#forzen kin
Coomer: his greeting dialogue trigger is broken, he has multiple consciences going at the same time due to his clones he feels their pain and fear, his body loosely resembles a humans due to the replacement of limbs with robotics and generous removal of organs with few being replaced
Bubby: no real noticable glitches cept the car, he has pyrokinesis and can fly(fr spin dashes in the boss fight), he resembles a human more than Coomer but is more physically resilient than a human since he is the "ultimate lifeform"(Shadow kin fr)
Tommy: no glitches but does have an "auto aim" due to being an NPC and is scared by this, the full blown human of the science team, he made Sunkist when he was younger and he learned how to read sweet voice because of her
Darnold: no glitches but his programing prevented him from joining the team even though he wanted to, he invented most of the Gatorade flavours and is rich from the royalties, he is a normal human, and he is a workaholic
Forzen: he can glitch to random areas on the map but he doesn't have any real control over where he ends up, he joined the military so that he wouldn't have to pay for college, he never expected to be put into action, "Team Nice" was made up by the rest of his actual assigned group because they all decided he was useless and wanted a way to send him away, him and Benrey "were" friends because they got into a heated argument about gamer YouTubers they'll get over though
Benr(e)y: got a respawn glitch a no clip glitch and his code got sorta overwritten with the code for The Nihilanth near the end, before the events of the game he was a volunteer for human experiments with xen crystals which caused his ability to use sweet voice and increased resistance, possibly why he was used as a vessel for the messed up Nihilanth code
Gman: has no glitches but is fully aware, his "employer" is the game itself he was to ensure the game continued as it was meant to, Benry's glitches did complicate things like how the time freeze didn't effect him, Mr. coolatta can freeze time and has connections to most files within the game
Gordon: is the host for the player and looses consciousness once the game starts, as the vessel he cannot die no matter what happens, the player can see the world as it "truly" is, before game Gordon was chosen for the xen experiments but was declared a failure because he didn't change as noticeably as Benry(let's just say there's a reason he's the player character)
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shittykinaesthetics · 4 years
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Shitty Forzen aesthetic: smells like bootlicker to me. go stream on the military war crimes twitch channel, bootboy
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runby2 · 4 years
HLVRAI kin guide, by Juice
If you’re kin with Dr. Coomer: You were the class clown. You have ADHD and have learned exactly what to say to make people laugh so that they don’t leave you. You eventually learned not to care and adapted to referring to yourself as having “no brain cells.” You’re impulsive and you love to slap things like a wrapped turkey in the cold foods freezer section at Walmart. During winter you wear shorts because change is stressful. You’d eat pizza every night if you could, and when you eat an apple you feel like you’re connected to nature. One time you punched yourself to see if you could take it. You could.
If you’re Kin with Dr. Bubby: You never think before you speak ever. You’re the crazy uncle friend who people come to in hopes for advice but receive a meme and a “left on read.” Your friends forgive you though because they know you’re going through a lot. You love the Pokémon franchise, and collect shiny rocks. People beg you to stop talking sometimes and you just keep talking and make things worse. You’re cursed but people can still party with you. When you were a kid you grew the little figures that get puffy in water, and left one in the cup for too long just to see what would happen.
If you’re kin with Tommy: You’re soft, and because of that you’re not taken seriously. You’re sick of it, but keep kinning soft characters because you project that aspect of yourself onto them. Just because you’re mentally ill doesn’t mean you’re a baby, and people don’t get that. Then when your friends say that character is cute you silently think to yourself ‘yeah I’m cute but’ and then your thoughts stop there. You love dog memes, and own many stuffed animals that you refuse to part with from your childhood. You can’t look at a golden retriever catching a frisbee without crying. You stim a lot, and considered purchasing slime but you never knew if it would be worth it because it would probably just sit on a shelf. You get stressed easily, but know that one day you’ll be a fashion king so it’s all going to be okay.
If you’re kin with Gordon: you’re the dad friend. You have anxiety and depression but you’re still trying your best to hold a steady job. You keep your friend group as tame as possible, and try to lead them when you play online games. You’re easily frustrated but your patience is strong enough to tolerate a lot. You’ve been through a lot, and you know how to deal with pretty much anything at this point. In Minecraft you like to go exploring the best, and end up bringing home so many resources that your friends can’t make enough furnaces to burn your stupid large amount of iron. In the shower you wash your hair and think every time about if you should be applying the shampoo first or if it’s supposed to be the conditioner first. You overthink at all times.
If you’re kin with Benrey: you’re traumatized and LGBT+. You’re on meds but you forget to take them sometimes. In your friend group you get talked over a lot, but occasionally you’ll say something funny and everyone will laugh. That makes everything worth it. You’re a bastard, and love to cheat any game you can. Your Shiny Pokémon collection is made entirely out of Wonder Trade luck. You’re pissed off that when caterpillars hatch into butterflies you’re never there to see it. Milk is a drink you appreciate but hate drinking. Cool colors remind you of ice, and then ice makes you want to eat something. No one would trust you with a weapon, but you know deep down your whole comedic goof identity is an act and you would never actually hurt anyone because what if they leave?
If you’re kin with Darnold: you’re really sensitive to loud noises, but enjoy exploring whenever you go out to places. You’re an introvert, but that’s okay. Most of your friends are online. You have a lot of games you’d love to play but you don’t want to spend money on them so you just watch YouTube playthroughs. You’ve considered being a YouTuber because you’re confident in your people skills despite being antisocial. If you could wear a flower crown every day, you would. Pasta is your favorite, and at restuaunts it’s your go to if you don’t know what to order.
If you’re kin with G Man : You’re very gentle with everything. You have big plans for your future and yourself. You’ve considered getting a tattoo but what if you regret it? You have identity issues, so choosing a tattoo that would fit your identity would be super hard. You love to take warm baths, but when you shower you’re more proud of yourself. You’ve had nightmares that have left you in deja vu more than once in real life. If you could, you’d take all your friends to Disney land.
If you’re kin with Forzen: You have no sense of self. Religion doesn’t matter. No one can contain you. Nothing you do has any sort of meaning because you just do it because you think you have to. Your body runs on auto pilot. You wanted to work as a barista at one point but it would be too hard to get up in the morning. If it’s foggy out, you wave your hand up and down through it. You pick up any frogs you happen to see without thinking about the consequences first. When you get down on all fours you’re reminded of the days you did gymnastics as a child. Then you consider showing off for your friends. Then you wonder if you even remember how to do that weird tumble that you did when you were 6.
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kinsonas · 4 years
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✭ Forzen ✭
webcore ; buttons ; cats ; for anon!
♚ ★ / ★ / ★ / ★ / ★ / ★ / ★ / ★ ♚
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hlvraikinhelp · 4 years
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A moodboard for a Forzen who used to play games with Benrey a lot and loved cats
[Lemme know if you need anything changed]
[Click for better quality]
-Mod Benry 🔵
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could you maybe please do a moodboard for a y2kvr forzen + his bfs benrey, gordon and tommy? we're in a system together so maybe w themes of affection n stuff.... also maybe a sciencecore/lovecore aesthetic? sorry if this is too complicated aha 😅 thanks!!!
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Here you go Forzen my good friend!! I really hope you like it!
Let me know if you need any changes made!!
(middle art originally made by the y2kvr blog, the tag aint working right so yeah)
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foragergnome · 3 years
I have half life vr ai doodles but I'm scared to post them because most of my followers don't know what the hell it is and they probably don't want to hear me talk about it
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gameclam · 3 years
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And all this talking feels like such a waste. And now you've crossed the boundaries of good taste. Your only option now's to be replaced.
Musical Chairs by Lemon Demon
Just made a lil thing, idk why this song reminds me of benry and i only used it bc i was listening to it while i drew lol. barely relates 2 the drawing
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starmilkman · 4 years
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another minecraft shenanigan for the road B)
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benwrey · 4 years
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*makez another furzona* makez another furzona* *makez another f
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dilfgmancoolatta · 4 years
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me and @dombinic bullying kinnies
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scenetommycoolatta · 4 years
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do you agree with her
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kitschie · 4 years
i LOVE everyone’s forzen designs
somehow we all collectively managed to perfectly capture the himbo energy even w all the different interpretations and i think thats amazing :)
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kinsonas · 3 years
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✭ Forzen ✭
green / brown ; food ; for anon!
♚ ★ / ★ / ★ / ★ / ★ / ★ / ★ / ★ ♚
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kalofi · 4 years
I'm watching hlvrai with my dad for my birthday >:D My mom did nope out cause of all the guns tho, so I feel ya
oh fun!!!! yea the swears made my dad uncomfortable but im gonna make my lil sis watch with me cause shes only seen act 1 part 1 >:D
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*points* kinnie!
*points* kinnie!
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