#foundation specialists seattle
seattlefoundat · 3 days
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Dealing with Foundation Crumbling in Seattle: Depend on Seattle Foundation Repair for Solid Solutions
Foundation crumbling is a pressing concern for homeowners in Seattle, where the unique geological landscape and weather conditions can exacerbate structural issues. When faced with signs of foundation deterioration such as cracks, uneven floors, or gaps around windows and doors, it's crucial to take proactive steps to address the problem promptly and effectively.
At Seattle Foundation Repair, we understand the gravity of foundation crumbling and the impact it can have on the safety and value of your property. Our team of experts specializes in diagnosing and remedying foundation issues, utilizing advanced techniques and proven methodologies to deliver lasting solutions tailored to the specific needs of Seattle homes and businesses.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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A Washington state mother was charged last week with assault of a child after it was discovered that her daughter was receiving excessive medical treatment for unverified conditions.
Sophie Hartman of the Seattle suburb of Renton, Washington, who is white, adopted two Black children from Zambia where she worked as a missionary, according to court documents obtained by Atlanta Black Star. The children were removed from her home on March 17, 2021. One of Hartman’s daughters was held at a hospital, and doctors at the medical center informed authorities of the child’s “suspicious medical history.”
Hartman carried her 6-year-old daughter to an estimated 500 medical appointments over the span of about five years, according to charging documents filed on May 24. Doctors said that as a result, she has received an “unnecessary medical procedure,” as well as a surgically implanted feeding tube, with a cecostomy tube, to flush out the intestines. Though doctors advised against it, the young girl was also committed to a wheelchair and wore leg braces at least as early as 2016, court documents said.
In 2018, Make-a-Wish granted the child a wish. In a video sent to the foundation, Hartman explained that her daughter had Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood (AHC), a disease she said could cause her child to become paralyzed at any time.
“She can lose the ability to talk and go into all different types of seizures and have extreme pain. It’s really tough,” Hartman said in the video.
The 31-year-old mother also said that even the “best pediatric specialists” have no idea what to do, and that “…she needs access to oxygen because her breathing shallows and slows; she depends on her feeding tube when she’s unable to eat.”
Medical providers informed detectives that they did diagnose Hartman’s daughter with AHC, but only based on the symptom details that Hartman provided — symptoms that were only witnessed by her, according to search warrants.
A Seattle Children’s Hospital physician advised detectives that according to medical findings, it was likely that the child was not afflicted with the disease.
In 2019, “a group of (redacted) specialists and providers at Seattle Children’s Hospital” requested consultation of the Safe Child and Adolescent Network (SCAN) due to alarm concerning “a pattern of parental requests for increasingly invasive procedures based upon undocumented signs and symptoms reported by the parent,” read investigative reports.  
A report warning of the risk to the child was “co-authored by four medical professionals of the child’s care team,” and was “reviewed and signed by the medical director for Seattle Children’s Hospital.”
“This situation is a case of medical child abuse … ” said the report. “It is not necessary to know the possible motivation of a caregiver, only the outcome of the behavior. It is my concern that this pattern has resulted in unnecessary medical testing, medication, procedures, surgeries and debility of this child.”
In February 2021, the report was sent to the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families. The Renton Police Department was contacted, and commenced their investigation.
Detectives also discovered diary entries written by Hartman, in which she allegedly described several instances in which she lied about having various diseases, such as meningitis and mono, in her youth, said court documents. Detectives noted that in one entry Hartman allegedly transcribed, “when it comes to suffering, I am a compulsive liar/exaggerator.”
Hartman penned an account of her work in Africa in a book that she said initiated her decision to adopt, reported The Independent. She received a flurry of interest once she publicly revealed the youngest daughter was diagnosed with AHC, and A GoFundMe page was established for a wheelchair.
The child’s various procedures date back to 2016, according to court documents. They also revealed that Hartman allegedly searched for “cochlear implants Black child,” “how to get paid to take care of a member of the family with a disability,” “making a pretend model of hearing aid,” and “funeral songs” on her iPad and iPhone.
In March, the child was taken from the care of her mother and monitored for 16 days at a local hospital, according to investigators.
“At no point during her admission were there any findings or reported symptoms to support any of her prior diagnoses. All the available evidence obtained during the course of her admission suggests (redacted) is a health young 6-year-old,” said court documents. Within the two week stay at the hospital, the child was able to eat and drink on her own, run and walk without the use of any aids and “demonstrated no need for a wheelchair”
Hartman was charged with second-degree assault of a child and second-degree attempted assault of a child. The state requested her bail be at $100,000 based on the defendant’s likelihood to commit a violent offense and interview with the administration of justice.
Hartman’s attorneys released a statement asserting that the charges “are based on false statements and misrepresentations of the medical record by a doctor at Seattle Children’s Hospital who has never seen the child or spoken with Ms. Hartman.”
In addition, they vouched for the legitimacy of the daughter’s illness, writing, “Contrary to the allegations of the King County Prosecuting Attorney, the child’s diagnosis was made by more than one doctor, is legitimate, and is based on a substantial record beyond the reports and information provided by Ms. Hartman.”
“That record includes independent medical examinations by multiple doctors, direct observation of the child by doctors and nurses at Duke and at Seattle Children’s Hospital, standardized testing results, videotapes of the child’s symptoms, MRI, EEG and other diagnostic tests. The King County Prosecuting Attorney has the medical records from Duke as well as records from Seattle Children’s Hospital amply supporting the diagnosis and the consistent reports of Ms. Hartman,” the statement read.
“Sophie Hartman is the mother of a young child with a rare neurological condition diagnosed and treated by doctors at Duke University Medical Center. … Ms. Hartman is innocent of these charges.”
Representatives of the Make-A-Wish Foundation released a statement soon after news broke of the investigation. “We are deeply saddened and dismayed to learn about the alleged child abuse case involving one of our former wish families,” read a statement provided to Q13 FOX. “This is a very serious allegation and any threat to the well-being of a child is not in alignment with the child-centered focus of our mission. We hope this matter is quickly remedied in the best interest of the child.”
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drrogerjou · 2 days
SHORT NOTICE: Cultural Autism Studies at Yale (CASY, the ethnography project led by Dr. Dawn Prince-Hughes) is delighted to welcome Mark Dooley, MA, MES, LMHC, CMHS next Thursday, June 6, 5 -6 p.m. EDT. Mark will be the third speaker for our Autism Stories Series which will take place regularly on Zoom. Join us as neurodivergent adults from around the globe share their unique journeys toward detection and discovery of autistic identity.
There is no cost to attend, and international participants are invited to join. RSVP online though our borderless Meetup group https://tinyurl.com/52xaeb6b
BRIEF BIO (provided by the speaker): Mark Dooley is an autistic psychotherapist. He received his Master’s in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University Seattle in 2002, and earned a Master’s in Environmental Studies from The Evergreen State College in 1993. Mark is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Child Mental Health Specialist, WA State Approved Clinical Supervisor, WA State Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs Provider, and a Neurodivergent Affirming Clinician. In 2023, he surpassed 28,000 hours of direct psychotherapy (https://markdooley68.com), including psychiatric inpatient, intensive outpatient, integrated healthcare, wilderness, in-home, and private practice settings. Mark recently presented his Discovery / Acceptance / Integration / Expression model of Autistic identity to the Cultural Autism Studies at Yale Ethnography Project. Full video available here https://youtu.be/8kCMLu76b1o
Since 1986, Mark Dooley has worked and studied in the fields of advocacy, social justice, ecology, and mental health. Along with his clinical training and experience, Mark’s therapy utilizes graduate research on mutually healing relationships with nature, and is informed by mindfulness, travel, friendship, and family. To learn more about his work, please visit him at https://www.consultautism.com/
About Cultural Autism Studies at Yale (CASY, the ethnography project led by Dr. Dawn Prince-Hughes). An 'ethnography' is an exploration of how a group of people express themselves in a cultural way. Autistic people have a growing kind of culture, and each autistic experience is a vital part of it. Dr. Dawn Prince-Hughes is an anthropologist, ethnographer, primatologist, and author who is autistic. Join her for an exploration of the importance of autistic self-expression and the culture that grows from it. Those who wish to share their content are free to do so on our private Facebook group (see below), organically contributing to a growing autistic culture.
Links to online events will also be shared on these private Facebook groups: SOCIAL CONNECTIVITY FOR AUTISM (http://tinyurl.com/mrxnxmnc) or CASY Cultural Autism Studies... The Ethnography Project (http://tinyurl.com/4ckbyut7).
CREDITS: The preparation of this material was financed under an agreement with the Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities (CTCDD). CASY Sparks membership, activities and events are free. CASY Sparks is sponsored in part by The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Adult Autism Research Fund, and a generous gift from the Rosen family, and the research of Dr. Roger Jou, including Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research (SPARK) Clinical Site Network - Yale University (https://www.SPARKforAutism.org/Yale).
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scan2core · 4 months
How To Drill Concrete Safely In Seattle
If you ever need to drill into concrete, doing the job alone is tempting. However, concrete drilling is far more complex than it might first appear. Preparing concrete often means putting foundations at risk or running the risk of drilling into something that should be left standing. With that in mind, it might be wise to look at ways to avoid hitting something vital during the drilling process.
To assist you on that front, the best thing that you can do is call in the pros. Companies that offer core drilling in Seattle, WA, should be able to help you get the job done using specialist equipment. First, they will scan the concrete to look for areas that should not be impacted during the drilling. Then, they can find the best way to drill the concrete without risking the foundations.
This is useful as it can help you ensure you will not damage the structure. It is easy to make mistakes when drilling concrete: even one or two inches the wrong way can mean piercing through something you should not have touched.
Instead of going down the DIY route, contact a professional service provider like Scan2Core. Companies like this come with the equipment, the experience, and the effort required to ensure that any concrete drilling is 100% safe.
It is always better to be safe than sorry when drilling concrete, as one mistake can prove disastrous.
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oceanbluetattoo · 11 months
Learn the Advantages of Choosing an Art Shop in Seattle by Exploring the Dynamic Art Culture.
Tattoos have turned into an inexorably famous type of self-articulation, with individuals from varying backgrounds embracing this one of a kind work of art. On the off chance that you're thinking about getting a tattoo in Minneapolis, fortune has smiled on you! This article will dive into the advantages of picking a tattoo shop in Minneapolis and why it's an extraordinary objective for tattoo fans.
  A Flourishing Tattoo People group:
Minneapolis flaunts a flourishing tattoo local area that encourages inventiveness, development, and a different scope of imaginative styles. The city is home to various skilled tattoo specialists who are enthusiastic about their art and endeavor to convey excellent outcomes. By settling on a tattoo shop in Minneapolis, you can take advantage of this lively local area and find a craftsman who resounds with your vision and style.
  Great Masterfulness:
With regards to tattoos, quality matters. Tattoo shops in Minneapolis are known for their obligation to greatness in masterfulness. The tattoo specialists in the city have leveled up their abilities through long periods of involvement and preparing, guaranteeing that each piece they make is a magnum opus. Whether you're keen on customary plans, multifaceted subtleties, or contemporary styles, you can find talented craftsmen who will rejuvenate your thoughts with accuracy and innovativeness.
  Cleanliness and Security Norms:
Getting a tattoo is an individual encounter, and focusing on your wellbeing and safety is urgent. Tattoo shops in Minneapolis stick to severe cleanliness and security norms to give a spotless and agreeable climate for their clients. They follow legitimate disinfection conventions, utilize great gear, and keep an emphasis on keeping a protected and cleaned work area. By picking a trustworthy tattoo shop in Minneapolis, you can experience harmony of brain realizing that your wellbeing is fundamentally important.
  Various Tattoo Choices:
One of the advantages of choosing a tattoo shop in Minneapolis is the wide exhibit of tattoo choices accessible. From dark and dim authenticity to lively watercolor plans, moderate linework to strong conventional tattoos, you'll find craftsmen gaining practical experience in different styles. Whether you have a particular plan as a main priority or need direction to make a custom piece, Minneapolis tattoo shops offer a scope of choices to suit each inclination and taste.
  Strong and Comprehensive Climate:
Minneapolis has gained notoriety for being a comprehensive and inviting city, and its tattoo shops mirror this soul. Tattoo craftsmen in Minneapolis are known for establishing a steady climate where clients of all foundations and characters feel happy with communicating their thoughts. They focus on areas of strength for building with their clients, effectively paying attention to their thoughts, and guaranteeing that the tattoo experience is positive and engaging.
For More Info :-
Tattoo Shop Minneapolis
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basementexpert · 1 year
Basement Expert
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A basement expert, also known as a basement contractor or specialist, is a professional who specializes in assessing, designing, and providing solutions for basement-related issues. Here are some reasons why you might need a Seattle, Washington basement expert:
Waterproofing: Basements are prone to water leaks and flooding due to their location below ground level. A basement expert can assess the waterproofing needs of your basement, identify any existing or potential water intrusion points, and recommend appropriate solutions such as sump pumps, drainage systems, or sealing techniques.
Foundation issues: The foundation of your home supports the entire structure, including the basement. If you notice cracks, settling, or other signs of foundation problems in your basement, a basement expert can evaluate the situation and propose the necessary repairs or reinforcements to ensure the stability and safety of your home.
Mold and moisture problems: Basements often have higher humidity levels than other parts of the house, which can lead to mold growth and moisture-related issues. A basement expert can help identify the sources of moisture, assess ventilation and insulation requirements, and suggest strategies to mitigate mold growth and improve air quality.
Basement finishing and remodeling: If you're planning to finish or remodel your basement, a basement expert can offer valuable insights and expertise. They can assist with space planning, design considerations, code compliance, insulation, electrical and plumbing requirements, and overall project management to ensure a successful transformation of your basement.
Structural integrity and safety: Basements may face structural challenges, such as inadequate support columns, load-bearing walls, or compromised structural elements. A basement expert can assess the structural integrity of your basement, identify potential safety hazards, and provide recommendations for necessary repairs or modifications to meet safety standards.
Energy efficiency: Basements can contribute to heat loss or gain in a home. A basement expert can help assess the energy efficiency of your basement by examining insulation, air sealing, and HVAC systems. They can suggest improvements to reduce energy consumption and increase comfort levels.
In summary, a Seattle, Washington basement expert is knowledgeable about the unique challenges and requirements associated with basements. Whether you're dealing with waterproofing, foundation issues, mold, remodeling, safety concerns, or energy efficiency, consulting a basement expert can provide you with professional guidance and solutions tailored to your specific needs.
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homesavvyy · 2 years
Information on the Real Estate Industry
Everett is the biggest city in the Snohomish Province and is only 25 miles the North of Seattle. It is a metropolitan city with a low populace thickness. With the costs of the land being moderate the interest for houses in this city is ceaselessly rising. Homes available to be purchased in Everett WA can procure a lot of benefits. You should simply fix your arrangement appropriately and boost your deal.
In this manner, you can get a lot of cash for your home which can be exceptionally helpful for your future costs. You can purchase a greater house and pay off the entirety of your obligations simultaneously due to the benefit procured in the arrangement. The land cost in the city of Everett is very reasonable. The city has areas of strength for a foundation with the vast majority of the populace working with a portion of the top businesses.
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As referenced the land cost in the city is very reasonable which can end up being extremely valuable for the purchaser. The forthcoming purchasers who are wanting to put resources into the city homes can track down numerous great choices on the lookout. The low house rates increment the purchasing force of the buyer subsequently, bringing about a productive arrangement. Individuals who are wanting to sell their homes are additionally benefited because the interest for houses in this city is very high because of the low rates. One must counsel a realtor before making any sort of exchange. The realtors have all the fundamental information expected to finish the exchanges properly. You will track down numerous realtors on the lookout. Nonetheless, you must be OK with the functioning example of the specialist because a typical arrangement could require 2-3 months to finish.
The land administrations in Everett are exceptionally helpful for the two purchasers and the dealers. They offer every one of the fundamental administrations expected to satisfy any sort of requirements. The assistance quality is extremely high with individuals being educated and patient. The dealers can trust the specialists totally and educate them regarding their arrangements and assumptions. The specialists will assist them with tracking down the right sort of arrangement and amplifying their benefits. They will promote your property in the city to build interest on the lookout. Correspondence will typically occur consistently.
Individuals giving land administrations in the city have an exceptionally impressive systems administration foundation. They have their site and web journals which are utilized for exposure. The realtor will likewise have open houses and specialists open nearby. This will drive enormous interest in your home and is an incredible method for publicizing your home and showing it to individuals. In any case, be cautious before picking the land administrations. The specialists who allow administration 7 days seven days are more attractive as they complete the exchange on time. Consequently, this was some fundamental data on homes for deals in Everett WA.
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onlinewigshopt01 · 3 years
Address: 1 Online Wig Sale Only Ct.
Seattle, WA, US, 98115
 Phone: 415-877-7004
 Website: https://www.peggyknight.com/
 Owner Name: Peggy Knight
 Business Email: [email protected]
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Peggy Knight’s personal experience with hair loss is her inspiration and motivation. It is the foundation for her goals and actions today and everyday. As a teenager, Knight developed alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss and has no known cause or cure. By age 21, she had lost all of her hair. She was then working in a high-profile professional position and struggled to maintain her self-esteem in the face of society’s expectations.  At the time, there was little understanding of, and little compassion for, individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning because of alopecia areata or other medical causes (stress, chemotherapy, scars). The marketplace offered little solace; acceptable wig and hairpiece products were almost impossible to locate. In an effort to help herself and others, Knight founded an image institute in 1978.  This institute, located in San Francisco, California focused on helping women regain their self-esteem and return to a normal, active lifestyle after experiencing changes in their physical appearance due to alopecia areata, other hair loss diseases, burns, or cancer treatments.  The institute also nurtured the development of the high-quality hairpieces and wigs that Peggy became known for. Today, Peggy offers her expertise to Follea’s full product line of wigs and hairpieces created specifically for adults and children with medical hair loss.  “I am committed to creating hair prostheses that enable everyone experiencing hair loss to lead a normal life – to walk in the wind or play sports without worry,” says Knight.
 Hours: 8 am to 6 pm 7 days a week
 Social Links: Handle @peggyknghtwigs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PeggyKnightWigs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peggyknightwigs/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PeggyKnightWigs
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/peggyknightwigs
You Tube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCikJVANaQQPdQhPA-Sq828A
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homeimprovement984 · 3 years
What to Expect - Painting Contractor
The Ultimate Revelation Of Painting Contractor
Table of Contents Helpful Functions of Painting ContractorPainting Contractor TipsPainting Contractor Guidance For You
Certain home enhancement tasks call for an expert. Not numerous house owners prepare to install their HVAC, pour a foundation, or develop an enhancement. Various other projects though, like paint, just seem to be pleading for the do-it-yourselfer. Nevertheless, that isn't capable of dabbing a brush into paint? But painting is extra challenging than it looks.
Allow us figure out what paint specialists do, just how to employ them, and also how to negotiate the very best price for your paint work. A paint service provider can work as a below, or sub-contractor, under a general contractor, or can employ itself out straight to the house owner. Usually, the paint contractor is a relatively tiny procedure, ranging from the one-man sole owner approximately 20 or 30 painters benefiting a little company.
While paint service providers focus on painting, some perform associated tasks such as plaster fixings, interior painting small drywall work, trim as well as molding, and also wallpapering. The other hard part is obtaining a painting specialist to show up. While this generalization does not relate to every painter, you can seldom obtain a paint service provider to reveal up to check out the residence and also to later generate a written price quote.
Need Painting Contractor Advice?
Due to the fact that it is beside difficult to find out information about regional painting service providers online, the adage "speak with neighbors" uses below. Some paint professionals display join the yards of homes they are working on, but you discover this even more with general service providers and siding and also substitute home windows firms.
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Painting Contractor Trends
Urban areas typically have neighborhood magazines (e. g., in Seattle, there is Seattle Publication), and many of them feature remodelled houses. These items will certainly note the names and also telephone number for the service provider as well as sub-contractorsbut be warned, these sub-contractors are normally really high-end and also costly. Many painting specialists will certainly handle any type of work, from just repainting your window trim to a full-house paint job.
You can generally expect: Coverage of all locations that will not be painted, such as floors, windows, kitchen area counters, as well as closets. Small surface area prep work prior to paint, which implies light fining sand and scraping away loose paint, tapping in a couple of extending nails, cleaning up off the woodwork, utilizing tackcloth in some areas.
Anatomy Of Painting Contractor
Elimination of electric plates, lights, doors, as well as other challenges. Moving furnishings away for much better accessibility to the areas to be repainted. This is not a painter's work, so you would certainly need to validate this beforehand. Topping brand-new drywall or the present paint with an interior latex primer. Two layers of the shade of interior latex paint on the walls.
Repainting the trim and molding (baseboards, window trim, window muntins, and so on). Touchups of missed areas. Clean-ups for crashes (despite exactly how great the coverage with drop-cloths, some drips will happen). A last assessment between painting foreman and homeowner. Unlike talking with an electrical expert, you do not need to recognize customized lingo.
A couple of topics you will certainly wish to discuss: Is the cost of the paint included in the estimate?What kind of paint does the specialist plan on using?How many coats will be laid down?How will certainly the non-paintable areas be covered for protection?How long can you the task to take?Is it preferable for the citizens to vacate your home during the job?Will masking tape be utilized around the trim or the cut-in method!.?.!? Greater than you anticipate.
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barnhartnicole-blog · 4 years
The unseen experts behind Microsoft’s coronavirus response
Early on a Saturday morning in January, Juan Lavista-Ferres, who leads Microsoft’s AI for Good research lab, penned an urgent email to his team. Although there were fewer than 2,000 cases worldwide of a yet-unnamed disease with little data available, he warned that something serious was coming.
“The reported cases follow a very scary exponential curve,” he wrote. “In this type of virus outbreak we typically expect this type of curve, but the rate shows that the virus is spreading very fast. If the data is accurate and the outbreak is not stopped soon, it can reach 70,000 cases in late February, and potentially millions after that.”
Just over a month later, after multiple positive cases of what is now known as COVID-19 were confirmed in Washington state, and the first death in the U.S. from the disease occurred at the Life Care Center nursing facility in a Seattle suburb, Microsoft became one of the first major U.S. employers to insist all but those deemed essential employees, or around 2% of the workforce, stay home to stay safe.
And Lavista-Ferres, a data scientist, joined a collection of experts brought together from multiple teams at Microsoft — physicians, epidemiologists, disaster specialists — who had quietly been working behind the scenes to prepare and protect employees from just such an event. Working together, this collective would now play a critical role in informing Microsoft’s senior leadership, responsible for deciding next steps for employees and the company, around a moment whose next steps were unknown.
The decision to require tens of thousands of people to work from home, and communication between large employers in the Puget Sound region and government entities, helped slow the spread of COVID-19 in the early days of the local outbreak in the Seattle area. But perhaps as important, the swift and strong response indicated to the wider population the seriousness of the challenge being faced with an easily transmissible, deadly virus that still today has no cure.
Microsoft’s perspective was rooted not only in the broad expertise of the experts working together to help inform the response, but also in the company’s global experience, learning from colleagues around the world already coping with the disease.
By mid-January, Colleen Daly, Microsoft’s primary contact when there is a communicable disease outbreak, was deeply involved in the company’s COVID-19 response with employees in China, Singapore and Italy. As global wellness benefits manager, her day job has long centered on executing the company’s strategy around physical and mental health. She’s been involved in Microsoft’s response to past outbreaks, including Ebola, Zika and smaller clusters of measles, tuberculosis and whooping cough.
Daly has a Ph.D. in public health focusing on health services research and occupational health — or the study of healthcare systems, economies and policies — and a master’s degree in public health focusing on health behaviors and epidemiology.
Daly soon became a fixture to help lead the pandemic response calls involving Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella and his senior leadership team to figure out the company’s next steps, beginning each with an update on the latest from Seattle, King County and Washington state health officials.
“These connections have been pivotal,” she says of the public-private coordination. Daly has also been impressed by the “thoughtfulness and care” taken by Microsoft’s senior leadership team as well as the emphasis on the importance of science to inform decision making.
“They’re trusting the subject matter experts they have hired. You can’t underestimate the value in that,” she says. “I think this is also Satya Nadella’s perspective, and the idea of growth mindset that he’s shared with employees over the past few years, to support understanding and learning versus being scared to share information. That foundation has been so important in our response to this.”
Though already steeped in this work across the company, Daly says she’s been surprised by the level of internal know-how Microsoft has been able to bring to this crisis. “I didn’t realize how much public health expertise we have in this company.”
She already had established relationships with her counterparts in local, county and state government, so when the call came in that COVID-19 was becoming more serious in Washington, she was well positioned to help lead the effort.
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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Amazon Records COVID19 Big Effect On Worldwide Market
Amazon Records Coronavirus Biggest Effect On Their Worldwide Market In India
The coronavirus-focused lock-down in India "cut a ton back in" the product, according to Amazon CFO Brian Olsavsky.
Amazon has seen the greatest effect of the COVID-19 spread on its business globally in India, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Brian Olsavsky said during its first-quarter income approach Thursday. The US online business monster that has a solid nearness in the nation is confronting an extreme time because of the national lockdown that has briefly gotten its business to fundamental things, for example, home goods. The coronavirus flare-up has additionally affected the conveyance armada of Amazon and other online commercial centers in the nation.
"I think the greatest effect universally has been in India, where obviously, we, like different organizations in India, are currently just satisfying our fundamental products, for example, basic food item," said Brian Olsavsky while responding to an inquiry on the distinction in conduct that Amazon has seen all around because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"With the goal that's reduced a great deal on our contribution, and we will additionally extend when the Indian government declares that we're permitted to continue activities. So we're in somewhat of a brief delay with the exception of basic food item in India," he included. Other altogether affected global markets for Amazon included France, where the organization has closed down satisfaction places because of a decision by a French court.
Attempting to create deals because of lockdown
Amazon and main adversary Flipkart are at present attempting to produce deals through their online commercial centers because of the lockdown that is set up until May 3. The underlying period of the lockdown, which was forced on March 24, totally stopped the tasks for online commercial centers as specialists shut distribution centers and constrained conveyance armadas to remain at home. Things got somewhat simpler in the next days. In any case, since the legislature has confined their activities just too basic things, both Amazon and Flipkart aren't yet ready to sell enormous ticket items on the web.
The administration showed indications of giving web-based business organizations some unwinding not long ago, however it u-turned and held the prior limitations. Be that as it may, both Amazon and Flipkart asked the legislature to ease deals of insignificant things during the lockdown. The organizations additionally consented to observe the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) drafted by the administration to guarantee safe internet business activities through their foundation.
Not getting consideration for goods also
In spite of the fact that Amazon and Flipkart have their basic food item organizations to hold a few clients and make a few incomes, both can't contend with any semblance of BigBasket and Grofers that are satisfying a lot of staple requests in the nation. New players including Swiggy and Zomato have additionally joined the race as of late to make things significantly harder for the two overwhelming online business organizations.
Not long ago, Amazon cooperated with the Indian Railways to begin conveying fundamental requests through Special COVID-19 Trains in the nation during the lockdown. The Seattle-based organization likewise propelled its 'Nearby Shops on Amazon' program to begin posting neighborhood businesspeople and disconnected retailers as its dealers. In any case, in any case, the two moves are yet to demonstrate positive outcomes to the organization.
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kareemuber-blog · 4 years
Is Uber Safer Than a Regular Taxi?
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In 2010, Uber propelled its ride-sharing application, reforming the taxi administration/ridesharing industry, and since, it has perceived huge development. Starting in 2019, Uber has about 4 million drivers and 75 million riders around the world. Be that as it may, this thrilling development may hit a hindrance as a result of expanding worries about wellbeing. Prominent instances of attack and verbal accounts have many thoughts about how safe Uber's ride sharing administration truly is. 
Surveying Uber's wellbeing record includes contrasting it and the security of taxi rides, however details about the recurrence of wellbeing breaks in both Uber rides and customary cabs, similar to Yellow Cab, are difficult to acquire. For the time being, the most ideal approach to contrast the wellbeing of Uber and the security managed by standard taxis is to perceive what both offer and their individual highlights. You'll see that, in certain territories, Uber is more secure than ordinary taxis, and in different regions, it's definitely not. 
In the U.S., Uber drivers and cab drivers have comparable foundation and certification checks, nonetheless, contingent upon the state, Uber drivers are not put through a similar degree of medication and liquor testing as cabbies. 
Uber drivers aren't observed as much of the time as cab drivers, so an offense may go unchecked; Uber drivers can have liquor in their circulation system as long as it's under as far as possible—cabbies can't. 
Uber expects drivers to utilize fresher models of autos than taxi organizations do, yet they do upkeep keeps an eye on the vehicles less as often as possible than taxi organizations. 
The application makes Uber more secure than taxis from numerous points of view; drivers and riders can check appraisals on one another, continuous GPS assists everybody with finding one another, and advanced appointments and installments limit thefts. 
Uber raises security worries by saying in its fine print that it isn't answerable for riders' property or any close to home wounds they continue while riding; in many spots, cab drivers and organizations are subject. 
Who's Driving 
Uber's site says "driver-accomplices" are screened through a multi-step process, which incorporates looking into criminal and driving history. It is accounted for that candidates must present their Social Security information, driver's permit, confirmation of protection and vehicle enlistment numbers, which are screened by three private historical verification firms. 
Uber has asserted that it surpasses what is expected of neighborhood taxi organizations. In any case, since neighborhood governments have various mandates, it is just in urban areas like Seattle and Boston (with extremely fundamental taxi guidelines) that Uber's personal investigations are probably going to be increasingly stringent. Some U.S. urban areas require cab drivers to be fingerprinted and medicate tried, while the medication testing prerequisites for Uber drivers are increasingly questionable and no fingerprinting is required. In such places, Uber misses the mark regarding the necessities that standard taxi organizations must meet. 
These distinctions are progressively significant in different countries where Uber is found. For instance, in specific pieces of Australia, Uber driver-accomplices utilize their own vehicles, and anybody more than 21 who has a full driver's permit, has a generally spotless criminal record and driving history, and has outsider protection can meet all requirements to be a Uber driver. An enlisted cab driver in New South Wales, then again, must meet extra necessities, for example, talking adequate English, experiencing a medicinal appraisal, being of "acceptable notoriety" and finishing an instructional class for cab drivers.
How Accountable Is Uber? 
Since Uber drivers utilize private vehicles, they are additionally ready to fly under the radar of the standards that apply to proficient drivers, making Uber drivers less responsible. Cabbies experience visit observing, while the appraisal of Uber drivers is said to be an irregular check. Moreover, cab drivers blameworthy of an offense endure snappy punishments and conceivable suspension, however a wrongdoing by a Uber driver, who isn't enrolled under any government or state body, may never be uncovered. 
For instance, in certain spots, cab drivers can't have liquor or medications in their circulation system, while Uber drivers are permitted to have liquor in their circulatory system if it's underneath the recommended furthest reaches of the law. Cops don't really perceive Uber drivers as expert drivers, so they may slip past requirement. 
Uber is accessible in 65 nations and more than 600 urban areas around the world, starting at 2019. 
What They're Driving 
The topic of well being additionally incorporates the state of a taxi driver's vehicle. Here and there, Uber has an edge in well being since it requires its armada to be moderately new (post-2005 models). Then again, that favorable position debilitates when you think about that Uber autos are not analyzed past the once-a-year exam. Taxicabs somewhere else, in any case, typically experience standard well being checks past yearly enrollment, including apparatus checks by autonomous elements.
The Technology Behind the Ride 
In certain spots, taxis are fitted with additional security gadgets, including surveillance cameras. Uber vehicles, since they are exclusive, typically don't have these highlights. Additionally, some stress that the present variant of the Uber application empowers correspondence with Uber just by means of email. Non-Uber taxis, in any case, normally have specialized gadgets like two-way radios that permit data, (for example, when a mishap strikes) be handed-off progressively. 
The Uber application, in any case, might be the very component that makes Uber a security champion. The application implies travelers can enter their data into the application and get explicit data about the driver getting them; so there's nothing of the sort as an arbitrary get. Riders additionally don't have to leave secure premises and remain outside in a dangerous neighborhood as with hailing a taxi. 
Additionally, Uber's application makes cashless exchanges conceivable, decreasing the probability of burglaries. The profile data of riders, which is likewise transmitted by means of the application, guarantees security for drivers, as well. Also, there's a rating framework for drivers and riders that assists channel with excursion dangerous characters. An Uber driver is cited saying, "Before riding with Uber, riders are required to make a record with their own and installment data – and rides must be mentioned through the application, so there's a point by point record of each rider and each excursion. As a female driver with Uber, I have a sense of security in the vehicle." 
Indeed, Uber is purportedly introducing much progressively innovative highlights in certain territories. After an assault claim in India, Uber executed new well being measures, including an emergency signal on the application that interfaces riders to nearby specialists, just as an updated capacity that enables travelers to alarm others about their whereabouts continuously. It likewise delegated a main security official to execute computerized and physical safety efforts. 
How Liable Is Uber? 
The very idea of Uber's administration causes security concerns. The organization's fine-print terms for its U.S. administration expresses that it can't be considered answerable for misfortune or harm to a traveler's property or any close to home damage endured by that traveler. The traveler must consent to expect the dangers that join entering the vehicle of an alien to the degree allowed under law. That is on the grounds that Uber claims it's simply programming that interfaces riders to vehicles; it's neither a proprietor nor an administrator, so it's not at risk for occurrences including Uber driver-accomplices. In many urban areas, taxi proprietors and administrators, notwithstanding drivers, must response for claims against them. That has an enormous effect in the speed and nature of the reaction to claims by casualties of attack and other wrongdoing. 
The Bottom Line 
Deciding if an Uber ride is more secure than a taxi ride depends, somewhat, on the screening prerequisites, the particular profile of the driver and the state of the vehicle. Notwithstanding, less authorization and checking, just as absence of obligation with respect to Uber, may bring about a more dangerous ride. Simultaneously, utilizing Uber (its hailing application) implies you don't need to participate in an irregular pickup, and you can presumably get a brief ride, even in a perilous neighborhood. So is Uber more secure for you? The appropriate response relies upon where and what your identity is.
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seattlefoundat · 2 months
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Spy For Iran Allegedly Radicalized at U.S. University That Took $100M From Muslim Nations
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Source: Accused Spy For Iran Allegedly Radicalized During Stint At US University That Took $100M From Muslim Nations | The Daily Caller
Luke Rosiak
A former U.S. Air Force intelligence specialist accused of espionage for Iran, Monica Witt, was allegedly radicalized in part during a stint at a Washington university that has taken $100 million from Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries.
Certain American universities have received funding from the U.S. government with a partial goal of training students to be diplomats and intelligence specialists for the U.S., while simultaneously accepting financial donations from Middle East countries. In some cases, the programs have been staffed by academics who are critical of U.S. policy and who publicly espouse fringe positions.
Witt was charged Feb. 13 by the Department of Justice with sharing government secrets with Iranian officials. She was allegedly helping create a cyber-hacking operation on fellow former agents. She is at large and believed to be in Iran.
Witt’s radicalization “was rooted in Ms. Witt’s military service and … accelerated while she was in graduate school” at George Washington University, where she earned a master’s degree in its Middle East Studies program, The New York Times reported.
A classmate of Witt’s, Cory Ellis, told the Times that “everyone just kind of sat and watched” as Witt expressed strong feelings against American foreign policy in class.
The Times described GWU’s program as an “academic proving ground for aspiring diplomats and researchers near the State Department’s headquarters.”
Muslim-majority nations — plus a handful of private groups associated with them — have given $100 million to George Washington University in the form of gifts and contracts since 2011, according to Department of Education disclosures.  That includes $80 million from Saudi Arabia, $14 million from Kuwait, $4.5 million from the United Arab Emirates, and $730,000 from Turkey. Most of those countries gave as recently as June 2018.
The Middle East centers of Washington-area universities provide a direct line to shaping U.S. policy. In 2011, for example, GWU’s now-director of the Middle East studies program Nathan Brown testified before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: “We have no policy toward the [Muslim] Brotherhood. And let me stake out what might seem to be an odd position here: I do not think we need a policy.”
“Is the movement harboring a desire to pursue its agenda through forceful, even violent means? The answer to this question is clear: no,” he said, highlighting a comparison between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Boy Scouts.
Spokesmen for GWU have repeatedly ignored questions from The Daily Caller News Foundation about the foreign funding.
Even as GWU receives financing from Middle East interests, the Department of Education has used taxpayer money to amplify its ability to shape the way Americans think about the region. For 2019-2021, it received a quarter million dollars for “Foreign Language and Area Studies” of the Middle East from a U.S. taxpayer-funded program known as Title VI.
Title VI grantees often have a trickle-down influence that shapes how not only college students, but young schoolchildren understand the Middle East. The Education Department says that “In addition to supporting foreign language and area studies instruction and research, Title VI” recipients will “conduct outreach and develop programs that expand global opportunities for K-16 educators.”
TheDCNF found that nearly all the schools empowered to shape understanding of the Middle East in this way received funding from foreign nations from that region.
University US Taxpayer Mideast Studies Funding Funding from Muslim Nations Georgetown University $484,558 $377,864,840 George Washington University $258,000 $100,854,398 New York University $537,500 $81,140,930 University of California, Berkeley $597,500 $18,569,018 University of Michigan $581,000 $15,837,433 Columbia University $589,300 $15,536,790 University of California, Los Angeles $586,500 $12,485,991 University of Washington – Seattle $539,000 $10,729,004 University of Chicago $611,000 $5,718,930 Indiana University $594,000 $3,041,719 Yale University $220,000 $1,966,776 UNC – Chapel Hill $235,000 $251,998 University of Texas – Austin $573,500 University of Arizona $547,000 University of Pennsylvania $499,059
Sources: Department of Education Title VI grants 2019-2021, Department of Education foreign gifts and contracts data 2011-June 2018. 
This situation “has opened up a back-door route to Saudi influence over America’s K-12 curriculum,” a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Stanley Kurtz, wrote in the National Review in 2007. “Believe it or not, the Saudis have figured out how to make an end-run around America’s K-12 curriculum safeguards, thereby gaining control over much of what children in the United States learn about the Middle East.”
The Muslim nations awarded $603 million to the 12 universities from 2011 to 2016 — 80 times more than the allocated Title VI funding, TheDCNF found.
Only one Title VI recipient — Georgetown University — received more in funds from Muslim nations than George Washington University. Jonathan AC Brown, who serves as director of the Saudi-funded Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown, has defended slavery because the prophet Muhammad had slaves, and his father-in-law was convicted of providing material support to terrorists.
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duckscro · 2 years
3 Ways Couple Counseling Works Magic
Couple mentoring is ultimately where a harsh marriage leads, mental health counselor, particularly when the two individuals are truly put resources into the relationship and don't believe it should end. The issue is that there is no enchantment in working out your concerns with a goal outsider. Now and again, treatment will do something amazing while others can not beat an inevitable partition.
Anyway, Online therapy in Spokane, what has the effect here? For what reason are a few couples ready to deal with through their problems and return to a cheerful conjugal state while others basically self-destruct regardless advances are taken?
You might expect that it is a distinction in the kind of issues that two or three needs to survive, spokane counseling, however that isn't the response. Couples confronting the most outrageous issues can endure guiding and find bliss together.
The thing that matters is that couples who make it resolve figure that it isn't about working out the issues. To expand your possibilities making your meetings truly work, then, Spokane therapy, at that point, consider 3 different ways that seeing a specialist can truly have an effect.
To start with, you must be available to truly paying attention to what your companion needs to say, Seattle therapy, regardless of whether it harms. Assuming that you go into guarded mode and are simply contemplating what to say to demonstrate they are off-base, then, at that point, you are not actually tuning in. Quit thinking and simply tune in.
Second, marriage counseling, you must open up about your deepest feelings and truly state what you accept. You must be totally transparent regardless of whether it might hurt your mate. This is the way the foundational problems get uncovered.
Third, you need to stop verbally abusing and blame shifting and simply get down to sentiments. Everything you typically quarrel over are simply covers for bigger hidden issues, washington counseling, and those issues are frequently genuinely based.
Thus, being straightforward without accusing and standing by listening to your accomplice as they uncover their reality similarly is the greatest obstacle that couples who make this work need to survive. The following obstacle is taking the things you hear and transforming them into genuine activity. Both of you need to make a move to improve things, best counselors in spokane, wa, as that is what extreme fixes the issues you reveal.
Couple directing can as a matter of fact work, yet you need to bring down your defenses and quit attempting to be correct constantly. In the event that you can get your life partner to oblige those three keys, you will have a battling opportunity to figure out things.
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