#fortunately when they get a level up darcy will correct that
besotted-with-austen · 5 months
Jane Austen: so, you go to Mr Collins' house and Elizabeth is there alone. She welcomes you politely, but she looks---troubled.
Colonel Fitzwilliam: and of course she does, after everything I said to her-
Fitzwilliam Darcy: do I sense if she is mad at me specifically or it is just her headache?
Jane Austen: roll an Investigation Check.
Fitzwilliam Darcy: *grimacing* it's a three.
Jane Austen: just her headache.
Caroline Bingley: *derisively* she only looks like she wants to stab you, Darcy.
Fitzwilliam Darcy: *shrugs* I guess I am too nervous to really give her a proper look.
Jane Austen: what do you do next?
Fitzwilliam Darcy: well, I-I tell her, "In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."
Jane Austen: Elizabeth blushes. She is absolutely stunned.
Georgiana Darcy: that is good, right? Right?
Fitzwilliam Darcy: I tell her that even if her family is--not ideal-
Charles Bingley: *making a face*
Caroline Bingley: *playfully disgusted frown* and I made my character romance you?
Fitzwilliam Darcy: -and I might be acting impulsively, I just have to let her know that I love her. That's it.
Jane Austen: *smacks her lips* okay-
Charles Bingley: *histerical laughter* I don't like the way you said it-
Colonel Fitzwilliam: it's an immediate natural one, yes? Please tell me it's immediate.
Georgiana Darcy: shhhh!
Jane Austen: give me a Persuasion Check-let me tell you, you have to roll very high.
Fitzwilliam Darcy: figures-very well-
Fitzwilliam Darcy: *beat*
Fitzwilliam Darcy: *flatly* natural one.
Colonel Fitzwilliam: JUSTICE!
Jane Austen: *claps her hands* you make your grand love confession, but Elizabeth stops you and immediately rejects you.
Fitzwilliam Darcy: ouch.
Jane Austen: she tells you that she could never marry the person that hurt her sister and destroyed Wickham's future-
Fitzwilliam Darcy: *dawning horror* I had forgotten they had talked, fuck-
Jane Austen: and, finally-
Charles Bingley: there is more? He is already dead-
Jane Austen: Elizabeth looks at you dead in the eye and says: "From the very beginning—from the first moment, I may almost say—of my acquaintance with you, your manners, impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the feelings of others, were such as to form the groundwork of disapprobation on which succeeding events have built so immovable a dislike; and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry."
Fitzwilliam Darcy: damn.
Caroline Bingley: *dying of laughter under the table*
Charles Bingley: I do not know if I can resurrect you after that.
Georgiana Darcy: I knew it, I should have given you Bardic Inspiration-
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My Experience with Jane Austen Part 2: Reading the Books
In part one I laid out which books I read, which ones were my favorites and least favorites, and the adaptations I've seen. Now I'd like to talk about my reading experience.
Disclaimer: I’m not an expert, just a casual reader sharing some observations, feel free to correct me if I get some details wrong. Out of the books I’ve read I’m most familiar with Pride and Prejudice.
Let's face it. Reading Austen can be challenging and I understand why some people dislike Austen.
It's easy to perceive her novels as "boring" because on a surface level, not much happens. The characters are well-off people (in the upper half of society) who spend their time at home or traveling between social calls and it's easy to dismiss their conflicts as "first world issues." Settings are often indoors, reflecting how "confined and unvarying" the lives of the rich (especially women) were. The plots often move forward through dialogue or conversations rather than big dramatic events. The focus on marriage can also make the stories feel like antiquated relics of the past and can be hard to relate to.
The writing style is also different. There isn't much dialogue at times because Austen slips in lots of very subtle commentary or prefers to describe a character's external appearance or characteristics. Often big events like proposals are described briefly after they happen rather than during, which can make the story feel rather "dry." The books are narrated in third person and sometimes there is unreliable narration (Pride and Prejudice) where we get characters' multiple points of view, but all narrated in the third person as to give each one credibility and prove that it's hard to trust others. Austen's writing style means that readers have to fill in the blanks with their imagination. For example, she doesn't give exact physical descriptions of her characters, often relying on general characteristics like "tall," "handsome," or "amiable." In my previous reviews of Pride and Prejudice adaptations, I explored that intentional ambiguity as a big reason why the character of Mr. Darcy is alluring--because the reader forms a personal connection with the character by sketching his portrait alongside Elizabeth. The characters (their physical appearance and some of their motivations) are purposely mysterious and while it gives the reader lots of opportunities for engaging with the text, without historical/literary context for "filling in the blanks" it's easy to see the characters as stiff mannequins in strange clothing rather than human beings.
Austen as a romance writer: Her romances don't always match up with our perception of what a romance should be. Some people start Austen expecting intense emotions and outbursts of passion but become disappointed when presented with formal courting and stately dances instead. Emotions are often veiled behind dialogue and for a first-time reader it can be challenging to see a romance developing. Most of the time readers have to rely on the clues given by Austen (descriptions of characters "blushing," looking "pale," or losing their composure) to detect the stirrings of love, but on a first reading it's difficult to do so when one's trying to figure out the plot and the characters. Finally, the dialogue can't always be taken literally; lots of people, including me, were disturbed when Mr. Knightley said he loved Emma since she was 13, but it was actually a joke made in response to something she said.
Her books are products of their time, and I sure am not an expert in Regency era economics or social norms. Sometimes the implications of certain actions can be lost on a reader if they don't know about the social norms of the time (I had no idea that Darcy following Elizabeth around, alone, on her favorite walk at Rosings was a sign of his love for her). Differences in social class are also very subtle and while one can generalize the characters as all "well-off" people, they are separated by many levels of hierarchy and their ideas about social position and status affect how they interact with others outside of their station. Darcy looks down upon those whom he perceives to be below him, and while Emma wants to make an advantageous match for Harriet, Harriet's lower social position means that Emma's schemes are not likely to work.
Because of the unique quirks within the novels, the reader is required to go beyond the surface level of plot and appearance and read between the lines to understand character motivations and actions. Without historical context (Regency era society having little social mobility, women having few legal rights and needing to make good marriages to secure material comfort) or literary context (the Enlightenment, 18th century Gothic novels referred to in Northanger Abbey, the birth of the novel, early Romantic writers just to name a bit) reading between the lines is nearly impossible.
So why do we read Austen? Below are my personal reasons.
The novels feature female heroines that have dignity and self-respect. It's significant that the stories focus on women who are trying to live according to their own values and speaking their own minds rather than acquiescing to societal dictates. Elizabeth Bennet is revolutionary in part because she wants a marriage based on mutual admiration and respect between two partners who know each other well, rather than an economic arrangement for a home. One could go on forever about how Austen is a feminist, but, the characters don't act like modern day feminists--they are still people of their time. However, it's easy to assume "feminist" heroines have to have "aggressive" characteristics (rebelling, fighting, defiance) in order to be labeled as "feminist." Importantly, Austen's women are allowed to be vulnerable (they cry or struggle with their emotions) without that being a shameful thing. We also see different types of personalities celebrated: Jane Bennet, who is kind to everyone, is seen in a positive light rather than shamed for seeing good in everyone. Anne Elliot, who is regarded as "old," becomes more beautiful as she gets older and has a second chance of love. Emma Woodhouse is spoiled yet confident and assertive and "not likely to be well-loved" (paraphrase of Austen's commentary on Emma). Fanny Price is a shy person but still achieves her happy ending. Her heroines are real people who have flaws and get opportunities to learn and grow so that they can make their aspirations reality.
A unique take on the universal conflict of humans versus society: Austen's characters are bound by social norms of etiquette as well as a value system that idolizes wealth and connections above all else. Persuasion is a great story in part because it focuses on how Anne Elliot learns to follow her heart and avoid being "persuaded" by others (and by society) to follow a path that will not make her happy. She's had to live with the regret of following the well-intentioned but harmful advice of others (Austen notes that Lady Russell values social connections too highly) over her own feelings and judgment, nearly losing her chance to be with Wentworth. The romances are significant in that they reinforce the dignity and self-respect of the female heroines. To a certain extent, Austen's stories are realistic in that marriage is necessary for material well-being in a patriarchal society that provides few ways for women to provide for themselves. But most importantly, she also sees marriage as a means of affirming self-respect and dignity of the women. It's one of the few parts of their lives over which they have any control because they get to choose whom they marry (for the most part, unless the marriage is arranged). Their wish to marry for love is revolutionary because they dare to aspire for something more than wealth. They want their future partners to be their equals, someone who they can love and respect (or be totally honest with them) and who will provide the same in return. This line from Emma (the 2020 movie adaptation) sums it up: "I have none of the usual inducements of women to marry. Fame I do not want. Fortune I do not want. Consequence I do not want."
The difference between outward appearances and inner character is a fascinating theme that appears in several Austen novels, most notably Pride and Prejudice, where Wickham and Darcy are foils of each other ("one has got all the goodness, the other all the appearance of it"). A lot of the villains in Austen's novels are those who deceive others about their motivations or lie for their own advantage. A common trait these villains all have is that they have a charming outward appearance that masks their true natures; they don't look ugly nor are they unpleasant (ex. Wickham having great social skills, Willoughby following the trope of the knight rescuing Marianne as the damsel in distress but leaving behind many broken hearts, Mr. Elliott being charming and knowing exactly what to say and how to act but actually a swindler). In contrast, the "good" characters are honest, even at the cost of social displeasure, use manners/etiquette to show respect rather than deceive people, and act selflessly to prove their worth (actions speak louder than words). It can be summed up this way: "don't judge a book by its cover."
Psychology: Austen very effectively described hindsight bias when sarcastically commenting on how the village of Meryton turned on Wickham after the elopement with Lydia, when previously they regarded him as an "angel of light." She also understands how easy it is to manipulate peoples' minds through confirmation bias (Wickham telling Elizabeth all the dirt about Darcy, which she eagerly takes because she hates Darcy so much). She also knows that emotions can override people's judgment: "angry people are not always wise." It's fun seeing how her people are social animals who make flawed judgments based on first impressions/emotions.
The secondary characters: Mr. Collins the clergyman is the most famous and he's so funny because of his arrogance in spite of his low social position (he keeps worshiping Lady Catherine instead of respecting God). Another great one is Sir Walter Elliott, a nobleman who is vain and constantly checks himself in the mirror (the most obvious social criticism). Also Austen understood how women insult each other: through passive aggression (ex. Caroline Bingley and Louisa Hurst talking negatively about Elizabeth behind her back). Austen's female bullies use their talent and "good breeding" to intimidate or shame others.
The romance (no explanation needed): "You pierce my soul. I am half-agony, half-hope. I have loved none but you." I love how the couples learn about each other through many spirited conversations and become slowly fascinated with each other until they realize they are in love and then have a conflict between formality and their growing passion...or they fall back in love with each other...or they are friends who slowly realize that they are more than friends...okay I'll stop talking nonsense I've been trying so hard to be semi-scholarly
Tags: @talkaustentome @austengivesmeserotonin @austengeek @princesssarisa @appleinducedsleep @colonelfitzwilliams
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superpaperclip · 4 years
I Never Planned (on someone like you)
After like a month, chapter 2 of the Javid fake dating AU is here! Sorry for the wait, life got in the way. CW for brief mentions of blood/injury and alcohol at the end.
Ch. 1  | Read on AO3
For the remainder of the week, David and Jack spent a lot of their free time together, getting to know each other. David would sit at the counter in the coffee shop during Jack’s shift, then Jack would walk him home. They would wait for each other after class and study together in the library. It was during one of those study sessions that they expanded on their plan. 
“Alright, this is what I have so far.” David said, pulling a notebook from his bag and flipping open to a page filled with notes, plus a small sketched calendar. He ignored Jack’s snickering. “So we have the party this weekend, on Saturday. That’s where we’ll tell Sarah and her girlfriend Katherine that we’re together. But we’ll also need to tell your friends, unless you’d prefer to tell them one at a time?” 
“We can tell most of them at the same time in two weeks. We’re gonna be hanging out at Race’s apartment on Friday, just our group and any partners that want to come.” 
“Alright, that’s what we’ll do. Now, we will have to go on dates and display PDA. We have to have a conversation about what levels of PDA we’re comfortable with. And, we can’t end the ‘relationship’ too early or people, at least my sister, might be suspicious. I don’t like to date around. But I think we’ll be fine if we keep it up for a few months. Once it’s been long enough, we can fake an argument and break up.”
When David looked up from his notebook, Jack had an odd expression on his face. David brushed it off, choosing instead to flip to the next page in his notebook. 
Davey Jacobs was very cute, Jack decided, when he rambled about the details of their fake relationship, trying to be all clinical facts and very little emotion. That just made it even more special when he flushed while talking about dates and showing affection. Jack rested his chin on the palm of his hand, staring at Davey while he talked. Jack wasn’t sure why he had suggested this ruse. Yeah, he wanted to get back at Race, Albert, and Crutchie, but he had never thought he would go this far. Maybe there was something about Davey…
“Hello? Jack? We need to discuss our limits on affection- what we’re comfortable with, what we definitely don’t want to do, things like that.” Davey waved a hand in front of Jack’s face, breaking him out of his daze. Jack blinked, refocusing on the conversation.
“Huh? What? Oh, yeah. We need to talk about kissing.” Jack watched the blush reappear on Davey’s cheeks and felt something stir inside of him. We’re just friends, he reminded himself. No, not even friends. We’re just two guys who’re trying to fool their friends. The relationship is fake. That’s the whole point. 
The night of the party, David paced in his living room, trying to calm his nerves. He was supposed to pick Jack up at 8:30 but, as usual, he had been ready to go an hour early. After emptying his closet and frantically asking Sarah for help (why did he care so much about how he looked?), he chose a pair of jeans that Sarah insisted on, which were frankly too tight, and a dark blue button up shirt with small white flowers. He folded the sleeves up to his elbows and cuffed his jeans. 
“Settle down, bro. What are you so worked up about? It’s just a party. I know you don’t get out much, but it’s really not a big deal.” She got an odd gleam in his eye, and looked him up and down. A slow smile spread across her face. “You really like Jack, don’t you? That;s why you’re so nervous. You want to impress him.” David nodded his head, deciding it was better to go along with Sarah’s assumption than to correct her. He just kept fiddling with his sleeves, adjusting and readjusting the length. 
Eventually, it was time for David to pick Jack up from his apartment. He and Sarah had decided that he would take their car, while she would catch a ride with Katherine. As he drove, David drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, trying to focus on the road and not the party. One problem at a time- get to Jack’s apartment, get to Bill’s house, where the party was being held, and then concentrate on pretending to be a couple. He could do this.
Jack sat on the steps of his apartment and ran the sleeve of his flannel through his fingers as he waited for Davey and resisted the urge to run back inside and change his clothes. After much deliberation, he had settled on a pair of distressed skinny jeans, a plain t-shirt, and a flannel tied around his waist. He knew it wasn’t the best outfit, but he hoped it would be fine for the party. No matter how poor his fashion sense and how much he wanted to impress Davey, he was absolutely not going to call Race, despite what wonders he could undoubtedly work with Jack’s closet. Jack would never live it down. He could dress himself for one party. 
As he was ruminating on the teasing he would’ve gotten had he called Race, a car pulled up and Davey got out, opening the passenger side door. Once Jack was in the seat, Davey’s got in the driver’s side and pulled away. 
Jack could’ve cut the tension in the car with a knife. This was going to be their first time out in public as a couple, so he had expected some nerves. But he didn’t anticipate how bad it would be. Eventually, Davey cleared his throat and spoke.
“Ok, let’s go over the plan. I don’t know when Katherine is picking Sarah up, so I don’t know who will get to Bill’s house first. Whoever it is, we’ll all have a chance to mingle and talk to other people before the four of us meet up. When we do, I’ll introduce you as my, ahem, boyfriend. Bill’s family is very well connected, so you’ll probably be able to meet some important art world person, or people. There are some big names from journalism who will be there as well, so I’m gonna keep an eye out for them. We should probably stay together for most of the night, though, to keep up the charade.” 
Jack nodded and murmured his assent in the appropriate places, but his mind was elsewhere. He was focused on Davey’s profile, studying his face. He didn’t know when he would get another chance. Before they knew it, Davey had turned onto Bill’s street. Already, the party was in full swing. Music could be faintly heard coming from the house, and people were sprawled across the porch, undoubtedly drinking. Jack saw Davey’s shoulders tense as they approached. He started to reach over to comfort Davey, but paused with his hand in the air. Would it be weird? Were they at that stage of their ‘relationship’ yet? He didn’t know. Slowly, he put his hand back in his lap. 
There were no spots open on Bill’s street, so Davey parked around the corner. As they walked toward the house, Jack felt his hand drift towards Davey’s. He kept pulling it back, sensing that affection would only make him more tense. They walked up the steps of the porch, greeting the people, all in various stages of drunkenness, sitting on various surfaces. Jack opened the door, and they were hit with a wave of sound. The music was so loud they could feel it in throughout their bodies. 
Inside, people were dancing or trying to talk over the music. Almost everyone had a drink of some kind, and some had a slice of pizza. Davey quickly grabbed two sodas from the kitchen, giving one to Jack, then took a seat on a couch in the living room. Jack didn’t know what to do. Would Davey want to be comforted or left alone? He saw the tension in Davey’s shoulders, the hard line of his mouth, the way his eyes darted around the room, and made his decision. Quietly, he sat next to him and gently placed his empty hand on Davey’s. Jack felt Davey jump in surprise, then relax. Slowly, Davey turned his hand over and laced their fingers together. Jack smiled. 
“You don’t like parties, huh? Me either. I don’t like all the strangers. I’d rather get together with my friends, even if they can get pretty noisy.” Davey nodded appreciatively.
“I’ve never liked loud, crowded spaces, parties especially. They agitate me.” There was an odd look in Davey’s eyes, Jack thought. He didn’t know what to make of it. Fortunately, or unfortunately, he didn’t get much time to ruminate on it. At that moment, Sarah ran up to them, dragging another woman behind her. Davey tightened his grip around Jack’s hand and they stood up, hands still clasped together.
“Dave! Jack! There you are! Guys, this is my girlfriend Katherine. Kat, my brother Dave and his boyfriend Jack.” Jack regretfully had to let go of Davey’s hand to shake Katherine’s.
“Hey Kathy, I’m Jack, and this is Davey.” As soon as Davey shook her hand, his hand was back in Jack’s. He squeezed once, and Jack squeezed back. 
“Nice to meet you two! David, Sarah has told me a lot about you. Nothing bad, don’t worry.” Katherine smiled at Davey, who returned it.
“I’ve heard a lot about you, too. My sister likes to talk. Well, I suppose gush would be a more accurate description.” Sarah rolled her eyes and hit her brother in the shoulder. At that moment, something across the room caught Katherine’s eye. She muttered that she would be right back, then disappeared into the crowd of people. A few seconds later, she reappeared with two guys following her. 
“Sarah, Dave, Jack, these are my friends Bill and Darcy. Bill here is the esteemed host of this wonderful party.” Pleasantries were exchanged around their little circle, everyone tanking Bill for throwing the party. Jack glanced at Davey, who was looking at him. Jack started to smile, but something behind him caught Davey’s attention, His eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to say something. 
“Jack-.” Before he could finish, Jack felt a body push against his back, making him stumble forward and crashing into Davey. When he got his feet under himself again, he pulled back to see that his soda had spilt on Davey’s shirt, and Davey had clutched his own can hard enough for it to break. Various people muttered curses as Katherine and Darcy ran to get towels from the kitchen. 
“Bill, is there a bathroom where we can clean up?” Jack asked hastily.
“Down the hall, second door on the right.” Jack pulled Davey through the crowd, following Bill’s directions. After kicking out the couple who’d been using the bathroom to make out, Jack directed Davey to sit on the small bench. Grabbing the hand towel, he started dabbing at Davey’s shirt, attempting to get the soda out.
“Look, Jack, you don’t have to do all of this. Besides, I’m pretty sure it won’t come out. I’ll wash it tonight.” 
“Well, you shouldn’t have to spend the rest of the night in a soda-y shirt. Here, you can wear my flannel.” He untied the sleeves of his flannel from his waist and handed it to Davey, then turned his back. There was a minute of shuffling before Davey told him he could turn back around. When he did, he felt like the breath had been punched out of his lungs. Davey looked very good in Jack’s flannel, unfairly good. The fabric stretched across his chest and hugged his biceps. Jack’s mind was clouded with the knowledge that Davey was wearing his shirt.
“-you ok? Jack? Look, I cut my hand, so I’m going to find a first aid kit.” The mention of injury snapped Jack out of his daze, and he grabbed Davey’s hand to inspect the cut. There was a thin, angry red line across his palm that was slowly leaking blood. He quickly grabbed a handful of toilet paper, pressing it to Davey’s hand, then dug through the cabinet for the first aid kit. 
Opening the kit, he grabbed Neosporin, gauze and medical tape. He expertly rinsed and bandaged Davey’s hand, wrapping the medical tape around his gauze-covered palm. After putting the first aid kit back, they both exited the bathroom. 
For Jack, the rest of the party passed in a blur of Davey is wearing my shirt. They stayed for a few more hours, leaving around 1 in the morning. Davey didn’t have anything to drink, so he drove Jack home. More than slightly buzzed, Jack watched as Davey’s face was illuminated and darkened in the uniform pattern of the streetlights. All too soon, they had arrived outside Jack’s apartment.  
“Um, thanks for lending me your shirt. And for helping clean up my hand. Oh, here’s your shirt back.” Davey started unbuttoning the flannel, but froze at Jack’s outburst.
“No! I mean, keep it for tonight. You can give it back to me later. Besides, it suits you.” Jack swallowed thickly, sure that he would pass out if Davey took off his shirt. Instead, he fumbled with the door handle, managing to open the door. Before he could get out, Davey grabbed his arm.
“I don’t usually like parties, especially when I don’t know anyone, but that was enjoyable. Thank you. Really.” Under the soft light of the moon and the harsh light of the streetlamps, Jack could see Davey blush a deep red. Jack smiled, both at the confession and Davey’s subsequent embarrassment. 
“No problem. But remember, you still have to hold up your end of the bargain. The get together with my friends is next weekend. I’ll text you the details.” They sat in silence for a minute before Jack opened the door and stepped out. 
“Thank you again for coming with me. I… I’ll look forward to your text.” Davey looked like he wanted to say something else, but he didn’t say anything, so Jack just closed the door and entered his apartment. Once inside, he went to his window and pulled back the curtain, watching Davey drive away.
Tag list: @mousies @mulletbilly @mylifeincharacters @jelloguts (If you want to be added or removed from the tag list, just send me an ask!)
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misscrawfords · 5 years
Rose! How do you feel about Emma and its various adaptations?
Sorry for the delay in answering - blame the school trip!
I love Emma. I wrote my dissertation partly on it (also on Northanger Abbey, Rob Roy and St Ronan’s Well) and while I loved it before I loved it even more after studying it. All of Austen’s novels are extremely well plotted, but Emma might just be the best. It’s like a detective novel in that respect (and has been described as such on multiple occasions) because you can pick up on clues to what’s really going on all the way through but on a first read, you don’t see them. Miss Bates unintentionally reveals details that can be explained by Frank and Jane’s secret relationship but they are hidden in her verbal overloading. Emma’s own thoughts betray her unknown interest in Mr. Knightley, and his actions point to his love for Emma. And so on. 
Jane Austen is also being radical in her use of literary conventions and genre in Emma (as she is in basically all her novels). She has the tightest mystery plot ever written at this point hidden directly inside a novel that sticks strictly to the conventions of romantic comedy. She even goes overboard with it - successfully navigating three couples to appropriate happy endings. However, within that solid structure, she plays with expectations and conventions in a subtle way and this is where I get really excited.
First we have Emma herself, a heroine “nobody but myself will like”. Austen clearly loved questioning and pushing conventions of who was allowed to be a heroine. Her previous novel, Mansfield Park, gave us Fanny who most people at the time found disappointing after Elizabeth Bennet and modern readers (unjustly IMO) hate, and she followed Emma with Anne Elliot who was far too old to be a romantic heroine according to contemporary standards. In the middle we have Emma Woodhouse, a meddling snob. She’s got a lot in common with Mr. Darcy actually and her character development in terms of recognising the bad behaviour she is guilty of and the prejudice she feels towards those of a lower social status is pretty similar. But while Darcy and his character development is held up as beautiful and heroic and romantic, Emma is frequently condemned as dislikable. I do wonder why that could be… Personally, I love Emma. She’s clever and shrewd and funny and, honestly, is there anyone who doesn’t think Miss Bates is annoying and doesn’t want to throw a tantrum at the prospect of being upstaged by Mrs. Elton? Are you, dear reader, such a paragon of rational enlightenment and charitable feeling? Would you instantly see through Frank Churchill and resist his flirtations? Would you be best friends with Jane Fairfax and not be just a little bit jealous of her and how much Mr. Knightley everyone seems to admire her? Have you never said something cutting and regretted it? Are you perfect, reader, ARE YOU? Come on. Emma is one of us. She messes up, she judges badly, she says cringeworthy stuff in inappropriate situations, she gives bad advice - she’s human. And she deals with it without losing her positive outlook and she does grow, enough to “deserve” her happy ending (though that’s a loaded concept) but not so much it’s unrealistic. And what makes her likeable through it all are that her intentions are good. Emma is not a bad person who has to become good and “be redeemed”. She is a fundamentally warm and caring person who needs to have some bad habits of thought and action corrected by guidance and experience. Emma’s intentions and understanding are good from the beginning.
Emma’s also interesting because, yes, she does change, but if you put her in the context of the genre she inhabits, she also gets to keep a lot. Basically, in another novel, Emma would have to pay significant penance for her bad behaviour before she would be allowed to marry Mr. Knightley and she would have to prove that she is a changed woman and is absolutely not going to continue meddling and will be a good and submissive wife. Usually this also involves giving up the dangerous reading of novels which have led her astray. Several points. Firstly, Emma is not a novel reader, she is a novel writer. Emma is described by various critics as “an avatar of Austen the author” and if you read the novel through the prism of Emma being an author, things become really fascinating. Beautiful, illegitimate Harriet Smith is the heroine of Emma’s novel and obviously Emma-as-author wants to discover that she is really the long lost daughter of Somebody and give her a socially advantageous marriage. Emma’s matchmaking attempts are the workings of a novelist plotting with characters. Emma is creating her own world. This is radical stuff, in a society where female novelists were looked down upon. Emma has the means and independence and cleverness to write a story of her own - and she is comically bad at it. This is one way in which Austen plays with genre. Secondly, it is not at all clear that Emma does give up her matchmaking at the end of the novel. Austen is coy when she floats this suggestion about Mrs. Weston’s daughter: “[Emma] would not acknowledge that it was with any view of making a match for her, hereafter, with either of Isabella’s sons”. Does this suggest that maybe Emma isn’t as cured as she should be? Thanks to Austen’s levels of irony it’s impossible to tell, which is the point. Thirdly, Emma is the only Austen heroine to have real financial and social clout. Emma really does rule Highbury and at the end of the novel, instead of being subsumed into her husband’s world, he in fact moves in with her (however temporarily). This is practically the Regency equivalent of her keeping her name after marriage. She and Mr. Knightley are social equals and she does not leave her home or her sphere of influence when she marries. The only other heroine this would be true of is, interestingly enough, Fanny Price. But Mansfield Park is notoriously inward looking and Fanny’s ending allows her to truly become a Bertram which is what she wanted all along for better or worse. And Fanny and Edmund’s social status and influence are much less significant that Knightley and Emma’s are.
Something else to bear in mind when thinking about Emma’s character is that, despite her social power and wealth, she also lives an extremely confined and limited life. She is essentially a carer for her stultifying and claustrophobic father. She has never left the environs of Highbury. She is surrounded by people who jump to her every command and shower her in praise, both deserved and undeserved. The only person who criticises her is also in love with her. The only eligible men in her world before the arrival of Frank Churchill are her brother-in-law who is 16 years older than her, and the obsequious vicar. Yes, she can remain a spinster but even a rich spinster cannot maintain the sort of power she currently holds when faced with a married woman like Mrs. Elton (who is a real threat to her), but her alternatives are bleak. A woman of her rank and fortune should be having a London season and meeting other young people of her rank and forming external connections. Because of her father’s passive control over her, Emma has none of these opportunities. Even Fanny Price travels more and meets more people than Emma does. Yes, Emma Woodhouse is handsome, rich and clever and has had very little to vex her, but I suspect that is probably Emma’s own view of her life and it is not necessarily accurate.
Okay, this post is already far too long so I’ll end my discussion of the novel here. There’s also a lot that could be said about Jane and Frank, Emma and Mr. Knightley’s relationship and more, but Emma is clearly the most important and, honestly, the most in need of defence!
Onto the adaptations, and I’ll try to be brief:
1. The Gwyneth Paltrow film. Jeremy Northan is divine though his hair could be better and he’s not my favourite Mr. Knightley, even if I do have a massive crush on JN. Harriet Smith is a not particularly attractive redhead which is… weird. Frank Churchill is Ewan McGregor but he has appalling hair so IDK what was going on there - such a missed opportunity. Gwyneth Paltrow as Emma is a casting disgrace and I honestly can’t bear to watch this film because every time she is on screen I cringe. The producers were more interested in the aesthetic than making a good adaptation. My grandma hated it. Enough said.
2. The Kate Beckinsale film. Honestly, I don’t dislike anything about this except that I wish it were a mini-series and the proposal scene is a bit… eh. But I think it manages to stay true to the book in a feature film and I love Kate Beckinsale’s Emma. She has the right mix of liveliness and arrogance for me. Mark Strong is a stern Mr. Knightley but he’s not too handsome. Frank Churchill is perfect in this adaptation. Controversially, this is my favourite period adaptation.
3. The Romola Garai miniseries. I love lots about this mainly because the length allows everything to be expanded suitably. Johnny Lee Miller is the best Knightley by far. The Eltons are fabulous. Frank and Jane’s relationship gets more time dedicated to it. The Westons and Bateses are great. Harriet Smith is dumbed down too much - she’s naive and not too bright but this adaptation makes her practically an idiot, almost as much a disservice as the 2005 P&P film’s character assassination of Bingley, though physically the actress is perfect and she’s very likeable. And I really do appreciate what they were trying to do with Emma. It was clearly an informed choice to make her bubbly and often silly and a chosen interpretation of the text and I respect that - better that than wilful misinterpretation which some adaptations go in for. I fundamentally disagree with it - whatever her faults, I don’t think Emma is silly and giggly and I struggle to believe this Emma is a 21 year old woman secure in her position as a social leader. Her mannerisms often come across very modern - her little waves, giggles and posture and this is very irritating because Romola Garai has done some fantastic period acting (Daniel Deronda, The Hour etc.) and these mannerisms aren’t consistent across the cast. I love Romola Garai and I think it’s an interesting choice of direction, but not one that rings true to how I see the character though.
4. Clueless. Clearly the best adaptation of Emma ever made. We all know it.
5. Emma Approved. Only seen a bit of it and didn’t warm to it. Should probably give it another go. Why did they change Knightley’s name to Alex? What the hell is wrong with George!?!?
Anyway, here are my thoughts on Emma. Hope they’re at least somewhat interesting. There is nothing I like better than rambling on about Jane Austen! :-) Thank you for giving me the opportunity!
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
My thoughts on Izu/Ocha: Meta
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cue frustrated shipper screams
by mysterylover123
At the end of the day, irrespective of any shipping wars, I just want HeroAca to have a good ending. Many manga/anime/franchises have been utterly destroyed by a bad ending, while others are elevated by a great one. And a very consistent element in Bad Endings is poor handling of romantic subplots. Exhibits include: How I Met Your Mother, Naruto, Bleach. Horikoshi has listed both Marvel and Shonen Jump as his major influences, and BNHA is published in the latter. Both companies have a history of terrible Romantic Subplot decisions: Selling Spider-Man’s marriage to Mephisto, the IchiHime vs IchiRuki debate, the awkward Staron and Brutasha subplots in the MCU, and the fiery pit of controversy that is the Naruto ending pairs - all of it ultimately harming the narrative’s integrity and preventing audiences from enjoying the story. While a badly handled romance subplot doesn’t have to tank the ending of an action series, it’s still a thin line to walk.  
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On the surface, BNHA’s main pairing of Izuku Midoriya/Ochaco Uraraka, or Izu/Ocha as it’s called, seems to avoid the obvious problems. There’s no More Important Girl in Deku’s life, there’s no coding on his rivalries, and no melodramatic love triangle to annoy people. In fact, I can even say that Izuku and Ochaco’s dynamic is pretty fascinating. But not yet as an endgame pairing. My feelings on Izu/Ocha are complicated. I simultaneously ship it and don’t. I ship it because I enjoy them both as characters, I think they’re good friends, and they seem to like each other; I don’t ship it because the execution so far has been rather awkward, the romance lopsided on Uraraka’s side, and the nature of their relationship struggling to get to the levels of intimacy I’d expect from an endgame pairing. I’m afraid, in short, that Horikoshi will do what other Shonen manga have done: have a supporting female character become defined by her love for the Lead, have the lead spend the whole series ignoring them to obsess over their rivals and villains, and throw the two together at the last minute without properly developing their romance, leaving both fans of the pairing (because of the lack of onscreen development) and non-fans (because of the weak storytelling) alike disappointed and frustrated. 
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There are several options for what could happen besides that terrifying prospect. Izu/Ocha could spend lots of time developing their romance, correcting the problems I’ve spotted and outlined in this meta - I’ll mention a few areas where I think they could change these problems as I go along - and become a great Official Couple, like some of the success stories in Shonen romance writing (Ed/Win, Vegeta/Bulma…erm, that’s all I can think of). Alternatively, they could grow away from their crushes on each other and set them aside, ending as friends instead of lovers, possibly with no Official Couples (One Piece, and in the west, Gravity Falls, do something like this). That could work too. They could both end up with other people. They could end up having a tragic falling out and become enemies. At this point, anything’s possible. But what I do know is that they need to change something about their dynamic, and change it fast, or else the story is going to go barreling into the problems of it’s predecessors - the flaws in Shonen manga the series is so well known for avoiding, like pacing issues or Power Scaling. And I don’t want that.
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I wrote this meta mostly to contextualize/analyze the Izu/Ocha dynamic for myself. I find their relationship interesting, and most meta on Izu/Ocha barely scratch the surface of their relationship, only going so far as to say either “I don’t like it” or “I like it, and you all are stupid for not liking it”. My feelings on Izu/Ocha are complicated, and I wanted to do a meta on them. Both their relationship, and as two of my fave characters in BNHA. What I want from a storytelling, meta-narrative perspective is a good story. What I want from a character loving POV is for my faves to be happy. If the series shows me they’ll make each other happy, I’m good. It’s just that so far, their relationship doesn’t seem to work that way.
So I’ll go through each arc of the series, and try and detail their interactions from both Deku’s POV and Uraraka’s. I’ll highlight the moments I like and find shippy, and the things they need to work on as a couple. Hopefully this’ll be an enjoyable read (it ended up really, really long), and I’m sorry if Izu/Ocha fans reading it get mad at me - I have nothing against it as a ship, I just want more from the relationship in canon.
Without further ado:
Entrance Exam Arc:
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Deku’s POV: Deku’s first impression of Uraraka is great. She’s a cute, kind girl who stops him from tripping over his feet. 
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He does, however, think of her as “a girl” (“I just talked to a girl!”), which is a pattern with how he often reacts to her - as “a girl”, rather than “Uraraka”, later on down the line. When Deku shows attraction to Ochaco, it’s to her as an exemplar of the female, rather than as a person. 
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Compare Deku’s attraction to her uniform and costume, or responses to talking to ‘a girl’, to say, Naruto saying he likes Sakura’s “large charming forehead” or Darcy in Pride and Prejudice thinking of Elizabeth’s “fine dark eyes”. Big difference in terms of how romantic the attraction comes across. 
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Iida stops Deku from talking to Uraraka before the test, saying he’ll just distract her. Take a shot every time someone frames Ochaco’s potential interest in Deku as being a ‘distraction’ that she has to do without.
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Deku notices Uraraka pinned under rubble and jumps to save her. He compares this mentally to doing the same for Bakugo in the previous arc, from the sludge villain. But there’s no All Might here to save Deku, and when he jumps he breaks three limbs. His decision gets him into UA, but he thinks he failed. For weeks, Deku feels miserable about this, wallowing in despair because he threw away his chance to get into UA. He gets the news from All Might, and learns that Uraraka went to offer up some of her points for him. Now this is sweet, but let’s look at what we know of Deku’s character now and talk about why I don’t think he appreciates this all that much, and why it wouldn’t have been good for their relationship if that was what got him into UA.
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Deku doesn’t believe in himself. He has huge issues with personal security and confidence because of his past. He wants to be there for other people, to be “able to smile, while doing something good for them”. Deku wanted to get into UA on his own merit. So had Uraraka actually been the one to get him in, out of gratitude, it really would have done a number on Deku’s self-esteem. It would have told him that he wasn’t good enough to get in on his own, that someone else had to sabotage themselves to bail him out because of his mistakes. Fortunately, that’s not what happened - he got in because Rescue Points - but from an Izu/Ocha standpoint, it doesn’t seem calculated to cause Deku to fall in love with Uraraka. He doesn’t want someone to take pity on him and sabotage themselves so he can do well. 
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That’s why he doesn’t seem all that moved by Uraraka’s gesture here - we could have had many close-ups and reaction bubbles of him thinking about how wonderful she was for doing this, how generous and kind of her it was, but nope, nothing like that happens. Deku is only ecstatic once he learns that he made it in on his own merit. As he should be, of course, but ultimately this first encounter doesn’t do a lot to set up Izu/Ocha.
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Ochaco’s POV. Ochaco is a nice girl who saves people in trouble. She’s also very, very insecure. I’ll get into that more later, but despite Uraraka’s cheerful exterior, she’s even more insecure than Deku is. She saves him when they first meet, then walks off after talking at him for a few minutes. 
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He doesn’t respond to her at all out loud and she quickly moves on. This is a small microcasm of their entire  dynamic: Ochaco often talks at Deku rather than with Deku, and he rarely talks to her about anything. We’ll get more into that later.
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Ochaco gets saved by Deku during the exam, saves him in return, and later on offers him her points. When she brings him up to Mic, she calls him “plain looking” and “didn’t stand out at all”. Lovely first impression. Of course, it’s not impossible for a romance subplot to start with the love interest not finding the hero attractive. The aforementioned Pride and Prejudice, for instance, starts with Darcy calling Eliza “tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me.” But within two chapters he’s gushing about her “fine eyes”. 
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200+  chapters later, and Ochaco still hasn’t said a word about finding Deku more attractive now. Now, she could, hopefully some day, realize that she no longer finds him plain, and that she’s grown to find him attractive. Say something about those big green eyes or his fearless smile. Something personal, like he has yet to say about her, to express that she finds him appealing. But nothing yet.
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Uraraka giving Deku her points, from her POV, is I think motivated just as much by pride as it is by gratitude. She got into that scenario because she was pinned down, and she probably feels like it was her fault. It would be kind of creepy, actually, if she was willing to throw her own chances under the bus for someone she just met because she liked him or was in love with him - Misa Amane levels of love-at-first-sight co-dependency. Uraraka doing this because of her own pride seems more fitting to me, more in line with the character we get to know later on. 
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She feels she messed up, and took someone else down with her, and as such has to make things better. Thankfully, Deku pulled through on his own. This is one of many sweet scenes where Uraraka offers Deku a great deal of love and support. But sadly, it’s a very lopsided bond in that regard. Outside of this moment, Deku never does anything crazy to protect Uraraka again, and rarely shows her the same kind of support. Not because he doesn’t want to, per se, but because she won’t let him (if you want the full details on that imbalance, skip to the Sports Fest arc section).
Quirk Apprehension Test Arc:
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Uraraka’s POV: We continue the pattern of Uraraka’s crush on Deku being something she’s told to drop here, with Aizawa telling her if she’s “just here to make friends” she can go home (take a shot). 
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She’s happy to see Deku and supportive of him when he does OK, worried for him when he’s hurt, and in general a good friend. At this point in the series, we’re not privy to her inner thoughts, so there’s not as much to say about her feelings here. The only thing of note is the other general pattern of their relationship, wherein Uraraka gets to be supportive of and worried for Deku, but not him for her. Her revising of the name Deku is more important from his POV.
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Deku’s POV: Deku shows continuing attraction to Uraraka here, thinking that she “looks good in her uniform” and blushing around her. However, he quickly moves on to overcoming the Quirk App Test and doesn’t think about her much throughout the rest of the arc. 
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She comes up to him later and calls him ‘Deku’, like Bakugo did, and reframes the nickname as a positive thing. The setup seems clear: Ochaco is to be the friend to Deku that Bakugo never was, the kind and supportive ally he lacked back in middle school. This scene makes me smile.
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Which would be fine if that’s what they went with, but…
Battle Trial Arc:
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This arc starts out so well for Izu/Ocha, then goes down hill fast.
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Deku on Ochaco here: Deku thinks she looks good in her uniform, blushing around her, and expressing a desire to impress her when they’re put on the same team. 
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They’re up against Bakugo, and he’s nervous. When Ochaco asks, he starts talking about how Greatamazingawesomesuperspecialwhatever Bakugo is and how he wants to beat him. 
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He then apologizes to Ochaco for getting her caught up in his problems, indicating that he doesn’t see her as being part of them. Even though Ochaco proclaims them to be a team, he doesn’t do much strategizing with her ahead of time. He gets very caught up in his match with Bakugo, and doesn’t bother working with her until Bakugo has him cornered and nearly drops him with the MegaBlast. Then, he calls her and comes up with a plan - but imagine if he’d actually worked together with Ochaco to beat Bakugo.
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 If he’d guessed, as he says, that Bakugo was planning to “come at him first”, then why not get Uraraka to grab Bakugo while he’s distracted and zero G him out of the building?
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Because Deku wants to beat Bakugo to prove himself, plain and simple. He’s known Bakugo longer, so it’s only natural he’s more interested in beating him than working with Uraraka. But this could have gone so much better for him if he took the time to work with Ochaco instead - if they’d tag-teamed Kacchan, Deku might not have had to break his arm. 
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He does salvage this a little by taking the new version of his name Uraraka came up with. But then Deku spends the rest of the arc ignoring her instead of working with her. 
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There’s even an oddly placed panel sequence where she blows off a flirtatious Kaminari to worry about Deku, and he then blows her off to go chase after Bakugo and clear up their misunderstanding. It’s probably just a coincidence, but it’s still a weird parallel.
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And speaking of this scene, let’s talk about a bigger concern with Izu/Ocha (from Deku’s angle) that I have. Deku has a secret identity. He has a past as a quirkless kid, a history of insecurity, and a secret chosen one destiny that burdens him greatly. He needs his future partner to be someone he can talk to about all this. If I were him, and I had to choose among the kids at UA who I’d tell my troublesome secret ID to, who I’d want to confide in, I’d probably say 1. Uraraka, 2. Iida, 3. Shoto, 4. Literally every single other character Deku is friends with and finally, bottom of the list, Bakugo. Yet Deku chooses to tell Bakugo his secret identity, not Uraraka or anyone nicer who would be presumably more trustworthy. Now, in hindsight (SPOILERS IF YOU’RE NOT CAUGHT UP YET), Deku doing this has paid off. Bakugo knows his secret and he’s kept it. He’s been a supportive friend to him since then, especially post JTA, everything a good secret keeper should be. But Deku - and especially the audience - didn’t know that at the time. (SPOILERS DONE).
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And Deku can’t be with Uraraka if she doesn’t know his secret identity. That’s one of the Laws of Superhero Romance Comics. Spider-Man could never be with Gwen or Black  Cat, for instance, because they hated his alter ego. He married MJ because she liked both. And Horikoshi is a big fan of Spidey, so he must know this. Deku has to tell Uraraka about OFA if he’s going to be with her. But he hasn’t, and he hasn’t shown any inclination to. 
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The setup is there for him to tell others; Todoroki asked about his powers, Tsuyu compared him to All Might. They could figure it out, they could tell Deku they know, or he could tell them, like he tried to tell Kota his personal stories, to make them feel better. There’s a mechanism in place for him to tell either one of them. But not Uraraka. She’s never asked about it, he’s got no interest in telling her. And as long as she doesn’t know the Secret, she can’t be with Deku. This isn’t, BTW, me making a manifesto for any of those ships over Izuocha. I don’t think for a second that any of those pairings will happen in the series. Only that if Deku is to be with Uraraka, he has to find a reason to tell her about OFA, or their relationship will be all kinds of messed up.
Also, FYI, Tsu, Todoroki, Bakugo, and even Iida have looked at and noticed enough about Deku to guess at least this, the most fundamentally important thing to know about Deku: That he’s close to All Might and his powers are similar. But not Ochaco. Does she honestly know anything important about Deku? Like how he grew up quirkless for so long, how All Might inspired his dream, how he wants to live up to the expectations of others and save people with a smile? No, not yet. He’s never told her anything personal, outside of this one little anecdote in this arc about wanting to beat Bakugo.
Uraraka’s POV:
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Uraraka is happy to be working with Deku, but initially not all that excited about winning the fight. She just wants to relax, and is surprised to see how stressed he is.
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 Then Deku talks about how he wants to beat Bakugo, and she becomes more proactive. Nonetheless, she still basically just follows his lead this arc. 
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She takes no initiative on her own: She doesn’t go to grab Bakugo when he’s attacking Deku, she stands around giggling on the phone while trying to sneak up on Iida, and Momo criticizes her for it. 
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She thinks to herself about Deku wanting to win when Iida outfoxes her. She doesn’t seem like she wants to win the Trial for her own sake, just Deku’s. And this is a problem for Uraraka. (take a shot)
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Momo criticizes everyone but Iida in this match, and all three characters who messed up did so because they were too fixated on someone else. Deku on beating Bakugo. Bakugo on beating Deku. Uraraka on impressing Deku. Iida, for instance, also admires Midoriya - but he’s able to concentrate on the match and fight Uraraka anyway. That’s why he’s MVP, as Momo and All Might put it.
So we set up Uraraka’s over-fixation on Deku as being a problem she has to overcome, a flaw - like Bakugo’s obsession with beating Deku, Iida’s obsession with killing Stain, Todoroki’s obsession with hurting his father, or Momo’s feelings of inadequacy next to Shoto, it’s framed like a flaw she has to overcome to do better. Of the dynamics here, only Deku’s admiration of/determination to beat Bakugo is not framed as a flaw per se, since he still has it to this day and seems to benefit from it. I’ll elaborate on why I think that is later on in the essay - it has to do with the “Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Tragedy” theme - but overall, this doesn’t paint a good picture of Ochaco’s feelings for Midoriya. They’re framed as something she has to put away in order to do well. (take a shot)
Class Rep mini-arc:
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This is another score for Izu/Ocha. Ochaco voted for Deku as class Rep. She never tells him about it, though. I’m not sure why. Iida told him. Todoroki tells Momo later on that he voted for her. Ochaco could be gearing up for telling Deku herself, dramatically, later on, but what would that prove? 
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Deku already knows she admires him, he turned down the class rep role later anyway. This isn’t like Momo and Shoto, where Momo stayed Deputy Rep and never heard a compliment from Todoroki before he told her he voted for her. In that case, the Class Rep thing showed Momo Shoto believed in her, helping her get her confidence back. But Deku already knows Ochaco believes in him. Iida telling him also helped him out - it showed him he had friends who believed in him. Ochaco’s given reason for keeping her vote to herself is Bakugo’s little temper tantrum about it. But Bakugo wasn’t at the table when Iida told Deku the truth, so why couldn’t she have told Deku then? I really don’t get why she keeps her vote to herself; I don’t see how this will do anything for Deku later on down the line, or for Uraraka. It shows she’s supportive of him and admires him, but we already knew that. I’m just not sure how to parlay this into future developments with them.
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Deku and Ochaco don’t talk to each other at all during this arc. They get separated quickly and don’t reunite. They don’t worry about each others’ safety during the battle. After it’s over Ochaco asks after Deku because he broke his limbs, but during the fight she doesn’t worry about him or look for him. There’s only one moment I find noteworthy for Izu/Ocha during this arc: Deku wondering “What would Kacchan do” before jumping off the boat. This type of remark, like Iida’s “What would by brother or Midoriya do” during the class rep arc, is about a platonic friend (well, rival in this case), not a love interest. So Uraraka’s “what would Deku do” being code for “I like him” doesn’t really add up. I’ll get to that later.
Sports Festival Arc
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Deku’s POV: Deku asks Uraraka about her motivation at the beginning of this arc, in Chapter 22. Uraraka admits that it’s for the money, and while Deku mentally thinks that this is admirable, he doesn’t say anything complimentary out loud, or anything other than “it’s surprising”. Contrasted with Iida’s loud, uproarious applause of Ochaco’s motive, this doesn’t come across as all that supportive of his friend, even though he does not, in fact, think the less of her for it. 
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On top of that,  Deku at this point in the arc is struggling to get motivated himself. Later on he’ll call Todoroki out for not trying his best, and he’s clearly thinking of people like Uraraka, Shinso, Bakugo and Iida when he does so. But at this point, he does the same thing towards her that he calls Shoto out for.
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He doesn’t get inspired by her words, or All Might’s, or anyone’s, until he overhears Bakugo make an offhand comment about ‘aiming for the top’. Then he gets into the  competitive spirit. This kinda creates the impression that Deku is more inspired by his rivals than his love interest. Common issue in Shonen romances, of course; a higher emphasis on the importance of the hero’s main rivalry than his Official Girlfriend.
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He’s overjoyed when she joins his team, but not because it’s Uraraka - because it’s anyone.
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Deku is the person no one wants to team up with here. He would have teamed up with anyone who asked him. It seems odd, knowing Uraraka’s capabilities and quirk, that he didn’t just go up and ask her himself to join his team (Like he does with Iida, and then Tokoyami). 
(Edit: I’ve recently rereaed this chapter and found I made a mistake: Deku does say he was planning on asking her. I was just reading a weird translation. Sorry for the mistake - good on Deku!)
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During the battle, while he mentally thinks that Uraraka is great, he doesn’t say anything out loud to her. He does, however, loudly compliment Hatsume and Tokoyami, in front of her. This hurts Uraraka’s feelings, but I’ll get to that in her section.
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Deku gets busy with his rivals for a while until his first match is over. While watching the rest, he mentions to Uraraka that he wrote about her Zero Gravity in his notebook. But he doesn’t say “I think your Zero Gravity is cool too” or anything complimentary, just “I wrote about it” like everyone else’s. 
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To Deku’s credit, he seems to realize that he hasn’t been very supportive to Uraraka. The anime cut this from the Manga, but the manga has a scene where Deku notices her leaving, and her pensive expression. This leads to him going to the prep room to offer her his strategy to beat Bakugo. 
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I think this is a big deal for Deku, because at the end of the day, this is his entire motivation. Helping people. Being there for others. Deku is a wonderful, supportive friend, used to feeling weak and inadequate and wanting to help others the way they helped him. He needs a partner he can support and compliment, someone he can help, someone who needs saving. 
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But Uraraka denies him this. He offers her his help and support, and she rejects him - for her own reasons, but this still leaves Deku feeling lesser. 
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“She’s the one supporting me,” he muses before his match with Todoroki. He wanted to be there for her. He wanted to help her break down the wall that is Bakugo - even if she didn’t use his strategy, she could have listened to his knowledge of Bakugo, who he’s known his whole life, to pick up some tips on his weaknesses. 
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But she doesn’t. She also refuses to let Deku be there for her when she loses. He can tell that her cheerfulness is just hiding her disappointment. But since she’s refusing to let him in, he can’t be the shoulder for her to cry on. He wanted to. He was willing to be that person for her - to be the friend she can talk to about her issues, to cheer her on when she fought and help her up when she’s feeling down.
But she rejected his support, just like everyone else does. 
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Bakugo rejected his helping hand as a kid. Iida rejected working with him earlier that same day, and rejects his support later on with his brother. Todoroki declares he ‘isn’t here to make friends’ and spends most of the sports Fest rejecting Deku’s attempts to help him (“You’re helping your opponent? Now which of us is screwing around”).
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 Deku clearly wants to be that friend. He wants to be there for the people in his life and offer his boundless love and emotional support for them. And I think he needs a partner in life who will let him be there for them. If Uraraka is to be that person, she has to let him in. She has to put aside her pride (yes, I think it is pride) and accept Deku supporting her, just as she supported him. She has to open up to him and cry in front of him. The others I mentioned have - Bakugo cried in front of Deku twice, Iida accepted his help during the Hero Killer arc, Todoroki accepts him in the very next episode. Three characters far crustier, prouder and more antagonistic towards Deku have all put aside their pride and let him help them with their issues. It’s Ochaco’s turn.
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Speaking of: From Uraraka’s perspective. When Uraraka admits her motivation to Deku and Iida, she’s looking away, scratching her head, and apologizing. She says, in the dub “You two have such admirable motivations. I hope you don’t think less of me now.” Uraraka feels ashamed to admit her motivation to Deku and Iida. 
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When the obstacle race ends, she announces “I’m so jealous of you!” to Deku, after he comes in first. And I think she is - jealous of him. 
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She teams up with Deku for the  Cavalry Battle, and later admits that she “Might have been relying on (him) to get by”, meaning that she sees Deku as being better than her. 
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She gets very jealous of the attentions Deku gives Hatsume - as I noticed before, Deku compliments  everyone but Ochaco. He even found the time to compliment Bakugo in front of her during the Battle Trial arc - but to her face, nothing. And this plays on Uraraka’s insecurities. Deep down, despite her cheerful demeanor, Uraraka isn’t very self-confident (at least, not yet). She doesn’t believe in herself, she doesn’t have faith in herself to succeed. She’s even more insecure than Deku, and often tries too hard to be “just like him” to her own self-detriment. Watching everyone else’s matches, she admits to being ashamed of herself. She realizes she needs to try and succeed on her own, not by relying on Midoriya.  (take a shot)
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But at the same time, her goal is still essentially to be “Just like Deku”. What’s the one thing Ochaco knows Deku wants to do, besides be a great hero? Beat Bakugo. No coincidence she was fighting him in this tournament. To be just like Deku, she has to beat his rival, who she’s seen him fight before. Uraraka wants to be good enough, she wants to beat Deku - in a way, her motive and behavior here is not that different from Iida’s, Bakugo’s or Todoroki’s. Deku makes her insecure, so she tries to do better than him. 
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She declares herself a rival to him. She refuses his help - seriously, a few pointers on how to beat Bakugo couldn’t hurt, she even thinks about Deku’s earlier moves while fighting him anyway! - and tries to win it all by herself. And although her plan is great, it doesn’t work. 
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The minute she thinks “I’ll be just like Deku” is the moment she fails. The moment Bakugo blows up her debris and beats her.
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Uraraka is devastated by this. She was crying for so long and so hard that her eyes swelled shut. She could have really used a friend, someone to talk to about her family problems - someone outside of her family drama, a kind and understanding ally like Deku, who can commiserate with her and tell her things’ll be ok. 
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But she hides her feelings from Deku and pretends she’s fine. I think she doesn’t want to look weak in front of him - she wants him to think she’s cool, to compliment her like he compliments Hatsume and Bakugo, and she’s deeply insecure about appearing anything other than strong. So she shuts him out and cries on her own, with no supportive friend to help her. If she is to be with him, she needs to be able to let him into her life and her heart. 
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She has to cry in front of him, like all three of his other rivals have done despite their immense pride and far less amiable relationships with Deku. Even Tsu has cried in front of Deku and confessed her feelings (to him and the whole Rescue Squad), and she’s not as close to him as Uraraka or Iida. Why doesn’t Uraraka confide in Deku about her feelings? Again, I think the underlying problem is her hero-worship of him. She thinks he’s amazing, she won’t admit to his flaws (she sees him, one ep/chapter later, destroy his body and lose his match helping Todoroki; you’d think she’d cotton on to his lack of utter flawlessness then, but nope), and she’s still essentially insecure about herself. She needs to learn to believe in her own strengths and admit Deku’s weaknesses. Then she’ll be willing to cry in front of him and listen to his ideas.
But until then, she’s just like all of Deku’s other rivals: Too proud and too envious/afraid of him to accept his love or friendship. 
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No wonder she was so easily able to spot why Bakugo is insecure about him and guess how he’d feel about being rescued; her complex about Deku is rapidly becoming just as debilitating as his is. 
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Difference being, Bakugo had his “Deku vs Kacchan 2” moment ,where he and Deku talk out their feelings and move on, recognizing that Deku isn’t looking down on him and never has been, etc. Ochaco needs that moment too (probably without the big fight scene, though).  
Hero Killer Arc:
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From Deku’s perspective, he chooses his hero name based on Ochaco’s advice. This is something we see with other characters too - Eraserhead and Mic, Mirio and Tamaki - who are friends, so it’s all good. It seems to have a nice spin: Ochaco taking Deku’s flaws, the traits Bakugo mocked, and turning them into a positive. Ochaco supporting Deku. Nice. She smiles about it. 
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He seems surprised that she took an internship with Gunhead, confused that she’s more into action now (I guess he’ll have to revise his notebook!). 
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He talks to her on the phone after the Incident goes down, having texted all his friends for help and worried her. He again (for the last time) get’s excited over her in a sexual/romantic way, and once again it’s “I talked to A GIRL on the phone” instead of “I talked to Uraraka on the phone”. He’s attracted to her as a girl, but not excited about talking to the girl he has a crush on. Following this arc, Deku stops responding to Uraraka romantically, even when CamieRaka loses her clothes. I’ve got a theory about why he stops, I’ll discuss it next arc.
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Uraraka, for her part, looks pleased when  Deku takes her name. She interns with Gunhead because of her match with Bakugo, to get stronger, which is good for character development - I like that this isn’t because of Deku, because I don’t want her arc to revolve around him solely.
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She calls him, concerned, after the Stain incident, and tells Gunhead that they’re “not like that” when he teases her about it being a boy. This is the first of many people telling Uraraka that she has something going on with Deku, rather than Uraraka figuring it out herself. Uraraka’s denial is not really defensive or Edward Elric Style “She is NOT my girlfriend” levels, so honestly at this point I believe her. Up until this arc, she doesn’t see her feelings for Deku as romantic. She sees him as a friend who she admires and is often jealous of.
Final Exams:
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This is where things get weird. So far, Izu/Ocha has been pretty nicely built up - but then the series decided to go for it in a way that I personally find rather strange and confusing.
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So first, let’s take this arc from Deku’s POV. The scenes of Izu/Ocha watching the fights are Anime Only, so we’ll skip those. In the Manga they all take place at the same time. After Deku and Kacchan v All Might, Deku goes to watch the other battles, including Uraraka’s. He doesn’t have any onscreen reaction to Ochaco’s fight, even though we get to hear him mentally exclaiming about how awesome Iida is, or Tsuyu is. Ochaco’s his friend too, why can’t he spare a moment to fanboy over her martial arts skills?
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 Anyway, later on they’re left alone at the mall, though not by choice. Deku starts making small talk and Uraraka runs away from him, saying “Have to keep the pests away” or something like that. Deku asks “I’m a bug?/“You mean me?”. So from Deku’s POV, Ochaco flat out called him a pest right here. To him, it must have sounded like she was rejecting him, rejecting the idea of hanging out with him one-on-one (which in the Manga they haven’t done before).
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 He’s immediately attacked by Shigaraki; when she returns he does his best to prevent her from getting hurt. Nothing really advances, from Deku’s POV, in their dynamic at this point. The only real notable thing is the “I’m a pest” line. Since Deku never reacts romantically to Ochaco after this, I’m assuming that he thinks she’s not interested in him that way. That right here, she shut down the idea of dating him, and he just accepts it.
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Of course, it’s Ochaco’s POV that’s important here. As she’s about to get sucked up by 13, she’s thinking “What would Deku do?” 
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Now, we’ve heard these lines in a non-romantic context before. Iida wondered what Deku or Tensei would do when he helped disperse the crowd. Deku wondered what Kacchan would do during the USJ arc. He wondered what a “hero” would do when he saved Bakugo from the sludge monster. This sentiment is not exclusive to romance in the show.
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 But Aoyama then chooses this moment to ask Ochaco if she ‘likes him’. This is completely out of nowhere. Aoyama is later revealed to have a bit of a friendship-crush on Deku, but why is he asking this of Uraraka, in this situation? It’s not like her girlfriends later on teasing her about liking Deku, it’s a guy she doesn’t know who doesn’t know Deku very well either, all of a sudden asking her if she has feelings for him. I don’t, for the life of me, understand what his purpose was in doing this. How does this help them win? Why is he painted half-in-shadow when he says this? It feels like it happens because we need Ochaco to realize she likes Deku, because the audience needs to be shocked, not because it makes sense for the  characters. Which is so strange, because it’s one of the only times that ever happens in HeroAca. For the most part, the characters always act in ways that make sense, no matter how extreme they are.
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Uraraka freaks out, and thinking about liking Deku nearly gets her killed fighting 13 (take a shot). It isn’t until she re-focuses, on something she attained free of Deku’s influence, that she gets to win. Trying too hard to be like Deku, for Uraraka, leads to nothing good. 
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Then, at the mall, she runs away from him. She refuses to spend time with him - which seems strange if she’s meant to fall in love with him. If she wants to be with him, why doesn’t she want to, you know, be with him? Well, because she does’t want to be with him. If she did, she could easily ask him out (they are friends, after all), spend time with him, see if there’s something there. But she doesn’t. 
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She runs off, almost horrified at the mere thought of having a crush on Deku. Of having a perfectly harmless, cute crush on one of her best friends. That just seems strange to me. Yes, love can be intimidating, but this is so extreme.
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Another odd thing about this sequence is that it’s juxtaposed with Shigaraki holding Deku hostage. We flip back and forth between the Big Bad nearly killing the Hero, and the Romantic Subplot.
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 Imagine if that scene in Fullmetal Alchemist where Winry realizes she loves Ed was crosscut with scenes of Ed fighting Gluttony or something, and you get the idea. It’s a tonal mishmash. Unless - unless you theorize that the idea of liking Deku is as terrifying to Uraraka as being nearly murdered by Shigaraki is for  Deku. But if that’s the case, I don’t want her to be with him! I don’t want her to be in a relationship that scares her that much. (I also don’t get why it would scare her that much - like, girl, Deku’s a sweetheart, what do you have to be afraid of?). The series could salvage this, but it already kinda tainted their romance in my eyes - and to many readers as well, since it seemed like such an odd way to introduce the love story into the occasion. Instead of a joyous moment of romance, this is what we got.
Training Camp Arc:
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There isn’t a lot in this arc between Izu and Ocha. Izuku includes her in his list of classmates he’s worried about, popping up in the anime second after Bakugo (who is immediately in danger because of kidnapping) and along side Todoroki.  
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He works with her and Tsu to save Bakugo - or at least try. Other than that, there’s nothing (the scene of them blushing is only in the anime). 
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On Ochaco’s side, nothing happens until she fights Toga. Toga starts interrogating her about her crush on Deku, in her Hannibal Lecture style - villain getting into the hero’s head and provoking them with their insecurities. Himiko Toga is Uraraka’s villainous foil - her counterpart, the evil version of her. 
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Both do develop a crush on Deku, which is very disturbing if Deku and Ochaco are meant to be a couple, as well as her adoration of Stain. It’s not like Toga is going to marry Stain or whatever; so the comparison of their two brands of love is odd (at least, if Izuocha is meant to be endgame). 
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Toga’s words are right on the money: Uraraka admires Deku and wants to be just like him, but to be just like someone you have to do as Toga does - kill and replace. This gets to Uraraka, because it’s true. Her  crush on Deku then, is not being framed as genuine love, but as a similar obsession to Himiko Toga’s - a desire to be just like someone she admires, rather than be together with a good friend she adores. Which is frustrating, because the latter is the kind of relationship I want from Izuocha, not the former. I don’t want Ochaco to get with Deku because she hero-worships him and thinks he’s amazing - I want her to get with him because they’re good friends and she loves him. But that’s not what the series is doing with them, and with the parallels to Toga, it’s starting to really creep me out.
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One route they could take with all this foreshadowing, of course, is perhaps one similar to what happened in Gravity Falls, with Dipper and Wendy. In that series, Dipper like Ochaco has an evil villainous counterpart Yandere - Gideon Gleeful. Toga and Gideon both stalk and harass their crush, who clearly says no and means no. Dipper and Ochaco both harbor a crush on someone who’s a close friend, but who seems to be for whatever reason romantically unavailable to them. (Wendy is older, Deku is…I’m not sure why, Ochaco just won’t ask him, it’s frustrating). Dipper eventually reveals his crush on Wendy, who lets him down easy and stays good friends with him. Dipper later uses that understanding of himself, and of Gideon’s obsession, to tell Gideon he can’t make someone like him. This helps Gideon reform. The whole thing is beautifully healthy and positive. 
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So if that’s where we’re going with this - an ending where everyone’s just friends, and Ochaco’s crush on Deku is being used to develop her character a bit regardless of romance, then this would make sense. If not then I don’t get it.
Hideout Raid Arc:
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There are two interactions between Ochaco and Deku (indirect ones) during the Hideout Raid Arc. One is Kirishima relaying Uraraka’s worries about saving Bakugo, the other is Uraraka getting the Rescue Squad to apologize to Tsuyu. Both of them are really bad warning signs for their future relationship.
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The simple reason is: Uraraka thinks Deku and co did the wrong thing, Deku thinks he did the right thing. Deku has never apologized for or expressed any regret for breaking the rules to save Bakugo. Uraraka, however, objected to them doing this. This is very interesting for both of their relationships with Bakugo, and their thoughts on heroism. But let’s talk about why this is a problem for Izuocha. Uraraka didn’t agree with Deku’s decision here. She has her own reasons for it - “Bakugo wouldn’t want to be rescued” -but she doesn’t bring them up in front of Deku. The thing is, Deku was on the fence about going. If Uraraka had brought up her objection, I think Deku might have actually listened to her. It’s the best objection to persuade him, because it takes Bakugo’s needs into consideration. But Uraraka didn’t bring it up to him. She didn’t say anything to Deku. From Uraraka’s POV, that’s a problem for her relationship with him, because it means she doesn’t want to say something that will upset him. She’s never had a serious argument with him, never objected out loud to his choices, even when she disagrees with them, and never had an argument with him where they came to a compromise or understanding about an important issue. Instead, she brings up her objection out of Deku’s hearing, and he hears about it secondhand. Uraraka doesn’t want to upset Deku, even about something important to her.
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From Deku’s perspective, even though he knows Uraraka, his love interest, disagrees with what he’s doing, he does it anyway. He doesn’t care. He keeps Uraraka’s objection in mind, but only as it pertains to saving Bakugo. He never thinks about how Uraraka will feel about him going against her wishes, never considers her at all. He does consider his mother’s objections, even Tsuyu’s. But Uraraka’s objection, ultimately, only affects him insofar as it means he thinks of Bakugo’s feelings when saving him. And he never apologizes for doing so. 
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Later on, when Uraraka gathers everyone together to apologize to Tsu, Deku is the only one of the five who never actually says sorry (going by the anime here, since the manga is ambiguous about who’s speaking). Uraraka’s speech makes it clear that she didn’t agree with their choice and thinks they screwed up, but just wants to forgive them and go back to normal. But Deku doesn’t apologize for what he did. Iida, Kirishima, Momo, Todoroki - all people Uraraka is less intimate with than Deku - all apologize to Tsuyu, as Ochaco asks. But not Deku. Because Deku doesn’t agree with her. He doesn’t think he was wrong.
The question of whether or not to go charging in, even against the rules, to save someone, is a big one hanging over the heads of all these characters. It’s Captain America Civil War style big. Something that could split people apart permanently if they can’t agree about it. And not only do Deku and Ochaco not agree on this issue, they haven’t had any conversation about it with each other. They need to be able to discuss this and find common ground before they become a couple.
License Exam Arc:
This one is obviously important for Izu/Ocha. It ends with Ochaco deciding to ‘put her feelings away’.
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So let’s start with this Arc from Deku’s POV on Ochaco: He talks to her casually at the beginning before Hatsume explodes out of the shop, but focuses entirely on  crafting his ultimate move from there on out. 
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We don’t see Uraraka inspiring his move, that’s Hatsume and Iida, or his realization that he’s imitating All Might (that’s All Might himself). 
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Deku does, however, recognize TogaChaco as not being Ochaco, showing that he knows her well.
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 He rescues TogaChaco because she’s a person in danger, thinking about his inability to rescue Bakugo from the villains and his general motivation, not how much he cares for Ochaco. 
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He knows Ochaco well enough to tell the difference, but this is Deku we’re talking about - he’s very attentive to details about others. I fully believe he would be able to tell a TogaIida from the real one, or Todoroki, Bakugo, Tsuyu, Hatsume, All Might…the list goes on, but there are very few characters who Deku doesn’t take  detailed notes on or amass details about, and therefore couldn’t recognize the difference. What I’m saying is that Deku would do the same for any friend; he doesn’t distinguish Ochaco here. 
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He works with her and Sero to win the day, and spends the rest of the arc focused on his goals, with no thoughts to spare for Ochaco, and no interest in the cute girl pursuing him (Camie) outside of her quirk for studying. It comes across like Deku has put away any interest in romance in the name of pursuing his goals. He doesn’t distinguish Uraraka at all, as anything more than just another one of his friends. 
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From Ochaco’s POV, she becomes jealous of Hatsume once more - but fails to notice, for instance, that Hatsume’s behavior is making Deku uncomfortable. She’s jealous of Hatsume for being more confident, driven, and demonstrative than she is, but if she was paying closer attention to Midoriya, she’d probably notice that he’s freaked out by Hatsume feeling him up; there’s no real reason for her to be jealous of Mei in regards to Deku, because Deku isn’t any closer to Mei than he is to her. But Ochaco, here and many other places, doesn’t really take the time to observe and notice Midoriya, outside of a surface level. That’s why she hero-worship’s him so badly.
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I’d recommend any HeroAca fan to check out this fascinating fan essay, “Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Tragedey”, (link: https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/comments/5n21a9/imitation_is_the_sincerest_form_of_tragedy_a_boku/ ) to get a good understanding of what’s going on with Ochaco in relation to Deku, without ship bias getting in the way. It’s an excellent read, touching on many characters and plot points. The key takeaway about Uraraka is that she has a pattern of imitating Deku, and screwing up because of it, without getting that narrative punishment that will act as a kick in the pants to motivate her to stop hero-worshipping him. 
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I think that, since we do see Deku imitating Bakugo and Gran Torino’s moves for Full Cowl with no problem, and other smaller instances, the secret is not that you can never admire someone and strive to learn from them - but rather that you can imitate someone, as long as you don’t hero-worship them. Ochaco’s issue, along with Deku’s, Shoto’s, Iida’s, etc, is that she sees the person she wants to be like as perfect and refuses to acknowledge their flaws. Ochaco admires Deku and wants to be like him - even though she’s seen first hand how Deku’s brand of heroism lands him in the hospital more often than not, how Deku can be overly analytical, deeply insecure and makes mistakes like anyone else - but we don’t see her acknowledge this. She thinks Deku’s amazing, perfect, like he admires All Might, Iida Tensei, Shoto his mom, etc. The reason Deku is able to imitate Kacchan and Gran Torino’s moves without being harmed, like every other imitator, is because he thinks Gran Torino is kind of weird, but skilled, and Kacchan is a jerk, but awesome. He can admire their strengths, and acknowledge their flaws. Therefore, he can imitate their moves without striving to be Just Like Them. Uraraka needs to recognize Deku’s flaws, if she wants to imitate his strengths without feeling bad about herself. 
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Once again Ochako’s feelings are brought up to her by someone else, and cause her a lot of distress. This time it’s Mina, who acknowledges that she wants to MAKE it be about love.
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Just like with Gunhead and Aoyama telling Ochako her feelings for Deku are romantic in nature. Mina admits she’s trying to make a romance happen, rather than just letting one develop on it’s own. Her words cause Uraraka a lot of distress, and Momo and Tsuyu point out that this won’t help her (take a shot).
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As she watches Deku from a distance, (the anime adds the Admiring All Might music track to this scene), her feelings for him are paralleled with Midoriya’s admiration of heroes, specifically Iida. Keeping in with the Imitation theme, Ochako’s feelings for Midoriya are once again paralleled with admiration of famous heroes people want to imitate, not romantic love. It’s Mina, Aoyama and Gunhead who are telling Ochako she likes Deku, not Ochako figuring it out for herself. 
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Uraraka once again gets jealous of a girl who Deku doesn’t want. Deku gives lots of signs that he’s creeped out by Camie’s attentions - when Kaminari and Mineta ask him about it, he says firmly that he found it creepy. If Uraraka was really paying attention to Deku’s feelings, she’d realize that he’s not interested in Camie. 
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 Imagine, for instance, this scene with the genders reversed. Our heroine is getting felt up and creeped on by a male villain. Her fellow superhero boyfriend arrives on the scene; the male villain leaves, speaking ominously about the connection between the two of them. Later on, other girls get jealous about the hot male villain waving at our heroine, and she makes it clear that she’s uncomfortable about it. 
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The boyfriend ignores her discomfort and gets jealous and possessive about her being around another man. Doesn’t something seem wrong here? It’s the setup we see from many ‘Nice guy’ narratives, but gender flipped. The guy seems to see the girl like a possession that belongs to him, angry that she’s daring to be touched by another boy, not that another guy is refusing to respect her space. Uraraka’s jealousy is not routed in love for Midoriya, but insecurity about herself. She feels less than, when she sees other girls around him, and doesn’t bother to observe whether she’s actually in danger of losing him to them.
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This scene is more than a little weird, since it seems like Camie is setting up her future to prey on the trust between the two to her own advantage. Again, Izuku and Ochako’s bond is being framed in a negative light. 
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Uraraka decides, upon seeing Deku psych himself up to win, that she needs to put away her feelings for him. This is part of the pattern in Uraraka’s story. (take a shot) Focusing on Deku leads to her losing. Uraraka says here, that she doesn’t think she can have a relationship with Deku and be a hero. She puts her feelings away, because she feels they don’t help her. Unlike other duos in the series, other romantic parings from other narratives, Uraraka feels that her feelings for Deku don’t benefit her goals. If they’re to be a couple, then, Uraraka needs to feel like she can be a better hero by being with Deku, than by being away from him.
Internship, Culture Fest, Pro Hero arcs:
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From the time Ochaco ‘puts her feelings away’, until recently in the JTA, Ochaco’s crush on Deku is not mentioned. The internship arc teams up Tsuyu and Uraraka with Deku and Kiri to save Eri. But instead of letting Deku and Ochaco fight and bond together over this shared experience - we’re given nothing. Deku doesn’t tell her anything about his issues with Mirio and Nighteye. Or even Eri. Ochaco doesn’t talk to Deku, outside of group scenes with exposition, about much of anything. 
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The ending of the arc has a good setup for an emotional bonding scene with Izu/Ocha - Ochaco was the one to rescue Nighteye, but he still died, and he’s Izuku’s mentor. We could have had a scene of them bonding over losing this guy, which Ochaco blames herself for and Deku blames himself for. Similar to like, Deku and Bakugo fighting over feeling responsible for All Might’s End, or Iida and Deku bonding over Stain. But, you know, more romantic in nature.
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But nope, we get nothing. Ochaco angsts over Nighteye dying, and goes on this emotional journey without Deku’s input. She chooses to confide these feelings in Aizawa and Tsuyu, but not in Midoriya. Deku, at least, has the excuse of being unable to talk about OFA with other people, but Uraraka could have told him about her problems, and he an abbreviated version like he did with Kota about being quirkless. But instead, we get nothing. No bonding between our official couple at all.
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The other thing of note in the Internship arc is Toga!Deku. Toga impersonates Deku and decoys Team Ryukyu into the fight. If Toga’s intentions had been harmful, instead of getting revenge on Overhaul, this could have been really bad for the good guys, and for Ochaco in particular. She doesn’t realize that Toga! Deku is not the real Deku, even though Toga does give her a clear ‘tell’ - calling her ‘Uraraka’ and not ‘Uravity’. But unlike Deku, who realized Toga!Chaco wasn’t the real Ochaco, Ochaco can’t tell the difference.
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 If I were to read this as deliberate, it seems to be implying that Ochaco can’t tell the difference between her idea or image of Deku, and the real thing. But since they’re supposed to be a couple, it’s just plain weird. It’s a brief moment, but if Toga had been trying to hurt them, Ochaco’s feelings for Deku might have gotten her in trouble - again. (take a shot).  
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Then, from the end of the Internship arc to the Joint Training Arc, Deku and Ochaco don’t talk to each other at all. They go to Nighteye’s funeral with the internship kids - and no conversation about their respective issues with him at all. 
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They’re in the group hanging with Eri during the Culture Fest - but no one-on-one interaction at all. He hangs with Mirio, she with Tsu and Nejire. No interactions during the Pro-Hero arc. 
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At the start of the JTA, one quick reminder that Ochaco is jealous of Mei still, which she punches herself to  get rid of. That’s it.
Joint Training Arc: So Close Yet So Far
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Reading this arc, I thought “Finally, we’re finally getting the ball rolling with putting these two together.” It’s such a familiar setup, so common to action romances, straight from the ATLA playbook: The hero’s powers go out of control, the love interest is the only one who can reach them, and with a cute hug they calm the hero down. When Ochaco grabbed on to the out of control Deku, I was expecting something like that in the next chapter: Ochaco saying something like “Come back to me” or “I know you’re in there somewhere” or “I’m with you to the end of the line” or something like that. Ochaco reaching Deku when no one else could, establishing her as his love interest and showcasing their romance.
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But that didn’t  happen. Ochaco grabs onto Deku, sure, but then she asks Shinso to snap him out of it. It’s Shinso who grabs Deku’s attention, Shinso who does the ‘important trigger phrase to snap hero out of superpower meltdown mode’ thing. 
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Shinso, who has talked to Deku like 3 times before this scene, not Ochaco, his official love interest and close friend. Once snapped out, Deku protects her briefly before they split up and go their separate ways again, to fight on different turfs.
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Afterwards, it looked like Deku was blushing at Ochaco holding him, like she was after Mina’s comment. But on closer inspection, I find that nope - he’s not blushing in the panel after this comment, but does go red when Shinso compliments his prowess. And Ochaco doesn’t  get self-conscious about holding him until Mina points it out to her.
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 She wasn’t thinking about how much she loves Deku when she held him, she was thinking about her parents and her failure to save Nighteye, and her “Who watches the watchmen” ideas.
So instead of a great big Izuocha ship moment, that finally set the romance in motion, we get…I guess, a Shindeku moment? It’s all very confusing. For Uraraka, this moment does seem to show that she’s now capable of being around Deku in battle, without thinking about him or obsessing. It comes across like Ochaco is trying to put her crush away (Like she said before), like she’s gone on this whole personal journey outside of Deku and changed as a person on her own. We have this recurring idea that Ochaco fights better as a hero without Deku around, or without fixating on him, which isn’t promising for them as a couple. (take a shot) 
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Compare with Todoroki and Momo vs Aizawa, for instance, where they work brilliantly, together, to overcome an opponent neither could face alone. Or the insistence on Deku and Kacchan putting away their rivalry and Deku reaching 8% by competing with Bakugo or helping him. Or Ochaco and Tsuyu making a perfect team fighting others. The narrative is angling Uraraka away from Deku, if she wants to be a good hero, not towards him.
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Also, once again, her romantic feelings for him are something she’s told she has by someone else, instead of something she figures out on her own - Mina again. 
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But earlier this arc, we saw Mina assume that Midnight and All Might were a couple, because they were standing together. Earlier, she said it could be Iida or Deku, because Ochaco hangs around them. I love Ashido, but she’s not the world’s greatest expert on romance, or particularly close to either Uraraka or Deku. So her words, like Aoyama’s, can’t be taken as gospel truth. It really feels like Ochaco is being pushed into feeling romantically for Deku, regardless of her actual feelings towards him, by other people instead of her own heart. I mean, I’m rooting for them, but I want Ochaco to realize she likes Deku because she likes Deku, not because Aoyama and Mina are telling her she does. 
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Deku shuts Ochaco out of his personal problems - he won’t confide in anyone but All Might and Bakugo about OFA - and doesn’t explain to her anything about his quirk going out of control. And she doesn’t ask. Even Todoroki asked Deku about his quirk going out of control, as did Aizawa and Bakugo. Todo and Baku are Deku’s rivals, but they both asked about his quirk meltdown. Uraraka didn’t. She’s supposed to be his friend, she’s supposed to be in love with him, so why doesn’t she ask about his problems? 
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Same with her personal journey towards becoming a hero who saves people, the Who Watches the Watchmen hero - Deku isn’t privy to this. She only told two people, Aizawa and Tsuyu. Uraraka has also had this whole personal journey, outside of Deku, which she won’t tell him about or confide in him about. And she doesn’t show any inclination to do so. 
Final Review:
The series isn’t over. There’s probably still time to fix all these problems. But the series needs to get started on it right away, because so far we’re just not seeing the elements we need to get Izu/Ocha together.
On Ochaco’s end: We need  her to be attracted to Deku, to let him be as supportive to her as she is to him; to see her crush on him as a motivator to be a better hero instead of detrimental to her success, to stop hero-worshipping him and acknowledge his flaws, to talk to him about her problems and cry with him, let him be there for her; let go of her desire to be just like him, see him romantically on her own unprovoked by other people teasing her, enjoy spending time with him one-on-one, have a fight with him that gets properly resolved, defend him from unwanted attentions from girls instead of getting possessively jealous of him, and show at least some curiosity about his life, his secrets, the real him beyond the Great Hero.
On Deku’s side: He needs to show attraction to Uraraka as Uraraka, not just ‘a girl’; to work together with her as a great team to take down an opponent side by side, to loudly admire her for her skills and capabilities like he does for his other friends and rivals, to tell her about his past with OFA and being quirkless and such, to be inspired by her to do better as a hero, to show the kind of crazy, unconditional concern for her he shows everyone else in his life, to actively seek after a romantic relationship with her, talk to her about his problems, to distinguish her in his life from his other friends.
If all that stuff happens, I’ll be happy. If some of it happens, I’ll be ok, but not thrilled. If they stay in this status quo, they’ll fall apart, because this is not the stuff good romance is made of.
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iamartemisday · 6 years
Triad- Loki/Jane/Bucky
25: Crush- Loki/Jane/Bucky
Jane is torn between two men. The solution to her problem is like nothing she could’ve expected.
“I see the letter T around you. Someone in your life with a T name.”
“Teresa! She’s one of my cousins. Are you with her mom right now?”
“Yes! Her mother is very present with us.”
“Oh my god.” Darcy elbowed Jane, breaking her away from her phone. “She’s so good. Didn’t I tell you getting a psychic reading was a good idea?”
“Oh yeah, Darcy. Great.” Jane sent out a text to Tony. ‘Get me out of here!’
“Now!” The ‘psychic’ said, pointing one distressingly long fingernail at Jane. “Onto your future!”
She was an older woman, not yet wrinkled, but that might’ve been all the makeup. Her lips were cherry red, her eyes lined with blues and purples. She wore a headscarf and a floor length robe. On her table was a crystal ball, tarot cards, and an assortment of pendulums. It was like she’d taken the most cartoonish aspects of TV psychics and pumped them full of steroids.
“Thank you, but I’m fine,” Jane said, as politely as she could. “I’m just here to-”
“You are here for Madame Emerald’s wisdom! Do not shy away from the future, Jane Foster!”
Did she have to talk like that? All in exclamation points? What purpose did it serve when anyone who wasn’t Darcy had to realize this was all for show. Before she could refuse, Madame Emerald grabbed her hand. She was shockingly strong for someone so frail looking.
“Yes… yes! Your future is clear to Madame Emerald! You will become famous around the world for your scientific innovations!”
Technically, Jane was already famous. Unless Madame Emerald here didn’t put stock in Nobel prizes.
“You will earn great prestige and… ah, yes. Love is in your future.”
“This is so exciting,” Darcy gushed, snatching Jane’s phone out of her lap and taking a picture. “Jane’s first psychic reading!”
“Give me that,” Jane grabbed the phone. There was a text from Tony. ‘LMAO’ was all it said. Some help he was…
“You will find true love, Jane Foster! In fact, you’ve already met the one who will have your heart… but what’s this? Two men in your future. Two you have feelings for. Two who will love you as you love them.”
Darcy’s eyes bugged out. “No way, dude. She knows you’re hot for Barnes and Loki.”
“She doesn’t know anything,” Jane ‘whispered’ back. She pulled her hand away and gathered her things. “Thank you for your time, Madame Opal-”
“Right, but we really should be going.”
She dragged Darcy up and out the door. Madame Emerald clasped her hands on the table, looking forward at the artificial fog in her crystal ball. “You shouldn’t doubt your fate, Jane Foster.”
“I don’t believe in fate.”
A serene smile. “You will.”
Strange as it was, Jane was not about to give this woman any more of her precious time. That was already thirty bucks she’d never see again.
“What’s with you?” Darcy grumbled as they walked back to the car. “Weren’t you having fun?”
“Darcy, that woman was a total fraud,” Jane said. “You can’t honestly tell me you believe that crap?”
“I don’t know, Jane. She figured you out pretty quick.”
“She didn’t say anything you can’t find on my Wikipedia page.”
“What about your crush?” Darcy needled. “She knew about that didn’t she?”
“The only thing people like her know is how to scam people.” Jane started the engine. “Now let’s go get some food. I’m starving.”
“Okay. No need to be defensive.”
“I’m not being defensive.”
They argued their points as the car pulled away from the curb and down a busy intersection. They never noticed Madame Emerald at the window, her eyes following them long after they’d disappeared from sight. She rubbed her fingers together, power swirling around her.
This was going to be fun.
Jane knew something was wrong the moment she woke up. Her cot was too soft; the hum of machinery omnipresent in her lab was absent; sunlight shined in her face from a window that shouldn’t be there.
And then someone moved.
She opened her eyes and a hand slapped her on the face. It came with a muscular arm attached to a shirtless man she could just make out through the gaps between his fingers. His blue eyes slowly opened, drowsy with sleep as he registered Jane’s presence. Her breath on his skin. They stared at each other.
Jane screamed.
Then Bucky screamed.
Then Loki appeared out a side door leading into a bathroom.
“Could both of you please lower your voices. I can’t hear myself think.”
He was also shirtless, his pants low slung which caught Jane’s eye far more quickly than it should’ve given the situation. She sprang out of bed, relieved to find herself in a pair of shorts and a tank top.
“What the fuck is this?” Bucky shouted, grabbing Loki by the shoulders. “What did you do?”
“Why do you assume I did anything? I’m just as confused as you.”
“Yeah, bullshit. I know it’s you. It’s always you. Where the hell are we?”
Loki clicked his tongue. His body turned transparent and Bucky stumbled through him. The double disappeared as the real(?) Loki appeared out another door. This one led into a hallway Jane had never seen before.
“A better question, my friends,” Loki said, “is when are we.”
“What are you talking about?” Jane demanded. The two men looked at her and she realized this was the first time she’d spoken since they woke up.
She couldn’t help her silence though. Not this time. Not when Madame Emerald’s fingers with their claw-like nails and many rings reached for her in her mind’s eye. Her final words rang in Jane’s ears.
‘You shouldn’t doubt your fate.’
Was this her fate?
Someone cleared their throat, giving them all pause. In the doorway was a boy, at least twelve years old. He was on the tall side, though clearly not done growing. A mop of dark brown hair covered his eyes. A new emotion sprung through Jane, one she never knew she had. The second she saw him, she knew several things instinctively. He needed a haircut, he needed to do his homework, and he needed to brush his teeth before leaving the house.
“Are you guys having sex?” he asked. “Because if you’re having sex with the door open, I’ll have no choice but to see a therapist.”
His voice cracked as a boy’s often does when he’s on the verge of puberty. Jane looked at Bucky. They were both thinking the same thing. This kid would be the spitting image of him once he’d grown up.
Loki smiled and nudged Bucky. “Well? Do you have nothing to say to your son?”
“My son,” Bucky repeated. He shook his head hard and rubbed his eyes. “Uh… yeah. My son. Morning, son!”
“Morning Dad…” the boy said, eyeing Bucky suspiciously.
Fortunately, Loki was in a merciful mood and saw fit to end the torment. “Jacob, why don’t you go get some breakfast? Your mother and father and I need to talk alone.”
“Fine, but I’m shutting the door. The walls are soundproof for a reason.”
As soon as he was gone, Loki was once more lifted off the floor with metal fingers around his neck.
“What the fuck is this?” Bucky seethed. “Who the fuck is that kid?”
“Bucky, stop it. That’s not helping anything,” Jane said, struggling to pry his hand off.
“Yes, it is! It’s making me feel better.”
Loki vanished from Bucky’s grasp and reappeared next to him, no worse for the wear. “As invigorating as your rage can be, James, we do need to discuss what is happening here.”
A couch appeared out of nowhere. Invisible hands gently pushed Jane and Bucky down. Loki sat leisurely with his long legs crossed and his head back. In any other circumstances, this relaxed posture combined with partial nudity would have Jane’s heart racing. Right now… well, it was his damn fault for being so sexy.
“Okay,” Jane said, hiding her face until it cooled down, “let’s think logically for a second. We all went to bed in different places last night, and we woke up here. I’m guessing Loki was up first.”
“Yes, I had the pleasure of meeting your son shortly before the two of you joined us,” Loki said. “Though I suppose I should say ‘our’ son since it appears we have entered a point in time where the three of us are in a full polyamorous relationship.”
“You know, I was with you guys for a second,” Bucky said, looking nauseous, “and then you had to spring that on me.”
Loki feigned offense. “I’m sorry, am I not attractive enough for you?”
“No, you’re too you for me. This has got to be a dream…”
Jane took Bucky’s hand. It felt warm and strong. She’d always loved his hands. “We can’t go freaking out right now. We have to figure out how this happened.”
“Jane is correct as always,” Loki winked at her. “Did either of you experience anything strange yesterday? Anything that might explain how we came to be in this predicament?”
“I was training with Steve all day and then we got pizza. That’s it.” Bucky grumbled.
“I was working in the lab after breakfast,” Jane said, “then Darcy and I went shopping, then we got lunch, then she wanted to go see this psychic woman and then we went home.”
“What is a psychic?” Loki asked.
Jane bit her lip. She’d half hoped he’d miss that part if she buried it in the middle of typical Midgardian monotony. The kind he always scoffed at because ‘blah blah blah royalty blah.’ “It’s nothing. Some people think they have the power to see the future, but they’re all fakes. They just want to make a quick buck.”
“Still, if this psychic of your has real magic,” Loki said thoughtfully.
“Darcy took a picture of her with my phone if…” Jane felt for his pockets, but of course, she didn’t have any.
“Never mind that,” Loki said, leaning over until he was level with her.
He looked deep into her eyes. Too deep. Like he was seeing beyond the brown irises into what lay beneath. Into her very soul. Jane felt the push of tiny hands against her skull. They slid through without issue, and while they didn’t dig so deep as to unlock her every hidden desire, she was under no illusions that they couldn’t.
Neither was Bucky, as the next thing Jane knew, she was in his arms and he was glaring at Loki. “What are you doing to her?”
“My apologies,” Loki said. “I was merely gathering information about this psychic.”
“You saw her?” Jane murmured. “In my head?”
“It’s one of my many abilities,” Loki explained, folding his arms. “And yes, I did. The woman you met yesterday was no Midgardian and she certainly is no mere fortune teller. She’s a sorceress. Her name is Amora, and I’ve had dealings with her in the past.”
“So this Amora woman is the one who did this?”
“More than likely,” said Loki, pacing around the room. “She loves to meddle, and unfortunately, it will take some time before I can break her spell and send us all home. At least a week.”
“And until then, we have to live here,” Bucky said, staring at the closed door. “With my son…”
Loki grinned like he’d just been handed a toy. “It does sound exciting, doesn’t it?”
They dressed slowly, finding their closet to be five times larger on the inside than it appeared on the outside. Jane selected a green blouse (there was a lot of green in here) and blue jeans. After a quick trip to the restroom, they filed out of the bedroom and followed the path to the kitchen.
Jacob was at the table with a bowl of cereal. “Morning. I see you’re all finished with your sexcapades.”
“Now, son, that is not an appropriate topic for discussion,” said Loki.
“Sure thing, Pop.”
Loki nudged Bucky. “Do you have nothing to say to your boy?”
“Knock it off,” Bucky hissed, “I’m still processing all this. Most guys have nine months to get ready for parenthood, you know.”
“Even so, I thought you’d be pleased to meet your progeny,” Loki said innocently. “Why if I was meeting my child for the first time, I’d know precisely how to behave.”
“Good moooooorniiiiing!”
A teenage girl skipped down the hall on the opposite end of the house. Her billowing black hair hung loosely over her shoulders, her green eyes filled with girlish glee. She hugged Loki tight, seeming to float more than walk.
“Ah-” Loki said. The look on his face made Jane wish she’d tried harder to find her phone.
At the table, Jacob rolled his eyes. “The princess graces us with her presence at last.”
The girl let go of Loki and marched across the kitchen. She leaned over Jacob as he calmly spooned cereal into his mouth. “Is that the last of the Cheerios?”
“No,” said Jacob, bringing the nearly empty bowl to his lips, “but it’s about to be.”
“I told you to leave the Cheerios for me, you little dweeb.”
“Yeah, must’ve missed that memo.” Jacob grabbed another box and placed it in front of her. “Don’t worry. I did save you the raisin bran. You look like you need it anyway.”
The purple box suddenly transformed into a snake, which slithered around Jacob’s arm up to his shoulder. He shrieked and threw it across the room. It hit the wall and changed back into a cereal box before hitting the floor.
“No fair!” He shouted at the girl. “You know the rules. No magic at breakfast.”
“Oh sorry, must’ve missed the memo.” She grabbed an energy bar out of the pantry and walked back to her dumbstruck parents. “I need to stay late after school today to help Morgan get ready for the bake sale. Is that okay?”
Jane blinked a few times. The girl’s face reminded her of her high school yearbook photo, but infinitely prettier. She reached for a name, coming up with the one she’d picked long ago for any daughter she might have. “Yeah, that’s fine… Christina?”
The girl stared at her for a moment. No reaction beyond that except to hug her. “I’ll see you later, Mom.” She let go, then kissed Bucky and Loki on the cheek. “Bye Papa. Bye Daddy. See you guys tonight!”
She rushed outside and seconds later, Jane heard a car engine start. Jacob finished his breakfast and left the bowl in the sink, giving them one last odd look and muttering to himself about how weird adults were. Now alone in this house that was and wasn’t theirs, the three of them could only look at each other. Bucky didn’t even have it in him to return Loki’s taunting.
“This is going to be really hard,” Jane said.
And to that, neither Loki nor Bucky could object.
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THIS CHART! – What Will Happen After The Halving?! – Bitcoin Price Analysis
Today, I’m going to be talking about something very, very important. A lot of people are talking about the hair thing, but a lot of people are forgetting one major important thing that I will talk about in this video and as well as Bitcoin going to break this rising wedge to the upside or to the downside. I will tell you guys everything in this video. So definitely stay tuned. Lots of guys. My name is Thomas and I am a bitcoin trader. And in this video, I’m going to tell you guys what I potentially expect the market to do in the coming days and weeks. And especially I am going to be talking about the bullish and the bearish scenario in this video. So in my last video, I talked about a trading technique and I asked you guys, do you guys want to get more information about trading Bitcoin and trading in general and lower? You guys have left a lot of positive comments on my latest video. So I think it will be interesting to continue talking about trading Bitcoin and sharing some trading techniques and also talk about some potential trading setups. So that is something that I want to focus my channel a bit more on in the future. Now, keep in mind, I analyze the bitcoin market from a trader’s perspective and not necessarily a holders perspective, and my opinion may change in the future. And as well, keep in mind, this is not financial advice now anyway. Bitcoin is in this A-rating, which better’n and basically a rating which pattern, as I talked about in my latest video, mostly breaks to the downside. But there is a possibility for this rating which to instead break to the upside. And Bitcoin has done something quite similar before. Over here it was in a falling watch. So this was the opposite of a rising wedge and a falling which mostly is bullish. This one broke out to the downside and a moment that it broke to the downside. That’s where it had quite a massive move. And so potentially you might be looking at the same thing right over here where breaks to the upside and has a huge parabolic move to the upside. But there’s also a chance, of course, that this is going to break to the downside. Now, first of all, I’m right now a little bit neutral on the price. I’m not going to be throwing in any predictions at all where I expect the price to go. This pump really showed me that the bulls still have a lot of potentials to move further to the upside. But as well, there is a possibility that this is going to be a giant bull trap before the market had lower. But I’m going to tell you guys the signs to potentially look out for in the coming days. You could potentially prepare for the next big move to the upside or downside and how you can potentially trade. It’s not the first scenario I’m going to be talking about is the bullish scenario. And what they expect for Bitcoin to have a bullish scenario is possibly some sideways action in the coming days or maybe even the coming hours. And then what Bitcoin will do is it will set a falling channel or the four hour RSI like this. And this is where it talks about in my latest videos. So if you don’t know what I’m talking about, check my latest video. But yeah, basically what I expect Bitcoin to do is basically get in its fine r_s_i_ channel. And then what I expected bitcoin price to do is go a little bit sideways. And then when bitcoin breaks this channel to the upside, that’s where Bitcoin might potentially have that move to the upside where it might as well break out of this rising wedge pattern. Yeah. Dennis? Well, you might be looking at a continuation of the bulls to the upside on bitcoin. It’s something similar right over there where it went sideways out right here on our site. It set that’s falling channel. So potentially it might be doing something similar. Now, what can, of course, also still happen is what Bitcoin is going to do, that it’s going to set over here, maybe potentially a double bottom and then have a new move to the upside. And Bitcoin did something similar over there as well. So a little bit of sideways action and or potentially a little bit of one pattern. I at least expect a little bit more sideways action. And the reason for that is because the four hour RSI is right now in quite an oversold condition. So I wants to RSI to first reset a little bit to the downside before I believe it will be ready for a new move to the upside. And yet it’s potentially something that I’m watching for and potentially something that I am going to be trading. Now, a bear scenario is a double top pattern. And I talked about this in a couple a few years back where I expect this to become that double top better. What actually happened is that this was a double bottom. So it was the opposite of a double top. But what might still happen is that this still plays out as a double top. Now, some people were suggesting to me that this maybe be one top and this maybe we want top to the downside. But a double top mostly never sets a higher rate up compared to the left top. And what I mean by death is if I go back to over here, we’re between two sets. That’s a double top pattern. You can as well see that the right top was a lower than the left top over there. And Bitcoin as well. Set a double top. Right over there and you can see the same thing, right? Top was lowered than the left top. And the same thing can be said of here where the right top was lower than the left top. So yeah, if this is going to play out as a double top pattern, what I want to see is between getting a little bit of correction to the downside, potentially bounce from the support line again to the upside and then set a lower low and then get a correction to the downside. That move breaks the switch to the downside. So that is potentially as well something that I’m going to be trading. And you have this is going to play out. I might put in a short position right over here and then I will put my stop loss up off the previous high. And yeah, then I would put my, you know, my exit. I don’t know, somewhere all the way down here. You know, maybe like the 6 K level because then you could be looking for quite a nasty correction to the downside. Now something that is going to be very important for the Bears scenario is going to be the bearish divergence on for hourly. So basically over here, back on the top, Bitcoin set a very, very clear bearish stuff. Merchants on our side where the price went higher versus the RSI went lower. And you’ve a moment a bit when did this. That’s where it had quite this big correction to the downside. And it did something as well. Right over there where it said that bears their fortunes on the 4 hourly. So if Bitcoin is going to be setting up for a correction, I actually want to see a four-hour divergence. Now, there is a possibility right now that this is going to play out as a four-hour version. So you got over here, the price went higher. But over here on the RSI, Darci went lower. So you might actually say that this is going to play out as a barrister, virgins, and that could potentially play out. But this is not a very nice example of a bearish divergence. So I’m not on a percentage sure yet if this is going to play out as a correction. But yeah, basically at this point of time now you kind of know what to look out for. And again, I’m not gonna be throwing in any crazy predictions, but yeah, at least you know what kind of signs to potentially look out for. And now I want to talk a little bit about the whole thing. But before I talk about the whole thing, make sure to like this video, click on the like button that really helps the video. And if you take my videos are really helpful, then make sure to press that like button to show your support. But anyway, what’s very, very important to talk about is the Bitcoin whole thing. A lot of people are bullish right now on Bitcoin and they’re expecting the price to go to the upside when the whole thing will occur. And one side, I agree with people. The whole thing should theoretically cause Bitcoin to go higher, because basically what happens is there will be less bitcoin in circulation, meaning that the supply will decrease. And if the demand will stay the same, then you would expect, of course, a rise in the price. A previous halflings have been very, very good for bitcoin. I put the white lines where the last whole things happened and you can see that when the whole thing happened that there would be a huge move to the upside over here. Last hoving resulted in a move of about 8000 percent to the upside. And the last whole thing back in 2016 resulted in a 3000 percent move to the upside. And right now, a new whole thing is coming up. And so potentially you might be looking again at a huge move to the upside. But as you can see already, there is a huge and huge difference between the two last haul things and the current whole thing. Now, the first thing that you can see is when Bitcoin had the whole thing back in 2012, Bitcoin really was in an uptrend for basically the entire year. And Bitcoin already increased about 400 percent. And when that whole thing happened, that’s when it’s moved to the upside, accelerated all the way over there to around eight hundred dollars. So, yeah, but you can see is that there really was a demand for Bitcoin before the whole thing. And when the whole thing happened, that’s supply even decreased, causing the price to go absolutely parabolic. And the same thing can be said about the 2016 whole thing. Bitcoin really had about one and a half years of an uptrend. And when that whole thing happened, that’s when that uptrend accelerated. And Bitcoin again got a parabolic move to the upside. But if you’re going right now to the current laughing, you can see a huge difference. And that is that bitcoin is right now in a downtrend. It has been in a downtrend right now for around a year. And so my question is, well, the other half is all have had a different market structure. And you can clearly see that there was a uptrend before the whole thing and then you can see that uptrend accelerating. And yet you can see that last hole thinks that beautifully played out. But right now, Bitcoin is in a downtrend. So theoretically, I would say that the whole thing is going to be positive for Bitcoin. It could potentially be looking at higher prices. That’s a very, very likely scenario, especially now that the dollar is losing a lot of value and out of money printing going on. You might get a lot of interest for Bitcoin and maybe you will see a bitcoin. Price rise higher. But as you can see, there is a clear difference between the previous last all things, so I don’t really think that it’s fair to compare the last 2 ½ things with the current whole thing and two 200 percentage expect the same kind of price action. Yes, it could turn out to be positive for Bitcoin, but a lot of people are comparing to the previous hotfix with the current thing which I do not agree with. And as well, if you go to the RSI or The Weekly, you can see that right now Bitcoin is a little bit in an oversold area and the last two holdings between both were in an overbought area on the weekly our site. So very, very clear difference. And potentially, yes, it might still be very bullish for Bitcoin, but I don’t like to compare the two last haul things with the current holding. And so a lot of people are asking me, Thomas, what is Bitcoin going to do? Is Bitcoin still going to move to the upside with the current halving or is it still going to get a correction? So my answer to those people is I don’t know. I don’t really have a lot of data right now that I could potentially look at. I mean, you can look at the previous half things have been really positive for Bitcoin, but I really don’t like comparing the last 2 ½ weeks with the current whole thing. Theoretically, the holdings are the same because all of them are on halving of the supply from the miners that get into circulation, basically. But yeah, I’m not sure if we’re going to be seeing the same kinds of price action to the upside. So I would say that the whole thing is bullish, but I’m not a 100% sure yet if it’s going to get a parabolic move to the upside. And also, it’s very important to talk about the stock market. It’s a stock market is going to get another move to the downside. Will Bitcoin follow and as well get that huge move to the downside and maybe go even lower into the whole thing? I mean, it is very, very possible right now. It is very, very hard to do any form of analysis. It is very, very hard to make any kind of prediction on the price, because right now the bitcoin price is going absolutely crazy. There’s a lot of scenarios open right now. The whole thing might be very, very bullish for Bitcoin, especially with all the money printing going on. You could be looking at bitcoin, you know, going to much and much higher levels. But of course, there’s also a chance that the stock markets will get a not a correction to the downsides. So at this point in time, everything could happen right now. The market is crazy in terms of technical analysis. I would say I’m a little bit more on the bearish side, but with the whole thing coming up, I’m a little bit more on the bullish side. But what I do want to talk about is this guy and this is the founder of the Silk Road if you know where he is, he created this Web site, the Silk Road, and you could buy things with Bitcoin on it. And yeah, he got arrested for it. And yet now he’s in prison. But he did talk about this potential scenario of Bitcoin getting a huge correction to the downsides similar to the correction I have been talking about. So basically what he has said is that Bitcoin wasn’t an impulse bull market to the upside and that right now Bitcoin is in a correction and in a bear market, he’s looking at a price of around 1200. So I think I start that my potential $2000 scenario for bitcoin was bearish. Well, this guy thinks that it can even go lower. But yeah, this is actually a scenario that in terms of technical analysis, you could be looking at this now you’re playing out and is well talked about gold and gold, did something quite similar where gold was in this very, very long and big uptrend. And then over here it said that double top and had that big correction to the downside as potentially might be looking at bitcoin doing something similar, whereas in this very, very long bull market and then right over here, it sets that double top and gets that correction to the downside. Now, do I expect this to play out? I mean, I do see a chance of this playing out. I am very careful about investing in Bitcoin, especially at this crucial moment. This has been talked about quite a lot by YouTubers as well. And this is potential, yes, a scenario that you might be looking at. But again, a lot of things going on right now. Everything of right now happening in terms of fundamentals. You might say Bitcoin is very, very bullish because the halving is coming up. Bitcoin is deflationary and there’s a lot of good cases for Bitcoin to be made both as well. On the bearish side, you might say we’re looking at the economy crashing further to the downside. But yeah, that’s everything about it to talk about today. Little scenarios open, a lot of possibilities open, but at least you know what I’m potentially looking at. If you enjoyed this video, then make sure to press the like button and well, make sure to join my free telegram. The link is in the description and I hope to see you guys in my next video. Bye-bye.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/what-will-happen-after-the-halving-bitcoin-price/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/616694095448031232
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THIS CHART! What Will Happen After The Halving?! Bitcoin Price Analysis
Today, I’m going to be talking about something very, very important. A lot of people are talking about the hair thing, but a lot of people are forgetting one major important thing that I will talk about in this video and as well as Bitcoin going to break this rising wedge to the upside or to the downside. I will tell you guys everything in this video. So definitely stay tuned. Lots of guys. My name is Thomas and I am a bitcoin trader. And in this video, I’m going to tell you guys what I potentially expect the market to do in the coming days and weeks. And especially I am going to be talking about the bullish and the bearish scenario in this video. So in my last video, I talked about a trading technique and I asked you guys, do you guys want to get more information about trading Bitcoin and trading in general and lower? You guys have left a lot of positive comments on my latest video. So I think it will be interesting to continue talking about trading Bitcoin and sharing some trading techniques and also talk about some potential trading setups. So that is something that I want to focus my channel a bit more on in the future. Now, keep in mind, I analyze the bitcoin market from a trader’s perspective and not necessarily a holders perspective, and my opinion may change in the future. And as well, keep in mind, this is not financial advice now anyway. Bitcoin is in this A-rating, which better’n and basically a rating which pattern, as I talked about in my latest video, mostly breaks to the downside. But there is a possibility for this rating which to instead break to the upside. And Bitcoin has done something quite similar before. Over here it was in a falling watch. So this was the opposite of a rising wedge and a falling which mostly is bullish. This one broke out to the downside and a moment that it broke to the downside. That’s where it had quite a massive move. And so potentially you might be looking at the same thing right over here where breaks to the upside and has a huge parabolic move to the upside. But there’s also a chance, of course, that this is going to break to the downside. Now, first of all, I’m right now a little bit neutral on the price. I’m not going to be throwing in any predictions at all where I expect the price to go. This pump really showed me that the bulls still have a lot of potentials to move further to the upside. But as well, there is a possibility that this is going to be a giant bull trap before the market had lower. But I’m going to tell you guys the signs to potentially look out for in the coming days. You could potentially prepare for the next big move to the upside or downside and how you can potentially trade. It’s not the first scenario I’m going to be talking about is the bullish scenario. And what they expect for Bitcoin to have a bullish scenario is possibly some sideways action in the coming days or maybe even the coming hours. And then what Bitcoin will do is it will set a falling channel or the four hour RSI like this. And this is where it talks about in my latest videos. So if you don’t know what I’m talking about, check my latest video. But yeah, basically what I expect Bitcoin to do is basically get in its fine r_s_i_ channel. And then what I expected bitcoin price to do is go a little bit sideways. And then when bitcoin breaks this channel to the upside, that’s where Bitcoin might potentially have that move to the upside where it might as well break out of this rising wedge pattern. Yeah. Dennis? Well, you might be looking at a continuation of the bulls to the upside on bitcoin. It’s something similar right over there where it went sideways out right here on our site. It set that’s falling channel. So potentially it might be doing something similar. Now, what can, of course, also still happen is what Bitcoin is going to do, that it’s going to set over here, maybe potentially a double bottom and then have a new move to the upside. And Bitcoin did something similar over there as well. So a little bit of sideways action and or potentially a little bit of one pattern. I at least expect a little bit more sideways action. And the reason for that is because the four hour RSI is right now in quite an oversold condition. So I wants to RSI to first reset a little bit to the downside before I believe it will be ready for a new move to the upside. And yet it’s potentially something that I’m watching for and potentially something that I am going to be trading. Now, a bear scenario is a double top pattern. And I talked about this in a couple a few years back where I expect this to become that double top better. What actually happened is that this was a double bottom. So it was the opposite of a double top. But what might still happen is that this still plays out as a double top. Now, some people were suggesting to me that this maybe be one top and this maybe we want top to the downside. But a double top mostly never sets a higher rate up compared to the left top. And what I mean by death is if I go back to over here, we’re between two sets. That’s a double top pattern. You can as well see that the right top was a lower than the left top over there. And Bitcoin as well. Set a double top. Right over there and you can see the same thing, right? Top was lowered than the left top. And the same thing can be said of here where the right top was lower than the left top. So yeah, if this is going to play out as a double top pattern, what I want to see is between getting a little bit of correction to the downside, potentially bounce from the support line again to the upside and then set a lower low and then get a correction to the downside. That move breaks the switch to the downside. So that is potentially as well something that I’m going to be trading. And you have this is going to play out. I might put in a short position right over here and then I will put my stop loss up off the previous high. And yeah, then I would put my, you know, my exit. I don’t know, somewhere all the way down here. You know, maybe like the 6 K level because then you could be looking for quite a nasty correction to the downside. Now something that is going to be very important for the Bears scenario is going to be the bearish divergence on for hourly. So basically over here, back on the top, Bitcoin set a very, very clear bearish stuff. Merchants on our side where the price went higher versus the RSI went lower. And you’ve a moment a bit when did this. That’s where it had quite this big correction to the downside. And it did something as well. Right over there where it said that bears their fortunes on the 4 hourly. So if Bitcoin is going to be setting up for a correction, I actually want to see a four-hour divergence. Now, there is a possibility right now that this is going to play out as a four-hour version. So you got over here, the price went higher. But over here on the RSI, Darci went lower. So you might actually say that this is going to play out as a barrister, virgins, and that could potentially play out. But this is not a very nice example of a bearish divergence. So I’m not on a percentage sure yet if this is going to play out as a correction. But yeah, basically at this point of time now you kind of know what to look out for. And again, I’m not gonna be throwing in any crazy predictions, but yeah, at least you know what kind of signs to potentially look out for. And now I want to talk a little bit about the whole thing. But before I talk about the whole thing, make sure to like this video, click on the like button that really helps the video. And if you take my videos are really helpful, then make sure to press that like button to show your support. But anyway, what’s very, very important to talk about is the Bitcoin whole thing. A lot of people are bullish right now on Bitcoin and they’re expecting the price to go to the upside when the whole thing will occur. And one side, I agree with people. The whole thing should theoretically cause Bitcoin to go higher, because basically what happens is there will be less bitcoin in circulation, meaning that the supply will decrease. And if the demand will stay the same, then you would expect, of course, a rise in the price. A previous halflings have been very, very good for bitcoin. I put the white lines where the last whole things happened and you can see that when the whole thing happened that there would be a huge move to the upside over here. Last hoving resulted in a move of about 8000 percent to the upside. And the last whole thing back in 2016 resulted in a 3000 percent move to the upside. And right now, a new whole thing is coming up. And so potentially you might be looking again at a huge move to the upside. But as you can see already, there is a huge and huge difference between the two last haul things and the current whole thing. Now, the first thing that you can see is when Bitcoin had the whole thing back in 2012, Bitcoin really was in an uptrend for basically the entire year. And Bitcoin already increased about 400 percent. And when that whole thing happened, that’s when it’s moved to the upside, accelerated all the way over there to around eight hundred dollars. So, yeah, but you can see is that there really was a demand for Bitcoin before the whole thing. And when the whole thing happened, that’s supply even decreased, causing the price to go absolutely parabolic. And the same thing can be said about the 2016 whole thing. Bitcoin really had about one and a half years of an uptrend. And when that whole thing happened, that’s when that uptrend accelerated. And Bitcoin again got a parabolic move to the upside. But if you’re going right now to the current laughing, you can see a huge difference. And that is that bitcoin is right now in a downtrend. It has been in a downtrend right now for around a year. And so my question is, well, the other half is all have had a different market structure. And you can clearly see that there was a uptrend before the whole thing and then you can see that uptrend accelerating. And yet you can see that last hole thinks that beautifully played out. But right now, Bitcoin is in a downtrend. So theoretically, I would say that the whole thing is going to be positive for Bitcoin. It could potentially be looking at higher prices. That’s a very, very likely scenario, especially now that the dollar is losing a lot of value and out of money printing going on. You might get a lot of interest for Bitcoin and maybe you will see a bitcoin. Price rise higher. But as you can see, there is a clear difference between the previous last all things, so I don’t really think that it’s fair to compare the last 2 1/2 things with the current whole thing and two 200 percentage expect the same kind of price action. Yes, it could turn out to be positive for Bitcoin, but a lot of people are comparing to the previous hotfix with the current thing which I do not agree with. And as well, if you go to the RSI or The Weekly, you can see that right now Bitcoin is a little bit in an oversold area and the last two holdings between both were in an overbought area on the weekly our site. So very, very clear difference. And potentially, yes, it might still be very bullish for Bitcoin, but I don’t like to compare the two last haul things with the current holding. And so a lot of people are asking me, Thomas, what is Bitcoin going to do? Is Bitcoin still going to move to the upside with the current halving or is it still going to get a correction? So my answer to those people is I don’t know. I don’t really have a lot of data right now that I could potentially look at. I mean, you can look at the previous half things have been really positive for Bitcoin, but I really don’t like comparing the last 2 1/2 weeks with the current whole thing. Theoretically, the holdings are the same because all of them are on halving of the supply from the miners that get into circulation, basically. But yeah, I’m not sure if we’re going to be seeing the same kinds of price action to the upside. So I would say that the whole thing is bullish, but I’m not a 100% sure yet if it’s going to get a parabolic move to the upside. And also, it’s very important to talk about the stock market. It’s a stock market is going to get another move to the downside. Will Bitcoin follow and as well get that huge move to the downside and maybe go even lower into the whole thing? I mean, it is very, very possible right now. It is very, very hard to do any form of analysis. It is very, very hard to make any kind of prediction on the price, because right now the bitcoin price is going absolutely crazy. There’s a lot of scenarios open right now. The whole thing might be very, very bullish for Bitcoin, especially with all the money printing going on. You could be looking at bitcoin, you know, going to much and much higher levels. But of course, there’s also a chance that the stock markets will get a not a correction to the downsides. So at this point in time, everything could happen right now. The market is crazy in terms of technical analysis. I would say I’m a little bit more on the bearish side, but with the whole thing coming up, I’m a little bit more on the bullish side. But what I do want to talk about is this guy and this is the founder of the Silk Road if you know where he is, he created this Web site, the Silk Road, and you could buy things with Bitcoin on it. And yeah, he got arrested for it. And yet now he’s in prison. But he did talk about this potential scenario of Bitcoin getting a huge correction to the downsides similar to the correction I have been talking about. So basically what he has said is that Bitcoin wasn’t an impulse bull market to the upside and that right now Bitcoin is in a correction and in a bear market, he’s looking at a price of around 1200. So I think I start that my potential $2000 scenario for bitcoin was bearish. Well, this guy thinks that it can even go lower. But yeah, this is actually a scenario that in terms of technical analysis, you could be looking at this now you’re playing out and is well talked about gold and gold, did something quite similar where gold was in this very, very long and big uptrend. And then over here it said that double top and had that big correction to the downside as potentially might be looking at bitcoin doing something similar, whereas in this very, very long bull market and then right over here, it sets that double top and gets that correction to the downside. Now, do I expect this to play out? I mean, I do see a chance of this playing out. I am very careful about investing in Bitcoin, especially at this crucial moment. This has been talked about quite a lot by YouTubers as well. And this is potential, yes, a scenario that you might be looking at. But again, a lot of things going on right now. Everything of right now happening in terms of fundamentals. You might say Bitcoin is very, very bullish because the halving is coming up. Bitcoin is deflationary and there’s a lot of good cases for Bitcoin to be made both as well. On the bearish side, you might say we’re looking at the economy crashing further to the downside. But yeah, that’s everything about it to talk about today. Little scenarios open, a lot of possibilities open, but at least you know what I’m potentially looking at. If you enjoyed this video, then make sure to press the like button and well, make sure to join my free telegram. The link is in the description and I hope to see you guys in my next video. Bye-bye.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/what-will-happen-after-the-halving-bitcoin-price/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/nobody-is-talking-about-this-chart-what-will-happen-after-the-halving-bitcoin-price-analysis
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THIS CHART! – What Will Happen After The Halving?! – Bitcoin Price Analysis
Today, I’m going to be talking about something very, very important. A lot of people are talking about the hair thing, but a lot of people are forgetting one major important thing that I will talk about in this video and as well as Bitcoin going to break this rising wedge to the upside or to the downside. I will tell you guys everything in this video. So definitely stay tuned. Lots of guys. My name is Thomas and I am a bitcoin trader. And in this video, I’m going to tell you guys what I potentially expect the market to do in the coming days and weeks. And especially I am going to be talking about the bullish and the bearish scenario in this video. So in my last video, I talked about a trading technique and I asked you guys, do you guys want to get more information about trading Bitcoin and trading in general and lower? You guys have left a lot of positive comments on my latest video. So I think it will be interesting to continue talking about trading Bitcoin and sharing some trading techniques and also talk about some potential trading setups. So that is something that I want to focus my channel a bit more on in the future. Now, keep in mind, I analyze the bitcoin market from a trader’s perspective and not necessarily a holders perspective, and my opinion may change in the future. And as well, keep in mind, this is not financial advice now anyway. Bitcoin is in this A-rating, which better’n and basically a rating which pattern, as I talked about in my latest video, mostly breaks to the downside. But there is a possibility for this rating which to instead break to the upside. And Bitcoin has done something quite similar before. Over here it was in a falling watch. So this was the opposite of a rising wedge and a falling which mostly is bullish. This one broke out to the downside and a moment that it broke to the downside. That’s where it had quite a massive move. And so potentially you might be looking at the same thing right over here where breaks to the upside and has a huge parabolic move to the upside. But there’s also a chance, of course, that this is going to break to the downside. Now, first of all, I’m right now a little bit neutral on the price. I’m not going to be throwing in any predictions at all where I expect the price to go. This pump really showed me that the bulls still have a lot of potentials to move further to the upside. But as well, there is a possibility that this is going to be a giant bull trap before the market had lower. But I’m going to tell you guys the signs to potentially look out for in the coming days. You could potentially prepare for the next big move to the upside or downside and how you can potentially trade. It’s not the first scenario I’m going to be talking about is the bullish scenario. And what they expect for Bitcoin to have a bullish scenario is possibly some sideways action in the coming days or maybe even the coming hours. And then what Bitcoin will do is it will set a falling channel or the four hour RSI like this. And this is where it talks about in my latest videos. So if you don’t know what I’m talking about, check my latest video. But yeah, basically what I expect Bitcoin to do is basically get in its fine r_s_i_ channel. And then what I expected bitcoin price to do is go a little bit sideways. And then when bitcoin breaks this channel to the upside, that’s where Bitcoin might potentially have that move to the upside where it might as well break out of this rising wedge pattern. Yeah. Dennis? Well, you might be looking at a continuation of the bulls to the upside on bitcoin. It’s something similar right over there where it went sideways out right here on our site. It set that’s falling channel. So potentially it might be doing something similar. Now, what can, of course, also still happen is what Bitcoin is going to do, that it’s going to set over here, maybe potentially a double bottom and then have a new move to the upside. And Bitcoin did something similar over there as well. So a little bit of sideways action and or potentially a little bit of one pattern. I at least expect a little bit more sideways action. And the reason for that is because the four hour RSI is right now in quite an oversold condition. So I wants to RSI to first reset a little bit to the downside before I believe it will be ready for a new move to the upside. And yet it’s potentially something that I’m watching for and potentially something that I am going to be trading. Now, a bear scenario is a double top pattern. And I talked about this in a couple a few years back where I expect this to become that double top better. What actually happened is that this was a double bottom. So it was the opposite of a double top. But what might still happen is that this still plays out as a double top. Now, some people were suggesting to me that this maybe be one top and this maybe we want top to the downside. But a double top mostly never sets a higher rate up compared to the left top. And what I mean by death is if I go back to over here, we’re between two sets. That’s a double top pattern. You can as well see that the right top was a lower than the left top over there. And Bitcoin as well. Set a double top. Right over there and you can see the same thing, right? Top was lowered than the left top. And the same thing can be said of here where the right top was lower than the left top. So yeah, if this is going to play out as a double top pattern, what I want to see is between getting a little bit of correction to the downside, potentially bounce from the support line again to the upside and then set a lower low and then get a correction to the downside. That move breaks the switch to the downside. So that is potentially as well something that I’m going to be trading. And you have this is going to play out. I might put in a short position right over here and then I will put my stop loss up off the previous high. And yeah, then I would put my, you know, my exit. I don’t know, somewhere all the way down here. You know, maybe like the 6 K level because then you could be looking for quite a nasty correction to the downside. Now something that is going to be very important for the Bears scenario is going to be the bearish divergence on for hourly. So basically over here, back on the top, Bitcoin set a very, very clear bearish stuff. Merchants on our side where the price went higher versus the RSI went lower. And you’ve a moment a bit when did this. That’s where it had quite this big correction to the downside. And it did something as well. Right over there where it said that bears their fortunes on the 4 hourly. So if Bitcoin is going to be setting up for a correction, I actually want to see a four-hour divergence. Now, there is a possibility right now that this is going to play out as a four-hour version. So you got over here, the price went higher. But over here on the RSI, Darci went lower. So you might actually say that this is going to play out as a barrister, virgins, and that could potentially play out. But this is not a very nice example of a bearish divergence. So I’m not on a percentage sure yet if this is going to play out as a correction. But yeah, basically at this point of time now you kind of know what to look out for. And again, I’m not gonna be throwing in any crazy predictions, but yeah, at least you know what kind of signs to potentially look out for. And now I want to talk a little bit about the whole thing. But before I talk about the whole thing, make sure to like this video, click on the like button that really helps the video. And if you take my videos are really helpful, then make sure to press that like button to show your support. But anyway, what’s very, very important to talk about is the Bitcoin whole thing. A lot of people are bullish right now on Bitcoin and they’re expecting the price to go to the upside when the whole thing will occur. And one side, I agree with people. The whole thing should theoretically cause Bitcoin to go higher, because basically what happens is there will be less bitcoin in circulation, meaning that the supply will decrease. And if the demand will stay the same, then you would expect, of course, a rise in the price. A previous halflings have been very, very good for bitcoin. I put the white lines where the last whole things happened and you can see that when the whole thing happened that there would be a huge move to the upside over here. Last hoving resulted in a move of about 8000 percent to the upside. And the last whole thing back in 2016 resulted in a 3000 percent move to the upside. And right now, a new whole thing is coming up. And so potentially you might be looking again at a huge move to the upside. But as you can see already, there is a huge and huge difference between the two last haul things and the current whole thing. Now, the first thing that you can see is when Bitcoin had the whole thing back in 2012, Bitcoin really was in an uptrend for basically the entire year. And Bitcoin already increased about 400 percent. And when that whole thing happened, that’s when it’s moved to the upside, accelerated all the way over there to around eight hundred dollars. So, yeah, but you can see is that there really was a demand for Bitcoin before the whole thing. And when the whole thing happened, that’s supply even decreased, causing the price to go absolutely parabolic. And the same thing can be said about the 2016 whole thing. Bitcoin really had about one and a half years of an uptrend. And when that whole thing happened, that’s when that uptrend accelerated. And Bitcoin again got a parabolic move to the upside. But if you’re going right now to the current laughing, you can see a huge difference. And that is that bitcoin is right now in a downtrend. It has been in a downtrend right now for around a year. And so my question is, well, the other half is all have had a different market structure. And you can clearly see that there was a uptrend before the whole thing and then you can see that uptrend accelerating. And yet you can see that last hole thinks that beautifully played out. But right now, Bitcoin is in a downtrend. So theoretically, I would say that the whole thing is going to be positive for Bitcoin. It could potentially be looking at higher prices. That’s a very, very likely scenario, especially now that the dollar is losing a lot of value and out of money printing going on. You might get a lot of interest for Bitcoin and maybe you will see a bitcoin. Price rise higher. But as you can see, there is a clear difference between the previous last all things, so I don’t really think that it’s fair to compare the last 2 1/2 things with the current whole thing and two 200 percentage expect the same kind of price action. Yes, it could turn out to be positive for Bitcoin, but a lot of people are comparing to the previous hotfix with the current thing which I do not agree with. And as well, if you go to the RSI or The Weekly, you can see that right now Bitcoin is a little bit in an oversold area and the last two holdings between both were in an overbought area on the weekly our site. So very, very clear difference. And potentially, yes, it might still be very bullish for Bitcoin, but I don’t like to compare the two last haul things with the current holding. And so a lot of people are asking me, Thomas, what is Bitcoin going to do? Is Bitcoin still going to move to the upside with the current halving or is it still going to get a correction? So my answer to those people is I don’t know. I don’t really have a lot of data right now that I could potentially look at. I mean, you can look at the previous half things have been really positive for Bitcoin, but I really don’t like comparing the last 2 1/2 weeks with the current whole thing. Theoretically, the holdings are the same because all of them are on halving of the supply from the miners that get into circulation, basically. But yeah, I’m not sure if we’re going to be seeing the same kinds of price action to the upside. So I would say that the whole thing is bullish, but I’m not a 100% sure yet if it’s going to get a parabolic move to the upside. And also, it’s very important to talk about the stock market. It’s a stock market is going to get another move to the downside. Will Bitcoin follow and as well get that huge move to the downside and maybe go even lower into the whole thing? I mean, it is very, very possible right now. It is very, very hard to do any form of analysis. It is very, very hard to make any kind of prediction on the price, because right now the bitcoin price is going absolutely crazy. There’s a lot of scenarios open right now. The whole thing might be very, very bullish for Bitcoin, especially with all the money printing going on. You could be looking at bitcoin, you know, going to much and much higher levels. But of course, there’s also a chance that the stock markets will get a not a correction to the downsides. So at this point in time, everything could happen right now. The market is crazy in terms of technical analysis. I would say I’m a little bit more on the bearish side, but with the whole thing coming up, I’m a little bit more on the bullish side. But what I do want to talk about is this guy and this is the founder of the Silk Road if you know where he is, he created this Web site, the Silk Road, and you could buy things with Bitcoin on it. And yeah, he got arrested for it. And yet now he’s in prison. But he did talk about this potential scenario of Bitcoin getting a huge correction to the downsides similar to the correction I have been talking about. So basically what he has said is that Bitcoin wasn’t an impulse bull market to the upside and that right now Bitcoin is in a correction and in a bear market, he’s looking at a price of around 1200. So I think I start that my potential $2000 scenario for bitcoin was bearish. Well, this guy thinks that it can even go lower. But yeah, this is actually a scenario that in terms of technical analysis, you could be looking at this now you’re playing out and is well talked about gold and gold, did something quite similar where gold was in this very, very long and big uptrend. And then over here it said that double top and had that big correction to the downside as potentially might be looking at bitcoin doing something similar, whereas in this very, very long bull market and then right over here, it sets that double top and gets that correction to the downside. Now, do I expect this to play out? I mean, I do see a chance of this playing out. I am very careful about investing in Bitcoin, especially at this crucial moment. This has been talked about quite a lot by YouTubers as well. And this is potential, yes, a scenario that you might be looking at. But again, a lot of things going on right now. Everything of right now happening in terms of fundamentals. You might say Bitcoin is very, very bullish because the halving is coming up. Bitcoin is deflationary and there’s a lot of good cases for Bitcoin to be made both as well. On the bearish side, you might say we’re looking at the economy crashing further to the downside. But yeah, that’s everything about it to talk about today. Little scenarios open, a lot of possibilities open, but at least you know what I’m potentially looking at. If you enjoyed this video, then make sure to press the like button and well, make sure to join my free telegram. The link is in the description and I hope to see you guys in my next video. Bye-bye.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/what-will-happen-after-the-halving-bitcoin-price/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/nobody-is-talking-about-this-chart-what.html
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cryptosharks1 · 4 years
NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THIS CHART! – What Will Happen After The Halving?! – Bitcoin Price Analysis
Today, I’m going to be talking about something very, very important. A lot of people are talking about the hair thing, but a lot of people are forgetting one major important thing that I will talk about in this video and as well as Bitcoin going to break this rising wedge to the upside or to the downside. I will tell you guys everything in this video. So definitely stay tuned. Lots of guys. My name is Thomas and I am a bitcoin trader. And in this video, I’m going to tell you guys what I potentially expect the market to do in the coming days and weeks. And especially I am going to be talking about the bullish and the bearish scenario in this video. So in my last video, I talked about a trading technique and I asked you guys, do you guys want to get more information about trading Bitcoin and trading in general and lower? You guys have left a lot of positive comments on my latest video. So I think it will be interesting to continue talking about trading Bitcoin and sharing some trading techniques and also talk about some potential trading setups. So that is something that I want to focus my channel a bit more on in the future. Now, keep in mind, I analyze the bitcoin market from a trader’s perspective and not necessarily a holders perspective, and my opinion may change in the future. And as well, keep in mind, this is not financial advice now anyway. Bitcoin is in this A-rating, which better’n and basically a rating which pattern, as I talked about in my latest video, mostly breaks to the downside. But there is a possibility for this rating which to instead break to the upside. And Bitcoin has done something quite similar before. Over here it was in a falling watch. So this was the opposite of a rising wedge and a falling which mostly is bullish. This one broke out to the downside and a moment that it broke to the downside. That’s where it had quite a massive move. And so potentially you might be looking at the same thing right over here where breaks to the upside and has a huge parabolic move to the upside. But there’s also a chance, of course, that this is going to break to the downside. Now, first of all, I’m right now a little bit neutral on the price. I’m not going to be throwing in any predictions at all where I expect the price to go. This pump really showed me that the bulls still have a lot of potentials to move further to the upside. But as well, there is a possibility that this is going to be a giant bull trap before the market had lower. But I’m going to tell you guys the signs to potentially look out for in the coming days. You could potentially prepare for the next big move to the upside or downside and how you can potentially trade. It’s not the first scenario I’m going to be talking about is the bullish scenario. And what they expect for Bitcoin to have a bullish scenario is possibly some sideways action in the coming days or maybe even the coming hours. And then what Bitcoin will do is it will set a falling channel or the four hour RSI like this. And this is where it talks about in my latest videos. So if you don’t know what I’m talking about, check my latest video. But yeah, basically what I expect Bitcoin to do is basically get in its fine r_s_i_ channel. And then what I expected bitcoin price to do is go a little bit sideways. And then when bitcoin breaks this channel to the upside, that’s where Bitcoin might potentially have that move to the upside where it might as well break out of this rising wedge pattern. Yeah. Dennis? Well, you might be looking at a continuation of the bulls to the upside on bitcoin. It’s something similar right over there where it went sideways out right here on our site. It set that’s falling channel. So potentially it might be doing something similar. Now, what can, of course, also still happen is what Bitcoin is going to do, that it’s going to set over here, maybe potentially a double bottom and then have a new move to the upside. And Bitcoin did something similar over there as well. So a little bit of sideways action and or potentially a little bit of one pattern. I at least expect a little bit more sideways action. And the reason for that is because the four hour RSI is right now in quite an oversold condition. So I wants to RSI to first reset a little bit to the downside before I believe it will be ready for a new move to the upside. And yet it’s potentially something that I’m watching for and potentially something that I am going to be trading. Now, a bear scenario is a double top pattern. And I talked about this in a couple a few years back where I expect this to become that double top better. What actually happened is that this was a double bottom. So it was the opposite of a double top. But what might still happen is that this still plays out as a double top. Now, some people were suggesting to me that this maybe be one top and this maybe we want top to the downside. But a double top mostly never sets a higher rate up compared to the left top. And what I mean by death is if I go back to over here, we’re between two sets. That’s a double top pattern. You can as well see that the right top was a lower than the left top over there. And Bitcoin as well. Set a double top. Right over there and you can see the same thing, right? Top was lowered than the left top. And the same thing can be said of here where the right top was lower than the left top. So yeah, if this is going to play out as a double top pattern, what I want to see is between getting a little bit of correction to the downside, potentially bounce from the support line again to the upside and then set a lower low and then get a correction to the downside. That move breaks the switch to the downside. So that is potentially as well something that I’m going to be trading. And you have this is going to play out. I might put in a short position right over here and then I will put my stop loss up off the previous high. And yeah, then I would put my, you know, my exit. I don’t know, somewhere all the way down here. You know, maybe like the 6 K level because then you could be looking for quite a nasty correction to the downside. Now something that is going to be very important for the Bears scenario is going to be the bearish divergence on for hourly. So basically over here, back on the top, Bitcoin set a very, very clear bearish stuff. Merchants on our side where the price went higher versus the RSI went lower. And you’ve a moment a bit when did this. That’s where it had quite this big correction to the downside. And it did something as well. Right over there where it said that bears their fortunes on the 4 hourly. So if Bitcoin is going to be setting up for a correction, I actually want to see a four-hour divergence. Now, there is a possibility right now that this is going to play out as a four-hour version. So you got over here, the price went higher. But over here on the RSI, Darci went lower. So you might actually say that this is going to play out as a barrister, virgins, and that could potentially play out. But this is not a very nice example of a bearish divergence. So I’m not on a percentage sure yet if this is going to play out as a correction. But yeah, basically at this point of time now you kind of know what to look out for. And again, I’m not gonna be throwing in any crazy predictions, but yeah, at least you know what kind of signs to potentially look out for. And now I want to talk a little bit about the whole thing. But before I talk about the whole thing, make sure to like this video, click on the like button that really helps the video. And if you take my videos are really helpful, then make sure to press that like button to show your support. But anyway, what’s very, very important to talk about is the Bitcoin whole thing. A lot of people are bullish right now on Bitcoin and they’re expecting the price to go to the upside when the whole thing will occur. And one side, I agree with people. The whole thing should theoretically cause Bitcoin to go higher, because basically what happens is there will be less bitcoin in circulation, meaning that the supply will decrease. And if the demand will stay the same, then you would expect, of course, a rise in the price. A previous halflings have been very, very good for bitcoin. I put the white lines where the last whole things happened and you can see that when the whole thing happened that there would be a huge move to the upside over here. Last hoving resulted in a move of about 8000 percent to the upside. And the last whole thing back in 2016 resulted in a 3000 percent move to the upside. And right now, a new whole thing is coming up. And so potentially you might be looking again at a huge move to the upside. But as you can see already, there is a huge and huge difference between the two last haul things and the current whole thing. Now, the first thing that you can see is when Bitcoin had the whole thing back in 2012, Bitcoin really was in an uptrend for basically the entire year. And Bitcoin already increased about 400 percent. And when that whole thing happened, that’s when it’s moved to the upside, accelerated all the way over there to around eight hundred dollars. So, yeah, but you can see is that there really was a demand for Bitcoin before the whole thing. And when the whole thing happened, that’s supply even decreased, causing the price to go absolutely parabolic. And the same thing can be said about the 2016 whole thing. Bitcoin really had about one and a half years of an uptrend. And when that whole thing happened, that’s when that uptrend accelerated. And Bitcoin again got a parabolic move to the upside. But if you’re going right now to the current laughing, you can see a huge difference. And that is that bitcoin is right now in a downtrend. It has been in a downtrend right now for around a year. And so my question is, well, the other half is all have had a different market structure. And you can clearly see that there was a uptrend before the whole thing and then you can see that uptrend accelerating. And yet you can see that last hole thinks that beautifully played out. But right now, Bitcoin is in a downtrend. So theoretically, I would say that the whole thing is going to be positive for Bitcoin. It could potentially be looking at higher prices. That’s a very, very likely scenario, especially now that the dollar is losing a lot of value and out of money printing going on. You might get a lot of interest for Bitcoin and maybe you will see a bitcoin. Price rise higher. But as you can see, there is a clear difference between the previous last all things, so I don’t really think that it’s fair to compare the last 2 1/2 things with the current whole thing and two 200 percentage expect the same kind of price action. Yes, it could turn out to be positive for Bitcoin, but a lot of people are comparing to the previous hotfix with the current thing which I do not agree with. And as well, if you go to the RSI or The Weekly, you can see that right now Bitcoin is a little bit in an oversold area and the last two holdings between both were in an overbought area on the weekly our site. So very, very clear difference. And potentially, yes, it might still be very bullish for Bitcoin, but I don’t like to compare the two last haul things with the current holding. And so a lot of people are asking me, Thomas, what is Bitcoin going to do? Is Bitcoin still going to move to the upside with the current halving or is it still going to get a correction? So my answer to those people is I don’t know. I don’t really have a lot of data right now that I could potentially look at. I mean, you can look at the previous half things have been really positive for Bitcoin, but I really don’t like comparing the last 2 1/2 weeks with the current whole thing. Theoretically, the holdings are the same because all of them are on halving of the supply from the miners that get into circulation, basically. But yeah, I’m not sure if we’re going to be seeing the same kinds of price action to the upside. So I would say that the whole thing is bullish, but I’m not a 100% sure yet if it’s going to get a parabolic move to the upside. And also, it’s very important to talk about the stock market. It’s a stock market is going to get another move to the downside. Will Bitcoin follow and as well get that huge move to the downside and maybe go even lower into the whole thing? I mean, it is very, very possible right now. It is very, very hard to do any form of analysis. It is very, very hard to make any kind of prediction on the price, because right now the bitcoin price is going absolutely crazy. There’s a lot of scenarios open right now. The whole thing might be very, very bullish for Bitcoin, especially with all the money printing going on. You could be looking at bitcoin, you know, going to much and much higher levels. But of course, there’s also a chance that the stock markets will get a not a correction to the downsides. So at this point in time, everything could happen right now. The market is crazy in terms of technical analysis. I would say I’m a little bit more on the bearish side, but with the whole thing coming up, I’m a little bit more on the bullish side. But what I do want to talk about is this guy and this is the founder of the Silk Road if you know where he is, he created this Web site, the Silk Road, and you could buy things with Bitcoin on it. And yeah, he got arrested for it. And yet now he’s in prison. But he did talk about this potential scenario of Bitcoin getting a huge correction to the downsides similar to the correction I have been talking about. So basically what he has said is that Bitcoin wasn’t an impulse bull market to the upside and that right now Bitcoin is in a correction and in a bear market, he’s looking at a price of around 1200. So I think I start that my potential $2000 scenario for bitcoin was bearish. Well, this guy thinks that it can even go lower. But yeah, this is actually a scenario that in terms of technical analysis, you could be looking at this now you’re playing out and is well talked about gold and gold, did something quite similar where gold was in this very, very long and big uptrend. And then over here it said that double top and had that big correction to the downside as potentially might be looking at bitcoin doing something similar, whereas in this very, very long bull market and then right over here, it sets that double top and gets that correction to the downside. Now, do I expect this to play out? I mean, I do see a chance of this playing out. I am very careful about investing in Bitcoin, especially at this crucial moment. This has been talked about quite a lot by YouTubers as well. And this is potential, yes, a scenario that you might be looking at. But again, a lot of things going on right now. Everything of right now happening in terms of fundamentals. You might say Bitcoin is very, very bullish because the halving is coming up. Bitcoin is deflationary and there’s a lot of good cases for Bitcoin to be made both as well. On the bearish side, you might say we’re looking at the economy crashing further to the downside. But yeah, that’s everything about it to talk about today. Little scenarios open, a lot of possibilities open, but at least you know what I’m potentially looking at. If you enjoyed this video, then make sure to press the like button and well, make sure to join my free telegram. The link is in the description and I hope to see you guys in my next video. Bye-bye.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/what-will-happen-after-the-halving-bitcoin-price/
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