#foundation repair seattle
seattlefoundat · 3 days
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Dealing with Foundation Crumbling in Seattle: Depend on Seattle Foundation Repair for Solid Solutions
Foundation crumbling is a pressing concern for homeowners in Seattle, where the unique geological landscape and weather conditions can exacerbate structural issues. When faced with signs of foundation deterioration such as cracks, uneven floors, or gaps around windows and doors, it's crucial to take proactive steps to address the problem promptly and effectively.
At Seattle Foundation Repair, we understand the gravity of foundation crumbling and the impact it can have on the safety and value of your property. Our team of experts specializes in diagnosing and remedying foundation issues, utilizing advanced techniques and proven methodologies to deliver lasting solutions tailored to the specific needs of Seattle homes and businesses.
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chloe-caulfield94 · 6 months
Chloe's reaction to Rachel's and Frank's photograph
Chloe's angry reaction to finding Rachel's and Frank's photographs, especially her angry tirade how everyone in her life keeps letting her down, is brought up as an example of Chloe being self-absorbed and demanding. "Selfish", as she herself would put it in her darkest moment.
But I think her anger in that moment is not only understandable, it is justified.
When I played the game for the first time, I thought that her anger in that moment was caused by jealousy. She found out that the girl she was in love with not only didn't love her back, but was sleeping with (and possibly in love with) someone else.
But now I think her anger was caused by something else. It was anger at seeing the foundations of her life unraveling again, through no fault of her own.
Before William's accident, Chloe was a daddy's girl, straight-As student from the suburbs. Before her father's death it was easy for Chloe to believe that putting effort into building her life made sense and paid off. She tried to be a good daughter, good friend and good student. And those efforts gave fruit - her close relation with her parents, her strong friendship with Max, her academic achievements.
But then William died and Max's parents moved her to Seattle. Despite Chloe's best efforts, her life collapsed, through no fault of her own. The two pillars of her life - family and friendship - were torn down by forces outside of her control. So she didn't bother fighting to keep the last pillar - her academic achievements - standing. Why would she bother? What's the point of building anything if it can be torn down at any moment? She became resigned. She thought her life ended before it even properly began.
But then she started to build again. Her future with Rachel. A fresh start, far beyond Arcadia Bay. How enticing the prospect of beginning anew must have been to someone who thought their life was already over?
When Chloe first floated the idea of skipping town, she didn't really mean it. She just said it to express her negative attitude towards the town that treated her with disdain. But when Rachel took it seriously, Chloe quickly warmed up to the idea too. And soon, that idea became the only thing allowing her to go on. The only thing that she was willing to put effort into. The only thing she was willing to build.
In two days, she fixed up a broken wreck into a working vehicle. She kept tinkering with it, even though it took considerable amount of effort and money (that she never had in abundance, to say the least). Just look at the repair bills in her room. She did that so she and Rachel had the means to leave town.
To leave town and begin anew, especially in a large, expensive city, Chloe and Rachel needed money. Chloe was willing to do anything and everything to scrounge money for their new life together. When Frank offered her a job collecting Drew's debt, Chloe's first thought was that it would be 100 dollars towards skipping town with Rachel. From conversations Chloe has with Max in Season 1 it seems pretty clear that she did many more such jobs for Frank over the years (she said she hung around with Frank for money, but also emphatically denied he was ever one of her "bad boys"). Chloe was willing to become an accomplice to a violent criminal who treated her like shit, just to earn some cash for her escape with Rachel.
It is never clearly explained how her 3000 USD debt to Frank came to be. Perhaps he captured her in a debt spiral, balooning an initially small sum of money by adding outrageous "interest", as criminals like to do. Maybe Frank used the fact that Chloe's depressed mind and body craved weed, a natural anti-depressant, so he kept giving her "little somethings" and putting them on the tab, until it accumulated to a sum large enough he started using his switchblade in attempts to collect.
But given that the bill for Chloe's truck's repairs is almost exactly 3000 dollars, it is possible, if not probable, that she borrowed the money for that exact purpose. Keep in mind that Chloe's truck is fully functional in Season 1. It doesn't look like a vehicle needing 3000 dollars in essential repairs anymore, which would probably render it inoperable.
And Chloe was even willing to pretend to be interested in Nathan, someone who always treated her with disdain and hostility, even when she saved him from bullying and played the matchmaker between him and Samantha. She was willing to pretend to be interested in him just for an opportunity to swipe a couple hundred bucks from his wallet. She bet on Nathan getting drunk. How far would she go if he didn't?
Chloe was willing to put any and all effort to build her future life with Rachel. She fixed up a broken truck specifically so that the two of them would have an escape vehicle. She did odd jobs for a violent criminal to scrounge up money for them. She possibly went heavily into debt with said violent criminal, just to keep the car they needed to escape operational. She was willing to debase herself by pretending to be interested in Nathan, just to swipe a little bit of cash for her and Rachel. And from her perspective, she almost got date raped because of that.
Chloe's commitment to fulfilling Rachel's dream of skipping town was absolute. Her life was based around that dream.
To discover that Rachel never actually intended to leave town with her must have been crushing for Chloe. The dream that she worked so hard for, that she suffered for, that she swallowed her pride for, turned out to be a lie. Rachel would never skip town with her. The chance for a new life, for a fresh start somewhere else, turned out to be a mirage. Once again, her life collapsed. The construction she had put great effort into once again was torn down, through no fault of her own, because of actions of other people that were outside her control.
When Chloe asks why didn't Rachel tell her about Frank, Max responds "because she knew how you would react". Max doesn't know the ins and outs of Chloe's and Rachel's friendship. She probably also thought, like I did initially, that Chloe was just being jealous about a girl she had a crush on. So Max thought Rachel kept quiet about Frank, because she didn't want Chloe to throw a jealous fit.
But that's not what Chloe meant. Chloe didn't ask why Rachel didn't tell her she was taken. Chloe asked why didn't Rachel tell her she wasn't actually going to leave town with her. Why did she keep her hanging on? Why didn't she realease her from the mesmerizing promise of a better tomorrow if she knew it was a lie? Why did she allow Chloe to live in a lie for years?
Chloe's anger is not jealousy. It's the anger of someone who just found out that the only thing keeping them going on was a lie. That once again, everything she'd built was torn down by someone else. Yes, if Rachel ever told her about Frank, Chloe would've been angry. Because Rachel should've told her that she wasn't actually going to leave town. Not with her. She should've released Chloe from the hold she had over her, instead of letting her build something condemned from the start.
Chloe's words about Rachel "betraying her" and "not being much of a friend, just another person shitting on her" are harsh. But how would you call promising someone hopeless a better tomorrow, a future together and then taking such a gift back?
I don't think that Rachel wanted to hurt Chloe. Just like I would never think Max wanted to hurt Chloe by not writing letters, not calling and not responding to texts. I think that for the first few months after William's death Max had no idea how to comfort a friend with a dead dad. And after that she was ashamed of her silence and assumed Chloe had moved on.
But sometimes people end up hurting others even if that wasn't their intention, especially if they hurt them with indifference. Maybe Rachel thought Chloe would get the hint and realize their joint escape from town was no longer on the table on her own. Maybe she thought it was none of Chloe's business who she was dating. But no matter what motivated her, she did hurt Chloe. Unfortunately, unlike Max, she never got the chance to make up for that hurt to her friend.
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SSHSA’s 1995 Ship of the Year, the Virginia V celebrates 100 year this month! She made her first voyage on June 11, 1922 from Elliott Bay in Seattle to Tacoma. She continued to make this voyage daily until 1938. She is the last of her kind, the sole survivor of the “mosquito fleet” and has overcome odds and obstacles for years in large part through the work of the Foundation, who have themselves been through tough times, facing ill-advised maintenance and repairs, and the tedious care and feeding of a wooden hull. At the time of this award, the hull had reached crisis condition. By the mid-1980s it was clear that the hull needed major restoration to ensure continued operation. The stern and the bow were renewed, but fundraising did not allow for hull repairs. In mid-February 1996, Virginia V ceased, for the first time in her career, to be licensed to carry passengers. Instead, she steamed from time to time carrying crew only to fundraising events around Puget Sound. For the public she is available for viewing while docked. In 2002, after a six-year $6.5 million restoration, the Foundation was able to put Virginia V back in service. She now provides public excursions, private charters and visits to local maritime festivals in and around Puget Sound. Learn more at https://www.virginiav.org/ship/history/. Read this great tribute to the ship in Sea History Today at conta.cc/3tTHCOg . Image: Steamer VIRGINIA V docked on the Seattle waterfront. Photo taken May 19, 1986. Braun Brothers Collection, SSHSA Archives. See more images from this collection at bit.ly/BraunBrothers. (at The Steamship Historical Society of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfJ6kdusCSc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seattleslabjack1 · 1 month
Seattle Slab Jack
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WE RAISE SUNKEN CRACKED CONCRETE Seattle Foundation Repairs Concrete Lifting and Slab Jacking works with a wide variety of manufacturers of both man made and natural products. So, no matter what your project requires, Seattle Foundation Repairs Concrete Lifting and Slab Jacking have both the products, as well as the experience, to install it right the first time. We meet or exceed all manufacturer installation specifications, and implement our own higher standards of excellence.
website:Concrete Lifting and Slab Jacking driveway repair near me
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The Advantages  of Tooth Implant in Seattle and Shoreline, WA for Single Tooth Replacement  
Dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry by providing a durable and natural-looking solution for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants offer several benefits compared to traditional tooth replacement options for residents in Seattle and Shoreline, WA, who are missing a single tooth. Here are some of the key advantages of using a tooth implant in Seattle and Shoreline, WA for single-tooth replacement:   Natural Appearance: One of the primary benefits of dental implants is their natural appearance. The implant is surgically placed into the jawbone, where it fuses with the bone over time. This creates a stable foundation for a dental crown that looks and feels like a natural tooth, blending seamlessly with the surrounding teeth.   Durability: Dental implants are designed to be a long-term solution for tooth replacement. With proper care, they can last a lifetime, making them a cost-effective option in the long run compared to other tooth replacement options that may need to be replaced or repaired over time.   Preservation of Jawbone: When a tooth is lost, the underlying jawbone can begin to deteriorate over time due to lack of stimulation. Dental implants help preserve the jawbone by providing the necessary stimulation, preventing bone loss, and maintaining the face's natural shape.   Improved Oral Health: Dental implants do not require the alteration of adjacent teeth, as is often necessary with dental bridges. This helps preserve the integrity of the surrounding teeth and promotes better oral health in the long term.   Improved Speech and Eating Ability: Missing teeth can affect speech and eating ability. Dental implants function like natural teeth, allowing for improved speech and the ability to eat various foods without discomfort or difficulty.   Comfort and Convenience: Unlike removable dentures, which can be uncomfortable and require special cleaning and maintenance, dental implants are fixed in place and function like natural teeth. This makes them more comfortable and convenient for daily use.   Boosted Confidence: Having a missing tooth can impact self-confidence and self-esteem. Dental implants provide a permanent solution that looks and feels natural, helping to restore confidence in one's smile and overall appearance.   Stability and Functionality: Dental implants are stable and secure, allowing for normal chewing and biting forces. This means individuals with dental implants can enjoy a varied diet without worrying about their replacement tooth becoming loose or falling out.   Tooth implants in Seattle and Shoreline, WA, offer numerous benefits for those who are missing a single tooth. Dental implants are a reliable and long-lasting solution for single tooth replacement, from their natural appearance and durability to their ability to preserve jawbone health and improve overall oral health. 
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compton-builders · 3 months
Beneath the Surface: A Comprehensive Guide to Basement Repair in Seattle
In the vibrant city of Seattle, where rain is a frequent visitor, homeowners often face the challenge of maintaining a dry and sturdy basement. At Compton Builders, we understand the importance of a solid foundation, and our comprehensive basement repair services are tailored to address the unique needs of Seattleites.
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 4 months
A Homebuyers Guide: The Challenges of Buying a Fixer-Upper
For many aspiring homeowners, the allure of a fixer-upper is undeniable. The prospect of transforming a neglected property into a dream home is a tempting proposition. However, the journey from dilapidation to restoration is fraught with challenges. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the unique hurdles and considerations that come with buying a fixer-upper, providing invaluable insights to help navigate the intricacies of this rewarding yet demanding endeavor. Beyond the aesthetic appeal, the financial aspects require meticulous attention.
Budgeting Realities
One of the primary challenges of buying a fixer-upper is the often-underestimated cost of renovations. While the initial purchase price might seem attractive, the expenses associated with bringing an outdated or deteriorating property up to modern standards can quickly escalate. Homebuyers must carefully assess their budget, accounting for not only the purchase price but also potential hidden costs such as structural repairs, electrical rewiring, plumbing updates, and aesthetic enhancements.
Structural Integrity
Fixer-uppers are often plagued by structural issues that may not be immediately apparent to the untrained eye. Faulty foundations, sagging roofs, or compromised walls can turn a renovation project into a money pit. Seeking the expertise of a home inspector in Seattle, or any other location with diverse architectural styles and varying weather conditions, is essential for effectively addressing the structural challenges associated with fixer-uppers. It's crucial to invest in a thorough home inspection by a qualified professional to uncover any structural concerns before committing to the purchase. Understanding the scope of necessary repairs is essential for both budgeting and ensuring the safety and longevity of the home.
Time Constraints
Undertaking a fixer-upper project requires a significant time investment. Homebuyers should realistically assess their ability to dedicate time to oversee the renovations or hire a project manager if necessary. Delays in obtaining permits, unexpected construction challenges, and coordinating various contractors can extend the timeline of the project. It's important to have a clear understanding of the time constraints involved and be prepared for the potential disruption to daily life during the renovation process.
Skill Set and DIY Limitations
While the allure of DIY projects is strong, not every homebuyer possesses the necessary skills to handle complex renovations. Attempting to tackle tasks beyond one's expertise can lead to costly mistakes and compromise the overall quality of the renovation. Homebuyers must realistically assess their skill set and be willing to hire professionals for specialized tasks. Balancing DIY enthusiasm with the wisdom to delegate tasks to qualified experts is crucial for the success of the fixer-upper project.
Financing Challenges
Securing financing for a fixer-upper can be more challenging than obtaining a mortgage for a move-in-ready home. Traditional lenders may be hesitant to provide loans for properties in disrepair, and interest rates can be higher. Homebuyers should explore renovation loan options, such as FHA 203(k) or Fannie Mae HomeStyle loans, designed specifically for financing both the purchase and renovation costs. Understanding the available financing options and working closely with a knowledgeable mortgage advisor is key to navigating this aspect of the process.
Building Codes and Permits
Navigating local building codes and obtaining necessary permits can be a labyrinthine process for fixer-upper projects. Failing to adhere to regulations can result in fines and complications down the line. Homebuyers must familiarize themselves with local building codes, secure the required permits, and ensure that renovations meet the necessary standards. Working with experienced contractors who are well-versed in local regulations can help streamline this aspect of the renovation process.
Resale Value Considerations
While a fixer-upper presents an opportunity for customization, it's essential to consider the potential impact on resale value. Over-personalized renovations or unconventional design choices may limit the pool of potential buyers in the future. Striking a balance between creating a unique, personalized space and maintaining broad market appeal is crucial for ensuring a positive return on investment when it comes time to sell the property.
Buying a fixer-upper can be a rewarding endeavor for those willing to take on the challenges involved. However, it requires careful planning, realistic expectations, and a willingness to adapt to unexpected hurdles. Homebuyers should approach the process with eyes wide open, conducting thorough research, seeking professional guidance, and being prepared for the inevitable twists and turns that come with transforming a fixer-upper into a dream home. With the right mindset and preparation, the challenges of buying a fixer-upper can be overcome, resulting in a home that not only meets but exceeds expectations.
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guwiguttersandwindows · 7 months
Do Gutter Guards Really Prevent Clogs in Seattle?
If you're a homeowner in Seattle, you know our wet climate can wreak havoc on your home's gutters. Clogged gutters unable to properly drain water is a huge problem in our rainy city. The excess moisture can cause rot, mold, flooding, foundation damage, and more if left unchecked.
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Gutter guards are a popular solution homeowners rely on to prevent clogged gutters. But do they really work effectively in Seattle's climate? Let's take a closer look.
Why Gutters Get Clogged in Seattle
Our gutters face all kinds of debris and hazards throughout the year:
Leaves - Our beautiful trees shed leaves constantly. They fall right into gutters and can quickly pile up. 
Pine needles - Seattle is covered with huge pine trees that drop tons of needles. They easily wash into gutters.
Moss - Moss thrives in our wet climate. It quickly grows inside gutters, clogging them.
Seed pods - Maple trees and others drop helicopter seed pods that get stuck.
Pollen - Trees drop pollen that sticks to gutters like glue when wet.
Bugs - Spiders, wasps, and bees love building nests in gutters.
Mold & mildew - Excess moisture breeds mold/mildew.
Dirt & debris - Wind and rain carry all kinds of junk into gutters.
With this constant onslaught, it's no wonder Seattle gutters get clogged so often! Proper drainage gets blocked, leading to all sorts of problems. 
Do Gutter Guards Actually Prevent Clogs in Seattle?
Gutter guards sit inside gutters to block debris from entering while still allowing water to flow through. There are many types:
Screen guards
Foam guards
Brush guards
Surface tension systems
Gutter guards can be highly effective at reducing clogs in Seattle if you choose the right system and have them properly installed.  Gutter Guards Installation Seattle are relatively inexpensive and can save you time and hassle in the long run. They can also help you avoid costly repairs due to water damage. Finally, gutter guards can help protect your home from pests and other unwanted visitors. 
Here are the pros of gutter guards for Seattle climate conditions: 
Pros of Gutter Guards
Block leaves, needles, helicopters & debris from entering gutters
Allow water to flow freely through openings
Prevent the growth of moss inside gutters
Stop nests from forming inside gutters
Reduce the need for maintenance & cleaning
Prevent corrosion & rust inside gutters
Protect gutters from excess debris/buildup
Gutter guards clearly provide excellent protection against gutter clogs when installed properly. Even with occasional minor maintenance needed, guards are far more effective than exposed gutters at keeping debris buildup at bay.
Choosing the Best Gutter Guard System for Seattle
With so many gutter guard products out there, how do you choose the right one for Seattle's climate? Here are the most important factors to consider:
Durability - Guards must withstand our wet environment plus trees, debris, and seasonal storms. Look for strong metals like aluminum or copper rather than plastic.
Holes/Mesh size - Tiny holes prevent seeds and pollen from entering but allow water flow. Look for smaller holes.
Water flow rate - Choose guards rated to handle our heavy rainfall.
Adaptability - Guards should fit your gutter size and layout. Look for customizable options.
Installation - Proper installation is key to prevent seams/gaps where debris can enter.
Price - Be wary of guards that seem too cheap which may lack durability. Expect to invest in quality.
Get professional installation, and your gutters will stay clog-free for years! Professional installation is key to ensuring maximum efficiency. Quality guards will last for years and provide the best protection. Choose a guard that suits your budget and needs.
When to Clean Gutter Guards in Seattle
While gutter guards drastically reduce maintenance compared to exposed gutters, occasional cleaning is still required.
Fall - Clear any piled-up leaves/needles after the fall leaf drop
Winter - Knock off any ice buildup blocking water flow
Spring - Wash away pollen and rinse mold/mildew
Summer - Clear any branches or seed pods
After storms - Remove excess debris after heavy wind/rain
Check guards at least 2-4 times per year and after major storms. Simply spray them down with a hose and clear off any stuck debris. Take a few minutes to check for any loose sections and re-secure them if needed.
Wrapping Up
Well-installed and maintained gutter guards really do prevent the vast majority of gutter clogging issues for Seattle homes. Don't wait for serious problems to occur - invest in quality gutter guards from reputable Seattle installers like Gu-Wi today! Protect your home and prevent serious water damage - visit www.gu-wi.com to request a quote for gutter guards tailored to your home! Their team of expert installers will assess your current gutters and recommend the ideal debris-blocking system to keep your gutters clog-free for years to come.
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subzero5357 · 9 months
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Discover the art of Sub-Zero Viking appliance repairs with our expert technicians. We're dedicated to maintaining your kitchen's functionality and aesthetics. Sub Zero Viking Repair is a full service Home appliance repair company and also resolved any big or small home appliance problems. Using advanced analytics and automated any sub zero refrigerator repair service in Seattle, we achieve the best outcome for you. Sub Zero Viking Repair is easiest way to protect your foundation or resolved any types of common foundation repair problems.
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basementexpert · 1 year
Basement Expert
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A basement expert, also known as a basement contractor or specialist, is a professional who specializes in assessing, designing, and providing solutions for basement-related issues. Here are some reasons why you might need a Seattle, Washington basement expert:
Waterproofing: Basements are prone to water leaks and flooding due to their location below ground level. A basement expert can assess the waterproofing needs of your basement, identify any existing or potential water intrusion points, and recommend appropriate solutions such as sump pumps, drainage systems, or sealing techniques.
Foundation issues: The foundation of your home supports the entire structure, including the basement. If you notice cracks, settling, or other signs of foundation problems in your basement, a basement expert can evaluate the situation and propose the necessary repairs or reinforcements to ensure the stability and safety of your home.
Mold and moisture problems: Basements often have higher humidity levels than other parts of the house, which can lead to mold growth and moisture-related issues. A basement expert can help identify the sources of moisture, assess ventilation and insulation requirements, and suggest strategies to mitigate mold growth and improve air quality.
Basement finishing and remodeling: If you're planning to finish or remodel your basement, a basement expert can offer valuable insights and expertise. They can assist with space planning, design considerations, code compliance, insulation, electrical and plumbing requirements, and overall project management to ensure a successful transformation of your basement.
Structural integrity and safety: Basements may face structural challenges, such as inadequate support columns, load-bearing walls, or compromised structural elements. A basement expert can assess the structural integrity of your basement, identify potential safety hazards, and provide recommendations for necessary repairs or modifications to meet safety standards.
Energy efficiency: Basements can contribute to heat loss or gain in a home. A basement expert can help assess the energy efficiency of your basement by examining insulation, air sealing, and HVAC systems. They can suggest improvements to reduce energy consumption and increase comfort levels.
In summary, a Seattle, Washington basement expert is knowledgeable about the unique challenges and requirements associated with basements. Whether you're dealing with waterproofing, foundation issues, mold, remodeling, safety concerns, or energy efficiency, consulting a basement expert can provide you with professional guidance and solutions tailored to your specific needs.
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vero1996123 · 1 year
A Fool’s Proof Guide to Dealing with Crawl Space Pests in Seattle
Dirt crawl spaces in Seattle are the perfect breeding grown for a range of pests! Cheeky rodents, and cockroaches are just some of the common Seattle pests that can invade your crawl space. At Parker Eco Pest Control, we see many homeowners struggle to keep rats out of a crawl space! In fact, providing adequate rodent control and crawl space repair is one of our most requested services. So, in this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about dealing with crawl space pests in Seattle. 
Help! How Do I Keep Rats Out of My Crawl Space?
Rats dwelling in your crawl space can leave quite a mess behind! Feces, urine, and damaged insulation are just some of the problems you may face. There are a few things you can do when it comes to keeping rats out and away from a crawl space!
Remove damaged insulation: Insulation can retain urine, and it’s a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. In the long run, urine-damaged insulation can lead to increased humidity, odor, and mold growth, all of which can affect your health and well-being. 
Rodent control is key: There are many different ways you can choose to control the rodent population around your home. Talk to us today to learn more about how we handle rats and mice naturally and effectively. 
Managing Rodents in a Dirt Crawl Space
When it comes to crawling space rodent control in Seattle, we have your back at Parker Eco Pest Control. Managing rodents like mice and rats within a dirt crawl space will require skilled pest control professionals and time. At Parker Eco Pest Control, we deal with the problem using a 3 visit plan approach. 
So, how do we do it?
 Remove those cheeky pests! Of course, it comes without saying that as part of the pest control protocol, we must remove as many rodents as we can from the crawl space. This may involve setting various mouse traps and baits to decrease the rodent population gradually.  Don’t worry; we have organic pest control options too!
Seal those entry points! Mice and rats can find many ways to invade your home. A skilled pest controller will examine the exterior of your home and crawl space to determine potential entry points and openings. The aim here is to seal any cracks or holes, which decreases the risk of a population of rodents establishing.
Rodenticides and rat baits for better control: In some cases, we may recommend placing rodenticides throughout your crawl space to control the rat and mice population. 
We Have Options for Pest Control Crawl Space Barriers
Installing galvanized steel mesh along the foundation of your home and sealing off your joists will prevent rodents from damaging crawl space insulation. Buried galvanized steel mesh can also prevent rodents from entering the living area of your home. 
Got Rodent Damaged Insulation? Talk to Us About Crawl Space Repair
Rodents can not only leave behind feces and urine, but they can also damage the insulation of your crawl space. In the long run, this can lead to many problems, including poor insulation, further pest problems, and more! 
When it comes to cleaning up, sanitizing, and re-insulating a crawl space, our Parker Eco Pest Control team is here to help. Our highly trained team of professional pest controllers works one-on-one with homeowners to sanitize, re-insulate, and repair crawl spaces throughout Seattle. 
What’s Included in Our Rodent Crawl Space Clean Up?
We understand that repairing and cleaning a rodent-infested crawl space in Seattle can sound costly! But, it doesn’t have to be. At Parker Eco Pest Control, we offer homeowners several service levels to cater to their needs and budget. 
This option is perfect for crawl spaces with minor rodent damages. Refreshing your crawl space will include:
Vacuuming rodent dropping and sanitizing the area with an industrial fogger
We can replace the vapor barrier
Our team can remove sections of contaminated insulation and replace insulation as needed. 
As part of our protocol, we install permanent rodent barriers and rodent-proof insulation. 
This option is perfect for crawl spaces with moderate rodent damages. In particular, it’s a great option for homeowners who lack a permanent rodent barrier within their crawl space. This option is similar to our refresh selection which includes
Vacuuming rodent dropping and sanitizing the area with an industrial fogger
We can replace the vapor barrier.
Our team can remove sections of contaminated insulation and replace insulation as needed. 
We provide an air gap sealing service that can cut your energy bill by 15%. Air gap sealing will also stop drafts and heat loss. 
As part of our protocol, we install permanent rodent barriers and rodent-proof insulation. 
This option is perfect for crawl spaces with significant rodent damage, including damaged insulation. The replace option includes everything listed above.
Vacuuming rodent dropping and sanitizing the area with an industrial fogger
We can replace the vapor barrier.
All insulation is removed and replaced with new rodent-proof insulation. We even insulate HVAC ducts and water lines to prevent heat loss.
We provide an air gap sealing service that can cut your energy bill by 15%. Air gap sealing will also stop drafts and heat loss. 
As part of our protocol, we install permanent rodent barriers and rodent-proof insulation. 
Getting rid of rats from your crawl space doesn’t have to be a difficult task! Talk to us today to learn more about crawl space repair and pest control services in Seattle. 
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Address: 2101-2121 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98121 United States
Phone: 206-385-1816
Web: https://www.smokedamageseattle.com/
The Best Restoration of Smoke Damage Seattle WA Has To Offer! Our team of experienced smoke damage Seattle WA professionals can handle both residential and commercial projects. We can tackle anything from smoke and soot damage to fire restoration. We have the skills and experience to do it all. Not only do we repair horrible drywall and foundation repair, we also provide high quality carpentry to reframe your home. Smoke damage is an extremely inconvenient and frustrating process, but we are here to help! Our company offers you skilled workmanship and the best quality materials for all of our projects. Call the smoke damage Seattle specialists that locals depend on to get the job done!
B/H: 24/7
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emeraldcitywa09 · 2 years
509 Olive Way
Seattle, WA 98101
Business Email:
Brandon Dominguez
The Best Foundation Repair Contractors Seattle Has To Offer! Our team of experienced Seattle foundation repair contractors can handle both residential and commercial projects. We can tackle anything from minor cracking to slipping masonry blocks – we have the skills and experience to do it all. Not only do we perform high quality foundation repair, but we also provide the new foundation locals need. Your foundation is the most important part to the structural integrity of your home and needs to be taken seriously. Our team offers you skilled labor and the best quality materials locals need for all of our projects. Call the pros of foundation repair Seattle locals depend on!
Concrete Contractor
Keywords: Tags
seattle foundation repair
Business Hours:
M-F 8am-8pm, Sat 8am-4pm
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portlandlac · 2 years
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2022 m. lapkričio 5 d. Portlando lietuvių bendruomenė organizuoja talką palaikydama Kittitos apygardos lietuvių klubą. Projekto tikslas, sutvarkyti kai kuriuos nykstančius kapus.
Darbo kapinėse tikrai yra daug, tad pagalba labai reikalainga.
Dirbsime nuo 9 val iš ryto iki 2 val. po pietų.
Tuo pačiu prisijungtume prie Seattlo LB organizuojamų "Vėlinių", kurios bus švenčiamos kapinėse  3 val po pietų. 
Jiegu turite klausimų, prašome, kreiptis į Vilių Žalpį 360-608-2258 arba [email protected]
Rekomenduojame pasirupinti nakvyne iš anksto. 
Projekto rėmėjas, - Lietuvių Fondas.
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On Nov. 5, 2022  The  Portland Lithuanain Community will support the Kittitas County Lithuanians Club with a Talka (community work day) to help repair  some detreating graves with a Grant from the Lithuanian Foundation Inc. We will add more projects if a larger group show up.
We will work from 9 AM to 2 PM stopping one hour or more prior to Seattles "All Souls Day" celebration at 3 PM.
We recommend plan to stay overnight, please book your accommodation in advance.
Any questions can be forwarded to Vilius Zalpys 360-608-2258 or [email protected]
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roofcompanytacoma · 2 years
Best Roof Repair Company in Tacoma
Roof Repair A roof is the second biggest structure in a home. It protects the structure from rain, snow, and other elements.
What are roof repairs?
A roof is the second biggest structure in a home. It protects the structure from rain, snow, and other elements. When a roofer approaches a structure to repair it, many questions come to mind. These questions are answered below: Is the roof safe to repair? Is the roof leaking? Is the roofing condition poor? Do I need a new roof?
How to repair your roof?
The way a roof works is highly regulated by the owner. If the roofer wants to repair the roof, they must first contact the owner and ask for permission to do so. Once permission is granted, they would then be allowed to perform the repairs. If the roofer accidentally damages the roof, they will have to pay for the damages. If the roofer fails to get the proper permits, the city of Seattle will step in and clean up the mess.
The Why and How of Roof Repair in Tacoma
There are many reasons to repair a roof. Some examples include: An attic crack A crack in the foundation A crack near the wall A crack near the foundation You can't protect against all these, though. So, you have to take care of the ones you have.
How to find a qualified Seattle roof contractor
The first step to finding a valid roof contractor in your area is to find one. There are a few online roofing services you can choose from. You can also email or call a roofer or search for a local contractor. You may get a few names, but don't overthink it. The more straightforward your request, the more likely you will be given a referral.
Expert urbanist tips for roofs in need
How do you decide what structural elements in your home to worry about? Often, it's the roof. Thus, it's the first thing to worry about. With the right advice, you can protect your home from dings and chips, but do it the right way and you will be fine. The city of Seattle has a great variety of tips for protecting your roof. The first is to be mindful of your weight, especially when you are carrying a large load such as a roofer, or a stack of boxes. Consider how much weight your family is carrying and make a plan for adding weight as you move forward with the Roof repair company in Tacoma. The roofers we spoke with advised against carrying extra weight on their backs. For example, a roofer with two children should consider whether it would be better to carry one or two children. That way, the children would have less sway in the event of a rollover.
The need for a roof isn’t just monetary. It’s emotional, as well. If a home does not have one, then someone will have to walk through it every day, and often night, to make sure it is safe to walk inside and take in the sights and sounds of the city. That someone may or may not be you. Choosing the right Roof repair company in Tacoma for your home can be difficult. It’s not just the individual details of your roof that make you vulnerable; it’s also the way the contractor runs the business. That’s why you need to carefully review all of the options and make your decision based on how they compare to your own experience. When it comes time to finish the job, you should be prepared to spend a significant amount of time determining how the new roof affects your home. Don’t just assume the new roof won’t be a factor in your daily life. It has to be treated as one. If you are having problems with your roof, it can be a good idea to get advice from a roofer. The first step is to figure out whether the problem is with the roof itself or the way it’s being treated by the current roofer. The next step is to go to the appropriate roofing contractor and ask for help.
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laresearchette · 2 years
Wednesday, June 08, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
DISNEY + STAR ATLANTA (Season 3) BAYMAX DREAMS (Shorts) (Season 1 - 2) BREAKING BOBBY BONES (Season 1) MS. MARVEL (Episode 1) PICKLE & PEANUT (Season 1 - 2) PRIDE (Season 1) UNDER THE BANNER OF HEAVEN (Episode 1)
MLB BASEBALL (SN/SN360) 2:00pm: Jays vs. Royals (SN1) 7:30pm: Yankees vs. Twins (SN Now) 9:30pm: Red Sox vs. Angels
QMJHL HOCKEY (TSN3) 7:00pm: QMJHL Playoffs: Charlottetown Islanders vs. Shawinigan, Cataractes - Game #3
ESPN 30 FOR 30 (TSN4/TSN5) 7:30pm: The Greatest Mixtape Ever: It was the 1990s and DJ Set Free, a shoe company employee, took it upon himself to start a trend that reshaped amateur basketball.  He started filming streetball local legends playing and set it to the soundtrack of the rap music of that era and without realizing what he was doing, DJ Set Free created one of the biggest innovations in basketball over the last 25 years.
NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS (TSN/TSN4/TSN5) 9:00pm: Warriors vs. Celtics  - Game #3
SHORESY (Crave) 9:00pm/9:30pm (SEASON FINALE):  The Bulldogs face the powerhouse Soo Cyclones. In Episode Two, The Soo Cyclones return for the Bulldogs' final game of the season.
WHL HOCKEY (TSN3) 10:00pm: WHL Playoffs: Edmonton Oil Kings vs. Seattle Thunderbirds - Game #4
GUT JOB (HGTV Canada) 10:00pm: With the foundation repaired, Seb and his team can finally focus on the interior of Erica and Eric's $400,000 gut job.
BLING! (Makeful) 10:00pm:   Gok Wan is joined in store by experts Tracy Thackray Howitt, Helen Dimmick, Mr. Freeze, Lydia Cockrill-Jones and jewellery maker Kiran Singh; Mr. Freeze can't believe his luck when sparkling jewels fit for royalty make their way to his counter.
ALL THE QUEEN'S MEN (BET Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  Club owner Madam Devile's leading shareholder threatens to sell the male exotic club; this man-eater makes it known that no one will get in her way; her nephew Amp seeks help getting his life back on track.
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