lilith-price-blog · 7 years
Full Name: Lilith Price Nickname: Lily/Lil Birthday: 29th November   Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Astrological Sign: Sagittarius Spoken Languages: English Birthplace: Chicago, Illnois Relationship status: Single
Hair Color/Style: Split dye (black & blonde currently, but it’s ever changing), shoulder length with really choppy bangs Eye Color: Brown Face Claim: Melanie Martinez Height: 5′2 Tattoos: A ton of tiny, meaningless ones she just got so that people would ask her about them and so she would get to come up with a lie about the meaning each time Piercings: A few in her ears, a stud in her tongue Unique Attributes: Always wears wildly coloured lipsticks (bubblegum blue is a current favourite)
Positive Traits: Intelligent, Easily Amused, Confident Negative Traits: Pessimistic, Unpredictable, Arrogant, Careless Hobbies/Interests: Aside from exy and reading the news? Candy Crush. She pays for lives and plays it anytime, anywhere. Insecurities: Fears she’s not interesting enough and that she’ll get cast aside for someone better than her Quirks/Eccentricities: Likes to mimic things people said to her to see if they call her out for it and could talk for America in general. Also finds it literally impossible not to do something to it’s fullest extent. (Go Big or Go Home.) MBTI Type:  ESTJ-A Enneagram Type: The Acheiver Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Temperament: Sanguine
Immediate Family: Her parents, Beth and Julian Price  How do they feel about their family?: Although she hasn’t spoken to either of them since the trial, the resentment she carries for them has been around since long before then. She does feel a little bit guilty about ruining her father’s career, but mostly she was upset about how they didn’t seem to understand it’s their fault she ended up that way. How does their family feel about them?: They think she’s a spoiled brat who fell off the rails and disgraced their family. Pets: No pets. Lilith couldn’t be trusted to look after anything. Where do they live?: In the dorms, currently, though she’s definitely in need of more permanent residence. Description of their home: Her family home was pretty big, but still had a sense of homeliness to it. As both of her parents had to travel to away games often and as Lilith isn’t the type to sit and clean, it was clear it had been lived in, but they never let it get to far. They don’t have it particularly over-decorated due to the time spent away, but what is there is completely luxury-based. Description of their bedroom: Lilith has a couple of newspaper clippings up beside her bed, all small things about her becoming a fox. Mostly it’s motivation to get back into the news, but there’s also something like pride there. Her bed is rarely made, and her clothes are generally strewn all over it from the morning when she absolutely took way-too-long picking her outfit. 
Introvert or Extrovert? Extrovert Optimist or Pessimist? Pessimist Leader or Follower? Leader Confident or Self-Conscious? Confident Cautious or Careless? Careless Passionate or Apathetic? Apathetic about everything that doesn’t involve her Book Smarts or Street Smarts? Book-Smarts Compliments or Insults? Insults!! Don’t get on her bad side or she will cut deep!! 0:
Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: Anything colourful and well-fitted Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: Listens mostly to preset work-out playlists and EDEN. There’s no in between. Favorite Movies: Make anything remotely romantic and she’ll watch it. Favorite Books: Lil’s a real sucker for a good romance book, too Favorite Foods/Drinks: She lives off of tea.  Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: If you ask her, she’ll bitterly tell you it’s the Trojans. Then she’ll bitterly tell you she had an offer she turned down from them. Neither of those things are true and she’s lowkey so greatful for the foxes. Favorite Time of Day: 3am for its surrealism Favorite Weather/Season: Winter for the Snow Favorite Animal: “Kirby.”
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akiraxsato · 7 years
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Full Name: Akira Sato  Nickname: None. At least, none that he actually likes. Birthday: November 12 Gender: Cis-Male Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Astrological Sign: Scorpio Spoken Languages: English & Japanese Birthplace: New York, New York Relationship Status: Single
Hair Color/Style: Black hair, pretty close cut, and styled eternally in ‘I woke up this way’ messy chic. Eye Color: Brown Face Claim: Sen Mitsuji Height: 6′5″ Tattoos: None Piercings: None Unique Attributes: Akira has track marks on his arms, which he hides under long sleeves, no matter the weather. He left pinky finger is a little crooked. He broke it as a kid.
Positive Traits: Passionate, Charismatic, Personable Negative Traits: Secretive, Restrained, Private Hobbies/Interests: Exy. It’s honestly the only thing Akira puts his all and then some into. What little down time Akira has outside of school and Exy is usually filled with food and sleeping. When he does take time off he likes to read and he’s not half bad at most racing games. He’s got a base interest in cars, not enough to really consider it a hobby but he’s not shy about approaching a stranger to talk specs if he sees a car he particularly likes. Insecurities: Anything that reminds him of his days in LA. Doesn’t matter if it’s about his early days or his TV career just thinking about it makes Akira start second guess himself. He knows he made the wrong choice back then, but he’s unsure if it has set the tone for what he wants to do now. Everybody outside of his family and his team seem to think he’ll never be anything more than Justin Kimura. And on his darker days he can’t help but wonder if maybe this Exy dream of his was over the minute he said yes to that damn movie. Quirks/Eccentricities: He picks his nails. Constantly. It’s worse when he’s nervous. Been a habit of his ever since he was a kid. Guy hasn’t had any nails in ages. Akira has a habit of trying to pay for all the things. Take the team out to dinner, he’ll want to pick up the tab. He’s offered to pay for the team’s air travel on numerous occasions. Wymack, has refused. Other than that Akira is pretty frugal with his money. Not because he wants to save it, but mostly because he doesn’t want to flaunt it, lest it remind him or anyone around him how he earned it. The only lavish thing Akira owns outside of his wardrobe is his car. That Volvo is is baby. MBTI Type: ESFJ Enneagram Type: The Achiever (Type 3) Moral Alignment: Neutral Good Temperament: Sanguine
Immediate Family: Kathrine Monroe (Mother), Ken Sato (Father), Naomi Sato (Sister, 17), Mai Sato (Sister, 15) How do they feel about their family?: Akira loves his family. He’s always loved them, even on the days they get on his nerves. If his family needed him he’d fly up to New York at the next available opportunity. He’s always been a very family oriented sort of guy. And his sisters? Super protective. Especially nowadays. The people that break their hearts will rue the day. He thinks of his sisters, albeit younger than him, some of his best friends. He talks to them often. He likes flying home on school holidays to spend time with them and always has seats saved for them at his games, even if they can’t always attend. Things with his parents since getting out of rehab have been good, not great, but good. He can feel them watching him with bated breath and a big part of his drive these days is that he hopes that some day they’ll be able to relax. He’s always been close to Mai and nothing between them has changed much. He probably texts her the most out of the two. She wants to play Exy too, already enrolled in intramural teams as a backliner. Things with Naomi have been tense since rehab. He’s not sure why but he’s giving her the space she needs. How does their family feel about them?: His parents worry about him. They’re constantly watching him, worried he’ll start to slip back down the slope the barely managed to pull him up. They love him and the love the life he’s creating for himself out at Palmetto. They’re his number one supporters. (Mai stole his home jersey once so she could wear it to school for pride day. He let her keep it, much to Wymack’s dismay. Orange jerseys are expensive.) His mother worries he pushes himself too hard but she’s never brought this up with him. She feels so long as he isn’t hurting himself again what can it hurt? Mai adores him. She’s picked up exy because of him and she loves going to his games when she’s allowed to. Naomi loves him, is glad he’s okay, but she’s a little miffed he opted to leave the LA scene. With a brother like Akira Sato she was popular and she loved it. His fall from glory and perpetual disappearance from the world was a big hit to Naomi’s school cred and she’s not quite been able to forgive him for it yet. Pets: None. Dad is allergic to anything with fur. Although Akira has always wanted a dog. Where do they live?: New York, New York Description of their home: Very modern. Very lived in. His dad has always been a fan of white and black, sleek edges, exposed support structures, and glossy surfaces. Their apartment is full of that kind of thing. His mother, however, tries her best to soften all those edges with colors and patterns. The walls have family photos all over them and a few random pieces from his mom’s family home. Most flat surfaces not covered in the usual clutter of five person family life, are filled with color decorations. Origami flowers in neon in a vase on the rarely used fireplace. Carnival glass bowls filled with sweet smelling potpourri. Akira’s room reflects his mother’s tastes. He painted the walls blue years ago and the walls are plastered with exy posters and band posters. His sister’s rooms are more modern but they like color just as much as their mother. It’s a weird style but it works for the Satos. A strange kind of mishmash of Japanese and American life.  Description of their bedroom: Akira’s room is painted this light sort of blue. He painted it himself so up near the ceiling there are a few spots of white. But you can hardly see the color of the walls anymore. Exy posters, band posters, and a handful of car posters are plastered all over his room. The only surface not covered by posters is the back of his door. Which is pocket marked and scuffed from all the times he’s kicked it closed or bounced a ball off of  it. His bed is shoved against the wall across from the door, barely giving the door enough room to open. There’s a dresser shoved next to his closet. The closet is for exy gear, the dresser for actual clothes. The floor is a light hardwood but it’s clearly been well worn and abused. It is, however, clean. The top of his dress is littered with all sorts of things. Mostly books and extra racket strings. Charging cables. It acts as kind of a catch all for shit in his pockets. He doesn’t have a desk, just a CD/DVD rack in a corner. Dusty. He hasn’t lived in the room much lately but it’s always got this lived in kind of vibe. The bed is rarely made, the clothes hamper has a shirt draped over the edge. An old pair of tennis shoes is half exposed under the bed. His bedding is boring, solid colored and no pattern but there is a misshapen pillow at the head of his bed that’s the most garish collection of colors and patterns. Naomi made it for him in Home Economics class for him.
Introvert or Extrovert? Depends on who he’s with. Although e tends to be pretty extroverted. Optimist or Pessimist? Optimist. Most days. Leader or Follower? Leader Confident or Self-Conscious? Confident Cautious or Careless? Cautious Passionate or Apathetic? Passionate Book Smarts or Street Smarts? Book Smart Compliments or Insults? Compliments 
Favorite Color: Blue, but he’s pretty partial to orange these days. Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: Casual. Akira rarely puts much thought into what he’s wearing unless he’s making a rare public appearance or is going someplace that requires something a little more fancy than his usual stuff. Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: Akira likes most all music. He’s really fond of instrumental things however. The only music he can’t stand is country. Favorite Movies: Akira really likes The First Court but saying that makes him feel conceited. He usually goes with Beeltejuice or The Incredibles. Favorite Books: Akira doesn’t really have a favorite book as an adult that’s not sports related. As a kid though he did read the Harry Potter books at least three times through. Favorite Foods/Drinks: Akira loves a good cheese burger and fries. Top that off with a cherry coke and you’ve got the trifecta of Akira’s idea of a good cheat day. Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: Akira loves exy and only exy. He follows the pro teams pretty closely but the one who has the most of his attention by far is the Japanese team. They’re his favorite, for numerous reasons. Favorite Time of Day: Late afternoon Favorite Weather/Season: Fall, cold enough for a jacket but no cold enough for a heavy one. He’s pretty fond of a light drizzling rain too. Favorite Animal: Elephants
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oliviaxfinch · 7 years
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FULL NAME: Olivia Anaya Finch NICKNAME: Liv, or Anaya by her mother. BIRTHDAY: January 3rd GENDER: Cis female SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Undetermined. (She got no clue) ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Capricorn SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English and Punjabi BIRTHPLACE: Concord, NH RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Perpetually single.
HAIR COLOR/STYLE: Dark brown, cut shoulder length EYE COLOR: Brown FACE CLAIM: Naomi Scott HEIGHT: 5′6″ TATTOOS: None PIERCINGS: First holes in both ears. UNIQUE ATTRIBUTES: Has multiple large birthmarks on her back and around her abdomen.
POSITIVE TRAITS:  Disciplined, well mannered, ambitious, loyal, tactful. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Detached, meek, gullible, single minded, maladjusted. HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Exy. Thassit. INSECURITIES: That she isn’t capable of making/trusting her own decisions. That she isn’t good at making friends, or getting along with her peers. That people will always see her as a victim. QUIRKS/ECCENTRICITIES: Gnaws at her lip constantly, prefers to sit on the floor over furniture when she can, still doesn’t know how to drive. MBTI TYPE: ISFJ ENNEAGRAM TYPE: The Achiever MORAL ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good TEMPERAMENT: Phlegmatic
IMMEDIATE FAMILY: Oliver Finch and Aadhya Sodhi. HOW DO THEY FEEL ABOUT THEIR FAMILY?: Olivia loves her mother, but only sees her semi regularly since she left her dad. Her feelings for her dad are complicated. She loves him, and for most of her life, he was one real companion. Still, it wasn’t easy growing up with his high expectations of her. She sometimes felt like less of a daughter and more of a dream.
HOW DOES THEIR FAMILY FEEL ABOUT THEM?: Her mother loves her, but doesn’t understand her. She’s not heavily involved in her life, and hasn’t been for some years now. She tried to get in contact with Liv a lot during the whole debacle at Penn State, but Olivia wasn’t willing to talk about it. Olivia was her father’s entire world, ever since his career ended. Her leaving Penn State for Palmetto felt like the ultimate betrayal from her, and he hasn’t talked to her in months now. PETS: She had a lizard when she was seven. She named him Benny. WHERE DO THEY LIVE?: South Carolina. She has yet to figure out if she has a home to go back to after the school year ends. DESCRIPTION OF THEIR HOME: More than comfortably sized for two. The furniture is minimalist, but what they do have is good quality.  DESCRIPTION OF THEIR BEDROOM: Her home bedroom is cozy. The walls are lined with posters she tacked up in middle school. Thea Muldani, mostly, but a few other Exy players she looked up to. Her desk, bare from her departure, is usually a cluttered mess of notes and books and papers, similar to her father’s desk in his study.
FAVORITE COLOR: Green. FAVORITE CLOTHING STYLE/OUTFIT: Practical. She wears what’s comfortable above all else. Tank tops, loose shirts, yoga pants. FAVORITE BANDS/SONGS/TYPE OF MUSIC: She likes most things that come on the radio, top 40 stuff.  FAVORITE MOVIES: Her favorite movie is the Iron Giant. FAVORITE BOOKS: War and Peace FAVORITE FOODS/DRINKS: She loves fish, specifically salmon or tuna. She loves fruit smoothies. Her favorite is mango pineapple. FAVORITE SPORTS/SPORTS TEAMS: Exy. Her favorite team is the Ravens. FAVORITE WEATHER/SEASON: She loves everything about summer.  FAVORITE ANIMAL: Iguana. 
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paxtonridley-blog · 7 years
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Full Name: Paxton Taylor Ridley  Nickname: Pax Birthday: October 19th  Gender: Agender  Sexual Orientation:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i mean idk... pax probably doesn’t even know either Astrological Sign: Libra  Spoken Languages: English, French  Birthplace: LaPlace, Louisiana  Relationship status: Single 
Hair Color/Style: Short, light brown  Eye Color: Blue Face Claim: Max Schneider  Height: 5′7″ Tattoos: None Piercings: None Unique Attributes: Scars 
Positive Traits: Agreeable, Calm, Enthusiastic, Hardworking, Passionate  Negative Traits: Determined, Predictable, Progressive, Overly Careful, Over Emotional,  Hobbies/Interests: Exy -- that’s it. Pax has no other hobbies Insecurities: Getting hurt on court, Not being respected by the people they care about Quirks/Eccentricities: Rambling, Pushing up glasses, Always has coffee, Watching ESPN on their phone during class MBTI Type: INFJ (The Advocate)  Enneagram Type: Type 4 (The Individualist)  Moral Alignment: Pax is the most chaotic good character ever Temperament: Phlegmatic
Immediate Family: Carl (Father), Eileen (Mother), Emma (Sister) & Luana (Sister in-law) How do they feel about their family?: Pax doesn’t talk to their parents anymore. It just isn’t going to happen at this point. They’ve made their decision to not accept Pax and while that does hurt, Pax would rather be healthy than be in a negative head space. Their sister is a different story. While Paxton doesn’t trust Emma all the way, they’re beginning to become closer to her. They do really love Luana though.  How does their family feel about them?: Pax’s parents hate them. Emma cares about Pax and is ashamed of the way she treated them when she was younger.  Pets: Pax has a goldfish named Luna. Where do they live?: Palmetto, SC Description of their home: Pax’s home is Fox Tower. Description of their bedroom: Their room is covered in posters of their favorite Exy players. Other than that, it’s plain. Pax likes to keep their room H E L L A clean. It’s a thing, if Pax is in a bad mood, they clean. Meaning it’s always clean -- especially this year. 
Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert. Optimist or Pessimist? Both. When it comes to themself, a pessimist, but optimist when around everyone else. Leader or Follower? Depends on the situation.  Confident or Self-Conscious? Self-Conscious  Cautious or Careless? Both. Passionate or Apathetic? Passionate. Book Smarts or Street Smarts? Hahahahaha. Neither. Compliments or Insults? Compliments.
Favorite Color: Purple  Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: Pax will wear anything, but they mainly end up wearing a white shirt with jeans. Very plain, very ‘I don’t stand out.’ Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: Pax likes pop music, but also instrumental versions of pop songs. They’ll listen to anything except country.  Favorite Movies: Pax has a variety of different movies that they’d consider their favorite, but a favorite is Howl.  Favorite Books: Harry Potter series. Favorite Foods/Drinks: Water, Sports drinks ( ie: gatorade )  Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: Obviously, Exy. Trojans Foxes, Pax follows Exy players rather than just a team.  Favorite Time of Day: Morning.  Favorite Weather/Season: Spring.  Favorite Animal: It’s a tie between foxes and elephants. 
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isadoraelbert-blog · 7 years
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Full Name: Isadora Fallon Larkin Elbert Nickname: Dora Birthday: 26th December Gender: CIS Female Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Astrological Sign: Capricorn Spoken Languages: English Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan Relationship status: Single forever
Hair Color/Style: Black, curly Eye Color: Brown Face Claim: Aisha Dee Height: 5’ 5” Tattoos: None Piercings: Just her ears Unique Attributes: Her baby face
Positive Traits: Balanced, Freethinking, Hardworking, Innovative, Practical Negative Traits: Aggressive, Blunt, Dependent, Negativistic, Sarcastic Hobbies/Interests: Cheerleading, Math, Earth Sciences Insecurities: Her past is her biggest insecurity. It used to not be, but now it is. Quirks/Eccentricities: She enjoys exercising for fun. She collects rocks and has a giant collection in her room. She also presses flowers. MBTI Type: ENTP Enneagram Type: The Challenger Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good Temperament: Melancholic
Immediate Family: Jones & Coralee Larkin (birth parents), Richard Larkin (brother), Geoff & Nicholas Elbert How do they feel about their family?: Isadora has mixed feelings about her birth family. She loved her father growing up, but part of her wonders if he was a bad person since her mother killed him. She honestly thinks that there must have been something else going on there. She misses her brother, but they haven’t spoken in so long that she doesn’t think about him often. She does love her adoptive parents though. They’ve done a lot for her and made sure she’s happy. How does their family feel about them?: Her adoptive parents love her. She doesn’t know what her brother and mother think about her, since she hasn’t talked to them in so long. Part of her believes that her brother’s forgotten all about her.  Pets: Her dads have a pet dog, but Isadora doesn’t have a pet. Where do they live?: The Vixen Den Description of their home: Her home in Michigan is a three bedroom house. It’s two stories high, with a basement. It’s got modern feel to it. Her bedroom is in the back of the house.
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Description of their bedroom: Both at the Vixen Den and in Michigan, Isadora’s room is covered in posters. She’s got a giant periodic table on the wall and other scientific posters. Her room is neat and clean, everything has a place. On every spare surface, there are rock samples everywhere.
Introvert or Extrovert? Extrovert Optimist or Pessimist? Pessimist Leader or Follower? Follower Confident or Self-Conscious? Both Cautious or Careless? Cautious Passionate or Apathetic? Passionate Book Smarts or Street Smarts? Book Smarts  Compliments or Insults? Insults
Favorite Color: Green Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: She likes comfortable clothing. She wears a lot of sweaters and geometric patterns. She loves pairing heels with jeans. She also doesn’t wear a lot of jewelry.  Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: She mostly listens to pop, but her favorite band is the Strumbellas. Favorite Movies: Her favorite movie is Clueless, unless someone asks what her favorite movie is and then she says Vegucated. Favorite Books: Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky Favorite Foods/Drinks: She mostly eats raw food, but her favorite food is brussel sprouts with a balsamic vinegar reduction sauce. Her favorite drink is apple juice. Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: She doesn’t follow sports closely enough to have a favorite sports team. Favorite Time of Day: Early morning. Isadora gets up at 5 AM every morning. Favorite Weather/Season: Isadora likes fall the best because she enjoys the leaves. She tolerates winter, and hates summer. Her favorite weather is that weird overcast, but still sunny feeling that always happens in the fall time. Favorite Animal: Pig
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louishgranger-blog · 7 years
Character Questionnaire —
Full Name: Louis Hugo Granger Nickname: Lou Birthday: April 14th Gender: Cismale Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (thinks he’s straight, definitely isn’t) Astrological Sign: Aries Spoken Languages: English, French Birthplace: Matane, Quebec, Canada Relationship status: Furiously Single
Hair Color/Style: Brown, long on top and short on the sides. Eye Color: Blue/Grey Face Claim: Simon Loof Height: 6′1′’ Tattoos: N/A Piercings: N/A Unique Attributes: He has quite a lot of scars from past self harm, mostly on his legs, but he keeps them hidden as best he can.
Positive Traits: Team player, friendly, encouraging, extroverted, hard working. Negative Traits: Self deprecating, controlling, overly critical, blunt, stubborn. Hobbies/Interests: Ice hockey (only as a spectator), ice skating, running, video games, reading, cleaning. Insecurities: His ability to fulfil his talents, his scars, maintaining relationships. Quirks/Eccentricities: He really does enjoy cleaning and does a lot of it. He also has this weird thing with chewing stuff so never lend him a pen. MBTI Type: ENTJ Enneagram Type: The Reformer Moral Alignment: True Neutral Temperament: Choleric
Immediate Family: Hugo Granger (adoptive-father), Laurel Granger (adoptive-mother) How do they feel about their family?: Louis loves his parents to pieces. He knows they’d give him the absolute world if they could and despite the things they’ve been through with his health, they all have a very close bond. He can find them a little overbearing at times, due to how often they check in on him, but he knows they mean well. How does their family feel about them?: They worry. A lot. All the time. Louis’ dad especially was kind of horrified when Louis joined the Vixens because he isn’t convinced he’s ready to assume that kind of position in a sport again. They never thought they’d have children and the idea of losing Louis, especially when they’ve come close to that before, terrifies them.  Pets: Geno the rottweiler who lives back in Canada with Louis parents (he facetimes him regularly) Where do they live?: Louis lives in the same house as the rest of the Vixens and his parents still live back in Matane, even though they have threatened to move to Columbia several times so they can be more within visiting distance. Description of their home: Louis’ family home is too big. His parents inherited the house from his grandparents on his mother’s side and never thought to move elsewhere. They have so much space that the dog has his own room. Description of their bedroom: Louis doesn’t like to keep a lot of unnecessary possessions because he really, really, hates clutter. He has a couple of posters on the wall above his bed, mostly of various bands and hockey teams; some books and video games.
Introvert or Extrovert? Extrovert Optimist or Pessimist? Pessimist Leader or Follower? Depends on the situation but usually a leader Confident or Self-Conscious? Self-conscious Cautious or Careless? Cautious Passionate or Apathetic? Passionate Book Smarts or Street Smarts? Book smarts Compliments or Insults? Compliments
Favorite Color: Red Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: He may or may not have a bomber jacket collection and I think that says enough. Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: Bastille, Noah Gundersen, Kodaline, that kinda stuff. Favorite Movies: His all time favourite film is The Nice Guys but aside from that, his favourite genre is horror. Not the gory stuff, the psychological stuff like The Conjuring. Favorite Books: Never ever mention The Hunger Games to Louis because he will start talking about it and never stop. Favorite Foods/Drinks: Seafood, anything involving mango, and this kid deadass only drinks water (unless he’s drinking) he’s so boring. Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: Montreal Canadiens Favorite Time of Day: Any time between waking up and going to bed, he likes to be kept busy. Favorite Weather/Season: Autumn/Winter Favorite Animal: Pandas
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adam-radford-blog · 7 years
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This was not his first rodeo. Adam tossed himself on the couch lazily, the air leaving his lungs in a loud, impatient huff with the force of the couch against his own weight. Frustrated, he leaned his head back against the top of the stiff cushion so that the skin around his throat was tight, arms lifted over either side of the wood frame so that his shoulders and ears were almost perfectly aligned. The position made breathing difficult. The lighting was different than he used to. Fluorescent, long tubed bulbs hung up above so that he could see them even through his eyelids that were now shut. It was to be expected. It would likely be deemed inappropriate for a school, despite what level of education, to put students and staff in such a dim quarters alone. The two small floor lamps that had settled in each corner of his ‘usual’ office were unconventional. “They are meant to relax you.” They told him but they never did. If anything they put helped coax his boredom into allowing him to fall asleep.
“So, Adam.” Betsy was across the room, too far to be on the pillow covered armchair that sat only three feet in front of him. With another sigh he replied. “What?” It was bored this time. He didn’t even open his eyes as she rustled around what he assumed to be her desk. His eyes flickered behind their lids, the lights above annoying him, causing him to stir internally.
“Would you like some hot chocolate?”
The features on his face contorted before he even reopened his eyes, his expression both judgmental and questioning. It didn’t falter as he lifted his head to look at her. It was middle of summer, the heat outside more concentrated than any drink she could possibly offer but even then, why anyone would want it when sweat coated every crevice of their skin baffled him. Beyond that, Adam struggled with the idea that hot cocoa could win anyone over, never mind people like him. “No?” He replied as if her question were absurd but she didn’t reply. Instead, she put down the mug and set herself in front of him, wiggling slightly as if the pillow behind her were in the way. The two stared at each other a moment; Betsy smiling from behind the light reflecting off of her glasses and Adam glaring from under his brows before she spoke again.
“So tell me a bit about yourself?” Adam sighed again impatiently, his neck pressing hard to the left and then again the right. He hated shrinks.
Adams first therapy session happened shortly after his first freak out, the big one, as he called it. It was the day his mother started taking him seriously, the day his fits became something of a tool rather than an obscene gesture, not that it wasn’t still the later. They were all the same. Adam had cycled between several before his mother was forced to realize it was Adam that was the issue rather than the work of each individual medical professional. He had to admit, he gave them some credit. It took much longer to crack most of them than he would have dreamed to expect. He largely credited that to their training as it was always suggested Adam see child therapists rather than adult given his unwillingness to participate in treatment. It was degrading, sitting in a room filled with emotion smiley face charts and tiny chairs meant for people half his size. The coffee tables were always either littered with child literature or small toys that purpose was solely distracting kids enough that they didn’t get bored and make a run for it and while the atmosphere here was different, Betsy wasn’t going to be. All these shrinks were the same. They were meant to be patient, understanding but they were still human. They could only take so much before they cracked.
He raised a brow questioningly at her, his expression now taking a mocking twist. “What? You don’t already have all the information you need?” He knew very well they sent his file over and it seemed Betsy knew what he was going on about. If she didn’t she took a good guess at it. “I’d like to hear your side of things.” It seemed Adam found this humorous, his eyes rolling with a dark chuckle. Once the moment passed he let his head fall back to its original place, another bored sigh escaping him. Skrinks hated that sigh. Adam had to keep himself from smirking at the possibility of frustrating her. The wave of his hand told her to continue.
“How was your summer?”
“How do you like Palmetto?”
“I don’t.”
“Why is that?”
He was letting the questions come in too fast. At this rate he was going to walk out before his time was up and so he gave another impatient sigh and slumped further into the couch, his muscles straining not to tense under his frustration. He was glad he was only going to have to do two of these; though Wymack already threatened to force Adam into more. It was part of his conditions you see. As long as Adam behaved Wymack would stay off his ass but as it was, Adam was only half assing his end and so Wymack was already taking on ammo, Betsy being the first round.
It occurred to him how easy it would be just to tell her about how he spent his summer at the party house Armani’s mother bought him so that they would stop trashing hers. How instead of taking pleasure in shutting her out he could find it in the reaction he got when he told her of the blacked out haze he had remained in for the past two months, racing jet skis and back flipping off of houses. He didn’t have to talk about Palmetto, he had been to enough of these pow wows that he knew any truth would make her giddy with success. Part of him wanted to give in to it, to just make his own life easier. Still, something closer to the surface, a desire to make everyone else around him miserable was just that, closer to the surface.
“Next.” The internal battle he fought happened solely in his chest, his mind never even getting the chance to examine it closely enough to even know what weapons either side held. Betsy considered his reply for a moment before deciding pressing further wasn’t going to make any progress. Maybe she wasn’t a complete waste of space.
“Well then, why don’t you tell me something. Anything. It can be about your family or your friends, something you like.” Adam had a feeling her list was a bit bigger so he sat up, the eye contact he now reconnected cutting her off there.
“I’m angry.” He stated plainly, his expression going blank, the muscles in his face slacking so that his eyebrows hung low, covering the upper half of his vision. “Probably because my dad cheated on my mom and my mom left him and my dad picked his new girlfriend over me.” He watched her, his eyes steady on the center point of her face while she seemed to contemplate this. “That’s what they told you, the other psychiatrists?” Adam raised a brow giving off the impression he was impressed. “Wow, you’re slick doc.” He mused falsely. She seemed to catch onto this as well.
“I don’t think their wrong but I don’t think they are entirely right either.” He realized now he seemed to be digging himself a hole in his attempts at taunting. Mentally, he starting kicking himself in the ass. “Well your guess is better than mine, I’m sure.” He dismissed, his fingers lifting to his mouth so that he could chew at the skin on the side of his thumb. He pretended this was interesting, his eyes lowering to watch his knuckles shift back and forth beneath his nose. He wanted to look at the clock but knew better. He wouldn’t give her another discussion point.
They went on like this for the remainder of the 30 minutes. Betsy would ask a question and Adam would evade it as much as possible and it seemed the more he evaded the more personal her questions got. In all his years, a shrink had never fought back quite as hard as Betsy Johnson but it seemed Betsy was out for an answer one way or another. By the end, she seemed satisfied enough with his lack of outbursts. Coach Wymack obviously told her to feel him out. He wished he could feel some kind of triumph in his succeeding but instead, he was annoyed.
Betsy’s smile was still holding at the end and Adam questioned how her face wasn’t twitching like a cracked out bird. The only comfort he had was in the fact he was done with her for another half a year.
“Well, I hope I’ll see you again soon.” She mused and he grimaced, mumbling something along the lines of ‘I don’t’ and something that was best assumed to be an obscene phrase under breath. Betsy pretended not to hear this but his fellow Fox gave him a dirty look as they walked past each other, switching places. He shook his head, bumping their shoulder on the way past. “Poor bastard.” He mumbled again as if to pity them and swiftly left the room, making sure not to cause any further contact on his way out.
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brandonshaw · 7 years
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Full Name: Brandon Shaw Nickname: N/A Birthday: May 16th Gender: Cis Male Sexual Orientation: Straight Astrological Sign: Taurus (Taurus III, The Week Of The Natural) Spoken Languages: English Birthplace: Washington, DC Relationship status: Single
Hair Color/Style: Dark, kept close-cropped to his head. Eye Color: Brown Face Claim: Keith Powers Height: 6′2″ Tattoos: None Piercings: None Unique Attributes: Brandon has fading surgical scars on his right leg from multiple surgeries after his injury, which occasionally still bothers him. He often lists his weight onto his left side, now, but then has to force himself to correct it, before he injures his other leg. While he attempts to be impassive, any nervousness or anxiety he feels can be detected in his hands, which will fidget while the rest of him is still. Has other assorted scars/marks from living a fairly colorful life.
Positive Traits: Hard-working, enduring, loyal, respectful Negative Traits: Anxious, indecisive, self-pitying, shy Hobbies/Interests: Obviously: Exy. He also took up swimming during his recovery, as it was low-impact, and enjoys the serenity of the PSU pool in the early mornings before practice, plus the competitive edge that comes from trying to beat his own best times. Insecurities: That he’s washed up at the age of twenty-five, that he couldn’t make it as a player and he won’t make it as a coach, either, because he’s too bitter about what he lost. That he’s a burden on people like Wymack, Abby, and Betsy and they’re just too nice to tell him. And still, after all this time, that he’s hard to love, that no one wanted him as a kid and no one will want him now, especially when without Exy he’s not sure what he has to offer. Quirks/Eccentricities: MBTI Type: ISTP, “The Virtuoso” Enneagram Type: Type Six, “The Loyalist” Moral Alignment: Neutral Good Temperament: Melancholic
Immediate Family: Abandoned at birth, Brandon has no knowledge of his parents, and no wish to. For all intents and purposes, he considers Wymack as the closest thing he has to family, though he also has close relationships with Abby and Bee. How do they feel about their family?: As a child, Brandon used to spend a lot of time thinking about his parents and inventing stories about them. But around the time that he decided, after too many disappointments, to stop longing for a permanent home and adoptive parents, he stopped thinking about his long-gone birth parents as well. Today, he doesn’t think about them at all.  How does their family feel about them?: He doesn’t know and doesn’t care, and since it’s not relevant to his story, it’s not something I’m interested in exploring. Pets: None. Where do they live?: Since coming back to Palmetto, Brandon has been living in Wymack’s apartment, sleeping on the pull-out couch in his living room. Though it isn’t an ideal situation, due to the size of Wymack’s apartment, Wymack hasn’t placed any pressure on Brandon to move out, and they’ve fallen into a comfortable routine in the space together. Finding his own apartment is one of Brandon’s goals for the year, but hasn’t made much progress towards it yet.  Description of their home: See above. Description of their bedroom: Brandon came back to Palmetto with only a duffel bag full of the essentials. Everything else, such as the furniture he’d bought for his old apartment back in Kansas City, is in a Kansas City storage unit—making the trip back there to retrieve it all is another thing he abstractly plans on doing, once he’s found somewhere else to live. Because of that, and because his “bedroom” is technically the main living space of Wymack’s apartment, Brandon keeps it very neat, all his possessions organized and out of the way, and he makes his bed each morning.  
Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert Optimist or Pessimist? He shifts between the two, always with the aim of being an optimist, but he may more naturally be a pessimist. Leader or Follower? Follower Confident or Self-Conscious? Self-conscious Cautious or Careless? He has moments of carelessness, the legacy of a boy who used to get his kicks stealing cars, but these days he’s far more cautious. Passionate or Apathetic? Passionate Book Smarts or Street Smarts? Street smarts Compliments or Insults? Compliments
Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: Brandon’s a bit of a fashionista. Signing with the Kansas City Cyclones gave him a pretty good income, for a time, and he didn’t really know what to do with it, beyond rent for his apartment and the car he bought right after signing, and so he ended up spending it on clothes more than anything else. He’s got a lot of snapbacks, and a lot of sneakers. If he’s having a bad day, online shopping is a good way to treat himself. Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: He’ll nod his head along to just about anything, but if he’s in charge of the music it’s usually something with a solid beat. He’s still a pretty typical athlete: he likes pump-up jams that he can listen to in the gym.    Favorite Movies: Brandon loves movies and TV—there were some houses he lived in, growing up, where either was a privilege, and others where the TV was on at all times, just to give the boys something to sit down and focus on. His favorites are comedies/sitcoms, but he also likes popular action and superhero movies. He’s not too picky.  Favorite Books: Like movies, books where another thing intended to keep the boys quiet and well-behaved, and Brandon has fond memories of battered paperback copies of Harry Potter and the Chronicles of Narnia and other kids/young adult books, even though he doesn’t read that much (besides Exy news) anymore. Favorite Foods/Drinks: He tries to keep up with the nutrition plan he’d gotten from the Kansas City trainers, to eat like a professional athlete even if he isn’t really one anymore. His favorite meal would probably be a really big steak, and he also has a weakness for chocolate and really strong opinions on Gatorade flavors. Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: The Foxes, of course, are his number one. He feels like he should still be rooting for the Cyclones, but he hasn’t been able to bring himself to watch a Cyclone game since he was watching them live from the team box, when they still thought that maybe he’d be able to come back. In fact, watching any professional games feels a little bit too raw, so he mostly sticks to college games, even though as a coach watching them feels like something he’s doing for work rather than enjoyment.  Favorite Time of Day: Since coming back to Palmetto, Brandon’s become a morning person, and he likes the morning routine he’s fallen into: he wakes up when Wymack does, and the two of them manage to make coffee and breakfast in complete, companionable silence, most mornings. Most mornings, he’ll usually go to the pool for an hour or so, get his own workout in before he has to show up for the Foxes’ morning training.  Favorite Weather/Season: Brandon learned to hate winter when he was living in an abandoned building with no electricity. He’d learned to hate sticky DC summers long before that. So spring or fall are both good for him, in-between seasons where he isn’t either boiling or freezing. Favorite Animal: He’s got good memories of some of the foster homes he stayed in that had dogs, and he’d like to have one of his own someday.
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lgntrask · 7 years
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Full Name: Logan Isaiah Trask Nickname: Logan Birthday: April 22nd Gender: Cis Male Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Astrological Sign: Aries-Taurus Cusp Spoken Languages: English, horribly butchered Spanish that he’s getting around to polishing Birthplace: Pittsburgh, PA Relationship status: Single
Hair Color/Style: Brown/blonde/dirty blonde // natural tendency towards curling so he doesn’t really bother doing anything with them, no matter what they’ll look messy Eye Color: Blue Face Claim: Jeremy Allen White Height: 5′8 (helps with speed and agility, he likes to believe) Tattoos: Triangle tattoo on his chest. He’s thought of getting more but he knows there can be some unintended bias on people who have a lot of tattoos and he doesn’t want to lose opportunities for him and Cam just because of some ink. There are plans to get more in future though Piercings: None Unique Attributes: Slight bump on his nose when it was broken a while back during a high school exy game and wasn’t reset (by him) properly because he wanted to get back in the game quickly
Positive Traits: Determined, hardworking, independent, frank, supportive, understanding, resourceful Negative Traits: Impatient, temperamental, aggressive, rash, resentful, volatile Hobbies/Interests: Exy with Cam, swimming, jogging/running, cooking (started as a means of survival but he’s found he does have a genuine interest in it) Insecurities: General aimlessness/hopelessness of his future and the fear that he won’t have anything to do after Palmetto to keep him and Cam going, his height on some level and his appearance but he’s quick with the witty remarks if someone tries to point it out, typical boy problems where he has zero to no relationship history compared to anyone (even his own sister) Quirks/Eccentricities: Ambidextrous, if anyone asks questions about his home life or his past that he feels is too personal, Logan will ignore them no matter what, pretending that they didn’t say anything or straight up walking away, good at memorizing phone numbers but bad at putting names to faces MBTI Type: ISTP Enneagram Type: Type 5: The Investigator Moral Alignment: True Neutral Temperament: Choleric
Immediate Family: Cameron Trask (younger sister) How do they feel about their family:  There’s a lot of tension but it’s no understatement to say that he will do anything for her, she is everything for him and he can’t stand the possibility of losing her How does their family feel about them: Logan wants to believe that Cam loves him unconditionally but he also knows that there has to be a limit with that and he’s likely very close to reaching it. He knows that he can’t keep letting her down by saying he’ll clean up his act one second and hitting the drinks the next, but there’s also a deeper issue within him that he refuses to acknowledge and it’s ultimately what’s causing all this. He can tell when they’re together that she’s just biting her lip when there’s really a lot she wants to say Pets: None Where do they live: Fox Tower is his home for now, Abby’s being a second home. After Palmetto, he’s not sure where to go or what’s going to happen and he doesn’t really want to dwell on it much just yet Description of their home: He’s not his any of his roommates’ favorite, he knows that much, because he comes home late and sometimes loud and smelling strongly of alcohol, but other than that, he’s very unintrusive and keeps to his part of the dorm Description of their bedroom: There’s a veneer of cleanliness with his things, but underneath that, he can be messy. He’s gotten used to cleaning up after himself because back in PA, there wasn’t really anyone else to do it for him but Cam and she was busy too
Introvert or Extrovert? Optimist or Pessimist? Leader or Follower? Confident or Self-Conscious? Acts very confident, even coming off as arrogant at some point, but it’s clearly more of a defense mechanism than anything Cautious or Careless? Cautious when it comes to Cam and the lives they’ve built that could just as easily come crashing down; careless when it comes to himself  Passionate or Apathetic? Used to be pretty passionate but now he clearly isn’t as much, or he is deep down but something is preventing him from being open about it Book Smarts and Street Smarts? He balanced work, practice and school for a while before Palmetto happened to him so it’s fair to say he’s got a good head on his shoulders Compliments and Insults? Depends on the situation. He can be very supportive of the people that he cares about, but the ones that he don’t? He’s critical and defensive
Favorite Color: Teal, Green Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: Anything comfortable really though usually he’s a tank tops, shorts kind of guy when he’s not doing anything Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: Gorillaz, Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Kings of Leon. Classic Rock Favorite Movies: Sucker for a good martial arts movie, he swears by Enter the Dragon and Drunken Master. Also psychological thrillers. Loves Stephen Chow and Star Wars Favorite Books: London Fields, Catcher in the Rye, The Road, Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk (he was pulled in by the story of Guts making people faint when Chuck does readings). He’s an indiscriminate reader and would give anything recommended to him a shot. Cam made him read Harry Potter and it’s not as bad as he thought it would be Favorite Foods/Drinks: Tacos, buffalo wings, Jameson, beer, Sunny D Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: Any team other than the Foxes jk Steelers and the Penguins. Watches boxing if its Pacquiao playing. Watches the Olympics for kicks Favorite Time of Day: Early hours after midnight Favorite Weather/Season: Fall, not too warm, not too cold Favorite Animal: Did you know that red pandas belong in the raccoon family while giant pandas are in the bear family? He likes both
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jayedwright · 7 years
“I need to talk to you,” he says in lieu of greeting.
Bee raises a perfectly arched eyebrow, as though she is surprised he’s capable of stringing so many words together after he has existed in nothing but clipped responses of ‘fine’ and ‘yes’ and ‘no’ and ‘goodbye’ for four years until now. “Of course,” she replies. “Would you like any hot chocolate while you get situated?”
He ignores the question, hoping she’ll interpret that as him rejecting her offer like he does every time, and moves instead to sit down in the chair reserved for her patients in front of her desk. He reaches over to bend down and grab at the satchel hanging from his shoulders, pulling out a dull white envelope and placing it in front of her as she sits down to face him, steaming hot chocolate for herself in her hands.
“Open it,” he says, nodding towards the envelope. She stares at him the way she always does, as though she has more questions for him than she knows he’ll ever dignify answering, but he has no time for hesitation today. “Go on, open it and read it.”
She does as much, removing the card from the envelope and doing a quick scan over it before looking back up at him, eyes wide in confusion. “It’s a wedding invitation addressed to a Mr. James Righter from a Ms. Scarlett Devereaux and Mr. Weston Kane,” she says, as though he doesn’t know exactly what’s written on the slip of paper inside, as though he hasn’t read it over and over again to the point of perfect memorization. “How are you familiar with them?”
“I’m not,” he says quickly, then revises with, “I mean, I have no idea who Weston Kane is. Scarlett, though - she used to be one of my greatest friends before I came to Palmetto. She was one half of the two people who meant everything to me.”
He feels uncomfortable suddenly, talking about this, his past, things he had put a lock on and thrown away the key to. He remembers the bad parts of the first eighteen years of his life more than anything else, if only because that’s easier, because that makes it feel like he was justified in leaving the way he did. On the rare occasions he does mention the experiences of James Righter, it’s always in the context of the sins committed against him by his parents, the greed of those who surrounded him, the misery he went through feeling trapped despite living in such a large mansion. He can’t remember the last time he’s thought about the friendships he had that kept him afloat for as long as he was, and perhaps that’s just another reason to hate everything about this invitation and the fact that it has him seeking Bee of all people for help.
“So does that mean you’re planning on going?” she asks, and it’s a valid question but that doesn’t mean he has an answer.
“I don’t know.” He runs an exasperated hand through his hair. “I don’t know. That’s why I came to you, I thought you were here to give me answers. Point me in the right direction, give me the spiritual guidance to live my life, all of the stuff they teach you so you can hang that pretty little diploma onto your wall.”
“I’m here to advise,” she corrects. “I can give you advice, but I can’t guarantee that it’ll necessarily be the be-all, end-all correct answer.”
“Then advise me,” he says. “Should I stay or should I go?”
“I can’t tell you that,” she says, and he almost wants to laugh at the fact that he ever thought she would make this easy, that she would just tell him what he needs to hear instead of dancing around it. “But what I can tell you is that closure is a necessary part of any healing process, no matter how big or small the wound.”
“So that’s a yes,” he prompts, trying to manage a clear-cut response out of her even if she isn’t willing to give it. “I should go to the wedding because that’ll give me some semblance of closure.”
“Perhaps. Or, perhaps going to the wedding will just scratch at the wound instead of bandaging it. As I said, that’s a call you’re going to have to make yourself. But the way I see it, August 26th is still a while away,” she says, pointing at the date written in daintily curled cursive across the bottom of the invite, “so that leaves you plenty of time to make your decision.”
Jay considers that for a moment, and it frustrates him, the fact that he doesn’t know if this would hurt or help him. Above all, his biggest fear is that he won’t be able to maintain himself, as if all it would take were Scarlett to say the words ‘I miss you’ before Jay would inevitably fall to his knees, saying the words ‘I’m sorry, forgive me, I’m sorry’ like begging for mercy from a scorned god. He is told all-too often that he was so brave in his decision to leave his old life behind, so strong, but the truth is that he is weak, he is weak, he is weak.
He sighs, reaching forward to retrieve the invitation from her desk and put it back into his satchel. “I hope you’re well aware that this didn’t help me at all,” he tells her. “If anything, I’m more confused now than I was when I came in.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” she says with a smile, then takes a sip of the hot chocolate cradled between her fingertips.
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akiraxsato · 7 years
That Awful Hour || Self-Para
Akira was pretty sure he was the last Fox to visit Betsy and he was perfectly okay with that. He’d had his fill of psychiatrists since his fall from glory and he was not keen on talking to any more every again. There was only so many times he could take sitting in a little room listening to someone ask him how he was feeling. Granted, his last experience with Betsy wasn’t nearly as obnoxious as that stupid twit his parents had hired, but that didn’t make it any better. He’d hesitated outside her door, fist poised to knock, when it had opened for him.
“Akira! I’ve been expecting you!” Her smile encompassed her face and Akira found it, at least a littler, infectious. He ended up smiling back at her as she moved to make room for him in the doorway. “Don’t be shy. Come right on in. I’ve just brewed a fresh batch of hot chocolate. You want some?”
“Er...” Akira hated the stuff but he was never quite sure how to tell the woman no. He’d spoken to other team members that said she swore by that stuff. Was saying no the wrong way to go about starting this awful hour? God. He didn’t know. “Sure.” He wouldn’t drink it but at least he didn’t say no, right?
“Come, come. Take a seat. Tell me about your summer. Did you do anything exciting?” She puttered around her desk for a moment as Akira shut the door behind him and edged his way to the chair that was furthest from the desk without actually having to move it.  Less rude. He sat in silence as she turned to face him, holding out a steaming mug of hot chocolate. “There we are. Careful not to drink it too fast no sense sending you back to Wymack with a burned tongue.”
“Thanks.” He took it from her, fingers curling tightly around the little handle and bringing it closer to him, enjoying the warmth it produced. Things lapsed back into that tense, awkward silence again and Akira sat there, stewing in it. Betsy, bless her, just stared back at him. It made him fidget. He was not going to survive an hour of this. 
“I didn’t actually do anything this summer,” Akira said, the words kind of falling out of him before he quite knew what he was saying. “I spent most of it holed up in my parent’s house avoiding the paparazzi. I mean. Come on. It��s been a year, what kind of scoop are they looking for? I mean Jesus. I was going stir crazy.” He should stop now, but Akira couldn’t find the will to do so. “And then some of my costars from On The Line were in town and they offered to help sneak me out and into the city. And I did it.” Was that a look of disapproval on her face? God. He got enough of that from his own parents. It was enough of a blow to get him to shut up. “And that’s what I did this summer.”
Betsy just kept looking at him with that even and infuriating look of hers. “And what did you and your friends do, if I may ask?”
“All right. I won’t pry. It’s your life. “ Betsy said, leaning back in her chair and watching Akira from across her desk. The hot chocolate had started to go cold but Akira just sat the untouched cup on a nearby flat surface. He resisted the urge to look at his phone and figure out how much longer he was required to be sitting her. Too long probably.
“Can I go now?” Akira finally asked, unable to sit in the silence any longer. Betsy looked at her watch and then back at him, shaking her head. Akira felt his heart sink. Damn.
“We’ve still got another thirty minutes. It’s up to you how we spend them.”
“I don’t like being here.”
“I can tell.” And she just sat there, staring at him.
“Can I leave early?”
He knew that was going to be her answer, he’d asked that the last two times he’d been forced to come in here. But at least he could say he tried. He crossed his arms and settled back into the chair, pointedly looking anywhere that wasn’t Betsy. Her glass figurines, her immaculate bookshelf full of books Akira didn’t even know how to pronounce. And true to her word she didn’t pry. But she stared and Akira wasn’t sure what would be worse. Her prying or her iron stare.
And so they sat there like that until Betsy’s watched blipped on the hour. Akira heaved a huge sigh of relief as he stood up from his chair, straightening out his shirt. “I’ve got practice to get to. I don’t like being late.”
“It was nice to have you here, Akira. I hope our next visit you’ll actually drink your hot chocolate.” She smiled at him and waved him towards the door, already up and cleaning up what little mess he’d made. Akira found himself smiling at her again as he opened the door.
“Yeah, uhm, thanks for having me. Uh, see ya ‘round.” He didn’t look back to see what she’d do in response, opting to high tail it down the hallway and into his car, just glad that one of the most awful hours of his life was over. The last thing he wanted to do here at Palmetto was relive his fall from glory. This was his chance to start over. Who the hell lingered on the past anyways? 
Not him.
No sir.
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development task | anonymity
Claudia had never much liked hot chocolate. 
But it never stopped Betsy from offering it and, in her defense, Claudia had taken it every time Betsy offered it when she went in the past four years. She sat down across from Betsy’s in her office, arms crossed over her chest. She wasn’t closed off from Betsy, not that she was particularly welcoming towards her either. 
She had nothing against Betsy, honestly! She liked her about as much as she could like a psychologist she was forced to see twice a year. But she had never been the type to go spilling her guts and after Miranda showed up at the court the year before, it made her even less willing now. 
Just bottle that shit right up and smoke a cigarette, that was her preferred method of therapy. However, all Foxes were required to visit her at the beginning of each semester and even if she didn’t talk much, it was something she had to go and get done. 
“So, Claudia. Was there anything you wanted to talk about?” 
“Nope.” She wasn’t sure if this was going better or worse than her meeting with Bee in the beginning of last year. She didn’t talk to Betsy after Miranda showed up and even the blind could tell how badly seeing Miranda had thrown her. 
Bee made a note of something and leaned back. “How was your summer?”
Claudia shrugged. “I spent it gallivanting around Europe and hooking up with strangers, so I’d say it was fantastic.” That alone was probably enough to warrant some questions (what were you running from? Who were you running from? Why Europe, why not somewhere in the country?) but, to her credit, Bee didn’t ask any of them. Claudia didn’t know what she would say if the doctor did ask. She was running from herself, maybe. From Daphne and Claudia and Clark and Jessica and Miranda and Martin and everyone who knew her name. Whether they knew her as Daphne O’Shea or Claudia Jewell or that girl who went missing when she was a infant. 
She was fast to correct herself. Kidnapped. Not missing. She had been kidnapped and then her own stupid ass tried to get in contact with Miranda, essentially brought her to Palmetto and put herself off her game. 
Betsy just asked, “Where in Europe?” She was probably still holding onto the hope that Claudia would open up by herself, with no prodding or prying on Bee’s end. But in the four years she’d been going to this school, it had yet to happen.
“France. Italy. Spain. Andorra.” Places she could get lost in. Places where she was just another face in the crowd. 
“Why them?” 
“I like the anonymity.” And she thought she had a right to. The whole country had been looking for her. For thirteen years. And she once herself wanted Claudia Jewell to be found, reliably showing up on the TV every year on the anniversary of her disappearance. But other than that, she hadn’t even thought nothing of substance about Claudia until the day when she was Claudia again.
And from then on, it had been impossible to shut up Daphne in her head, constantly fighting with the Claudia she had to be now. 
Betsy smiled kindly, not quite the pitying smile Claudia had come to loathe. “Do you want to expand on that?”
The rest of the meeting passed by slowly, but Claudia’s hot chocolate, and the topic of anonymity, went untouched. 
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thefoxholecourtrp · 7 years
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The start of summer practices and the start of a new season means something more than Exy—it also means the the Foxes are required to check in with team psychiatrist Betsy Dobson. As part of their admission into Palmetto State and their spot of the Foxes’ roster, players are required to meet with Betsy twice a year, once at the beginning of each semester. 
Some will only do the bare minimum, dragging their heels to Betsy’s office only as required, others will continue to meet with her regularly over the course of the season. But, either way, the Foxes are scheduled for their appointments with Betsy, given permission to be late to one practice or to leave early to head across campus to the Reddin Medical Center and Betsy’s office for a half-hour long session. 
These appointments are as formal or as informal as each Fox wants them to be: they can be an in-depth discussion or a simple check-in about how they felt about least season and how they’re feeling heading into the new one. 
For the new Foxes, it’s an opportunity to meet Betsy for the first time, to establish a relationship and, if they choose to, discuss how they’re feeling as a new member of the team and how they think they’ll fare under the pressure of Class I Exy and set goals for their first year on the team. 
Do the Foxes look forward to meeting with her, or is it just another requirement that has to be met in order to play? Are they forthcoming with her, or are they reluctant to answer any of her questions, whether they’re more prying or simply making conversation? Do they plan to meet with her again during the season, or will they only see her when required?  
(And most importantly: do they like hot chocolate? Because our resident chocolate-loving psychiatrist will probably offer them some.)
CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT TASK: Write a self-para of any length detailing your character’s appointment with Betsy. Some of you may have completed this task previously: if you completed it before, now would be a good time to reflect on how your character has changed, if at all, over the course of last season and how they’re feeling heading into a new year.
This is a Fox-specific task: Vixens can meet with Betsy if they choose to, but it’s not mandatory for Vixens the way it is for Foxes. If you’re looking for another character development task to complete, this character survey may be a good option, and can be done at any time! 
This task is entirely optional, but should you choose to complete it, please tag your self-paras with #foxholetask.
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teddyryker-blog · 7 years
writing task innit.
tl;dr teddy is emo, betsy tries to be helpful, hot chocolate is not consumed, bacon is a good boy.
Teddy clutched the mug Betsy handed him until he felt the heat of its contents start to burn. There was always something different about the first meeting of the semester with Betsy, which was strange when Teddy had spent the past academic year seeing her on a bi-weekly basis. There was so much to talk to about, so much that’d happened and Teddy didn’t know how he was going to put it all into words. He stayed fairly quiet or now, answering Betsy’s mandatory small talk questions such as ‘how are you?’, ‘are you excited for the season?’, and ‘are you looking after yourself?’.
In all honesty, Teddy was better than ever even if he didn’t look it. He’d been generally quiet since he got back, sticking with the members of the team he was familiar with rather than branching out to socialise with the new Foxes or even the Vixens. He was taking it one day at a time, trying to get away from everything that happened last semester especially and looking to the new term and the new season.
“You went on the road trip, I hear,” Betsy said. Teddy nodded and said nothing. “How was it?”
“Good.” Her reply sounded both like approval and a question. Teddy said nothing. Bacon sat up and rested his head on Teddy’s knee, huffing out through his nose and looking at Teddy expectantly until he smoothed his hand over the dogs head. “Did you make it to Boston?” She asked. Teddy huffed a small laugh because he knew that question had been coming; he and Betsy had talked about his mom so much before the summer that Teddy figured she probably understood how Teddy felt towards her more than Teddy did.
“I knew you were going to ask me that,” he said, “I did.”
“Do you want to tell me about it?”
Teddy shrugged and kept looking at Bacon, smiling softly when he pushed his head into Teddy’s hand to have his ears scratched. “It was fine,” he said but the uncertainty was clear in his tone. Betsy’s silence was question in itself, a prompt of go on. “It was strange. I never thought about what it would be like to see her for the first time, I had this image in my head of what she’d look like from talking to her but it was like meeting a fictional character from a book, or something, in real life.”
“She didn’t look how you expected her to?”
“Yes and no. She’s kinda tall, how does that figure?” Betsy smiled sympathetically. “She’s nice, though, but I knew she would be. She felt real bad about...everything.” This is where it got complicated, where Teddy wasn’t sure if he wanted to keep the contents of that conversation a secret or if he wanted to get it off his chest. Betsy seemed to sense his hesitation.
“Everything?” She asked.
“About leaving, mostly,” Teddy said, “I get it now. I’m still not really okay with it but I get her reasons.” Teddy still stood by the notion that he, personally, would’ve done things completely differently if he was her. She stayed out of cowardice and because of that a child, Teddy’s twin brother, hadn’t seen a single day on earth; she left for the same reason, too afraid of Teddy’s father to stay and too afraid of not being to provide for her son that she left him behind. She should’ve left the second she found out she was pregnant or she should’ve never gone to California in the first place. “I had a twin,” Teddy suddenly announced before he could stop himself. Betsy blinked at him.
“A twin,” she repeated slowly, another non-verbal prompt for Teddy to expand.
“He died before we were born; she said it was because my dad was hitting her and stuff when she was pregnant. Nobody ever told me, she only mentioned him because she thought I knew about him.” How the fuck would I know when she wasn’t there to tell me?
“Do you feel guilty?” Betsy asked and it surprised Teddy because yes, he did feel guilty, but he hadn’t realised it until just now.
“Yeah,” he said quietly. “It could’ve been either of us but...I lived and he didn’t.” Teddy knew it was a stupid thing to feel guilty about but he couldn’t help it. He wasn’t in control of what happened, he couldn’t change it, he wouldn’t feel like this if his mom hadn’t mentioned it to him.
“Do you think he’s more deserving of being alive than you?”
“I think it’s fucking unfair,” Teddy bit out, “all of it is really fucking unfair.” Bacon nosed at Teddy’s hand again, sensing his temper rise. They were all quiet for a minute, aside from the sound of Bacon’s tail repeatedly thudding against the floor. “I’m angry about it,” Teddy admitted, deciding to be less of an asshole by admitting it, rather than have Betsy try to pry it out of him.
“I think that’s reasonable,” she said, “have you spoken to your father? You told me before he’s been trying to call you.”
“Like hell I have.”
“Alright,” Betsy said, sounding satisfied, “I want you to come back in a month. With the new term starting, I want you to get adjusted first before we decide if we should meet regularly again.” Teddy nodded. “I think now would be a good time to discuss medication.”
“Medication?” Teddy exclaimed, “What for?”
“Your anger,” Betsy said, her tone as calm as ever, “and your anxiety. Just an anti-depressant on a low dosage, hopefully the side effects will be minimum-”
“Betsy, the season is weeks away I don’t need side effects right now.”
“Exactly. If you start on it now then any of the possible side effects will probably have cleared up by then. You might experience nausea, headaches, insomnia, change in appetite, nothing too awful. I know it’s daunting, Teddy, but I just want to make sure I’m doing everything I can to keep you in the best frame of mind.” Teddy didn’t dispute that but still sat silent, slightly shocked, watching Betsy write a prescription on her desk and he flinched when she ripped it off the pad and handed it to him. “I want you to go and get this straight after you leave here and start them tomorrow. Take them every day, at the same time every day if you can, and come see me immediately if any of the side effects get really unbearable. Okay?”
Teddy nodded quickly, staring blankly at the piece of paper as it was handed to him. “Is this really necessary?” He asked. He was afraid of something like this happening; he was finally getting used to living inside his own head and this might change all of that. It could make things a hell of a lot better, Teddy liked to think that would be the outcome because otherwise Betsy was making a huge mistake.
“We’ll find out,” Betsy said, smiling softly, “Come back in a month when they’ve had time to settle in your system.”
“I hate this already.”
“I know. I’ll see you soon, okay? Look after yourself, please.”
Teddy got up and left his mug on the coffee table, still full as he’d forgotten to drink it, and lead Bacon out of the office, the prescription slightly crumpled in his hand. Bacon trotted along happily next to Teddy, staring up at him as they went with his tongue hanging out his mouth.
“I dunno what you’re so happy about,” Teddy muttered to the dog, “if these things make me stop sleeping then you won’t be either.”
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Hot Chocolate & Hot Tempers // Task 06
The chair in Betsy’s office was comfortable; Kent was not.
It had nothing to do with the temperature of the room (slightly cold, but not uncomfortable with the cup of obligatory hot chocolate radiating heat through his tense hand), either, nor any aches and pains Kent may have sustained during practice (because the backliners learned years ago he didn’t go easy in practice, and now, they hit back just as hard, if only to save their own skin). No, he’d always hated talking to Betsy. It was nothing personal - Betsy was a fine woman, only wanting to help the notoriously troubled team - but rather in Kent’s nature to shut out the the person wh dared to dig deeper into the problems expressed in a turned back or swinging fist on the surface.
She was well aware that the striker was not tense because of anything surrounding him, or any bruises on him, or even anything she’d said thus far; Betsy had only finished with the usual ‘how was your summer’ (though she knew the answer), 'how did you feel you did last season’ (good, fine, not enough to get the Foxes past the final death match), 'anything specific you’d like to discuss’ (which earned her a hard no), yet Kent was noticeably tense, as if he was worried she already knew the right questions to get under his skin.
It, quite obviously, didn’t go unnoticed, though it may not have been all that suspicious had it not have been for sophomore year. Kent’s freshman year meeting consisted of one-word answers and a stare that warned Betsy not to dig too deep. Of course, when she did, Kent did what he did best and stormed out of the meeting. Sophomore year’s meeting didn’t entail Kent speaking much more, but thanks to a year’s time to find his place (and to a few Foxes for helping him with that), he at least didn’t look like he wanted to break the window in Betsy’s office and climb out before disappearing into the midday sun.
Now, he seemed to be on a decline, because while he hadn’t yet broken Betsy’s bright orange Palmetto State mug with his white-knuckled grip, he was damn near close to ruining either that or the arm of the wooden chair he wondered why he was still occupying. Oh, right. Because he told himself he’d be better. That he wouldn’t be that person who let his blind rage get in the way of living his life.
He also wasn’t about to let the concept of family ruin it, either. Not even someone who was in some sort of familial position like Betsy was, right now. Thinking she could get through walls of fire, or at least trying to. Thinking she could dig through the anger and steel to unearth the guilt lying underneath. Or at least trying to.
Still, she wanted to work on just that subject, and he’d fallen for her obvious trap. Betsy began to ask Kent questions about Hawaii - how different it was from South Carolina, how much he missed it, and then onto high school Exy and how different it was now having two years college experience. Questions about high school sports lead into questions about other hobbies, to questions about how long he’d done them and how he felt about them now, to innocent enough questions about his childhood, to quesitons about his mother.
Of course. Kent silently cursed himself for not seeing where this was going.
Betsy knew well the answers to the questions she was asking. “And where is your mother now?”
“I know. I’m sorry. And your father?”
“Dead. Never knew him. Don’t remind me.”
Those three words spoke to the therapist, who simply cocked her head and asked, “Has someone been harassing you because of it?”
Yes. “No.”
“Has someone brought it up to you recently?”
Yes. “This is Disney character central, here - we all have dead parents. I don’t care about him. Stop asking me about my family.” Don’t ask any further.
“I just want to understand your mindset, Kent. I won’t ask about your parents. They’re all you’ve got, correct?”
She likely wanted him to speak about his step father. He answered honestly. “No.”
“Do you keep contact with anyone, then?”
I wish I didn’t. “I don’t want to.”
“May I ask why?”
“No.” This answer, instead, sounded like a low growl. The predator was threatened, and ready to strike, and it took all he could to not tip something over as he stood. She would not learn about Bianca. Nobody would learn about Bianca if he had his way - he never would have learned about Bianca if he had his way. “Stop. Asking. I’m done here.”
It was at least an accomplishment that he gently set down the mug of hot chocolate as he stomped out the room. The door, however, did not get as ginger a treatment.
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mcbainez-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
you held your course to some distant war In the corners of your mind
Full Name: Margaret Caitriona Baines Nickname: Maggie Birthday: April 13th, 1997 Gender: Cisgender female Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Astrological Sign: Aries Spoken Languages: English, bits and pieces of Irish Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts Relationship status: Single
Hair Color/Style: auburn, waist length Eye Color: Blue Face Claim: Lisa Teige Height: 5′4 Tattoos: None Piercings: Ears pierced, one hole Unique Attributes: None facially, there are two mirroring scars on her wrists from a suicide attempt, and other smaller scars throughout her body
Positive Traits: Compassionate, trustworthy, sweet Negative Traits: Anxious, clumsy, withdrawn Hobbies/Interests: Reading books, going to church, cheerleading, exploring Insecurities: Her body, her family Quirks/Eccentricities: Unsure MBTI Type: ENFJ Enneagram Type: Type 2 Moral Alignment: Lawful Good Temperament: Sanguine
Immediate Family:
Eamon Baines
Fiona Baines (nee Corcoran)
Maitiú (Matthew) Baines, (age 23)
Siobhan Baines (age 22)
Killian Baines (20)
Domhnall “Dom” Baines (17)
Ailis Barnes (15)
Hannah Baines (13)
How do they feel about their family?: She loves her siblings and her mother– though, her father she despises, and she doesn’t hate anybody
How does their family feel about them?: She’s really close to her siblings, her father takes most of his rage out on her
Pets: None
Where do they live?: Small house in Cambridge, MA/Dorm room in Palmetto
Description of their home: There’s three bedrooms, the girls in one, the boys in the other, and the parents in the third one– filled with religious paraphernalia/It’s a typical dorm
Description of their bedroom: It’s a mess, has a bunk bed and a third twin bed in the corner, has stickers and writing on the wall, various things from her and her sisters childhood/Dorm is pretty plain, has a few posters, and pictures, as well as a cross above her bed
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert Optimist or Pessimist?: Optimist Leader or Follower?: Both? At times Confident or Self-Conscious?: Self-conscious Cautious or Careless?: Cautious Passionate or Apathetic?: Passionate Book Smarts or Street Smarts?: Book smarts Compliments or Insults?: Compliments
Favorite Color: This pink or purple Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: Long sleeves with skirts, usually– she’s partial to turtle necks Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: Relaxing music, most of the time– she likes artists like Ingrid Michaelson and Regina Spektor Favorite Movies: Singin’ in the Rain, Some Like it Hot Favorite Books: The Awakening by Kate Chopin, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Favorite Foods/Drinks: Potatoes in any form, mostly french fries or mashed Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: Exy, duh! If not that, then probably baseball Favorite Time of Day: Dawn Favorite Weather/Season: Spring Favorite Animal: She’s fond of a lot of animals, however, her favorite may just be otters or dogs
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