#this is what happens when you have zero modifiers for charisma
Jane Austen: so, you go to Mr Collins' house and Elizabeth is there alone. She welcomes you politely, but she looks---troubled.
Colonel Fitzwilliam: and of course she does, after everything I said to her-
Fitzwilliam Darcy: do I sense if she is mad at me specifically or it is just her headache?
Jane Austen: roll an Investigation Check.
Fitzwilliam Darcy: *grimacing* it's a three.
Jane Austen: just her headache.
Caroline Bingley: *derisively* she only looks like she wants to stab you, Darcy.
Fitzwilliam Darcy: *shrugs* I guess I am too nervous to really give her a proper look.
Jane Austen: what do you do next?
Fitzwilliam Darcy: well, I-I tell her, "In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."
Jane Austen: Elizabeth blushes. She is absolutely stunned.
Georgiana Darcy: that is good, right? Right?
Fitzwilliam Darcy: I tell her that even if her family is--not ideal-
Charles Bingley: *making a face*
Caroline Bingley: *playfully disgusted frown* and I made my character romance you?
Fitzwilliam Darcy: -and I might be acting impulsively, I just have to let her know that I love her. That's it.
Jane Austen: *smacks her lips* okay-
Charles Bingley: *histerical laughter* I don't like the way you said it-
Colonel Fitzwilliam: it's an immediate natural one, yes? Please tell me it's immediate.
Georgiana Darcy: shhhh!
Jane Austen: give me a Persuasion Check-let me tell you, you have to roll very high.
Fitzwilliam Darcy: figures-very well-
Fitzwilliam Darcy: *beat*
Fitzwilliam Darcy: *flatly* natural one.
Colonel Fitzwilliam: JUSTICE!
Jane Austen: *claps her hands* you make your grand love confession, but Elizabeth stops you and immediately rejects you.
Fitzwilliam Darcy: ouch.
Jane Austen: she tells you that she could never marry the person that hurt her sister and destroyed Wickham's future-
Fitzwilliam Darcy: *dawning horror* I had forgotten they had talked, fuck-
Jane Austen: and, finally-
Charles Bingley: there is more? He is already dead-
Jane Austen: Elizabeth looks at you dead in the eye and says: "From the very beginning—from the first moment, I may almost say—of my acquaintance with you, your manners, impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the feelings of others, were such as to form the groundwork of disapprobation on which succeeding events have built so immovable a dislike; and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry."
Fitzwilliam Darcy: damn.
Caroline Bingley: *dying of laughter under the table*
Charles Bingley: I do not know if I can resurrect you after that.
Georgiana Darcy: I knew it, I should have given you Bardic Inspiration-
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stardustedknuckles · 2 years
Charisma has nothing to do with actual charm or intimidation, or any skill that allows you to get what you want. If it did, it would be a proficiency itself. Stats are innate, things you can emphasize but which came already set in terms of how much more of one thing someone has than the others.
Charisma is nothing more or less than the attention you naturally command when you want to be heard. It is the aura of Something Magnetic. It is not manners, it is not threat level (though they often correlate).
It's why aasimar, being half angel, generally come with high charisma by default. An angel walks into a room, people fucking notice. In many ways, Yasha's low charisma was a gift because she went largely unnoticed by everyone who wasn't trained to look for something special and she relied on not being seen for a while. It didn't affect how the group or Beau saw her, because she already had their attention. It's also why mollymauk oozed charm with a zero bonus. The charisma modifier doesn't care how polite or tough or wily you are. Do you have the natural magnetism when you walk into a room for people to notice you and care what you have to say? Social skills are incidental. If you're used to being ignored, you might not develop the same conversational skills, but that doesn't mean you're never charming or eloquent. Yasha had some great moments with the Nein, and that's because she already had their attention, no roll necessary.
(alternatively, if you're used to being ignored you might alter your behavior and bluff your heart out so people are forced to deal with you and hope you're tough enough to deal with what happens. Handy when you have a barbarian best friend to haul your ass out of trouble.)
What I'm saying is that Fearne compulsively lying and trying to charm in spite of a modifier that's so-so at best has nothing to do with how good at it she is or isn't. She's a Faun - that's already well worth the little boost she has in charisma because people notice that and want to know more. She's not good at lying! She's not the main attraction in her group of weirdos! She just likes to lie. She would do this whether her modifier was 20 or 8. The modifier is not the personality, and I absolutely love that about her. She just likes to charm and lie, and if for some reason that works sometimes, that's just dandy. She's also unbothered if it fails miserably, and that's the key.
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dmsden · 3 years
Make It Mean Something - Making PC deaths meaningful to the other players
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Hullo, Gentle Readers. Sometimes the dice are not in a player’s favor. Sometimes three death saves come up awfully fast. Sometimes a death happens, and everyone’s sitting around the table uncertainly, not sure how to react. It is that moment that daddydeputy raised in their Question from a Denizen. They asked if I had any thoughts on “How to make pc deaths more impactful and growthful for the others (and perhaps themselves?)”
DD, it’s a tricky balance to strike. On the one hand, you want the game to have real and dangerous consequences for the actions the characters take. On the other hand, the death of a beloved character can really upset a player or even crash a whole campaign. My players are very mature and accepting of the consequences (although they’ll pull out all the stops to try and stop it from happening to one of their own), but not everyone can be, even if they say they are. Sometimes you don’t know how the death of a character is going to affect you until it happens. I think of myself as a very mature player, but if a character as dear to me as Skittle, my mouse pooka from Changeling the Dreaming, died, I suspect I’d be devastated.
Some campaigns have a very revolving door attitude towards death. Oh, you died? Here’s a revivify spell, or a raise dead spell, or what have you. Other make it harder, possibly keeping those spells out of the hands of the players or requiring skill challenges for raising the dead (a la Critical Role). I suspect DD is wanting to lean more towards the latter, so let’s look at some ways to really make death matter.
Run lower-level campaigns: At low levels, death is a lot more difficult to overcome. By the time you get your fallen friend to a temple, the window for Revivify is long over, and who can afford the diamond for a Raise Dead spell, even assuming you can find a cleric who can cast it for free for you? But most NPC temples I’ve run in my games have been willing to cast Raise Dead for free if the PCs will undertake a quest on behalf of the temple. In a situation like this, the dead PC’s player could potentially play a cleric or paladin of the temple sent along to help, or the temple might cast raise dead in advance and take an oath that they will fulfill the quest. If the temple doesn’t trust them to keep their word, there are always geas spells to make sure of it.
Limit access to spells that return the dead: Maybe not every god grants the ability to raise the dead to their followers. Maybe diamonds are hard to find in your campaign. Whatever the path you take, you can make certain that death isn’t just a revolving door by making the spells difficult to cast. Maybe the deity will only grant the spells to their cleric once the party fulfills a quest or defeats a monster that has been plaguing the faithful. You could change the material component from a diamond to “the deity’s favor.” Casting the spell expends the favor, so now a new service to the deity would be needed before the next chance of casting it.
Make return from death uncertain: One of the things I really like in Critical Role that I intend to adopt in my next campaign (and I even know how I’m going to make the change make sense in my campaign world) is that returning from death via Raise Dead is by no means a certain thing. The Critical Role has a skill challenge like system in which up to three people can contribute to the ritual to return the dead by entreating the dead person to return. If people all want to use the same skill, such as Persuasion, the DC for the second and third people goes up. A PC might be coaxed to return via Performance, Persuasion, Intimidation, Deception...I’d even allow rolls like Arcana for magically coercing the dead spirit to return or Religion to remind a Paladin that their duty to their deity is not yet fulfilled. This had led to some dramatic moments in CR, and I definitely intend to put together my own system for my next campaign.
Make return from death limited: You could very easily put together a system that limited the number of times the same spirit could return from the dead. In older editions of D&D, returning from death required a “System Shock” check, and the body might not survive the attempt to reunite it with its spirit. If you wanted something similar, you could make a system in which one of your attributes represents your ability to return from death, even using Revivify. I would like base it off of your Constitution or Charisma score. You can return from death a number of times equal to 1+your Constitution or Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). That way, characters can die at least once and come back, but it can’t happen dozens of times.
Make the way someone dies directly affect their afterlife: For some players, this will really matter. I once had a ranger who despised dragons in a campaign. He found a dragonslaying sword, made it his business to get the party to face dragons, etc. When he finally died, it was facing two dragons to buy the party time to escape from a canyon where the dragons were in danger of TPKing them. He was killed, but he wounded both dragons quite a bit. The party managed to kill them, and they recovered the body. The ranger’s player absolutely had no intention of coming back from the dead. “How on earth would my character have a cooler death than that?” the player laughed. “That was perfect.” I described how he was received into the afterlife of his culture as a hero, and he was very happy with the end of the story for his ranger. To draw this along further, what if how a PC dies affects their standing in the afterlife? If they die in a super cool way, maybe they get a high place of honor in Valhalla, or whatever you use. A PC who then dies fighting a lich or saving innocents is likely to receive a heroes welcome. This might be preferable to them than going back to life and then possibly getting killed by a trap or a bunch of orcs. This then makes the heroic death more palatable and desirable.
However you decide to make death impactful, I strongly recommend letting story trump rules for dramatic purposes. Technically, a character who has failed three death saving throws is just plain dead, but what fun is that. Instead, consider the possibility of having them be beyond saving instead. Let them be briefly conscious, either to beg the others to find a way to save them (think Spider-Man in Avengers: Infinity War as he gets “dusted”) or to tell them that their death is welcome and to let them go (a la Theoden in Return of the King). I remember a Werewolf game where a beloved PC was dying and telling her beloved pack how much she cared for them. There were many real tears being shed around the table, including by me as the Storyteller. Giving the PC a chance to speak and interact, even though it’s not part of the rules, gave the group a moment that I know I personally will never forget.
The biggest piece of advice I can give is that you must make sure your players are onboard with this. If you want death to be more powerful, impactful, and difficult to return from, DO NOT spring this on your players mid-game. This should be something everyone’s aware of, not something that comes as a surprise. Let everyone know during Session Zero; make sure everyone is okay with it, and, if not, be prepared to either back off from the idea (or else find a different player who’s onboard.) Like the X-card, be prepared to modify this even mid-campaign if someone shows that maybe they’re not as okay with losing Damathran Darkwarden as they thought they were. In the end, it’s just a game. It’s not worth hurting feelings and losing friends over.
I hope that helps, DD. Thanks for the question!
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #197
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we're getting festive with Attila the San(ta)! We do dip into Fighter just a bit, but that's because she's got a candy cane that can turn into pretty much everything, so you gotta be prepared. She's mostly a Swords Bard to channel Dumuzid's whimsical story of Santa Claus into the aforementioned Candy Cane of the War God, as well as a Divine Soul Sorcerer. Some things don't change.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: Something something Super Mario 64, something something Dark Souls
Race and Background
I know last time we made Altera a human, but I think we're going to change up her race between versions for once. Less because she is a different race, more because time marches on. Altera isn't quite human, so this time around she'll be a Custom Lineage. That gives her +2 Dexterity, as well as Performance proficiency to really nail those ho ho hos. You might be santa, but you also get a gift for starting with this race; the Gift of the Chromatic Dragon, that is! Once per long rest, you can add 1d4 of elemental damage to a weapon's damage rolls for a minute as a bonus action. Look, one of the things the candy cane can turn into is a whip, and it needs all the help it can get being useful. Also, proficiency times per long rest you can use your reaction to gain resistance to one instance of elemental damage. Her Natural Body might be a bit weakened by her cold, but it's still there.
She's also still an Outlander, giving you proficiency with Athletics and Survival.
Ability Scores
First up; Charisma. You need it to give gifts to good little boys and girls, and your magic comes from your own soul, pure as fresh snow. Second is Dexterity, because you don't wear armor and you need it for your whip. It'll also make you better with that bow and arrow, the key of any archer! Your Strength is also pretty good, we won't be focusing on it, but you are still beating people to death with a cane, so it can't be low. Your Constitution is above average, if lower than usual thanks to your illness. That means your Intelligence is low, and your Wisdom is lowest. It's hard to think or smell when you've got a cold. Better luck next year.
Class Levels
Fighter 1: Yup, starting off with the one level dip. This gets you all the weapons you could want, and you get a little more HP, super important at level 1. Starting here gets you proficiency with Strength and Constitution saves, as well as the Intimidation skill -you're still the leader of the huns, after all- and Animal Handling. You also get a Second Wind as a bonus action once per short rest to drink a cup of hot cocoa and heal up. How nice. Finally, pick up a Fighting Style. Archery will be super helpful for an archer class servant, giving you +2 to weapon attack rolls made with a ranged weapon. What do you mean she throws sheep.
Bard 1: Now that we've got all we want from fighter, let's hop over to the star of the show, Bard! I'll put that one skill proficiency in Religion, you get your normal and seasonal powers from different gods, make sure you don't mix them up. Anyway, you get Bardic Inspiration, giving an ally a d6 as a bonus action Charisma Modifier times per long rest. They can then use this d6 to add the roll to any one attack, check, or save. For more fun, you get Spells that you cast using your Charisma. Grab Blade Ward so you can still be a pseudo-barbarian, and Dancing Lights to spread some christmas cheer. You also get Animal Friendship to herd sheep more easily, Disguise Self for the perfect Elder Claus stache, and Heroism to make your allies a bit bolder this holiday season. Also, it's more like Dumuzid is casting Speak with Humans, but you casting Speak With Animals is slightly more reasonable.
Bard 2: Second level bards are a Jack of All Trades, adding half their proficiency bonus to skills they aren't proficient with. This means you've got zero negative skills now- I guess it wasn't much of a cold after all. You also get a Song of Rest for more healing over short rests, but I'm not entirely sure how that works in character. You learn Color Spray this level. I'm not sure blinding people is mechanically something you do, but at least it looks the part.
Bard 3: Third level bards graduate from college, and the college of Swords is great when you need to use a whip and mean it. You get another Fighting Style, so pick up Dueling this time for a +2 bonus to one-handed weapon damage. You also get Blade Flourishes, spending a die of bardic inspiration once per attack action to deal extra damage, move an extra 10 feet, and add effects to an attack. A Defensive Flourish add the amount rolled froma bardic inspiration die to both the damage dealt and your AC for the rest of the round. A Slashing Flourish lets you do a little ribbon dance with your whip, dealing the amount rolled to a second creature as well. A Mobile Flourish launches the creature back, dealing the roll in damage and pushing them 5 feet plus the number rolled. Put a little Christmas magic on your cane to shake up how you hit people, easy. You also get Expertise in two skills, doubling your proficiency with them. Double down on Religion and Animal Handling to get a better handle of your new powers and your mount. You can cast Enhance Ability to make everything you do a little better. Well, not everything, you have to pick one type of ability score check per casting, but still, potentially everything.
Bard 4: Fourth level bards get your first Ability Score Improvement. We need to round up your charisma anyway, so grab the Resilient feat to do just that and get proficiency with charisma saves. You can't banish Santa, he'll just come down the chimney again. Also, grab Prestidigitation to make presents out of nothing, and Knock to get into people's homes. It's a bit noisy, but I doubt someone half-loopy from illness will be a master thief.
Bard 5: Fifth level bards get a better inspiration die, launching d8s instead of d6s. They also become a Font of Inspiration, so you get dice back on short rests instead of long ones. You can also put on Motivational Speeches to rally your party around the one true meaning of Christmas: destroying bad civ.
Sorcerer 1: Bouncing over to Divine Soul sorcerer gives you the best spell list in the game, mostly because it's two spell lists. Cast 'em with your Charisma, check the multiclassing section to figure out how many slots you have. Grab Green-Flame Blade for an extra shiny candy cane, Lightning Lure to use said candy cane to drag people towards you, and Guidance and Resistance to be better than most people. You hang out with a god now, this kind of thing will happen. You also get Mage Armor so you can finally get out of that stuffy leather coat, as well as Shield of Faith for even more AC. You also get an extra spell that is supposed to be based on your alignment, but screw that, grab Inflict Wounds for a really scary candy cane whapping. On top of all that, you are Favored by the Gods, meaning you can add 2d4 to a failed save or attack once per short rest.
Bard 6: Sixth level bards get Countercharm, letting you spend an action to give advantage to nearby allies who are making saves against being charmed or frightened. But that's bad, just attack twice thanks to your Extra Attack. You also learn Tongues, because you can't deliver toys all over the world if you can't understand toy commercials all over the world.
Sorcerer 2: Second level sorcerers become a Font of Magic, giving you your sorcerer level in sorcery points per long rest. You can get more (up to your sorcerer level) by burning spell slots, or vice-versa. You also learn how to cast Magic Missile, for some caster... archer... balls. Whatever. Hit people with magic.
Sorcerer 3: Third level sorcerers learn Metamagic, letting you control your magic a little more than most servants. Transmuted Spell lets you change a spell's damage type, so now your weapon replacement spells can deal the same types of damage. You also get a Heightened Spell, letting you force disadvantage on one person affected by the spell's saving throw. If you throw enough sheep, one of them will hit eventually. Speaking of spells, you get Scorching Ray, letting you send an array of flaming hot sheep at your enemies, making an attack roll for each sheep.
Sorcerer 4: Your last level of sorcerer gets you another ASI. Bump up your Charisma for more powerful sheep-based attacks. Speaking of, you learn Melf's Minute Meteors, creating six tiny sheep that follow you around. When you cast the spell, and each bonus action thereafter, you can throw 1-2 sheep at a point within 120', where they then explode. Every creature within 5' makes a dex save, and they take damage if they fail or half if they succeed. A bit more brutal to the sheep, but you can't argue with results.
Bard 7: Seventh level bards get fourth level spells like Dimension Door. You gotta end up in the sky somehow for your NP.
Bard 8: Eighth level bards get yet another ASI, so bump up that Dexterity. There really aren't any other spells I want for this build at fourth level, but take Freedom of Movement anyway. It should probably be a lot harder to break into the underworld than you make it look.
Bard 9: Ninth level bards get fifth level spells, and their song of rest gets a bit stronger, turning into an extra d8 of healing. Grab Awaken to turn a regular sheep into a cool, smart sheep. Unfortunately, sheep are small creatures, so you won't have a mount, even if you use the Custom Lineage to make a mini-santa. If you want to keep with the theme you could always get a cow, I guess. No matter what you awaken though, it's charmed by you for up to 30 days, after which it'll do whatever it feels is best. Be nice to Dumuzid.
Bard 10: Tenth level bards get a lot of stuff; Expertise in performance and athletics to be the fittest goddamn Santa alive, the Light cantrip for more Christmas decorations, a boosted Bardic Inspiration die, and best of all, Magical Secrets. That last one gives you two spells from any spell list, as long as they're at a level a 10th level bard could cast. Grab the Shillelagh cantrip to make your candy cane stronger without having to invest in strength, and Conjure Woodland Beings to create some real sheep. Probably not the best use of a 4th level spell slot, but why not. Eight sheep.
Bard 11: Eleventh level bards get sixth level spells, and now you can finally set up for the christmas party with a Heroes' Feast. More HP, advantage on wisdom saves, and anyone who partakes can't be frightened, that's some good mood food.
Bard 12: Use your last ASI for the Tough feat, giving you +2 HP for each level you have. We have to keep your constitution low because of your cold, but you're still Attila the Hun, you should be pretty tough to fight.
Bard 13: Seventh level spell time! Grab Prismatic Spray to launch a whole herd of rainbow-powered sheep in a 60 foot cone, forcing a dexterity save on every creature inside it. They then get hit by one of eight colored beams, dealing plenty of damage, petrifying them, or banishing them, all depending on the sheep that hits them.
Bard 14: Time for your final sword bard goodies! As a proper swordsmaster, you get a Master's Flourish, letting you use your flourishes freely, but restricting the damage to a d6 when not burning inspiration. The cane's pretty flowy, so restricting it just doesn't make sense. You also get another round of Magical Secrets- this time you can Conjure Fey to finally make a proper big Dumuzid to ride, and cast Haste to boost yourself now for a drawback later, just like your third skill. For Dumuzid, I assume an "Awakened White Moose" from Icewind Dale should work, but I don't have that book to confirm it.
Bard 15: Your capstone level is another boost to your bardic inspiration for the most damage and support possible, a d12. You also get one last spell, this time at eighth level, Mind Blank. You are made immune to psychic damage and can't have your mind read for 24 hours, and it's even powerful enough to shut down the Wish spell. You can't read a mind that isn't thinking about anything.
Pros and Cons
For someone using a whip sometimes, you do pretty good damage. Gift of the Chromatic Dragon will probably last an entire fight, and without concentration it's just free damage. Tack on your flourishes and haste, and you're dealing 6d4 + 2d12 + 18 damage per turn- with median rolls, that's almost 50 damage, and you can keep that up for a couple rounds easily.
You also come packing with a lot of variety in your spell list, with plenty of damage and utility to help you in and out of combat.
Speaking of out of combat, you're weirdly good with skills. Jack of all trades mean you'll never have a negative modifier on a skill check, and Favored by the Gods and Enhance Ability push your advantage as far as it will go.
Playing to character means you're using a lot of fire damage, the most easily resisted in the game. Ironically you're going to fight Ereshkigal, so not getting radiant damage is actually helping you a lot. But that doesn't change the fact that fire is the most resisted type.
A lot of your early build doesn't focus on damage at all, so it'll be hard to keep up with the rest of your party in big fights for a while.
Playing to character is a bad idea. We talked about fire already, but also- summoning sheep is a terrible use of a spell slot. Awakening a sheep is a terrible use of a spell slot. Using a whip is just bad, period. Please, feel free to shake things up before bringing it to a tabletop game.
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
I’m a sx dom and at my workplace I don’t have anyone one on one to bond with. I do have someone who I feel closer to but when they talk to other people I get jealous. Also when it’s break times and people talk to each other, my soc blind is completely lost - I can talk to people fine but find it scary to approach groups or people and strike up a conversation without them thinking that I’m needy. I have a real fear of appearing needy or vulnerable (I’m a 3). So what I end up doing is repressing the social urge and all my energy goes into maintaining a cold poker face because I don’t want anyone to see any weakness, but it’s counteractive to what I want to achieve (and exhausting, cos I just feel this inner pain). Even with the one person I feel closer to (and want to get closer to since my sx needs someone else to feel confident...) i still maintain a guard up because I’m just so scared of looking vulnerable... and it’s counterproductive to the closeness I actually want to achieve
How can I develop my soc and get over these intense fears? I should save the sx for romantic partners, but what troubling is how to deal with workplace while being an sx person..
Soc feels so unnatural to me and I don’t care for it if I haven’t got my sx needs fulfilled first. It’s just tough.
You are not soc-blind, because you are aware of what others are thinking about you and trying to modify your image to leave an impression on them. You want to achieve closeness and are aware you need to reach out and build relationships with other people to do it. This is the social instinct. That you are so anxious about it, fearful of how you are coming across, and over-focusing on it as being an ‘absent’ part of your personality might even suggest you are social dominant. Typically, the thing that gives you the most anxiety and makes you the most aware of being “poor” at it is your dominant instinct, not your blind spot. Your blind spot is literally something that never crosses your mind. You aren’t aware of how you use it, or the problems it is causing in your life, because your attention is focused on your other instincts. Your dominant is a place of neurosis and a wish you could do this better. A place of envy toward other people who are better at it than you are. Your second instinct is something that comes naturally to you where the stakes feel lower.
For example, I’m sp-dom. I overdo sp. I think I SHOULD be even more efficient at sp. Save more money. Learn how to do more things for myself. I’ve always been angry at my own dependence on other people as a 6, because what my sp wants is for me to be fully self-reliant in order to keep me safe. Soc for me is no big deal. If people like me, great. If people don’t like me, ah well. If they want to connect to me, wonderful. If they don’t, I go back to doing my own thing. But I am not envious of other people much who are more skilled at getting people to respond to them, because soc is where I dip in my toes. It’s not what matters most to me, which is my own survival in an uncertain world.
A truly soc-blind person has no clue what anyone other than their sx-partner thinks about them and doesn’t care, so they put on zero fakery. They are raw and blunt because they want to cut through all the social niceties (and are oblivious to them for reals, like it never crosses their mind...) and somehow arouse the energy in the people around them. As a result, soc-blinds and sx-doms in general are divisive among other people, who either love or hate them based on the sx-vibes they are putting out into the world.
The way you describe sx (“one on one”) doesn’t understand or embody the raw sexual drive of sx. It isn’t “one on one” -- that is a sanitized, whitewashed version of sx. Real sx is all about raw “fatal attraction” level energy. The desire to penetrate or be penetrated. To know if you are exciting/arousing someone or turning them off. Being addicted to someone to such an extent they consume you and no one else exists in the world except you, locked in your intense absorption in each other. Just as fast, that explosive sx connection can fizzle out and die, and like a junkie, the sx user goes looking for their next “hit” (a person). Sx is vampiric, it’s not polite, it’s not about just spending time with your loved one and getting to know them through shared time and conversation (that’s soc). Anyone can want a significant other or a lover, that’s not sx.
Anyone can also be apprehensive about approaching groups of people, and everyone prefers “one on one” conversation. They seek out people they know and connect to them, rather than entering a room and looking for the highest level of “energy” (which feeds sx -- where is it happening? how can I get in on it? how can I become part of it and rouse more levels of attraction?). Most of your concern is coming from a 3w2 place of not wanting or knowing how to be vulnerable -- but the thing is, 98% of conversations with other people are not about vulnerability. You can open up, share about your life, your interests, your passions, without exposing yourself or seeming needy. If you want and need connections and love, you have to put down the mask and “be present.” You are translating your own 2 wing fear of “being needy, being seen as needy, rather than needed” and projecting it onto them, when in reality, most people are thinking about themselves -- not you. You will not come across as needy unless you are a “hanger on” desperate for approval. If you use your 3 confidence to come across as interesting and take a genuine interest in them, you won’t seem needy. Do you know how to make friends? Build connections? Show an interest in them. Ask questions about them. Find things you have in common and remark on them.
If a client has a dog, I walk into their office and ask about the dog. I take an interest in the photos on their wall about how they went mountain climbing. I ask if that is their child. We chat about our pets and how much joy they bring to our lives. Casual conversation is something you can learn/develop through practice, but it is CRUCIAL you stop focusing on “how are they seeing me” and start thinking about “what can I bring to them?” Your soc wants to connect and find attachments, but you are socially awkward and are not sure how.
I’d do some reading and video watching on how to connect to people. Charisma on Command is a good 3-driven YouTube Channel that can teach you techniques to be a smoother, more influential version of yourself. :)
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
Haikyuu But I Make Them D&D Players (3rd Year Edition)
Notes: I have two big-ish? Pieces in the works right now, so here’s a fun self-indulgent thread for the day because I miss my party and The Bois (tm).  I might sketch up some little icons of their characters later??
Daichi Sawamura. Dungeon Master
He’s only played a few times with the Karasuno boys, but he has a decent enough handle on the rules to DM
But, he’s constantly asking Kuroo and Oikawa questions on how to do something, because Dadchi is still learning.
He borrowed all the books from Kuroo
The first session? Oh it was a shit show.  He didn’t realize how much he needed to prepare ahead of time to do this.
There’s probably a group chat with the other guys who DM so they can talk about the campaign or ask any questions
Overall, Daichi’s pretty good at this whole Dungeon Master thing once he gets a feel for what he’s doing.
Kuroo Tetsurou. Class: Warlock
He’s a seasoned Dungeons and Dragons veteran so he usually leads the party
Kuroo usually just plays rather than DMs, but he still has all the books
But, damn is he a good player!  You will never see him break character.
His characters always have really deep stories.  Kuroo puts a lot of time and effort into creating his characters and making sure that they have a meaningful backstory.
Has absolutely dressed up as his character for more than one session ive said it before and i will say it again HES A MASSIVE NERD
Speaking of characters. He has a binder just for character and spell sheets the sheets are laminated and he writes on them with expo markers so they can be reused
Kuroo has probably over 40 characters in that binder, but he tends to play the same 5 or 6 over and over because they’re his favorites
Evenings at the training camp when everyone’s done? Kuroo is teaching everyone to play.
He’s a dice diva.  So, he found one set that does really well for him, and REFUSES to use any other set.
Oikawa Tooru. Class: Bard
He’s another one that has played before.  Not as much as Kuroo, but he’s pretty familiar with the game.
High HIGH charisma for every character he plays, but especially this one.  
His character speaks and casts spells in haiku.  it is what it is
He’s SO fun to have in your party!  He’s also a really good role-player who gets super invested in his characters.
Part of why he’s so fun is because he knows how the game works so he’s not just doing random shit in an attempt to be funny.  He has a strategy and he sticks with it.
“I ROLL TO SEDUCE” just happens to be his strategy
Daichi asks for a charisma check and-
“ . . . one . . .” even with his +6 proficiency bonus, he couldn’t pull it off.
Once had a nat 20 plus his bonus though :) his character may or may not have slept with the bartender for information
Probably fights with Kuroo a lot about what the next move should be?
They’re forced to settle it through an intimidation roll
Sugawara Koushi. Class: Druid
He has no idea what he’s doing, but he catches on FAST
Sugawara plays chaotic neutral most of the time, which adds a fun mix seeing as Oikawa and Kuroo both tend to play Lawful or Neutral
When picking his cantrips and spells at the start of the game, he didn’t really think much about fighting, so he has a bunch of practical spells?
Like, he is genuinely the party’s only healer
and he uses that to his advantage fsfs
You want healed? Cool.  He’s asking you to roll a d100 to see how much you’re paying him.
His character is really under powered when it comes to fighting, but he has good wisdom and intelligence stats, so he’s really helpful to have around
Has one weapon and it’s a dagger.  So, he doesn’t do much damage.
But the others protect him anyway, because, again, he’s their healer.
Bokuto Koutarou. Class: Barbarian
He plays occasionally, but only when Kuroo asks
He’s got the most hit points out of anyone, so he’s the first to charge into battle . . . and I mean ANY battle.  He could be up against a dragon and give ZERO shits. it’s not impossible. it’s just hard. 
Has crazy high strength but he’s lacking in most other stats.
He’s not super into the whole role-playing aspect? So he doesn’t have a backstory or anything for his character.  He doesn’t get into character like the others.  He just plays.
He still doesn’t completely understand what’s going on and how to play.
“Wait.  Which one do I role again?  The triangle or the diamond thing?”
But, our boys aren’t gate keepers, so they’re here to help him.  Kuroo has probably made him a cheat-sheet to tell him what he needs to roll and when.
Probably has those cursed spaghetti-o dice
Asahi Azumane. Class: Rogue
Okay.  At least, that was his PLAN
But, his stat rolls were really bad?  So, his character is pretty awful.  Like, I’m talking 12 is his highest stat.
Kenma was going to just let him re-roll his stats, but the others thought it would be really funny to have one under-powered character in the party.
But, surprisingly enough, he’s a really lucky roller? So, he’s not much of hindrance.
This is the first time he’s ever played and it’s only because Daichi and Sugawara pretty much scared him into it.
Like Bokuto, he doesn’t get into the role-play part of the game.  He just feels kind of awkward about it??
He’s a pretty laid-back player and usually stays quiet because he’s still figuring out the game.
Literally text him before the session and he will bring whatever you want.  Has definitely baked cookies and brownies for more than one session.
Yaku Morisuke. Class: Paladin
Plays chaotic-evil for SURE
He’s got a pretty well-rounded character, but wisdom is his strongest stat at 15.
He’s played with the Nekoma a few times? But it’s not a regular pastime of his
But, he was one of the ones who fell in love with it after their first session, so he’ll never say no to a new campaign if you ask.
Yaku makes his characters really tall?  Like, they’re usually 6′ at least.  You will never catch him playing a gnome or a dwarf. Ever.
He’s teamed up with Sugawara in the party so he never has to pay for healing.
BAD ROLLER.  It’s shocking when he manages to roll over 10.  Lots of critical failures.
Doesn’t have any of his own dice, so he’s probably borrowing Sugawara’s the entire time or Kuroo gives him one of his old sets.
Iwaizumi Hajime. Class: Fighter
He may not play a lot, but when he does? Be ready for a good session, because he always comes with one of the best characters.
His character probably dual-wields hand axes.
Next to Bokuto, he’s got the highest number of hit points, but he’s less compulsive and picks his battles more carefully. 
Like Kuroo, he’s got one set of dice that he always uses.  He once delayed the start of the session because he brought the wrong set.
“Dude, I have an extra set just use mine.” “NO!”
He’s a pretty serious player.  He doesn’t role-play very well, but he helps keep the party on track.
Tendou Satori.  Class: Rogue
He’s pure CHAOS
Constantly getting the party off track and poor Daichi doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do in this situation, because he didn’t prepare properly.
“Tendou, please don’t-” “I said, I want to steal the boat and go to the island in the distance.”
He’s what Asahi wishes his rogue was like.
Tendou’s character isn’t over-powered or anything, he just knows how to play his proficiency bonuses to his advantage.  He’ll use stealth rather than deception to get what he wants
He’s pick-pocketing Sugawara’s druid so he can pay for his next healing.
The role-play is his favorite part, but usually because he just bases his characters around his personality so, there’s not much to change about himself.
He cheats. I promise you, he’s a cheater.  He has one of those dice rolling apps on his phone and will re-roll until he gets something good or he has a +3 modifier to all of his rolls. 
It takes a long time for anyone to catch on, but ooooooh when they do?  Tendou has lost any and all phone privileges for the rest of the game.  He has to borrow physical dice from Kuroo.
Ushijima Wakatoshi. 
He’s not playing.  He has no idea what this “Dee en Dee” thing is that everyone keeps talking about, but he’s not interested in finding out.  He may watch?  But, it’s pretty unlikely.
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hellyeahheroes · 4 years
Building Aqualad in D&D 5e
I told myself I will do at least one more of these for the Pride Month. This time it is technically for two characters who are two sides of the same coin. Despite opposite backstories they both share simlair abilitties. Kaldur’Ahm, raised in Atlantis leader of Young Justice and future Aquaman and leader of Justice League is in many ways what Jackson Hyde, his less-experienced, surface-raised gay counterpart from comics may become if he is allwoed to grow. So we will try to make a build that reflects on both of them and basically let YOU roleplay this growth.
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As always (since I lifted template for these posts from Tulok The Barbarian we will kick it off with stating our Goals. First of all, we need to have power to use water as a weapon. Second, we need to have a variety of ways in which we can face our enemies. Finally, we need to be able to move as well on both surface and underwater
For Ability Scores we’ll be using Standard Points Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10 and 8). If you want to roll or use point buy, use this as a guideline and keep in mind our Multiclassig Requirements will ask for at least 13 in Wisdom and Dexterity. Kaldur’ahm seems good in pretty much everything but Jackson does not...anyway, we will prioritize stats we need the most.
Strength: 8. Kaldur wore some heavy armors but we don’t really need this one.
Dexterity: 14, two-weapon fighting is traditionally associated with high Dexterity.
Constitution: 13, both have taken hits from some heavy hitters
Intelligence: 12, Kaldur is strategist of the team
Wisdom: 15, Kaldur is pretty stoic and Jackson has patience of a saint to put up with some of reckless people he is working with.
Charisma: 10, you either have Robin challenge your authority or you follow a smaller, angrier Robin. 
For D&D way to say species, Race, whichever version of the character you want to be, your mother was from underwater kingdom of Xibil and your dad is Black Manta, a living proof of human assholery. There is no half-human half-Xibilian race, so we will go with Triton. You get +1 to Strength, Constitution and Charisma, can breathe on both surface and udnerwater, have land and swim speed of 30 feet, resistance to cold damage, ignore drawbacks caused by deep underwater enviroment, can communicate simple ideas to sea creatures, know Common and Primodial and can cast Fog Cloud once per day, heavily obscuring area in a 20 foot radius. Apparently Tritons come with a built-in smoke grenade. Atlantean training is hardcore.
We will build a custom Background, pick up Insight and Investigation as your skills, a proficiency in any campaign-relevant language and any thieves’ tools and Safe Haven feature from Faction Agent background, meaning you have a way to communicate with hidden allies providing you with a place to stay get information, but they won’t risk their lives or revealing their secret identities for you.
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Now for Class Levels:
Level 1: We Will kick things off as a Ranger. First level Ranger gets proficiency in simple and martial weapons, light and medium armors, shields, Strength and Dexterity saving throws and three skills, pick Perception, Stealth and Survival for whenever your team gets separated again. 
Your two features we will swap for those from Unearthed Arcana. Favored Foe lets you mark a target with a Hunter’s Mark number of times equal your Wisdom Modifier per long rest, letting you deal extra 1d6 of damage whenever you hit the target with a weapon attack and gain advantage on Perception and Survival checks to track it down and you can as a bonus action move it on to another target once icurrent one drops to zero hit points.
Deft Explorer lets you pick one of 3 features. Rowing adds 5 to your walking speed and ensures your climbing and swimming speed is equal to it. This is a little better than Triton giving us flat 30 feet of swimming speed.
Level 2: 2nd Level Rangers gets to pick a Fighting Style. Druidic Warrior is from the same Unearthed Arcana and lets you pick up two Cantrips from Druid’s spell-list. Which is nice since we get Spellcasting on this level as well.
Rangers know a specific number of spells, which we will use to roleplay some of kaldur and Jack’s powers and/or gadgets. Cantrips you can cast as many times as you want and they scale with your level, while spells you need to extend spell slots to cast (they regenerate on a long rest). You can know spells of level you have spell slots for avialable and every time you level up as a Ranger in addition to learnign a new spell you can unlearn one in place of another. if Spell asks you to make an spell attack you add your Proficiency and Wisdom modifiers to it. If it asks target to make a saving throw it must beats a DC equals sum of those two numbers +8.
Shape Water gives you limited, harmless control over water, mostly small stuff but may be fun to better roleplay.
Thorn Whip lets you make a spell attack against a target within 30 feet of you, dealing 1d6 damage on a hit. If it’s Large or smaller you also pull it 10 feet closer to you. This will be our Water Whip. Some of you may wonder why I’m getting is this way when a 3rd level Way Of the Four Elements Monk can use Water Whip which is actual water and deals more damage. The thing is, Monks cast this from their Ki Points, which is horribly limited. With this you can cast Kaldur’s iconic water whips as many times as you want.
Longstrider lets you for an hour increase your speed by 10 feet, which will also increase your swimming speed as well due to your Rowing abilitty..
Cure Wounds lets you cure 1d8+Your Wisdom modifier of damage dealt to you or someone else. Be it medipack or reassuring word, you know a thing abotu staying in combat.
Level 3: Tritons for some reason get Gust of Wind at this level, letting you choose a line and blow wind forcing all creatures in it to succeed a Strength saving throw (agaisnt your Charisma not Wisdom) or be pushed 15 feet away. I guess it’s some gadget picked from your teammates? Or maybe you can refluff it as a stream of water?
Anyway, some of you were probably wondering why I picked Druidic Warrior for Aqualad’s fighting style over Two-Weapon Fighting, since it is such an iconic thing done by Kaldur and Jake. Don’t worry, we will amend this one. 1st Level Fighter gets to pick another Fighting Style - Two-Weapon Fighting lets you add your dexterity modifier to an attack you make with your off-hand weapon.
You also get Second Wind, letting you regenerate 1d10+Your Fighter Level of Damage as a bonus action once per short or long rest. This keeps you up in combat longer, and whichever version of character you use, they are known for their heroic determination.
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Level 4: 3rd Level Ranger gets to Pick a Ranger Conclave. I was thinking which one would fit best and arrived at a conclusion that it’s Monster Slayer from Xanathar’s Guide To Everything. Apparently it included Xibil, who wuld have thought.
Slayer’s Sense lets you a number of time equal your Wisdom modifier per long rest observe one creature in line of sight within 60 feet from you as an action. Unless it is shielded from divination magic, you learn what kinds of damage resistances, immunities or vurnerabilities it possesses, if any. Meanwhile Slayer’s Prey lets you as a bonus action designate one creature within 60 feet that you can see and deal it extra 1d6 of damage on your first weapon attack that hits on each turn. These two fit the idea of Kaldur as someone more level-headed, waiting for a good moment to strike.
Unearthed Arcana will let you pick Primal Awareness - it grants you a number of spells you can cast without expending a spell slot but the price is you can do it only once per long rest. As in, only one of all those spell per long rest. I guess it is some sort of Atlantean Sorcery focused on being one with the ocean. I will be marking these spells as (PA) when listing them with other spells you get (which now will also include Monster Slayer’s bonus spells, neither of which counts against your normal number of spells known).
Speaking of which, spells of this level:
Detect Magic (PA) lets you sense magic in the area of 30 feet, as long as it is not  separated from you by (deep breath) 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt. If you sense something you can use your action to also learn what school of magic it is and see its aura around any obcject in the room.
Speak With Animals (PA) lets you talk to fish and other animals too, no wonder you replaced Orin as Aquaman. They won’t tell you much but at minimum will inform you of monsters in the area and what they have seen within past day. If you persuade them (read: the DM) the ycan do you a small favor too.
Protection From Evil And Good lets you grant yourself or another protection against aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends and undead, imposing disadvantage on their attacks against the target, making the target imune to being charmed, frightened or posessed by these creatures and if that already happenned, they get an advantage on future saving throw to shake this effect off. Raven’s dad? A fiend. Ghost of Nabu? An undead. Whatever crawled from the sea to eat Arthur? Probably an Aberration. New Gods? Celestials. And I think Klarion counts as a fey.
Detect Poison and Disease lets you identify all kinds of poisons and diseases present within 30 feet from you, unless you are hidden by the same barriers as listed under detect magic. I guess you need to see them to be able to tell if this fish is poisonous or not.
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Level 5: On this level Triton allows you to cast Wall of Water once a day. You can shape water into a straigth wall 30 feet long and 10 feet high or round one 20 feet long and 20 feet high, either of them 1 foot thick. It counts as difficult terrain, attacks passing through it have disadvantage and all fire damage of attacks or spells is halved, but if anything that deals ice damage is flung through it, it freezes 5 feet of the wall, turning it into a block of ice with 5 AC and 15 HP that is not filled when broken with an attack.
4th Level Rangers get an Ability Score Improvement, bumb your Dexterity for better attack rolls and armor class.
Level 6: 5th level Ranger gets an Extra Attack, letting you attack twice for each attack action.
And now for the spells, since you just got access to 2nd level ones:
Beast Sense (PA) let’s you strap a camera to an animal and see through its eyes and hear through its ears, but you cannto do anythign else while you watch it.
Locate Animal or Plants (PA) let’s you name a kind of animal or a plant and you know where, as in derection and distance from you, to find closest one within 5 miles.
Darkvision let’s you for 8 hours with no concentration see for 60 feet in the dim light as in bright and in darkness as in dim light, but iwthout discerning colors. This is something that you, as a Triton player, has spent last 5 levels yelling at DM you should have and WotC did a mistake to not let you have it. 
Zone of Truth allows you to make it impossible to lie in a 15-foot radius. Creatures who are in the area or enter it must make a Charisma saving throw or are unable to tell a lie on purpose and you know they have attempted the save and passed or not. I’m not saying this would have solved so many issues in Young Justice but it sure owuld make things easier. Or not, I’m sure Vandal Savage’s Charisma save is like +15.
Level 7: We hop back to Fighter to get Action Surge, letting you once per short rest. Meaning you can in one turn make your full attack and cast a spell, make four or five attacks if you also use your off-hand weapon, or cast two spells. In fact, this is the only way to cast two spells (as opposed to a spell and a cantrip) in a single turn.
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Level 8: 3rd Level Fighter gets to choose a Martial Archetype. Eldritch Knight  lets you for a bond with both your weapons, meaning you cannot be unwillingly disarmed unless you are incapitated and if you drop the weapon, you can use your bonus action to summon it to your hand as long as you’re on the same plane of existence.
You also learn two Cantrips and 3 1st Level Spells from Wizard Spell List. They work the same as your Ranger spelsl except using Intelligence instead of Wisdom.
Booming Blade lets you make a single attack. If you hit you deal extra 1d8 thunder damage and if and the target willingly moves before start of your next turn it is dealt 2d8 thunder damage. 
Shocking Grasp let’s you make a single meele spell attack, with advantage if target is wearing metal armor, to deal 2d8 lightning damage. Both this and Booming Blade increase with levels and let you imitate some of minor electric powers shown by both Jackson and Kaldur
Shield lets you add +5 to AC would you be hit by an attack, potentially making it miss you. I guess in your case it owuld be a water shield.
Absorb Elements grants you as a reaction resistance to acid, cold, fire, lighting or thunder damage - you cast it as a reaction when you take one of those types of damage and it lasts until start of your next turn. And during your next turn first time you hit a foe you deal extra 1d6 damage of that type. Kaldur withstood hits from Black Lightning and his dad runs around with a heat-beam blasting cooking pot on his head, this will be useful.
Chromatic Orb lets you make a spell attack against a target and deal it 3d8 of your choice  acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage. Most of the time you will likely stick to cold and lightning or thunder which are most fitting the character but you can refluff other options as special weapons for one-time use.
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Level 9: Back to the Ranger, on 6th Level you get another form of Deft Explorer. Canny allows you to pick one more skill from  Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Stealth, or Survival to get proficient in OR get your proficiency bonus to it doubled. Personally I would go with History - you know a lot about the world and have good memory and a number of times my party got themselves in trouble by failing a simple History check would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
Also, you get Favored Enemy, since apparently Favored Foe only replaces the first one. Choose one type of creatures:  aberrations, beasts, celestials, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, plants, or undead, or two races of humanoids. You get advantage on Survival rolls to track them and Intelligence checks to recall information about. Yes, that’s it. You see why I forgot this feature on America Chavez build on this level? To be fair you also learn one language spoken by whatever you picked, which mixes well with Kaldur being fluent in multiple languages. Though Ancient Greeks are not valid choice on any setting except theros and it would be extremly fucked up anyway.
Level 10: 7th Level Monster Slayer gains Supernatural Defense, letting you add 1d6 to escape being grappled by or to saving throws forced on you by targer of your Slayer’s Prey.
Our Spell for this level is Protection From Poison. The target that is poisoned has effects of one poison neutralized and for an hour makes all saving throws against poison with an advantage. Which is somewhat better than Kaldur’s resistance to poison of some udnerwater flora and fauna.
Level 11: 8th Level Rangers gain an Abilitty Score Improvement, keep investing in your Dexterity. You also no longer slow your movement for moving through difficult terrain and nonmagical plants and you get an advantage on saving throw against magical plants to impede your movement. I would say this applies to moving underwater but consult your DM.
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Level 12: 9th Level Ranger gains access to 3rd Level Spells.
Speak With Plants (PA) make you make all plants in 30 feet from you GAIN SENTIENCE so you can question them or make difficult terrain normal one for the duration. I know some Aquaman comics argued there is a sea-faring force similiar to the Green that Arthur (and apparently in our take also Kaldur) can tap into but man, this is ridiculous. 
Magic Circle is a force field of 10 feet radius and 20 feet height. At your choice it can be used so that creatures cannot enter or leave area inside it and pass a Charisma Saving Throw is they try to bypass that by teleportation, have disadvantages on attacks against creatures on the other side and cannot frighter, charm or possess them. This is likely another gadget or you somehow enchanced water to do it.
Protection From Energy is list a better version of Absorb Elements - continuous resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder damage up to an hour on Concentration. Again, your dad wears a cooking pot that shoots heat beams.
ALTERNATIVES: Magic Weapon can be a good choice too since your blades/whips are weird and if DM doesn’t throw a pair of magic weapons your way, this will help you roleplay them better.
Level 13: 10th Level Unearthed Arcana Ranger gains the stealthsuit - once every short or long rest you can become invisible until start of your next round 
Level 14: 11th Level Monster Slayer becomes a Magic User’s Nemesis, letting you attempt to foil an enemy within 60 feet of you from casting a spell or teleport by forcing a Wisdom saving throw on them. if they fail, their spell or teleport is fasted. I don’t even want to count how many times it would get Vandal Savage and rest of the Light in a tight spot.
 Our Spell for this Level will be Water Walk, letting you for one hour give up to 10 creatures within 30 feet an abilitty to walk on water as if it was solid ground. It os not exactly water pillars Kaldur uses to save people from burning buildings but maybe if you combine it with Wall of Water...
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level 15: 12th Level Ranger means another Ability Score Improvement, you should have Dexterity around 18 so now focus on Wisdom since more and more of your spells and abilitties require saving throws.
Level 16: 13th Level Ranger gains more spells and acess to 4th level spells
Locate Creature (PA) lets you locate a specific creature you know or a nearest creature of a type you have seen up close that is within 1 thousand miles, except if its in a different form or at least 10 feet of running water crosses the area between you and it. If the creature is moving you know its direction. Basically, if your team wants to track someone specific, like Ras Al’Ghul or Deathstroke or your dad, you can do it.
Banishment let’s you push a target into a portal to somewhere else if the fail Charisma saving throw - if the target is native to this plane of existence, it will be back once the spell ends. but if it’s not from around here and you hold the concentration for 1 minute, they are permamently sent back home. So theorethically you could roleplay this as kicking Darkseid into his own Boom Tube, just saying.
Freedom of Movement is basically a better version of your 10th level Ranger feature - you ignore difficult therrain and spells that would reduce your movement or make you paralyzed or restrained, being  underwater does not impede your movement or attacks, you can spend 5 feet from your movement to automatically escape all nonmagical ways of impeding your movement or restraining you. Beast Boy will likely joke about you being slippery like an eel once you use it to escape being grappled by Grodd or Monsieur Mallah or ultra Humanite... Young Justice has fought a lot of gorillas, come to think of it.
Level 17: 14th Level Ranger gets Vanish, letting you Hide as a bonus action like a Rogue of a...2nd fucking level wtf Wizards... and make it impossible to track you by nonmagical means.  Also, you get one more option to pick for Favored Enemy.
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Level 18: 15th Level Monster Slayer gets Slayer’s Counter - if the target of your Slayer’s Prey forces you to make a saving throw you can make one attack against them. If you hit you deal normal damage and automatically succeed the saving throw. If you miss, you still roll as usual. Your old man’s cooking pot beam? Like a Dexterity save. Dark Robin’s toxin? Probably Wisdom. M’Gann trying to clean up your mind? Intelligence. I liek this abilitty because you have an image of someone like Psimon trying to mess with your mind and getting punched in the face.
Our Spell for this level will be Death Ward, letting you protect someone from dying. For 8 hours after you cast it, the spell goess of if one of two things happen - the target is reduced to 0 hit points, in which case it’s reduced to 1 instead, or is outright killed, in which case the effect that did it is negated. It has only one charge but it will likely protect someone from becoming another statue or hologram in your team’s hall of fallen heroes.
Level 19: 16th Level Ranger gets final Abilitty Score Improvement., go for Wisdom since more and mroe things you do require saving throws.
Level 20: We will finish with a 17th Level Ranger for a set of 5th level spells.
Commune With Nature (PA) let’s you gather informations about the area within 3 miles or 300 feet underground, letting you know three facts about terrain and bodies of water, prevalent plants, minerals, animals, or peoples, powerful celestials, fey, fiends, elementals, or undead, influence from other planes of existence or buildings in the area. Doesn’t work in towns or dungeons.
Hold Monster - you force a Wisdom saving throw on any creature and if they fail, they become Paralyzed until spell ends, you break concentration or they succeed another saving throw atr the end of  each of their turns. I would play it as you wrapping your water whip around the target.
Greater Restoration let’s you remove one effect that charmed, petrified, cursed, reduced abilitty scores or hit points maximum of the target.
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Overview: My take on Aqualad is a Triton Monster Slayer Ranger 17/Eldritch Knight Fighter 3. Let’s now see how well does it work.
Pros: You are pretty well-rounded in both defensive and offensive ways, letting you be able to deal damage and to mess with your enemies. Second, you have multiple ways to protect yourself or your allies. Third, there is no terrain that will stop you, if your DM loves using tricks related to that you two will have a blast trying to outmaneuver one another. Finally, you are pretty good at information gathering, meaning you can be team tactician, setting up plans for combat.
Cons: Your Constitution is mediocre, meaning your concentration will run out fast and your Hit Points aren’t that imnpressive - on average you should be slightly below 150 which is not bad but could be better. We didn’t cap either Dexterity or Wisdom - while +4 is not that much worse than +5, sometimes it will make a difference. Finally, a lot of your abilitties are situational and/or once per day, meaning there will be a lot of times when you won’t be able to utilize your strategic powers well.
Overall however, all these weak points fit your character - whenever you build Kaldur or Jacke, you are a team player. You don’t operate alone, you lay down a plan and you protect and support your teammates. A good party that works together and doesn’t underestiamte you will be grateful to have you on board
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Pick a  Shillelagh as a Druidic Warrior Cantrip, replace your swords with a staff and for other fighting style pick Great Weapon Fighting, then maximalize Wisdom and Constitution. Fits well with you beinga tactical person as now you punch with your Wisdom. But it does stay away from Aqualad’s iconic blades.
Instead of Canny pick Tireless as your second Deft Explorer, giving you more ways to regenerate damage - you will be mroe a determinator than a wise guy, pushing you a bit closer to Jack than Kaldur.
In you want to sacrifice electric powers, grab Battlemaster archetype for Fight or even consider replacing it with Cleric - Protection, Solidarity or Unity Domains will work pretty well for you as a great team player.
- Admin
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monstersdownthepath · 5 years
Spiritual Spotlight: Ydajisk, the Mother of Tongues
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Chaotic Neutral Protean Cantor of Language Evolution, Lost Words, and Slang
Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Rune, Trickery Subdomains*: Protean, Thought, Language, Innuendo
Concordance of Rivals, pg. 21
Obedience: Recite, copy, or graffiti a text in a dead or self-created language in a public place, regardless of whether any others understand the meaning, and provide no translation. Benefit: Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against language-based effects.
(*IMPORTANT NOTE: The Subdomains are my best guess; Subdomains are not listed in Concordance of Rivals)
A step above Ssila’s Obedience in that, while it requires your act to be seen publicly, you can still stealth it by simply using graffiti in a public place so you’re not as likely to be arrested or seen as a menace.
Canon dead languages in Pathfinder include Ancient Osirion, Azlanti, and the ever-popular Thassilonian (the language of the Runelords), by the way, and studying any of those three languages is an automatic +1 to your character’s Cool Points if you manage to work it into their character concept. A DM may make it a little more difficult for you to acquire them, as dead languages are difficult to resurrect with mere points in Linguistics, but you can just cheat and have it be part of your character’s backstory. Anything can happen in your backstory!
You can also go the route of just making up a language. It has to be consistent, but you don’t have to go all out and present your DM with a journal filled with runes that help them decipher what you’ve written; you can just say it’s being consistent! And it’s yet another way to get Cool Points for your character, having them write journals or a diary in their own unbreakable code. Ydajisk requires their followers to deliberately not provide a translation for anything they create, leaving others to puzzle over the strange sounds coming out of this person’s mouth or wonder if the new paint all over city hall is an occult symbol or harmless vandalism. It’s also a pretty easy Obedience to hide, if you don’t want people knowing who you work for, since you can get away with translating an existing document into another language. It’ll make you look eccentric, but in a charming way.
The benefit is, sadly, rather poor. Many of the most dangerous spells in existence don’t rely on language, and this spell really only protects you from the seldom-seen Litany spells. It DOES work on Suggestion, though, which is commonly used and devastating if used right, but all in all this benefit is too narrow to matter in 99% of cases.
Boons are gained slowly, gained at levels 12, 16, and 20. Servants of the Monitors, though, can enter the Proctor Prestige Class as early as level 8. If entered as early as possible, you can earn your Boons at levels 10, 14, and 16. You MUST take the Monitor Obedience feat, NOT Deific Obedience. Monitors grant only a single set of Boons. 
Boon 1: Sibilant. Gain Aphasia 3/day, Sonic Scream 2/day, or Tongues 1/day.
Nice! Tongues has almost unrivaled utility if you’re trying the diplomatic route in unknown territory, allowing you to speak and understand any spoken language. You can slap it on the party face if you’re not already the Diplomancer, and it can last for hours at a time at higher levels! Since you’re in the business of learning languages, though, you may end up the party polyglot in due time anyway, reducing its usefulness as you put more and more ranks into Linguistics. If you don’t plan on following through on that, though, it can be useful to carry Tongues around with you... Unless you plan on going into combat.
Sonic Scream’s damage is way too low to consider once you advance past level 4, coming in at 4d4 and halving each time it’s used (up to three times per cast). If it didn’t eat your standard actions to use it might have been worth picking, but as it is, using your standard action to deal 2d4 or 1d4 damage is abysmal. Plus, there’s the fact that Sonic Scream prevents you from casting any other spell with verbal components until you use all three of its charges, so casting it just to deal with a swarm of tiny foes will see you creamed by any of the survivors as your ability to fight back is severely limited.
Aphasia is a spell very few people look at, understandably so. It’s a compulsion and mind-affecting spell and is only level 1, meaning its DC is 11+Cha, pathetically low unless boosted via feats or other spells. However, it’s also basically a Save-Or-Suck if used on an enemy spellcaster because, among other things, it keeps the victim from using any spells with verbal components. It also prevents them from communicating with their own allies and ruins their coordination, so there’s rare moments when hitting someone who’s not a caster also works, such as versus enemies with some form of rallying ability, or the power to inspire themselves or their allies with words alone. Slapping it on a dimwitted creature that relies on orders from another entity to function also works.
It’s a hilarious spell to have, is what I’m saying, but it requires some pretty heavy investment if you want to keep it useful at higher levels.
Boon 2: Burning Tongue. 3/day as a standard action, you can transform your mouth into a serpentine maw with a tongue of roiling energy. This grants you a ranged touch attack that targets a single creature within 30 feet. The attack deals 8d6 points of Sonic damage and renders the target confused for 1d4 rounds. In addition, a creature hit by this attack must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Cha mod) or it is unable to communicate through any spoken or written language for a number of hours equal to your Wisdom modifier. 
Oooooohhhhh, now this is a REAL nice power. A beefy 8d6 Sonic damage--one of the least-resisted elements in the game!--on a ranged touch attack, so not even a mountain of armor can protect against it! And, you will likely realize, a confusion effect stapled onto it that hits automatically. No saving throw to avoid or shrug off the effect early, it’s an automatic confusion for 1d4 rounds and only immunity to mind-affecting effects will protect you from it! It really doesn’t matter who you slap with this, because it’s ALL equally hilarious. People under the effects of Confusion have a 1/4 chance of acting normally, wasting their turn doing nothing, hitting themselves, or hitting the closest available target.
That’s a four-sided coin flip each turn and, with only 1d4 rounds to its effect, there’s a chance they won’t be inconvenienced by the confusion at all... But that’s still 8d6 damage you knocked their nose in with, and since you can do it 3/day you can just hit them again next round! The only unfortunate limiter to this power is its 30ft range, requiring you to get within slapping distance of about 84% of all Pathfinder’s nasties, a dangerous place to be if you’re not a melee character.
I do like the touch that you get a snake mouth while using the power, though. I wonder if you can perform the transformation even when you’ve got no more uses of this ability for extra Intimidation points.
Boon 3: Screams of the Deep. As a standard action a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (min 1), you can cast either Power Word Blind, Power Word Kill, Power Word Stun, or Word of Chaos as a spell-like ability, treating your character level as your caster level. You cannot use the same spell-like twice in a row. The saving throw DC, when applicable, is equal to 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Cha modifier.
hold on let me
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Why, Ydajisk, if you wanted my hand in marriage you needed only to ask. You didn’t need to do this for me!
Some deities are content with giving you a level 9 spell as their final Boon, while most of the Monitors are often too busy to provide you with such power. The Mother of Tongues, however, says “No, MY flock deserves the best” and hands you two level 7 spells, a level 8 spell, AND a level 9 spell on a silver platter. Not only that, but they’re GOOD level 7/8/9 spells! Really hope you didn’t dump Charisma, buddy, because if you did you’re really missing out.
Barbatos may finally have some competition in the Best Boons Ever bracket, though I’ll admit that an obedient Pit Fiend is still more flexible than the Power Word spells. They can only affect one creature at a time, are mind-affecting and compulsion effects (Death is also a death effect, obviously), and require the victim to be below certain HP thresholds, but they offer no saving throw and their effects can often end a battle as soon as they’re cast. Word of Chaos is the unique one here, affecting everyone within a 40ft burst of you and blasting non-Chaotic entities in the radius with pure chaos energy, potentially killing anything too low on the totem pole for you to deal with while crippling everyone who’s more on your level.
Unfortunately, Word of Chaos has zero effect on creatures with more hit dice than you have caster levels, so using it to crunch the boss of a given adventure is a no-go. Extremely effective for wiping out their low-level backup, though... unless, of course, they’re Chaotic. And watch out for non-Chaotic allies you may have, because Word of Chaos doesn’t differentiate between friend and foe.
The only real “weakness” of this Boon is that you can’t use the same word twice in a row, but this isn’t a huge impediment. Its Cha-per-day restriction isn’t much of a restriction when you consider that other deities who hand you the Power Word spells (such as Orcus, off the top of my head) limit you to 3 or 1 a day, whereas a Charisma-based caster can rattle off lethal words up to ten times a day if they have a bunch of Cha-boosting magic items. The power of this Boon lays in the fact that it specifically doesn’t fall into the “save this for later” trap by giving you the option to use it on smaller mobs with how many times per day you can throw it out, potentially saving you way more resources later.
A real good Boon! 11/10! And Ydajisk is a pretty good god to serve, because they’re just a weird book collector! 12/10!
You can read more about them here.
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lethesomething · 5 years
Play with writers, they said...
So I'm dm'ing a DnD game (as anyone who's spoken to me in the past year knows by now), and I made the Grave Mistake of recruiting my players among my fanfic writer friends. So obviously, shipping is an issue. And because DnD is a rule based game, and I'm a Scientist (note: I'm not), I came up with some rules for this madness. So here are hotness check rules and cuteness check rules I use. You can tweak them or use them for your own game, should the need arise. They're probably Weird, but I challenge you to figure out a rule based system for sustained Thirst.
 The Flirt check
When someone is into you, or you're being flirty at each other.
Wisdom check against their Charisma
Upon succeeding: You’re cool. They’re probably kinda cute, but you’re cuter and/or busy saving the world. Upon failing: Well damn. They are cute, and, um, flirting? Holy shit, what do I do? Do I buy them a drink? Am I supposed to talk to them about the weather? Oh gods did I wash my cloak since we destroyed that army of mutated rats?
This works similar to a saving throw for being, say, charmed, or if you have a character actively trying to seduce another character. Only instead of them making a persuasion check and your character making a saving throw, you're basically making an insight check against passive charisma. It's a 'are they cute? Does my char think they're cute?' type check. A 'gap moe' check, if you will.
 The Hotness check
An advanced level, to be used when the npc isn't actively being flirty. Could be considered a 'pining' check.
Wisdom check against your own constitution plus their charisma modifier
This is essentially a saving throw against your own loins. Upon succeeding: Well, while they might be attractive to some, I have better things to do and I’ll just be on my way. Upon failing: You’re into them. On a low roll: you’re into them a LOT. You would enjoy getting into their pants and boy do you hope they’re into you too.
Here's the thing with my party. They'll try to check hotness on nearly anyone, including random passersby and the poor half-orc acrobat they just saved from the torture room. Making a saving throw agains that npc's charisma feels needlessly victim-blaming here.
The hotness check therefore pits the characters insight (wisdom) against their hormones (constitution). The idea here is that people with high constitution also have higher libido (this is not necessarily true but YOU try putting DnD rules to attraction), and those with high wisdom will be better able to stop their hard-on from making anyone uncomfortable.
So a scrawny wizard with his head in the books  (+3 Wisdom modifier) and kind of a sickly demeanour  would have an easier time rolling higher than his 8 Constitution (+ whatever the charisma is of the checked party), than a beefy Goliath (16 Con) with low wisdom (-2 Wisdom modifier).
In case this needs to be said: a failed hotness check is not an invitation to harass npc’s. As should be pretty damn clear from the mechanics, these checks are entirely the player characters’ problem and how an npc reacts to flirtation or communication is up to them.
 This is very silly
Also, feel needlessly complicated?
Absolutely, that's kind of the point.
When do people roll?
Making a hotness or flirt check is entirely voluntary. The players choose whether or not to submit their characters to this, meaning that an ace character probably never rolls hotness checks, but that skirt-chasing bard might roll a lot for roleplaying purposes. It's really just a way to let the dice add (even more) extra chaos to the game, or to make some canon love interests in a world with too many attractively haughty elven kings and badass smith ladies.
What happens on a crit fail?
Glad you asked! Rolling a zero on a flirt check turns your character into a sweaty mess, making them tongue-tied and adding a -6 to charisma for the next hour, out of sheer embarassment. Upon crit-failing a hotness check, the character is overcome with lust. They are incapacitated for a minute, and suffer a -6 to any strength checks for the next hour.
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So, what is D&D?
Perhaps the biggest cultural phenomenon in years, Dungeons and Dragons (D&D, DND, dnd - depending on how formal you want to get) is a Table Top Role Playing Game (TTRPG). A group of friends (or strangers, sometimes) sits down together (or virtually) to tell a fantasy story set up in a world that has defined rules. Sort of like making up a story when you’re bored with your siblings in the car, except this time when your sister yells “The queen likes me better so she’s making me the heir!” there are rules to stop her. 
For the purposes of this explanation, I’ll be using 5th edition dungeons and dragons. 
There are some key vocabulary pieces you need to know in order to understand how D&D works: 
Dungeon Master (DM) - one player is designated as the dungeon master, who, instead of playing a single character, is in charge of mediating the rules, playing every other character in the game who isn’t a player character, and in general deciding what happens when your wizard says “I cast fireball, centered on myself!”. The DM has final say on any rules questions, and is tasked with creating the general plot thread. 
Player - any member of the group (including the DM) but generally used to describe the rest of the group ‘excluding’ the DM. Oftentimes, DMs will say things like “my players”, and it’s not uncommon for anyone to reference others in the group as “the other players”. 
Player Character - Each player (aside from the DM) has one single character that they play as until that character dies or leaves the group for some other reason. 
Non-Player Character (NPC) - each other sentient being in the world of the story that is not controlled by a player. These characters may make frequent appearances, or they may only be in the story for a few minutes. If you consider the Player Characters to be the main characters, then the NPCs are everyone else, from the supporting roles to the extras. 
Stats - the numerical representation of each character’s strength (STR), dexterity (DEX), constitution (CON), intelligence (INT), wisdom (WIS), and charisma (CHA). Also referred to as your ability scores. Typically, these stats are somewhere from 8 to 20, but they can be as low as 3 at character creation. 10 is considered perfectly average. 
Ability Score Modifier - a number (taken from a table) that is smaller than your ability score but calculated based off of it. Generally, when you make a roll, you add your ability score modifier, not your ability score. 
Session - actually getting together to play D&D. Generally, sessions are at the same time each week, but there are groups that meet only a few times a year or as frequently as each day. It all comes down to the players’ availability. 
Dice - the tools of the game! D&D uses a variety of various polyhedral dice. A standard set has seven different kinds; d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d%. A d4 has four sides, a d6 has six sides, and so on. A d% looks like a d10, but it has 00, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 printed on its sides. A d% (usually called a percentile dice) is rolled with a d10 to create a d100.  
Skill - the various abilities your character possess that the DM may ask you to roll to complete a task. Each skill is associated with a specific stat. Additionally, skills are something you can have proficiency in. 
Proficiency - if your character is proficient in something, they get to add their proficiency bonus to that thing when they attempt to use that ability. You can be proficient in skills, weapons, languages, and tool sets (anything from an instrument to a loom). Your proficiency bonus goes up as you level up
Feature - a feature is any “unique” ability that a character possesses that not every character possesses. For example, not all characters have darkvision, so darkvision is a feature. 
Hit Points (HP) - how much health your character has. When this number drops to zero, you start dying. 
Hit Dice - the dice you roll each time you level up to calculate your HP. This is calculated cumulatively, so you are always increasing your HP. What dice you roll for HP is determined by your class. 
Enough chatter, how do I play!? 
Generally, when a group of people want to play D&D, they settle on who is the dungeon master and when they want to meet. Once that has been established, it’s go time. 
The first session, typically called session zero, is when you create your character. This has a number of steps: 
First, roll your stats. In 5th edition D&D (5e) there are many ways to do this - your DM will tell you what method you should use. Perhaps the most common is to roll 4d6 and drop the lowest, adding the remaining three dice together to form a number from 3 to 18. You do this six times, coming up with six numbers. Once you have these numbers, you can begin to assign things to your character - you can do these next steps in any order. 
Choose a class - a class is a stand in for your profession. In 5e you can choose from cleric, paladin, fighter, bard, barbarian, artificer, ranger, rogue, wizard, sorcerer, druid, or warlock. Your class will provide you with various features as you level up by playing the game. A class also provides you with various skills, features, and proficiencies at the beginning of the game, during character creation. 
Choose a race - a race dictates what kind of creature you are. In 5e there are many, many options due to the expansion source books, but the central races are human, elf, dwarf, tiefling, dragonborn, halfling, half-elf, half-orc, and gnome. Your race provides you with stat bonuses and additional skills, features, and proficiencies. 
Choose a background - your background is what you did in life before you became an adventurer. There are many to choose from, and they typically provide you with additional features and proficiencies. 
Once you have selected all three of these things, apply them to the stats you rolled earlier to generate your character. You will also calculate your health (your hit die’s maximum number + your CON modifier) and recieve your starting equipment from your class and background. Fill in the details; personality, appearance, and a light backstory, and you’re all good to go! 
When you’re done making your character, make sure to check with your DM so they know what your plan is. Constant and friendly conversation between the players and the DM is what makes D&D work out the best! 
After you’ve had your session zero, you’ll have your session one. Make sure to bring your character sheet, a pencil, and your dice. Some groups also encourage communal snacks, might have rules about phones, or may want you to even dress up a little. Check with your group to make sure you understand your group’s norms and make sure that everyone is on the same page. 
Session one will probably go down something like this: 
Your dungeon master sets the scene, describing where you are and what is around you. They might go into a lot of detail, or they might be more vague. Either way, once you have all been told where you are, the DM will say something along the lines of “what would you like to do?” - at this point, the story falls into the player’s hands for the first time. 
Once you’ve been asked what you’d like to do, you describe what you’d like your character to do, and depending on the difficulty level, the DM may ask you to roll a skill check. A skill check is when you roll a d20 and add any modifiers you might have. You always get to add the modifier for whatever stat the skill is tied to, and if you’re proficient, you also get to add your proficiency bonus. 
Typically, players act differently when they are in character vs when they are out of character. A shy player may play a particularly outgoing character, or vice versa. Either way, you want to come up with a way to signal when you are acting in character vs when you are out of character. A lot of players use a character voice for this, but any number of things - including simply saying “okay out of character” work just as well. 
So, you say what your character does, and you say anything they might say. The DM moderates this - you ask the bartender a question, the DM puts on an accent and replies. They might be truthful or they might lie, it is up to you as the player to determine that. If you want to do something, you describe what you want to do, and the DM determines what kind of roll you should make. If you say “I stab the goblin” then the DM will ask you to “roll to hit” - roll a d20, add your proficiency bonus if you’re proficient, and your attack modifier - which can be any number of things depending on what kind of attack it is - but that’s a conversation for another time. 
If you get into a fight, the DM will probably ask you to roll initiative (a d20 + your initiative (your DEX) modifier - although there are other things in game that can increase your initiative modifier, just not at level one) and then you will proceed from there in descending order of initiative. Once everyone has gone, the “round” is over and it starts over, which repeats until one side has won. 
Combat can be staged on a grid with miniatures, or it may be done using theater of the mind. All attacks and spells have a “range” in D&D, and so using a grid assists with measuring out those distances. The standard is that each square of the grid is 5ft. 
The game goes on like this. You’re encouraged to stay in character as much as possible, discuss things with your fellow adventurers, and make decisions and react as a group. The DM will present you with mystery, intrigue, and a story, which you will have as much of a part in telling as everyone else. 
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pineaberry · 6 years
ESC: Lover’s Knot
ESC is a series of drabbles and ficlets that were really more like writing exercises created when inspiration struck. They’re labeled ESC because usually, they’re choices that I’d like to explore but immediately hit ‘Esc’ in-game before they’re set in stone. I also like to do little rabbit holes of character development for the Canon Storylines. To celebrate my 250th follower milestone... HAVE SOME AWKWARD CATS!
Feel free to reblog and let me know what you think! (Reading the tags fuels me. FEED THE AUTHOR!)
This fic is dedicated to @cinlat @kunoichi-ume and @sunsetofdoom for their beta-ing and world-building assistance.
Trooper Storyline Chapter 2 (Threats in the Darkness)
Setting: Immediately after the destruction of the Gauntlet. Elara Dorne was injured in the attack and has been transported to a Republic Hospital for her recovery, everyone else is off celebrating.
Location: Coruscant
Players: Sartem Roan (Cathar F!Republic Trooper), Aric Jorgan, Jonas Balkar
Relationship: They’re just friends, but mainly because Aric is so terrible at making the next move. It also doesn’t help that Sartem knows exactly ZERO about Cathar traditions.
Aric Jorgan hated Jonas Balkar.
He hated how the man’s cloying words seemed to reach out and taint the world around him twisting and taunting him to the point where JORGAN was the one who sounded unbalanced. He hated the familiarity and lack of respect the man showed whenever he addressed him. He hated the too-confident-for-his-own-good swagger in which he walked up to General Garza and simply acted as though rank didn’t affect him.
But most of all, he hated how the damn Spook’s flirting made his CO smile.
“Relax Jorgan, its banter. And besides, there’s no need to worry, you’ll get invited to the wedding. I’ll make you my best man,” Balkar teased and Jorgan answered with a feral snarl bordering on a roar that caused every patron in the cantina to flinch.
“Girls, girls, calm down, you’re both pretty,” Sartem said arriving just in time to save Balkar’s hide yet again.
“We’re supposed to be celebrating, Jorgan. It’s not every day we take down a superweapon,” the SIS agent grinned impishly.
“HAVOC took down the Gauntlet.”
“And I helped!” Jonas piped up undeterred by the obvious hostilities.
“Regardless, we all deserve a break,” Sartem interjected before taking a seat between the two.
“I was wondering if you’d stood us up! Congratulations, Major,” Jonas motioned to the bartender and the droid arrived with a bottle of chilled white wine.
“Coruscanti White, twenty years old, courtesy of an inattentive Senator who left their yacht docked at the Star Cluster Casino,” he winked as he unstoppered the bottle with a satisfying pop and poured Sartem a glass.
“Pre-sacking wine? Now that’s a treat,” she mused appreciatively. “I’m surprised you didn’t sell it instead. Bottle like this would easily get you at least 200k.”
“I’d never take less than half a mill,” Jonas scoffed, “but despite what you may have heard Major, my days of hocking pre-sacked finds are far behind me.”
“Mmm. This mean you don’t want the empty bottle back?” she asked as she tasted the pleasantly tang wine.
“Well… it would be a shame for such a pretty, easily refillable bottle to just end up tossed in the garbage disposal. Wouldn’t it?”
“Of course. And should said refilled bottle find itself back on the market...” Sartem smirked all too familiar with the typical Capital City con.
“Well then that’s just upcycling,” Balkar winked cheekily earning a bright laugh. Aric’s piercing green eyes narrowed but he remained quiet. He reminded himself he promised to be nice all the while nursing a tumbler of cheap local whiskey.
“Jorgan, care for a glass?”
“That’s a hard pass...” the Cathar growled.
“Oh come on, Aric, it’s not all that terrible,” Sartem said taking a sip.
“Ah don’t mind him. Can’t expect someone who spent half their life on some backwater like Ord Mantell to appreciate a good Coruscanti. I’m thinking beer, or whatever local moonshine is more up to his speed, eh? Hey droid, another shot of whatever paint stripper my buddy here is drinking!”
Jorgan’s grip tightened around his glass and he gritted his teeth to keep from slugging the sleazy grin off of the agent’s face. He was right, of course, even for a Cathar he was too blunt and awkward for polite society. Back home on Rendili it hadn't mattered and on Ord Mantell the most delicate thing he’d ever had to handle was the pin of a flash grenade. Growing up, his sisters had mocked his lack of finesse by implying the woman who mated him would have to be part-Rancor.
His brow furrowed as he stared at his drink.
Sartem was no Rancor.
But Sartem was no Cathar woman either. She was something else entirely. She was a charming woman from Coruscant who knew her way around a rifle and a diplomatic councilroom. She oozed charisma when she needed to, and at the same time, refused to betray her principles in the name of politics. She was clever, she was fair, she was brave, and gentle and kind…
“Balkar! You rat!”
She was laughing with the idiot whose only intent was to bed her. Aric scowled as he wished for the same ease of words Balkar had. Granted, he wasn’t an idiot, but having a brain filled to capacity with military strategy and tactics did little for his ability to wax poetic. Unlike the Spook, his strength was in actions not words.
Sartem chuckled and plucked off her gloves a finger at a time. It was rare for her to walk around without them, something he chalked up to minimizing callouses. Yet as she flexed her fingers he noted a wrongness to them. His brow furrowed as he absently grabbed her wrist and turned the full force of his glare on them. Her fingertips were wrong, modified. Her claws were dull. No, not dull, flat, almost human in appearance. And then it clicked. They had been removed and replaced with blunted, artificial caps. Someone had torn out her claws. Rage was the first thing to register followed by the intense desire to eviscerate the person responsible.
“Er… Aric?” her voice cut through the anger.
Vivid green eyes blinked and his throat went dry only then registering that he had been staring. He instantly released her wrist.
“Your claws… they’re,” he stammered for a polite way to say mutilated.
“Hm? Oh! Yeah. I had a habit of scratching up things as a kid. It was harmless, but as I got older it became a problem.”
Jonas cleared his throat before taking her hand in hers. “A shame, but it doesn’t detract from your loveliness...”
Aric felt ill. ‘It became a problem’ so they took care of it. Like an errant pet that ruined the furniture. They, no, not some anonymous face, the Republic decided to take it away. With no one to stand in their way, they took away her only means of defense. What did an old Twi’lek know about Cathar pride or heritage? What did any outsider care or understand about a kit’s behavior and the blatantly obvious signs of distress? It was easier to remove the source of irritation rather than mend the problem. What did they expect her to do? Cry like some bleating ape! It was easier to break off, and rend, and tear than to just…
Perhaps if Sartem was weaker, she would have cried for them. If they had broken her she would have sobbed. Maybe that would have pleased them.
How were such procedures still legal?!
Sartem was looking at him, as though gauging what had gone wrong. It happened more times than he cared to count. She took all of her cultural cues from him because- He gritted his teeth.
Because they took everything from her.
“Nothing’s the matter, right? Aric?”
Green eyes flickered to Balkar who was quite blatantly expecting him to say something. Expecting him to wave it all away as though it were normal to cut off pieces that were inconvenient. Such a narrow-minded, oblivious, humanistic point of view to have. Bile threatened to rise in his throat but he swallowed it down with the contents of his glass before standing to leave.
“Yeah, everything’s fine. Thanks for the drink,” he managed to keep his voice below a sneer before he ran away.
No. Not ran away. Tactically retreated. She was looking at her hands before reaching for her gloves. He’d made her feel self-conscious and he cursed himself for it.
Balkar was prattling on about some sordid adventure on Nar Shaddaa before he’d reached the exit and he trusted the man would soon distract her from the scene he had caused.
Aric took the long way back to the ship but the anger refused to dissipate. The ship was empty, save for the protocol droid, allowing him to storm to his bunk without being intercepted. The restless energy bubbled inside him and he gave a loud snarl before taking out his anger on a practice dummy Dorne had set up.
At times he resented her ignorance. He resented the fact that, despite her appearance, she was something so uniquely non-Cathar. She had more in common with Balkar than with him, but resentment was a selfish emotion. If he cared to delve into it, he simply detested having to explain the galaxy’s prejudices to her. He didn’t want to look into Sartem’s large blue eyes and explain how the Republic had failed her. Again. He didn’t want to see the disappointment in them when he explained that the same people who deserted her would reject her. He didn’t want her to know how so many would judge her for what was taken. He didn’t want to explain why some would think less of her; treat her as less. The scorn, the humiliation… he wanted to keep it from her all the while he knowing it would have to come from him. Another Cathar wouldn’t be bothered with her and would certainly be less understanding, less forgiving, and simply less kind about it.
A well placed slash broke the stand and it toppled over crashing onto a crate. He stood panting as his own claws lay trapped in his gauntlets preventing him from causing any real damage. He tore off the gauntlets and threw them aside as though disgusted by them. The rage had faded away leaving him with regret.
Sartem deserved better.
Instead, she was stuck with him, and he’d left her alone with Balkar.
He slouched into his bunk sorely wishing he’d drunk more than just a tumbler of whiskey in order to drown out his feelings of defeat. Idly he pulled out a velvet pouch tucked away in his pillowcase. He tipped it onto his hand and a piece of opalized wood rolled out. It was another failure materialized.
As custom dictated he’d picked out his stone when he came of age. The chocolate brown fossilized wood was riddled with cracks and seams of glittering opal filled the gaps. His sisters had hidden their smiles when he showed them. Opalized wood was too brittle, too soft. Once polished, it would scratch at the slightest graze of a claw. Others had chosen more sensibly. Garnets, amethysts, quartz crystals, and citrines were durable. These could be cut into sparkling gems that caught the light and burned with cold fire. Agates and jaspers were equally tough and easily fashioned into intricate carved cameos. These displayed skill and tenacity, but an opal? They were soft as sand, infinitely finicky to fit, and required a lifetime of maintenance. He could have done no worse if he’d just picked out a river pearl and declared himself a eunuch.
His father had provided little comfort other than to keep his opinion to himself. His mother had been more charitable, stating whoever Aric chose would find the stone perfect. Yet another foolish thought. Cathar men didn’t choose, they were chosen, though the gods knew he’d tried.
Naadia was his first, novice attempt at love. For a while, she encouraged his advances. She was calm and level-headed. He’d thought they made a good match. She took his gruffness with good humor and he entertained the thought of something more. Just as soon as he’d worked up the nerve to make his move, another rival with ‘better people skills’ began lavishing her with attention. Open displays of affection had never been his forte and never would be. She made up her mind rather quickly after that.
Sisa was lovely. It was one of the few times he’d fallen for someone at first glance, well him and several others. When he approached her, she demanded to see a sample of his handiwork, but his clumsy attempts at jewelry weaving left much to be desired. He could break down and reassemble his rifle blindfolded and upside down with an arm tied behind his back, but the infinitely delicate strands of wiring ended up tangled and bent by his fingertips. After weeks of crafting he presented her with a lover’s knot. His best attempt out of the eighty. Despite it all, she took the poor craftsmanship as an insult and refused him. He couldn’t bring himself to blame her.
And then there was Tae-Lyn…
His fingers curled around the stone.
For a long time he had thought her to be his last chance; the last train leaving the station. His love for her hadn’t been borne out naive foolishness like Naadia or fleeting passion like Sisa. Tae-Lyn was special. She was that rare mixture of woman that was both impulsive and patient, she was also notoriously difficult to please. Most Cathar were mated at her age… well, their age. Their courtship had been discreet and surprisingly intimate. Tae-Lyn was the only one to be offered his stone, but by that time Jorgan’s career kept monopolizing his attention. Serving with the Deadeyes meant more and more of their interactions were via holo. Still, he remained faithful to her promising he would take a promotion as soon as it became available; promising that he would make it all up to her if she could only wait. Wait another year, wait another season, wait another month... When a post opened up on Ord Mantell he took it. Despite it all, Aric never got the chance to tell her. The next day after his promotion was made official, he received a package containing his opal and a note he only half-read.
Aric didn’t need her excuses or apologies to confirm what he already knew: He’d made her wait too long.
And yet, rather than toss away the stone and be done with it, he’d kept it. For all his grandstanding about not being interested in such frivolous things, he’d never gone through with throwing away the damned thing. His fingers gripped the smooth polished stone tightly.
What was he hoping for anyway? If he was being honest with himself, what did he have to offer?
A lifetime of single-minded dedication to the republic military had left him bereft of anything that would appeal to a potential mate. He had no home or land to call his own, no social status,  no real connections within the clan. He supposed there was his pension, but those were funds intended for the final stretch of his lifetime, not the beginnings of a family.
And still, staring at his reflection upon the glass smooth surface of the opal, Aric knew Sartem wouldn’t care about those things. The way she smiled, how she looked at him, she wouldn’t care if all he had was the armor on his back. Perhaps, if he hadn’t been so quick to abandon her side she would have chosen to spend the night with him instead of that smug idiot.
He stood and walked up to his tool box shuffling the contents a bit before pulling out a spool of magnet wire from his detonator kit. Aric then sat at his workbench, painstakingly, stripping the thin coating of varnish from the wire until the bright copper core was exposed. He hesitated as he stared at the spindly metal strand as though it were mocking him, before setting the stone down and measuring it. His fingers were as clumsy as he recalled. His claws snagged on the soft metal nicking and bending it in unflattering angles.
Aric growled in frustration and dropped the piece before leaning back and running his hand over his face. He took a deep breath before staring at the ceiling. How many years had it been? And he was still blindly stumbling through this. His skill was no better than it had been with Naadia. A lover’s knot was meant to be unique; a representation of everything a male adored about his mate. No two were ever alike.
Emerald green eyes blinked as the thought clicked into place.
Sartem wasn’t Naadia. She wasn’t Sisa. She wasn’t Tae-Lyn.
He sat up and tossed the mangled scrap of wire aside before cutting a new length. Bringing out his detonator kit he turned the wire into coils and the coils into knots. He worked efficiently, forgoing the traditional twists and weaving patterns and instead building the piece like he would a detonite charge circuit. At long last finding his rhythm, he spun the lattice around the opal until it was snugly encased into a pendant. He paused to analyze his workmanship and realized it looked nothing like an engagement piece was supposed to look like. It was too plain to be a proper Cathar gift, but he noted there were no dents or scratches on the wire. The coiling was deceptively simple in appearance, but Sartem would recognize the intricate configurations mimicking the circuitry diagrams in the detonation handbook. She would appreciate the sort of skill it would take to make the stable loops and connections out of a single piece of wiring. She would know that it would take decades of practice to make the curls uniform and the bonded connections invisible to the naked eye. It was perhaps the best work he had ever done.
There was a hiss as the ship’s door opened and Cee-Too gave a cheerful greeting. He stashed the stone in his pocket and reached for his rifle before masterfully dismantling upon the table so it appeared as though he were in the middle of repairs. He knew it was her from the sound of her footsteps and he kept his gaze focused on the table. If he was lucky perhaps she would ignore him and go straight to her quarters.
“You know, one of these days I’ll get you to actually have some fun, Jorgan,” her voice echoed through the barracks and he detected a subsonic purr that meant she wasn’t upset with him. He ventured a glance and saw she was leaning against the doorway smirking.
“Can’t say I’m familiar with the concept, sir,” he drawled sarcastically but tensed as she walked up and took a seat next to him on the bench. Her pupils were dilated as she looked at him. The curl of her lip meant she was amused. She smelled faintly of that expensive Corellian wine and blueblossom soap.
The pendant burned a hole in his pocket at the sight of her.
“That wasn’t why you stormed out though, was it?” she asked leaning casually against him and his gaze kept flickering from the table and back to her as though unsure where to keep his gaze.
“I… that was rude. I’m- I’m sorry.”
“Does it bother you that I don’t have claws?” And there was the question. Direct and blunt like a bolt between his eyes. The silence dragged on and he knew she expected an answer.
“The Cathar value strength. It’s everywhere in our culture. Claws and teeth are symbols of a person’s- of a Cathar’s strength.”
“Do you think I’m weak, Aric?”
“No,” he answered without hesitation, “I know you’re not. It’s just... There is the expectation, the notion that a Cathar without claws has suffered a severe humiliation and I-”
“Does it bother you that I don’t have claws?” she repeated with her typical infinite patience.
“How can it not?” he snarled as Sartem pressed the issue, “Every day I see how much they took from you, how they used you, how they hurt you and I can’t protect you from any of it! You should hate them for hurting you, you should hate us for abandoning you, you should hate me...”
He then felt her bare hand rest over his and it stopped his angry tirade. His brow furrowed as he looked down at her fingers smoothing over his fur in a soothing motion.
“It brought me to you, didn’t it?”
He was rendered mute by her words unable to formulate an argument against them. She was touching him, willingly. His pulse raced as she crept closer and snuggled against him. Was this how it felt to be chosen? No arduous struggle; no harrowing attempts to read her mind; they simply existed naturally. He reached out and held her hand before looking into her deep blue eyes and feeling a connection between them.
“Was it worth it, sir?” he rumbled.
“I’ve managed to meet the most interesting people,” she mused, “Dorne, Yuun, Vik...”
“Balkar,” he growled unable to hide how a spike of jealousy coursed through his veins. “Even got a proposal out of him.”
“Do you really think he has a chance,” she countered with a wry grin.
“I didn’t see you turn him down-mph!”
His griping was cut off when she leaned forward and kissed him. The doubt and shadowed thoughts faded away as she slipped into his arms easily. Aric’s heart swelled as her scent and touch filled his senses. It was part male instinct, part lovesick idiocy, but he never wanted it to let go. The kiss ended all too soon but he gave her a dazed smile.
“Does that answer your question?” she asked.
“You… wanna run that by me again?” he asked cheekily.
Sartem gave a soft laugh before rubbing her cheek against his and once again disconnecting his brain. His claws had extended as he fumbled at the clasps of her armor and she… sweet gods was she purring? He groaned as he felt the soft vibrations. She was going to kill him.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow he would give the pendant an acid dip and give the copper a dark patina. Tomorrow he would wrap it in velvet and place it in a cortosis bit case. Tomorrow he would give her his stone.
Sartem wouldn’t know what it meant to him. She wouldn’t understand how harrowing its rejection could be, but Aric realized it didn’t matter. Customs, belief systems, traditions, they were just a means to categorize emotion. After all what else could he do? It’s not like he could back down now. It was too late. She’d already stolen away his heart.
For all the curious out there, this is what Aric’s opalized wood stone looks like:
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zippdementia · 5 years
Part 70 Alignment May Vary: Escape from Hell
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Situation: As the players destroy the chains around the demon train’s heart, they are forced through a passage that appears in the heart chamber, rushed up to the “brain” of the train, the front car engine room, where an old conductor with pits for eyes (and four eyes that may remind one of Verrick’s four eyes), tells them of their success in freeing him and his desire to help them murder devils. He also explains that Arbeyach has been left behind in a discarded train car, still living in the world that Arbeyach created for himself, but now unable to flee it.
Alyss tells the train their next destination: the tower of Mammon and the conductor smiles in anticipation. She uses her phone device to signal to the rebels where they are and their situation, then lowers herself to the ground to try and heal her hurts. Aldric returns her bike to her in a cool roleplaying moment and realizes that she is developing feelings for Carrick, which grows his enmity towards the Paladin.
The players also heal up: the soul stuff that Ratticus gave them heals their hurts completely and also cures the curse that was left upon them by Arbeyach.
Then, rushing across the desert towards the city and Mammon’s tower, the players have one more obstacle to face: they are waylaid by Hecate in her gunship as she tries to blow apart the demon train. 
The demon train fight I’ve set up to be an unusual one: the players are pulled inside the train’s “skin” and actually fight AS the train against the gunship, combining their hitpoints and using the following rules:
Their life force combined makes up their hitpoints. AC is 10. Each turn player can choose either defense, maneuver, or attack (only attack can be multiple players). Hecate fires her ship’s weapons at the beginning of the turn. The player maneuvering through the canyons gets to dodge Hecate, adding to their base AC of 10 by a d20+Dexterity or Wisdom roll. The player on defense can subtract damage by a D20 roll + either constitution or charisma. If no one is on defense, this doesn’t happen. Hecate has the following attacks, and DM either chooses or rolls randomly to determine effect each round:
Missiles: 5 missiles at 6 (1d4+4) each. Instant success.
Dual Lasers: fire twice +13 to hit for 27 (5d10) fire damage
Bombs: Player on maneuver must make a dexterity DC 20 save or else take 39 (6d12) concusive damage, halved on a save. Failure means players roll at disadvantage for all attacks.
Power siphon: a harpoon that steals life. +15 to hit. If it hits, steals 26 (4d12) life, no subtraction.
Then players get to attack. Each player in the attack area can use their normal attacks, using spell slots and all of that as normal, but everything is amplified as the train mimics the attack with its own demonic version (so an attack with Imoaza’s scythe may manifest as clawed hands erupting from the side of the train and tearing into the gunship), adding two more damage dice, but no damage modifiers.
Hecate has 212 hitpoints and AC 19. Her saves are +7. She can’t be affected by conditions. She is immune to poison damage. If there are more than three players, she gets an extra attack for each weapon for every three players.
After a drawn out but dynamic fight where Hecate’s rage builds more and more and her mother, Imoaza, continues to taunt her more and more viciously, Hecate’s ship finally blows an engine and she crashes in the desert.
The players are told to cure up, get a short rest and they’ll be at the vault soon. Mammon interrupts their journey with another psychic visit to his throne room, but the players completely ignore him while he tries to offer deals and a chance to join his side. Like I pointed out before, he’s really grasping at straws here, and they know it. Carrick finally loses his anger, telling Mammon that he’s the lamest devil they’ve come across, and that the players give zero shits about him. Mammon takes the revelation calmly and informs them that they are ants to him, ants he was debating whether to crush or not. But now he’s made his decision. The psychic connection is cut and the players arrive at Mammon’s tower in a fairly spectacular way: the demon train crashes into the side of it, ripping it open, and deposits them inside, as close to the vaults as it can. Then it races off to fight a new, horrible threat, while the Hells Rebels arrive and Puck flies down from the sky to join them in their race to the vault of the crystals.
The Conductor let out a gleeful laugh, the sound odd coming from his weathered and cracked lips and completely out of place with the rest of his austere appearance. “When a demon dies in battle, our souls return to the Abyss! My greatest foe comes. Today I go out in a blaze of glory! Today is the day I go home!”
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I’m going to take a break from my structure here to chat for a moment about the difficulty of setting challenge in Dungeons and Dragons, because it is highlighted by the next scene.
I know Xanathar’s guide and the DM’s guide both have different methods for setting and figuring out good difficulty for fights, but you really can’t know how something will go in Dungeons and Dragons until you are playing it. I have three players at level 12. Xanathar’s guide suggests CR 5 monsters will be a decent match for them. I want this vault to be guarded by Abishai tasked with ensuring that those who enter the vaults are worthy, so I pick two black Abishai and a White Abishai (CR 7s and 6, respectively) and run a fight against them as the beasts drop down from among rows of statues of similar looking monsters. It’s a cool set up, the Black Abishai causing the vaults to become shrouded in shadow which then gives the Abishai advantage on their attacks.
But in three rounds, the fight is over: the players wipe the floor with them!
I was ready in case this happened, and have a Green Abishai standing by. He is a CR 15, and he comes into the arena with his fear effect blasting across the room indiscriminately, terrifying not only the players but the surviving White Abishai. This fight is a little more dynamic and long lasting, as Carrick and Imoaza flee in fear and the Abishai takes over Aldric’s mind, commanding him to turn on his fellows. The fight could have gone either way, but a mixture of poor die rolls from the Abishai and Aldric mean Carrick and Imoaza get a moment to break him free from his mind control and turn the tide on the Abishai.
Side note: there is a fun moment where the Abishai leaves a suggestion implanted in Aldric and Imoaza’s mind to flee from him and go stand in a corner, a suggestion that carries on after the Abishai is dead, and leaves Puck and Alyss and Carrick arguing with them to get moving. It’s also where we develop something deeper between Carrick and Imoaza: Carrick uses the bond they established on The Arc to take her hand and break her from the spell’s hold with soft words. Imoaza, not used to feeling anything and with her emotional wall weakened by the suggestion spell, feels a twinge of something for Carrick. It’s upsetting for her and strange, but maybe a little exciting too. Alyss catches the moment and believes that Carrick and Imoaza are already a “thing” setting us up for all sorts of romantic comedy action later... if we want to go there.
After all of this, the players rush back to the hole caused by the Demon Train, Alyss having stored a ton of crystals in a bag of holding, and leap out of the hole onto The Arc, which swoops down to catch them. The monster the train was fighting (in fact, died fighting, its soul returned to the Abyss) was none other than Tiamet, Queen of the Dragons.
A ridiculously tough beast, I know the players can’t defeat her in a fair fight. I use her toned down stats from the Rise of Tiamet final fight, but even then this is a beast capable of one-shoting an entire party with a single breath attack. And yet Aldric also hits like a beast, able to take off over 40 hitpoints each turn he attacks something. So I have to do a lot of tweaking as the fight progresses in order to achieve what I want this scene to achieve: a crazy final fight as the party flees from Hell.
Captain Krisp ran around the deck of The Arc, shouting orders. His generals and confidants: Ikbaldi the Barbarian, Star the Tiefling, Tinia the Cleric, Otto the Warlock, Jacobs his First Mate, and Geth the Rogue, all leaped to their battle stations, manning guns and turrets and swiveling them all to point at the rear of the ship as Tiamet crashed into them, her claws and talons wrapping around The Arc and hugging it close to her like a cat about to tear into a trapped mouse. Her five heads darted and dove down at the ship, tearing metal and wood apart, dodging bullets (or seeming to ignore them) as the gunners launched assault after assault upon her, raining down a barrage that would have destroyed a fortress. Aldric, Imoaza, and Carrick stood their ground on deck, Aldric laughing as gleefully as ever the Demon Train had at the prospect of facing such a mighty foe. He ran forward and leaped towards the nearest head, even as it swung around to regard him with fire in its eyes.
I recently did a podcast where I talked about setting difficulty for encounters in DnD 5e. In it, I come to the conclusion that one of the best ways to go about creating good encounters is to let the game world and your plot tell you what needs to be where and to worry about the challenge afterwards. Basically, don’t  build with numbers: build with story.
In this case, I know I want Tiamet to be the final fight and I want it to be tough, really more of a feel of surviving a siege than a fist fight with a god where they are going to knock her out. Tiamet is (and rightfully so) way above their pay grade. But I also don’t want the fight to be impossible or a straight party kill. That’s why I have Krisp’s team launching barrages of attacks at her, and also why Puck steps in to use some pretty incredible high level magic to shield and block the worst of Tiamet’s attacks (we don’t yet know the limits of Puck’s powers, but the effort does seem to wear him down).
I also don’t want this to be a fight without consequences, so I let the situation and character choice determine where the danger is. For instance, I let the players roll damage for all the gun barrages being launched each turn. I don’t use all of Tiamet’s legendary breath attacks. And when she does unleash her attacks, I make one of them poison (which Imoaza is immune to). Even when she finally unleashes her signature fire breath, rather than make it about pure numbers, where Tiamet’s attacks are left at their full power, I use Puck to reduce damage to a more reasonable place for the player level. I also really focus my attacks on Aldric, who is insistent on taking on Tiamet directly, which to me is letting the player character steer this fight. Aldric is playing it like a crazed bad ass, which means he’s drawing the focus of the attacks. After lasting two orounds in close quarters with Tiamet, he does fall unconscious, and here is where Krisp finally rushes forward with a rocket launcher, lobs a missile into Tiamet’s mouth, and calls to everyone to get below deck, that he’s got a final plan.
There is one last challenge I place here. In order to let Carrick grab Aldric and flee, Imoaza places herself in the line of danger to distract Tiamet for one more round. This works, but then Imoaza has one chance, one dodging roll, to get away from Tiamet before she gets hit by a bite attack from the Goddess of Dragons. She makes the roll, but had she failed, the damage certainly would have killed her and we would have to roll up a new character. It’s a moment that creates the mood I want, it takes this fight from the status of story battle to one of real consequence and danger, but I don’t just throw it in: it’s set by player decision and action.
Imoaza rolled forward through the open hatch leading into the belly of The Arc, jaws snapping shut behind her in a rush of hot air and sparks. She stumbled to her feet and kept running as the jaws tried to force their way through the narrow opening.
She soon caught up with Carrick and Krisp and Krisp’s commanders. Aldric was coming to, having been cured by Carrick’s magic. Krisp was yelling into a phone: “Alyss, is everything ready? The crystals are in place? Good! Then let’s do this!”
Krisp--talking a mile a minute about how everything had to come together in a spectacular fashion in order to make this all work and about how hell was never going to be his forever home--leads them down to the hold of The Arc, where the bottom of the ship has opened up to reveal The Surveyor’s repaired massive ship flying beneath them. Krisp tells everyone to jump down, and crew and commanders alike rush to obey, Carrick and Imoaza joining them. Last to go is Aldric and Krisp himself, who stands for a moment looking around the now empty hold.
“She was a good girl,” Krisp says, his voice uncharacteristically sad. “She served well. I’ll be sorry to lose her.” Aldric places a hand on his shoulder. “As a fellow captain, I know what it’s like to lose something. To lose your mount.”
Krisp smiles. “Well, if we are going to lose her, let’s let the girl go out in style, eh?”
He pulls a device with a large red button on it from his waistcoat, then pushes the button. He grabs Aldric and leaps out of the hold with him, shouting his catchphrase: “Let’s get Krispy!”
And behind them, there is a sudden roar as The Arc explodes in a ball of intense flame, engulfing Tiamet who is still wrestling with her prize. They do not see if it is the end of the Dragon Goddess, for they are pulled inside the Surveyor’s Ship and the hatches battened down behind them, and then there is a sudden jolt as the ship, their new Arc, blasts out from the atmosphere and leaves the world of Hell behind, for the vastness of space, and the first step on the long journey home.
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Somewhere out in the blasted desert of Hell, Hecate pulls herself from the crash of her ship and rolls onto the hot red rock. She coughs up black tar and smoke and wheezes as she sucks in clean air. Her eyes are slits of rage as she looks towards the city where her foes disappeared. She shakes a fist of rage towards the sky as she manuevers her snake away from her crashed gun ship.
“Mother!” she screams. “I will have my revenge!”
And then, unexpectedly, a voice answers her from behind. She turns and sees something unusual discarded on the rock behind her, a sword, black as night, and emanating all the power that it had promised to its last bearer, before Aldric lost it and Carrick refused to bring it back. Blackrazor speaks to Hecate, and its voice is pure menace:
“Did I hear you say revenge?
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #109: Emiya (Assassin)
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re continuing our trek through Fate Zero with the assassin class Edgemiya, with the ability to alter his own time and everyone’s luck. Despite all his cool powers, he’s still pretty depressed. Oh well, it’s probably nothing a few more builds won’t fix.
Check out Emiya’s build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Next up: “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself. I am large- I contain multitudes.” -Walt Whitman
Race and Background
Emiya made a deal with the spirit of humanity to protect the human race, which is exactly why he’d make a great Hobgoblin... I’m kidding, he’s a Variant Human, for +1 Dexterity and Charisma, Arcana proficiency (or whatever else a rocket launcher would fall under idk), and the Crossbow Expert feat, allowing you to ignore loading crossbows, fire well with enemies in melee range, and dual wield hand crossbows. You can control the flow of time, you should be able to fire more than once a round.
You’ve fought in plenty of wars, but it’s hard to call a professional assassin anything but a Criminal. This gives you Deception and Stealth proficiencies.
Ability Scores
This is a pretty mono-ability build- make your Charisma as high as possible. You’re a pretty scary guy, and you shoot good. That’s charisma. Somehow. After that is Dexterity- you’re really stealthy, and really, really fast. Your Intelligence isn’t half bad. You can use plenty of fancy modern weapons, and you can hunt down mages to use them on. Constitution doesn’t have to be that high, you don’t need health if you just don’t get hit. Your Strength isn’t great, but it’s enough to get the job done. We’re dumping Wisdom, though-your entire characterization is about how much you regret making that deal with Alaya. You’re not bad at noticing things though, we’ll just have to patch that up with skills.
Class Levels
1. Rogue 1: You have a particular set of skills, and rogues start off with the most, so let’s spend a little time here for now. First level rogues get proficiency with Dexterity and Intelligence saving throws, as well as four rogue skills- Acrobatics to enhance your mobility, Intimidation for that no-nonsense attitude of yours, and Perception and Investigation to hunt down and destroy your enemies.
You also get Expertise, doubling your proficiency bonus for Stealth and Intimidation. Presence Concealment A+ is some good stuff.
You can also add a Sneak Attack bonus to damage done by attacks with advantage or directed at creatures who are occupied with other creatures. Right now, it’s just 1d6. You also learn Thieves’ Cant. It’s a language.
2. Warlock 1: Alaya’s kind of a lot of things to a lot of people, but Hexblades work best for us so a Hexblade it shall be here. As a hex warlock, you learn how to place a Hexblade’s Curse on a creature. It lasts one minute, or until one of you two dies, and you can use it once per short rest. While cursed, you can add your proficiency to damage against the target, all attacks made crit on 19s as well as 20s, and you gain hp when the cursed creature dies.
You also become a Hex Warrior, giving you proficiency with medium armor and martial weapons. You can also use charisma as your attack modifier for one weapon per long rest, as long as it isn’t two-handed. Right now, that means you’re using hand crossbows.
One last benefit of being a warlock is Pact Magic, spells you can cast using Charisma. Grab Eldritch Blast for more shooting and True Strike for more careful shots, Expeditious Retreat for some extra speed, and Cause Fear to drain the luck of one poor sap for up to a minute, rendering them unable to move closer and giving them disadvantage on attacks while you’re in sight for the duration. Sure, making yourself luckier would technically be more directly in line with canon, but it’s a “six in one hand, half a dozen in another” sort of situation.
3. Warlock 2: Second level warlocks get Eldritch Invocations, extra ways to customize the Selling Your Soul Experience! You get two right now, but we’re saving one for The Obvious next level. Grab Thief of Five Fates for yet another way to ruin someone’s day. You can cast Bane once per long rest by using a warlock spell slot. This reduces all the saves and attack rolls of three creatures who failed their charisma saves by 1d4 for up to a minute. The DC on those saves, by the by, is 8 plus your proficiency bonus plus your charisma modifier. You can also cast Hex now, in case your enemies weren’t unlucky enough. This makes your attacks deal extra necrotic damage, they get disadvantage on ability checks with one ability, and you can move the effect to another creature if the first drops to 0 hp, which is nice considering it lasts an hour.
4. Warlock 3: Pact of the Blade time! This level lets you summon a magical pact weapon as an action. This weapon always has the benefits of being a Hex Warrior, and thanks to Improved Pact Weapon it can also be a ranged weapon. Specifically, it has to be a Light Crossbow now, because weapon requirements in D&D are obtuse and terrifying.
On a lighter note, you get second level spells now! You can speed up enough to create a Mirror Image of yourself, creating three copies of yourself on the same square you’re standing. If you’d take a hit, there’s a 75% chance a copy will get hit instead and get destroyed, leaving you with only two, and so on.
5. Warlock 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Charisma for better... everything, really.
You can also cast Minor Illusion to leave afterimages further away from yourself, and Blur, which gives creatures attacking you disadvantage.
6. Rogue 2: Back in your other class, you learn how to make Cunning Actions, speeding up your Dash, Disengage, and Hide actions so they can fit in a bonus action instead. 
7. Rogue 3: It’s no surprise that you’re an Assassin. I mean, it’s your class, but it’s also your subclass. As an Assassin, you can Assassinate enemies that are surprised and/or slower than you are. You have advantage on creatures who haven’t taken a turn yet, and hits against surprised creatures are instant criticals. Speaking of advantage, you can use your Steady Aim as a bonus action to give your next attack advantage, at the cost of losing al your movement for the turn. Despite this, you’ll have plenty of ways to move in a pinch if you really have to.
Also, your sneak attack goes up to 2d6.
8. Fighter 1: Yes, it’s another 3-class build. Don’t worry though, this one’s just a splash. As a fighter, you get a fighting style- Archery will make your shots even more accurate than they were before. You can also use your Second Wind as a bonus action for a bit of healing. You shouldn’t have any trouble finding time for a breather, after all.
9. Fighter 2: Second level fighters can use an Action Surge once per short rest to add an extra action to a turn. Save up for a burst of gunfire, or cast Mirror Image and Blur at the same time to become almost invincible have fun with it!
10. Warlock 5: Speaking of doubling up on things, at fifth level warlocks get another Invocation. Thirsting Blade lets you attack twice per action. You can also move fast enough to Blink out of existence. On the end of each turn for a minute, you have a 50% chance to enter the ethereal plane until the start of your next turn.
11. Rogue 4: Use your next ASI to grab the Piercer feat, for +1 Dexterity, the ability to re-roll one die of piercing damage per turn, and an extra critical hit die when you shoot somebody. If you don’t plan on wearing medium armor, this will also increase your AC.
12. Rogue 5: Fifth level rogues gain an Uncanny Dodge, spending your reaction to halve the damage of a single attack. I’d think you wouldn’t get hit by this point, but nat 20s happen to everyone eventually. Also, your sneak attack is 3d6 now.
13. Rogue 6: Use your second round of Expertise to double down on Perception and Investigation. You’re a professional, you’ve got to get results.
14. Rogue 7: Seventh level rogues get Evasion, making you fast enough to outrun fireballs. If an effect makes you roll a dexterity save to halve damage, a failure makes you take half damage now, and a success completely negates it. Your sneak attack reaches its final form at 4d6.
15. Warlock 6: Sixth level hexlocks can make an Accursed Specter once per long rest out of humanoids you kill. They stick around until your next long rest. This is very not in character for you, but free help is free help.
To help with all that killing, you can also cast Spirit Shroud, adding extra damage to short-range combat, preventing healing, and slowing down nearby enemies.
16. Warlock 7: You can now burn spell slots to power gunshots thanks to Eldritch Smite, which adds a lot of force damage to a weapon attack. To help maneuver around the battlefield, you can also cast Dimension Door for a quick burst of speed.
17. Warlock 8: Use your last ASI to maximize your Charisma for stronger spells and weapons. You can also cast Shadow of Moil for that dramatic shadowy look you get at higher ascensions. It also works as yet another reason people really shouldn’t hit you.
18. Warlock 9: Ninth level warlocks max out their spell slots at fifth level, allowing you to cast Far Step for a longer speed-up session. While the spell lasts (it’s concentration, up to a minute) you can use your bonus action to teleport 60′. You also get the invocation Trickster’s Escape, which lets you cast Freedom of Movement for free once per long rest. While active, your latent timewarping prevents you from being slowed down by magical effects or difficult terrain. (At least that’s what it looks like from the outside. They don’t need to know you secretly spent two turns getting through those hedges.)
19. Warlock 10: Our final gift from Alaya is the Armor of Hexes. If you’re going to get hit by a hexcursed creature’s attack, you can use your reaction for a 50/50 chance of ignoring the attack completely.
You can also cast the cantrip Friends this level. You’re scary, this’ll make you scarier for a bit.
20. Warlock 11: Having sixth level spells on short rests would be busted, so instead of growing your spell slots warlocks get a Mystic Arcanum. This lets you cast one sixth level spell once per long rest, like those plebeians with spellbooks. Your spell is the Circle of Death, letting you go full on Reaper on a pretty large area, dealing 8d6 necrotic damage to every creature that fails a constitution save in a 60′ radius sphere. It’s not dexterity, purely because there’s that many bullets flying around.
You are very, very good at critical hits. With a doubled chance of critical damage and guaranteed crits on surprised creatures, you’ll be rolling a lot of dice pretty often. Especially since you can take advantage of critical hits easily thanks to your smites and sneak attacks.
While you can dish out damage easily, you’re also great at avoiding damage entirely, with plenty of spells that make you harder to hit, teleportation to get out of tricky spots, and multiple ways to dodge attacks even if they’re critical hits. Your mobility also makes it a lot harder to escape from you.
Maxed out charisma, the archery fighting style, and free advantage from Steady Aim means even after the fight starts you can still deal consistent damage over long periods of time. Your shots are going to land more often than not, and they land pretty hard.
While you can deal damage over time, your kit is definitely geared more towards short bursts, because most of your skills are on a strict cooldown, with one or two uses per short rest. This is especially true of your spell slots. Warlocks eat up spells fast, especially if you’re using them for offense and defense.
Your low wisdom means you’re going to be fooled by illusions and charmed pretty easily. As a precaution, it might be best to use up your burst damage skills as soon as possible. You really don’t want to have to turn 9d8 + 4d6 + 12 damage on your party members.
Your HP isn’t that high, barely scraping above 100 at higher levels. While you have a lot of ways to make that last a lot longer than you’d think, there’s always the chance your DM’s getting sick of you surviving everything and will just throw someone with Power Word Kill your way.
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D&D Rambles
(relates to EuroAtlantis, is spoiler-free, but chucking below a read-more anyway in case anyone is not super keen on reading about my thoughts/DM approach/Stuff.)
I’m trying to be kinder to myself in general, especially since I (very willingly, I might add, as the alternative would be losing one or more players!) DM this campaign so early in the morning- four hours before I would normally wake up. I really can’t expect myself to function 100%. In a Fairly Important Situation near the end of this latest session, I had 27 NPCs present so I ended up ignoring most of them because brainjuggling is A Tricky. And while part of me is like “but wouldn’t x character have said something????”, another part thinks “this is a really good way! To demonstrate! The NPC Squad’s Loyalty to the local lord!!!!” So it can all really be explained away anyway. 
(for this reason I’m glad I at least established that the guards moved to approach the party, but said lord was like NOPE STAY THERE and so they did.)
And then the monk’s partner was busy supporting them, probably same for the bard’s partner, and the other two party-connected NPCs were quiet because they were freaking out, like the monk. Our temporary PC-turned-NPC Batelf is usually more talky...but! I am sure he will have a lot to say next session when the NPCs can be dealt with in smaller groups! Several in-game days ago he was all ‘the government is in a conspiracy with the government!’, and sounded nuts but...he was totally right. 
I also speak in third person a lot, which helps when these is too much brainfog or I am particularly anxious. It’s easier especially if I don’t really know what to say, haha! At first I had this annoying ingrained idea that “first person is superior!!!!” but, while it’s better in some cases, often it’s easier to just say what the NPC knows. And in some cases, third person can even be better, like if you need to infodump a lot of worldstuff and want to make sure the players can take it all in instead of picking it out of a longer rambling explanation!
This came in especially useful near the end of the session where I was like “oh no I need to remember exactly what this NPC knows- it would be easier to ramble that out indirectly and explain what they convey, rather than rambling first-person as the NPC! They know the stuff, ic rambling would make no sense!”
This has helped me with Astrophelle too- sometimes I’m too nervous to speak as my player character, so it’s just easier to explain what she is trying to convey/her argument if I’m doing persuasion stuff/etc. My DM is cool with it and, like I do to my EuroAtlantis players, considers notes of my argument when setting a DC for a persuasion/intimidation roll/whatever. 
(on a contrasting note: towards the end of EuroAtlantis today, a PC publicly revealed he knew some Bad Stuff about a couple of NPCs- bad stuff that would automatically affect them, and so I didn’t call for an intimidation/persuasion roll. I just rolled charisma checks for the NPCs to see how well they fared (in terms of their ability to continue communicating, fear of consequences vs. willingness to explain things to the party, etc.) Since the NPCs wanted to explain but were afraid of what might happen to them, I felt comfortable with this approach. I think it’s a really good one for situations like this- obviously I wouldn’t do it all the time. And it worked out well for the party.)
Session zero for the Dungeon Trash Squad tomorrow! Right after EuroAtlantis, I checked my messages and saw one of the players had sent me “ahhhh I can’t wait for session zero!!!!!”, and that made me feel so good. We have two drow, a yuan-ti and a ‘human’ (changeling.) Should be a good time. I’m going to go with my usual approach for roll 4d6 drop lowest stat generation: modifiers have to add to at least +6, with at least one +2 in there; as opposed to Umberclutch DM’s approach of ‘reroll your arrays until you get at least one 16′. 
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opedguy · 4 years
Trump Says Coronavirus Escaped from Wuhan Lab
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), April 30, 2020.--Revisiting a bit of old news denied by China, 73-year-old Donald Trump stunned the media today saying that the coronavirus AKA SARS CoV-2 or Covid-19 came from a laboratory in Wuhan’s Institute of Virology.  China’s 57-year-old Deputy Foreign Minister Le Lucheng said April 29 that the coronaviurs was naturally occurring and therefore China was not responsible for it. Lucheng reversed the statement from his colleague at the Foreign Minstry Zhao Lijian who said March 14 that the coronavirus was planted in Wuhan by the U.S. military. Trump’s now closing in on China’s unending lies about the origin of global pandemic that’s spread to 3,308,233 people with 234,195 deaths worldwide.  No country has been hit harder than the United States with 1,095,210 cases and 63,961 deaths or 27.3% of world mortality. Lucheng said yesterday that no country can be blamed for a disease.
            Asked today about evidence that the coronavirus was leaked out of Wuhan’s Institute of Virology bioweapons lab, Trump declined to comment.  “I’m not allowed to tell you that,” Trump said at his daily briefing.  One journalist asked Trump if he knew that the coronavirus was “not manmade or genetically modified,” according to the “Office of the Director of National Intelligence.”  While Trump didn’t respond, the question is old news, used by China as a smokescreen to say the coronavirus didn’t come from Wuhan’s Institute of Virology.  China was prohibited by the 1976 Biological Weapons Convention from experimenting with deadly viruses, part of biological warfare research.  Yet the press wants to find any reason to discredit the obvious that the deadly, contagious virus leaked from Wuhan’s bioweapons’ lab, infecting the city’s population in late October or early November 2019.
            Lucheng thought he was doing his government a favor when he said yesterday that the Chinese Government locked down Wuhan Jan. 23, only nine days after World Health Organization [WHO] Director-General said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated Jan. 14 that there was no “human-to-human” transmission in Wuhan, China.  Lucheng sets the record straight that things were so bad Jan. 23 that they totally shut down the city, closed all factories and businesses and ordered residents to stay in their homes.  But somehow were asked to believe that China and Tedros didn’t know Jan. 14 that they were dealing with a spiraling SARS CoV-2 epidemic, dropping Chinese citizens like flies.  At the time Tedros said there was no “human-to-human transmission,” Wuhan’s 14 crematoriums couldn’t keep pace with coronavirus-infected corpses.  Trump statement today refutes China’s feeble explanation.
            Trump shared the fact that he had seen U.S. intel that indicates that the virus leaked from Wuhan’s Institute of Virology, either by human-to-human infection or from infected laboratory animals, most likely pangolins on which the bioweapons lab were experimenting. Reports of Chinese lab workers selling infected pangolins into China’s wet markets and food chain have come from multiple sources.  But however the deadly SARS CoV-2 outbreak leaked from the Level 4 bioweapons lab, it infected Wuhan’s population, spreading like wildfire.  Lucheng insists China locked down Wuhan, namely from other Chinese citizens, but allowed Wuhan’s infected population to vacation to Europe, the United States and parts beyond, infecting the world with the deadly virus.  Lucheng said China has been “upfront” about handling the deadly pandemic, accepting zero responsibility for unleashing plague on the planet.
           Trump let the press know today that he will release the intel at the appropriate time, tying the deadly coronavirus to Wuhan’s Institute of Virology.  “This is something that could have been contained at the original location, and I think it could have been contained relatively easily,” Trump said.  China and WHO’s Tedros kept the dirty little secret about the Wuhan epidemic until finally declaring a global pandemic March 11. By that time it was too late, the world was infected by hordes of Chinese citizens vacationing around the planet.   WHO’s Tedros was complicit with China preventing the world from knowing the extent to the outbreak.  Tedros slammed Trump Feb. 3 three days after Trump instituted a travel ban from China Jan. 31.  Lucheng’s clever PR offensive was designed to seduce the anti-Trump press into blaming Trump for not acting quickly enough to contain the U.S. outbreak.
            Trump told the press he’d find out what happened with the coronavirus outbreak, both it’s origin and WHO’s lack of a response. Trump suspended all U.S. funding April 14 from WHO pending an investigation.  Tedros should have resigned weeks ago but continues to cover-up his gross negligence in failing to do his job.  “They could have stopped it,” Trump said.  “They are a very brilliant nation, scientifically and otherwise.  It got loose, let’s say, and the could have capped it.  They could have stopped it, but they didn’t.”  With Lucheng admitting yesterday that Wuhan was locked down Jan. 23, it shows that the deadly crononavrus had spiraled out of control in November and December 2019 and January 2020.  WHO’s failure to take urgent action can only be explained by a personal favor to Chinese President Xi Jinping, who was responsible for helping Ethiopia and getting Tedros the WHO job July 1, 2017.
 About the Author    
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.v
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10 WWE Wrestling Secrets Revealed
WWE's Superbowl of Wrestling
Over the years, the WWE has carried out girls into their story lines. At first, they have been primarily used as managers who would occasionally interfere with matches. Vince McMahon realized that these women were turning into increasingly fashionable and began featuring them in matches. Now, there is not a show that goes on that won't have a Diva present. There have been numerous divas in and out of the WWE through the years. There seems to be a terrific debate over who the top divas have been. A top "diva" is one that will increase ratings for the WWE. It is sports leisure right? These rankings are usually not primarily based on the highest "female wrestlers" but the high "divas".
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10. Christy Hemme had a short stay in the WWE. She was the primary winner of the diva search in 2004. This crimson headed diva came into the WWE with lots of spunk and charisma. Her look in the april 2005 edition of playboy journal helped propel her career. Her wrestling highlight was an appearance on Wrestlemania 21 in opposition to then rival Trish Stratus.
Christy became the TNA Knockout Of The Yr in 2006 and is at present still with TNA wrestling.
9. Mickie James is the present WWE Divas Champion. She has additionally been WWE Womens Champion 4 instances. For the reason that departure of trish, mickie might probably be the perfect female wrestler on the WWE roster. She is ranked 1 of 50 in Professional Wrestling Illustrateds list of prime feminine wrestlers. Mickie is a fan favorite and is certain to have an extended career in the WWE.
eight. Michelle McCool is presumably probably the most athletic diva within the WWE. She and Mickie James are the only divas to have been each WWE Divas Champion and WWE Womens Champion. Michelle made her debut in 2004 as a part of the diva search, and has been rising in the ranks ever since. She is presently ranked eighth in Professional Wrestling Illustrated.
7. Candice Michelle has benefited from publicity outside of the WWE. She was featured within the superbowl 37 godaddy business. She has additionally posed in playboy (april 2006). She has also had success in the ring since her 2004 debut as part of the diva search. She has become WWE Womens Champion and was named Professional Wrestling Illustrated Ladies of the Year in 2007. If it wasn't for nagging injuries, Candice might have ranked higher on the list.
6. Lita, or Amy Dumas, was a staple of the WWE for a few years. She was part of great storylines involving kane and edge, as well as having a fierce rivalry with trish stratus. Lita was extremely standard with WWE fans for her intensity within the ring. She was not your typical "pretty blonde" diva, which increased her recognition. She was WWE Womens Champion four instances and was Pro Wrestling Illustrated Women of the Year in 2001.
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5. Sunny, aka Tammy Lynn Sytch was a fixture in wcw as a supervisor for varied wrestlers. She was a key part in how the WWE has modified its involvement with Divas. Her magnificence made her extraordinarily popular with the followers. She was awarded Slammy best buns in 1996
and Slammy minds behind the mayhem in 1996. She was also Professional Wrestling Illustrated Supervisor of the 12 months in 1996.
4. Sable (Rena Mero) was the primary diva to pose for playboy.
In reality, she was featured in the journal three separate times. Not only was sable gorgeous, but she managed to become WWF Womens Champion and earned the Slammy dressed to kill 97 and miss slammy 97.
3. Stacy Keibler was identified for her forty one inch legs amongst other things in the WWE. This Diva was a former Baltimore Ravens cheerleader. She was also a contestant on the favored present Dancing With The Stars. Stacy was the harmless wanting diva of the group but was most famous for being the Legs Of The WWE.
The WWE Wrestling is a worldwide sport which has turn out to be a phenomenon these days. Each child and adult is aware of and is aware of the most recent happenings on the planet of WWE Wrestling. It is a very popular sport that has been much more popularized by its use in films, music movies and TV reveals. Not solely do people love watching this simply to support their favourite wrestlers but they also watch it as a result of this is one thing that provides them an adrenaline rush. The excitement and the push that you feel when you watch a WWE Wrestling match is incomparable. So, the variety of fans is increasing day by day and so are the dedicated followers of the matches. In fact, youngsters even try to emulate their favourite stars and try and costume up like them. There are a lot of products available out there related to WWE Wrestling that is extremely popular not only with the little ones but additionally with the adults.
The WWE Wrestling Company was started by Vince McMahon and is now dealt with by him and his spouse, Linda McMahon and his son Shane McMahon. It is likely one of the biggest organizations in the world and 96 percent of the voting power of the company lies in the hands of the McMahons. Other than that 70 p.c of the WWE's financial interests are also under their management. So the vast majority of the company's shares belong to these guys. It is completely up to them to handle the company the best way they wish to and that's precisely what occurs.
The headquarters of the WWE are positioned in Connecticut. It has a number of other workplaces in lots of different cities of the world over that features Los Angeles, New York Metropolis, London, Toronto, and Sydney. This just goes to point out that WWE Wrestling isn't solely restricted to a part of the world however is prevalent in all nations the world over. Therefore, as talked about earlier, it's typically stated to be a phenomenon quite than a single event or sport. And it does go away its mark on each one. In case you watch it as soon as you'll be addicted to look at it every time there is a match. That's what the only con of watching and following WWE is.
The WWE that we follow is mainly professional wrestling. This implies it involves not only pure fighting but in addition just a little bit of theatrics and drama. The drama and the theatrics are solely earlier than WWE Caught on Camera the game begins. As soon as the match begins it is pure raw motion. There are not any cuts and no retakes. The WWE Wrestling in truth has the largest video library as compared to the other wrestling federations.
So in case you are a true fan then you'll have all the videos that have ever been made since WWE Wrestling started. These aren't only entertaining to watch however they also reveal the unparalled legacy of WWE Wrestling since its inception. It is certainly, that each one of us have watched and skilled a minimum of once in our lives.
Wrestlemania 24, is the event thought-about the "superbowl of sports leisure" and the largest Pay Per View of the yr for WWE. It will characteristic thousands of followers together with celebrities in attendance to look at because the WWE Superstars and WWE Divas placed on a spectacle. Already confirmed to be there are the likes of Snoop Dogg, Raven Symone, Kim Kardashian, and R&B singer John Legend. While these celebrities will definitely carry additional star energy to the event, will probably be all concerning the competition in the ring. Three big matches will headline the 2008 Wrestlemania and are already filled with rumors and speculation over who will win.
The World Heavyweight title has at all times been heavily contested and the belt presently is across the waist of WWE Superstar Edge. Edge from WWE's Smackdown brand received the belt after utilizing all kinds of tips throughout a triple risk Pay Per View match against the Undertaker and Batista. Batista was the champ on the time, but Edge used a chair to knock out Undertake for a pin. Now heading into Wrestlemania 24, Undertaker has received an Elimination Chamber match of 6 males. His prize can be an try at Edge's World Heavyweight title. The attention-grabbing details here are that Undertaker is an impressive 15-0 at Wrestlemania, by no means losing a match, and that Edge has by no means been defeated by the Undertaker.
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One thing's received to present for this one with the title on the road.
On the WWE Raw facet of issues is the WWE title, at present held by famous person Randy Orton. Triple H won a brutal Elimination Chamber match towards 5 different men to earn a shot on the WWE title. Nonetheless, John Cena additionally won the 2008 Royal Rumble, giving him a shot on the WWE title. The plain good plan was to put John Cena, Triple H and Randy Orton into a Triple Risk match at Wrestlemania 24. One in all these 3 males will take the glory of the WWE title on the grandest stage of them all.
Lastly, there's a Wrestlemania 24 match which is considered a "David vs. Goliath" sort of contest. It features the returning wrestling star, the Big Present who's over 7 ft tall. His competitors comes from exterior the wrestling ranks, as boxer Floyd "Cash" Mayweather enters the wrestling ring. The 39-zero boxer selected to throw some punches at Large Show throughout a earlier WWE Pay Per View.
In the course of the altercation, Mayweather broke Huge Show's nostril, leaving the massive famous person bloody and angry. On the following night time, Large Present taunted Mayweather once more after it appeared Show wanted to apologize. Massive Present called out the boxer, who has now vowed to "break Big Present's jaw". Now Mayweather will play David to Huge Present's Goliath when they compete. The rumored payout for Mayweather taking the WWE match is $20 million. Many followers and sports analysts query if the money is price being decimated by such an enormous opponent.
Wrestlemania 24, is the occasion thought of the "superbowl of sports leisure" and the biggest Pay Per View of the yr for WWE. It would feature hundreds of followers together with celebrities in attendance to look at as the WWE Superstars and WWE Divas placed on a spectacle. Already confirmed to be there are the likes of Snoop Dogg, Raven Symone, Kim Kardashian, and R&B singer John Legend. Whereas these celebrities will definitely bring further star energy to the event, it is going to be all in regards to the competitors within the ring. Three large matches will headline the 2008 Wrestlemania and are already stuffed with rumors and hypothesis over who will win.
The World Heavyweight title has at all times been heavily contested and the belt presently is around the waist of WWE Famous person Edge. Edge from WWE's Smackdown model won the belt after using all kinds of tips throughout a triple menace Pay Per View match towards the Undertaker and Batista. Batista was the champ at the time, however Edge used a chair to knock out Undertake for a pin. Now heading into Wrestlemania 24, Undertaker has received an Elimination Chamber match of 6 men. His prize can be an try at Edge's World Heavyweight title. The fascinating facts listed here are that Undertaker is a formidable 15-zero at Wrestlemania, by no means losing a match, and that Edge has never been defeated by the Undertaker.
One thing's received to offer for this one with the title on the road.
On the WWE Uncooked side of things is the WWE title, at present held by superstar Randy Orton. Triple H received a brutal Elimination Chamber match towards 5 other males to earn a shot at the WWE title. Nevertheless, John Cena also won the 2008 Royal Rumble, giving him a shot at the WWE title. The obvious sensible plan was to place John Cena, Triple H and Randy Orton right into a Triple Threat match at Wrestlemania 24. One in all these three males will take the glory of the WWE title on the grandest stage of all of them.
Finally, there is a Wrestlemania 24 match which is taken into account a "David vs. Goliath" kind of contest. It features the returning wrestling star, the Massive Present who is over 7 toes tall. His competitors comes from outdoors the wrestling ranks, as boxer Floyd "Money" Mayweather enters the wrestling ring. The 39-zero boxer chose to throw some punches at Large Show throughout a earlier WWE Pay Per View.
In the course of the altercation, Mayweather broke Huge Present's nose, leaving the huge celebrity bloody and angry. On the next evening, Big Present taunted Mayweather once more after it seemed Present wished to apologize. Huge Show called out the boxer, who has now vowed to "break Large Show's jaw". Now Mayweather will play David to Big Show's Goliath once they compete. The rumored payout for Mayweather taking the WWE match is $20 million. Many followers and sports activities analysts question if the money is worth being decimated by such an enormous opponent.
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