#fortunately they revealed that tuvok was out of vulcan at that time
isagrimorie · 8 months
You know…. for all of Neelix is the moral officer, and post-Kes he really did try. And I do actually like him if I forget a lot of the things in the earlier seasons.
But honestly, I think the heart of Voyager was Tuvok.
It’s not obvious because he’s very Vulcan about it but he is everyone’s closest friend.
Tuvok is Janeway’s oldest and closest friend, Neelix and Tuvok are friends and when he’s unguarded Tuvok has a fondness for Neelix. He is close to Seven of Nine, and he tries his best to be mentor to Kes even though he knows its not his wheelhouse. He even tries to be a counselor to B’Elenna even though he knows he isn’t trained for it.
Who else was gonna step up, really? Chakotay’s idea of mental health is the spiritual thing which Voyager tried to do less because they uncovered their subject matter expert was a scam artist. Also Chakotay’s other go-to is to subject B’Elenna to some tough love even though she wasn’t ready for it. It only worked because B’Elenna made it work.
He played Kal Toh with Harry and tolerated Harry’s impromptu musical concerts on the Bridge during Night.
About the only one he wasn’t close to was Chakotay because for the most part Tuvok was playing the “I’m her bestfriend.” rivalry thing with Chakotay. Eventually, they did come to respect and work together especially when Janeway seems to run headlong into another death wish scenario.
Tuvok was even great helping Sam Wildman during the time they were all trapped in a shuttlecraft.
And… Tom. In terms of working relationships Tuvok is Ron Swanson and Tom Paris is Tom Haverford. Or they’re the two guys from Mythbusters. They work well enough but they are not really close nor best friends. (I think this is mostly because Paris keeps encouraging him to get together with other women when he is very very clear how he is committed and loved his own wife. And I love Paris, but c’mon, dude, stop doing that. Wingman Chakotay, instead).
Anyway, tldr, Tuvok is the beating heart of Voyager. He is the one with meaningful friendships with most of the main cast.
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