#fr tho Brittany is so pretty???
luvsscribblez · 2 years
I’ve noticed that I never really posted anything with my sona before the Space Pirates AU. So here are some silly scenarios of my self insert in the Pikmin series.
These were all done at work, so apologies for the “not as good” quality gfhhdgvsfb
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Hee hee self shipping go brrrr…
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melancholydreamers · 1 year
Do you have any unpopular opinions about Brittany/Brittana?
I’m not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I saw somewhere, maybe it was TikTok or something, that someone said, “if Brittany was used to her full potential then she would’ve been the 2000s IT Girl” or something like that. And I literally could not get that out of my head for the longest time lol.
That’s honestly so true! Even tho she’s already an icon, she had the best potential to be even more. If the writing in glee focused more on her character, we could’ve seen more to Brittany other than being a bimbo blonde for comic relief, which is a fine role btw (many of my favourite characters are considered “bimbo” or the “comic relief”) but the role that Brittany had specifically for Brittana should have been taken more seriously, especially because she was representing a group of people in the lgbt community. And the amount of times glee had brushed off bisexual individuals as a whole, saying the most outrageous biphobic things or indulging into bi stereotypes, where bisexuals are considered “sluts” is just awful on so many levels. And I understand the time it was back then and that glee is a satire show, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t wrong. I’m just glad now we’ve become more aware as a whole.
Another silly thing that bugged me was the fact that Brittany’s looks wasn’t utilized as much. Like don’t get me wrong, Brittany is insanely pretty and Heather Morris is gorgeous and she’s seemingly one of the hottest characters, but they didn’t utilize it as much, which is a shame because she’s so genuinely pretty. Honestly I hope that makes sense lol
I’m not trying to make it seem superficial and that looks are the only thing that matters (because it’s not), but I can’t be the only one who was so sick of her being in those cheerios uniforms the whole entire show😭 The reason why I love s2 was because it explored Brittany and Santana outside of what they were “known for” or “popular for”. When they began wearing clothes beside their Cheerios uniforms was when we really got to see pieces of who they were. Wardrobe is such a big part in film and characters, it helps viewers understand who that character is and how they can be portrayed differently from what they seem. And so because we got to see Brittana’s individual styles, we got to see them represented as more.
Another thing is why didn’t they let Britt graduate? One of the reasons why I don’t particularly like s4 is because of that😭 like be fr. Don’t tell me that there’s an entire school full of teachers and principles that didn’t notice Brittany wasn’t gonna graduate. Or the fact that Santana didn’t even notice?! Like that doesn’t make any sense. Holding Brittany back was probably one the the worst things they did for her character. The fact that we didn’t get to see her figure out life as young adult college student really sucks because she had the potential to become more than just Santana’s gf
Going back to the wardrobe thing lol, the fact that they put her right back into a cheerios uniform was just eh for me, like nothing against those cheerios uniforms, but after a while you start to see her as just another random cheerio. Santana and Quinn had a whole plethora of outfits to chose from while Brittany rarely did. And she had such good style in season 2! Idk I feel like it was just a little lazy of them to not utilize Brittany’s appearance to her full potential. Like for me personally, I couldn’t stand those cheerios ponytails after s2. I didn’t mind it in the beginning when she had such cute little hairstyles where she’d clip her bangs and sometimes her ponytails would have little braids, but after s2 I think they just got lazy with her hair 🥲
When I watch old glee interviews or bts, I’m always so stunned by how gorgeous heather looks and how amazing her hair is and it always makes me wonder why they didn’t let her shine like that in glee. And don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for all of her solos where we really get to see Brittany to her full potential appearance and talent wise, but I felt like she wasn’t given as much as she could’ve had.
Also that fact that all her solos were iconic and they only used her once in a blue moon. They could’ve shown her talent in a bunch of cheerios performances, seeing as she’s the best dancer on the team and in glee club, but they didn’t do that. I’m 100% sure it was most of her pep rallies that made everyone not hate the glee club for more than 5 minutes.
Idk why my rants end up as full essays lol, end point being, if Brittany S. Pierce was utilized to her fullest potential she could’ve easily been one of the most iconic 2000s IT Girl. AND an even better bisexual wlw representation.
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angelhummel · 3 years
I have to say you changed my opinion of Brittana A LOT. Brittana stans act like their the healthiest and best relationship on the show just because there's no cheating which... isn't all you need in order to have a healthy relationship. Also it isn't true because in season 1 they would cheat on their boyfriends with each other and in season 2 Brittany cheated on Artie with Santana.
I already knew that the relationship wasn't perfect since Brittany tried to pressure Santana to come out of the closet but your blog convinced me that it's actually pretty toxic because you pointed out many more issues that they have. I'm rambling but I wanted to say thank you for that
Asjsdlkfgsk honestly I've gotten multiple messages like this and I can't believe my words have that much of an effect lmao 😭😭
But fr tho people don't care that they cheated like crazy WITH one another so long as they didn't cheat ON one another. That's really all that matters. But no they have so much wrong with them that will never not bother me. I guess it's just what you can put up with
Like all couples have their faults and I'm really not trying to put them all into either "perfect pure healthy relationship" or "miserable unhealthy toxic relationship". I mean Samcedes has some crazy awful moments but they're still like top 3 canon ships for me bc I'm like... compared to everything below them?? They're amazing lol
But yeah it really is all just personal preference. And my usual statement is just, like what you like but at least try to be critical, you know?? But I'm really happy that you took something away from my blog in that way so, you're welcome ♥️♥️
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