saitamabilingualgamer · 3 months
All the games I played January to June 2024
Bombrush Cyberfunk on Switch
Valkie 64 on PC
Skyblazer on SNES
Prodeus on Switch
Knights of the Round on SNES
Daymare 1994: Sandcastle on PS5
Biohazard 4 (Resident Evil 4) Remake on PS5
Eternal Arcadia (Skies of Arcadia) on Dreamcast
Dusk on PC
Castlevania on NES
Sea of Stars on Switch
Croc on PS1
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saitamabilingualgamer · 6 months
Games I Played Recently
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RoboCop Rouge City - PlayStation 5, Xbox Series Consoles, PC
I have been a huge fan of RoboCop since I was a kid. I watch the original 1987 movie almost every year and it never gets old. Unfortunately RoboCop has had a bad reputation in the gaming world since the NES days, so I was a bit skeptical when this game was announced a couple years back. 
I decided to pick up a copy and was blown away with how much fun this game was! The game's story takes place in between the 2nd and 3rd films and retains the over-the-top violence and campy humor. It's a first person shooter but isn't as fast paced as most modern equivalents due to RoboCop's slow walking pace. You can even hear his stomping when you walk in the game.  The game can be completed in about 12 hours but has a lot of extra sidequests to add to the campaign's length. I recommend giving this game a shot if you're a fan of the series. 
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Elemental Gimmick Gear - Sega Dreamcast
This is a game I played a bit as a kid and decided to replay last month. This is an action RPG with beautiful hand drawn 2D graphics. Play this game if you enjoy steampunk settings and lots of puzzles. The only negative thing I have to say about this game is that it has clunky controls.
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Games I Played Recently 最近プレーしたゲーム
CrossCode -Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One/Series
This is one of the best new retro style games I have played in a while. The game takes place in a fictional MMORPG where you play a girl named Lea, who finds herself trapped in its vibrant, action-packed world. The sprites, smooth gameplay, and story are all excellent. This game is unapologetically influenced by 16-bit era games such like The Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past, Yoshi’s Island, and Phantasy Star. It even takes some modern influences from games like Stardew Valley and has moments where it feels like you’re playing a bullet hell shooter game. My only complaint is that this game has some very difficult puzzles that almost seem impossible to play without a guide.
最近プレイした中で最高のレトロス風のゲームのです。このゲームは架空の MMORPG で行われ、その世界に閉じ込められたレアという主人公の少女をプレイします。スプライト、スムーズなゲームプレイ、ストーリーはすべて優れています。ゼルダの伝説 、ヨッシーアイランド、ファンタシースターなどの 16 ビット時代のゲームに大きな影響を受けています。スターデュー バレーなどのゲームからの現代的な影響もあり、シューティング ゲームをプレイしているように感じる瞬間もあります。私の唯一の不満は、ガイドなしではプレイするのがほぼ不可能に思える非常に難しいパズルがいくつかあることです。
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Biohazard: Village – PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox One/Series
So I finally got around to playing though this game even though it has been out now for quite some time. I found the the return to the creepy atmosphere set in Europe, similar to Biohazard 4 to be fantastic. I didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as the Biohazard 2 remake but maybe I am just being biased because I grew up playing the original on the PlayStation. I am hoping the next main installment in the Biohazard series will return to the gameplay style in the recent remakes of 2, 3, and 4.
発売されてからかなり時間が経ちましたが、ようやくこのゲームをプレイしました。バイオハザード 4 に似た、ヨーロッパを舞台とした不気味な雰囲気への回帰は本当に楽しかったです。バイオハザード 2 のリメイクほど面白くなかったが、もしかしたら私がPSのオリジナル版をプレイして育ったので偏見を持っているだけなのかもしれません。バイオハザード シリーズの次回作では、最近リメイクされた 2、3、4 のゲームプレイ スタイルに戻ることを期待しています。
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Ion Fury – PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4
This game was a blast to play. There is a new term called “boomer shooter” going around and this game is the epitome of that. The meaning of boomer shooter is a newly developed game for modern systems, but harkens back to the 90’s first shooter games such as Doom, Duke Nukem, and Quake. Ion Fury was actually developed by team members who worked on the Duke Nukem series. It has a cyberpunk setting with lots of tongue-in-cheek humor.
このゲームは本当に楽しくプレイできました。最近「boomer shooter」という言葉が流行っていますが、このゲームはまさにその典型です。ブーマー シューターの意味は、現代のシステム向けに新たに開発されたゲームですが, 90 年代の最初のFPSを思い出させます。実際、Ion Fury は デューク・ニューケム シリーズに取り組んだチーム メンバーによって開発されました。サイバーパンク的な設定で、冗談めいたユーモアがたっぷりと盛り込まれています。
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Games I Played in November ~ December 2022
Valkyrie Elysium ヴァルキリーエリュシオン (PlayStation 5)
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I’m a pretty big fan of the original Valkyrie Profile for the PlayStation 1, so I was pretty excited for this title when it was announced in early 2022. This game is somewhat of a reboot with a totally different gameplay style from the original PlayStation game. Rather than encountering battles turn-based style, Valkyire Elysium takes on a different approach with action/hack n slash gameplay, similar to Devil May Cry and the Ys series. The game has a bit of a low budget feel, but enjoyable nonetheless. I recommend picking it up if you can find it at a low price.
PSのヴァルキリープロファイルの大ファンなので、このソフトが 2022 年初めに発表されたときから注目していました。ヴァルキリーエリュシオンは、ターン制の戦闘スタイルではなく、デビル メイ クライやイースシリーズとように、アクション/ハック アンド スラッシュのゲームプレイという別のアプローチをとっています。ゲームは少し低予算の感じがありますが、それでも楽しいです。安く手に入るなら購入をお勧めしたいと思います。
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PowerSlave: Exhumed 西暦1999:ファラオの復活 (Nintendo Switch)
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This is an upgraded port of the original PowerSlave released on MS-DOS and Sega Saturn in 1996. The game is a really fun Doom clone set in the ancient Egyptian city of Karnak in the late 20th century. You explore different dungeons and pyramids and blast away evil spirits, mummies, and other various monsters. I’ve been enjoying this game quite a bit! I highly recommend getting it on the eShop if you’re into old-school first-person shooters.
このソフトは1996年にMS-DOSとセガサターンで発売されたオリジナルの西暦1999:ファラオの復活が2022年にニンテンドースイッチやSteamに移植されたバージョンです。PowerSlaveは、20 世紀後半の古代エジプトの都市カルナックを舞台にした、とても楽しい ドゥームのようなゲームです。さまざまなダンジョンやピラミッドを探索し、悪霊、ミイラ、その他のさまざまなモンスターと戦います。私はこのゲームをかなり楽しんでおり、昔ながらの一人称FPSに興味がある場合は、eショップに参加することを強くお勧めします。
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Callisto Protocol カリストプロトコル (PlayStation 5)
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This game is very similar to the Dead Space and Resident Evil/Biohazard series. Set in the future on a prison moon where a biological weapon spreads and infects the prisoners and staff, you take the role of one of the prisoners and try to escape. The graphics are really nice and the overall tone of the game is eerie like the original Alien film. Combat is more heavily focused on melee rather than shooting, which I found to be enjoyable. This game was never released in Japan because it is considered to be too violent, so I had to import a copy from the USA.
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Key Words and Phrases
低予算 (teiyosan) – low budget, cheaply made
生物兵器 (seibutsu heiki) – biological weapon
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Video Games for Japanese Learners Part 3 (English and Japanese Bilingual)
Mega Man Legends (ロックマンDASH 鋼の冒険心) and Mega Man Legends 2 (ロックマンDASH2 エピソード2 大いなる遺産) for the PlayStation 1 and PSP
Recommended level of Japanese: intermediate (JLPT N4, N3)
おすすめの日本語能力レベル:中級 (JLPT N4、N3)
When most people think of Mega Man, they think of the side scrolling action Mega Man games. The Mega Man Legends games are 3D action-adventure games similar to the later Legend of Zelda titles. They are a lot of fun and are super charming. The first game in the series has a lot of kanji but shouldn’t be too difficult for intermediate learners. On the other hand, Mega Man Legends 2 has kanji with furigana written above. The PSP versions are both direct PlayStation ports.
これらのソフトは、横スクロールアクションのロックマンのソフトではありません。ロックマンDASHのソフトは、3Dのゼルダのソフトのように3Dアクションアドベンチャーです。とても面白くて、魅力的なゲームシリーズだと思います。ロックマンDASHには小学生レベルの漢字とひらがなが書かれているので日本語能力が中級レベルなら問題ないと思います。一方、ロックマンDASH2には、漢字にふりがなが書かれています。 PSP版は両方とも移植されたPlayStationソフトです。
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Blue Dragon (ブルードラゴン) for the Xbox 360
Recommended level of Japanese: intermediate (JLPT N4、N3)
おすすめの日本語能力レベル:中級 (JLPT N4, N3)
This game is very similar to the Dragonquest and the older Final Fantasy games. The game was written by the legendary Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. It reminds of a JRPG that I would play on the Super Famicom/SNES, but in 3D. It has kanji with furigana written above. It got mixed reviews but I personally like Blue Dragon. This game is available to purchase on the Microsoft store on the Xbox One and Series consoles.
このソフトは、ドラゴンクエストや昔のファイナルファンタジーのソフトとよく似ています。ファイナルファンタジーの監督の坂口博信さんによって作られたソフトです。スーパーファミコンのJRPGを思い出させます。漢字にふりがなが書かれています。レビューはまちまちですが、個人的にはブルードラゴンが好きです。このソフトはXbox OneとXbox Series S/XのMicrosoftストアで購入することが可能です。
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Japanese Sega Saturn Light Gun Game Collecting (English and Japanese bilingual)
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Do you remember the days back when arcade style light gun games were a thing? Back in the 90’s and 2000’s they were a dime a dozen, but these days the genre seems to be somewhat forgotten. I always got so excited to play games like T2 Arcade, Virtua Cop, Time Crisis, and Lethal Enforcers in the arcades as a youngster. I was also lucky enough to receive a handful of light gun games for home consoles.
ゲームセンターにライトガンゲームがあった時代を覚えていますか? 90年代と2000年代には、沢山ありましたが、最近ではこのジャンルはやや忘れられているようです。私が子供の時に、ターミネーター2アーケード、バーチャコップ、タイムクライシス、リーサルエンフォーサーズなどのゲームをアーケードでよくプレイすることがとても楽しかったです。そういうライトガンゲームが大好きだったので、両親にいくつかの家庭用ゲーム機専用ライトガンゲームを買って貰いました。
These days it’s difficult to play these games due to a number of reasons. The technology used in the light guns themselves require a CRT TV, which most people no longer own. The games and light guns have also gotten quite expensive in the North American market, which also no longer has a big arcade scene.
Luckily in Japan, a lot of these games and light guns can still be found for a decent price. One system in particular known for good light gun games is the Japanese Sega Saturn. You can actually build a nice little Japanese light gun game library for less than $50.00, that is of course if you look carefully. Owning a CRT TV is also necessary. I would like to introduce some titles that I own and roughly compare the prices between the Japanese and North American versions.
Virtua Cop and Virtua Cop 2
Average price for the Japanese version on Mercari (July 2022): 500 yen to 1000 yen
Average price on eBay for the North American version on eBay (July 2022): $50.00 to $80.00
メルカリ日本版(2022年7月) の平均価格:500円〜1000円
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You take the role of police officers fighting criminals and you’ll be showered with Sega AM2 charm. The first one was originally released in arcades in 1994 and later ported to Sega Saturn in 1995. This was one of the first games to showcase to the world the usage 3D polygonal graphics in a light gun game. The graphically improved second game came out in arcades in 1995 and then to the Sega Saturn in 1996. These games were very influential to later light gun games that would come along throughout the 90’s. I have fond memories of playing the first one at a local movie theatre back in the late 90’s. I probably looked forward to playing that arcade cabinet more than actually seeing a movie!
Area 51
Average price for the Japanese version on Mercari (July 2022): 2000 yen to 5000 yen
Average price on eBay for the North American version on eBay (July 2022): $80.00 to $120.00
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This alien infested light gun game was originally released in arcades in 1995 and ported to the Sega Saturn in 1996. Rather than using 3D polygonal graphics, this game used pre-rendered graphics similar to Mortal Kombat with full motion video. The game is pretty cheesy and feels a little dated, but is still quite enjoyable nonetheless.
The House of The Dead
Average price for the Japanese version on Mercari (July 2022): 2000 yen to 4000 yen
Average price on eBay for the North American version on eBay (July 2022): $100.00 to $150.00
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Originally released in arcades in 1996 and ported to the Sega Saturn in 1998. I used to stay at my grandparents a lot as a child and would frequent a huge Nathan’s arcade (yes, the famous hot dog company) located in Commack, NY. It had this game and it always scared the crap out of me! When I got a little bit older, I learned to appreciate the game and got House of The Dead 2 for the Sega Dreamcast.
The Sega Saturn version is graphically much worse than the arcade version, but is still playable and tons of fun. This game was also recently remade for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC. I haven’t played the remake, but I’ve been told that its pretty good!
セガサターンバーン版は、アーケード版よりもグラフィック的にはるかに劣っていますが、それでも面白くて、たくさん楽しめると思います。このゲームは最近、Nintendo Switch、PS4、Xbox One、PC用にリメイクされました。私はリメイクをプレイしていませんが、かなり面白いと言われています!
Key Words and Phrases
家庭用ゲーム機 (kateiyou gemu ki) - home console, game console
ダサかっこいい (dasa kakkoii) - bad but good. cheesy but in a good way
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Video Games for Japanese Learners Part 2 (English and Japanese Bilingual)
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The Legend of Zelda Series
Recommended level of Japanese – beginner to intermediate (JLPT N4, N3)
おすすめの日本語能力レベル:初級~中級 (JLPT N4、N3)
So now let me talk about the Zelda games. They are loved by gamers all over the world. Just like the Dragonquest series, the earlier titles on the Famicom only have hiragana. Nintendo gradually started adding kanji to the games as the console generations progressed. Again, I won’t list all the games here but will list a few that are worth checking out.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ) for the Nintendo 64 and Nintendo 3DS
Probably the most popular title in the whole series. The Nintendo 64 version of this game has quite a bit of kanji, but shouldn’t be too much of a problem if you are at an intermediate level of Japanese. Luckily, the 3DS version has furigana written above the kanji. It is also possible to play the Nintendo 64 version of this game of the Nintendo Switch via the Japanese version of Nintendo Switch Online subscription service.
おそらくシリーズ全体で最も人気のあるソフトです。このソフトのNintendo 64版にはたくさんの漢字が使われていますが、中級レベルの日本語能力があればそれほど問題にはならないと思います。幸いなことに、3DS版には漢字にふりがなが書かれています。このソフトのNintendo64版は、日本のNintendo Switch Onlineのサービスでプレーすることも可能です。
The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker (ゼルダの伝説 風のタクト) for the Nintendo Gamecube and Nintendo Wii U (HD Remake)
Both versions of this game have kanji with furigana written above. Probably the most polarizing title amongst fans due to the cutesy art style and cell-shaded graphics. I personally love the art style!
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild (ゼルダの伝説ブレスオブザワイルド) for the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Wii U
This game has kanji with furigana written above. It has more dialogue and a lot of NPCs to talk to compared to the older titles, so this one is highly recommended for those who want a lot of reading practice.
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2. Paper Mario (マリオストーリー) for the Nintendo 64
Recommended level of Japanese: beginner (JLPT N5 or N4)
おすすめの日本語能力レベル:初級~中級 (JLPT N5、N4)
This game is considered to be the sequel to Super Mario RPG on the Super Famicom/SNES. It has mostly hiragana and very simple kanji here and there. This one would even be fun to play with children because of the cute art style and simple gameplay. This game can also be played via the Japanese version of the Nintendo Switch Online subscription service.
このソフトは、スーパーファミコンのスーパーマリオRPGの続編と言われています。ほとんどひらがなと簡単な漢字で書かれています。可愛らしいアートスタイルとやりやすいゲームプレイもあるし、子供と遊ぶのも楽しいでしょう。このソフトは、日本のNintendo Switch Onlineのサービスでプレーすることも可能です。
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Key Words and Phrases 賛否両論 (sanpi ryouron) – controversial, to have polarizing opinions on something, especially about a movie, video game, book etc.
可愛らしい (kawairashii) – adorable, cutesy
続編 (zokuhen) – sequel
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Games I Played in June 2022/2022年の6月に遊んでいたゲーム: Deadly Premonition, Snowboard Kids 2, T.M.N.T Shredders' Revenge (English and Japanese Bilingual)
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Deadly Premonition/レッドシーズプロファイル for the Nintendo Switch
This game is known to have some major fans with a bit of a cult following. It was originally released in 2010 for the Xbox 360/PS3 and was ported to the Nintendo Switch recently. It’s a survival horror game with gameplay similar to Resident Evil 4 and has elements of a sandbox game similar to Shenmue or L.A. Noire, but with a fictional small-town set in Washington. It’s pretty clear that this game takes a lot of influence from 90’s American TV shows like Twin Peaks and the X-Files. It’s a bit quirky and has some pretty dated graphics that at times look like a PlayStation 2 game, but I have been enjoying it overall.
このゲームには熱狂的なファンがいると言われています。もともとはXbox360/PS3のソフトで2010年に発売され、最近Nintendo Switchに移植されました。このゲームはサバイバルホラーゲームで、バイオハザード4に似たゲームプレイもあり、シェンミューやL.A.ノワールに似たオープンワールドもあります。アメリカのワシントン州にある架空の田舎町が舞台です。このゲームは、ツインピークスやXファイルなどの90年代のアメリカのテレビドラマから多くの影響を受けているようです。少し風変わりで、PlayStation 2のソフトのようなグラフィックもありますが、それでも面白いゲームです。
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Snowboard Kids 2 /超スノボキッズfor the Nintendo 64
This game was released in 1999 and is a bit of a Mario Kart clone with snowboards instead of go-karts. The graphics are super colorful and the music is pretty catchy. I’m sure this game would be a lot of fun if you play with 4 players. The North American version of this game is pretty rare and expensive, but the Japanese version can still be found for a decent price.
このゲームは1999年に発売され、ゴーカートの代わりにスノーボードするマリオカートのクローンです。グラフィックはとてもカラフルで、BGMも良くてかなりキャッチーです。 きっと4人でプレイをしたら面白いと思います。このゲームの北米版はかなりレアで高価ですが、日本語版は手ごろな価格で購入することができます。
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenege for Xbox Series S/X
I’m a big fan of Turtles in Time on the SNES, so of course I have been super thrilled to play this game since it was announced. The gameplay is super smooth, fast paced, has amazing music, and is loaded with 80's and 90’s nostalgia. My personal favorite level in this game is level 6, which is set in a shopping mall. I miss those days back when malls were thriving in the USA! I have been playing this game via Xbox Game Pass. You can even play with 6 players!
私はSNES/スーパーファミコンのタートルズインタイムの大ファンなので、このゲームが発表されて以来、プレイすることを非常に楽しみにしていました。ゲームプレイは非常にスム��ズでペースが速く、カッコいいBGMもあり、80/90年代の懐かしさがすごく感じられると思います。私の個人的なお気に入りのゲームステージは、80年代/90年代のモールが舞台になっているステージ6です。アメリカでモールが賑わっていた当時が懐かしいです!Xbox Game Passを介してプレイしています。最大6人でゲームを楽しめます!
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That’s about for this month. Stay tuned for July!
Key Words and Phrases
熱狂的なファン (nekkyoutekina fuan) - major fan of something
影響を受ける (eikyou wo ukeru) – to be influenced, take influence
手頃 (tegoro) – reasonable, affordable, decent price
賑わう (nigiwau) – to thrive, prosper, bustling with people
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My Local Used Game and Book Shop: Kurano (English and Japanese Bilingual)
I was free one Sunday afternoon in May 2022 and decided to revisit a local used game and book shop in my local area. The store is called “Kurano” and it specializes in selling used books, video games, CD’s, and movies mostly from the Showa and Heisei era. The shop is located just 3 minutes by foot from Toda-Koen station in Toda-shi, Saitama on the JR Saikyo line. I have been residing in Toda for almost 2 years and have visited Kurano a handful of times, and it has always been a pleasure. The whole time I have lived here, there has always been a sign on the front saying that the store is having a going out of business sale and all items are 30% off. Well, the shop is still here and this time when I went, the sign was changed to 40% off. I am pretty sure this was changed fairly recently and it made me wonder if this time the store was actually going to close down soon.
今日はゲーム好きな皆さんにオススメの中古ゲーム・本屋さんの紹介をしたいと思います!「くらの」というこの店は、主に昭和と平成時代の古本、ゲームソフト、CD、映画などの販売を専門としています。 JR埼京線戸田公園駅から歩いて約3分のところにあります。私は戸田市に2年近く住んでいて、くらのを時々訪れて、いつも楽しんでいます。私がここに住んでいる間ずっと、店に閉店セールの張り紙が窓に貼ってあり、すべての商品が30%オフでした。お店はまだここにありますが、今回行ったところ、40%OFFに変更されていました。最近変更されたみたいで、今回は本当に閉店してしまうのかと心配しています。
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The interesting thing about this shop is the location. There really aren’t many other shops around at all in this area. It is mostly filled with new apartment buildings and condominiums. This area is more of a commuter town for people who work in Tokyo. It doesn’t really seem like the type of area that would have this type of shop. You can tell that it has been here for a long time by its Showa-era architecture. I have a feeling that at the time when the shop first opened, the surrounding area must have looked a lot different.
The first thing you will notice is a CRT TV in the front window on display. It usually always displays something being played on Nintendo 64 or Super Famicom. For a while, the title screen of Super Mario 64 would be shown, the one where you can interact with the 3D Mario head. Sometimes when my family and I walked to the station, my 2-year-old son would enjoy seeing that 64-bit Mario head whenever we passed Kurano. This time though, Super Mario Kart was on display.
来店する時に最初に気付くのは、フロントの窓に置いてあるブラウン管テレビです。Nintendo 64またはスーパーファミコンで再生されているものが常に表示されています。しばらくの間、スーパーマリオ64のタイトル画面が表示されていました。家族と駅まで歩いた時に、2歳の息子がくらのを通過するたびに64ビットのマリオの頭を見て喜んでいました。今回はスーパーマリオカートが表示されていました。
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You’ll feel strong nostalgic vibes right away once you step inside. The store feels a bit cramped and has strong scent of old books. There always seems to be 80’s and 90’s J-pop hits playing, and I rarely see any items being sold here that have come out within the past decade. If you are a retro nerd like me, you’ll love being here!
中に入るとすぐに懐かしい雰囲気を強く感じるでしょう。店は少し狭く感じて、古い本の匂いが結構強いです。 80年代と90年代のJ-popヒット曲が常に流されているようで、過去10年以内に作られた商品はめったにないです。あなたが私のようなレトロのオタクなら、あなたはここにいるのが好きになると思います!
There are a ton of old-school manga, magazines, and a nice section of strategy guides for retro games. I never really check out the books so much and usually just check out the game section. Most of the games being sold are in the back of store on book shelves, and there is a wide selection to choose from.
I was pretty surprised to see that they have a decent amount of PC-Engine, Sega Saturn, and boxed Sega Mega Drive games, which I don’t really see much nowadays in stores like Hard Off and Book Off. I also was surprised to see that they even have some 3DO, Neo-Geo, and Sega Mega CD games. They of course have your typical Famicom, Super Famicom, Nintendo 64, and PlayStation games. A lot of them are in their original box and are displayed quite nicely. 
I couldn’t help but notice a boxed Super Scope and Konami’s Lethal Enforcers light guns for the Super Famicom. I was super tempted to pick up those light guns but they were kind of expensive. There were also some common retro game consoles being sold.
PCエンジン、セガサターン、箱付きのメガドライブソフトがかなりの量あるのを見て、私はかなり驚きました。これらは、ハードオフやブックオフのような店でもあまり見かけません。また、3DO、Neo-Geo、Sega Mega CDのソフトもあるのを見て驚きました。いつものファミコン、スーパーファミコン、Nintendo 64、そしてPlayStationのソフトも販売されています。それらの多くは元の箱付きであり、非常にきれいに展示されています。
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The rarer games are lined up near the cash register area. I think one of the rarest games I saw there was the Sega Mega CD version of Night Striker. The only unfortunate thing is that some game boxes have discoloration due to too much sun exposure.
レジの近くにはレアゲームが並んでいます。私が見た中で最もレアなゲームの1つは、Mega CD版のナイトストライカーです。唯一の残念なことは、いくつかのゲーム箱があまりにも多くの日光にさらされるために変色していることです。
I browsed through the games and found one that I have wanted for a while. I picked up Hermie Hopper Head: Scrap Panic for the PlayStation 1, a hidden gem that is a Super Mario Bros. clone. As far as I know, this game was never released outside Japan. Check this game out if you’re into 2D platformers from the 8 and 16-bit era! The game was priced at 1000 yen and I was able to purchase it at 600 yen with the 40% discount.
私はずっと欲しかったものを見つけました。PlayStationのハーミィホッパーヘッド スクラップパニックを購入しました。これは本当に隠れた名作と言われているスーパーマリオブラザーズのクローンです。私の知る限り、このソフトは日本以外の国で発売されたことはありません。 8ビットおよび16ビット時代の2Dプラットフォーマーに興味がある方なら、是非このソフトをプレーしてみてください!値段は1000円で、40%割引で600円で購入できました。
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Overall, if you want to hunt for some retro games in the outskirts of Tokyo, or just want a strong dose of nostalgia, come to Toda-Koen and check out Kurano!
Kurano Second-Hand Store
Address: 4 Chome-9-24 Honcho, Toda, Saitama 335-0023
Hours: 12:00~19:30
Key Words and Phrases
閉店セール (heiten seru) – going out of business sale
マンション (manshon) – condominium
ベッドタウン (beddo taun, lit. translated to “bedtown”) – commuter town
ブラウン管テレビ (buraunkan terebi) – CRT TV, Tube TV
狭く感じる (semakukanjiru) – to feel cramped, to feel narrow
箱付き (hako tsuki) – boxed, comes with the original box
Pick up – 「拾う」の意味もありますが、「買う」の意味もあります。
変色されている (henshoku sareteiru) – discolored, discoloration
隠れた名作 (kakureta meisaku) – hidden gem
私の知る限り (watashi no shiru kagiri) – as far as I know
味わう (ajiwau) – get a taste of, get a dose of
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Video Games for Japanese Learners Part 1 (English and Japanese Bilingual)
Are you starting out with Japanese language studies and love video games? Although it might be intimidating, playing games in Japanese can be a fun way to study. Luckily there are a decent number of games, both retro and modern, that are quite accessible for those who want to take up the challenge.
Some games made for a target audience of children and adolescents may only have hiragana and some simple kanji characters. There are also many games that have kanji with furigana written above the characters. These are the perfect types of games to play for those who are interested in trying games out in Japanese for the first time.
I compiled a short list of games that I personally feel are good for beginner and intermediate level Japanese learners. The list contains mostly RPGs, which I believe are the most beneficial for studying because of the large amount of text within them.
Please understand that this is not an official list of any sort. This list is just my own personal opinion on what games I think are worth playing for Japanese learners.
Let's get started!
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Wild Arms Alter Code: F (ワイルドアームズ アルターコード・F) for PlayStation 2
Recommended level of Japanese: intermediate (JLPT N3)
おすすめの日本語能力レベル:中級 (JLPT N3)
This is a remake of the classic PS1 version of Wild Arms, featuring five new characters and a graphical overhaul. The dialogue is written in Kanji with furigana and includes a lot of voiceovers. The game has an easy-to-understand story, great wild western style music, and is a fun classic JRPG experience.
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Dragonquest (ドラゴンクエスト) Series
Recommended level of Japanese: beginner to intermediate (JLPT N4, N3)
おすすめの日本語能力レベル:初級~中級 (JLPT N4、N3)
So here is the series that started the JRPG craze. There are a ton of titles in this series and most of them are quite easy to play as long as you can read hiragana. The earlier titles on the NES/Famicom have only or mostly hiragana, which would be recommended for absolute beginners. Some of the later titles have more kanji, but the kanji are mostly basic which are taught in the early years of elementary school. I would recommend these later titles for beginners who want to take up more of a challenge.
I won’t list all of the titles here, but I will point out a few titles that worth checking out.
Dragonquest 4 (ドラゴンクエストIV) for the Famicom and Nintendo DS
The Famicom version only has hiragana and the DS remake has mostly hiragana with basic kanji.
Dragonquest 8 (ドラゴンクエストVIII) for the PlayStation 2 and 3DS
The PlayStation 2 version has mostly hiragana with basic kanji. Luckily, the 3DS remake has furigana written above the kanji. This is my personal favorite Dragonquest game.
PlayStation 2版は、基本的な漢字とひらがながほとんどです。幸いなことに、3DSのリメイクでは漢字の上にふりがなが書かれています。ドラゴンクエスト8は私の個人的なお気に入りのドラゴンクエストソフトです。
Dragonquest 11 (ドラゴンクエストXI) for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One/Series S/X, and Nintendo 3DS
This Dragonquest game is probably the most obtainable for most people due to the fact that it is on most modern game consoles. This game has kanji with furigana.
Key Words and Phrases
挑戦する (chousen suru) – to challenge, take up a challenge, give it a shot
まとめる (matomeru) – to compile, to put together, to list
含む (fukumu) – to contain, 含まれている (fukumareteiru) – containing, including
役に立たつ (yaku ni tatsu) – to be beneficial, to aid you in something
正式なリスト (seishikina risuto) – official list
ご了承ください (goryousho kudasai) – please understand, please take into consideration
名作 (meisaku) – masterpiece, classic (for movies, books, video games etc.)
PS1版 (ban) – PS1 version
グラフィックが綺麗になった (gurafuikku ga kirei ni natta) – graphical overhaul, improved graphics
ブーム (buumu) – craze, boom, latest trend
幸いなことに (saiwaina koto ni) – luckily, thankfully
個人的なお気に入り~ (kojintekina o ki ni iri) – my personal favorite ~
手に入りやすい (te ni hairiyasui) – obtainable, accessible, easy to find
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