agentinred · 2 months
“I hadn’t lifted my face to the sky in so many years that I almost forgot it was there,” Carmen murmured, her voice carrying the weight of a hidden melancholy. It was as if the sigh that trembled at the edge of her lips had been her only companion in a solitude that stretched beyond memory. Simultaneously, her hands clung to the garden hoe in front of her, dragging it through the dark, fertile soil with renewed vigor.
Starter | @fragmentmemories | Xochi
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kiigan · 2 months
incorrect quotes @fragmentmemories/Hoelun said: ❛ fool me once, i’m gonna kill you. ❜
ㅤOne might think, and perhaps rightfully so, that, being the head of one of Konoha's most ancient and most noble clans, Itachi would have a very hard time mingling with... people of a lesser status, to say it nicely. If such a thing can ever be said nicely. Indeed, at this point, his father is probably rolling in his grave at the prospect of his eldest son, pride and joy of the Uchiha that he's always been, entertaining conversation with a woman of such upbringing and reputation.
Itachi himself, however? 
ㅤOne, the obsession with social class and status honestly never meant anything to him; what is tradition, if not peer pressure from people that are already dead? Call him an idealist and he won't deny it, he firmly believes in a world where everybody is equivalent regardless of origin, physical characteristics, every other dumb detail that should never reflect a human being's worth. And, two, the way in which Hoelun so explicitly presents her intentions, as clear as the water by the surface of a lake, puts a smile on his face. When was the last time somebody had the guts to openly threaten him? Calmly sipping his tea, he cannot help the urge to tease her that tad-bit further.
«You shouldn't swear vows you cannot uphold, Hoelun-san.»
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worldsbestpredators · 2 months
@fragmentmemories cont. from here
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"Yes, a father's disappointment is always a hard pill to swallow." It was the only thing he could say. Edward was far too afraid to even touch upon the myriad of sins she'd just admitted to. He could just leave, but he was a masochist at heart. Besides, he had a feeling she'd find him again one way or another. He might as well listen to her insane ramblings while the wife and kids weren't around to be tainted as well.
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violeteyedkiller · 2 months
"give my muse some food" ximena:
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Give my muse some food || Accepting
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Careful what you ask for
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invre · 3 months
❛   wink .   wink  at  my  muse . / from marie, who is up to no good
nonverbal prompts — accepting. // @fragmentmemories — marie.
It's been... quite a long time since anyone has winked at him. After all, why would they ? He's certainly not much to look at, nowadays. No, there is some kind of motive here.
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" What is it ? "
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islandiis · 2 years
@fragmentmemories | starter call
When he first hears the rustle of activity down past the old spruce, he figures that perhaps it is a deer, or maybe a hare. His little homestead is hardly visible through the density of the trees that form these woods, and that's just how he likes it. Of course, that also means that he must leave his home in order see what animal comes to seek him out. Today he brings a sack of meat with him — there was a wolf here yesterday he is trying to win the affection of.
He is clearly caught off guard to find a person there, judging by the way he halts in his step. Is she gathering herbs...? They meet eyes, and Fannar takes a step back, suddenly looking embarrassed.
"Ah... Hello — S-sorry, I was... I thought you were an animal."
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fcrmidable · 1 year
In a just-slightly-too-warm summer’s day, Justine is perched on a seat next to the window. The wind gently lifts the curtains, and she props her chin on her palm, eyes on Xochitl. But her eyes rest there just a second too long for it to be casual. And after a moment, she says,
“I want to visit the Frida Kahlo museum, but I refuse to go if you’re not my guide.”
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monacomonoikos · 2 years
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Giulia and Cécile, high powered high femmes!
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agentinred · 2 months
❝ The marriages were for money, of course. ❞ from jumin
It was always something from Jumin, offbeat, not quite relatable—to an extent. She would be a hypocrite to say that money did not matter, it was the grease that oiled the wheels of the great engine of modernity. But still, it seemed harsh. Some small corner of her heart still wanted to believe in the soft, romantic notion that marriage might be more than a simple transaction—that a deeper bond might be what united two people together. Her arms cross as she huddles back into her seat "Ah, money—such a convenient excuse for a lack of imagination. But tell me, what of the price for happiness?"
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peculiarbeauty · 2 months
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fragmentmemories asked: ‘ i’d give anything to have what you have. ’ from briar, who just wants to live among people u__u an  assortment  of  disney  sentence  starters. 
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" oh but .. it's really not as grand as you might think. after all , nobody within my village truly understands me. even though i have many neighbors .. they call me a funny girl. " a beat. " i think you and i are in similar spots. even though you spend time with very few people .. i think we both want to find a place where we can be cared for. that's what matters most in the end. " she smiles softly. " .. my papa used to say something important. it's that we should always be true to ourselves and try not to fit into a box for people's comfort. i never truly was good at fitting into a box. and .. i would guess you probably are the same , rose ! correct me if i'm wrong though. " she giggles.
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worldsbestpredators · 2 months
@fragmentmemories cont. from here
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"Where's the fun in that? Sure it's nice to be kind, but sometimes you it's fun to make people almost pee themselves." Especially when you're 4'10" and need to be taken seriously.
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violeteyedkiller · 2 months
♥i mean yeah ximena or whatever but i think xóchitl would b neat u.u
Send me a little ♥ if you thought about shipping our muses
Stan and Ximena can be so bad together. Idk about shipping but they at least fucking in some respect
Xóchitl could be interesting but damn gurl why would you put yourself through that.
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invre · 3 months
❝ you don’t want this. ❞ from lisa, who is taking the last donut right before his eyes...
first interactions — always accepting. // @fragmentmemories — lisa.
She's not wrong. He doesn't want it, because he doesn't want anything. He feels nothing in particular about having it or not, although it is vaguely amusing - somewhere deep down - that she feels the need to verbalise it to him.
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" You could have simply taken it, if you wanted it. " Is that a hint of mirth in his voice ?
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czesarevich · 2 months
" you've gotten rather good. " from xóchitl, maybe about something he's written?
"You think so?" Alexei takes the pen that he'd been idly chewing on the end of out of his mouth, and cocks his head ever so slightly, in an almost canine motion. His face wrinkles into a frown.
"I find writing prose in English easy enough, but poetry is harder. It is not a particularly...well, it's a bit harsh-sounding, isn't it? Verse is difficult to master, though, in any language, I suppose."
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magurisu · 2 months
"I think I just committed insurance fraud." from elle
Call Me Kevin Starters || @fragmentmemories
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"That's...That's not..how that works." Catalina admits while her brows furrowed. Wait, was it?
She even looked down at her phone, quite the old model, scratched and dinged up to hell and back with her antics in the past. Thumbs furiously tapping away to find search results. Lips pursed as she gives a nod, "Yeah, okay, I thought that was right."
"Unless you meant that you killed a man and cashed out the insurance..."
There was a pause.
"Actually don't clarify, I'd like to leave the room in one piece and no guilt by association."
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galaxysmashed · 2 months
"Nah, that was on purpose, I thought it would be funny."
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".... I really want to be mad, but this isn't even the first prank call we've gotten on the Spider-App." Spider-Man sighed heavily, "just please don't do it again, okay?"
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