#fortunately for u i keep that to harassing my friends on discord
strongermonster · 2 years
now that i’m kiiinda sorta a little bit maaaybe stepping back into working with children again, i forgot how fuuucking annoying parents are in general, but specifically the abled parents of disabled kids. like i don’t have a lot of authority to speak here bc the only things ‘wrong’ with me are Brain and the fact that i’m partially deaf (honestly, an asset sometimes working in a room full of squealing excited children) but a lot of parents will be like “this is my special-wecial little babe who can’t do [long list of things]” and like. 
99% of the time it’s not ‘can’t do’ it’s “has to do it differently in a way that’s either not something i get, or is too time consuming for me to bother with, or with no malicious intent simply did not occur to me to try doing it X way.” most of the kids can do all the exact same things!! sometimes even the amount of accessibility needed is like... basically nothing?
i’m not saying “take a kid in a wheelchair to the bottom of the stairs and say ‘good luck’” or exhaust a kid trying 900 things bc sometimes You Just Can’t. i’m like...
say we get a kid who’s autistic and can’t read or follow verbal instructions. ok! so that’s My Little Helper for the day and we do whatever it is we’re doing physically together, and most of the time they learn by doing just fine. how much “effort” did that take? how much time did i lose? literally none. not an ounce. and also even if i did, who cares? literally who cares?? were we having fun? did we learn something? cool!
and also tons of people learn in tons of different ways, which is why there’s always a print out of what i’m saying for kids who learn by reading (that’s me!) to follow along as i say it out loud for the kids who learn by listening (that’s very much not me!), and then we all actually do the thing together hands on, for the kids who learn that way (partially me!)
“my daughter doesn’t like nature walks. she’s in a wheelchair and it’s too hard for her. also the chair is very expensive and i don’t want it getting wrecked.” -cool! so we’ll get her a wagon. it’s low tech as hell but if she’s comfortable in it and you approve, that’s it! we’ll guilt the city into paying for it by going “oh my god, you don’t want a little girl in a wheelchair to go on this nature hike? is that what you’re saying?? woooow”
i think they (the parents) just get so caught up in being like “here’s the 203843 scenarios in which my child can be harmed mentally, physically, and/or emotionally, i must prepare for and avoid each and every one” which i GET, but also you reach a point where all that extra padding just becomes suffocating. you’re holding them back and doing harm, even unintentionally.
i also hate when they pile on these excuses and restrictions in front of the child. like goddamn, you’re just packing in the negativity to this impressionable little brain aren’t you? how many of those “well little timmy here can’t do X” has little timmy internalized and decided “well i might as well not do anything” then???? do you know how many times i’ve heard “oh i can’t do that” to which i ask if there’s a reason, and the answer is just “well my mom said...” (especially little girls, oh my god. “my mom says i can’t get dirty/run/be loud/climb trees/play with cars” it’s INFURIATING) 
worst case scenario maybe they really can’t do something. and again; so what? not being able to do something isn’t a negative feature (full stop but also) exclusive to people with disabilities. you tried, you failed, you move on! find a new thing. literally all humans who have ever existed are doing this exact same thing. but you have to let them try for their own damned selves.
also when people ask me for a super detailed lesson plan down to all this pointless minutia LMAO. i’ll give you the outline, the tools we use, the little pamphlet that comes with the class that’s going to answer 99.9% of the questions you’re about to ask me (if you bother to read it), the stuff we’re reading, the safety based stuff, but otherwise it’s sort of a vibe dudes.  it’s just Thoughts i’m having. like >talking about butterflies >mention milkweed >remember a cool fact about milk >remember a fact about the dairy industry >talk about the economy >remember that 7 year olds don't know what the economy is >forget what i’m doing >restart train of thought i’m going with the flow here!! it’s all improv based on a bunch of different factors, some of which are mysteries best left to the universe. it’s gonna be fun! it’s gonna be informative! and that’s really all i can say.
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peantbuttr · 5 years
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meet  ASTRID NILSSEN,      the  twenty three  year old waitress who moved to dayton three months ago.  she’s known as  playful  &  selfish  in equal parts.  astrid  uses she/her pronouns & identifies as bisexual.
hello all !! i’m tea, and i’m in the discord chat if y’all wanna plot or talk !! astrid and i are excited to be here !! sorry this got a lil long. hopefully it’s okay kjgsfgs
i do have severe rape trigger, so while we’re all adults here, please warn me before mentioning and/or refrain from going into detail about plots involving these things so i can manage my shit, you know? you do you, but i also do me, and i just don’t have enough booze to field a panic attack today fgkdfgsg
otherwise pls hit me up and plot. i’m a shy person but if you want plots, i’ll bust my booty to get em for you : ‘)
                     * /  intro. 💋
name:   astrid nilssen
nicknames:  n/a, but if someone gave her one she’d fucking melt
age, bday:   23, june 7th
zodiac:   gemini 
sexuality:    bisexual, no preference
gender:  female, using she/her pronouns
character traits:  flighty, playful, aggressive, intelligent, creative, ambitious, spoiled, selfish
alignment: chaotic neutral, esfp, slytherin
                      * /  past. 💋
tw verbal abuse, age gap, abortion
born in europe from a loveless marriage between a well-bred british socialite and the young heir of an american corporate dynasty, astrid spent most of her life jumping between boarding schools and holidays foisted off on either set of grandparents
all this served to do was isolate her more: she couldn’t fit in with european girls, and she wasn’t familiar enough with america to fit in there either. the isolation grew.
her grandparents didn’t love her any more than her parents did – old money with old values, they ridiculed her for being not skinny enough, too skinny, not pretty enough, too girlish, too stupid, too smart – nothing she did was enough… nothing she did would ever be enough
their constant demanding and belittling left astrid bitter, tired and constantly trying to do better, so much so that it was exhausting, and she felt like she was tiptoeing over glass
she hardly ever saw her parents, let alone saw them within the same room as one another – and quickly she learned that the easiest way to get positive  attention was to demand it. she grew from acting out in class to shoplifting to getting high during the school days
each time she got a final warning from yet another school, her parents would show up, lavish her in gifts to bribe her into obeisance, and for once astrid would feel loved
it escalated and escalated, however, as astrid started pushing further and further in order to earn what she craved, the attention & validation from her family that drove her to just about every extreme she could think of
so it’s no wonder that astrid, a narcissistic little daredevil, fell in love with the first person that showed her the attention she craved. within six months she was devoted to her partner: a much older, and much more controlling person than she’d ever imagined herself with.
it lost its shine, however, when astrid found out she was pregnant just after turning twenty two. she panicked. she knew somewhere in her that she could not trust her partner to take care of her, and she knew that she could not be, and desperately didn’t want to be, a mother.
so she got an abortion. to hide it from her controlling parents, she bought herself expensive trinkets and sold them at pawn shops, and afterwards, nothing felt the same. 
it opened her eyes -- and, after withdrawing several thousand dollars from her trust fund, she disappeared and left home to find a future in dayton.
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                     * /  present. 💋
of course her parents keep tabs on her: she sees familiar faces lurking outside her apartment almost daily. still, no one has harassed her yet, and at the moment that’s all she can hope for.
although starting fresh and without a constant family fortune to guide her, so far she’s found working to be mostly agreeable. she waits tables at a little dive club in dayton, using her girlish charm to wiggle tips out of even the most tight-fingered bastard
she’s still selfish and wild, difficult to control, and interested in little else but her next thrill. hell only accentuated her headstrong unruliness, and this is sure to be a problem for her.
muleheaded and relentless, when she gets her teeth in something and decides she likes it, it’s almost impossible to get her to let go.
still, one can earn a semblance of comfort and friendship with her, as much as any narcissist can offer; she’s endlessly loyal to those who earn it, and although her capacity for true effortless kindness has never been nurtured, she makes a needy, protective and attentive friend
                    * /  specific wanted plots. 💋
an old and familiar friend —  she leads an isolating life, though somehow has found a relic of her tumultuous past. this person knew her as a spoiled little rich girl, and knows her now adjusting to hard work and the realities of life as an average person -  open to any gender
a mentor —  rarely does astrid trust anyone with asking for advice and help in her life. still, she doesn’t know what she’s doing, and has been raised in a guilded cage: she has to open up to someone and ask what the fuck she’s supposed to do with her taxes. this person is the most trusted friend and ally she has, and the only person who has so far been allowed to see that she really is still just a scared little girl in need of attention -  open to any gender, though preferably a little older / more experienced in life than she is
                   * /  plot ideas. 💋
i’m open to literally anything .... the standard fwb, hookups & one night stands 
ppl who want a tiny, angry girl to boss them around idk
u need a wlw eightball? astrid is here to help
u need a third to spice things up with ur girl? astrid is here to help
someone she’s uhhh trading favors with cause she’s got Ambition and one of them is a lot of money of her own
hedonism is her jam so there’s only a few of these i’m putting down
although yooo imagine the drama if someone objectively better than her did catch her eye.... nice
unrequited crush  —  someone astrid caught feelings for and knows they don’t feel the same. she’s trying to work through it, but this person gives her butterflies, she can’t help it. highly undignified for her. wtf is this feeling, get it away from her -  /lays down reverse card  —  someone who wants some angst in the form of unrequited feelings for a tiny brat. unwise, but it happens
break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored  —  a friend to whom astrid played side-chick while they figured out shit with their girl... then made the mistake of getting attached. it’s going to end terribly, she knows, but why not enjoy it while it lasts?
other people who work in the service industry like a co-workers / boss (still deciding where she works, so if ur muse needs an employee hmu ok), people she’s met at a bar, people she’s known for years somehow, etc.
yin to yang ; someone who is calm and shy, matching astrid’s small, fight-me, wild child energy and balancing her out. astrid’s not sure what she should do with them, but also can’t stop bothering them
heart-to-heart friend ;  someone who sees through all of astrid bullshit, aggression and drama and sees that even through the dramatic haze of brattiness and selfishness , she’s genuinely fuckin... sad underneath it all. they don’t take her shit and coax honesty out of her
ex roommate ; someone whose couch she crashed on when she first arrived, before she got herself her own place. she probably didn’t really ask before deciding she was staying with them and tbh prob was annoying as hell. so it could be a fun connection
negative ; someone who hates her and has tried to fuck her shit up, someone she’s had a falling out with, someone she was Too Mean To, someone she plays mean pranks on, someone who annoys the shit out of her, oo even an ex could exist.... idk fuck me up fam
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