#fraser & the alibis
axdently · 2 years
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(Roberta Colindrez, she/they, cursed blood) to Alex De La O, the whole world looks like an open page. with a leap of faith, their ability of SOUND DETECTION grows a little stronger.  they are an OAXACA SCREECH OWL shade aligned to NO ONE. for THIRTY- FIVE years, they have survived a world of magic with both their ALERTNESS and APPREHENSION. they work as an ONE HIT WONDER AUTHOR, but if they could change their fate, they’d want to be left alone. 
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They knew they were queer when they were 10 years old, after falling for their best friend, Alexis. They liked the way their names matched, and how theirs was different from the more, feminine, Alexis.
Granted a full scholarship to Potions College after working with their mom in their home doing limpias and other sorts of brujeria ; college is where they met their late wife. Their wife was studying Environmental Magical Studies, while Alex was taking a spare intro classes all over the place. They were lab partners and fate would continue to pair them in each other’s lives.
Was not the best college student, one of those “gifted” kids to lose potential etc... by luck they graduated
Twenty-four when they were married, and twenty-six when they became a widow. ( All that was found of their wife was a pinky finger... but Alex is certain she is still alive somewhere... haunting her or locked in a curse )
Alex pent 30 days in custody , because of their erratic behavior, and a questionable brujeria altar of locks of hair and other dried herbs ( used for spells, of course ) until finally they admitted her alibi, infidelity. Turns out Alex wasn’t the best partner either...
They moved to Selphia in 2011 late November, after lawsuits over property custody ( they had a ranch out west with their wife ) and life insurance from her wife ( their wife was pretty well off )
They inherited nothing but the dog after the death of their wife, which explains her living situation – a humble trailer at the edge of town –– near the Fraser Corn Fields. 
Alex is known as the town conspiracy theorist  with little merit, since they are on probation for one dui and a couple of bar fights.
the DUI happened four years ago, they was locked up for 48 hours, and paid a fine for blowing a .02. their license was revoked for almost a year, but that gave them time to work on their old truck. 
Alex is under every impression that the Fraser corn fields are 1. Haunted 2. House a giant corn monster 3. Cursed by a Demon or 4. the Headquarters of beings not of this earth. you can find them muttering to themself about each theory in the town laundromat.
Or you can read their latest best seller. They wrote a book about it.
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gingesbecray · 5 years
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Traces S1:E1.3 recap
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WIP Wednesday
I guess since my one year fanom-versary (is that a thing? Let's make that a thing) is on a Wednesday, how about some extra WIP Wednesday fun?
First of all, expectation management: This story is only about half drafted, and I will not be posting it until it's totally done (which means you'll probably get a rapid-fire post-a-thon when it IS done because I have so little impulse control lol).
I've teased this story a few times already, it's a Jamie/John mobster AU set in Prohibition Era Chicago. Normally I'm much farther along before I have a title and a banner made, but sometimes inspiration strikes lol.
To keep this post from being annoyingly long (and also for the drama) I've put the title banner and an excerpt out of context below the read more cut.
Happy WIP Wednesday! 😁💖
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“I was at work.” As much truth as he could give without it actually being the truth. But Jamie knew he was an excellent liar.
“Where do you work such a late shift?” Grey had a folder in his hand and crossed his arms over his chest, the sleeves of his uniform stretching over neatly defined muscles.
“A warehouse near the lake.”
Grey cocked his head to the side, skepticism written all over his face. "Which one?”
“Loch Ness,” Jamie said dryly.
Grey was less than amused. “Which warehouse, smart ass. And why were you there so late?"
"My family owns a small distribution company. I typically check on the place once or twice a week overnight." It didn’t actually answer Grey’s question, and Jamie narrowed his eyes at Grey, lowering his voice. "Lots of unsavory types roam the docks at night, ken?"
Grey was unmoved. "And what does your family's company distribute, Mr. Fraser?"
Grey let out a sardonic laugh and shook his head. "That's what Al Capone says is his day job too. So what? Is there only one person handing out bad alibis at gangster school and they're all the same one?"
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Sex, Drugs, and The Rolling Stones: The Redlands Drug Bust
At the heart of celebrity drug culture in the mid-1960s was the uneasy alliance between the press and the police. One such partnership emerged in 1967 between The News of the World and Scotland Yard in England. In that particular year, this tabloid began campaigns against many rock bands including the Moody Blues, Cream, and the Who . At that time, the news of the world represented the TMZ or National Enquirer in the press. The paper had earned the nickname the Screws of the World due to the fact that it primarily reported on celebrity sex scandals. The first star to be subjected to shabby treatment and misrepresentation by the tabloid was Donovan when arrested for marijuana possession. A gap began to develop between these newly famous rock stars and the press when in the past more traditional entertainers had been given much more leniency to their private lives. In early 1967, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Brian Jones began to be pursued by the press again and again about recreational drug habits due to a story that year in The News of the World. In February, a story was published specifically on the Rolling Stones, which mentioned a member of the band talking about drugs, while taking Benzedrine tablets and hashish. The article claimed that to be Mick Jagger, but when in fact it was Brian Jones. Two days later Mick Jagger filed a lawsuit against the newspaper for libel. Furthermore, they quoted Jones talking about using LSD, but once again his words were misrepresented because in reality he had said marijuana. The newspaper did this on purpose because at the time LSD was seen as a much more dangerous drug than marijuana. Other celebrities also believed that the News of the World actually knew that was Brian Jones, but used Mick Jagger because it would sell more newspapers. Yet, a problem emerged because Jagger actually had an alibi for the night in question. The newspaper began to immediately look at the possible financial fallout from his lawsuit. They then decided to place two reporters on the Jagger day and night in order to prove of his drug use making their article completely accurate.
On February 11, the newspaper received a tip that the Rolling Stones were engaged in a drug party at Keith Richards home on his Redlands estate, which could be found in Sussex. The party was attended by a few of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards’ friends including Jagger's girlfriend, Marianne Faithfull, art dealer Robert Fraser, photographer Michael Cooper, and antique dealer, Christopher Gibbs. Brian Jones had planned to attend, but he was finishing up work on a soundtrack album. He planned to stop at the party, once he was finished. The other person at the party emerged in David Schneiderman, who was well known in party circles as the Acid King. He often walked around with a briefcase filled to the brim with LSD. Reportedly, the party was being thrown in order to give Jagger his first acid trip. Everyone at the party dropped acid around noon of that Saturday. In the early evening, George Harrison of the Beatles and his wife stopped by, but they did not stay very long. The raid by the police would happen the following day when 18 police officers including two females performed the raid. Nobody was arrested on that day, but fairly quickly Mick Jagger and Keith Richards were charged with major drug offenses. Robert Fraser was also charged at that time because he had been carrying heroin in his pocket. Many believe that at the time of the raid Jagger and Richards were coming down from the previous day's acid trip. Richards would later say, “There’s a knock on the door, I look out the window, and there's this whole lot of dwarves outside … I'd never been busted before, and I'm still on acid.” In actuality, the police found very little in terms of illegal activity that day. There were a few roach joints laying around and amphetamines possessed by Jagger. Untruths began to immediately come out about the party as it was erroneously reported that they were having an orgy. A false story began to emerge that Jagger was eating a Mars candy bar out of Marianne Faithfull‘s vagina. This did not happen. Faithfull would make the comment saying you have to wonder where people's minds were at back then. For his part, Richards was informed by the police as property owner he would be liable for any drugs found on any of his guests. He said, “I see. They pin it all on me" At that point, Brian Jones called to say that he would be driving down shortly, but Richards told him to not even bother since they had been busted. These drug offenses at the time carried quite a bit of jail time, as well as jeopardizing any chance to tour America because they would need to obtain a travel visa. Their manager, Andrew Oldham, fearing his own arrest fled to America in order to avoid any legal issues.
One of the first things that the band did after the raid was to find out who had informed on them. Their paranoia began to go into overdrive at this time. At first, they believed it to be their chauffeur. Friend Nicky Kramer, who was also there had actually been assaulted in order to get him to give up the informant, but it did not work. The most likely person was probably Schneiderman, the Acid King. Yet, by the time anyone realized this, he was back in California. Another example of their paranoia came in the fact that they believed the raid happened after George Harrison had left out of respect for the Beatles. The Stones were being singled out specifically by the police. Within a week, the band needed to figure out a legal strategy due to the seriousness of the charges. The fact that Oldham had left the country almost immediately struck the band as him being a coward. Allen Klein would devise the legal strategy and publicity for the band. The bust actually started to seal his fate as the bands ex ex-manager. The raid also worsened Jagger’s friendship with Brian Jones. From his point of view, if the guitarist had not been talking so much, then none of the problems with the News of the World would have ever occurred. In hindsight, Jagger was probably fooling himself about the raid because it was Richards that invited the Acid King and other outsiders to the party. Christopher Gibbs would later say that it was actually brought upon them by them. In order to escape the press, the band went to Morocco, where Brian Jones got very sick. He met up with Keith Richards and Anita Pallenberg in Tangier, which eventually led to the latter leaving Jones for Richards. Jagger and Richards would both spend the night in jail following their court date. They were sentenced shortly after with Jagger receiving four months in prison for four pills, while Richards was sentenced to a year in prison for allowing cannabis to be smoked on his property. During their trial, Marianne Faithfull recalled one of the silver linings throughout the affair was that Mick and Keith wore an incredible wardrobe to court. She saw them as almost romantic figures in a novel.
The saving grace for Jagger and Richards actually turned out to be something they would never suspect in a million years. The editor of The Times, William Rees-Moog published a scathing criticism of their sentences entitled, “Who Breaks a Butterfly Upon a Wheel.” This was a reference to an Alexander Pope poem talking about torture. He would write, “Mr Jagger received a more severe sentence than would have been thought proper for any purely anonymous young man.” On appeal, Jagger’s sentence was changed to a conditional discharge, while Richards’ sentence was thrown out. With the help of The Times, public sentiment began to turn against the police regarding the sentences. There seemed an outcry that Jagger and Richards were being persecuted. On the day that Jagger and Richards got their release from jail, Brian Jones was arrested for drug possession. Once again, Klein needed to bail him out. He later joined the band at a party at a London hotel when Marianne Faithfull pulled out some hash. Klein immediately grabbed it and threw it out the window yelling, “You people are stupid.”
In the aftermath of the entire ordeal, some interesting things came out of it, which would go on to affect the band. Keith Richards would say in 2003, “When we got busted at Redlands, it suddenly made us realize that this was a whole different ball game and that was when the fun stopped. Up until then, it had been as though London existed in a beautiful space where you could do anything you wanted.” Marianne Faithfull would go on to say that the acid trip along with the raid that day strengthened the bond between Jagger and Richards. After that, they were pretty much inseparable. To people like Rees-Moog, the sentence of Jagger was particularly eye opening because the pills he had were in his words “sea sickness tablets.” Anybody else would have merely received a fine. Another thing about the bust emerged in that it further cemented their bad boy image as the anti-Beatles. One of the more lasting impacts from the bust came in the fact that this became the first time the establishment had really gone after rock stars, as it was being played out in the tabloid press. This became a signal to everyone in Britain that traditional values had pretty much gone out the window by this time. This started TMZ for rock stars.
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sablelab · 5 years
Covert Operations - Chapter 85
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DISCLAIMER: This is a modern AU crossover story with Outlander and La Femme Nikita. LFN and its characters do not belong to me nor do those from Outlander.
James Fraser informs Operations that Claire Beauchamp has been kidnapped, however, Dougal Mackenzie is unsympathetic and tells Jamie to forget about going after her. When Operations refuses any help, Jamie calls in a marker owed to him of fifteen days. He will use this time to cut ties with Section and his superiors to go on Mandatory Refusal. Meanwhile Murtagh and Fergus both offer their assistance to search for Claire.  
In the meantime, Claire is just beginning to realise who her captors are when she meets one in particular. Jamie’s search for her comes up empty handed until he looks at surveillance tape from Claire’s apartment building. He asks Fergus to help him trace the number plate of the car in the car park and they find the name of one of the kidnappers and a possible location.  On leaving Section Jamie picks up a bag of tricks from Murtagh which he will put to good use in his pursuit of his Claire.
And so, the story continues …
SYNOPSIS: James Fraser goes on Mandatory Refusal until he discovers Claire’s whereabouts and he returns to Hong Kong to track down one of the kidnappers. However, when this William Ransom is not at the address Fergus gave him, Jamie checks with the university he is a student at for a current address. During this time Sun Yee Lok hears Intel about Claire Beauchamp and when Fergus Claudel is called into Madeline’s office, he is wary of why.
Previous chapters can be found at … https://sablelab.tumblr.com/covertoperations
  It was very late; in fact, Fergus was really not sure if it was morning or still night. He was tired and was ready for the comfort of his bed safe in the knowledge that he had done something good. He'd left Jamie's office not so long ago well pleased with himself that he had finally been able to help him with a name and his possible location from where to start looking for Claire. Although it wasn't much to go on, at least Jamie had something concrete to build on now that he'd left Section One. Also knowing the determination of the man, Fergus knew it wouldn't be too long until he found her. However, as he was returning to his quarters Fergus was unexpectedly summoned to Madeline's office. The sound of her voice sent a shiver down his spine and sent a myriad of thoughts through his mind. Why would she be asking for him at this late hour? They'd been careful not to arouse suspicion and the perch had been dark so there was no reason that he could think of that might incriminate him in Jamie's quest to find Claire.
Although his ever over active mind rationalised that Madeline must need something else, Fergus was still in trepidation of what Section's second in command really wanted and he couldn't help but think the worst. Nevertheless he made his way to her office and on arrival knocked and waited for her affirmation to enter. It was not long before his superior’s voice echoed the command.
"Come in Mr. Claudel." 
"You wanted to see me?" he asked as he walked over to where Madeline was sitting at her desk. Looking at him with a expression he'd seen many times before, Fergus knew Madeline was well aware of what he had done for Jamie and her words only confirmed his suspicions. "You utilized Section's facilities and manpower to assist an off-profile operation." "I can explain ... Jamie needed some information ..." Fergus stammered while trying to think of a plausible reason to give Madeline as to why he'd done what he'd done. "You know very well what I mean Mr Claudel." "All right, so I helped him out. It only took 10 minutes." "Why did you do it?" Madeline's steely gaze sent shivers down Fergus Claudel's spine with her question. There was no way to avoid her scrutiny. His only course of reply was the truth. "Claire's been kidnapped. Jamie's trying to find a location on her. All he's doing is helping out someone he cares for. I don't really see the harm in that." "And despite the rules you believe it all comes down to how you see it?" She replied with a countenance that cut him to the quick. "It just seems strange. Claire Beauchamp is one of ours and we need to protect her," he replied boldly standing his ground in front of his superior. Madeline's look made him nervous as she continued. "Jamie was told he had to do it on his own and not use any of Section's resources." "I get the point. So, what now? You're not going to cancel me about that are you?" "No ... I'm actually quite pleased that you helped him." Suddenly looking up Fergus couldn't believe what he had just heard. "You ... are?" he asked incredulous that Madeline would go against Operations' wishes. 'Yes ... If Jamie is able to locate Claire, then the quicker we can get back on track for the Rising Dragons' mission. Section has used enough man hours and Claire is crucial to its success." Fergus stammered not knowing what to say or how to reply. "Ahhh ... yes." "I know Jamie has been granted his fifteen days and won't report in. I want you to keep me informed on his progress ... if by chance he does."
The stare Madeline gave him made Fergus jumpy, as her eyes held his waiting for his reply. Having heard her request, he was in two minds about what to tell her about the Intel they had found on one of the alleged kidnappers that could lead to Claire's whereabouts. Deciding it was in his best interests to come clean, Fergus took a panel from his pocket and handed it to Madeline. She immediately loaded it onto her computer. 
"Where did you get this?" she enquired studying the Intel on the disk. "From the DMV database I did of the number plate of the car seen on the surveillance tape that Jamie had of Claire's underground car park." Madeline looked Section's Techie in the eye before demanding, "Tell me what you know." Meanwhile ...
Sun Yee Lok sat in his office waiting for confirmation from one of his personal bodyguards Wang Yu or Karen on the success of the kidnapping of Claire Beauchamp. It had been a long time coming but her incarceration had finally been arranged and it was all thanks to brother Jiang Ng. Karen and Andy had befriended Claire as ordered and now they would be able to extract the information from her that they knew she had on the Rising Dragons. Systematically they had been keeping a dossier on her and had it not been for Jiang Ng's intervention they may not have been able to have her in their midst as soon as they had. His suspicions had set in motion the events that had occurred, but it was with great sadness that he would not be able to partake in the interrogation of this woman. Jiang's sad demise from a heart attack was so unexpected that it had caught them unawares. Not only had the Rising Dragons lost a fine brother, but they had now lost their hold over the police at the Organised Crime and Triad Bureau. His loss would be great and a replacement hard to find. Had it not been for Jiang's quick thinking, the kidnapping of Claire Beauchamp may have been postponed. There had been far too many coincidences surrounding her time in Hong Kong. The Inspector's investigations had been leaving far too many questions unanswered and it was this that had raised his suspicions about the coincidence of her movements and the disappearance of Tony Wong and Madame Cheung in particular. Miss Beauchamp would certainly be an interesting study and the triad leader looked forward to getting to the bottom of her knowledge about the Rising Dragons. The sound of his private line ringing was the signal that things had obviously been put in motion. This was the call he had been waiting for as he'd been expecting an update on their prisoner's detention. Reaching for the telephone's handset he placed it to his ear but showed no surprise when Karen's and not Wang Yu's voice was heard. "I have news ..." "Ah Kai-lin ... has it been done?" "Yes." "Good," Sun Yee Lok answered waiting for her to elaborate further on the state of affairs thus far. "It went very smoothly." "Excellent … Did our recruits William Ransom and his accomplice Steven Bonnet, have any complications in the kidnapping?" "No … They served the triad well." "This was an initiation test for them both that Wang Yu organized, which by your own admission they have passed with flying colours. We may use their services again then." "Wang advised them to lay low for a while though just in case." "Wang's a good man, I trust his judgement." "So, do I ... There is also no way that Andy or I can be implicated in her kidnapping if questioned because of him and ... my alibi is watertight thanks to Jiang." "Yes … How fortuitous that Jiang had called you in to the OCTB for questioning by his detectives. It is certainly the perfect alibi." Regrettably, Sun Yee Lok remembered the last conversation he'd had with the head of the Organised Crime and Triad Bureau when he had cut him off in mid conversation in regard to the nightclub incident. Jiang had wanted to tell him something and he wouldn't let him. Thankfully Wang had informed him personally of Jiang's recommendations about Claire Beauchamp's kidnapping. Little did he know but it was the last thing he had organized for the triad. It was unusual for the leader of the Rising Dragons to show any emotion but Karen heard sadness in his voice at his next words. "Our brother Jiang's death is a great loss to us and one we will find hard to replace." "That is true … That's why there is something I need to discuss with you." Sun Yee Lok was intrigued, "I'm listening." "I fear that we are not safe here. I would suggest that we transfer Claire Beauchamp to a more secure location. It is too close to Hong Kong." He too had anticipated this very thing and was glad that she had brought it up. "Where do you suggest?" "Somewhere more remote and less accessible ... perhaps one of the outlying islands?" "Hmmm … yes … I understand. Wang will see to it." "We will need to move quickly. Her male companion, James Fraser, will be making inquiries about her whereabouts shortly." "We will take care of him … you take care of the woman." "I will." "Is that all?" "I do have some other concerns." His voice softened, "What is troubling you Kai-lin?" "Claire will be a difficult target ... I feel that we may need to use some force if we are to extract the information we need." "Wang Yu, will provide everything that you need there. Knowing of his close association to me, Jiang Ng chose him personally to arrange the kidnapping of the woman and that went well. Now he will be your "Hung Kwan". Whatever you need ... just say the word and it will be done." "That is good …" "I will also contact Jonathon … I'm sure he can be of use too." "Yes … We may need his services soon when we have a new location." "You have done well my daughter … very well.  I am proud of you." "Thank you, father." Heading back to Hong Kong ...
James Fraser had one thought on his mind as he made swift headway back towards Hong Kong ... he would complete his mission to find Claire before reporting back in to Section One. He had automatically gone into mandatory refusal for this left him with few options other than to go dark for a while until he found her. He’d been given no choice in the matter as Operations had refused to allow him to use any of Section's facilities or time to search for Claire. Then when he had called in his favour, his superior had reluctantly given him the fifteen days owing to him when backed into a corner. 
Although he'd been completely cut off from Section One by orders from Operations, there were always ways and means around his directive. Jamie knew Section back the front and could easily make his way in and out if needs be. If by some strange miracle Section heard anything from the kidnappers about Claire, Jamie knew Murtagh and Fergus would try and contact him someway or other on an undetected channel. Regardless of what Operations had ordered Jamie knew they would be there if needed for assistance. The two men would certainly make sure that Section's leader didn't find out if they were helping him in any way. Madeline and Operations would not be happy if they found out he was using Section One's resources or personnel. Although he was a master at deviation from protocol, Jamie didn't want to implicate the two friends. Fergus and Murtagh had already helped him with a possible location but he didn't want to put them in jeopardy any more than necessary. He would locate Claire no matter what. With a steely determination and his normal methods of persuasion, he would make sure, one way or the other that William Ransom had no choice but to give him the information he wanted on his Claire's whereabouts. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Jamie accelerated the SUV wishing that it had wings to fly. Although he made steady progress, the time spent in travelling was an anathema to him. Expediency was a necessity at the moment and the quicker he could find Claire, the better it would be for all. Armed with the address of one of the kidnappers he made his way to the beginning of Route 1. His destination was in Waterloo Road north of Kowloon Tong and towards the Lion Rock Tunnel. Turning at the intersection with Lai Cheung Road and Ferry Street, he drove east past Nathan Road then proceeded on to a northeast-southwest alignment through the eastern part of Yau Ma Tei. Passing by the wholesale Fruit Market, the abandoned Yaumati Theatre and the Yau Ma Tei Station of MTR, Jamie then proceeded on to Mong Kok. When he reached the intersection with Princess Margaret Road, Waterloo Road turned in a northward direction. This was the route Jamie took as it was close to the address he was seeking. He cruised along the road and soon arrived at the proposed destination of the kidnapper. Parking the SUV a short distance from the house, James Fraser surveyed the perimeter for movement along the street. Although there was a car parked in the driveway, the house looked deserted. He watched for several minutes before approaching the door. Jamie knocked once ... but there was no answer. He knocked again and waited. Yet again there was no answer so he peered in the window. What he saw was of some concern. It didn't look like William had been at his house for some time as there seemed to be no presence of it being occupied. Jamie's spirits were somewhat dashed. That could mean one of two things ... his Claire was not here ... this was not the kidnap site or William Ransom had done a runner. Either way he needed to find something in the house that would help him find where William and ultimately Claire could be found. This was a quiet neighbourhood and few people passed by. Casting a glance up and down the street Jamie made his way around to the back of the house. Breaking the glass of the back door with his clenched, gloved fist, he leaned in and opened the door. He entered with his gun drawn. There were two plates on the table and signs that someone had eaten a meal recently. There were pots on the stove that had clearly bubbled over and the stove top was still warm. Jamie went to the living room and quickly made his way through the house but it was unoccupied. He made his way up the stairs and searched all the rooms but alas, no one was there either. It was obvious that whoever was here recently had left in a hurry. Clothes were scattered and the bedrooms were unkempt. Regrettably the location Fergus had given him was cold, for the house was now abandoned. It looked like Jamie had just missed whoever was here but he knew he couldn't be far behind them. What now? he thought. Precious time was slipping away and the longer it took to locate William Ransom the longer Claire was in captivity and the longer she was at the mercy of the Rising Dragons. Making his way downstairs Jamie checked for any Intel that may help in locating William.  He entered a small study where he found a desk littered with papers, a diary and a notice board that contained a series of papers and clippings. Rifling through them he came across an assignment paper with the insignia motto "Sapientia et Virtus" … "wisdom and virtue" … the Latin motto from the prestigious City University of Hong Kong the oldest tertiary institution in Hong Kong. It was apparent that he was a university student at HKU. Jamie declared that these words would come back to haunt William Ransom for he had neither wisdom nor virtue. This student had become involved in the dirty work of the Rising Dragons by kidnapping his Claire. He would pay the price for his association with the triad. If her kidnapping was some form of initiation into the triad, there may be other students who were involved as well. University student bodies provided opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular activities but were more renowned to be the main driving force behind the student activist movement. William Ransom, if involved in such a group, would be ripe for the picking by recruitment personnel for the Rising Dragons' triad. His kidnapping of Claire was probably just the first step to his acceptance into the brotherhood. William had made his bed and would have to lie in it for there would be no going back if he'd been recruited by the triad. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ He knew what it was like to become involved in student organisations only too well. Along with some other extremist students of London University, he'd formed the radical activist group called "The Bloody Hour.”  Like his fellow student activists, he was so filled with the anger of youth that they had gone too far. There was a bombing during the student protest.  
Jamie could remember vividly the video of the protest and the British announcer describing the action. The protest didn't start until everyone had had lunch. But then, the niceties were over ... Students, and their teachers, hit London in waves, the largest in the month-long series of demonstrations ... Officially, nearly 3,000 extra riot police turned out to meet them, but some said the number was double. At any rate, they and the students have played this game before. They both knew the rules ... It was the biggest so far of the recent student demonstrations, a national one called to protest against government plans to reform the universities. But the government has handled it so clumsily that, although the plans are deliberately vague, everyone - left and right - feels threatened. It was mostly the right who turned out today ... He'd been arrested during those student protests and had ‘died’ in prison ... then his life had changed forever in Section One. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Breaking from thoughts of his youth, Jamie systematically sought another plan of action. Perhaps William Ransom had come back to collect an assignment that was due in for assessment today to make things appear as normal as possible. The university wasn't that far away and although it was a long shot it was something he could check out. At the moment he had few leads to go on, hence it was at the City University of Hong Kong that Jamie decided to begin his search once again. Someone would surely know William on campus and where to find him.  Somebody, somewhere, knew something. And ... if he were to find William Ransom, he would surely find his accomplice too. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ James Fraser drove past luxurious residential houses on LaSalle and Oxford Road as he made his way to the university in Kowloon Tong. Eventually he came to the university's main campus on Bonham Road and Pok Fu Lam Road. He drove his car along the driveway past red brick British Colonial architecture and pulled the SUV into the parking lot out the front of the administration block. Getting out of the car, he quickly climbed the stairs and entered the university offices. One of the clerical staff saw the imposing man enter and came to the front desk. "Oh hello ... Can I help you sir?" "Hi ... I am hoping that ye can help me. I'm looking for my nephew William Ransom. He's a student here. I was wondering if ye could give me his current address." The woman gave Jamie a cursory glance before replying officiously. "I'm sorry sir, but I can't give out any personal details about our students ... confidentially you know." Showering the woman with one of his irresistible smiles Jamie asked, "Could ye make an exception this one time lass?" Taken aback she retorted, "Excuse me?" His eyes held hers as he wove a spell around the woman with his tale. "Ye ken... this is a family matter ... My sister ... his mother has just died in Scotland, and I have come to Hong Kong to tell him in person, but he didn't know I was coming." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that,” the woman responded in sympathy on hearing his tale.  “I'll see what I can do but I'll have to check with my supervisor. Could you wait a moment please?" "Certainly ..." James Fraser watched as the woman singled out another person and spoke rapidly to them while looking in his direction once or twice. Finally the supervisor came to the front desk. "I believe you are looking for William Ransom?" "Aye, that's correct." "He's a fine student ... I only just saw him today." "Ye did?" "Yes ... He handed in a due assignment and asked for a leave of absence from his studies for personal reasons." "Do ye ken where I can locate him? ... ‘Tis most important. I've already checked his current address but he was nae longer there. Did he say where he could be located?" "Under the circumstances I would refuse ... but he was obviously in an agitated, distressed state. He needs his family around him at this sad time. One moment please. I'll check if he left a forwarding address ... it's a mandatory requirement of this university." Nevertheless, the supervisor checked his student database and gave Jamie the address where he could be found. "Ah ... there you are." "Thank ye." Jamie replied taking the address from the supervisor. "My sincere condolences. I hope you find your nephew soon." "Aye ... so do I." "Something was really bothering him today. Perhaps someone has already told him about his mother's death." "Perhaps ... thank ye kindly for yer assistance." With a determined gait James Fraser quickly strode from the office hoping that the address wasn't a bogus one and that he wasn’t chasing a red herring. He desperately needed to locate this William Ransom for his Claire's life was at stake and the sooner he found her the better.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ to be continued next week
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nwbeerguide · 4 years
Brewery Four Winds, Dageraad, Steel & Oak, Superflux, and Brassneck, join forces in support the The Alibi Room & two local charities.
It was at those long tables that we first fell in love with craft beer, hastily sketched our own brewery plans, and eventually saw our first beers bringing other people together as well.
Forged at dimly lit bar tops, coffee-stained cafe tables, and the occasional beer-fueled barbecue, there is nothing like collaboration. Beer is many things to many people. It’s a refreshment after accomplishing labors. It’s a comfort when you need a moment to focus not on the world outside, but those who matter to you in your heart. It’s a handshake, a hug, a memory, and sometimes when your favorite beer is lost, hardship.
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image courtesy Four Winds Brewing
Owing to some of their start at one of Vancouver’s revered and beloved alehouse institutions, The Alibi Room, the brewers and ownership of Four Winds, Dageraad, Steel & Oak, Superflux, and Brassneck are supporting one of their own. During a time when breweries are free to provide direct sale of beer to thirsty supporters, those in the food and beverage business, like The Alibi Room have suffered more without the ability to host hungry guests, whose conversations go unlubricated by a thought-provoking ale or lager. It is because of this Four Winds is happy to announce the release of The Alibi Room.
Brewed to be a Dry-hopped Keller Pils, The Alibi Room’s creation was inspired through conversation between colleagues in the industry. Back in April, when many breweries and businesses migrated away from sit-down hospitality, The Alibi Room was one of those hardest hit. 
It was at those long tables that we first fell in love with craft beer, hastily sketched our own brewery plans, and eventually saw our first beers bringing other people together as well.
As the brewers reflect further along, they recognize that the community has never been about social media likes, hectoliters in metal tanks, and tap lists. It’s about recognizing the unique and frailty of our community. During this rare time when a pandemic alone has divided and provoked conversation, the whole of Cascadia has also listened to the footsteps of those seeking racial equality. Which is why Four Winds wants people to know that while the name says The Alibi Room, this business isn’t the only beneficiary. 
From the proceeds of The Alibi Room, Four Winds will assist The Alibi Room in keeping the lights on, while also supporting two worthy Centres - (UNYA) The Urban Native Youth Association and the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre. 
More on UNYA
At the centre of indigenous youth excellence. Offering support to youth on their journeys by amplifying and celebrating their voices with a vision to empower indigenous youth leading and inspire all nations.
More on the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre
One of the few safe spaces within the Downtown Eastside exclusively for self-identified women and their children. High levels of violence, homelessness, addictions and poverty characterize the Downtown Eastside community.
For more information, visit https://fourwindsbrewing.ca/ for updates to their draft list, releases, and hours.
About Four Winds Brewing Company
Four Winds joined the burgeoning BC craft beer scene and opened their doors to a public thirsty for new local offerings on June 1, 2013. Owned, operated and built from the ground up by the Mills family and friends, we are inspired by the Four Winds in gathering flavours from around the world to create our unique West Coast and European styles. We take great pleasure in the application of new world innovations while staying true to old world techniques. Motivated by the limitless potential of beer, as well as the great brewers who came before us, we aim to craft bold beers with character, depth, and balance.
Situated just off the banks of the Fraser River in Delta BC, our brewery is geared towards bottle and draft production while our tasting room provides a unique and welcoming atmosphere for craft beer enthusiasts and newcomers alike. In addition to our tasting room, our beers can be found in bars, restaurants, and private liquor stores throughout BC.
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3j8gMuz
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fyeahameliabullmore · 5 years
And you don't have to wait too long now, folks, as the series will premiere on Alibi on Monday, December 9.
The six-part UKTV original series is written by former Coronation Street star Amelia Bullmore (who's also writer and star of Scott & Bailey) and follows the lives of three different female characters – Emma Hedges (Molly Windsor), Professor Sarah Gordon (Laura) and Professor Kathy Torrance (Jennifer Spence) – who come together to investigate an unresolved murder case.
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versinator · 2 years
Billentyűs befejezik
Szpéróéra részletezését hazahoztame amakkor Medvés púpot sorjázások tyúkhúrcsokor Pl bepöndörödtek elebb ismer? Tiltakozik terét lekapni inger Kivizsgálásra szilveszterelőző kenguruznak hall! Viccesen fűmag bokával helytáll
Fűződik egybemosta válsághelyzet közelebbi Ülésre megutáni fölvett alibi Falevelei hibájából olyasmit orgonának Bedöglesztette tanintézet! örvendeztetne legfontosabbnak Szólhass megbízók nyaktollai odaodaszáll Tollakkal vásárcsarnokban fgyalog kontroll!
Műanyagok sárralporral ugráltató párszor Fuvolás papírlapból testvérekkel kalitkatisztításkor Tócsákat eredetű kenyérdarabban fraser Átforduló tonightot utódaink? pulóver Noékomplexumban? melybőlmelybe szavaimból ill Kimondok eltévedni bámuldozókat összeáll
Ugyanis vécébeli érintgetni alábbi Tartozás taxiállomásnál részletre régebbi Tetszhetős tetejéről! korlátok kiváltak Habból röppentek házsorhoz zajonganak Megmozdulása focin elmondásnak hall? Cserr ásítva lakhelye szégyell
Tükörablakhoz zsiráf csavargást évszakváltozáskor Dolgáról marokba tűnte tizenegykor! Jellemző kátyúba elvállalták fender Focipálya gyógyfűszag kioszkig centiméter Rontva telepet előrebukva rááll Megírja!! búcsúzóul elrekeszti beszáll
Szaporítom utasának madarait bébi! Kórházutcában rászánni fennmaradjon utóbbi Kezdenéme félreért évrőlévre vállalkoznak Javításból meccslabdák doktornénak állatbarátságnak Végigmérte lógatni! megvonása leáll Végelszámolásról hátvédharcot félretéve ellenáll
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aion-rsa · 3 years
No Sudden Move Review: Slow Speed Heists Get Away With Bigger Hauls
Steven Soderbergh’s No Sudden Move is deviously sexy. Not in that sweaty between the sheets way best enjoyed up against a wall. The subtle eroticism comes from what’s under the sheets and behind the walls. Every character has something to hide, and nothing to say about it. Secrets are like mascara, alibis are fedoras. Everybody wants something, but they won’t say what it is. The biggest villains want things to disappear, and they certainly don’t want anybody talking about it.
No Sudden Move is a heist film, but don’t go in expecting Ocean’s 11, in spite of the all-star cast. This is a theft worth savoring, and Soderbergh gives the players room to breathe. Of course, any of those breaths can be a character’s last, which becomes apparent very quickly. Most of the other information trickles out like blood from exit wounds, as the film captures the most muted tones of classic film noir. The body count isn’t the most exciting part of the movie, though. It’s the ulterior motives.
Brendan Fraser plays a button man named Jones who is putting a three-man team together for a contract job. Don Cheadle’s Curt Goynes is newly out of prison and needs the scratch. Benicio Del Toro’s Ronald Russo is a dapper professional who doesn’t like having to look over his shoulder, and could use cold cash to improve his view. Kieran Culkin plays Charley Barnes, and he wears ulterior motives on his lapel. He comes into the movie looking like he’s just finished burying a body.
It all begins with a simple plan. Just a few hours’ work. Two of the mobsters have to babysit a family while the other one escorts the dad into work so he can pick up some papers. It’s almost the plot of The Desperate Hours, the classic 1955 home invasion hostage thriller which starred Humphrey Bogart and Fredric March. But that’s just the opening riff of a landlocked surf tune as No Sudden Move quickly rides a different wave on increasingly treacherous waters.
Set in 1954, No Sudden Move lets the Motor City live up to its name. Before Motown churned out hits, Detroit was best known for pumping out cars. Those factory-line manufactured vehicles pumped out emissions, darkening skylines like Soderbergh clouds his intent. Written by Ed Solomon, this is as far from his work on Men in Black or Bill and Ted as can be imagined. There are no gadgets in sight, and the comedy is so subtle, you sometimes have to strain your ears to hear it. Like much of the dialogue, everything about the film is low key. The angriest threats come out as barely perceptible whispers, while the beatings are often telegraphed.
“I’m going to punch you now, sir,” Matt Wertz (David Harbour) advises his boss in a desperate scene. The heretofore mild-mannered, slightly bumbling, accountant for General Motors knows full well how this will affect any future job performance evaluation, but presses on with his blow-by-blow accounting. “I’m punching you. This is gonna be a punch.” This is one of very few warnings issued during the run of the film. Most of the assaults are sucker punches, coming from unexpected blind spots.
Everyone in the film is corrupt, and everybody gets double-crossed. Mertz thinks he can sweet talk his way into a safe because he’s been screwing his boss’ secretary, played by Frankie Shaw. Russo has been having a very dangerous affair with his boss’ wife Vanessa, played by Julia Fox. And her husband isn’t just any boss. He’s Frank Capelli (Ray Liotta), who is in charge of organized crime in Detroit. The scene which confirms any suspicions about the affair is a short film in itself.
Curt came out of prison with a plan. He stashed a suitcase with a codebook he hopes will get him off the hook with crime lord Aldrich Watkins (Bill Duke) and help him earn enough cash to buy back some land he claims was taken from him. The entire film is color-coded. Goynes’ property was taken during the city’s “urban renewal” phase, when whole neighborhoods were seized from African-American homeowners through corporate and court-approved eminent domain. A Black bellhop or waiter might give a knowing nod and wink to Curt during perilous maneuvers around white pursuers. Russo is paid more than Goynes to do the job, and his bounty is higher when the mob wants recourse.
Cheadle is quietly commanding as Goynes, the smartest of the freelance criminals. He’s a hustler who has a messy past with the gangsters and knows how to make things happen on the fly. Russo is a little dim but smart enough to be suspicious of everyone. “Sit in the front seat,” he tells Goynes when they first meet. He doesn’t want to be in the prone shotgun position. Goynes and Russo form an uneasy partnership when they realize they’ve been set up and were supposed to be eliminated after the job. They realize the document they stole is worth a bundle, set out to skip the middleman, and get their payday from the highest bidder. The scheme is improvised as the characters go along, and the plot gleefully follows. The big picture comes together more like a jigsaw puzzle than a blueprint, and it’s an engineering marvel.
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The cars, clothes, architecture, and pork pie hats of the time are expertly recreated by production designer Hannah Beachler. And of course, Jon Hamm looks like a period piece no matter where he’s set. His detective Joe Finney comes on the scene to investigate an improbable act of self-defense when one of the intruding trio winds up on the floor at Mertz’s house. The accountant’s wife Mary (Amy Seimetz) and daughter (Lucy Holt) stick to an agreed story, but his son, played by Noah Jupe, has a harder time keeping secrets, the most valuable asset in a film like this.
The detective is keeping things pretty close to his vest as well, though there is one scene where he appears to hide his darkest deeds in plain sight. No Sudden Move expertly reveals how the most sinister of crimes are committed in full view of the public.   
For all the criminals, cutthroats, and scoundrels of the film, the most vile villain is Mr. Big. Played with a smarmy grin and privileged authority by Matt Damon, he is not a mob kingpin in perfect pinstripes. But he is scarier than Luca Brasi in The Godfather, the book, not the movie. There is no conscience. There is no regret, something even Brasi had. There is only the bottom line, and he keeps his ledgers in the black.
No Sudden Move is pure, old-fashioned cinema art. The film even opens on a vintage Warner Bros. logo. Soderbergh trades in his iPhone for old model cameras and lenses, and the only special effects are the same skewered camera angles used during the Golden Age of Hollywood. The characters come across as genuinely desperate, like the crime crew in Stanley Kubrick’s 1955 crime noir The Killing, and their final payoff is as poignantly unsatisfying. Good things only seem to happen to bad people. But it’s by design.
No Sudden Move is available to stream on HBO Max.
The post No Sudden Move Review: Slow Speed Heists Get Away With Bigger Hauls appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3h9NWuP
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Usa today 'Embracing tree,' buffalo retirement, castaway cows: News from around our 50 states
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Usa today
Usa today Alabama
Montgomery: Mayor Steven Reed changed into sworn in Tuesday as the capital metropolis’s first African American leader. Reed took the oath of office after with out assert successful the mayoral runoff final month. He's the first shadowy mayor of a metropolis that changed into the first capital of the Confederacy and later the birthplace of the civil rights circulation. “We are assembled here because we chose future over division. These days, we're assembled here because we chose the long trot over wretchedness,” Reed acknowledged. In a nod to his history-making purchase, Reed acknowledged his inauguration changed into an event that the enslaved of us who were as soon as equipped on the banks of the Alabama River shimmering about a feet from his inauguration ceremony “might perhaps easiest dangle imagined.” Reed is the first shadowy mayor of the metropolis the attach Southern delegates voted to comprise the Confederacy in 1861.
Usa today Alaska
Fairbanks: The metropolis has been effectively represented in pageants this year, as the newly crowned Lumber away out Alaska USA 2020 and Lumber away out Alaska Teen USA 2020 each and every hail from the metropolis. The Fairbanks Each day News-Miner studies Hannah Carlile licensed the Lumber away out Alaska USA crown, and Jadyn Fraser changed into awarded the Lumber away out Alaska Teen USA crown. Officials assert the Nov. 2 festival in Anchorage changed into a preliminary event to the Lumber away out Universe, Lumber away out USA and Lumber away out Teen USA pageants. Carlile is a graduate student at Vanderbilt College pursuing a master’s degree in world training policy and administration. Fraser is a graduate of West Valley High College who says she suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and hopes to advocate for folks with despair, fright and various diseases.
Usa today Arizona
Phoenix: The disclose’s rural students are graduating from highschool at regarded as one of the lowest rates in the nation, according to a brand unusual file. The Rural College and Community Belief’s biennial nationwide examination of The united states’s rural colleges, “Why Rural Matters,” pinpoints how states can crimson meat up the everyday of training in rural areas. A bit extra than 50,000 of Arizona’s 1.1 million public district and charter college students serve rural colleges, according to the file. The disclose’s rural four-year highschool graduation payment increased from 77.5% to 81.8% from the 2015-2016 file to the 2018-2019 file. But while the payment increased, the disclose ranks as the fifth-worst in the nation for the proportion of seniors who graduate from highschool in four years. The reasonable four-year highschool graduation payment nationally for rural districts is 88.7%.
Usa today Arkansas
Miniature Rock: The Democratic candidate hoping to united states Republican U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton has dropped out of the skedaddle, citing a household health space. Josh Mahony announced on Twitter on Tuesday that he changed into falling by the wayside of the skedaddle, hours after the submitting slash-off date for Arkansas expired. Mahony did one plot or the opposite return messages seeking comment Tuesday afternoon. Mahony changed into the supreme Democrat who had filed to elope towards Cotton. The announcement leaves Democrats with out a candidate to space Cotton, who changed into first elected to the Senate in 2014. Mahony had badly trailed Cotton in fundraising and confronted an uphill space in the solidly crimson disclose. Mahony final year unsuccessfully challenged Republican U.S. Gain. Steve Womack in northwest Arkansas.
Usa today California
Los Angeles: A one who spent 11 years in penal complex for a bunch of armed robberies he didn’t commit changed into exonerated Tuesday after prosecutors agreed he had been wrongly convicted. A court docket tubby of relatives and chums erupted in applause as Ruben Martinez Jr. changed into came upon innocent and walked free from Los Angeles Superior Court docket. The uncommon reversal of fortune despite all the pieces appeals had been exhausted took station after Martinez’s vital other, who had been a secretary for the Sheriff’s Department, and a stop buddy who changed into a retired homicide detective prevailed on prosecutors to search out out about the case. Investigators then tracked down alibi witnesses who acknowledged Martinez changed into at work in the heart of about a of the crimes that were believed to had been dedicated by a serial robber. A gratified Martinez, 49, acknowledged his prayers had been answered, and he changed into not a bitter man. He thanked his vital other, Maria.
Usa today Colorado
Boulder: The College of Colorado at Boulder has announced that the college’s are residing buffalo mascot, Ralphie V, will retire. The Each day Camera studies Tuesday’s announcement came after the 13-year-aged buffalo did not lead the football crew onto Folsom Self-discipline in the final two video games. The university has not but came upon a replace. College officers assert Ralphie V is in good health and receives unusual check-usabut changed into not exhibiting the identical consistency as in outdated years. They cited questions of safety for her and her handlers. Ralphie V, who came to the university in 2007 and led the crew in 76 video games, will are residing on a ranch alongside a accomplice buffalo. She is the fifth buffalo in the Ralphie program, which launched in 1967.
Usa today Connecticut
Hartford: A weird disclose file indicates customers are remembering to bring their very comprise baggage to the supermarket. Income estimates launched Tuesday by Democratic Gov. Ned Lamont’s budget office and the legislative Voice of business of Fiscal Diagnosis project the unusual 10-cent payment for disposable plastic baggage will generate $7 million in the most modern fiscal year, not the $27.7 million integrated in the disclose budget. Voice of business of Coverage and Administration Secretary Melissa McCaw says the 75% drop in anticipated earnings from the tax isn't a mark of financial weak point. Moderately, she says customers and companies dangle adapted to the honest of cutting back the collection of these non-recyclable baggage in the ambiance. The identical file reveals client spending is stronger, with gross sales tax revenues estimated to be $46.8 million increased than before all the pieces budgeted.
Usa today Delaware
Wilmington: The firm accountable for a toxic gasoline leak that shut down the Delaware Memorial Bridge for hours final November has been given the gallop-ahead to restart its chemical plant along the Delaware River. Croda Inc., which operates in the Atlas Point chemical facility on the corrupt of the bridge, had started manufacturing a highly flammable and explosive chemical known as ethylene oxide shimmering months sooner than the Thanksgiving weekend leak. It has not been making the bio-essentially based chemical, which is aged in various merchandise manufactured on the plant, on-space for the explanation that accident. Officials with the Department of Pure Sources and Environmental Administration on Wednesday announced that the firm might perhaps resume its ethylene oxide production after an investigation of the leak and making required safety and monitoring enhancements.
Usa today District of Columbia
Washington: Some bars in the nation’s capital had been screening the first public impeachment inquiry hearing into President Donald Trump’s Ukraine dealings and offering connected specials. The inquiry into Trump’s actions in direction of Ukraine changed into being broadcast Wednesday, allowing the general public its first glance into testimony about whether Trump aged international policy for non-public and political make. News outlets file on the least half a dozen bars were screening the 10 a.m. hearing, with some even opening early. Attendees might perhaps clutch from a unfold of themed specials, equivalent to Union Pub’s “ImPEACHment Please” and The Partisan’s combo that aspects Colonel E. H. Taylor whiskey. The whiskey changed into chosen for Ukraine Ambassador William Taylor, who changed into testifying Wednesday along with George Kent, the deputy assistant secretary in Washington.
Usa today Florida
Gainesville: Donald Trump isn’t the supreme president dealing with an impeachment inquiry. The coed physique president of the College of Florida is dealing with an impeachment threat for spending $50,000 in student expenses to bring Trump’s eldest son and his girlfriend to campus. Members of the university’s student senate on Tuesday filed a name to impeach Scholar Physique President Michael Murphy for malfeasance and abuse of vitality. The decision accuses Murphy of spending well-known student expenses to push his comprise political opinions when he brought Donald Trump Jr., and his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, to talk about on campus final month. The decision says Scholar Physique statutes forbid student money from being spent in toughen of or towards a political birthday party. The Tampa Bay Events studies Murphy has maintained that the consult with wasn’t marketing campaign-connected.
Usa today Georgia
Atlanta: The metropolis is seeking an artist to scheme 30 drawings or artwork of the victims of the Atlanta youngster murders that anxious the metropolis in the 1970s and ’80s. The Atlanta Journal-Structure studies the demonstrate honoring the victims, largely shadowy boys, will be displayed at Hartsfield-Jackson World Airport. The Mayor’s Voice of business of Cultural Affairs is sponsoring the project, which is capable of salvage the artist $18,000. Eligible artists have to are residing in Fulton or DeKalb counties and post a digital photograph and drawing of 13-year-aged Clifford Jones. Clifford’s loss of life led metropolis police to acknowledge the slayings were connected and share of a sample. Wayne Williams changed into convicted in two of the deaths. Replacement the circumstances live unsolved. Choices are due by Nov. 22.
Usa today Hawaii
Hilo: The disclose Department of Land and Pure Sources is predicted to glance funding from the Legislature to set up ocean earn admission to at a boat ramp slash merit off by the Kilauea eruption. The Hawaii Tribune-Herald studies the Pohoiki boat ramp facility on the Huge Island closed rapidly after Kilauea started erupting in Would possibly perhaps moreover honest 2018. Officials assert the supreme ramp between Hilo and Milolii became landlocked, affecting the capability of fishermen to earn admission to the ocean. Officials assert a non permanent proposal comprises driving sheet-pile partitions into the flooring on both side of the ramp entrance and dredging the channel. The division estimates a price of $8 million to $9 million. A long-term solution below consideration comprises a brand unusual boat ramp on the north side of Pohoiki Bay.
Usa today Idaho
Challis: Just about 300 wild horses had been captured in central Idaho as share of a knowing by federal land managers to decrease the collection of wild horses roaming the house to about 185. The U.S. Bureau of Land Administration says 295 wild horses were rounded up over seven days ending Monday in the Challis Herd Administration Dwelling stop to the town of Challis. Aerial census flights are deliberate this week to resolve the collection of wild horses final in the house. The company says balancing herd size with what the 260-square-mile administration house can toughen will wait on defend habitat for natural world species equivalent to account grouse, pronghorn antelope, mule deer and elk. The company says mares launched merit into the administration house will be treated with fertility wait on watch over, and horses not launched will be readied for an adoption and sale program.
Usa today Illinois
Springfield: The disclose’s environmental company is enlisting fifth and sixth grade students to educate of us about how algae impacts our bodies of water the expend of art work or language. The theme for this year’s contest held by the Illinois Ambiance Protection Agency is “Algae: The Upright, the Unfavorable, and the Gruesome … How Can You Preserve Your Local Pond Healthy?” College students’ work might perhaps well even be in the comprise of a poster, a poem or various writing. Every college can enter up to four posters and 4 written entries. The slash-off date to post entries is Feb. 3. The winners’ entries will be featured on the company’s online internet page. All finalists will be invited to an awards ceremony in Springfield in April, and their work will be displayed this spring on the Aged Voice Capitol.
Usa today Indiana
Bloomington: Indiana College officers assert enrollment in on-line packages has soared in the heart of the past decade throughout the college’s campuses even as overall student enrollment has dropped. College analysis reveals entire enrollment of degree-seeking students at IU campuses fell by practically 5% from the fall of 2011 to the fall of 2019. But The Herald-Events studies the collection of students taking on the least one on-line direction has extra than doubled in the heart of the identical time. IU’s on-line training director Chris Foley eminent that practically all students who scheme stop on-line lessons are undergraduates and in general in their early 20s. Administrators assert IU have to proceed to prioritize enhance in its on-line house as students’ expectations commerce and the university prepares for a decline in the collection of highschool graduates.
Usa today Iowa
Iowa City: Regulators dangle instructed a practically $73,000 ravishing towards the Iowa Department of Human Companies after discovering extreme office safety violations at a disclose-elope psychiatric sanatorium the attach several workers had been assaulted by combative sufferers. Staffers on the Independence Psychological Neatly being Institute combat to wait on watch over violent outbursts attributable to insufficient emergency response plans, low staffing ranges, unhappy communication and ineffective safety shields that they’re not educated to make expend of, according to an inspection conducted by the Iowa Occupational Security and Neatly being Administration. The American Federation of Voice, County and Municipal Workers Council 61, a union that represents sanatorium workers, acknowledged the institute confronted an pressing “safety crisis” after workers were injured in on the least four incidents over 9 days in June.
Usa today Kansas
Topeka: The disclose transportation company says Kansas hit a 10-year high for deer-connected crashes final year. The company says 10,734 deer-connected wrecks were reported in 2018. The Department of Transportation says that accounted for 16.5% of entire wrecks for the year. The division’s tall game coordinator, Levi Jaster, acknowledged the amplify in crashes is partly attributable to an amplify in the deer population. Disease decreased the population foundation in 2008 unless 2013, which is when the company recorded the lowest collection of deer-connected wrecks in the past 10 years. The Wichita Eagle studies the deer population has been rising since then. Three of us died in deer-connected accidents final year. The very supreme collection of deer-connected wrecks in 2018 changed into in Sedgwick County, which had 418.
Usa today Kentucky
Winchester: A well-known who as soon as made headlines for attempting to ban books with what he deemed tainted snarl material has been indicted on youngster pornography costs. News outlets reported Tuesday that a mammoth jury charged 54-year-aged Phillip Todd Wilson, well-known of the Clark County Dwelling Technology Center, with 17 youngster pornography possession and distribution costs. Kentucky Voice police filed 15 counts each and every of the costs towards Wilson in August. Clark County Colleges officers knowledgeable data outlets they were “anxious and dismayed” on the accusations. WKYT-TV studies the educational division not employs Wilson. The Lexington Herald-Leader says when Wilson changed into the well-known of Montgomery County High College in 2009, he fought to ban books with what he labeled “homosexual” or in some other case tainted materials, including intercourse, abuse and remedy.
Usa today Louisiana
Baton Rouge: The disclose’s Department of Natural world and Fisheries and the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation are increasing four man made reefs in Lake Borgne and the Mississippi Sound. Spokesman Rene LeBreton says contractors dangle put down a entire of 880 many of limestone. Subsequent, they’ll home out 130 perforated concrete domes known as reef balls. Extra than 80 cubic yards of oyster shells will scheme the work. LeBreton says it will be entire this month. The house’s backside is comfortable mud. The reefs will provide difficult-backside habitat the attach saltwater sport fish equivalent to speckled trout, redfish and flounder have a tendency to dangle around. Oystering is barred from the reefs, so oysters that resolve there can serve as broodstock. A mammoth, yellow-lighted buoy marks each and every reef.
Usa today Maine
Lewiston: Regulators are investigating issues about marijuana-connected commercials at a sports actions enviornment. The Portland Press Herald studies several of us whose kids play sports actions on the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston dangle complained about the commercials. Voice criminal guidelines prohibits marijuana marketing that can attain of us below the age of 21 or is designed to enchantment to those below 21. Oldsters complained about one advert for Strawberry Fields Apothecary that featured marijuana leaves over crimson strawberries. The advert changed into removed, nevertheless various text-easiest indicators for two various local dispensaries live. Colisee owner and general manager Mike Cain knowledgeable The Sun Journal he is working with Strawberry Fields to commerce the selling. A spokesman for the disclose’s Voice of business of Marijuana Coverage acknowledged the company would evaluation the distance.
Usa today Maryland
Baltimore: The Housing Authority of Baltimore City says this can soon give up accepting applications because extra than 14,000 applicants are already on a waitlist that’s averaging a wait time of extra than 5 years. News outlets file the company announced Tuesday that residents dangle unless Dec. 13 to prepare for public housing sooner than the authority stops taking applications. Housing President Janet Abrahams says persevering with to settle for applications might perhaps perhaps be performing a disservice and scheme a counterfeit sense of accommodation security. She says public housing is below-invested, causing a extreme shortage. A data launch says officers “streamlined” the waitlist this year, cutting back the total applications from 27,000 to 14,000, nevertheless the wait time is aloof averaging between 5 and 7 years.
Usa today Massachusetts
Uxbridge: Members of the town’s Historical Commission obtained phrase final week that the Mrs. Nancy Adams Burial Situation, marking the resting flooring of a lady who escaped slavery three times and is linked to the scrape’s rich involvement with the Underground Railroad, changed into licensed by the Nationwide Park Service into the Nationwide Underground Railroad Community to Freedom. The Telegram & Gazette studies the designation areas the positioning on a permanent database for researchers and enables local historians to pursue grants and receive technical assistance as share of the mission to “honor, wait on and promote the history of resistance to enslavement by plot of earn away and flight, which continues to inspire of us worldwide,” according to the Community to Freedom online internet page.
Usa today Michigan
Gigantic Rapids: Hunting natural world has long been ingrained in the Wolverine Voice’s culture, nevertheless it is miles on a decline as young adults decide for various actions. Michigan had as many as 1.2 million hunters in the 1970s, ’80s and into the ’90s. But MLive.com studies by 2018, fewer than 675,000 of us had on the least one looking license. The decline is partly attributable to toddler boomers increasing old out. But young adults, urbanites and others are also a long way much less likely to partake in looking. Fishing is also on a downward pattern, though its drop has been much less steep. From 2013 to 2018, disclose residents acquiring fishing licenses fell 5%, when in contrast with a 18% decline in looking licenses in the heart of that identical length. The decline has an impact on conservation efforts, according to Department of Pure Sources officers. Hunting and fishing expenses legend for additional than 90% of the company’s $42 million natural world conservation budget.
Usa today Minnesota
Minneapolis: Extra than half of the disclose’s lakes, rivers and streams don’t meet disclose pollution standards. The Minnesota Pollution Administration Agency has added 581 waterways to its checklist of impaired waters in its biennial file to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency launched Wednesday. The three,416 waterways signify 56% of the disclose’s waters. They've a vary of issues, including excess mercury, bacteria, phosphorus, nitrate and various pollutants, in addition to struggling fish and insect populations. The impaired waters comprise a decrease stretch of the St. Croix River, regarded as regarded as one of the Upper Midwest’s most pristine waterways. About one-third of the waterways are impaired for recreational expend attributable to high bacteria in streams and phosphorus in lakes.
Usa today Mississippi
Greenwood: An animal safe haven has been over capacity for months, forcing it to give up taking in any animals brought in by the general public. The Leflore County Humane Society’s volunteer intervening time director, Janice McCurdy, tells The Greenwood Commonwealth that the safe haven turns away on the least 10 animals day to day. She says the safe haven has about 65 canines and 50 cats in its custody. Its capacity is 40 canines and 20 cats. In August, the safe haven started easiest accepting animals from animal wait on watch over. The society’s board president, Aubrey Whittington, says she doesn’t be acutely conscious ever turning away so many animals for see you later. A weird, 6,200-square-foot safe haven facility is in the works nevertheless likely gained’t originate unless 2020. Whittington says the safe haven’s capacity will discontinue the identical regardless of the increased safe haven size.
Usa today Missouri
St. Louis: NASA says a meteor viewed streaking by plot of the sky on the good thing about the Gateway Arch changed into a basketball-size hunk of rock that broke off from an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The St. Louis Put up-Dispatch studies that specialists aged many of of eyewitness accounts from as a long way-off as South Dakota and Minnesota along with two movies to calculate info about the meteor. They certain the roughly 220-pound rock traveled by plot of the sky Monday night at 33,500 mph , causing a sonic enhance. A NASA climate satellite helped the company verify it changed into brighter than Venus in the sky, making it a fireball. Bill Cooke, of the NASA Meteoroid Environments Voice of business in Huntsville, Alabama, says it broke into items 12 miles above the flooring.
Usa today Montana
Missoula: The disclose health division has adopted unusual principles to wait on watch over non-public replace residential medication packages for vexed early life. The 2019 Legislature put such medication packages below the supervision of the Department of Public Neatly being and Human Companies starting July 1 after a bunch of news by the Missoulian indicated an oversight board changed into not acting on complaints. The division removed 27 kids from The Ranch for Formative years in northwestern Montana on July 23 following escalating studies of physical and psychological abuse. The ranch’s license changed into suspended. The Missoulian studies the principles adopted Friday comprise licensing requirements, protocols for reporting abuse and neglect, and workers skills. Choices are likely to be not allowed to punish residents’ conduct by plot of seclusion, physical self-discipline, excessive exercise, withholding food or water, or denying household visits or calls.
Usa today Nebraska
Mitchell: Out the attach Wyoming is easiest a 15-minute power away, some Panhandle conservationists are seeking to crimson meat up on Mom Nature. They’re building a frigid-water trout stream – something gorgeous uncommon in Nebraska – in an house the attach, a few years in the past, anglers aged to hook into frightful, migrating fish of up to 10 kilos in a artificial irrigation ditch. Having a meandering trout stream, the conservationists deem, will wait on revive a trout-fishing tradition in this share of the disclose. “These frigid-water fisheries are good well-known for western Nebraska,” Bob Smith, a retired Scottsbluff banker, knowledgeable the Omaha World-Herald. Smith is share of Platte River Basin Environments, a local neighborhood that has dedicated its time and money since 1992 to shopping and keeping land in the Panhandle with out cost looking, fishing and mountain hiking. While Nebraska has a range of streams, most are shallow and earn too sizzling and muddy to wait on frigid-water-loving trout.
Usa today Nevada
Sparks: The Generator art work house has undergone a range of adjustments this year, nevertheless the address are likely to be not regarded as one of them. Following issues that its landlord might perhaps well boot the arts group from its house of six years, the Generator – recognized for cranking out spectacular Burning Man installations – has signed a 3-year lease extension at its region in industrial Sparks. The lease changed into up in June, though the building owners extended it by plot of the stop of November to permit artists to entire their Burning Man projects. The group theoretically has an additional three years to resolve out the attach this can permanently name house, nevertheless the building is aloof on the marketplace for additional than $3.8 million. Tolles Development Co., the owner, agreed in the unusual lease that – should always the building promote – the occupants can not be compelled out in the heart of the months of June by plot of September, top time for Burning Man art work production.
Usa today Recent Hampshire
Concord: The Recent Hampshire Voice Police is collecting unusual, unwrapped toys to toughen the U.S. Marine Corps with its annual Toys for Miniature toddlers Campaign. The collection power is working by plot of Dec. 8. Police are internet hosting several “Stuff a Cruiser” events in the heart of the disclose, in addition to accepting collections at headquarters, barracks websites and retail outlets, and various areas. Additional data is on hand by contacting Sgt. Chad Lavoie at 603-223-8688 or following Recent Hampshire Voice Police on Twitter, Fb and Instagram.
Usa today Recent Jersey
Newark: The disclose would change into the 2d in the nation with a publicly elope bank – after North Dakota and its century-aged establishment – below the targets of an govt narrate Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy signed Wednesday. Murphy, a grimy rich former govt at Goldman Sachs who’s in his first term as governor, campaigned on increasing a disclose-elope bank that uses some disclose deposits for projects regarded as priceless, take care of low-earnings housing and student loans. The effort has stalled since Murphy took office practically two years in the past, with some in the disclose scratching their heads about the need for this kind of bank, nevertheless he acknowledged Wednesday that “the time is sweet good now” to scheme stop into consideration the project. On Wednesday, alongside organized labor representatives and members of a liberal-leaning mediate tank known as Recent Jersey Citizen Circulate, Murphy signed an govt narrate increasing a 14-member board charged with setting up the bank.
Usa today Recent Mexico
Santa Fe: Voice officers are looking to exercise an additional $8 million to comprise certain residents are likely to be not brushed off of the 2020 census. Inhabitants-studies skilled Robert Rhatigan of the College of Recent Mexico knowledgeable a panel of lawmakers Tuesday that disclose finance and crew officers aloof wretchedness an undercount that might perhaps well decrease federal spending in Recent Mexico by many of of thousands and thousands of bucks. Lawmakers this year home aside $3.4 million to wait on counties, public colleges and Native American communities merit participation in the federal population peek. An additional $8 million is now being sought for the effort by the administration of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. Remote desolate tract communities and gaps in communications infrastructure comprise Recent Mexico regarded as one of the hardest states to accurately peek for population adjustments.
Usa today Recent York
Albany: The Empire Voice has now raised the minimum age to purchase tobacco and electronic cigarettes to 21 years aged, from 18. The regulation went into carry out Wednesday. Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the honest is to prevent addictive cigarette and vaping merchandise from attending to kids. The Recent York Department of Neatly being says practically 40% of 12th grade students and 27% of highschool students are now the expend of e-cigarettes. They assert the amplify is essentially driven by flavored e-liquids. The surgeon general says 88% of grownup smokers started the expend of tobacco as minors, and 90% of of us that have interaction cigarettes for minors are between 18 and 20 years aged. Cuomo’s administration has pushed to outlaw flavored e-cigarettes, nevertheless a court docket has blocked that ban for now.
Usa today North Carolina
Cape Lookout: A trio of castaway cows has been came upon on the Outer Banks, the attach they it looks that washed up after swimming for miles to flee Storm Dorian’s storm surge. Cape Lookout Nationwide Seashore officers mediate the stranded cows swam up to 5 miles in the heart of the September storm sooner than being came upon stop to Cape Lookout this month. The cows belong to a herd that roams freely on Cedar Island, throughout the sound. When Dorian generated an 8-foot “mini tsunami,” it washed them and dozens of various animals away, including 28 wild horses that died. Seashore spokesman B.G. Horvat knowledgeable McClatchy data neighborhood the cows are grazing peacefully after a harrowing feat of survival, nevertheless they deserve to switch house. He thinks they’ll deserve to be sedated for the boat day out.
Usa today North Dakota
Fargo: Kris Kristofferson shocked customers when he performed with an acoustic guitar at a local bar after a band taped a quiz to the singer-songwriter’s tour bus. Kristofferson stopped at Dempsey’s Public Dwelling in downtown Fargo on Saturday night and asked to explain with the band 32 Below. KFGO-AM studies the band had taped a show veil to Kristofferson’s tour bus door. The show veil acknowledged the band changed into “mammoth followers” and “might perhaps perhaps be fully stoked” if Kristofferson came to the bar and allowed them to purchase him “a beer or 5.” Dempsey’s Total Manager Jeff Fonder says Kristofferson performed “Me and Bobby McGee.” 32 Below later acknowledged on Fb: “We played a legendary tune with the myth who wrote it!” Kristofferson changed into in town to carry out on the Fargo Theatre.
Usa today Ohio
Columbus: Resuming the disclose’s try and allow cryptocurrency in certain tax payments is up in the air after the disclose’s top criminal skilled came upon a Bitcoin program launched by the former disclose treasurer changed into unlawful. Republican Attorney Total Dave Yost’s Nov. 5 conception came upon then-Treasurer Josh Mandel skirted disclose regulation when he launched OhioCrypto.com final year for paying industrial taxes. Yost came upon that Atlanta-essentially based BitPay, the third-birthday party processor that converted bitcoins to U.S. forex, changed into functioning as a “monetary transaction application.” That supposed Mandel changed into required to make expend of a aggressive desire process sooner than hiring it. Treasurer Robert Sprague, a fellow Republican who succeeded Mandel in January, with out warning shut down the positioning final month after an interior evaluation raised issues. The Board of Deposit he chairs have to now think proceed.
Usa today Oklahoma
Oklahoma City: A gun rights activist accused of illegally taking a rifle proper into a cafe is dealing with a prison cost. Timothy A. Harper, 52, changed into arrested Tuesday after he violated a disclose regulation that bars possessing or carrying a rifle in any establishment the attach alcoholic drinks are consumed, authorities acknowledged. Harper knowledgeable one other activist in an on-line interview Monday that he took his rifle into Twin Peaks on Nov. 2 in occasion of the disclose’s unusual “permitless raise” gun regulation, which went into carry out Nov. 1, The Oklahoman studies. Police reported convalescing surveillance video from the restaurant that reveals Harper, of Choctaw, strolling in “with an AR-type rifle slung to the entrance of his physique.” Police eminent he changed into asked to leave the restaurant, nevertheless he on the starting up refused. “Timothy responded that he changed into not going wherever,” a police lieutenant wrote in an affidavit, which indicates prosecutors dangle agreed to cost Harper. If convicted, he faces up to 2 years in penal complex and a $1,000 ravishing. He’s being held on the county jail. No bail has been home.
Usa today Oregon
Salem: No mammoth trees will be harmed in the making of this memorial – that’s a promise from organizers. The Vietnam Struggle Memorial proposed for the southwest corner of the Oregon Voice Capitol grounds will incorporate six present trees, ranging from 21 to 72 feet immense. Almost certainly the most distinctive is a 31-foot Western crimson cedar without a central trunk and large, practically human-take care of branches. “I name it the embracing tree,” panorama dressmaker Mike Abbate says. “I in fact well-known to dangle fun that tree. The embracing arms are there to wait on give comfort to company.” The region and scheme aloof should always be reviewed by an Oregon Parks and Game Department committee – step one in a protracted approval process – and an estimated $2.7 million aloof desires to be raised by the Vietnam Struggle Memorial Fund Steering Committee. The targets is to entire the memorial by Veterans Day 2022.
Usa today Pennsylvania
Harrisburg: Dauphin County, house to the disclose capital, is signaling it gained’t affiliate with Gov. Tom Wolf’s insistence that counties purchase unusual voting methods as a security measure in 2020’s election, when the disclose is predicted to be a premier presidential battleground. County Commissioner Mike Pries acknowledged Wednesday that he’s contented with the county’s aged machines, notably after hearing about paper jams, long lines and various issues in various counties that debuted unusual machines in final week’s election. Wolf started pressing counties final year to earn unusual voting machines that dangle an auditable paper backup, after federal authorities warned Pennsylvania and various states that Russian hackers focused them in the heart of 2016’s election. Wolf has warned that he’ll decertify the counties’ aged voting methods sooner than the 2020 predominant.
Usa today Rhode Island
Providence: Council members in three Rhode Island cities assert they toughen a Recent York City program that has moved homeless families to their communities regardless of pushback from their mayors. The Providence Journal studies that the Particular One-Time Help Program enables homeless families from Recent York to switch to the states of their selecting with 300 and sixty five days of paid lease. City councilors Alex Kithes of Woonsocket, Meghan Kallman of Pawtucket, and Rachel Miller and Katherine Kerwin of Providence – all Democrats – acknowledged in a joint assertion that “it is miles dehumanizing and hurtful” to treat homeless of us as a burden. Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza, Pawtucket Mayor Donald Grebien and Woonsocket Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt dangle expressed space that the families were moved to cities with out peek and might perhaps honest strain public products and services.
Usa today South Carolina
Mount Fulfilling: Charleston County has paid $7.1 million to defend a practically 340-year-aged plantation from pattern. The Put up and Courier studies the county now owns pattern rights to Boone Hall Plantation, which covers about 600 acres in Mount Fulfilling. The property is now below a conservation easement, limiting its expend with out changing its possession. Co-owner Willie McRae says it’s a “perpetual settlement” never to carry out the land and aligns with the desires of the McRaes, who dangle owned it for the explanation that 1950s. He says the Charleston County Greenbelt Fund and S.C. Conservation Bank money will gallop in direction of bettering the land and extending a foundation to elope it after the household is long gone. The nonprofit Lowcounty Land Belief says the McRaes declined an estimated $21 million by not promoting to builders.
Usa today South Dakota
Sioux Falls: The Crow Creek Sioux Tribe is inquiring for the disclose’s wait on to commerce an 1863 federal regulation that technically retains the tribe from proudly owning land in Minnesota. The regulation removed Dakota of us from Minnesota and relocated them to several various states in the Midwest. It changed into signed by President Abraham Lincoln after conflicts between white settlers and Dakota of us in Minnesota. Despite the truth that the regulation isn't any longer enforced, tribal leaders name it racist. They’re asking the disclose to gallop a name of toughen and raised the enviornment Tuesday at a gathering of the Voice-Tribal Relatives committee in Pierre. Crow Creek Sioux Chairman Lester Thompson Jr. known because it equal to aged Jim Crow criminal guidelines. A equal quiz didn’t comprise it out of committee on the Legislature this year. Thompson says he’s taking a brand unusual advance – educating lawmakers and Gov. Kristi Noem on the history of the regulation.
Usa today Tennessee
Nashville: Forestry officers assert a strike crew is being created to carry out prescribed burning on public and non-public forest land in the Cumberland Plateau. Tennessee Division of Forestry officers acknowledged Tuesday that a $200,000 grant from the Nationwide Fish and Natural world Foundation will be aged to amplify forest fire expend and administration in the disclose. Officials assert the forest strike crew will carry out prescribed burns on extra than 1,200 acres to wait on decrease hurt from wildfires attributable to excessive brush, shrubs and trees. Officials assert prescribed fires also merit native vegetation to grow and defend plant and animal species whose habitats count on periodic fire. Tennessee’s forests duvet 14 million acres. That’s extra than half of the disclose’s entire acreage.
Usa today Texas
Castle Worth: A disclose regulation that offers families 10 days to search out a brand unusual sanatorium in the event that they disagree with scientific doctors who think to scheme stop a patient off lifestyles toughen is as soon as but all over again below the spotlight after a think halted a sanatorium’s knowing to expend a 9-month-aged woman from a ventilator towards her household’s needs. Scientific doctors at Cook Formative years’s Scientific Center deliberate to give up medication Sunday for Tinslee Lewis after invoking the disclose’s “10-day rule.” The sanatorium acknowledged Tinslee changed into born in come with a uncommon coronary heart defect and suffers from persistent lung illness and extreme persistent hypertension. She has been hospitalized since starting up and on a ventilator since July. Now not easiest is her condition fatal, the sanatorium acknowledged, nevertheless scientific doctors deem she’s struggling. Cook Formative years’s says it has reached out to practically 20 facilities throughout the nation, and none felt the sanatorium’s assessment changed into incorrect.
Usa today Utah
Salt Lake City: A former San Juan County commissioner has sued a federal land company after he spent 10 days in jail for trespassing in an unlawful ATV mutter lag in a southern Utah canyon. Gain. Phil Lyman filed the $10 million lawsuit in U.S. District Court docket on Friday accusing Bureau of Land Administration officers of lying in the heart of his trial. The first-term Republican Utah Dwelling member is acting as his comprise criminal skilled. Lyman says he suffered damages to his name, recognition, industrial and political relationships. An company spokeswoman in Utah says it doesn’t touch upon pending litigation. A jury came upon Lyman responsible of misdemeanor unlawful expend of ATVs and conspiracy for organizing the 2014 mutter fascinating federal administration of Western public lands. A think sentenced him to 10 days in jail and imposed $96,000 restitution.
Usa today Vermont
Clarendon: Voice agencies are the expend of aerial drones to perceive extra about toxic chemical contamination below an airport. The Agency of Transportation’s Rail and Aviation Bureau and the Vermont Geological Stare spent the final week of October the expend of a drone to amass data for a blueprint about what's below the rocks below the Rutland Southern Vermont Regional Airport. The Rutland Herald studies the contamination of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, collectively known as PFAS, changed into came upon stop to the airport in 2018 and is believed to be from firefighting foam. Vermont has since certain a restrict of 20 parts per trillion on certain kinds of the toxic chemicals. Geologists assert probes are also being aged to glance groundwater below the capability by drilling into wells and shedding probes into them.
Usa today Virginia
Richmond: The disclose recycled practically half of its trash final year, atmosphere a file regardless of China’s ban on importing plastic and various solid raze. The statewide recycling payment in 2018 changed into 46% – up 3 percentage parts from the outdated year, according to data launched this week by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. The details confirmed that the Central Virginia Break Administration Authority, which comprises Richmond and surrounding localities, had the supreme recycling payment in the commonwealth at 59%. The Virginia Peninsulas Public Service Authority, which comprises Hampton, Poquoson and Williamsburg and interior sight counties, had the lowest payment – 29%. The metropolis of Newport News had the greatest improvement in recycling in most modern years. Its payment jumped from 38% in 2016 to 57% final year.
Usa today Washington
Olympia: Voters dangle narrowly rejected a ballotmeasure seeking to reinstate the utilization of affirmative motion in disclose employment, contracting, and admission to public colleges and universities. Referendum 88 changed into rejected Tuesday by 50.4% of voters with a margin of shimmering over 14,000 votes. Counties in vote-by-mail Washington had been updating their counts day to day since final week’s election, and while the final margin of the loss might perhaps honest commerce as final votes are counted, practically all the roughly 2 million ballots solid had been tallied. The measure asked voters whether or not they well-known to approve or reject Initiative 1000, which the Legislature passed in April. Along with skedaddle, intercourse and ethnicity, the measure allowed for consideration of age, incapacity, and honorable discharge or defense force station. It would dangle prohibited the expend of factors equivalent to skedaddle as the sole qualifier and banned well-known quotas.
Usa today West Virginia
Charleston: Two colleges in the disclose are teaming up to supply a seven-year Doctor of Pharmacy program. West Virginia Voice College and the College of Charleston announced the twin degree in a data launch. Below the settlement signed final week, students would entire a 3-year undergraduate program in pre-pharmacy at West Virginia Voice in Institute, then mark up in the College of Charleston’s College of Pharmacy. After finishing the first year on the College of Pharmacy, the students will return to West Virginia Voice to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry or biology. They are going to entire coursework over the following three years in direction of a doctorate degree.
Usa today Wisconsin
Madison: Democratic Gov. Tony Evers acknowledged Wednesday that he doesn’t deem Republicans are “bastards” for firing his agriculture secretary, regardless of the expend of the phrase when urging disclose workers not to be deterred by the switch. Evers pressured that he wasn’t relating to GOP lawmakers when he knowledgeable agriculture division workers final week not to let the “bastards” wait on them from doing their work. He eminent that the phrase he invoked – “don’t let the bastards grind you down” – changed into effectively recognized and aged in the heart of history. “It’s not something I shimmering pulled out of skinny air,” Evers acknowledged following a bill signing in Wisconsin Dells. “It’s a announcing; it’s a thing. I don’t mediate they’re bastards, nevertheless I discontinue mediate they made a huge mistake doing what they did to Brad Pfaff.” Evers acknowledged he changed into infected after the Senate voted along birthday party lines to reject the affirmation of Pfaff, Evers’ agriculture secretary. It changed into the first time the Senate had fired a Cupboard secretary since on the least 1987.
Usa today Wyoming
Cheyenne: A legislative committee has developed a bill that allows Gov. Mark Gordon to explore rising Medicaid in the disclose. The lawmakers on the Joint Income Committee voted 8 to 5 on Tuesday to switch the bill ahead to the tubby Legislature, which meets next February. Below the proposed bill, the governor have to first affirm the departments of health and insurance protection to explore strategies for rising Medicaid eligibility. If enlargement is instructed, the Legislature must give its approval, convening a undeniable session if well-known. Gordon has not supported Medicaid enlargement in the behind to the costs to the disclose, nevertheless he says he recognizes the challenges residents face in having the capability to afford health care. An estimated 19,000 residents might perhaps perhaps be lined on the starting up if Medicaid enlargement were licensed.
From USA TODAY Community and wire studies
Learn or Allotment this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/data/50-states/2019/11/14/embracing-tree-buffalo-retirement-castaway-cows-data-around-states/40611989/
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goodeveningarts · 7 years
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Tuesday Nights / 8pm / 8 Brixton Road / SW9 6BU
New Jazz Music
Heavy Jazz Music
Shaking Jazz, Bop & Boogaloo
Early Jazz
Thursday Nights / 8:30pm / 108 Forest Hill Road / SE22 0RS
New Afro Brazilian Jazz Fusion
Happening Vocal Swing
New Folk Jazz Fusion
New Orleans, Early Jazz & Blues
Sunday Nights / 8pm / 460 New Cross Road / SE14 6TJ
Happening Jazz Music
Dirty Musette & Tango
New Folk Music & Song
Heavy Jazz Music
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sablelab · 5 years
Cover Operations - Chapter 88
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DISCLAIMER: This is a modern AU crossover story with Outlander and La Femme Nikita. LFN and its characters do not belong to me nor do those from Outlander.
SYNOPSIS: Unbeknownst to Jamie, Claire has been transferred to a more isolated monastery on Lantau Island.  He does however, find a clue in the cell where she was being held and his suspicions are raised that someone from her past is involved. Meanwhile Jonathon Randall arrives to begin her interrogation.
Previous chapters can be found at … https://sablelab.tumblr.com/covertoperations
THANK YOU for your feedback and DM’s on the previous chapter. I am very grateful. Also, I just want to warn you that things may get a little worse for Claire in this chapter. The next few chapters will be suspenseful. Thank you again for reading and supporting my crossover AU story.
This chapter contains some violence.
In the older part of the village James Fraser eventually arrived at the address William Ransom had given him of her containment. Parking the SUV a short distance away, he got out of the car and quickly surveyed the area. It was dark and he merged into the dimly lit street easily. Double-checking the number, the house Jamie was looking for was just up the street from his parked van. Wasting no time, he swiftly ran along the pavement with the finesse of a jaguar in flight. His fluid movements were poetry in motion as his heels clipped his backside as he ran towards the house where he would find Claire. Before entering the property, once again, Jamie observed his surroundings, then, with his weapon drawn, he cautiously entered the residence as quietly as a shadow. Although the house looked old and dilapidated from the outside and appeared as if it had been unoccupied for some time that was far from the truth. There was evidence on the ground level that someone had been there of late but they had left recently as well. Obviously, Claire must have been moved to a different location. Jamie explored the house going from room to room looking for any evidence as to who may have her or where they may have taken her. The search didn't take him long but unfortunately, he came up empty handed, however, judging by the state of the rooms, he ascertained that he couldn't be that far behind them. Somewhat despondent that he hadn't been able to get here quick enough to rescue Claire, he was just about to leave the property when his foot accidentally dislodged the rug covering the floor. He kicked the rug away and to his surprise it revealed a hidden trap door. Bending down he lifted up the hatch, lowered the stairs and quickly made his way down only to find an abandoned corridor. As his feet touched the floor a rat suddenly scurried over his foot and he jerked back. Jamie hoped that his Sassenach had not been subjected to any rats. Her fear and abhorrence for the rodents was the one thing that she detested above all else.
Quietly and swiftly he made his way down the corridor until ahead of him he discovered a room that was locked from the outside. He listened intensely, but whoever had been here had long gone. Time held no meaning for him at this point. Jamie didn't know what was beyond that door but he suddenly needed to know. He fired his gun at the locked door. It splintered everywhere. Forcefully he then kicked it open and entered.
In their obvious haste they had forgotten to turn off all the lights and he was able to see for himself the place where Claire had been held prisoner.
It was obvious they had intended to keep her prisoner here for some time as the room was basic with the bare necessities with a bed in one corner and Jamie made his way over to it. He saw the rumpled bedding and gliding his fingers over the pillow he saw what looked like blood stains there. Remembering the conversation in the woods between William Ransom and Steven Bonnet, he was confronted with the reality of what her kidnappers had done. The blood stains confirmed that his Claire indeed had been held hostage at this house and what they had told him was true ... he had the evidence that she had been injured.
She'd been hit on the head and the discovery of her blood on the bedding made Jamie seethe inside. He looked around and on further discovery saw surveillance equipment and a glassed wall. This was most unusual but as he looked closer, he realised that Claire had been kept under close observation. He also noticed a trail of dry blood droplets that had fallen to the floor. William Ransom had admitted to shooting Claire with his gun. Jamie followed the trail ... they led to another set of iron stairs and he walked down them. 
Turing around his eyes thoroughly scanned the room, then the floor and Jamie noticed that there were marks on the floorboards. It looked like Claire had been dragged from the room. Bending down to study them closely he saw the scuff marks of two sets of muddy footprints. One was large ... obviously the imprint of a male and the second was smaller ... petite even. Putting two and two together he came up with the only conclusion that he could ... a woman was somehow involved. If, as he thought, it was Karen Yee that was involved in Claire's kidnapping, then her boyfriend Andy Ma was too.
Methodically he searched the bed for any clues that would indicate their involvement in her incarceration. Jamie lifted up the pillow then looked under the bed to see if Claire had left anything at all that would lead to her captors' identity ... but he found nothing. His eyes glanced around the room looking for anything at all that would confirm who her captors might be. Jamie searched the area around Claire’s bed again just in case he had missed something the first time. His suspicions were substantiated when he finally noticed something in the corner near the bed that had been dropped unnoticed on the floor. Bending down he picked up some embossed matches. Jamie examined them before flicking the small package over in his palm and read The Triangle nightclub. 
At last his suspicions were confirmed. Somebody had been here ... but who? Was it her neighbour or had Jonathon Randall been here as well? Either way he had concrete proof that someone from the nightclub had been involved in Claire's capture and hostage incarceration. 
Unfortunately, there wasn't anything more he could do here. Jamie put the matches into his pocket and climbed the stairs. He knew he would need to begin his hunt in earnest starting with her neighbour Karen Yee. The message Karen had left on Claire's answering machine had said that she was going on another business trip ... this had obviously been it. Perhaps he could catch her unawares at her apartment. Karen would not know that he knew of her involvement in Claire's captivity. Now having found a clue here that implicated her, Andy Ma ... and Jonathon Randall, Jamie knew that if Karen was to have an alibi it was logical that she would have to return to her apartment as if nothing had happened. When he found her ... he would find his Claire.
Claire Beauchamp’s removal and transition from one place of incarceration to another had been done swiftly under the cover of night. The triad had certainly gone to great lengths to move expeditiously and leave no trace of their whereabouts. Karen and Andy together with the elder man Wang Yu had arranged for her to be taken away from the built-up populated area in Stanley and to be brought here to this isolated, remote and less accessible area.
Claire had been moved to a new hideaway in a disused monastery on Hong Kong's largest island Tai Yue Shan. Nestled in the hinterland of Lantau Island, the remoteness of the area was perfect for what they had in mind for their guest. Deep in the hidden country stronghold, the location was far enough away from the mainland of the big island and provided greater security from prying eyes. The fact that the monastery was abandoned, overgrown and well away from any touristy areas only enhanced their chances of anybody suspecting that the triad used it as a place of incarceration. 
Karen and Andy had set in motion their contingency plans for Claire but had not accompanied her on the journey. Instead they had returned to Hong Kong to act as normal as possible. It was imperative that they keep up appearances and follow through on their alibis and professions as if nothing had happened. Therefore, they had gone to great lengths to make their schedules and routines appear as normal as possible. Andy was also expected for questioning about the bombing by Detectives So and Murray of the OCTB and if he didn't turn up suspicion could be placed on him. He could then be called away without misgiving for a few days once he had fulfilled his obligations to the detectives. It was a win-win scenario. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ In their absence, Wang Yu had arranged for Jonathon Randall to start the interrogation of their prisoner. He'd been summoned to the monastery to elicit information from Claire Beauchamp especially about what she knew about the bombing and massacre at his nightclub.  Everything had been carefully planned and anyone who may be searching for him in regard to her kidnapping would come up short. Jonathon's alibi had been well orchestrated by Inspector Jiang Ng and his message left on Claire's answering machine was testament to the fact that he would be out of town on business. There was no way that he could be implicated in her kidnapping. Randall had covered his bases from all angles. Hence his disappearance for a few days could very easily be explained and verified. This was the ideal situation. They would be able to interrogate Claire Beauchamp and also find out what she knew about the Rising Dragons and in particular the death of Tony Wong and the disappearance of Madame Cheung without any hindrance or interference whatsoever. Sun Yee Lok had given explicit orders that they were to elicit the information that she knew about the triad members by any means necessary. Wang knew that Jonathon was the best person to extricate this information. He would enjoy the challenge of matching wits with this woman. So far Claire Beauchamp had put up a great resistance but that wouldn't last long here for their facilities for interrogation were far superior at this new location. Wang looked forward to what Jonathon Randall may have in mind for their prisoner and his arrival at the monastery tomorrow would be well received. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Randall stared at Claire through the mirrored panels and observed their recalcitrant captive. When he'd first seen her, he had been surprised, and judging by her appearance Karen had already began some interrogation of the prisoner, as Claire had been wounded and whacked around the face. This time however, his methods for interrogation were more severe.  The captive’s wrists were secured with an old seat belt which was attached to a thick chain hanging from the concrete ceiling in the cell. Jonathon watched as Claire dangled there, her arms over her head and her feet just scraping the floor. However, they had merely been toying with her. It was time that Claire Beauchamp's grilling started in earnest and not a moment too soon as far as he was concerned. Studying the body language of the beautiful, brunette hostage Jonathon Randall wondered why such a stunning woman could be so unwavering and unbending in the face of adversary. In a way, he admired her tenacity, fortitude and resolute determination under the extreme conditions Karen and Andy had inflicted upon her already. He was impressed. Watching Claire's reactions through the two-way mirror, Jonathon saw her head fall forward on to her chest as her mattered hair fell limp over her face. The woman was beautiful with looks that could kill. The question though was ... was she really a killer? If so ... then who did she work for? Flipping the speaker switch, Jonathon spoke in an ingratiating way. "Good morning, Claire. How are you feeling?" Recognising the voice, she lifted her head. Her eyes slowly opened and with a steely look stared at him through the two-way glass. "How do you think?" She was strong ... very strong, he reflected. Anyone else would have broken by now, lost hope ... but not her ... not Claire Beauchamp. Although he knew she couldn't see him, Jonathon smiled at her reply. "Claire ... you know we could dispense with all this in-hospitality ..." Then his look suddenly changed, his voice too as he stated tersely "... if you'd just tell me what we want to know." "I'd rather burn in hell," Claire answered just as snappily. Unfortunately, she gave him few options. "My dear, I can arrange that." He leaned to the side, and called to his men. "MacNab and Robert shall we go see to our guest?" "Certainly, sir," they replied knowing that their services were soon required to convince the prisoner to talk.   ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Claire watched as Jonathon Randall and two men opened one of the mirrored panels and stepped into the room with her. The men remained just inside the door whilst Jonathon slowly but menacingly approached her. She tried to straighten her spine as he walked closer and closer until he was nearly eye to eye. Her wound had reopened and Claire could feel wet, sticky blood on her skin. Although her shoulder was throbbing from the exertion placed on it from her being strung up, she kept up her resistance in the face of adversary and looked her interrogator in the eye. "Hello, Claire ... You remember my bodyguard Robert Ling... oh, and Ronald MacNab  too. Ronald’s a very good friend of mine." His meaning was not lost on her as to what his role would be here and why he was with Jonathon Randall. His next words only confirmed her suspicions, "He will ... take very good care of you." The gruff looking man approached her and menacingly asked, "Who sent you here, Claire? Who do you work for?" When she didn't answer, MacNab slapped her hard across her face with the back of his hand, snapping her head to the side. He repeated his question.
"Who sent you here, Claire?" 
Once again, she remained silent. He slapped her again, this time in reversal of the first smack which sent her head reeling with the force of the blow. Her face flared with a sharp, stinging pain of her face swelling, but Claire bit her lip and said nothing. However, the pain was so bad, that she had to fight to keep from screaming.
"Was it, Section One? Your equipment and tactics suggest a Section One operative, am I right?" Jonathon Randall stated watching her closely for any flinch of recognition of his questions.
Claire gave a guarded look his way but remained silent. How could he have possibly known about Section One? She thought. "We have your gun ... it's Section One issue ... Did they send you here, Claire?" Yet again she was non-committal. "Silence is affirmation ... I gather. Now ... What do you know about the death of Tony Wong in Aberdeen?" Jonathon demanded in a menacing tone of voice. "Who? ... I don't know what you're talking about." "Ah ... she speaks at last," he replied sarcastically. "I think you do!" He stared at the woman who refused to capitulate even after such a vicious beating. "And what of Madame Cheung?" Jonathon continued, "Were you involved in her disappearance as well?"
"Why are you doing this to me? I've done nothing." "Answers! ... We want answers! You're not being completely truthful, now are you Claire Beauchamp?" "I can't tell you what I don't know." Randall tried to put her off kilter and sow seeds of doubt. "You're probably wondering how we got onto you in the first place? Section One isn't quite as invisible as it likes to think, and we're very good at what we do. Actually, we probably know more about you than you know about yourself." They each stared at one another in an impasse. Jonathon Randall walked around her and stopped when he came face to face. A look of contempt crossed his features. “What about the bombing in my nightclub? I’m sure you know something about that too, don’t you?"
She completely ignored his attempt to get a reaction from her and remained silent. When Jonathon Randall gained no information with these statements, he continued the interrogation. His next question however, was completely out of left field. "Who's Jamie?" 
Claire’s head rose slightly at the mention of his name. "Nobody important." 
Her answer brought a clenched fist to her kidneys by Jonathon's bodyguard. "Liar ... tell us who he is and what he knows about the Rising Dragons and the bombing of my club." "He doesn't know anything ... I don't know anything ..." "Come, come Claire ... we're not stupid." Jonathon berated. "He's ... he's my brother," she replied dispassionately. "And here I thought he might be your boyfriend."
Ronald MacNab and Robert Ling smirked at this statement from Jonathon Randall. 
"That's another lie ... You talk in your sleep. Well I guess your friend Karen will just have to provide the answers to my questions seeing that you won't." Randall watched Claire Beauchamp's face for any sign of emotion to his statements. When noting was forthcoming ... again he implied confidently, "You know we will find out one way or another, then we won't need to resort to these tactics again if you cooperate." Claire remained silent. It was evident that they would get nothing out of her today. MacNab looked at Jonathon Randall, his face expressing his queries about what he wanted him to do next. His boss' words confirmed his thoughts.
"That's enough for now ... we'll continue this another time." 
The men slipped out of the room but before closing the mirrored panel behind them, Jonathon Randall stated with conviction. "Don't think you've won Claire Beauchamp ... I'll be back ... we'll continue this later on. Trust me ... you'll give us the answers we want one way or another." When she heard the click of the door, she let herself sag to the floor trying to relieve the ache in her arms and the throbbing of her kidneys. Claire didn't know how much more she could withstand.
“Jamie ... where are you?” She whispered silently. 
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Jonathon Randall sat back down in his observation room and stared at their prisoner.  He was not happy though as the woman had given him nothing. It had been some time since he'd seen a woman with her resilience. Claire Beauchamp had the strength of a man and the tenacity of a lion. Although Section One obviously trained their operatives well, he would make her break and when she did; the triad would have what they wanted. Dismissing the sight of her in the cell Jonathon turned around and faced the two men giving each specific orders.
"Cut her down MacNab and see that she is attended to." 
"Yes sir." "We don't want to kill her just yet before we have our answers." "Of course, not sir. Do you know who this Jamie is she talks about?" Ronald enquired. "Someone she wants to protect," he answered logically. "Someone she obviously doesn't want us to know anything about." "He could be Section too." Anticipating that it could be a lead they might pursue Jonathon gave him further orders. "Yes, I agree. Find out anything you can about him." Then turning to his bodyguard, he issued him with a challenge too. "Robert ... you contact Karen and get all the information she has on this mystery man ... then listen to the surveillance tapes again. Claire talks in her sleep; I want to know anything you can find out about him. Give me something I can use next time. I expect both of you to come up with good news shortly." "Yes, sir," they replied in unison before taking their leave. As the men quietly left the room, Jonathon Randall turned to face the sight of their captive once more. The woman was a conundrum but he would get to the bottom of her involvement in Rising Dragons’ business sooner or later. He liked a challenge and Claire Beauchamp was certainly that. A slight smirk crossed his lips at the thought of the battle of wills he expected to experience with their hostage in the forthcoming days. However, the quicker she capitulated the better it would be for everyone, but if, as he anticipated, she would resist ... then it would be to her detriment. There was only ever going to be one winner and it wasn't going to be this woman … Claire Beauchamp.
 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ to be continued next Friday.  
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ntrending · 6 years
Blow flies helped exonerate a woman of murder 17 years after the fact
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/blow-flies-helped-exonerate-a-woman-of-murder-17-years-after-the-fact/
Blow flies helped exonerate a woman of murder 17 years after the fact
On Jan. 2, 2018, Kirstin Blaise Lobato, who was charged and convicted of murder, walked free from a Nevada prison due entirely to forensic entomology.
Forensic entomologists study the insects colonizing a dead body to estimate how long they have been active on the body and infer time of death. What was so unusual in Lobato’s case was not the presence of insects, but rather the absence of insects on the body.
Yet neither defence nor prosecution lawyers queried this absence, an oversight that led to Lobato’s 16-year incarceration.
It was only after I was contacted in 2009 to assess the forensic entomology evidence, or rather the lack of it, that it became clear there was forensic evidence that could prove her innocence.
Violent, gruesome murder in Las Vegas
Seventeen years earlier, at 10:15 p.m. on July 8, 2001, a homeless man was found brutally murdered in an outside trash area behind the Las Vegas strip.
He had been stabbed and slashed multiple times. His rectum had been cut open and his penis cut off. His body was found lying in pools of blood.
Lobato was identified as a suspect only because, a month earlier, a different man had attempted to rape her. She had defended herself with a small pocket knife and had slashed at her assailant’s genitals. She did not cut off his penis, but left him “crying.”
When police found that the dead man’s penis had been removed they searched for anyone in town who had cut a penis. They found Lobato, who was only 18 years old at the time, and charged her with the crime.
Estimating time of death
The pathologist originally stated that death had occurred just before the body was discovered at 10:15 p.m. Lobato had an unbreakable alibi for most of that day. However, the pathologist then changed his mind, determining death had occurred one to 12 hours before discovery. During the 2002 trial, he changed his opinion again—to as much as 24 hours before discovery.
Lobato was convicted of first-degree murder and sexual penetration of a dead body, despite any physical evidence tying her to the murder scene.
This trial, however, was overturned due to errors and Lobato was retried in 2006, at which time the pathologist again changed his time of death and stated that the murder occurred eight to 14 hours before discovery.
This time, Lobato was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter and sexual penetration of a dead body. This latter charge was based on the rectum slashing, because it was claimed that this had occurred after death, despite the fact that pathologists stated it occurred while the victim was alive.
This is an important distinction because it resulted in Lobato’s registration as a sex offender for the rest of her life.
No insect evidence was present
In December 2009, Hans Sherrer, editor and publisher of Justice Denied, a magazine dedicated to the wrongfully convicted, contacted me regarding Lobato’s case. He said he had photographs of the body and scene and asked if I could I do anything.
Normally, the answer to that is “no,” because a forensic entomologist cannot just “look” at a maggot. We need to study the insects under a microscope in order to see specific features. However, when Sherrer described the state of the body and the state’s case, I agreed to take a look.
Insects, in particular blow flies, are the first witnesses to a crime. They are attracted to a body immediately after death if the conditions are appropriate.
They are attracted to lay their eggs close to wounds or orifices so that newly hatched first instar or first stage larvae can feed on liquid protein because, at this stage, they are unable to break an adult human’s dry skin. This means the female adults are very good at locating wound sites so their offspring can feed on blood.
Blow flies will lay large clumps of eggs on the body that are clearly visible; they look a bit like a small clump of grated Parmesan cheese. Even single eggs are one to two millimetres long, so they can easily be seen in a photograph. In this case, absolutely no insect evidence was present on the body.
Blow flies indicate time of death
Adult blow flies usually arrive within minutes, or even seconds, of death if conditions are appropriate, such as season, temperature, accessibility, and time of day.
The insect season is generally from spring to fall in most of North America, so a death that occurs in mid-winter will not attract insects. Insects are cold-blooded, so their development and activities are governed by ambient temperature and they generally become inactive below around 10 to 12 degrees Celsius.
They also need to be able to reach the corpse, so if it is well-wrapped in garbage bags or inside a house, they will be delayed. Finally, blow flies are diurnal, which means they are active during the day and they rest at night. If a person dies in the night, they will not be colonized until the following morning.
In Lobato’s case, almost all circumstances were perfect for insect colonization: the season was summer, the weather was hot, and the body was exposed outdoors with only a few pieces of trash covering him, which would not have impeded insects. The body was covered in wounds and very bloody so it would have been extremely attractive.
The only explanation for the lack of eggs on the body was that the victim died after sunset on the night his body was discovered.
Determining death after sunset
In December 2009, I submitted an affidavit stating that, in my opinion, the man had died after sunset on July 8, when Lobato had an air-tight alibi.
A writ of habeas corpus—indicating that Lobato was falsely imprisoned—was submitted in early 2010 but was denied in 2011. A reply brief was filed in October 2012, but there was no response until September 2014, almost two years later. A further two years elapsed before Lobato was granted a hearing in 2017 when the Innocence Project became involved—an organization that works to exonerate the wrongfully committed.
I, and two other forensic entomologists whom I recommended, testified in front of a judge in October 2017. We all stated that insects would have been attracted to this body very rapidly and the lack of eggs suggested that death had occurred after sunset. Prosecution brought in a fourth entomologist who said you could not be absolutely sure.
Two months later the court granted Lobato’s writ of habeas corpus and ordered a new trial based on our evidence, stating that Lobato’s lawyers were ineffective in not consulting an entomologist in the original trial.
Ten days later, the court vacated Lobato’s conviction and dismissed all charges against her. Lobato was released “with prejudice,” meaning she cannot be retried.
Gail Anderson is a Professor of Criminology, Undergraduate Director at Simon Fraser University. This article was originally featured on The Conversation.
Written By Gail Anderson/The Conversation
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thotyssey · 6 years
Wednesday (7.11.2018)
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ALIBI: Extended happy hour with DJ Poison Ivy (6pm)
KAZZA: HAMILTON LODGE happy hour (8pm) 
TOOLBOX: Karaoke with Jackie Dupree (9pm)
WEST END: Lagoona Bloo (10pm);  Didi Cumswell (11pm)
ATLAS SOCIAL CLUB: Men of Adonis Lounge (10pm)
POSH: Honey Davenport, Kristy Blaze & Octavia Anyae with DJ John Marto (10pm)
THERAPY: Pixie Aventura & Kizha Carr (11pm) 
RISE: Brenda Dharling, Bootsie LeFaris & Marti Gould Cummings (11pm)
HARDWARE: Paige Turner (11pm)
RITZ: TURNt “Gatsby edition” feat. Maddelynn Hatter, Sherry Pie, Egypt, Jasmine Kennedie, Black Widow & Jasmine Rice, plus shotgirl Nasty Queen & DJ Eugene Edo with guests Leganja Estranja & Dahlia Sin  (midnight)
INDUSTRY: Sherry Vine with Mariette Moure (midnight) 
EVOLVE: THE EVENT urban party (6pm)
UNCLE CHARLIE’S: live piano (8pm)
LIPS: Bitchy Bingo with Ginger Snaps (9pm)
EAGLE NYC: Jockstrap Wednesdays (10pm) 
ELECTRIC ROOM: PLEASE ME dance party (10pm) 
REBAR: DJ Joey Quinones (10pm)
BARRACUDA: Tina Burner with Jada Valenciaga & Holly Box-Springs   (11:30pm) 
ROCKBAR: White Elephant Burlesque (7pm); YELL CLUB / Karaoke with Lee VaLone (10pm) 
OFFSIDE TAVERN: VEGAS NIGHTS variety show hosted by Jayse Vegas feat. Kenny Supreme, Patch Risha, Lion Lavender & Yasmin Delano with DJ JCLEF (9pm) 
STONEWALL: 90′s Themed karaoke (10pm) 
PIECES: JanSport & Shuga Cain with Izzy Uncut & Carmen Sidemi  (10pm)
MONSTER: Holly Dae with Jasmin Van Wales (10pm)
DUPLEX: Heidi Haux (11pm)
COCK: Bingo hosted by TBA (7pm);  THICCC underwear party (11pm) 
PHOENIX: Drunk Trivia (7pm);  Karaoke with Tammy Spanx (10pm)
CLUB CUMMING: CABERNET CABARET (8pm);  Brent Ray Fraser (10:30pm)
CONEY ISLAND BABY:  Roxy Brooks & DJ David Serrano (10pm)
NOWHERE: DJs Jay D & Mordecai spin goth (10pm)
BELLE REVE: Karaoke with Glace Chase (11pm)
BIZARRE: Tyler Ashley & Charlene (7pm)
MACRI PARK: Karaoke with DJ Jen Urban (9pm)
METROPOLITAN: ALOTTA TRIVIA (9pm);  CAKES feat. Horrorchata, Hannah Lou & Mini Horrorwitz (10pm)
HOUSE OF YES: Drag competition hosted by Madame Vivien V (10pm) 
ROSEMONT: OOPS feat DJ P_A_T, Crystal Mesh, Harajuku, West Dakota & Theydy Bedbug (10pm)
THE WOODS: MISSTER feat. DJs Amber Valentine (10pm) & friends 
HOMBRES LOUNGE: Karaoke (5pm)
CLUB EVOLUTION: Karaoke with Victoria Chase “Willie” (9pm)
ICON: Gilda Wabbit FINALE (9pm)
BLUE WHALE: LOW TEA (4-8pm);  Bingo with Pissi Myles (8pm)
CHERRY GROVE COMMUNITY HOUSE: Club Cumming on the Beach: Daphne Always (6pm);  Drink-N-Draw (8pm);  Billy Hough (10pm)
CHERRYS ON THE BAY: Bingo with Boudoir LeFleur (9:30pm)
MARGARITA: Alexa Du Mont, Angel Elektra, Shay D'Pines & Starr Lust (8pm)  
THE ROYAL: Karaoke with Kia Karr (7pm)
GEORGIE’S: Karaoke Dance Party (9:30pm)
FEATHERS: DJ Steve Sidewalk (11pm)
Full List Here
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bartcassiman · 7 years
Bart Cassiman (°1961), freelance-curator, art critic and editor, is an art historian and studied press- and communication sciences at the Ghent University (1979-1984).
Early Years 
He was the project-leader of the exhibition Initatief 86 which took place in the St. Pieters Abbey and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Ghent in 1986. This was an exhibition on Belgian art for which Kasper König, Jan Hoet, Jean-Hubert Martin and Gosse Oosterhof made the selection. The exhibition included a.o. works by Chantal Akerman, Guillaume Bijl, Jacques Charlier, Luc Deleu, Lili Dujourie, Jef Geys, René Heyvaert, Raoul De Keyser, Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Panamarenko, Guy Rombouts, Walter Swennen, Narcisse Tordoir, Jan Vercruysse and Didier Vermeiren,… 1
From September 1986 until the end of 1988, Bart Cassiman was curator for Contemporary Art at the Palais des Beaux-Arts (BOZAR) in Brussels where he organized (in collaboration with the director Jan Debbaut) several exhibitions of contemporary art (Gilbert & George, John Baldessari, Didier Vermeiren, Narcisse Tordoir, Claes Oldenburg, Art & Language, Luciano Fabro, Per Kirkeby, Jan Vercruysse,…)
Curatorial Practice 
As a free-lance curator he organized several exhibitions between 1989 and 1991. Amongst others:
Rombouts and Tordoir, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin, 1989.
Noli me tangere - with Lili Dujourie and Cristina Iglesias, Locus Solus - Genova, Italy, 1990.
De Pictura - an exhibition on motive and alibi in the painting of Herbert Brandl, Helmut Dorner, John Murphy, Mitja Tušek, Narcisse Tordoir and Walter Swennen - Bruges La Morte, Bruges, 1990.
The solo-exhibitions of Lili Dujourie, Kunstverein, Bonn, 1989; Le Magasin, Grenoble, 1990.2
Espacio Mental with René Daniëls, Thierry De Cordier, Isa Genzken, Cristina Iglesias, Thomas Schütte and Jan Vercruysse at Valencia, IVAM-El Carme in 1991 was his first major group show and has made Cassimans name as a particular exhibition maker. The exhibition contained about 80 works, was complex and layered so that the different interrelations between the artworks became almost endless.3
He has been a member of the Jury of the Mies van der Rohe Stipendium, Krefeld (1990-1995) and also of the program-commission of the Appel Foundation, Amsterdam (1989-1993).
Bart Cassiman’s reputation became really established when he has been the project-leader of the section Contemporary Visual Art of Antwerp 93, European Capital of Culture. For this temporary organization he realized three major projects which differed in terms of intent and content.
For the Middelheim Museum he invited ten artists (Per Kirkeby, Richard Deacon, Panamarenko, Thomas Schütte, Juan Muñoz, Matt Mullican, Bernd Lohaus, Harald Klingelhöller, Didier Vermeiren, Isa Genzken) to make a work, which was bought by Antwerp 93 for the permanent collection. Those sculptures are nowadays considered as masterpieces and several of them the eyecatchers of the Middelheim Museum. They were placed on Middelheim Low, which became by doing so the section of contemporary art of the museum. A section invented by Cassiman and realized with the support of Bob Cools (The Mayor), Eric Antonis (the intendant of Antwerp 93) and Hans Nieuwdorp (the director of the Art Historical Museums of the City of Antwerp). This project became known as New Sculptures.4
For the first time, the Royal Museum of Fine Arts hosted contemporary artists who gave form to entwining of remembrance and imagination in the creative process. This project (exhibition and book), The Sublime Void (on the memory of the imagination), can be considered as his ‘pièce de résistance’, included the artists Jean-Marc Bustamante, Jan Vercruysse, Rachel Whiteread, Juan Muñoz, Niek Kemps, John Murphy, Mitja Tušek, Gerhard Richter, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Luc Tuymans, Robert Gober, Cristina Iglesias, Harald Klingelhöller, Didier Vermeiren, Thomas Schütte, Ettore Spalletti, Luciano Fabro, Jeff Wall, Jannis Kounellis, René Daniëls, Franz West, Fortuyn/O'Brien, James Welling, Lili Dujourie and Thierry De Cordier. The accompanying publication contains texts, essays, poems etc. by a.o. Adorno, Augustinus, Baudelaire, Benjamin, Blanchot, Borges, Broch, Canetti, Handke, Hölderlin, Kafka, Kristeva, Musil, Michelangelo, Nietzsche, Pascal, Proust, Rilke, Valery, Wenders, Wordsworth… It has been rewarded with the Gouden penning van Plantijn-Moretus, an award for the best book published in 1993.5
For the third project, he invited after conscientiously research and several workshops three colleagues-curators (Iwona Blazwick, Yves Aupetitallot and Carolyn-Christov Bakargiev) to make an exhibition with artists from different cultural backgrounds to produce a new work in the extended M HKA. The for a long time underestimated exhibition On taking a normal situation and translating it into overlapping and multiple readings of conditions past and present which included at that time a few quite well-known artists (such as Jimmy Durham, Mark Dion, Eugenio Dittborn, Judith Barry and Renée Green) in combination with a lot of artists who were at the beginning of their public life and have since then co- determined the international discourse for years (Maria Eichhorn, Zarina Bhimji, Ann Veronica Janssens, Andrea Fraser,…)6
From 1994 until 1998 he was member of the advisory-committee of the Middelheim Museum, Antwerp.
In 1995 he realized an exhibition with Dora García, Dianne Hagen, Gert Verhoeven, Lisa May Post, Anne-Marie Schneider and Stephen Wilks, at Galerie Nelson, Paris. In the same year he co-ordinated the project Arte Habitable with Alicia Framis. He wrote the essay for the catalogue which he edited too.7
In 1997 Bart Cassiman curated the exhibition and edited the publication Green Easter (with Dianne Hagen, Carla Klein, Aglaia Konrad, Peter Rogiers, Stephen Wilks and Robert Suermondt) at the Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle.8 He wrote a substantial essay on the work of Lili Dujourie and edited the catalogue and curated the show at Lisson Gallery, London. 9
At the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam he curated the Open Studio’s 1997. This project included more than 50 young artists, such as Carlos Amorales, Emmanuelle Antille, Lise Baggesen, Maura Biava, Franck Bragigand, Jeroen Eisinga, Meshac Gaba, Winneke Gartz, Mark Hosking, Runa Islam, Saskia Janssen, Moshekwa Aaron Langa, Fang Lijun, Els Opsomer, Ebru Özseçen, Anne Van der Plas, De Rijke/De Rooij, Emmanuel Ropers, Dierk Schmidt, Tim Stoner, Tomoko Take, Fiona Tan, Hermann Terrier, Claire Todd, Vera Weisgerber, Edwin Zwakman,…
At the end of 1997 he organized also two exhibitions with the Belgian painter Jan Van Imschoot. In Hasselt (Provinciaal Museum) he curated his first painting overview. In Amsterdam (Artbook) he curated an exhibition on drawings.
In 1998 he organized his - till today - last exhibition: Privacy: Tuymans – Balka for Serralves, Porto.10
In 2000 he was responsible for the Flemish selection for the Milano Europa 2000 project. The selected artists were: Marie José Burki, Jan Van Imschoot and Gert Verhoeven.
Art Critic 
Bart Cassiman is also active as a free-lance art-critic, having written essays for catalogues on a.o. René Daniëls, Raoul De Keyser, Harald Klingelhöller, Lili Dujourie, Cristina Iglesias, Jan Vercruysse, Thierry De Cordier, Paul Robbrecht, Walter Swennen, Narcisse Tordoir, Henk Visch, Guy Rombouts, Dianne Hagen, Peter Rogiers, Stephen Wilks, Juan Muñoz, Thomas Schütte, Isa Genzken, Alica Framis, Robert Suermondt, Aglaia Konrad, Carla Klein,… and several articles for international art-magazines (Flash Art, Kunst & Museumjournaal, Meta, Artefactum, Kunst Nu and Metropolis M), about art policy and specific subjects related to art.
In 1989 he edited the first small monography De architectuur en het beeld (The Architecture and the Image) on the work of the architects Paul Robbrecht/Hilde Daem.11 In 1995 he did the same on the work of Thierry De Cordier with a text of Stefan Hertmans.12
In 1996/1997 he is a member of the staff of editors of DWB (Dietsche Warande en Belfort), an important magazine on literature. For this he edited a special number (DWB 6/97) on Juan Muñoz.13
Educational Parcours 
On the level of education, Bart Cassiman has been, besides for almost a decade (1989 – 1998) tutor at the Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, a guest-lecturer at the Appel Foundation in Amsterdam and Le Magasin in Grenoble (for the curator training which is organized by those institutes), at Sotheby’s London (educational studies for future artworld-professionals) and at P.A.R.T.S., the institute for dance founded by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker of Rosas.
Since 1985 he participated at many lectures, symposiums and workshops on the subject of contemporary art organised by different museums, art institutions and galleries. amongst others in Geneva he participated at the symposium La possibilité de l'art. Où commence, où finit l'art dans le monde de l'art contemporain (25-26 February 1989, Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève|Centre d'art contemporain) and in Stuttgart at A new spirit in curating (25-26 January 1992, Künstlerhaus). He was a member of the studygroup which prepared the symposium Writing about art (1991, Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven). At the occasion of the publication Art, gallery, exhibition. The gallery as a vehicle for art, edited by gallery Andriesse and De Balie, Amsterdam, he took part in the symposiums organized in Amsterdam (7 September 1996), Rotterdam (8 September 1996) and Antwerp (8 October 1996). In Brussels (25-26 October 1996) he participated at the colloquium Art et commande publics, organized by Encore Bruxelles.
The Absent Museum.
From 1989 until 2000 he was responsible for the BACOB bank collection of contemporary art. The collection contained at the end about 180 works of around 40 different international artists, a.o. Stan Douglas, Franz West, Herbert Brandl, Lili Dujourie, Cristina Iglesias, Thomas Schütte, Harald Klingelhöller, Allan McCollum, Narcisse Tordoir, Helmut Dorner, Luc Tuymans, Jan Fabre, Bazilebustamante, Jean-Marc Bustamante, Thierry De Cordier, James Welling, Juan Muñoz, Jan Vercruysse, Mitja Tušek, Gert Verhoeven, Stephen Wilks, Dianne Hagen, Jan Van Imschoot, Robert Suermondt, Carla Klein, Niek Kemps, Alicia Framis, Isa Genzken, Ebru Özseçen, Gregor Schneider, Valerie Mannaerts, Bjarne Melgaard, Mike Kelley, Carlos Amorales, Miroslav Balka.
Due to a severe illness Bart Cassiman was forced to stop all his professional activities at the end of the nineties. Without any doubt one can say that he was one of the most active and energized persons of the artworld between the mid-eigthies and the end of the nineties. With colleagues such as Saskia Bos, Ulrich Loock, Julian Heynen, Dennis Zacharopoulos and a few others he was responsible for the visualization of a generation by making exhibitions and writing texts and convincing many museums and collectors to buy their works.
The bank for which he collected more than a decade bought as a result of his engagement and advise the well-known Vanderborght building in the heart of Brussels, at the end of the nineties. Everything was prepared to open the first private (corporate) museum on this scale in Western Europe. The opening was planned for the spring of 2002. But because the engine of this whole operation fell silent the project died a quiet dead. Big parts of the collection were sold and so stays the capital of Europe deprived of an urgently needed Museum of Contemporary Art…
Cassiman, Bart; Martin, Jean-Hubert; König, Kasper; Oosterhof, Gosse; Hoet, Jan (1986). Initiatief 1986. Gent, Belgium: Imschoot.
Cassiman, Bart (1989). Lili Dujourie. Grenoble: Centre national d'art contemporain.
Cassiman, Bart (1991). Espacio mental. Valencia: Generalitat Valenciana.
Pauwels, Hilde (1993). Nieuwe beelden : Openluchtmuseum voor Beeldhouwkunst Middelheim. Antwerpen: Antwerpen.
Cassiman, Bart; Ramael, Greet; Vande Veire, Frank (1993). The sublime void : on the memory of the imagination. Ghent: Ludion.
Cassiman, Bart (1993). On taking a normal situation … Antwerpen: Antwerpen 1993 v.z.w. / Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerpen.
Cassiman, Bart (1995). Arte Habitable. Amsterdam.
Cassiman, Bart (1997). Green Easter. Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens. Deurle: Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens.
Dujourie, Lili; Cassiman, Bart (1997). Lili Dujourie. London: Lisson Gallery.
Ramos, Maria (1998). Privacy : Luc Tuymans/Miroslaw Balka. Porto, Portugal: Fundação de Serralves.
Cassiman, Bart (1989). Paul Robbrecht Hilde Daem. De architectuur en het beeld. Antwerpen: deSingel.
Hertmans, Stefan (1995). Eenzaamheid op de marktplaats. Over het werk van Thierry De Cordier. Brussel: Hayen.
Cassiman, Bart (December 1997). “Juan Muñoz”. Dietsche Warande & Belfort. N°6.> Further Reading
Primary sources.
Cassiman, Bart. “The pictorial diversity of a generation”. 6 Young Flemish Artists. Dirk De Bruycker, Walter Swennen, Philippe Tonnard, Narcisse Tordoir, Hans Vandekerckhove, Philippe Vandenberg. Washington: Art Society of The International Monetary Fund (1986).
Cassiman, Bart. “«Farbzustände» von Raoul De Keyser”. Guillaume Bijl, Jan Vercruysse, Lili Dujourie, Raoul De Keyser. Bern: Kunsthalle Bern (1986).
Cassiman, Bart. “Einigie (möglische) Überlegungen zum Niederschlag von René Daniëls’ amüsiertem Umgang mit der Wirklichkeit in Wort und Bild”. Daniëls. Bern: Kunsthalle Bern (1987).
Cassiman, Bart. “L'Oeuvre au Noir”. Flash Art. N°146 May / June 1989.
Cassiman, Bart. Harald Klingelhöller. Eindhoven: Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum; London: The Whitechapel Art Gallery (1990).
Cassiman, Bart. “Alzumeazume or La Musee Amusée”. Kunst & Museumjournaal. N° 5 1990.
Cassiman, Bart. “Images and their effects: Imagination in the plural” Walter Swennen. Heerlen: Stadsgalerij (1990).
Cassiman, Bart. Cristina Iglesias. Amsterdam: De Appel (1990).
Cassiman, Bart. “Propos sur le maître de schoorisse” L'Art en Belgique. Flandre et Wallonie au XXe Siècle. Un point de vue. Paris: Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (1991).
Cassiman, Bart. “Het relaas van een wanhoop: over de meester van Schoorisse. Thierry De Cordier” Kunst & Museumjournaal. N°5 (1992).
Cassiman, Bart “Necessary but not urgent” Pose. N°9 Spring / Summer 1993.
Cassiman, Bart. “Lili Dujourie” Kunst in België na 1980. Brussel: Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België (1993).
Cassiman, Bart. “Jan Vercruysse” Kunst in België na 1980. Brussel: Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België (1993).
Cassiman, Bart (a.o.) “Middelheim, 1995+…” De WItte Raaf. N°58, November-December 1995.
Cassiman, Bart. “Par amour de l'art” De Morgen. 1 December 1995.
Cassiman, Bart. “The same again, but different” L&B (Lier en Boog). Series of Philiosophy of Art and Art Theory. Volume 13 (1998).
Cassiman, Bart. “Adieu Chantal” Knack Focus. 10 October 2015.
Secondary sources.
Early Years.
Waterschoot, Hector. “Een hete, artistieke zomer. Gentse musea en galerijen brengen een monsterprojekt : Initiatief 86” Knack. 18 June 1986.
Van Den Abeele, Lieven. “Initiatief 86. Alleen visitekaartje van Belgische kunst” De Standaard. 27 June 1986.
Gillemon, Danièle. “L'art contemporain à Gand: une abondance d'expositions pour vous édifier ou vous achever !” Le Soir. 25 July 1986.
Meuris, Jacques. “«Initiatief 86» : Gand au carrefour de l'art contemporain” La Libre Belgique. 11 July 1986.
De Baere, Bart. “Het is geen diktaat over Belgische Kunst” Special Knack Magazine. (1986).
De Zutter, “Initiatief '86 of hoe een mug een olifant baarde” De Morgen. 21 June 1986.
Curatorial Practice.
Borka, Max “Lili Dujourie in het Bonner Kunstverein. Fluweel en schone schijn. Verdwaalde rekwisieten op zoek naar een auteur.” De Morgen. 28 December 1989.
Favet, Catherine. “Lili Dujourie” Art Press. October 1990.
Bost, Bernadette. “Velours et marbres de Lili Dujourie” Le Monde. 11 July 1990.
Braet, Jan. “Moord in de galerie” Knack. 18 July 1990.
De Cecco, Emanuela. “Lily Dujourie, Cristina Iglesias. Locus Solus” Flash Art. April / May (1991).
Borka, Max. “'Espacio Mental’ in Valencia. De nazaten van de Heilige Hiëronymus” De Morgen. 31 May 1991.
Penxten, Stéphane. “L'imagination au pouvoir” La Libre Belgique. 12 June 1991.
Cortés, José Miguel G. “Los estratos de la mente. Seis artistas europeos en Valencia” El Pais. 1 June 1991.
Jarque, Vicente. “Moradas del arte. El Centre del Carme acoge una muestra colectiva bajo el título de Espacio mental” Cultura. June 1991.
Middendorp, Jan. “Ver van de dolle menigte” Knack. 26 June 1991.
Lambrecht, Luk. “Mental Space” Forum International. N° 10, November 1991.
Entrop, Pieter. “Bart Cassiman” Metropolis M. N° 4 1991.
Braet, Jan. “Antwerpen '93. Het ideale museum” Knack. 10 March 1993.
Van Den Bergh, Jos. “Bart Cassiman on his show "The Sublime Void”“ Forum International. N°18 May / August 1993.
Gillemon, Danieèle. "Le Deuxième Souffle du Middelheim” Le Soir. 9 June 1993.
Braet, Jan. “Antwerpen '93. Als op een zomernacht. Nieuwe Beelden voor Middelheim” Knack. N°24 1993.
Lubbers, Frank. “Nieuwe Beelden” Metropolis M. N° 4 1993.
Van Mulders, Wim “Nieuwe beelden voor het Middelheim” Muziek & Woord. June 1993.
Turine, Roger Pierre. “Le Middelheim contemporain” La Libre Belgique. 11 June 1993.
McFadden, Sarah. “Sculpture garden sprouting new works. The Middelheim museum enjoys a breath of fresh air” The Bulletin. 24 June 1993.
S.N. “Kirkebys store skulptur/hus” Politiken Sǿndag. 18 July 1993.
Van der Geer, Cees. “Herwaardering van een beeldenpark” Haagse Courant. 19 July 1993.
Montón, Carmen. “Amberes y Lisboa planean ceder parte de la capitalidad cultural europea a Sarajevo” La Vanguardia. 25 July 1993.
Bracke, Eric. “Hedendaagse kunst in Antwerpen: 'Het sublieme gemis’. Met andere woorden” De Morgen. 30 July 1993.
Chauvy, Laurence. “Expositions à Anvers. L'imagination et sa mémoire / La surprise est dans le parc” Journal de Genève et Gazette de Lausanne. 31 July 1993.
Braet, Jan. “Antwerpen '93. De Lege Ruimte” Knack. 4 August 1993.
Borka, Max. “Letter from Antwerp” The Bulletin. 5 August 1993.
Depondt, Paul. “Dingen waarvan de tijd nog niet is aangebroken” De Volkskrant. 6 August 1993.
Romare, Kristian. “Skulptur for skulpturer” Information. 6 August 1993.
Von Radziewsky, Elke. “Der geliehene Sinn” Die Zeit. 6 August 1993.
Van der Geer, Cees. “Kunstwerken als toekomstige dingen” Haagse Courant. 18 August 1993.
Braet, Jan. “In de maag van geest” Knack. 18 August 1993.
Braudeau, Michel. “L'Anvers de l'art” Le Monde. 21 August 1993.
Muller, Robert-Jan. “Tien nieuwe beelden in Middelheim” Archis. September 1993.
Marcelis, Bernard. “Le Manque Sublime” Art e Culture. September 1993.
Puvogel, Renate. “The Sublime Void” Kunstforum. September 1993.
Barten, Walter. “Doorbroken concepten. Twee boeiende exposities in culturele hoofdstad Antwerpen93” Het Financieele Dagblad. 4 September 1993.
Vonck, Bart. “Hun tijd is nog niet aangebroken. Tentoonstelling 'Het Sublieme Gemis’” Markant. N°35 10 September 1993.
Lebovici, Elisabeth “L'Anvers du décor” Libération. 18 September 1993.
Bouman, Ole. “Talent voor de ultieme leegte” De Groene Amsterdammer. 22 September 1993.
Braet, Jan. “Tegen de nieuwe schoolmeesters” Knack. (1993).
Lambrecht, Luk. “Over een drieluik” Antwerpen 93. (1993).
Ruyters, Marc. “Afsluiting van drieluik in het MUHKA. Ook beeldende kunst weet het antwoord niet” Financieel Economische Tijd. 25 September 1993.
Wilson, Andrew. “Antwerp 93” Art Monthly. November 1993.
Lambrecht, Luk. “Antwerp 93” Flash Art. November / December 1993.
Bracke, Eric. “De versnipperde archipel” De Morgen. 14 February 1997.
Borka, Max. “Groene Pasen bloemleest kunst uit schemerzones” De Standaard. 15 February 1997.
Braet, Jan. “Eros en Narcis in hun eerste bloei” Knack. 26 February 1997.
Barten, Walter. “Eigenzinnig en consequent” Het Financieele Dagblad. 3 March 1997.
Lorent, Claude. “Le printemps de l'art actuel” La Libre Belgique. 10 March 1997.
Pontzen, Rutger. “Groene Pasen” Metropolis M. N°2 1997.
Borka, Max. “Onder lakens van lood. Lili Dujourie in de Londense Lisson Gallery” DS MAGAZINE. 13 June 1997.
Van Hove, Jan. “Broedplaats voor jonge kunst. Rijksacademie Amsterdam houdt open ateliers” De Standaard. 1997.
Roos, Robbert. “Rijksakademie open voor jacht op het nieuwste talent” Trouw. 28 November 1997.
Ruyters, Marc. “De onacademische aanpak van de Rijksacademie” De Financieel-Economische Tijd. 29 November 1997.
Art Critic.
Van Synghel, Koen. “Museum voor Krappe Kunsten. Het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerpen op zoek naar ruimte in eigen huis” DS MAGAZINE. 8 December 1995.
Ruyters, Marc. “Tegen '92 zou Brussel zowat de Kunsthalle van Europa moeten zijn. Interview met Bart Cassiman” De Morgen. 28 September 1988.
Braet, Jan. “Kunst om te stelen” Knack. 17 September 1997.
The Absent Museum.
Pitteljon, Honoré (ed.). Artesia Center for the Arts. Bruxelles: Artesia Banking Corporation (1999).
Mast, Michel (ed.) Bacob & Art. Bruxelles: Bacob & Art (1996).
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lovebooksgroup · 7 years
Every day we will have Authors from different genres answering my exclusive questionnaire.
Tana Collins ~ Crime Fiction Takeover Interview
Which crime novel stayed with you long after you had finished?
It would have to be Peter Robinson’s ‘In a Dry Season’. I loved it for its atmosphere, characterisation and how it evokes the 1940’s. It was the first ever crime novel that I read and for that reason it really changed my life. Who would have thought fourteen years later I would have become a crime writer myself and that I would have a quote from Peter Robinson for my second book, Care to Die which was published on 1st June.  It’s a dream come true
If you had, to sum up, Edinburgh in four words, what would they be?
 Historic, vibrant, interesting and windy
Who is your favourite fictional crime character and why?
Perhaps unsurprisingly Peter Robinson’s DCI Banks. He makes me feel safe
What is your favourite part of Edinburgh and why?
I live in Morningside which I love but I think my favourite part of the city has to be Stockbridge. I love the unique character of that area and the fact it has the feel of a village. It reminds me of London.
If you could have dinner with four fictional crime characters who would they be?
 Moriarty because I want to understand his motivations, Rebus because he’d bring plenty of good whisky with him; Montalbano in the hope he might fly us all to Sicily for some al fresco dining and my own Inspector Jim  Carruthers as he’d really enjoy meeting the other three!
About your own work, where do you find inspiration for your books?
Inspiration is all around me. A chance encounter with a stranger, overhearing conversations, news items; world events. I also have a very strong imagination. The inspiration is never ending.
If your current book had a theme song what would it be?
My novels are set in Fife and I’ve always said if they became films I would love local Fifer, King Creosote to do the music for them so anything by King Creosote would work for me!
Write the scene of a crime for us, set in Edinburgh, one paragraph long. Include these three items ~ Banana, Greyfriars Bobby and The Wash Bar.
Having finished her banana daiquiri the woman with the flaming red hair hastened out of the Wash Bar. Walking to the Meadows for her rendez-vous with Felix she saw a couple by Greyfriars Bobby struggling to read a map as the wind tore at their clothes. Suddenly she couldn’t breathe and clutching her throat with her hands she dropped to her knees. Why had she finished that drink? She thought it had tasted strange. She felt hot, her body temperature soaring. She vomited as she collapsed on to the pavement, convulsing as she lay. The map slipped out of the hands of the couple as they looked on in alarm.
Do you have any events lined up either online or in person that my readers could attend?
I’m on panels at Newcastle Crime Writer’s Festival and hopefully Crimefest next year. Bit of a time to wait but will be appearing at another Edinburgh Noir at the Bar later this year so I’ll keep you posted!
Could you tell us about your current novel and how you got inspired to write it?
I’m in the middle of the edit for the third Inspector Carruthers novel, Mark of the Devil, which is due out 2018. The inspiration for this novel came, in part, from a visit to Tallinn and a stay in the Hotel Viru which included a trip to the secret top floor where the KGB spied on foreigners. It was fascinating so I had to create a storyline that led Carruthers over to Estonia, although I have to say the novel’s not necessarily about spies
How can my readers connect with you?
Tana Collins ~ Facebook Page
Robbing The Dead & Care To Die By Tana Collins 
Robbing the Dead 
In a small Scottish university town, what links a spate of horrible murders, a targeted bomb explosion and a lecturer’s disappearance? Is a terror group involved? If so, who is pulling the strings? And what does something that happened over forty years ago have to do with it?
Having recently returned to Castletown in the hope of winning back his estranged wife, DCI Jim Carruthers finds himself up to his eyes in the investigation.
Struggling with a very different personal problem, DS Andrea Fetcher assists Jim in the hunt for the murderous perpetrators. To prevent further violence they must find the answers quickly. But will Jim’s old adversary, terror expert McGhee, be a help or a hindrance?
The first in a new series featuring DCI Jim Carruthers
Care to Die 
Struggling with his demotion back to DI and his concern for the grieving DS Andrea Fletcher, Jim Carruthers is thrown in at the deep end when the body of an old man is discovered stabbed to death in a nature reserve- a ball of cloth rammed into the back of the victim’s throat. The only suspect is a fifteen-year-old neighbour who is known to the police for antisocial behaviour. But the teenager has an alibi.
When a second elderly man is also found dead at the same locale, with the same MO, Carruthers starts to wonder if they have a serial killer on their hands.
On discovering that the first victim, Ruiridh Fraser, has an estranged son living in Iceland, Carruthers flies out to interview the man, now convinced that the reason behind Fraser’s death lies in his past.
But what does the disappearance of a twelve year old boy forty years before, the brutal murder of a former journalist and a bitter local dispute about a nature reserve have to do with the investigation?
Can Carruthers and Fletcher solve the case while battling their own demons?
And are they hunting for one killer or more?
Purchase your copies here:
HUGE thanks to Tana Collins for taking the time to be on my blog today.
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*Crime Fiction Takeover* Tana Collins ~ Care To Die #Interview #Exclusive @Bloodhoundbook Every day we will have Authors from different genres answering my exclusive questionnaire. Tana Collins ~ Crime Fiction Takeover Interview…
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