#frantically mustering the full might of its awesome power
popculturerobots · 1 year
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I...Have Failed
Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of One
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morimallow · 4 years
Hi, this is part two of Morisuke is a Nerd. Read the first part here and the last part here. Special thanks to my two friends with wild imaginations.
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You challenged Yaku in every and any way possible. From a simple mental and oral Math drills to balancing Chemical equations mentally but for Yaku, this doesn't even make his brain work to full extent. But don't worry, you won for like 9 times.. out of the 30 challenges.
On the day of the Science contest, you challenged him once more but this time, it's the last one. After the contest, you don't know if you'd stay as friends or turn back to being strangers so you thought, why not make this a memorable one?
“Morisuke Yaku,” you stated his full name even after spending time together all day and everyday for 3 whole months: you accompanying him to his volleyball practices, attending his tournaments, both getting lunch together. In short, you seemed like the perfect couple even though you guys really aren't. You just thought that you guys shouldn't waste time in reviewing thus excusing yourself to fit into his life and time but to him, seeing you do things for him and with him, he was slowly falling for you.
You were sitting beside each other in the train with the coach in front of you, he turned to you and hummed, “Hmm? Challenging me again?” he asked, smirk evident in his tone.
“Yes,” you replied, hands gripping your thighs slightly. Why were you nervous? This was your routine: challenging him in any way. Were you embarrassed? Humiliated? Because he won every time you challenge him?
“What is it this time?” Despite the statement on its own might be quite rude or said by someone who is really done with your shit, with his soothing voice, you noticed that he sounded genuinely interested.
He never found you annoying, not even once. He knows your worth, that you're doing your best especially when it comes to winning over him. He doesn't back down because he knows your pride and you know that too but one thing you don't know is that you already won over his whole being. He is now, a hundred and twenty percent sure that he's in love with you.
You faced him and made eye contact and said, “I know we're here as a team but the one who has more correct answers in the contest will make the other do what they want. Let's ask coach to record our scores.”
Now that was the most interesting challenge you ever said to him. He already had one thing on his upon hearing this: He must score more than you.
“And now for this year's first placer.. It's none other than Nekoma Highschool! Oh, man, the power brain couple: Morisuke Yaku and F/N L/N, please come here on stage and receive your award. If you watched the contest a while back, you would surely no doubt a bit that they'd bring home the bacon.”
You and Yaku were happy about the results and coach was the extreme one. But both of you are thinking the same question: Who scored more? Both were smiling until you saw your coach's notes: 36-57/100 questions.
“Ah, ah, would you look at that, L/N! I guess you'll do what I say, hmm?” the brown-haired disgustingly handsome and genius libero teased you as if you don't understand what will happen after the coach presented the data.
Crossing your arms in front of your chest, mustering your most ‘intimidating yet bored’ look, you said facing him, “Come at me.”
Yaku wasn't even fazed. In fact, he likes it when you're like that. Unbothered, laid-back, but deep inside, you were screaming at yourself for being so dumb. He found you cute and charming but you never knew this. Thus the sentence that came out of his mouth shock you to the core, “Go out with me.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat and now you realized that while you were absentmindedly fitting yourself into his life, using the excuse: we need to review, you yourself found out just now as he blurted those words that you like him so.
But you still weren't sure. So, as a distraction, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him outside the stadium where the contest was held. Without releasing his wrist, you said, “There. We're here. Outside. Together. That simple.”
Yaku being the smooth boi who is genuinely in love with you, he shook his hand to get rid of your hold and hastily intertwined his with yours and clarified, “Be my girlfriend, F/N L/N.”
The ball was served, curving to Nekoma's side of the court, directly to their libero, AKA your boyfriend, who perfectly received that spike-serve and flew to the setter. Kenma set the ball to Kuroo with Lev as a decoy and score! Nekoma won this round.
The game ended and rushed from the bleachers to door where the team would exit. While doing the formalities after the game, Yaku wouldn't stop smiling. Knowing that you're waiting behind that door.
Kuroo noticed this and said, “You're obviously not excited to suck your girlfriend's face, aren't you, Yakkun? Really.”
“Shut up, you one-eyed rooster,” Yaku retorted and glared at their captain. You were now at the back of his mind, busy throwing insults to Kuroo while the whole team was walking towards the exit.
When the doors opened, you frantically searched for your boyfriend and because of his jersey, you found him almost immediately. With your eyes turning to hearts, the team stopped walking when they saw you but Yaku was still insulting Kuroo.
“Sure, that last spike was awesome but you're—”
“Mori-kun!” you exclaimed as you ran towards your boyfriend, giving him your victory hug.
morisukeyaku.exe has stopped working jk
Without saying anything, he grabbed the back of your thighs and effortlessly picked you up. Your legs hugged his waist and arms around his neck.
Yaku cupped your right cheek so you can see him clearly. “My lucky charm is here. Thank you for coming, marshmallow,” he cooed and placed a kiss on your nose, a passionate one on the lips: biting your lower lip as he pulled away. He smiled sweetly at you, finally put you down and placed one more saccharine kiss full of affection on your forehead.
Totally in your own bubble, Lev decided to pop it and loudly voiced out, “Yaku-san! I never thought someone was shorter than you!”
And then, my friends, Lev's soul left his body as Yaku kicked him out of the world.
“She's my girlfriend, you fucking dumbass!”
To calm down Yaku, you hugged him again, face buried in the crook of his neck and whispered, “You're so hot, sweaty, and bothered, baby.” For additional points, you nipped the skin where your mouth was placed.
“Y-You guys board the bus first. I-I'll catch up, I need to go to the bathroom.”
Yamamoto intervened when he noticed that Yaku's face was flushed right after you hugged him, “Ohoho, L/N-san, what did you say to our Yaku, huh?” And the whole team threw suspicions at you while Yaku excused himself and went to the bathroom not knowing that someone was following him.
“Is she still innocent?” a voice boomed inside the bathroom while Yaku was staring at the mirror then, at the man, after splashing water on his face. He realized he was the captain of the team Nekoma just played against.
Confusion etched on his face and his brows furrowed, “What do you mean and who are you pertaining to?”
“The slut you were all giddy-giddy with and sickly and shamefully kissed.”
He narrowed his eyes at the man standing before him. Even though he was shorter than him, he stood firmly. The fuck got that to do with my height when he just insulted my girlfriend. “Who the fuck are you calling a slut?”
The man laughed mockingly at the libero, “I thought the libero of Nekoma was a so-called genius. Didn't you go with that bitch on the Science contest?”
Yaku didn't reply at what the man said but instead blankly stared at him and thought, how did he know we attended the contest? That was months ago.
He scoffed annoyingly at Yaku, irritated that his words and insults didn't falter his trust towards his ex. “Do you just not care or are you really dumb?”
Yaku was drying his hands and said to the man without looking at him as if he just doesn't care about what he's saying which is true, “I only believe facts about her when it comes from her and not from someone who clearly didn't value and continue to degrade her even after they broke up. You're the dumb one. Uneducated swine.”
After that encounter, he boarded the bus and sat beside you. Yes, you were allowed to ride the bus because the whole team seriously loves you and your mere presence just makes up Mori's whole mood. Plus, you're good friends with their coach.
You know he's tired. No need to speak, my Mori. I know you all too well. You leaned closer and kissed the side of his head, put your head on his shoulder and used your hand to guide your boyfriend's head on to yours. You interlaced your fingers and said, “Sleep.”
You arrived at the scene where the Nekoma Volleyball Club was taking their group picture with the third years wearing their togas and wide grins.
Lev noticed your arrival and turned to Yaku, probably saying that you're already here.
Predicting that Yaku would do something very couple-y-like, the team got their phones and cameras ready, even Kenma!
And Mori really did. He ran up to you, carried you just below your butt, and held you up. Spinning the both of you while your noses touched and they got it all on camera.
You were both giggling and Mori stopped spinning. Foreheads and noses touched, heavy breathing and hearts pounding..
Then lips touched as well.
He pulled away slowly, afraid that this will be the last time he's able to kiss you. With eyes closed, he pressed his forehead against yours and said, “Meet me at the library later, hmm? We need to talk.”
You could only nod.
After he went along with the other third years towards the stadium, you let your feet carry you to where you and Mori first met: the school library.
You scanned the place, walking in between shelves and shelves, stopping once in a while to grab a Math book to orally answer the problems just like you and Mori always do.
Roughly an hour of reading and walking, you were at that shelf. The shelf where you were reaching for the goddamned Physics book. And right about that time, Mori was running up the stairs and corridors.
Your eyes caught a glimpse of a wooden stool near your feet. As you stepped on it, Mori was panting and leaned against the door frame.
He saw how you easily grabbed the book and he thought, “She'll be fine without me.” And he smiled sadly, the one that doesn't reach his eyes, at that thought. But I will never be fine without her or her support.
Taking a deep breath, he entered the room and made a decision that will surely change both of their lives. On the positive side. He hoped at least.
With your back facing him, tears threateningly spilled from his eyes and hugged you tight from behind.
“Morisuke..?” Her voiced confused but somehow relieved how tense Mori's body was. You felt the wetness on your neck and reaching your hand to place it on your boyfriend's hair, you fingers ran through it soothingly. “Morisuke, what is—”
“Please.. just let me hold you a little while longer.”
Having an idea on what's about to happen, you turned around and hugged your boyfriend back.
You pulled away from the hug, cupping his cheeks, you used your thumbs to wipe away his tears. You chuckled lightly, “C'mon, Morisuke, my love, my saccharine apricot, if we're gonna part ways then at least end it with a smile.” You planted a kiss on his forehead and continued, “It's hard for me to see the one who won almost all the challenges I've given him cry. The one I love the most cry. It makes me want to cage you in my heart and arms forever.”
Mori placed his own hands on top of yours, he whispered, “Parting is such sweet sorrow.”
You snorted at how cheesy that line was. “Did you just quote Juliet Capulet? Didn't know you were into classics, love,” you said and smiled at him once more.
“I'm selfish for telling you that I want you to wait for me for 7 long years. I.. I'll understand if you'll find someone else.. someone better than me to love you. Someone who won't leave—”
“Morisuke Yaku, I challenge you yet again to come back for me—to me. Back in my arms when time comes. And by then, we'll be the best version of ourselves.”
Placing his lips on your forehead, he said, “I'll be someone you can be proud of.”
As his lips lingered longer in your forehead, you thought to yourself, “I'm already proud of you. Always am and always will be.”
“See you around, love.”
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aspiringarmstrong · 6 years
Star vs Evil - Chapter 7
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Tom looked across the long banquet table at Star, sitting on the other end. He diligently hunted for the largest hellboar he could find and overwatched the chefs create their meal tonight.
Toffee said any effort is never wasted, even if we don’t perceive the desired results. Plant the seeds and they will grow.
Star picked at her food and sighed. She looked up across the long table to Tom who gave her a reassuring smile. She returned the smile, but Tom’s faded. He could tell it was half-hearted. He had hoped she’d turn to the normal, bubbly girl he’s in love with, but with her moping about all the time… it felt like she was his prisoner.
“Star… it’s been a week.” Tom said as he mirrored her fidgeting.
“I know, I know.” Star sighed and pushed her food away. Every time her gaze connected with his, she would turn away and focus on something else.  
“What do you want to do tonight? There’s going to be a wrestling match later. I know how much you love to watch mindlessly violent sports. Last month we had two dismemberments!” Tom said with glee. He hoped he could find some way to turn this around.
“Meh,” Star said with a sigh and absentmindedly changed her nail colors with her wand. She didn’t even look at the food he spent all day lamenting over. A part of him wanted to scream at her insensitivity, but he’s trying to move beyond that side of him.  
“We can go hunting?” Tom said, brandishing all forms of killing instruments from out of nowhere.
“Meh,” Star replied and poked at her plate again, returning her wand with her free hand to her purse.
“What is going on? You were so happy to be here!” Tom lamented.
“No, Tom. I’m not happy here. I’m here because it’s the right thing to do.” Star snapped. She kicked her chair out and stormed off outside the castle.
“Star…” Tom whispered, his outstretched hand grasping at the retreating form of Star.
“Sir… the Butterfly has left the nest!” Buffrog reported to a floating bat eyeball.
“Thank you, commence the attack,” Toffee said from the viewing room. He stood next to Ludo, his stone face hiding any thoughts he may be having.
“I...I should be out there commanding my troops!” Ludo exclaimed. “My years of tactical analysis is going to be invaluable.”
“I understand, sir, but you’re too advanced to be of any help to your troops, This is like a chess game, each piece has its part. Just watch,” he said, revealing a smile full of teeth. Ludo nodded in excitement, ignoring the little voice in the back of his head warning him of danger.
Marco curled up in bed with the covers over his head. What were King and Queen Butterfly thinking? They expected him to be her knight? All this time… it wasn’t a coincidence that he was her host house? The layers of betrayal felt like suffocating weights pressing against his chest, one pound at a time.
The sound of space unicorn erupted from under his pillow. Halfheartedly, he checked the caller ID. He didn’t want to talk to Jackie right now.
Marco shot up in bed and answered the phone. “Star?”
“Hey… Marco,” She said. It was her ‘confused and needs advice’ tone, Marco noted. He should run down and make some s’mores, that always helps the ‘confused and needs advice’ Star.
Marco punched his pillow. No! He will not start that! He’s not her protector or her knight. He was a normal kid going to school.
“I’m… sorta busy.” Marco said, his chest tightened as he said those words to her. God, he wanted to see her!
“Oh… I’m sorry… I’ll just…” Star mumbled.
“No! Wait!” Marco shouted before Star finished. “I… I mean, I got some time, what’s up?”
“I’m… just having second thoughts,” Star mumbled. “But… enough about me. How are you and Jackie? We haven’t talked in like a week… and I just am going for a walk around Lava Lake… and thought of you… I mean though I’d catch up with you… since ya know… walking, and bored… that sorta thing.”
“Star… Your Mom and Dad were here.” Marco said dryly.
“Oh?” She said innocently. “And… how were they?”
“I found out a few things,” Marco said, he wanted to scream and yell but didn’t want to anger Star and have her hang up on him.
“And… you found out how awesome of a friend you are and they are in no way holding you responsible for my rash and uncontrollable decision to run away?” Star said. He could hear her grinning from ear to ear, anticipating what sort of trouble she may be in.
“I found out why you came to live with me,” Marco said.
“What?” Star asked, “I… don’t understand.”
“Don’t pay dumb, Star,” Marco said. “I was chosen before you even came to earth. I was supposed to be groomed into a Bach...knight or something and move to Mewnie when I was older. When you took the crown.”
“I’ve never heard of such a thing. A Bach...knight?” Star said and suddenly gasped with some sort of realization. “I can’t believe them… That’s so like Mom!”  
“So… you honestly didn’t know?” Marco asked.
“No. Of course not!” Star said. “I love it over there and I’d never ask you to…”
“Ask me to what?” Marco asked. “Star? Hello?”
Looking down at his phone, it showed the call was dropped.
Marco’s hand shook as he sent text after text, call after call only to get no reply.
“MOM!” Marco screamed as he tore out of his room. “Please tell me you have a way to get ahold of King Butterfly!”
Star looked at the shattered cell phone in her hand. It was cleanly broke in two. She winced in pain as she noticed an arrow sticking out of the back of her hand, the shaft halfway up, and a green stone arrowhead inches from her face...
“M...Marco?” She asked the destroyed cell phone. Her mind hadn’t caught up with what had happened. A part of her was mildly curious at the green ooze coming from the stone arrowhead.
Star looked around. Slowly Ludo’s army appeared, surrounding her. Instinctively she reached for her wand and gasped in pain. The arrow was still in her palm. She fumbled with her purse and reached in with her left hand, pulling out the source of her powers.
“Narwhal Blast!” She screamed, The rainbow filled attacking narwhals fired as usual but missed their target.
Ludo’s crew surrounded her and slowly closed in the circle. Star fired a few more missed shots and turned her focus to her dominant hand.
Star tried to pull the arrow through but almost blacked out from the lightning pain that shot through her arm.  Her breathing was labored, a mix of panic and pain. She cast her wand about wildly, not even attempting any real spells. She hoped Tom was on his way and glad Marco was safe. She didn’t want him to see her like this.
“And.. she just stormed off!” Tom said to his therapist. Toffee nodded and wrote in his notebook.
“And.. how did that make you feel?” Toffee asked
“Like I should go after her!” He replied. There was a knock on the door. “I’m BUSY!”
“Should we stop?” Toffee asked,
“No, It’s nothing. Just some underlings want something. They know not to bother me in here.” Tom said and sat on the reclining sofa that he sat in front of the communication mirror.
“Now, what would happen if you did?” Toffee asked, picking up from his last question.
“She’d say I was smothering her and get mad,” Tom replied, he slumped down on his chair and let out a defeated sigh.
“Exactly… Let's work on those feelings.”
“Tom? Marco?” Star shouted. Her voice cracked from the pain. She felt a knot in her throat and despair claw at her chest. “Anyone? I need help!”
Star lightly jogged away from the minions that attacked her. A full sprint would waste energy, and she needed to conserve what she had. None of the minions had attacked her yet, the massive presence and their slow approach were driving her mad. She was being engulfed in hopelessness, knowing she was powerless against them. The more she ran, the more appeared. She realized too late, that she was being corralled.
She needed someone to help her… she couldn’t do this herself. She thought she could, but she could barely move her hand, the pain had moved up her arm and was now at her shoulder. Was the arrow poisoned?
Desperation overtook her. She charged the nearest monster and screamed. The giant chicken moved aside, and her kick whizzed through the air, connecting to nothing. Losing her balance, she slid on the hard rock that overlooked the lake of molten fire. The group reformed around her and closed in on her. She backed away, brandishing her wand, firing shot after shot with her left hand, missing each one as they slowly closed in.
As Star backed away, her foot slipped. She knelt down to steady herself and looked behind her. She was up against the edge of the magma lake.
The creatures in the army chuckled, and the sound of a tiny slow clap rang in her ears. She could see some of the monsters part ways to reveal Ludo clapping in triumph.
“Nowhere left to run… Butterfly!” Ludo said in triumph. “Now… give me the wand, or your goose is cooked!”
“Ludo… this doesn’t mean you won!” Star said she tried to muster up any intimidation she had left.
“Look around! No one is showing up to save you!” Ludo chuckled. “You’re incapacitated, and there’s no way you can win! I mean… the only thing you could do is…”
Ludo covered his beak, realizing the mistake he made.
Star’s face wore a wide grin.
“Oh… you want my wand?” She said. Her legs shook as she stood back up. “Fine… go get it!”
“Wait! No! Star! Can we talk about this!” Ludo screamed in a panic! “NO! STOP HER!”
Star mimicked a baseball pitch Marco taught her and threw the wand with all her might.
Everyone stood in silent reverence as they watched the spiraling wand land in the lake of magma. Slowly it became encased in molten rock and disappeared from view.
“NO!” Ludo screamed and lunged forward. BuffFrog grabbed him with one hand and held him back. “No! I can still get it! I can get it! Someone go in and get it!”
“Sir, It’s gone,” BuffFrog said somberly. “It’s… It’s over.”
“NO! NO! NO!” Ludo wailed. “I was so close! I almost won!”
Star fell on her side, breathing had become increasingly difficult. The frantic Ludo paused and looked at Star’s collapse figure.
“Star?” Ludo asked. He rubbed his hands gingerly and motioned BuffFrog to set him down. The maniacal look on his face changed to one of concern. He walked up to her and looked over her body’s labored breathing. Black veins crept out from the arrow wound and slowly inched up her wrist. “Hey… is she going to be okay?”
“She was shot with poison arrow… of course, she’s not okay.” BuffFrog replied with a shrug.
“Who said to use a poison one?” Ludo asked that voice in the back of his head screamed louder, warning him of danger. “The idea was to disable her hand so she couldn’t aim!”
“Toffee instructed,” BuffFrog replied with a shrug.
Before Ludo could say anything more, the ground around them erupted. Star’s vision blurred, but she could make out a red hoodie rushing forward surrounded by Mewnie guards. The monster army scattered and escaped into the undead forest surrounding them.
“Star! Star!” Marco screamed. He was so far away. She tried to reach out to him. He raced over to her and cradled her in his arms. “I’m here… god, I’m sorry. I’ll never leave your side. This is all my fault.”
“Arrow… poisoned.” Star mumbled, indicating her injured hand. With that, consciousness escaped into visions of space unicorn videos involving laser puppies.
Star woke up in her room. She felt disoriented. It wasn’t Tom’s castle or Marco’s house. Was she back on Mewnie?
She sat up and winced. She looked down at her hand. It was bandaged, but black streaks were running up her arm.
“It won’t go away,” Marco said from the corner. He couldn’t quite hide the crack in his voice. His eyes are puffy and red. Was he crying?
“M… Marco?” Star asked rubbing her head. The events were fuzzy after her hand was skewered with the arrow.
“Yeah. I’m here,” he said and sat on the foot of her bed and held her good hand.
“I was so scared.” She whimpered and burst into tears. She never felt so powerless before.
“So was I.” He said and pulled her to him. She laid in his lap, and he rubbed her head. “I’m here now. It will be okay.”
“No… no, it won’t” Star sobbed. “It’s gone.”
“What’s gone?” Marco asked.
“The wand… I… I threw it in the lava lake. It was my only choice. If I died, then Ludo would have gotten it.” Star sobbed. She looked at her bandaged hand and winced in pain.
“They… are looking for a way to stop whatever was on that arrow,” Marco said. “I can’t believe Ludo would be this dirty. I mean, I don’t know the guy, but there seemed to be an underlying respect for you when we fought. There was a line he wouldn’t cross you know?”
“I heard him say he didn’t know about the poison,” Star mumbled. “BuffFrog said someone named Toffee made the decision.”
“Well… no matter what happens, we’ll get you fixed up.” Marco said and rubbed her temples. “Just rest knowing this is all over. We’ll figure out where to go from here, but without the wand, no one is going to be coming after you.”
“Yeah…” Star said, and wrapped her good arm around Marco’s waist. She closed her eyes and felt her consciousness slipping away. “Marco…” She whispered as she drifted off to sleep. She swore she saw Tom standing in the doorway, but she must be imagining things. She was with Marco and knew everything will be alright.
Toffee stood at the edge of the magma lake and looked at his pocket watch.
“He’s late.” Toffee said.
“TOFFEE!” Ludo screamed as he emerged from the forest. “What’s the big idea!”
Toffee cocked an eyebrow at Ludo and turned back to overlook the molten lake.
“Why did you poison Star?” Ludo shrieked. “There’s a line you don’t cross when trying to destroy your enemies!”
“Do you realize how stupid that sounds?” Toffee grimaced. “The problem you have is that you played fair. This whole thing was a big game between you two. It was… so annoying to watch.”
“You better change that tone.” Ludo shouted, “You don’t know who you’re messing with.”
Toffee checked his watch and removed from inside his jacket a large plastic glove. Looking at the shoreline, he nodded to himself.
“I wish to make an announcement to all those following chicken head here.” Toffee said everyone looked at the Big Giant Chicken. “No… I meant… god, you all are stupid. Ludo! Those who follow Ludo.”
“What is this? Some sort of mutiny!?” Ludo demanded and ran at Toffee.
Toffee took a step forward and extended his leg. Ludo flew over the crowd and passed a pair of trees. BuffFrog raised two hands in the air, signaling the shot was good.
“Now… as you can well assume, I’m taking over. This can be an easy or a hard transition or…” Toffee explained.
“But… what about the wand?” Someone asked.
“I’m glad you mentioned it.” Toffee said and stepped aside. Crab Claws emerged from the molten lava, encased in a lead suit. Around the edges glowed from the heat and pressure. Gripped in his claw, dripping with molten rock was the Butterfly wand of power.
Toffee grabbed the wand with his gloved hand and grinned.
“Any Questions?”
There was a shriek of anger from behind the group. Ludo erupted from under someone’s legs, holding a sharpened stick, and charged at Toffee.
“I HAVE WORKED FOR YEARS FOR THAT WAND!” Ludo screamed. His little legs pushed his tiny frame forward, building momentum for his attack.
Toffee sighed, rolled his eyes, and held out the wand. A sparkling light erupted from it, engulfing Ludo.
A stone statue of the tiny ruler remained.
“Let's head back to my castle and I’ll tell you of the next stage of my plan.” Toffee said and cut open an interdimensional portal. “I’ve ordered pizza and ice cream for the party.”
Everyone erupted in cheers and barreled through the interdimensional portal. BuffFrog was the last one. He was holding the stone remains of his former master. Toffee raised an eyebrow at him.
“Wanted to put it on mantle. Would make great hat rack.” BuffFrog said and shrugged.
Toffee shrugged in response and let him pass.
As the portal closed after them. Silence filled the undead forest, occasionally interrupted by a glug from the molten lake.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
20 Life-Hacking Products You’ll Regret Not Buying Sooner
This piece was written by the people who run the Cracked Store to tell you about products that are being sold there.
With tech products, you usually get what you pay for. Spending $40 for a “brand-new” laptop will usually get you a piece of folded cardboard with “Twiteer” painted on it. But every once in a while, a truly great bargain comes around that outperforms its value by tenfold. Here are some of our favorite gadgets which do wonders and come at an amazingly low price.
USB LED Clock Fan
When you need to know what time it is but can’t muster the strength to get your phone from just over there, you’ll be glad that Past-You had already plugged in one of these USB LED Clock Fans. You’ll get a cool breeze while you brag to your friends that you do indeed remember how analog clocks work. Get it here for $10.99.
ARMOR-X One-Lock Air Vent Car Mount
Playing with your phone while driving is a surefire way to end up as highway street art, yet people persist on doing it constantly. If your imminent death isn’t enough motivation to stop texting while behind the wheel, then maybe consider that we’re all judging you. Hard. However, if you use Google Maps a whole bunch, or you just want to DJ your own choice set when stuck in traffic, then be safe and grab an ARMOR-X One-Lock Air Vent Car Mount for $12.99.
Universal Three-In-One Lens Kit For Smartphones And Tablets
As any photography enthusiast or optometrist will tell you, the more lenses you have, the better. Intensely magnify the pores of your portrait subjects and squeeze out every ounce of sublime foliage from your landscape shots with a Universal Three-in-One Lens Kit for Smartphones and Tablets for $11.99.
Just Mobile AluCable Duo For iOS And Android Devices
Sure, a household that’s split across political lines is tough to keep together, but a household that needs more than one kind of smartphone charging cable is on the verge of collapse. Thankfully, the bipartisan AluCable Duo supports both Android and iOS. It’s great for helping you make it through some silent, angry dinners and shared car rides, and it only costs $17.95.
Earhoox 2.0 For Apple EarPods And AirPods Two-Pack
Owning Apple products has become an internationally recognized status symbol, but it’s hard to project your affluence when your $160 earbuds fall out thanks to the slightest breeze or heavy bass track. Fortunately, these Earhoox 2.0 for Apple EarPods and AirPods keep them in place, and will only set your deep pockets back $14.99.
IllumiSink Light-Up Faucet Attachment
There’s something almost transcendentally disgusting about rising in the middle of the night for some water, pouring a glass, and then getting a mouthful of slightly-hotter-than-lukewarm earth juice. We’d even go as far as saying that it’s downright gross.
Thankfully, this IllumiSink Light-Up Faucet Attachment prevents you from that and all manner of scalding water disaster. Plus, you can fool your friends into thinking you drink neon-green water like you’re some kind of Batman villain, and that’s pretty cool too. Pick it up for just $10.99.
BK SPORT Bluetooth 4.0 Headphones
If there’s one thing that’s going to spur a mid-workout meltdown, it’s your headphones tangling with your weights as you lift. Add in a bit too much nitrous in your pre-workout drink, and you might find yourself sprawled on the floor, screaming in the middle of your gym. BK SPORT Bluetooth 4.0 Headphones are super durable and tangle-proof, so you’ll never make a scene by the squat rack again. Get ’em for $16.99.
Bluetooth Shower Speaker
How many more phones have to die for your morning routine of singing in the shower? How many, you monster? Well, none if you have a music player that won’t dissolve when it touches water. This Bluetooth Shower Speaker is totally water-resistant, and sticks to your shower wall with an iron grip. Get it here for $9.99.
Orbiter Magnetic Fidget Toy
Fidget spinners, or the spinning fidgets (as no one yet calls it, but they will), have become the go-to way to break bread with millennials. Unfortunately, they can sometimes be a bit noisy for the conference room. This Orbiter Magnetic Fidget Toy is totally silent, and way easier to fit in your khakis. It’s available in our store for $16.99.
The Anchor: The Original Under-Desk Headphone Stand Mount
Everyone knows that there’s a direct correlation between having a pair of headphones that are so huge that they have their own gravitational pull and being a better amateur music producer. Once you get yourself a pair of honkin’ cans, you’ll need a place to put them. To keep them off the table and out of the clutter, pick up an Anchor Under-Desk Headphone Mount for $9.99.
Nut Mini Tracker
Misplacing your phone can be annoying, but you can always just have a friend call it to speed up the search and rescue effort. On the flip side, misplacing your keys or wallet sends you frantically digging through couch cushions and laundry piles like some sort of deranged mole person. But now there’s a way to easily find your wallet, keys, luggage, or whatever else you might lose on the reg. The Nut Mini Tracker provides a homing beacon for anything you attach it to, for just $14.99.
NomadPlus Smartphone Wall Charger And Battery Pack
Wouldn’t it be nice if that little AC adapter block that comes with your phone did more than take up precious outlet space? The NomadPlus Wall Charger puts the factory made adapter block to shame by turning into a handy portable battery pack, meaning you’ll have power to spare even if there’s no wall in sight. Grab one here for $18.99.
Ghost Indoor HDTV Antenna
The rise of streaming has provided tons of new headaches, from troubleshooting network connections to remembering the email address associated with the account you “borrowed” from a friend. The Ghost Indoor HDTV Antenna lets you go back to a time when you could just watch whatever’s on, but in glorious HD. Get it for $15.99.
Neutron C Magnetic Car Mount
If you’re going to buy a phone mount for your car, you might as well get one that harnesses the awesome power of magnets. The Neutron C Car Mount takes up a minimum amount of space on your dash and holds your device up like a magnet to a fridge. Don’t worry about frying your phone, though, because it also uses magnetic shielding(!) to keep your device safe. We are truly in the future. Pick it up for $16.99.
Steel Man MicroUSB Charging Cables
These MicroUSB Charging Cables are for people who can’t stand a flimsy charger and want to make sure everyone knows it. They’re wrapped in TPE to withstand wear and tear, and bear an uncanny resemblance to a certain Robert Downey Jr. character. Get one for $9.99.
Exocharge Three-Port USB Car Charger
When you think about it, your car is just a big gas generator strapped to some wheels and seat cushions. You can harness the power of gasoline and forward momentum to power a phone (or three) with an Exocharge Three-Port USB Car Charger. Time to ride eternal in Valhalla, shiny, chrome, and with a full battery. It’s available in our store for a measly $14.99.
Hand Stylus
Making vulgar drawings on an iPad is definitely a good time, but having to use your pudgy, ketchup-stained fingers makes for quite a mess. With this retractable Hand Stylus, you can scribble all the crude doodles you want with the precision and style of a calligraphy master, or a really practiced fifth-grader. It’s just $14.95.
Self-Stirring Camera Lens Mug
When they aren’t having gorgeous models pose for them or taking cover in an active war zone, photographers love to kick back with a fresh cup of coffee. What better way to celebrate your camera chops and your need to always be on the ready than with a travel mug that’s shaped like a DSLR lens? It stirs your coffee for you, and it’s only $12.99.
IllumiBowl 2.0
Unless you are a dog marking your territory, going in blind for a midnight pee isn’t wise. (And even then, you might want to sniff around first.) As a civilized adult human, your bathroom might have lights, but fumbling for that switch in the midst of a midnight stupor is bound to leave you tripping over a bathmat at least once. Thanks to the powers of intense neon, though, you will no longer be lost in the poop dungeon. The IllumiBowl 2.0 is motion-activated and turns your toilet into a glowing throne, for $12.99.
MOS Cable Organizer
If you love to fetishize those impossibly pristine workspaces that you see on Instagram and in hipster stock photography, the MOS magnetic cable organizer will help boost your office to their level. It keeps your MacBook cable on-hand, and could probably be used to pick up spare change from inside your couch too. Get one for $11.99.
Any Clever Yoshis able to make our nightly binge of RuPaul’s Drag Race just that much simpler are alright in our book. We Salute you, good sirs.
For more smartypants hacks, check out 6 Cool Cracked Items That Will Make You Look Hella Smart. We believe in you.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2vClhZs
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2yGRgFx via Viral News HQ
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
20 Life-Hacking Products You’ll Regret Not Buying Sooner
This piece was written by the people who run the Cracked Store to tell you about products that are being sold there.
With tech products, you usually get what you pay for. Spending $40 for a “brand-new” laptop will usually get you a piece of folded cardboard with “Twiteer” painted on it. But every once in a while, a truly great bargain comes around that outperforms its value by tenfold. Here are some of our favorite gadgets which do wonders and come at an amazingly low price.
USB LED Clock Fan
When you need to know what time it is but can’t muster the strength to get your phone from just over there, you’ll be glad that Past-You had already plugged in one of these USB LED Clock Fans. You’ll get a cool breeze while you brag to your friends that you do indeed remember how analog clocks work. Get it here for $10.99.
ARMOR-X One-Lock Air Vent Car Mount
Playing with your phone while driving is a surefire way to end up as highway street art, yet people persist on doing it constantly. If your imminent death isn’t enough motivation to stop texting while behind the wheel, then maybe consider that we’re all judging you. Hard. However, if you use Google Maps a whole bunch, or you just want to DJ your own choice set when stuck in traffic, then be safe and grab an ARMOR-X One-Lock Air Vent Car Mount for $12.99.
Universal Three-In-One Lens Kit For Smartphones And Tablets
As any photography enthusiast or optometrist will tell you, the more lenses you have, the better. Intensely magnify the pores of your portrait subjects and squeeze out every ounce of sublime foliage from your landscape shots with a Universal Three-in-One Lens Kit for Smartphones and Tablets for $11.99.
Just Mobile AluCable Duo For iOS And Android Devices
Sure, a household that’s split across political lines is tough to keep together, but a household that needs more than one kind of smartphone charging cable is on the verge of collapse. Thankfully, the bipartisan AluCable Duo supports both Android and iOS. It’s great for helping you make it through some silent, angry dinners and shared car rides, and it only costs $17.95.
Earhoox 2.0 For Apple EarPods And AirPods Two-Pack
Owning Apple products has become an internationally recognized status symbol, but it’s hard to project your affluence when your $160 earbuds fall out thanks to the slightest breeze or heavy bass track. Fortunately, these Earhoox 2.0 for Apple EarPods and AirPods keep them in place, and will only set your deep pockets back $14.99.
IllumiSink Light-Up Faucet Attachment
There’s something almost transcendentally disgusting about rising in the middle of the night for some water, pouring a glass, and then getting a mouthful of slightly-hotter-than-lukewarm earth juice. We’d even go as far as saying that it’s downright gross.
Thankfully, this IllumiSink Light-Up Faucet Attachment prevents you from that and all manner of scalding water disaster. Plus, you can fool your friends into thinking you drink neon-green water like you’re some kind of Batman villain, and that’s pretty cool too. Pick it up for just $10.99.
BK SPORT Bluetooth 4.0 Headphones
If there’s one thing that’s going to spur a mid-workout meltdown, it’s your headphones tangling with your weights as you lift. Add in a bit too much nitrous in your pre-workout drink, and you might find yourself sprawled on the floor, screaming in the middle of your gym. BK SPORT Bluetooth 4.0 Headphones are super durable and tangle-proof, so you’ll never make a scene by the squat rack again. Get ’em for $16.99.
Bluetooth Shower Speaker
How many more phones have to die for your morning routine of singing in the shower? How many, you monster? Well, none if you have a music player that won’t dissolve when it touches water. This Bluetooth Shower Speaker is totally water-resistant, and sticks to your shower wall with an iron grip. Get it here for $9.99.
Orbiter Magnetic Fidget Toy
Fidget spinners, or the spinning fidgets (as no one yet calls it, but they will), have become the go-to way to break bread with millennials. Unfortunately, they can sometimes be a bit noisy for the conference room. This Orbiter Magnetic Fidget Toy is totally silent, and way easier to fit in your khakis. It’s available in our store for $16.99.
The Anchor: The Original Under-Desk Headphone Stand Mount
Everyone knows that there’s a direct correlation between having a pair of headphones that are so huge that they have their own gravitational pull and being a better amateur music producer. Once you get yourself a pair of honkin’ cans, you’ll need a place to put them. To keep them off the table and out of the clutter, pick up an Anchor Under-Desk Headphone Mount for $9.99.
Nut Mini Tracker
Misplacing your phone can be annoying, but you can always just have a friend call it to speed up the search and rescue effort. On the flip side, misplacing your keys or wallet sends you frantically digging through couch cushions and laundry piles like some sort of deranged mole person. But now there’s a way to easily find your wallet, keys, luggage, or whatever else you might lose on the reg. The Nut Mini Tracker provides a homing beacon for anything you attach it to, for just $14.99.
NomadPlus Smartphone Wall Charger And Battery Pack
Wouldn’t it be nice if that little AC adapter block that comes with your phone did more than take up precious outlet space? The NomadPlus Wall Charger puts the factory made adapter block to shame by turning into a handy portable battery pack, meaning you’ll have power to spare even if there’s no wall in sight. Grab one here for $18.99.
Ghost Indoor HDTV Antenna
The rise of streaming has provided tons of new headaches, from troubleshooting network connections to remembering the email address associated with the account you “borrowed” from a friend. The Ghost Indoor HDTV Antenna lets you go back to a time when you could just watch whatever’s on, but in glorious HD. Get it for $15.99.
Neutron C Magnetic Car Mount
If you’re going to buy a phone mount for your car, you might as well get one that harnesses the awesome power of magnets. The Neutron C Car Mount takes up a minimum amount of space on your dash and holds your device up like a magnet to a fridge. Don’t worry about frying your phone, though, because it also uses magnetic shielding(!) to keep your device safe. We are truly in the future. Pick it up for $16.99.
Steel Man MicroUSB Charging Cables
These MicroUSB Charging Cables are for people who can’t stand a flimsy charger and want to make sure everyone knows it. They’re wrapped in TPE to withstand wear and tear, and bear an uncanny resemblance to a certain Robert Downey Jr. character. Get one for $9.99.
Exocharge Three-Port USB Car Charger
When you think about it, your car is just a big gas generator strapped to some wheels and seat cushions. You can harness the power of gasoline and forward momentum to power a phone (or three) with an Exocharge Three-Port USB Car Charger. Time to ride eternal in Valhalla, shiny, chrome, and with a full battery. It’s available in our store for a measly $14.99.
Hand Stylus
Making vulgar drawings on an iPad is definitely a good time, but having to use your pudgy, ketchup-stained fingers makes for quite a mess. With this retractable Hand Stylus, you can scribble all the crude doodles you want with the precision and style of a calligraphy master, or a really practiced fifth-grader. It’s just $14.95.
Self-Stirring Camera Lens Mug
When they aren’t having gorgeous models pose for them or taking cover in an active war zone, photographers love to kick back with a fresh cup of coffee. What better way to celebrate your camera chops and your need to always be on the ready than with a travel mug that’s shaped like a DSLR lens? It stirs your coffee for you, and it’s only $12.99.
IllumiBowl 2.0
Unless you are a dog marking your territory, going in blind for a midnight pee isn’t wise. (And even then, you might want to sniff around first.) As a civilized adult human, your bathroom might have lights, but fumbling for that switch in the midst of a midnight stupor is bound to leave you tripping over a bathmat at least once. Thanks to the powers of intense neon, though, you will no longer be lost in the poop dungeon. The IllumiBowl 2.0 is motion-activated and turns your toilet into a glowing throne, for $12.99.
MOS Cable Organizer
If you love to fetishize those impossibly pristine workspaces that you see on Instagram and in hipster stock photography, the MOS magnetic cable organizer will help boost your office to their level. It keeps your MacBook cable on-hand, and could probably be used to pick up spare change from inside your couch too. Get one for $11.99.
Any Clever Yoshis able to make our nightly binge of RuPaul’s Drag Race just that much simpler are alright in our book. We Salute you, good sirs.
For more smartypants hacks, check out 6 Cool Cracked Items That Will Make You Look Hella Smart. We believe in you.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2vClhZs
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2yGRgFx via Viral News HQ
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