sankt-jesper · 2 years
i’ve been wondering about this one you mentioned so i hope u dont mind if i take the opportunity to ask about it?
Fox/Cody/Neyo (and variations thereof) & Dedra Meero
The editor crashed when I was answering this. My post was long af everything's peachy 🤠
Get ready because this is going to be a wild ride, and everything I say should be seen as a rambling prompt >:)
Fox/Cody/Neyo (and variations thereof) & Dedra Meero: Ship It | Don't Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
These combos have practically everything I love. A poor little meow meow (Dedra), cherished blorbos (Cody, Fox, Neyo), the potential for murder and/or disaster, and they're practically the perfect conduit for Marxist and Hegelian forms of alienation. I think if I ever wrote something with them it'll probably be a thinly-veiled essay on Kierkegaardian estrangement in the wars and the stars during the Imperial Era. They just have so much potential for fun!!!!!1!!!
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Fair warning: I have no idea what fanon is like for any of these characters and I'd rather not know, so their characterizations might vary drastically from the usual.
Clones & Dedra
She's fresh and new and so hungry she'll devour the whole galaxy to get what she wants. They're aging and eaten by grief, rage and the urge to do something meaningful. She'll either find them useful or some of her toughest challenges; they'll follow her to hell and back or will raise hell to see her fail. She's the poster girl for Marx's theory of alienation, and the clones encompass Camus' views on estrangement to a worryingly great degree.
Cody & Dedra
Mentor & Mentee. He's going to shape her to become who she is on Andor, and he'll do it so well no one will ever know and she'll surpass him; it'll be too late when he notices. Some sort of build-a-bear story when speedrunning alienation. Favorite mental image: Cody in armor, saluting Dedra while she smiles. He knows she'll try to get rid of him as soon as she can and he's right.
Fox & Dedra
Paladin–Deity. He's lost and depressed and refusing to deal with anything that isn't work or menial day-to-day tasks, and she comes in and becomes his purpose. He tells himself he'll follow her to hell and back, and maybe he will, or maybe someday she'll do something that will shatter his misplaced faith. Favorite mental image: Fox taking her in his arms in a rare moment they'll never speak of, wondering if he can stop her or if it's too late for the both of them.
Neyo & Dedra
Wicked and Evil. They're awful. They're successful. They're having the time of their lives. If one goes too far the other will simply erase the limits. They'll be unstoppable until they crash and burn on an unlucky day. Favorite mental image: Neyo slouching in a chair and lazily grinning at Dedra while she stands next to him. She realizes there's nothing he won't do as long as she's the one giving the order.
They both work with her. They're together; they love each other in their own ways. The problem is that one of them wants to see her succeed but the other knows he needs to stop her before it's too late. Favorite mental image: both of them lying in their bed in a mess of tangled limbs, each staring into space and unable to fall asleep.
Neyo resents how much he loves Fox and Fox can't stop wondering why he doesn't love Neyo as much as Neyo loves him. It's unhealthy and awful and bad for both of them—and Dedra ends up being another way to torment each other and themselves. Of all the combos I think this one is the most likely to be able to leave the Empire unscathed and together. Favorite mental image: Neyo tenderly kissing Fox's palm when they're on their own, because despite everything they still love each other very much.
Neyo is everything Cody is afraid of being and Cody is everything Neyo wanted to be but couldn't become. I'm ngl for me this is a DC's TwoBats variant in which neither can get what they want but still hope they will. By default I'd say Neyo would be the one to do something with Dedra that'd break Cody's resolve, but I think it'd be much more interesting if Cody is the one to take a step too far—because if Neyo can't handle that, then what does that say about the two of them? Favorite mental image: Them sitting at a table, facing one another and looking at each other with unreadable expressions.
All the previous combos smudged together. Which means it's disastrous and chaotic but there's love and hope and good luck Dedra Meero, you're going to need it :) Favorite mental image: the three of them running away from an explosion in full armors, but you can definitely tell Neyo is the only one cackling.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
It's a crime none exist yet!!!!! They should!!!!!!!
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hxdrostorm · 2 years
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@corruptedforce has sent: Ship that you have as an OTP: 🌹 Ship that you’re indifferent to: 😑 Ship that makes you sad: 💔 Ship that you find disgusting: 💩 Ship that you find cute but don’t ship: ✌ Ship that you secretly like: 💚
Controversial shipping asks [Accepting]
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Ship that you have as an OTP: 🌹
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// Some gems include but aren't limited to them, I'm just saying the ones that come to my mind atm, bc I actually have many OTPs --
Codex, Obirex, 17Fordo, BobaGoran, PloWolffe, Rexwalker, FoxDogma, FoxNeyo, Blyla just to name a few <3
Ship that you’re indifferent to: 😑
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// The entire series is about Anidal.a. You guys will be fine with me, not really showing any interest in it, right? I got nothing against it, it is just that my atention is on an entirely different part of the lore. So, these two are sitting in the back burner, in favor of everything else.
Ship that makes you sad: 💔
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// I have legit weeped way too many times over Fox/Dogma thanks to @trooperlads.
Honestly though? My favorite sources of angst came from the RP ships. So, you can bet I've been hit hard with feelings, from the majority of ships I've written so far here!
Ship that you find disgusting: 💩
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// I don't have a single ship that makes me go like that. With that said though, I have limits in regards to what I or won't do for shipping. Adult and minors is a straight up no from me.
Another thing to mention is how my views on Cody.wan, have been deteriorating over time. I was never a fan of it, I have always been neutral on it. But the fans sure are making me, dislike the ship (lil rant: Apparently everything MUST be c.ody.wan... Fanwork events for unpopular ships? Y'all better make some room for it or else... Oh? You reblogged 1 solo cody pic? Time to make it about co.dywan.). I've mentioned in the past that, I don't really want to deal with people who are obsessed with it. I've had to deal with the same type of people, in my previous fandoms. It's not fun for anyone, it's very draining and I don't have the energy to deal with them (In their need to write a ship, they'd always without any shred of decency, trample all over my boundaries or they'd just shove things @ me and assume I was fine with it.). That's precisely why, my Cody will stay a friends only muse, and I have 0 intentions of opening him up for interactions with just about anyone.
It's basically what I've always said. The ships on their own are rarely a problem. It's the fans, who'll leave the biggest impression on anyone.
Ship that you find cute but don’t ship: ✌
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// It's a simple matter of, I already ship this character with sb else, that's why I don't ship it. But!! Dogma/Hardcase have some really cute fanarts for them!
Ship that you secretly like: 💚
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// You know, it's funny to think that. If I weren't open about me enjoying cloneship, those ships would most likely be my "secret ships" out of fear of others reaction to them.
Regardless of it, I'm already pretty open about all ships I got, one way or another. I'd say these are some of my, less talked about ones:
Jesse/Rex, Rexmé, Rexsoka, CodyFox, Fox/Palpatine, Vader/Appo, Quinlan/Cody, Echo(TBB specific)/Rex just to name a few!
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