nanlanmoarchived · 5 years
@fracturedpneuma​ sent in :  “ I’m not apologizing. ”
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   “Then don’t. But what you can tell me is why you’re snoopin’ around my town.” The Monarch’s hands came to rest on her hips, a glance spared to the guard who’d spied the man. “I don’t think I have to explain why this seems awful suspicious.”
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abrokenwitch · 4 years
She was back in the land of the living not in the prison world anymore. Only on thing had changed after Sebastian had tricked her she drank his blood without noticing it. After she lost control of the wheel of the car she got in a car crash and died. Because of Sebastian his blood in her system she became a vampire. More likely in her case a heretic. She had to adjust to this new life she was thirsty and needed blood. After she had drank human blood she was just really confused and scared.
Mostly scared of course, with her mental health issues and her being a vampire now. That’s probably not really a good combination right. Narrowing her eyebrows as the blonde was somewhere in the woods all by herself, since she needed some space and just be by herself. When she suddenly heard something 
“Who’s there?”
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mikaelsonbled1 · 4 years
                           sc / @fracturedpneuma​​ a meme I reblogged
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                          ❛ I wish there had been someone to vote no for me. ❜
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moonloyal · 5 years
[ * / closed plotted starter for @fracturedpneuma ]
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              HOW DID THINGS END UP LIKE THIS ?   Never, in a million years, did Elliot ever think that things would turn out like this. When he   &   his mother moved from Seattle to start fresh and try to escape the harrowing loss of his brother,   &��  father, he never would’ve accused her. He never would’ve dreamed that she’d been the one to take their lives. But standing in this room after hearing the truth from Stuart – after smelling the distinct scent of SURPRISE on Roselynn – he knew it was true. How stupid is he ?   She’d been killing off their family members one by one, and the move was a distraction to keep her painted innocent. Elliot knows the truth now ; knows that she’s a MONSTER. His brown eyes are trained on Stuart’s tied up   &   slumped form on the floor. Wolfsbane, of course. He could smell it as soon as he stepped through the door. His mother poisoned his best friend to keep him quiet, but she wasn’t fast enough. He spilled everything, the truth about his dad   &   brother. The truth about his murderous mother. And now he knows who the real monster was.         “ You killed them. ”       Elliot mutters, anger starting to bubble in his veins just from seeing Stuart’s unconscious form. He finally pries his eyes from his best friend and stares at Roselynn, teeth clenched. She stares at him for a moment before cracking a slight smile.                   “ Really, I’m surprised it took you this long. But I guess I can’t be too surprised, though, since you’ve never been the brightest crayon in the box. ”       She stares down at Stuart, her smirk turning into a frown of disgust.       “ What a shame. Your friend would’ve been a great addition to the pack if he wasn’t so damn nosy. ”       “ Go fuck yourself, ”       Elliot growls.       “ You don’t have a fucking pack. And even if you did, I’d never let Stuart be a part of it. ”       The brunet flashes his eyes, the irises a honey gold. Whether he liked it or not, he was a beta. But not willingly, but by blood.                   “ Elliot, you don’t want to start this. ”       Roselynn warns, eyebrows furrowed. Her eyes bleed a deep crimson, and a low growl passes from her lips.       “ But I guess you were going to have to die one way or another. Just makes it a lot messier than what I had planned. ” The beta doesn’t hold back any longer. He lunges at her, tackling her to the floor. The sound of growling from both parties almost rumble the house, vibrating through the floors and walls. Elliot claws at her shoulder, effectively digging his claws into the skin – but that only earns him a loud hiss of pain. Anger seems to surge over her, because she flips the situation instantly. Roselynn throws Elliot to the ground, her knee digging painfully into his stomach. She grabs his neck, squeezing it tight enough to cut off his air supply.                   “ You’re so stupid, thinking you can take on an Alpha. Why do you think I killed your dad, huh ?   I wanted his power. And when I found out that killing your pack members makes you stronger … your brother didn’t have a chance. ”       She grins wickedly down at her next victim, her claws digging into the skin of his neck. Elliot’s eyes were rolling back   &   his face was turning blue and purple from his lack of air. His hands claw desperately at her arms, leaving various claw marks down her hands and forearms. This only makes her angrier.                   “ Worthless fucking idiot. ”       She growls, picking him up partially off of the floor by his neck. She slams him back down, knocking the back of his head against the hard wood floor. His senses are knocked loose, arms dropping to his sides. He’s dazed from the impact. She picks him up one more time before throwing him against the ground again, this time making him completely quiet and docile. After getting him to stop moving, Roselynn stands up and approaches Stuart, staring down at the unconscious omega. Elliot coughs and sputters, trying to regain his bearings. He rolls over on his side, just in time to see her kick Stuart over onto his back   &   flatten her foot’s sole on his chest.                   “ Hey, Ellie. If I break all of Stuart’s ribs like this, do you think they’d puncture his organs ?   What’s the probability that one would pierce his heart, or his lungs ? ”       She asks, looking over at Elliot, who was struggling to even see straight. He was seeing double from the concussion dealt to him. He sputters again, trying to pick himself up off of the floor. It was harder than he imagined it being ; his limbs were dead weight.                   “ Oh, forget it. Not like you were ever smart enough to know these kinds of things anyways. Hell, you really thought I was just a mean mom for all these months. I’m surprised you haven’t died from your sheer stupidity already. ”       She starts putting pressure of her foot down onto Stuart’s ribs, and Elliot can hear the change in Stuart’s breathing pattern. That’s enough to fill him with fiery rage all over again. He stands to his feet, slowly but surely. Roselynn’s listening closely to Stuart as she adds more and more pressure, waiting for the crack of his ribs that she wants to hear. For someone who’s giving Elliot hell about being stupid, she’s making a stupid mistake of ignoring her other surroundings. The beta barrels towards her, effectively blindsiding her and knocking her to the ground again. He rams his knee into her stomach, just as she’d done to him – and his hands find their way to her throat. PAYBACK, he thinks. FOR MY FAMILY. FOR STUART. He puts all of his strength into cutting off her airway. She’s struggling underneath him, clawing his wrists and hands, trying to get him to let go – but he WON’T. No matter the pain she deals him.       “ How’s it feel ?! ”       He bites, anger turning him feral. He picks her up and slams her head against the ground, returning the blows she’d dealt him.       “ Huh ?   How’s that fucking feel ?! ”       He does it again, and again, and again. Roselynn, in a desperate attempt to relinquish control from Elliot, flashes her hand out. She swipes her claws against his face, the sharpened nails digging down his forehead, cheeks, nose, and eyes. His vision fills with red and darkness until he couldn’t see anymore. He bellows out a loud yell in horrific pain, feeling warm blood begin to drip down his face. But he doesn’t let up on his grip. He continues to strangle her   &   slam her head against the floor, until the rage is too much. He shifts the position of his hands, clawing her throat. He couldn’t see it, but he can feel the blood coat his hands in a thick layer. She gurgles, gasping for help. Elliot doesn’t let up, though. He won’t give her the satisfaction of living. Not now, not ever. He picks her up by her throat again, slamming her head against the floor once more. That seems to do her in. Her heartbeat slows until it’s nonexistent, and he listens as she exhales her final breath. For a few moments, he sits in silence, the only sound he can hear his own thumping and rapid heartbeat as well as his heavy breathing. Stuart’s heartbeat was there, too, thankfully. But besides his own   &   Stuart’s, that’s all he could hear. Elliot falls back and off of her, a hand moving to the back of his head. He feels warm stickiness – great. He’s bleeding there, too. He tries to open his eyes and look around, but there’s nothing. No light, no images, nothing. Just darkness. He feels around on the floor, leaving handprints of thick vermilion, until he manages to find Stuart. He scoots closer to the other male, ripping the bindings from his friend. He tosses them to the side and sits beside of Stuart, knees pulled to his chest. Terror was starting to filter in. He’d killed someone – actually killed someone. He felt sick. He hides his scarred and bloody face in his knees, waiting for Stuart to wake up. He needs guidance. He needs help.
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siphonsowna · 4 years
" You’re being an infant. "
“And you’re being a dick.” She snaps back at him, bright blue hues darkening slightly as her annoyance begins to build. Here they are again, dancing their usual steps. Partly friends, partly enemies. Hope wouldn’t call him a frenemy, she hates that term but it’s the closest word to what they are. “What I don’t get is WHY.” Oh, how she’s tempted to punch him in the face.
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tribridkissed · 5 years
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potential panic starters || accepting
@fracturedpneuma​ said:   “ There was a gross misunderstanding when I said “I got this”, just so you’re aware. ”
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            Hope gave the other a look, tilting her head to the side and raising her eyebrows. “Oh, I can tell. Next time, you should really call me in first, before you start getting yourself into trouble.” That sounded angry, she knew, so she sighed and looked at him again. “Are you okay at least?”
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humanbeta · 5 years
           ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   a n s w e r e d .
* / @fracturedpneuma said: 🧟 to try to survive the zombie apocalypse with my muse.
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              THEY WERE ALWAYS INSEPARABLE BEFORE,   but now it was downright unhealthy. Could it even be considered unhealthy, though ?   They were two survivors in the apocalypse. Not a single person still living in this new   &   harsh reality would ever be HEALTHY, or NORMAL. They were just as codependent on each other as before -- maybe even more-so. But in a world full of zombies and the living turning on the living over something as simple as a fleck of food, all they had was each other.  They’d made some kind of nice   &   neat cot for the time being. It used to be a mom   &   pop shop, but now it was their safe haven. Well ... until they decide to pack up   &   traverse on. Stiles rubs his eyes from where he’d been concentrated on the pages of a mediocre fantasy novel they’d found abandoned in a bookstore a couple miles ago. Even though he didn’t like to read too terribly much in his spare time, since video games were out of the question ... this was the best they had.         “ Dude, if I read one more book about a guy that gets mystical powers from some whimsical stranger, I’m going to jump into a pile of Zs. ”       He grumbles, closing the book and tossing it aside, frustrated. He pinches the bridge of his nose before looking up   &   over at his twin, curious as to what he was up to. He scoots closer to him, their shoulders touching, watching as Stuart fiddled with a silent   &   non-electronic puzzle game. It was amazing what was left behind. Maybe a Rubiks cube isn’t important to people with undead running around and biting your face off.         “ Huh ... y’know, I don’t think you need puzzles to keep your mind sharp. ”        Stiles says.       “ You’re too smart for them. ”
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airxn · 4 years
❝ Yo, I want a drink and make it strong. I want to wake up not remembering who I am, thanks. ❞
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    “ You know New Years is over, right? ” Even though he was behind the bar, Airin wasn’t the bartender. His coworker, Kamaria, had already left for the night. He was stuck cleaning all the glasses. Which came with denying party-goers their 3:00am drink. Would he though? Probably not.
    “ I can’t mix worth shit, but I can definitely try. Besides, was your New Years really that bad? Wanting to go into the new decade not knowing yourself seems pretty intense. ”
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❛ Don’t ask questions, you don’t wanna know. ❜
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He deadpans, wearing quite the expression like a lost child in a shopping mall. “ I.. .... w.....what does that mean? Now I wanna know. You don’t just say that to a guy that’s job description is literally figuring things out for a living. ”
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nanlanmoarchived · 5 years
@fracturedpneuma​ sent in :  ‘a moment of weakness’ and got  14. My muse is been beaten badly and is in bad shape, yours finds mine in this state.
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She’d been dumped on the side of the road, body bound in chains of silver, and left for the sunrise. She can feel it coming, her nerves screaming to hide, to bury herself, to escape. But she can’t. Any movement rips new burns through her skin and it’s been hours of this. The sound of footsteps approaching has fresh tears rolling down her cheeks. “Help. . .” her voice is soft, broken. “Please.”
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abrokenwitch · 4 years
fracturedpneuma replied to your post: Is there anyone who can make icons of child...
Hey there. Go look at @spiidcr​ ’s latest posts. I think they can help you :3
Thank you!
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moonloyal · 5 years
/ * random starter for @fracturedpneuma
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              TONIGHT WASN’T SPECIAL -- but for some reason, it was different than any other night. The pub wasn’t nearly as busy as it usually was on a Thursday night -- but it still had some sort of steadiness. Of course, the pub was never actually empty unless it was past close. Even then, some drunkies keep their seat warm at the bar until they’re cut off and kicked out. A lot of the business comes from it’s location ; the pub, New Wright Pub, was within walking distance of Google’s intern campus. Of course -- not every intern lost their minds drunk here. But since the pub was both a mix of a bar   &   a restaurant, many interns came here to study, drink a beer or two to unwind, or have a nice lunch or dinner. Elliot always wondered what it was like at Google. He knows he’s not smart enough to ever go work there -- no, he knows that kind of thing is not his forte. But still, he’d like to visit the campus. Tour it, maybe, if they’d let him. They do have an on-site coffee shop   &   bakery. And, of course, he likes to cook and make drinks ... being that he works as a pub as a bartender and occasional waiter. He’s just clocked out for the night whenever espresso hues travel the small crowd to see who all’s left. There’s a guy sitting at one of the tables for two, since that’s their smallest tables. He seems preoccupied with something -- staring at his phone, idly sipping on ... coffee ?   In the evening ?   He couldn’t really judge. His eyes continue traveling and he catches the sight of a hungry brunette, staring the guy down. He blinks hard, furrowing his brows while he fixes his jacket over his shoulders. He’s already clocked out -- he’s a minute from leaving, but ... suddenly, he’s got a bad air. The brunette saunters her way over to the man at the table, leaning against the unoccupied side with a bit of a salacious look. She smiles at him flirtatiously, eyes half-lidded for a bedroom look.               “ Hey there ... you look a little lonely. Want some company ... ? ”       She asks, staring him down. Elliot feels chills run down his spine, and judging by the other guy’s reaction, he wants no part in this lady’s presence.             “ ... Come on, baby. Why don’t you buy us some drinks ?  We can talk a little ... and maybe you can show me your place. How about that ... ? ”       She asks, now moving around the table to get closer to the male, almost to pressure him. And that’s when Elliot decides to jump into action. He sweeps up hurriedly, like he’d been in a rush, and takes a seat in the chair across from the male. He blows out a sigh and fixes his hair, trying to be nonchalant but give the guy the hint that he’s trying to get rid of this lady. Her eyes are wide, staring down Elliot, but he’s quick to pipe up.       “ Sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to work late, but ... you know how it gets sometimes. ”       He offers the other male a smile, and when the woman looks away for a moment to collect herself, Elliot offers a quick wink. He turns towards the lady, eyeing her for a moment.            “ Oh ... sorry, did you need something ... ? ”             “ Uh ... no, actually. Sorry, I just ... thought he was someone else. ”       With that, she scurries away, so embarrassed that she even leaves the pub. Elliot blinks hard and turns back towards the stranger across from him with raised eyebrows and a slight smile.             “ Hey -- I’m sorry about that. I just ... I saw her creeping on you, and I had to step in. I hope I didn’t overstep any boundaries. ”
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siphonsowna · 4 years
“I know I’ve been a real bad guy.”
“You think?” Hope’s relationship with Stuart is… complicated to say the least. One minute, he’s snarky and almost mean just because of who her father is. The next, he’s nice enough and asking her a million questions about what it’s like to be a tribrid as if she has all the answers. “If it makes you feel better, I’m not exactly one of the good guys.” Try as she might, she’s no hero. She never will be. “So, we can have that in common.”
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lightcreators · 5 years
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Send “💎💎💎” and My Muse will say three things that comes to their mind when Your Muse’s name is mentioned // @fracturedpneuma​
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“ computers, full moon, glasses ”
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thewailer · 5 years
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@fracturedpneuma said ‘ BEEP ’  for a randomly generated text from this MEME ( 14 - a text that wasn’t sent  )  
[ text : Stuart ]   I know it’s late, but are you awake?  [ text : Stuart ]  I feel like I’m going out of my mind. And I need to talk to someone that isn’t your brother. Can I come over? 
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humanbeta · 5 years
[ * / closed plotted starter for @fracturedpneuma ]
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                                                                          —— SNAPPED.
                IT WAS FINALLY SUMMER BREAK.   The past year had been full of rushing to get ready for graduation   &   to be involved in college planning. The twins already had their plan set out for them: Stuart would move to Northern California and rent an apartment near Google’s headquarters for his internship – Stiles would move to the other side of the country, to Quantico in Virginia where he’d begin his internship at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Although they’d be separated by nearly 3,000 miles of land, they would always be twins and each other’s other half. Nothing could ever take that from them – at least, that’s what they believed. Right now, Stuart and Stiles were out & taking their sweet time, enjoying the small town residing just outside of Beacon Hills. There were more shopping outlets there – more fast food, more things to do. Almost every teenager in Beacon Hills takes day trips there, especially with how small their own town is. The sun is high in the sky – blistering, thanks to the Californian weather. There was a refreshing breeze whisking through the air, though, which helped cut into the unforgiving heat. The jingle of a door’s bell rings when Stiles pushes it open. He holds it open for his twin, eyes immediately squinting in the summer sun. It was bright out here, compared to indoors with the air conditioning and greasy food. Both of their stomachs were full   &   they were satisfied with their thick burgers and hot French fries.              “Jesus, I can barely see out here, ”         Stiles jokes, raising a hand to cover over his eyes. The sun was bright, but maybe it was brighter than usual to him. The brunet only makes it a couple of steps out of and away from the building before an overwhelming feeling takes him. He’s winded, all of a sudden, as if all of the air had been stripped from his lungs. It’s unnatural, and he knows this feeling isn’t right – which is why he bends over a bit, trying to catch his breath. The sun’s getting brighter, and brighter – soon enough, it’s blinding. But he can’t seem to close his eyes and block it out. Turning towards his brother, the youngest of the twins feels faint. His eyes are half-lidded and he’s dazed.        “ Stu – I don’t feel good … ” Almost immediately after speaking, Stiles begins to disintegrate. Not fall to his knees, not pass out – but   disintegrate.   Piece by piece, the brunet’s body begins to wither   &   blow away in the summer wind, wearing away at his physical form. In a matter of mere seconds, the youngest twin is completely gone. Following his disappearance, screams can be heard inside of the building they’re just outside of – Stiles isn’t the only one.
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