#francine x inessa x regina
fumikomiyasaki · 7 months
‘ there’s no way this bed is big enough for you and me. ’ with Barry and Steven ‘ the innkeeper said this is the last room. ’ with Regina, Inessa and Francine ‘ shh, it’s okay. i’m here. ’ with Tenera and Baliin or ‘ i sleep commando, just so you know. ’ with James and Julian
Only one bed
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The plan was actually to secretly go to a convention together, in Barrys eyes as friends given Steven was one of the few who shared such nerdy interests even if it was in a cringe way... but after the convention Barry noticed a horror that happened at the checkin... his own ego made him forget to book two rooms for them and instead they had to share a room... and a bed.
‘ There’s no way this bed is big enough for you and me. ’
"Barry-san, I know one way!"
"What do you me- Ack."
To his surprise the tall blond man hugged him tight and let himself fall onto the bed... leaving him squeezed on top of his chest red af... Barry just was flabbergasted putting his hands on it and just look down at him with a tomato red face.
"But why not... its a sugoi solution."
"L-listen... you get the bed cause you are taller, I take the couch... this will be far better for me..."
"Honto ni? You are a sweetheart for lending me the bed."
"Yeah yeah whatever... just please don't do something like this again."
The Hero boy settled down his back, took a shower and then took his blanket to sleep on the couch. Still he could hear Steven murmur in his sleep.
"Hnn... Barry-san... can we... please hug..."
He hid even more under the blanket... not only did this idiot drive him mad... no he liked him as much as he did... why did he have to feel that way... why was he tempted to join him in bed... he tried to slightly hide in his blanket hope these thoughts would vanish but they kept him up all night.
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Among a luxus Winter trip Regina organized, Francine and Inessa were happy to take a break from all the work they did daily... it being quite necessary for the both of them... it was a nice day in the snow... one where the three could ice skate together and enjoy the mountains... but the inn had bad news for them as Francine talked to them.
‘ The innkeeper said this is the last room. ’
"I see.... what a shame."
Inessa gave a nod to Regina who sighed.
"I have an air matress with me we can handle it with the space."
The three ladies headed up the stairs drawing many eyes to them before going to their room and settling bags and suitcases down... Francine leaning back against the couch.
"Finally one week of freedom from that whining Hero... I know I will come back to stress again."
Regina sat down next to her crossing her legs.
"You deserve better than to associate with him."
Francine sighed as Inessa prepared them both an Ice tea.
"He does provide my family however... at least his dad does... this is worth the annoyance."
"And If I would assist you."
"Regina please... I don't want you to spend your money on me really."
Glass blue eyes looked at the heroine in sincerity as she put one hand on hers.
"I rather have you at my side and happier than with this fool."
Inessa settled down the glasses.
"You already pay for this vacation first we need to pay you back. We will find a way to all be free of our responsibilities right. And..."
Inessa blushed a little.
"I still need to thank you two for healing my heart after Dragiselle."
The three shared a small hug before looking back at that bed...
"Regina... you take it... Nessa and I can-"
"No you two join me here... I don't mind it."
The three huddled together... peacefull at once... closing their eyes without any strain or stress to bother them this time.
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Although Tenera was happy that Baalin took her to a trip to his homeland... at night when she heard she was sharing a room with him... despite that happy feeling it didn't carry over into her dreams... nightmares plagued her... memories of her fathers rejecting her... of those bullies who were the cause of her legs.... it all itched in her brain as she in her sleep clinged onto Baalins back before suddenly flinching up... her eyes wet as if she cried.
Baalin noticed how panicked she was and pulled her in a hug.
‘ Shh, it’s okay. i’m here. ’
"I... thank you... Even if ... I grew up in the darkness... sometimes... I think I still fear it."
He got shortly up to open the curtains of the window again before joining her back in bed and pulling her close between his arms.
"If anyone tries to harm you, I will keep you save, alright?"
"Hmm-mmhh.. Thank you Bal...I do feel save near your heartbeat."
"What did you dream about?"
She grew silent before asking a question.
"What would you do.... if I never was able to walk again?"
"Not much would change... I would love you all the same."
A soft hum escaped her mouth as she clinged onto him closer.
"I love you so much... and.. I know you don't know me differently but... I still had hope to one day play tennis like normal... but with you... I think I am fine to live with another dream."
"And that be."
The Cat ears twitched.
"To marry you and have a family one day?"
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James escaped a groan as he figured out who had to share a room with for this interschool trip... of course it had to be him... but worse... the room they were staying at had only one bed in the middle. And Julian didn't make the situation any better.
‘ I sleep commando, just so you know. ’
"Just kidding <3 But your eyes looked curious."
"Oh shut up."
He tried to calm himself down... put down his things, load out his clothes in the closet but then he noticed in his mirror how Julian dressed up in the back... avoiding his eyes to not spy quickly... why did this demon had to get him so nervous.
"Given we are roomies you wouldn't mind going to a party with me tonight right?"
"We are supposed to get up early, Julian?"
"No biggy, its done before midnight but-"
The Demon leaned over James shoulder still shirtless... making the situation not easier for him.
"I wanted to see if I could convince you with my dance move to share the bed later~"
"We are going to share it anyways."
"I know but... You need to loosen up a little. You are always so stiff... a handsome knight like you deserves a break. <3"
He turned around and gave him a wink.
"Be carefull... being in a bed with me might let you wake up with some bite marks-"
"Can you stop that?"
It was a nightmarish day of tease he was unsure how to take... but at least he did get a bit of rest later... at least a little bit.
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