt Elise’s son. But then I see him help others on the battlefield healing others, and I remember that I’m proud to call him ‘cousin’.”
Forrest->Midori: “We have a wonderful give and take relationship. She gives me all kinds of beauty creams, and I make cute aprons for her.”
Soleil->Shiro: “He’s a good guy, but not my type. He’s fun to spar with though!”
Soleil->Selkie: “An absolute cutie! So playful! And I love her little fox ears! Though whenever I talk to her it feels like someone starts glaring at me…”
Soleil->Forrest: “He is so cute! I love his tastes! And he was willing to share his shampoo with me, even after I gave him so much trouble…”
Soleil->Dwyer: “He saw me in a moment of weakness, so I forced him to help me become better at dancing. It’s a work in progress…”
Soleil->Midori: “A cute little bean with a smile that needs protecting! Her medicine really saved me after a Vallite solider tried to gut me like a fish…”
Dwyer->Shiro: “He’s a big oaf, and probably one of the dumbest people here. But I still trust and respect him despite that.”
Dwyer->Selkie: “…Our mothers were incredibly close, so we’ve known each other for most of our lives. She’s always been really reckless and gets herself hurt a lot, so I need to always stick with her to make sure that I can heal her when she’s hurt. Also she is much smarter than she lets people believe.”
Dwyer->Forrest: “He’s too kind hearted for his own good, so sometimes I’m worried someone will try to take advantage of him. But I’m willing to trust him to be able to take care of himself.”
Dwyer->Soleil: “I’ll never understand how someone can be embarrassed about being seen dancing, but is perfectly fine with being seen strutting around in her underwear… and then blackmail me into helping her improve her dancing. It’s a work in progress…”
Dwyer->Midori: “That girl and her darn blubbering face and how she keeps guilting me into trying her tonics. At least she agreed to stop putting eyeballs in them.”
Midori->Shiro: “A valued customer and someone who’s more than willing to help me out! I’m glad I was able to help with his tired arm issue!”
Midori->Selkie: “Selkie is quite fun to be around. She’s always willing to try new tonics and sometimes even brings me ingredients for new ones.”
Midori->Forrest: “Forrest makes me cute aprons, and I give him beauty creams. It’s a win-win!”
Midori->Soleil: “Soleil is really nice to me all the time, and I’m always ready to use my medicine to save her when she gets herself into a sticky situation… it happens more than you’d think…”
Midori-Dwyer: “That lazy bum agreed to be a test subject for my new tonics. I don’t know why he’s so dramatic about the insect legs though, the grosser medicine is, the more effective it is after all!”
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theeeveetamer · 5 years
👀 really up for any sort of soft and romantic. They’re the cutest! (Previous anon)
Hey! Sorry I’ve been sitting on this for awhile! This is doubling as my Valentine’s Day fic for the year BTW (even though it’s not about Valentine’s day)
Tags: Fluff, Pure Unadulterated Fluff, Some Family Fluff Too, Omegaverse, Omega!Takumi, Alpha!Leo
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17666066
He’d been prepping for this day all week; He was going to cook the kids’ favorite meal, get them all dressed up, and they were going to have a nice family dinner. Now that he thought about it, why did they never do this when Leo was in town?
And why the hell hadn’t he done laundry?! He only had about five decent looking shirts left because he’d been waiting to do the washing until after Leo got home so he could just do it all at once. He grabbed the nicest looking one and threw it on, then went back to rapidly attempting to towel dry his hair to an acceptable state.
“Papa, what do you think about this one?”
Forrest came into the room, already dressed up in his prettiest purple dress, complete with earrings, bracelets, amd just a hint of makeup. Wow, when he told the kid to dress nice he really went the extra mile. Forrest had even curled his hair to perfection. He was so thankful that Camilla had taken some time to help him learn how to do all of that stuff, since he and his mate were so useless when it came to that. When he’d been handed a little boy in the delivery room he’d never thought that one day he’d have to buy his thirteen year old dresses and makeup, but life was funny like that sometimes.
“You look great, baby.” He paused in agonizing over finding the right ribbon for his hair. “Is your brother home yet?”
“Not yet.”
He let out an exasperated sigh. “He better be back soon!”
That boy… He always stayed out too late. Takumi swore if he had to march down to the park and drag him back for dinner one more time. Tonight was special, damn it, he didn’t care how much he embarrassed Kiragi in front of his friends. He didn’t have time to go grab him though, the house still needed some cleaning and he still had to make the whole dinner.
Takumi passed the vacuum off to Forrest while he started prepping the food, and he was almost done cooking by the time their youngest got back. Takumi didn’t even look up from his stew when the front door opened.
“Papa! I’m home!”
“Perfect! You’re just--” He stopped cold when he saw his eleven year old son standing in the entryway, coated head to toe in mud.
“What happened to you?!”
The little blonde boy grinned. “We had a mud fight! It uh… It got a little out of hand.”
“Kiragi! You know what tonight is! Go shower and get changed, I’ll not have your father sit down to dinner when you look like a pig wallowing in mud!”
“Yes papa!” He scrambled off to the bathroom.
“Forrest can you go pick out an outfit for him? You know how awful he is at it.”
“Of course!” He set down the dinner plates and ran over to his brother’s room. Normally he wouldn’t care about what Kiragi wore -- and thank gods he didn’t. Takumi had never had the best fashion sense himself, but his youngest was still a child, and he tended not to care about what he wore. This usually worked out, like when he decided to get into mud fights right before the special dinner he’d been planning all damn week.
Well now he would just have to set the table and finish cooking dinner. He checked the time: almost five thirty. Leo was going to be calling around then. He set out the serving platters and finished setting the table just in time for his tablet to get a call.
“Forrest! Kiragi! Get down here, it’s time to eat!”
Both children came running as soon as he called. Kiragi’s messy blonde hair was still wet and dripping from the shower, and his shirt was getting a little damp in the back but otherwise he looked presentable. Takumi tapped the little green ‘accept call’ button and set the device up on its stand at the end of the table. He checked the little camera in the corner as the call connected to ensure that everything could be seen perfectly, then he ran back to his place at the table and sat down.
The face of his mate appeared on screen. He looked tired and slightly annoyed, but he was there. He seemed to be distracted by something just off to the side, but his attention snapped back when he heard a small chorus of “Dad!” coming from the other side of the screen. The slightly aggravated expression melted off of his face when he caught sight of them.
“Hey guys, how have you been?”
Both of them started talking at the same time, each of them so eager to share the details of their day that they ended up talking over each other and making it completely incomprehensible.
“Hey, hey, one at a time!” He scolded gently. “And start eating, I didn’t make this food just so it could go cold!”
They both went silent and started dishing out food from the center of the table.
“And what about you, love? Have you been holding down the fort well?”
“As well as can be expected.”
Leo chuckled. “Well, don’t worry. I’ll be home by this time next week.”
“Gods, I hope so.” He sighed. It was always difficult whenever Leo went away. His trip was only supposed to be two weeks, but he was already missing him like crazy. But now wasn’t the time, so he tried to keep the mood light. “What did you order?”
“Steak? I hope it’s good, though I’m sure it can’t compare to your cooking.”
“Expensive tastes, huh?”
“Hey, if they’re going to drag me away from my lovely mate and two beautiful children for two weeks, then you can bet that I’m going to spend every cent of my company allowance.”
They finished serving and everyone began tucking into their dinner. Well, for Leo it was more of a late lunch, but either way.
“Alright guys, one at a time this time. How have you been?”
Forrest and Kiragi — finally — just took turns chatting about their days. Auntie Elise took Forrest to the mall and got him some new school clothes. Kiragi regaled them all with the epic tale of his mud fight, and despite how upset he’d initially been he had to admit that it was a pretty funny story.
They spent a good thirty minutes to chat and eat together. Then, Leo checked his watch.
“Hey, I have to go now. There’s a meeting in ten.”
“I thought you were supposed to have Saturdays free there?”
The Alpha rolled his eyes. “Tell me about it. It’s informally mandatory. I gotta go okay? I’ll call you later. Love you.”
He grinned as three voices echoed the sentiment back. Then, the screen went dark. With dinner finished the two kids scampered off, and he started collecting up dishes.
The rest of the night was fairly monotonous. He finished the dishes and sat down with the kids to watch their evening shows together. He offered to teach Forrest how to do a fishtail braid, which was about the only unique thing he knew how to do with hair, while Kiragi ran around yelling about whatever cartoon was playing.
It was only after they were both tucked safely in bed and he was heading that way himself when his tablet screen lit up again. He dropped his comb on the dresser and sat down on the bed with the device, feet tucked neatly underneath him. His mate’s face popped up on the screen again, though this time he was all smiles. Or, well, as close to smiling as Leo got. More of a restrained grin, really.
“Oh good, I was hoping to catch you before you put your hair up for bed.”
“Weirdo. Was it a good meeting? You’ve got that stupid look on your face.”
“Just some company drivel. What, I can’t be smiling because I get to see my lovely mate before bed?”
“Now you’re just trying to make me blush.”
It was working, too.
“Guilty as charged. Seriously though, how have you been?”
“Honestly? You’ve only been gone for a week and I feel like a fucking wreck.”
It was getting harder and harder to sleep the whole night through when his mate wasn’t around. They were only a week in and already he was spending more time tossing and turning that he was actually sleeping.
He grabbed a few hair ties and started absentmindedly braiding his thick silver hair.
“Plus you’re going to miss our anniversary.”
He didn’t usually take too much stock in those kinds of things but it was a big deal this year! They’d been together for twenty years! And Leo’s stupid job was forcing him to fly hours away to do a stupid work training across the country, so he wouldn’t be home.
“I know, I know. But I’ll be home soon. Besides, we don’t need to celebrate on the exact date.”
“Clearly you don’t understand what the term anniversary means, Leo. It means exactly one year from the date.”
“Alright, don’t lecture me love. I know, I’m disappointed too.”
“Sorry, I’m just looking for an excuse not to go to bed.” He wasn’t exactly looking forward to another sleepless night by himself.
“Would it help you fall asleep if I stayed on the line?”
“Don’t you have to sleep?”
“Relax, there’s like a three hour time difference.”
He plugged the dying tablet in and got under the covers. It was still late summer,  but he couldn’t sleep unless he pulled the blankets all the way up to his chin… Something Leo would be complaining about endlessly were he here.
Gods he wished he was here.
He flicked off the lamp and shut his eyes.
“Alright then, as long as it's not too much of an inconvenience.”
“You’re never an inconvenience, love.”
He yawned. “Go ahead. Talk about whatever you want to talk about.”
He struggled to stay awake, but Leo barely made it halfway through an explanation of the book he’d read on the plane before he was out cold.
He woke up the next morning to a dark screen and a cold bed. He wasn’t feeling totally refreshed, but it was the best night of sleep he’d gotten all week. Seeing Leo’s face and falling asleep to his voice somehow managed to make him feel even lonelier than before. He grabbed one of Leo’s shirts out of his dresser drawer and headed off to the shower.
When he was done he pulled his pajama pants back on. Then the black button up went on and he buried his nose in the collar. His mate’s scent was stale and faint, but it was still there. He let that comfort him through his morning routine.
It was still early in the morning, and the kids would be in bed for awhile. He really just wanted to curl back up in bed with a good book, but he should probably start on breakfast before Kiragi and Forrest woke up and threw his life into chaos.
A few pots and pans clanged around as he went through the drawers looking for what he needed. Maybe he’d do scrambled eggs? But they had a lot of veggies and cheese that were going to go bad soon, maybe he could do omelettes? But that was so much work…
As he straightened up, pan in hand, something grabbed him around the waist. He yelled and whipped around, cookware primed and ready to hit whoever this was upside the head. He didn’t even look, he just swung.
A hand grabbed his wrist before he could make contact, so he started kicking, eyes wild like a cornered animal.
“Woah, woah! Calm down love! It’s just me.”
“L-Leo?” He immediately recognized his mate’s stunning red eyes, and the pan clattered to the floor.
Takumi shoved him in the chest; The blonde stumbled back a few steps.
“You complete asshole! I thought you weren’t coming back until next week!”
“Yes well… At that informally mandatory meeting they notified us that the leader of our workshop got food poisoning, so we were rescheduling for another time. I took the first flight home.”
“You mean you knew about this when you called me back last night and you didn’t think to tell me?!”
“I wanted it to be a surprise!”
“Well congratulations! You gave your mate a heart attack!”
He closed the distance and hugged Leo anyways. He buried his nose in his soft shirt and drank in his warm, comforting scent.
“I hate it when you leave me.”
He wrapped one arm around his waist and placed the other on the back of his head to draw him close. His Alpha started gently stroking his hair.
“Shh, I know love.”
He balled his hands up in the back of his shirt and nuzzled his mate’s chest. He wanted to bathe in that scent. He wanted to live in that moment forever.
Unfortunately, all good things came to an end. Their little moment was interrupted by the piping voice of their youngest son.
They broke apart to look at their new arrival. Kiragi was standing at the other end of the hall, baseball bat in hand. His brother was trailing a few feet behind him. When they saw Leo both of their faces lit up, and they ran over to join in on the hug.
“What are you doing with that bat, kiddo?”
“We heard Papa scream, so I was gonna scare the bad guys off!”
He swore, if his youngest son wasn’t an Alpha he would eat his own foot.
“Well, I’ve already called Auntie Camilla to come pick you up, so go get dressed okay?”
They both nodded and ran off back to their rooms.
“Geez, did everyone know about you coming home early but me?”
“I wanted to make today special. So…” His mate took him by the hands and pulled him out of the kitchen. On the living room coffee table was a beautiful bouquet of lilies and snapdragons already set up in a fine china vase. It was just like his mate to think of everything. Where did he even get a bouquet on such short notice?
“You’re such a damn perfectionist.”
“Only the best for my lovely mate.”
“Gods I haven’t even gotten you a present… I’m not even properly dressed!”
“Don’t worry about it, we have all day. And…” He leaned in close, sly smirk on his face. “I asked if Camilla could keep them for the night, too.”
He pushed himself up onto the tips of his toes to kiss Leo.
“Gods it’s good to have you home.”
His mate gave him a toothy grin, right thumb brushing gently over the bond scar on his neck. He shivered under the blonde’s touch.
“Happy anniversary, Takumi.”
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sleepinglionhearts · 7 years
Hello, I hope you're having a great day! Sorry to ask but do you have any headcanons regarding your collection of Kanas? They're all so interesting! (Also your art is lovely!)
Don’t be sorry to ask! It’s actually kinda nice that someone is asking me about Kana content. And thank you for complimenting my art alhfkahfjafhkjh
I will talk about the Kanas as if they are all in the Revelation path (in which they can interact with everyone) because I think it’s more fun that way
We’ll start with Izana!Kana
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-one of my friends thinks it’s troublesome to keep calling him Izana!Kana so she just calls him “Kazana” and I think it’s cute
-when transformed into a dragon, he is fairly small. No one is sure why. Instead of being of a decent dragon size like his mother, he’s more like the size of a rather large dog. popular theories include he may yet grow into a larger dragon, he is small as a human so he is small as a dragon, and maybe he’s small and a little odd looking because of whatever odd dragon genetics Izana may have contributed.
-unlike the other children who usually get kinda excited when the opportunity to go swimming in a lake or whatever presents itself, he avoids the water. Says he starts to hear a strange voice and his head hurts. Azura in particular is concerned over this, though when she asks him to tell her about it, he becomes even more prickly than usual over the subject and avoids her too
-he likes Midori. Midori likes him… because he’s a dragon and fun to experiment on.
-aims to surpass his father in looks– or at least, that’s his excuse for putting on makeup and dressing up. He just finds it all aesthetically pleasing.
-surprisingly enough, avoids Forrest (thinks he’s tacky)
-Gets taken out of his deeprealm early bc “really, is there anywhere safer than Izumo?? it’s neutral, no one’s gonna hurt him” but then escapes to his deeprealm anyway bc he’s like 9 and wanted to be taken seriously so he has to grow (it didn’t really work out)
-gave up on trying to control his hair and accepts it for its faults (besides, having lil hair antennas makes him taller… sort of….)
-absolutely adores the colour pink
-is sometimes subject to terrible nightmares
-wanders off on his own a lot
-will always be kind of short
-tried to pick a fight with Orochi once, realized that was a bad idea fast
-very proficient little mage, but certain tomes/scrolls/spirits need to be kept away from him bc he will cause damage
-the sort of kid to transform in the middle of dinner, refuse to transform back, and then lay on the table and roll around in spite of being told to cut that out already
-gets grounded for a month and half bc he decided to fuck with the messengers and nearly brought Izumo directly into the war
-but really he’s just moody. sorta like a cat. he’ll occasionally go up to someone he likes and curl up near or on them and go to sleep or just. stay there bc he wants company.
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Now for Niles!Kana
-as opposed to the other Kanas, he’s more around 15-16.
-loud boy
-got his ears pierced courtesy of Soleil
-AWFUL DIETARY HABITS courtesy of Velouria
-why did these two things happen? parents asked Nina to babysit him and she left them with whoever was closest and not busy to do other more important things
-his consumption of odd/rotting things is not limited to dragon form as it was discovered when he was found raiding the pantry for spoiled/rotting foods (Jakob and Felicia still aren’t sure how they feel about this. On the one hand, this kid is useful in that he’ll eat this stuff…. on the other, that’s Corrin’s kid and what if something bad happens??)
-can be bribed with candy
-can be overly friendly at times and has a little bit of trouble with the concept of personal space
-gets along just fine with Nina, but if they’re getting along especially well, be suspicious. they’re plotting something.
-has a few crushes but he won’t tell anyone who they are
-likes his cloak/cape thing because he can wrap up in it
-Keaton doesn’t allow him anywhere near his collection after an incident in which Kana nearly ate half of it
-used to be really clingy when he was younger
-has a tendency to be really blunt sometimes but usually doesn’t realize what he’s said until after he’s said it
-the only cooking he actively avoids is Reina’s. No one is sure what she does, but if Kana won’t eat it…. it can’t be safe.
-walks with really heavy steps because otherwise he is too quiet when approaching and scares people
-gets really bad seasonal allergies
-very good at tracking things
-prefers to fight as a dragon
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…and now Takumi!Kana (even though I haven’t really posted anything with him)
-youngest Kana, around 6-7. Pure, sweet bab
-absolutely adores his big brother Kiragi
-extremely good with small animals (sometimes follows Shigure around)
-very shy and clings to his Mama a lot
-wants to grow his hair out long someday like his Papa
-is a little scared of Ryoma
-likes flying on pegasi and kinshi but doesn’t want one of his own
-calls a lot of the women older than him “Auntie” even if they are not related
-asked Azura to make him a little necklace for his dragonstone bc he was afraid he’d lose it somewhere
-only one of the Kanas to not have hair that sticks up like little antenna (which will change when he gets older and his hair more out of his control)
-self-conscious about his ears
-a bit of a picky eater
-really needs to be developed more bc he is super adorable
Annnnnnd to end the post, lame doodles of the Kanas as adults.
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Thank you for asking about my Kanas!
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@forrestoffashion @nakanaai @of-invisible-ties ((Well there is one good outcome of this whole Kiragi clone thing If Clara made one swear off girls then that means she and Forrest don't have to fight over him anymore loool They haven't done this in rp ok BUT THEY HAVE IN IM AND IT KILLS ME "I FOUND HIM FIRST, FORREST, GO DATE SOLEIL OR SOMETHING" "YOU DATE SOLEIL. I NEED A *MAN*." "WELL YOU CAN'T HAVE MINE ; A ;" "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK HE'S YOUR MAN ANYWAY" "Ha! Haven't you heard? We're kind of an item. I have his lucky sweat rag. U v U *holds it up*" "Hmph. That doesn't mean anything. Also that's disgusting." "Don't underestimate me Forrest...I am his girlfriend. I can persuade him in ways that you just can't~" "Like what, talking his ear off about wildlife?" "EXACTLY!!!!!" "!! YOU HAVE GROWN FORMIDABLE!!" I JUST LOVE IT LMAO IT'S SO GREAT MARIA GOT MAD AT THEM BECAUSE SHE CAUGHT THEM ABOUT TO USE MAGIC ON EACH OTHER OVER THIS LMAO "We were just having a little spat mother" "I DON'T CARE IF YOU WERE HAVING A CUP OF TEA, YOU ARE BROTHER AND SISTER!!"))
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grandsonoflightike · 7 years
The Medeus Aftermaths - Chapter 1:  The Conquest Aftermath
The Medeus Aftermaths Part 1: The Conquest Aftermath
The war between Hoshido and Nohr was finished and Nohr was victorous but at the cost of Ryoma’s, Takumi’s, and Lilith’s Lives. Garon also died but he was the whole cause of the war with him being a empty vessel of some kind. Things happened differently though seeing how Shiro the Son of Ryoma and Orochi and Kiragi the Son of Takumi and Rinkah were both born during the war. When Takumi was battled at the Great Wall of Hoshido, Rinkah was also battled and was killed by The Conquest army. When Ryoma was battled in the Foyer in Shirasagi Castle, Orochi battled together with him and died as well to the Nohrian Forces. This made Hinoka become Queen for what is to be Shiro is the right age to inherit the throne. Shiro’s Personality wasn’t competitive but Honed and accurate and worthy after ten years of The Raijinto. He got his father’s blade that had his father’s blood on it. He washed off the Blood and vowed to keep the Glory Of Hoshido Born. Kiragi also had a different personality. As his father was no longer around to look up to, he became as hateful to Nohrians as his father and also pretty ruthless. He hated the Nohrians for taking away his father, mother, aunt, and uncle. When He inherited the Fujin Yumi, he swore that the enemies of Hoshido will not conquer the land. In truth, this was also toward the Nohrians as he made a promise to himself that all Nohrians will suffer for his relative’s deaths.
One Day, a voice in his head says “You seek to destroy the nohrians? I will grant you the power to do so, Royal Blood. If you can bring to my invisible Kingdom the younger prince of Nohr, I will grant you the power to destroy all Nohrians.”
The Hoshidian Prince was happy to hear that this person agreed with his anger. What he did not know was that this Voice was The Silent Dragon Known As Anakos. Kiragi needed to let his mind be vulnerable to accept the power after he learned after accepting the deal. He let all of his defenses around his mind go and that is when Anakos possessed him.
“I am Hate and Betrayal!” Kiragi says as he is fully possessed.
He moves out to Nohr who thinks he is here on a business trip but Xander, not fully trusting the boy, sends a messenger to Hinoka to learn if the boy should be here. Wen he arrives at Leo’s Chambers, he pulls out the Fujin Yumi. The Guards prepared to drive him back but Anakos’s Magic pushed them away and consumed their souls. Kiragi made a magic arrow with The Fujin Yumi and sent an arrow at Leo, Killing him.
“Grab the body and Brynhildir to take to my kingdom.” Anakos’s Voice in Kiragi’s Head says.
Kiragi does as Anakos says and runs out, sending Anakos magic across the castle, which destroys anyone it touches.
Hinoka and Sakura arrive by Hinoka’s Pegasus. Hinoka says “What’s Happened?”
Forrest says “The Hoshidian Prince, Kiragi, Killed my father and took his Legendary Weapon.”
The Brynhildir was never fully bonded with Yato. This was found out after the war. This is why the Blade’s power is weaker now it was power. The Brynhildir was taken to prevent the Yato’s full power from Awakening. They team up with the Hoshidians and go after Kiragi who jumps down the Bottomless Canyon and The spirit of The Rainbow Sage tells the group that the jump will not kill them as the one controlling Kiragi is down there at The Canyon’s True Center.
The Army make their way into the canyon to arrive at the Invisible Kingdom of Valla.
When they get there, A Familiar voice says “The Hoshidians and Nohrians?”
“Azura?” Kaze says and Everyone looks towards the voice to seee Azura. Kaze, being Azura’s Husband “Azura, it’s you.”
“So this is the woman you married, brother? The Princess of Nohr who rejoined Nohr after Mason made his choice to side with Nohr?” Saizo says.
“Be gentle, Saizo.” Shiro says “I believe if my father gave Mason a choice, they would let him live.”
Mason says “It’s true, we would have.”
“I think he must have thought I died.” Hinoka says
“What are you doing here, Azura?” Kaze asks Azura.
“This is where I am truly from. I am actually the princess of Valla, the Kingdom you are now in. Kiragi is controlled by Anakos who killed my father to take control of this Kingdom and was the one who was controlling Garon during the Hoshidian VS Nohrian War plus is the true enemy.” Azura says.
“So that’s why the war was a pointless one.” Xander says.
“Let’s go stop Anakos.” Mason says.
The Combined Nohrian-Hoshidian Army moves toward Castle Gyges and sees that Anakos the Dragon is for once awaiting outside it for his servant. Kiragi has brought the body of Leo and Brynhildir to Anakos.
“Kiragi, stop!” Shiro says.
“No, The Nohrians will pay for what they did to our parents.” The Possessed Kiragi says.
“This is a order from your queen, Kiragi. Stop this now.” Hinoka says.
“You too, Aunt Hinoka. Well this is what I have to say. You Hoshidians shall die as well. You both are the enemies to my father’s memory.” The Possessed Kiragi says.
This statement brought in an surge of energy from Anakos himself to make Kiragi become a old enemy of multiple outrealms, Medeus.
“You live, master Medeus! All you have to do is conquer the Hoshidians and Nohrians here and we will then conquer the Realm of Ylisse in Grima’s Place.” Anakos says.
“Oh no, Not Medeus!” Laslow, Selena, and Odin say.
“You three know this villain?” Xander says.
“They are from another world. Brought here by my human form. Only to fail their duty to defeat me thanks to Mason siding with Nohr.” Anakos says.
The Male Corrin known as Mason gasps and says “Why would your human form have hope in me?”
“Because You are his child. He is your true father.” Anakos says.
“It is exactly as Anakos says. I think the good thing is THe Dragon’s Gate is a perfect connection to Ylisse with it being this world’s outrealm gate.” Medeus says.
“What?!” Laslow says.
“You will die now.” Anakos says as he blasts his energy at The Combined Nohrian-Hoshidian Army.
The power of Anakos destroyed them all but Mason and Kana. Kana and Mason were pulled out of the realm and to a different world that the Corrin made a different choice.
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theeeveetamer · 6 years
Personally I'm so down for cute family shit. Maybe seeing the Forrest/Kiragi/etc sibling dynamic?
I’m such a sucker for cute family Leokumis
Relevant Tags: Omegaverse, Alpha!Leo, Omega!Takumi, Alpha!Kiragi, Omega!Forrest, Mama Bear Takumi, mentioned sexual harassment
AO3 Link for the interested: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15954623/chapters/39561847
He wasn’t really sure what he’d been expecting when he arrived at the school. Maybe something about their youngest son goofing off in class, or interrupting the teacher, or heck even getting caught cutting last period. What he didn’t expect was to see his son’s blonde hair and clothes stained with mud, or the beginnings of a black eye marring his tanned skin.
“Kiragi! Gods, what happened to you?”
His son was sitting in one of the chairs in the school’s office, arms crossed and fuming. Takumi knelt down in front of him and pulled his chin up so he could get a better look at the bruise forming around his left eye. There was also a bit of blood on his lip and it was slightly swollen.
“Papa! Stop, I’m fine!” He swatted the hand away testily.
Takumi sighed. He didn’t seem too hurt at least, aside from the split lip and black eye. And his irritable attitude. But he’d been a bit of a pain ever since he presented as an Alpha, and what fourteen year old boy wasn’t?
“What happened?” He turned to the principal. It wasn’t a question, he was far too furious to be polite. His baby was bloodied and hurt and he demanded answers.
“We would prefer to wait until your mate arrives.”
“You’re making Leo leave work for whatever this is?” He growled deep in his throat. “What, you think I’m not capable of handling my son because I’m not an Alpha?”
The man shuffled uncomfortably under his indignant glare. He probably wasn’t used to taking the full brunt of a mother’s fury; The school explicitly tried to deal with Alpha or Beta parents first, and tended to leave Omegas out of the equation. It was such a ridiculous policy; He didn’t even work, and Leo couldn’t leave his job for every little incident. Hell, he and Leo had fought tooth and nail to get them to call him at all for situations like this.
“No, of course not but–”
“I got in a fight, papa.” Kiragi interrupted quickly, probably to stop the brewing storm. Once he got started, there was no stopping him, really.
“Well I can see that kiddo!” He turned back around toward his son, exasperated. “What was the fight about?”
The principal felt the need to intervene once again, clearing his throat and standing a little straighter.
“Your son attacked another student.”
He glanced quickly between Kiragi and the principal, and tried to keep his voice under control.
“Why did you do that?”
“He was harassing Forrest, papa! They cornered him in the bathroom and tried flipping up his dress!”
His eyes softened, and all of his rage immediately melted away.
“Be that as it may, we do not find this kind of behavior acceptable and–”
Aaaaand then it was back again. Tenfold.
“Wait… You’re punishing Kiragi for defending his brother? What about the boys harassing my son? Why aren’t they here?”
“Kiragi was the one who instigated the fight.”
“And the people who harassed my son? Where are they?”
“We’ll be dealing with them separately.”
“You mean you’ll be going easy on them! What, because Forrest is an Omega it’s okay if he gets assaulted on school grounds?! So what if he likes dressing like a girl, that doesn’t mean people get to treat him like shit!”
He was vibrating with rage, fists balled up at his sides and face flushed as he continued his tirade. The principal looked incredibly uncomfortable as he continued laying into him, spitting out every curse word and insult under the sun. He was a good deal taller than Takumi, but he was so angry that he couldn’t appreciate the comedy in a short little Omega like him craning his neck to yell directly in this Alpha’s face.
“–I have half a mind to-!”
He barely noticed the arrival of his mate in his righteous anger.
“Takumi! Takumi, love, what are you doing?” Leo all but ran into the room and grabbed him by the shoulders. He gently pulled him away from the man.
“Some boys assaulted Forrest, and Kiragi is getting punished for it!”
“Now that’s not–” The principal tried to defend himself, but Takumi interrupted him.
“Shut up!” He snarled. “I have had just about enough of Alphas like you! This is the third time Forrest has been harassed and your spineless administration has done nothing!”
“Shhh,” Leo leaned in close and nipped the back of his neck gently. The Omega whined in protest, but he did calm down marginally. “Takumi, why don’t you take Kiragi home, okay? I’ll handle things from here.”
“You don’t need to handle this for me.”
“I know you’re more than capable, love… But you really should get Kiragi’s eye treated before it starts swelling too much.”
“Fine.” He finally acquiesced. “But I’m taking Forrest home too. Gods forbid the school encounter another incident involving our children today. Come on Kiragi, we’re going.”
He nearly marched down the hall to Forrest’s classroom to grab him himself, but the woman manning the desk had the good sense to just call him to the office over the intercom.
There were a few minutes of impatient foot tapping – and him not-so-subtly trying to listen through the door – until Forrest arrived.
“Papa, what’s going on?” Their eldest son asked uncertainty as he came down the hall with his backpack.
“Nothing, baby. We’re going home early. Do you have all of your stuff?”
He nodded and Takumi marched out to the car, grumbling to himself about “how Leo was going to go too easy on that spineless principal”.
It was a very short, very tense drive home. He could see Kiragi twiddling his thumbs in the back through the rear view mirror. Forrest must have realized what had transpired, because he was also quiet as a mouse and staring intently down at his lap.
They’d just pulled into the driveway when he finally spoke up.
“Papa? Is Kiragi in trouble for fighting?”
“What? What gave you that idea?”
“You just seem really upset about it, is all… Look, it’s not his fault.”
“Don’t worry baby, I’m not mad at him. I’m proud of him, actually.” He turned around to face them as best he could from the front seat of the car. “In fact, why don’t we all go do something fun tomorrow? Whatever you guys want, you’ve earned it.”
Their faces lit up; Kiragi nodded eagerly and Forrest just beamed at him from the back seat. “Alright, papa!”
They both grabbed their backpacks and ran inside. Or, Kiragi ran. Forrest did his best to keep up, but he still wasn’t too used to wearing heels around.
Takumi took the moment alone by himself to cool down. As angry as he was at the school, he didn’t want to let it affect his children.
Takumi paused outside of the bathroom when he finally entered the house. Forrest was dabbing at Kiragi’s eye with some disinfectant and an ice pack, and Takumi couldn’t help eavesdropping on their conversation.
“You know you didn’t have to get in a fight over it.”
“Of course I did! That guy can’t go around harassing my brother like that!”
“But you got hurt! Because of me!”
“You should see what I did to him!”
Takumi smiled as their eldest son laughed himself silly over the joke. He could just see Kiragi’s goofy little smile in his mind’s eye. Once the injuries were all taken care of they all settled into the living room and more or less went about their usual post-school routine.
Leo arrived home about a half an hour later. Kiragi had fallen asleep beside him watching TV and Forrest had just finished explaining to him what exactly had happened at school. It was more or less what Kiragi had already told him with a few added details.
As soon as his mate walked through the door though he excused himself went to their bedroom. They shut the door behind them, so the kids wouldn’t hear unless they came snooping. Leo dropped down onto the bed and sighed.
“I cannot believe they pulled me out of work for this.”
“Is your boss that upset? I told them that they didn’t have to call you over this…”
“It’ll be fine. And it’s probably a good thing they did call me, I thought you were going to bite that man’s head off! If I were any later I think they would have been calling security on you!”
“Can you blame me? Forrest has been getting harassed for weeks and the only person getting in trouble for it is Kiragi.”
“Maybe we should stop letting him dress like that when he goes to school.”
“Leo,” He said sternly. “Don’t even start.”
“It’s just a suggestion! He keeps getting teased! He’s sixteen, kids are cruel. Do you remember the kind of shit I used to say to you when we were in high school?”
“Yes, you were an asshole. But that doesn’t mean our son should have to change! He likes wearing dresses and doing his hair and makeup, so what?”
“He already has to deal with being an Omega, do you want another target on his back?”
“Are you saying that there’s something wrong with being an Omega?”
“Love… You know that’s not what I meant. Life is already hard for him, why should he make it harder for himself?”
“I just…” He sighed. “I just want our son to be himself. If that means I have to scream at the school administration until I’m blue in the face then so be it. Besides, if they aren’t flipping his skirt up in the bathroom then it’ll be something else. Maybe that really cute Alpha from his history class will corner him right before they go home for the weekend, make him think he’s going to ask him out on a date like he wanted, but then just ask how much it is for a blowjob right in front of his very protective older brother.”
“Hey, I only did that on a dare! And don’t act so innocent, we both know you were actually blowing Alphas in the bathroom”
“Not for money! I wasn’t a damn prostitute! And you’re lucky Ryoma didn’t kill you for that one! Though that split lip did look good on you.”
Leo pulled him down onto his lap and kissed him.
“I cannot believe you still agreed to go on a date with me after that.”
“Neither can I, frankly.” He rested his forehead against Leo’s neck and sighed. “So, what’s going to happen to Kiragi?”
“Two days suspension. It was originally going to be a week, but I guess you scared him.”
He hummed thoughtfully. “Hunting season is coming up. Maybe I’ll take Kiragi out with the bows?”
“You’re rewarding him?”
“Of course! You think Mama punished Ryoma for kicking your ass?”
“I… Had been hoping something like that had occurred.”
Takumi just laughed. “Nope, she took us all out to dinner after that one!”
He nuzzled the side of Leo’s neck. There were a million things that still needed done, but he allowed his Alpha a few minutes to hold him and unwind from the day. He waited until the tension in his mate’s shoulders relaxed a bit before he spoke again.
“So, I really scared the principal that much?” Something about a six foot tall, snobby Alpha being intimidated by him was entertaining.
“He was positively terrified of you, love. Can’t say I blame him either, how long were you yelling at him before I showed up?”
“Oh I don’t know, a minute or two? I can’t believe they called you! I can handle disciplining my own child without your help!”
“You don’t need to tell me that, dear. I’m fully aware of what you’re capable of.” His tone became more serious, and Leo squeezed him tight. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
He found Leo’s hand with his own and squeezed once.
“Lucky for you, I’m not going anywhere.”
They heard a shout from down the hall. Kiragi had apparently woken up from his nap, and now he and Forrest were loudly bickering over him drooling on one of Forrest’s hand-embroidered pillows.
He chuckled to himself and stood up.
“One of us should probably go tell Kiragi the bad news.”
“Mm, in a minute, love. Do you really want to walk into that?” Leo wrapped his arms around his waist pulled back down onto the bed with him. “Besides, it’s been awhile since we’ve had a moment like this.”
He settled back down on Leo’s lap and sighed.
“Fine, but you’re responsible for burying the bodies if they kill each other.”
Leo kissed along his neck and pushed the collar of his shirt aside so he could nibble at his bond scar.
“Not a problem, love. We can always make more.”
He laughed in spite of himself.
“I hate you.”
“I love you, too.”
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