#i like peri ok
ryuubff · 1 year
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you ever think about how much strain is prolly on the mc … although you think you’re somewhere familiar, with people whom you know and love. they don’t actually know you like You know them … and you only have one person who you truly do know and trust.
extra mimir sleeping peacefully:
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i got brainworms of hc that perhaps mc getting terrorizes by nightmares and going to solomon about it sicne theyre prolly. A. Little fucked up from whats been going on esp when it happened outta nowhere 😭😭😭😭😭 like the new card got me thinking abt how maybe solomon has comforted them before….. SORRY SOLOMON ALSO GOT ME FUCKED UP!!!!
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datura-tea · 5 months
me: im sleepy... i'll watch a quick youtube vid to wind down :)
youtube: recommends "fallout 4 analysis: a narrative mess" which is almost 3 hrs long and is part one of four videos
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sparrowposting · 26 days
Suddenly gutted realizing the vilestraia campaign is ending soon. Idk man. I'm just SO emotionally invested in these guys. It's such a good story. We have more lined up but I'm!!!!!!
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craneboys · 5 months
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Frasier-related US TV Guide Covers 🇺🇲
Via the TVGM Cover Archive
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puppygirldanhowell · 1 year
MAYBE UHH SOME LAPIDOT? ORR UHHH PEARL?? Ooh maybe uhhhthem separately! any would be silly
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may come back and color this but!!! the sillies<333
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peridyke · 2 years
gf said if lapis was real she would let her into our polycule 😏
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
i was wondering why did the peri crying sprite look so familiar to me and solved the mystery today
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pericrayola · 2 years
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centershoyo · 4 months
did a scary thing earlier. feeling brave
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tailoredshirt · 7 months
Why am I getting the tell-tale signs that my period is about to start even though I have not missed a dose of my birth control?
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ghostlygeto · 2 years
ok so i am like, 3 or 4 away from 100 and i want to do something little and cute for the milestone. dunno what yet but. i will do it. hopefully.
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datura-tea · 6 months
WHAT IF moz's words failed her and she fought ulysses at the end of the divide? the fight would be grueling considering moz is not above fighting dirty (uses nails and teeth and the pip-boy as a bludgeon) and ulysses... is ulysses. though i still think they'd both come out of it alive. but not before moz punches ulysses in the dick
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barcalover86 · 5 months
hiii i love ur writing sm 💗💗
could you pls write something about how gavi sprains/breaks his ankle badly during a game bc he gets fouled and is in a lot of pain (write about the moment he gets injured DETAILED) and his gf is the peri medical doctor and has to calm him down on the field and his teammates and coaches are rly worried that it’s a serious injury since he’s such a warrior and never cries like he did after this injury ❤️‍🩹 and she comforts him but is super worried abt him and takes him to the ambulance so that she can take him to the hospital. sry it’s so specific loll
thanks so much have a great rest of your day!!!!!!!!!
End of the season
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Part 2
Everything was going fine, Barca was leading, and it was almost the end of the game.
You were gently watching your players run on the side of the field, being really careful if you'd see someone who seemed to have some discomfort so that you could tell Xavi to take them out. You had enough players that were injured, and you didn't need one more. Seven were enough for you to take care of.
Everyone seemed to be just fine, and you relaxed a bit in your chair.
Ferran quickly got your attention, seeing him sign speaking to you.
"5 more minutes" you replied to him, which he nodded thankfully.
Right when you turned your gaze on Gavi, you saw how some player got into him hard, ending with your poor boyfriend's ankle to be left out behind.
The whole stadium started to make noises, and at first, you thought that it wasn't something really serious and just a trick to save some time.
But after seconds have pasted and Gavi was still on the floor, you ran to him with your medical bag to see if he really was okay.
Next to you were two more doctors, and together, you crossed the field the faster you could.
The closer you'd get, the more you realize that he is in a lot of pain.
You got there the first one, asking as calm as you could if it hurts him.
He only nodded, not being able to form some words out of his mouth.
You turned your face to Xavi, who was desperate waiting for an answer.
"It's serious," you said to him, and he signed, putting both of his hands on his face.
When the fans realized that Gavi couldn't finish the game, they started to shout his name out in support.
You turned again facing Gavi now. All cameras were on you.
"Is is bad, y/n?" Pedri asked you and you only sighed. He got his answer by that.
"Could we help you in any way?" Ferran asked you and you shook your head.
"Just let us do our job."
They nodded, leaving you alone with your medical team.
Gavi was moving a lot, trying to ease the pain he was having.
"Stop moving, you'll make it worst."
"We have to get his shoe off. Help me, y/n."
While you undid his shoelaces, you kissed his forehead. He really needed your love in this moment.
The two men took him in their arms, getting him off the field. You were following them with his shoe in your hands.
Everyone now, fans, coaches, players, were clapping giving their support to Gavi.
The game still had to be continued. Five more minutes.
"Y/n, please stay here while we take care of Gavi. If someone else gets injured, just tell Xavi to find me and I'll come quickly."
"Marc, please let her come with me." Gavi begged with tears in his eyes.
He thought for a second.
"Thank you!" you replied, running to Gavi.
The game was finished with the victory of Barcelona. The players ran as fast as they could to the medical center.
"Is he ok??"
"It seemed like he broke his ankle."
"I knew it was bad. I've never seen him in that much pain before." Pedri replied and you turned your face on the floor.
"Don't worry, y/n. I know he'll be alright. He is strong." He put his hand on your shoulder, while looking at Gavi who was drinking now some water, laying down on a bed.
"Pedri, I'm certified in sports medicine. It's really, really bad."
When the players heard that, they started to get really worried. He was too young to have serious injuries.
"How long it will take him to come back?"
You thought a bit.
"It depends a lot on his recovery, but what I can tell you surely is that this season for him is over."
"But- is it really that bad?" Balde asked, panicking.
"She literally told us that it is, idiot! Does he know it yet, y/n/n?" (your nickname)
You shook your head.
"I'll tell him after we go to the hospital. We need to do some tests to see if only the ankle is broken and nothing else was hurt during the contact."
They all nodded and left.
You sitted down next to Gavi, smiling at him softly.
"We need to go to the hospital to set some tests, ok?"
"But I don't want to!" he whined like a baby. You knew how much he hated going to hospitals.
"It won't hurt more than it hurts you now."
"That's bad then because now I feel like I better die than feel this way."
You looked at him with sad eyes. . Just then he realized what he just said.
"I take that back."
He takes your hand, wanting to feel you close to him.
"How much do I have to stay home?"
"We don't know it yet, Gavi. We'll talk after we go to the hospital, ok?"
After he was done with the tests, he was allowed to go home.
You talked with the medical team , and you'll explain everything to your boyfriend alone. It was the best decision.
"So?" he replied curious, after looking at his tied ankle.
"It's a lot to say."
"Just start."
You go to seat closer to him and he puts his head on your lap.
"You were fouled pretty badly, and your ankle is broken. Luckily, nothing else is injured. You have to rest for two weeks at home, and then you'll have to do recovery sessions for about 2 months."
"So that means that I still can play until the season is over, right? I'll have 3 more months."
"Well, um, no." he raised his eyebrows. "You'll have then another 2 weeks of to rest. Then you'll start playing football again, but alone and slowly. And just then you'll go to train with the team. But you won't play this season because you really need to recover properly."
He looks at you sad.
"But what about playing for the national team? Can I go there?"
"We'll see how you recover." You kiss his nose. "But we can spend more time together. I'll have to take care of you." you smiled at how his face began more happier.
"That's the best news for today."
You kissed his lips, hugging him.
"I'm sure you'll come back stronger, Gavi. I'll make sure of it. I'll prepare you to be in the best shape possible!"
He hugs you back tightly.
"I want cuddles because I feel like crying, y/n/n."
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vee-vee-volley · 4 months
📢 The duality of if someone feminine has a slyveon it's a green flag but if someone masculine has a slyveon it's a red flag
What is that supposed to mean. I know a few masculine people with sylveons like Arven, Bede, Peri, and Ortie. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT having a certain pokemon and having a certain gender is any thing to judge. I { various veevee noises} hate that stupid { more veevee sounds} stereotype more than anything in the { even more veevee sounds} world. Who says that only feminine people can have sylveons. They evolve from love and LAST I CHECKED ALMOST EVERYONE HAS LOVE IN THEIR HEARTS. so yeah that's pretty stupid to think ok.
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sieglinde-freud · 2 years
Very sorry about all the talking tonight but like the Xander & Laslow & Keaton dynamic is really funny bc Xander is like so in love with his stupid little retainer and he wants to tell him that so badly but he’s sadly I am his boss so I cannot but I will order him to just sit in my office with me but Keaton also in love with him but it hasn’t clicked in his head yet so he’s just like Laslow is so great he’s the best I am going to spend so much time with him and show him all my cool stuff. Xander wants to be Keaton so badly but instead he is tortured by thirst
LMAO u dont have to apologize dw! i never get tired of talking about these stupid little characters and especially not inigo
but omg thatd be hilarious to watch, xander is just so emo crying in his corner wheras keaton sees a bug and immediately goes to shove it in laslow’s face like he doesnt even think about it
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pogostikk · 4 months
Hello, sorry if its late.
I just read the pinned comment about the separation au so now im addicted, but how did Star and the CG met? Id really like to understand more about the situation, what was the occasion and what happened next?
Plus, ur art is just awesome and clown steven is now in my dreams and in my sketchbook, Edgy Connie is absolutely my favourite, shes just ready to kick some diamond's asses if needed😂
Aaa thank you so much! It always makes me laugh when people call those two Clown Steven and Edgy Connie agshsgajhsgah
Anyways, as for the loose outline I have for this au, (bc the main purpose of this blog is to mess around with the au) is that when Peridot and Jasper came to investigate who was messing with Peri’s robonoids, the Crystal Gems and Connie ended up getting captured and brought to homeworld. (WIP beginning)
And keep in mind the last time the CGs had an encounter with Homeworkd Gems was when Rose Quartz had been captured like fifteen to sixteen years earlier.
They already knew they were in big trouble but everyone was surprised when they were put on trial and along with Blue and Yellow diamond, there was a seemingly new “pink diamond”.
And Star, trying to avoid shattering his mom’s old friends, ended up taking control of the situation to the best of his ability. ( To Star, if keeping them in bubbles until he could come up with a better solution to protect them from being shattered was what he had to do, so be it.)
(This is where the CGs ended up getting poofed and bubbled and Connie met Steven.)
So for about 1-2 months, Connie lived with Steven on Homeworld until she eventually had a break down.
Steven, who’s never seen such intense emotion from anyone besides himself -as well as refusing to see his friend so upset any longer- was like “Ok yup. Message received. You want me to go behind my gem half’s back to help you save your friends and go to earth with you? No problem, let’s go.”
But the Crystal Gems didn’t really have any kind of conversation with Star until after he came to find Steven who had gone to Earth. And when they were unbubbled they didn’t really have any idea what was happening.
Sorry abt the long ramble, I know I kept going off topic, but there’s so many tidbits of info I can’t help but share :3
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