#frank woods/bell oc
imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
@walder-138 hey psst you asked me to tag you whenever I did something with Ashley!
Here is some artwork of Frank and Jodie’s little menace <3 I plan on doing a little info dump on her at some point but for now have the doodles!
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efingart · 3 months
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Sending it here to you as well hehe. I love them 🥰❤️
Alyyyyyyy I know I told you before but this is so gorgeous, so beautiful. I'm in love and obsessed 💙💙💙 His expression is killing me. Thank you so much lovely, it was such a nice surprise to get. Your art is so amazing!!
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paradamaxima · 3 months
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I miss Cold War but I also want Black Ops 6 at right now o’clock 🧍🏻
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efingcod · 5 months
Lunch Break pt 1
one | two | three (coming soon)
Word count: 617
Frank Woods x CoD Bell/Mila (or brown-eyed f!reader if you want!)
A story that popped into my head because I needed to write Frank. In my mind, it's Frank and American!Mila, but hey if you're a lady with brown eyes this could easily be you too. 😉
“Take a hint!” The woman at the next table said, exasperated. “Just thought you looked bored is all. Can’t you be friendly?”
Frank rolled his eyes. He was going to have to intervene, wasn’t he?
At the table across from him were seated a man and a woman. Well, from the looks of it, the guy had invited himself to sit at her table. But anyone and everyone could see she was just trying to read. And she looked like she was damn near about to smack the guy on the head with that thick book in her hand.
“Can’t you take a hike?” She shot back.
To Frank’s surprise, the bozo actually leaned in. Maybe he had a thing for being dressed down by a good-looking gal. Or, more likely, he was just stupid. Some guys just lost all sense around someone pretty. And she sure was that he had to admit. Not that that was an excuse. He sighed.
“Hey, don’t think she’s interested,” Frank said projecting his voice so the guy could hear him.
They both turned their heads to look at him. With the look he caught in the woman’s eye Frank was damn sure he about saved this guy’s life.
Whatever that was worth.
“What’s it to you?” Oh so he was looking for a fight.
Frank rose from his seat and stubbed his cigarette out in the ashtray before walking over to their table- her table, really. He liked how he cast a shadow over them. He was already bigger than the bozo, but a little extra intimidation couldn’t hurt.
“It’s embarrassing watching you. Can’t take it anymore,” Frank said. “Oh yeah?”
What a comeback.
The bozo stood and actually had the nerve to square him up. Frank thrust his upper body forward, feigning aggression. It was only a split-second movement, but the guy flinched. And he seemed to have enough brain power to realize it was over. His shoulders slumped and he muttered something under his breath before slinking away from the table.
Frank could hear the woman let out a relieved breath. And he turned towards her. She was still watching the man retreat.
“Thought you were about to crack his skull open with that,” He joked nodding to the hefty book in her hand.
“Me too, glad I didn’t have to,” She said. She finally raised her eyes to look at him. Huge brown eyes.
He was definitely a sucker for a gal with brown eyes. “It’s a library book. Hate to have to explain all the blood and brain matter to the librarians,” She added. A small grin appeared at the corner of her mouth. He chuckled.
“Thanks,” She said.
Frank grunted in response. He could still see the bozo lurking at one of the far tables.
Some guys really didn’t know when to quit.
He moved to go back to his table, but he noticed she was still on edge. Of course, she was with that guy hovering. She did seem like the kind of woman who could take care of herself, but he thought maybe some reassurance she had backup would help.
“Don’t think he’ll be coming back,” Frank said as he took his seat. He sat at an angle, not looking directly at her, but he could still see her in his periphery. She nodded but hadn’t raised her book to eye level. He thought she might be looking at him, now. Studying him. And after a moment she finally seemed to relax.
“Well, what if he comes back tomorrow?” She said finally. There was something playful in her tone. “Guess I’ll have to be here tomorrow too,” Frank said with a grin.
tagging @alypink and @revnah1406 since you seemed interested
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islandtarochips · 2 months
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FINALLY! I have done it been SO long for me to finish this piece! And I want to say thank you to @alypink for helping to color the cake, the season and the colors! I LOVE it!
Okay everyone! Since I saw some of my mutuals done this! I was thinking that I should joined in! With my BOCW OC! Koa Nikau and Ex who is now becoming his wife (again)! Aroha Arehe!
Their first marriage hasn’t been planned ACCORDINGLY since the two just ran off to get married somewhere else. Without Aroha’s family knowing. But since they have their 2nd wedding. They’ll finally have their WHOLE family (mostly Aroha side) to see them getting married!
Koa lets Aroha plan things out but will help out as much as he can. Aleks help out as well to ease things up a bit.
The two do like to have their wedding ceremony outdoors. But has different ideas of where to have their venues. Aroha decided to go with Koa’s ideas. For she had found it very romantic of these two dancing under the decorative lights.
Koa was planning to have their wedding around the fall season but changed his mind since he wanted to make his future wife happy. So he’s glad that he agreed to do it during the Spring season.
They also invited Koa's friends! Even though that the Groom has to tolerate of seeing Adler, Hudson, Sims and Helen. But luckily Aroha was there to calm him down.
The Groomsmen would be Frank, Alex, Craig, Charles and Aroha’s older brother (surprisingly he agreed to this). And the Best Man will be Vasili. Questioning of what happened to Sims, Lazar, Hudson and Adler? They’re just sitting down on the chairs.
Bridesmaids will be Jodie and some of Aroha’s cousins. And the Maid of Honor will be Aleks. Imagined these two women had gotten closer because of them talking about their hubbies🤭 Oh and Helen was with the other boys in the crowd.
Pretty sure the groomsmen (except for Aroha’s older brother) will try not to laugh at Koa’s, not his uniform, HAT. Koa would just shush those guys up as he tried to keep his composure.
Koa will also be blushing to see Aroha walking up on the aisle with her father. Wearing that beautiful dress. He was also sweating so much to see Aroha’s father glaring at him when he handed his daughter to him. (You should know why)
Marynee (Alek's daughter) being the honoree flower girl. And having one of Aroha's nephew being the ring bearer.
Since the wedding couples decided to do their own custom wedding vows. You can say Koa had took this one in the bag. For he had SO many things to say to his lover. About their past relationship, of his regrets, how much he had screw it up and blah blah blah and so forth and so forth. You get it right?
The beginning of the song will be “Endless Love”. Which it is Koa and Aroha’s cue for the slow dance.
Vasili and Jodie will be having a dance battle against Frank and Alex.
Kai (Koa and Aroha's eldest son) started talking to Sims about some mechanic nerd stuff.
Everyone will be seeing Aleks, Frank, Charles, Craig and Vasili having that drinking competition. Wait…KOA GET VASILI AWAY FROM THE VODKA!
Aleks dancing with her kids and Koa’s kids on the dance floor. TRYING to drag Adler to join in.
Charles will be doing the most embarrassing dance in HISTORY while being drunk. And Ari (Koa and Aroha's youngest son) joined in with him. (Koa had secretly recorded it)
Koa and Lazar was arm wrestling again. And once again, Lazar won. Which he received a kiss on the cheek from the bride as a reward. (Koa was ok with that. He’s fine…I think.)
And after the reception well BEFORE the ending of it. Vasili had surprised Koa with a special tradition of the Māori way. By doing the HAKAS. Which it gives Koa great tears to see his friend who had done it so well. Even Aroha was impressed.
Vasili “Bell” Sokolov - @welldonekhushi
Craig Alan Jones - @kaitaiga
Aleksandra Clarke R./Marynee - @alypink
Charles “Charlie” Moore - @deeptrashwitch
Jodie “Bell” Hall - @imagoddamnonionmason
Koa “Hunter” Nikau/Aroha Arehe Nikau - Me
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alexa-mwll · 4 months
Anastasia Pérez Ivanov.
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Name: Anastasia, Pérez Ivanov
Alias(es): La Baronesa (Baroness)
Height: 1.58
Eye color: Blue with gray
Hair color: Chestnut blonde
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Native language(s): Spanish
Other spoken language(s): Portugués, Ruso, Inglis.
Nationality: Mexican
Date of birth: 1961, March 8
Birthplace: Rosarito BC, México.
Current residence: Rosarito BC, México.
Potentially dangerous if threatened.
Multiple personality disorder, she calls herself the Baroness. (When she doesn't like something, The Baroness takes Anastasia's place).It is being treated with medications, danger level 40%.
Knows how to act under control and stress perfectly.
Professional Background and main skill: Expert in: Military strategy, armory, infantry, logistics in weapons of war, guerrilla warfare, special operations, Clandestine operations, Sniper shooting and Parachute Rifle Corps.
Current Profession /Occupation: Special Forces High Command; Airmobile Group of Special Forces, (GAFE).
She mostly likes to spend time surrounded by happy people (Friends), she likes drawing and dogs, and she was the first woman in all of Mexico to take the special forces course at the age of 15 thanks to the influence of her half-Russian family.
Special Clandestine Officer Russell Adler.
Aleksandra Clarke R. (Rank: Psy-Ops Specialist). @alypink
Yume Sieheart (Specialist doctor) @cyberghostdraws
Vasili (Bell) Sokolov @welldonekhushi
Special Agent Jason Hudson (Indirectly)
Special Operative (Master Sergeant) Frank Woods (Indirectly)
Special Operative (Captain) Alex Mason (Indirectly)
Lawrence Sims (Indirectly)
Eleazar "Lazar" Azoulay (Indirectly)
Helen Park (MI6)
Anastasia grew up in a lonely and cold home, she always wondered where her parents were, the only affection she had as a child were the words of the maids and butlers in that house, until she met him, Alexander Ivanov, a man who called himself her uncle, he was in charge of finishing raising our girl who was only 10 years old, he never told her because he was close to her family, Anastasia grew up within a Military indoctrination, her uncle said that It was necessary and that she would have an important role in the course of the Cold War and the so-called Operation Desert Storm (Gulf War, Persian).
5 years later, at the age of 15, Alexander, her uncle, sent her to the Mexican Special Forces Corps, and Alexander disappeared. Leaving Anastasia alone once again. (During her time in the special forces Anastasia suffered a serious accident which left her distraught, causing her to become what she fears so much every time she was in dangerous moments: The Baroness.)
It was there that 5 years later she received a visit at her house from a man who called himself Russell Adler, Special Agent of the CIA, managing to hire her to do outside work within the Cold War, in a small faction of the Nicaraguan Contras. , which had information from Perseus. Anastasia became Adler's secret informant, thus managing to uncover spies, until the day of Adler's disappearance.
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Anastasia was left in suspense and began to look for Adler, until she ran into Aleksandra, where a friendship began, the rest... is merely classified.
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Crawling Back to You (Part 1) ~ Alex Mason x Helina "Bell" Soldatova
{Author's Note} Y'ALL I HAVE IDEAS AND MOTIVATION AGAIN!!! Summer school has started but it's way more relaxed so I don't feel so burnt out all the time now. I'm also less stressed about my brother, though things are still kind of up in the air. Anyway, I don't know how many parts this series will be but I promise it will end happily! Just wanted to write about Alex and Helina finding each other again after the events of Cold War, inspired by the wonderful drawing @alypink did for me🥹 Let me know what you think, especially if I didn’t get any of the characters right! Still getting used to some of their traits. I also tagged about as many of my moots as I could remember lol❤️ (let's hope the tag system actually works since it's been weird lately) {Tag List} @alypink @efingcod @welldonekhushi @walder-138 @imagoddamnonionmason @littlemissclandestine @mango-parfait @thedevillovesflowers @http-paprika @mctvsh @adlerboi @deadbranch @moosch @theqreatorsworld
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>Part 1< | Part 2 (coming soon!)
‼️Content Warnings: swearing, violence, mentions of death‼️
Helina "Bell" Soldatova belongs to me!
~ ~ ~
The pain was blinding and she knew she wasn’t dead because she felt it so intensely. The bullet had carved a path of white fire along her temple, just missing her eye. It hadn’t penetrated her skull but the blood that poured from her head was enough to convince Adler that his shot had found its intended mark. 
Helina didn’t move, paralyzed by pain and too frightened to even breathe. She realized for the first time in her life that she didn’t want to die, a notion she was completely unfamiliar with as death had always been a lifelong friend. 
Adler gazed down at her with more remorse than she’d ever seen on his face, his features twisted into an expression of guilt. She didn’t even blink, hoping her stillness would convince him of her death. 
“I’m sorry, Bell,” he said softly, “But you’ve served your purpose.” 
He grabbed her wrists and began to drag her toward the cliff’s edge. She was too weak to fight back, too overcome with agony and heartache that she didn't try to free herself from his grasp. Images of Alex invaded her thoughts, the moment of their first kiss in a dark corner of the safe house playing over and over in her mind’s eye. Tears trailed down her cheeks as she remembered the last words he'd said to her, his feelings for her obvious in his tone and in the softness of his gaze. She just wished she could’ve told him that he was her first love, the only person she’d ever yearned for a domestic life with. 
Adler forced her over the cliff’s edge with a grunt but she barely felt the drop in her stomach as she plummeted toward the water below. She didn’t even feel the cold when she hit the waves. Its embrace was almost comforting, wrapping her up in the closest approximation of peace she’d ever known. Nothing was expected of her anymore, she belonged to no one but the sea. And the sea was more than happy to make her its own. 
The last breaths of air escaped her lungs as she let herself sink, unaware of the shadow that inched ever closer to her. Her final thoughts were of how beautiful the sunlight looked streaming through the water and what color Alex's eyes would be if the light were to hit them just right.
~ ~ ~
“Tell me what the fuck you did to her!” Mason screamed and slammed his fist into Adler’s face, knocking his glasses to the ground as his knuckles connected with a sickening crunch. “Where is she?!”
Adler stumbled but remained as stoic as ever, wincing slightly as he held the back of his hand to his bleeding nose. He could barely meet Mason’s gaze, knowing his answer would only hurt him more. 
“I shot her,” he stated. “She was a loose end. We couldn’t risk it.”
Mason inhaled sharply and swallowed a sob at the revelation. “Where’s her body?” he asked after a bout of tense silence, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotion. “At least let me bury her. She deserves that much.”
Adler knew there was no body to bury but decided not to reveal that fact. If Mason wanted to erect a gravesite for her, he’d let him do so. “On the cliff side, ‘round the back of the main island. That’s where it happened. You’ll know from the blood.” 
Mason’s expression soured further, twisting with a rage he’d rarely displayed before. He was about to hit Adler again when Woods stepped in, placing a gentle hand on his friend’s shoulder. 
“Come on, Mason. We’ll find her. He’s not worth any more of your grief,” he told him with a stony glare at the still-bleeding Adler. The pair stormed out, leaving Adler to pick up the pieces of his broken glasses and bruised dignity. 
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guigz1-coldwar · 11 months
Cold War is 3 years old!
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4K: https://deviantart.com/guigz1/art/Happy-3rd-anniversary-to-Cold-War-994328502…
Alt: https://deviantart.com/guigz1/art/Happy-3rd-anniversary-to-Cold-War-Alt-994329052…
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walder-138 · 5 months
Made my pookie bear in picrew
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The bottom one is before Annika became Bell, and was still a Perseus operative. (Didn’t wear that uncomfortable ass ski mask all the time) She used to serve so much cunt before the feds got to her.
The top to are her as Bell/Diana Jones/post-brainwashing, assuming she survived her encounter with Adler.
I love doing picrews they’re so much fun
LINKS (respectively):
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
I was tagged by @alypink and @islandtarochips to take park in this OTP quiz game! The quiz can be found here!
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Franca and Simon might make sense lmao just because of the nature of their characters - I haven’t actually decided yet whether they get a good ending (or rather Franca… anyway-)
BUT HOW DARE IT SAY THAT ABOUT JOHN SOAP MACTAVISH AND HIS WIFE. has it played mw3 does it know what happens to beloved soap?
I spent too long figuring out how Nanette would react to his death and this to had to remind me 😭😭
Anyway- I tag @alexxmason @angstkings @mctvsh @adlerboi @walder-138 and anyone else who wants to that has an OTP!
I should probably get a tag list going cause I forget peoples @‘s
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efingart · 3 months
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Check out my Ko-Fi for more info.
Sketch Portraits, OTP Kissing Commissions (sketch, inked, or grayscale)
Spicier requests are available to Patrons only (also Patrons get a discount). Spicy examples under the cut. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!
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writer-of-various · 7 months
Emilia: This Valentine's Day just has to be perfect.
Woods, still in his boxers and robe: Wait, today's Valentine's Day? Shit– I forgot to get Alex something.
Woods, runs out of the house:
Hudson, walking in: Out of all the days, I had to see Frank run out half naked–
Adler, amused: He's also stealing your car.
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efingcod · 5 months
Lunch Break pt 2
one | two | three (coming soon)
Word count: 718
Frank Woods x CoD Bell/Mila (or brown-eyed f!reader if you want!)
I think this will be 3 parts, total. The next part probably won't be as short, but 😏 you'll be glad for it, I think.
Should have gotten her number.
Frank knew he should have gotten her number. He thought he was being slick, waiting until the next day. Showing up at the coffee shop in the park like he said he would. Give her a night to think about him. To wonder why he didn’t ask her in the first place.
So, of course, as soon as he walked back into work Hudson wanted to speak with him. Then he was packing up his shit and on a plane two hours later.
That had been, fuck, nearly a month ago.
Her number wouldn’t have mattered in the end. Making a date with her? He would have had to cancel. Give her some lame excuse. Not like he was telling her about what he did for work.
Why was he even thinking about this woman? Because she was pretty? He’d met pretty women before. The fiery personality. Her dark humor. The casual way she had flirted with him.
All right, she was hot.
And he hadn’t even gotten her name.
Frank tossed his cigarette on the ground and crushed it under his boot. It was a beautiful day out. Good day for getting a cup of coffee in the park.
He might not even see her, he realized. Maybe she ditched the park. It’d make sense- too many assholes.
Frank reached the kiosk and paid for his coffee. Then he turned towards the seating area. There she was, a different giant book in her hands. A cigarette perched between her fingers.
Fuck it.
He took the table next to her. If she noticed him she gave no sign. He sat at an angle, once again not looking directly at her. But he could see when she took a drag of her cigarette and turned a page in her book.
She blew out the smoke and said, “Thought I scared you off.”
Frank chuckled and took a sip of his coffee.
“Nah, just got busy at work, sorry.”
He turned to look at her. She was staring ahead, smoking her cigarette, but she had lowered the book into her lap. She met his eye. Sunlight crossed her face, the dark brown of her eyes now amber. Lit up like the gemstone. She wasn’t just pretty, she was beautiful.
He cursed Hudson for pulling him away.
She shrugged and turned back to her book.
“No big deal,” She said.
What had he expected? Her to yell? To have waited for him? Some stranger she had met in the park just once?
But the way she just shut down the conversation like that surprised him. Had he already missed his shot?
“Hey-” He started to say.
She looked up from her book, slowly - as if she was being dragged away from it. When her gaze once again fell on him all he could see was disinterest in her eyes.
Was he now the guy bothering her when she just wanted to read her book?
“Wanted to make it up to you. Would you be interested in going out sometime?” He cursed himself for faltering under the look she was giving him.
Fuck he really was that guy.
“There’s nothing to make up,” She said simply.
“Why does every man act like he’s the only one in the whole world?”
“Wait a minute-”
She put her book down on the table and looked directly at him.
“It was harmless flirting.”
She stood up and crushed her cigarette into the ashtray. Then she picked her purse up from the ground and shoved her book into it.
“I thought you were good-looking. And what you did- it was nice. That’s it. Don’t think I’m sitting here waiting for you.”
“Hey, I didn’t say that-”
 “If you were interested you would have acted like it. And now you’re here weeks later? All your options dry up or something?”
She shouldered her bag.
“I’m not the woman you keep in your back pocket just in case. Or when you get around to deciding you’re interested.”
And with that, she turned on her heel and walked away.
Frank sat there dumbfounded, running through the exchange in his head. It was different to be on the receiving end of her ire.
And she hadn’t even listened to what he had to say.
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revnah1406 · 1 year
✨HAPPY BIRTHDAY @efingart!!!✨
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Here's a little gift for you my dear!!💖
I found a beautiful render on twitter of Valeria and Alejandro (credits to the respective author of course✨) and I thought it could be the perfect reference for this drawing I had in mind!!
I keep working on how to draw Mila properly, I want to do her justice, as the gorgeous woman she is. I'll keep trying!!
I think Woods and Mila would be amazing models hahaha! So what if "Just What I Needed" is a Fashion Magazine Cover? 👀👀
Anyway, I hope you have the most wonderful day and an Amazing birthday!! 💖💕 you deserve everything good in this world! I'm so proud of you!
Love ya with all my heart!! 🥰🥰❤️
Little extra 💖
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makilight · 3 months
Emilia "Bell" Emilsdóttir
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Name: Emilia Emilsdottir
Alias(es): Bell
Height: 5.8
Age: 23 (in 1981) 26 (in 1984)
Eye color: Blue with gray
Hair color: light blonde
Sexuality: bisexual
Native language(s): Russian/English
Other spoken language(s): Russian English Chinese
Nationality: Russian American
Date of birth: 1961, October 1
Birthplace: BC, Alaska
Current residence: BC, Alaska
Potentially dangerous if threatened.
She’s not really good with her mental health after all that’s happened to her and she can’t really control herself when having a mental breakdown for an episode,
She doesn’t care half as much as she should, anymore. Maybe she’s a fatalist, maybe the west will burn with or without their intervention. There’s a pounding in her head, a deafening rush of voices that she cannot begin to comprehend overwhelm her. It’ll all go away if she loses this little game she plays.
Professional Background and main skill: Expert in: Military strategy, armory, infantry, logistics in weapons of war, guerrilla warfare, special operations, Clandestine operations, Sniper shooting and Parachute Rifle Corps.
Current Profession /Occupation: Special Forces High Command; Airmobile Group of Special Forces, (GAFE).
She mostly likes to spend time surrounded by happy people (especially woods Aleks Mila and Mason), she likes drawing and dogs, and she was the first woman in all of Alaska to take the special forces course at the age of 15 thanks to the influence of her half-Russian family.
Tags:♡ @alypink @revnah1406 @efingart @imagoddamnonionmason @alexxmason @efingcod @justasmolbard
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theqreatorsworld · 3 months
Isabella“Bell” Beaufort in black ops 6
After the events of the Cold War, Bell is said to be dead however, in reality, she survived, all thanks to surgery but that doesn't heal in the fact that there are more problems other than Perseus.
Here’s the real problem
Isabella realizes that adler is a traitor to the CIA, although Isabella is hurt by what adler did she also has a soft spot for him and his team and tries to help them
Not knowing that she's also being hunted down, Not by the CIA, Or Perseus, But by another organization. an evil organization from France known as the l'Assemblée Diabolique, / IAD (The English Version of The Diabolical Assembly/TDA)
Run by their leader, Alice “Storm” Hollow, and her little evil minions to destroy the population of France and to hunt down Isabella,while the CIA is hunting down Adler situation for being a traitor, her reasons are different
Now with the help of adler, Woods, Aguinaldo, and a whole new group of people (aka MY MOOTS OC) stop the bad guys and finish Alice so that her wicked skeems would stop.
But how would that happen?
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