#fortune teller bloodletter
dathomirdumpsterfire · 7 months
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Suddenly there's warm breath on Obi-Wan's cheek, then the shell of his ear, then lower still. A nose finds it's way behind the notch of his jaw, and he freezes, not sure what's happening.
"I suppose…" the man says slowly, lethargic, "...the damage is already done."
🔮30k+/In-progress/ObiMaul/Soft & Dark🪔
Start here 👇🏽
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 7 months
be ye prepared? on mine bullshit i be, again.
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A jedi searching for a fortune teller?
Oh yes, he gets quite a few looks, but the tactic nets Obi-Wan precisely what he needs: an address, a description, and a warning.
07-31, past the warehouse, across from the antiques shop.
There lives a red man with glowing yellow eyes and a ragged black cowl. He can predict adversity in business or pleasure, and will answer even the strangest of questions.
His visions are real, they say, but people warn him that the asking comes at a price.
oh boy who's up for yet another obimaul that completely ignores canon in favor of nightbrother magick and spooky vibes?
banner art is just photomanips and screenshots used under creative commons, so don't be too impressed with it. (but doesn't that panel of maul in a trench coat just absolutely fuck?)
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 7 months
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~Chapter 10 Snippet~
Obi-Wan's brows lift. "You usually leave them alive? That implies people have died here to have their fortune told."
The seer's luminous yellow gaze pins Obi-Wan to the cushions from across the dimly lit table. Incense smoke curls through the air between them.
"You assume that people do not come to me determined to know the deepest secrets of the galaxy despite themselves, jedi." His voice lowers, into something gentle and sibilant. "You assume people know their own health, or that their depths are as large and easily felt as yours. You assume the sick, the dying, and the desperate do not come to their deaths ready and willing to make a sacrifice for their loved one's gain."
Obi-Wan swallows, thinking through those heavy ideas. Slowly, he nods, "I am ignorant of the nuances of your craft, forgive me."
🔮🪔🃏.......Start from the begining👇🏽......... 🃏🪔🔮
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 7 months
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~Chapter 23 Snippet: Love cannot go to waste. It's value isn't tied to either it's expression or it's reciprocation~
"An apology?" Obi-Wan asks, confused, "Whatever for?"
The seer turns away, his expression hidden by the hood of his leather cowl.
“I did not warn you of… events. I keep track of your fate, jedi. I saw that the way forward was clouded and poor, but also that intervention was likely to have lethal consequences for you. I value your life more than your mandate, and so... I held my tongue.”
“Oh,” Obi-Wan replies faintly.
“I do not regret my choice, and I will make the same one again should history repeat itself. No matter the consequences,” Maul says cuttingly, still facing away.
Obi-Wan isn't sure what to think about all that. Honestly, he's too bloody tired at the moment to even begin to think through the ethics involved. It might be selfish of him, but the young jedi finds himself far more concerned with the way the fortune teller is holding himself, here and now, rather than the unchangeable past.
That body language. It is the frame of a man waiting to take a hit.
“Maul,” he says softly, reaching over to set a hand on the far side of that black jawline.
The seer grasps his wrist, but otherwise doesn't stop him as Obi-Wan turns his face until their gazes meet.
In the mood for some young Witch!Maul and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the lower levels of Coruscant? Start here 👇🏽
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