Jo walked around a bit outside the building, rather than calling Kwayes for a teleport, she'd asked for a simple set of co-ordinates to test a teleporter of her own. As a result she ended up a few yards outside of Hriob's new stronghold, so she'd walk towards the entrance and wait for her friend to take notice. "I know you wanted me to head over here and I know I'm SUUUPER late, but I've been majorly busy."
The stronghold, as she called it, was less building than mountain. The only reason it seemed like anything lied beneath, that anything there was different than the surrounding grey rock, was because there was a huge, circle-shaped depression of seamlessly smooth stone with a thirty-meter diameter molded into the side of it, with no apparent way to pry it open whatsoever…
There was also a recent ruin of crude yet effective buildings in a large arc around it, with some signs of a struggle yet evidence that they had simply relocated for the most part.
Their proportions were not human, that was clear, and paired with the smell and symbolisms etched here and there it was likely they were one of the many offshoots of European Goblin.
Regardless of how deserted the neighbors appeared to be, it would only take a minute for a small ‘rift’ to open below the woman and gravitationally deposit her gently in a padded, sturdy stone chair at the end of a long stone table, in a dark stone dining hall lit mostly by a bonfire-sized hearth at the far end and ambient light from the hallway closer to them.
Next to her was Hriob, pouring cups of hot tea for both of them out of the same slate-colored stoneware as everything else, his expression pleasant but unfathomably mixed with other, subtle hints of emotions.
“…I’m glad you could make it, but while its fine you were late, and impressed with you piercing the dimensional wardings on the pocket dimension itself… I’d prefer I handle transit for you next time for your protection. The neighbors have been known to hunt people indiscriminately, you’re lucky the last set of trespassers managed to get them to relocate from my ‘doorstep’ against all odds…”
With his facial expression finally deciding on a small smile, a hot cup of jasmine tea is handed over as a familiar azure shard of light floated in from the hallway to rest above the table.
“…so then, how’s the baby?”
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masondecember-blog · 9 years
Soooo, given magic is a -very- funky subject, is Mason still 100% himself while as "December" or does his personality shift so it's a full on genderswap and not just a sexswap?(like in the cases of Kampfer and Ranma)
He’s not 100% himself. It’s weird - His motivations and desires are different when he’s December, but not extremely. He’s still conscious of what he would do were he still Mason, but he realizes he doesn’t really want to. Of course, this doesn’t preclude him from forcing himself to act like he usually does when he’s December - he just doesn’t enjoy it and it feels like a drag. It also doesn’t prevent him from being embarrassed at having done things as December that he never would’ve done as Mason, but that’s only after he transforms back.
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Open RP
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“That was almost too easy of a steal. Its like they aren’t even trying anymore.”
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boobiemom · 9 years
well standard magical villains tend to be just "throw negative emotions at the wall and see what splats they make, the splats are now monsters" type deal, so it'd probably be about the same with like some sort of corporate group as a cover for the evil things, while still -doing- evil things, probably somehow owns the MCs neighborhood, makes sure to screw them over in both identities.
Sounds about right yeah
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ladyarjuna · 9 years
"So in recent news, I don't have demon crazyness flowing through me anymore, how're you?"
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“I’ve been building an empire out of some crazy garbage called the blood of the exploited working class~” 
“But seriously I’ve mostly been working on possible replacements for burning oil for transport, or at least trying to remove the need to remove more oil from current crude stockpiles.”
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myobunohonoo · 9 years
night everyone, send posts anons, and what have you to the two foxwithvarious blogs and I’ll answer sometime tomorrow!~
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moonlitsorceress · 9 years
"Costume Box" (because wynaut)
6.For a date
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“....I can’t believe you actually talked me into this Jo.”
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soulofgenocide · 9 years
“I’m not a ghost.”
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boobiemom · 9 years
"Street" magical girls are amazing.
We need an actual series like that.
An anime about street gals being magical girls. Like different types too. Casual, “thug”, Gyaru, the works. And their enemy would be.... I dunno.... personifications of something that can send a message akin to “No matter what part of the streets you’re from, all you need is a friend that can help you through the rough times” or something? I have no idea.
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[Hriob initially had a decent, unrequited crush on Jo of an all-romantic-non-sexual nature… back when they were still learning more about each other, before she transitioned to her Kitsubus form. It died off as they did learn more of each other’s temperaments, skills, and tastes, especially Hriob being daunted by Jo’s preferences and Jo not getting much out of Hriob due to his general social inadequacies and lack of communication on the issue.
Hriob and Jo today instead are firm friends, comrades, and research partners who work together often, both in and out of ‘official’ circles: Jo making great use of Hriob’s vagabond findings and Hriob basing extremely cutting-edge arcane ‘computers’ off of Jo’s magitech-friendly card enchantments… however, Hriob also offers emotional and moral support in Jo’s various personal problems, as Jo gives insight and advice into interpersonal and romantic quandaries in turn.]
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moonlitsorceress · 9 years
“You have really lovely eyes..” Claire to Shina
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“O-Oh thank you Claire...”
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boobiemom · 9 years
thoughts on Megaman?
Only ever played the one people hate the most (Megaman 64) and enjoyed it, so I’m impartial really. I don’t mind it, though I wouldn’t actively play it if I had other things.
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ladyarjuna · 9 years
foxwithvariousbelts replied to your post: “As a matter of fact, I have danced with the devil...
“Who’d want to date a devil who abandoned their lust for conquest in exchange for working at mcDonalds anyway though?”
“... Wait, don’t you work in a maid cafe? That was where I met you.” 
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