beastbitten · 11 months
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@freak1ish asked: ❛ i’m not afraid of you. ❜ ( from Lupin )
&. 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬.
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All Ethan wanted to say was that he didn't have to be, that he was right not to be afraid of him, that there was no reason to be -- - but he couldn't. He knew it was a lie, that all it took was one uncontrolled emotion and he'd terrorise whoever and whatever was near him and that was if they were lucky. How could he ever forget the life that he'd already taken before he'd realised that anger could trigger his transformation, only to awaken and discover that he'd torn the man apart and was believed to have been killed too? At least it meant he'd been able to slip away without question, but in his eyes, there was no washing away the blood on his hands. "Maybe y'should be. It ain't exactly this side of me that's the issue. It's jus'... it's complicated, alright?"
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citysank · 1 year
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@freak1ish said:
why did you lie to me? ( for Claire from Lupin )
She furrows her brow at those words, almost amused by them. This guy should be thankful it isn't Karter here to hear that. Man would've blown a gasket at such a prospect, but it still amuses her. Almost.
"Why exactly do you care?"
She's genuinely perplexed by it to be fair. It wasn't as though honor was a big deal amongst strangers.
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"It's not like you're special or something. I lie to more than a few people on a regular basis and they don't really seem bothered by it."
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handgiven · 10 months
❛  umm, is this seat taken ?  ❜ ( from Caleb )
first meeting starter sentences / @freak1ish
Sure enough, the angel did not look like one of the usual patrons. What with his loose floral blouse and a thrifted professor jacket thrown over the chair beside him. The look was not especially aided by the book of John Keats poetry he seemed absolutely determined to read, no matter the noise of the bar, and no matter the way the letters jumbled themselves on the page. (He'd preferred it when John read him the poems out loud to this. But a little over 200 years later he was left with no other choice but to stumble over the written word himself.) He was frowning with focus, and that frown only dissipated momentarily when he heard someone speak.
Emmanuel raised his eyes, a smile shining through their tiredness but soon as he recognise the other – or rather, recognise the fact that he did not recognise him – a bright familiar smile turned to that of perfect politeness, hiding his disappointment, because surely this was the universe's way of telling him Kesabel was not coming. For a moment, he'd gotten melancholy. Kesabel was the only reason he'd dared enter such an establishment; it was so hard to get hold of him these days that when he'd suggested a bar to meet Emmanuel would not protest for a second. But, he supposed, something came up.
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He got so distracted that he'd only realised he kept the other waiting a few seconds later. "Um, sorry, yes. I mean no. It is free." Another smile was given, this time the angel made an effort to make it friendly. The other did not deserve a part in his sadness. He, of course, same as any other regular patron, must have come to have fun.
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fcllederage-moved · 1 year
@freak1ish said: thank you, by the way. ( from lupin )
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Hyacinthe had always been told that she was extremely expressive, even when she tried to hide them. In this case, she was unable to hide her surprise and confusion as she had no idea what the man was thanking her for, yet she kept smiling kindly at him. "What are you thanking me for? What did I do?" she asked, leaning over to him with a teasing smile.
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gunchamber · 1 year
𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐋 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐊𝐑𝐈𝐒 . / * @freak1ish
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                𝐈𝐓  𝐖𝐀𝐒  𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄  𝐓𝐎  𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐃  𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍      after  an  intense  hunt  .    exhaustion  clung  to  the  huntress’    muscles  like  the  thorns  of  a  rose  bush  ,    settled  in  so  deep  that  not  even  a  boiling  hot  shower  seemed  to  take  the  edge  off  .    joints  creaked    &    whined  as  she  shimmied  deeper  under  the  scratchy  motel  duvet  .    despite  the  fact  that  slumber  should  have  taken  hold  of  the  chambers  girl  long  ago  ,    her  mind  remained  awake  .    overactive    &    thoughts  rampaging  against  the  confines  of  her  skull  .    it  results  in  a  hollow  sigh  being  emitted  just  as  the  bundle  inside  the  bed  next  to  hers  moves  suddenly  ,    head  of  dark  hair  peeking  from  under  a  pile  of  blankets  before  a  pair  of  eyes  meets  hers  .    offering  a    DROWSY    smile  krissy  is  about  to  ask  why  he’s  awake  ,    thinking  he  had  knocked  out  half  an  hour  ago  .    but  as  she  watches  large  body  shifting  ,    turning  towards  her  before  legs  swing  free  from  the  warm  confines  of  his  cove  of  sheets  she  wonders  if  he’d  been  asleep  at  all  .    perhaps  his  mind  was  just  as    LOUD    as  hers  .                    she  remains  silent  as  his  feet  plant  onto  the  cheap  carpet  ,    &    watches  as  he  takes    ONE  ,    TWO  ,    THREE    steps  until  he’s  right  at  the  edge  of  her  bed  .    there’s  a  question  held  within  his  irises  .    his  hands  twitching  as  they  dangle  at  his  sides  ,    he’s  unsure  .    &    so  was  krissy  .    that  doesn’t  stop  her  from  lifting  the  blankets  in    ACCEPTANCE  .    back  of  her  mind  warns  of  the  initiation  of  mild    INTIMACY  ,    opening  a  door  she  feels  she  hasn’t  opened  in  a  long  time  .    however  as  he  carefully  crawls  in  ,    skin  just  barely  grazing  hers  in  an  attempt  to  keep  some  polite  distance    &    kris  pulling  the  blanket  over  his  long  legs    &    up  to  his  shoulders  .    chestnut  hues  catch  the  slight  sag  of  scrunched  muscles  as  he  nestles  ,    as  if  the  warmth  she’s  radiating  soothes  him  to  contentment  somehow  .    in  a  way  ,    his  close  presence  does  the  same  for  her  .    mind  quietens  ,    breathing  becoming  shallow  as  she  turns  to  her  side  in  order  to  face  him  .    another  smile  cracks  across  dozy  features  when  she  realizes  his  veil  is  down  ,    his  real  face  smooshed  into  the  blankets  .    then  lids  flutter  shut  ,    becoming  too  heavy  to  keep  open  .                 ❛    GOOD  NIGHT  ,    lupin  .  .  .    ❜
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ncmither · 11 months
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@freak1ish's starter.
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♛ˎˊ˗    after  ten  years  the  purgatory  he  found  himself  in  was  still  a  shrouded  mystery  .  it  was  endless  .  woods  &  fog  mingled  together  in  a  rolling  sea  of  vastness  that  it  THREATENED  to  drive  him  mad  .  david  wanders  away  from  the  group  who  sits  around  the  everburning  campfire  ,  awaiting  to  be  summoned  to  a  trial  .  phantom  pains  from  his  last  death  lingers  &  he  doesn't  wish  to  feel  it  any  time  soon  .  david  makes  his  way  close  to  the  woods  &  drops  down  to  lean  against  a  tree  .  he  pulls  out  a  note  ,  so  tattered  that  it  was  near  destoryed  .  he  starts  to  read  it  but  finds  it  diffcult  ,  a  since  of  being  watched  .  ❝   whose  there  ?   ❞
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ofwondersandhares · 1 year
"Sorry for disappearin'." ( from Lupin to Sean )
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"Hmm? Do I know you, why are you talking to me like we're friends?"
Was he being serious?
Perhaps he was having a case of amnesia.
No, that wasn't quite it, was it?
"-----I think it would be better if you go back to pretending I don't exist, because it seems to be what you do best."
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iincantatorum · 1 year
What if Lupin is protective over you other than protective reasons Devlin. Have you never thought he might fancy you?
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"No, I doubt it. Lupin might be bold but he knows his boundaries. I feel like he respects our relationship and if anything, he's like a brother. He is family at this point."
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
[KM]: You're in luck, breakfast is served! [KM]: What's the catch, you might ask? You'll have to get to the park before the cops do. Good news is that the getaway vehicle still looks functional, so it's a meals on wheels special if you can make it.
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uncxntrxllable · 10 months
continued from an open starter with @freak1ish
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The large animal chuffs, adjusting her stance almost uncomfortably but her eyes never left him. Perhaps she misjudged him — a common mistake of hers in all honesty, she is not the best when it comes to appropriately judging someone's character... Releasing a frog into the swamp? That's a deed most would never bother to do.
Her ears pop forward and her nose twitched. Only briefly did her eyes avert, looking to the little glass container that he pointed out as some sort of proof that what he claims is true. Lips brush above her teeth and a light snort escaped her, but her expression appeared to soften, at least for a moment before she caught a glimpse of his tails.
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A webbed paw stamped the soil and a fleeting look of rage passed her features. It took her by surprise; normally she is able to detect when a person is not as human as they appear. ❝ Trust does not come that easy. ❞
She lifts her head then, resuming a calm demeanor. ❝ Lakota. ❞ She paused, her chest expanded and fell with a deep breath. ❝ I am what you may call an akhlut. ❞ Although most would refer to her as the monster in the forest. ❝ A guardian of the wild. Nature. And you? ❞
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talentforlying · 10 months
❛ darkness always finds you either way. ❜
isn't that just what he LOVES to hear. ' you're a real ball o'sunshine, ennye? oh, lemme take a stab at it, chum: yer lucky numbers are 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, an' 42. ' his fingers wiggle in the universal sign for eerie vibes. ' ooooooh. '
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of course, if whatever staticky bit of psychic feedback he's tasting on the back of his tongue around this fancy-lookin' fella is a proprietary air, then that darkness might very well be what's talking to him now. which would turn an ominous warning into a smug, self-congratulatory wankfest that he just doesn't have the bloody time for.
. . . or it's just the whiskey making its way back up. he doesn't come to this bar often, he doesn't know the usual quality. anything's possible.
' look, f'this is about that FIGHT earlier, i already squared everything up with the bouncer. 'sides, the vampire started it. '
@freak1ish / UNREAL UNEARTH STARTERS ( always accepting )
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iviaw · 10 months
@freak1ish playlist starter. // ride by twenty one pilots
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a moment had been all he had needed to breathe. six years of unrest had twisted the mind. nearly feral in logic thinking & deed. when he had nearly devoured a woman over her antagonizing nature, it had thought it time for a brief vacation away from the political atmosphere of the community and from the world in general. he tried not to tense when he had smelled the other near. the choice to be more relaxed and not think so much being embraced. "      haven't smelled somethin' like you in a long time.      "
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❝ i’m here to drink alone. ❞ ( from Lupin )
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"Don't flatter yourself," Sam scoffs in response as she slips onto the stool next to the rather rude man to her right. "It's the only empty seat in this place."
Men, she thinks in brief annoyance as she catches the attention of the bartender to order a beer, and then slips her phone out of her pocket to check and see if she's missed any messages. Of course, there's nothing, and why would there be? Dean's gone, Castiel's gone, Bobby's gone, and Sam's really and truly alone for the first time in her life. She doesn't even have the heart or urge to hunt, and certainly no desire to interact with other hunters.
Now, she just drives; running, really, trying to find that one place where maybe she might stop hating herself for surviving long enough to find a moment's peace.
Also, alcohol helps along the way.
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handgiven · 10 months
❛  do i have something on my face or why do you keep looking at me like that ?  ❜ ( from Lupin )
first meeting starter sentences / @freak1ish
The angel had been out there for about a half an hour. He'd gotten a message that Anane would likely be in danger from this man, hired by whomever deemed their little group unfit to keep on existing within premises. Anane did not like seeing Emmanuel much, it always involved this peculiar pain of shared past, up to the divided future Anane was not allowed to partake in. Either way and despite all that, he cared. And if he could solve this situation without being observed in their part of town, then all the better.
It took a couple more minutes for a figure to turn a corner. During the first few seconds, he'd become absolutely certain that it was who he was looking for, yet he paused still, becoming aware of something peculiar about the other's visage that did not at first meet the eye. It was not however the other's very specific shadow that interested him so much as it was his face. There was something about it. As he moved, it seemed to move as well, his visage lifting and falling like a thin veil in a summer breeze. Of course, it turned hard as iron when he'd noticed Emmanuel staring. The other must have focused harder on maintaining the illusion, which once again would not make it impossible for the angel to peek underneath, but he would hate to pry, and besides it would be crystal clear if he did, now that the other was aware of him.
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Lying was bad but being rude was worse. He'd slowly move away from the wall he was leaning against. The other was slightly taller than his form, so Emmanuel did his best to stand up straight. He did not mean to scare him, but hoped that should he gain enough respectability in the other's eyes, maybe this could be solved without any trouble.
"N-no, I am not. Like what?" His eyes now dug into the ground to the right of the other, while his hands made a tight knot of fingers together. Clearly, there was more for him to say but such a meeting has made it harder to voice his concerns straight away. "Lupin, is it? I'd, um, heard you would be here. Looking for a... well, I really do not know the name they gave you. But you are looking to, um, surprise a sister of mine? And I'd thought I would – strongly advise you against it."
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fcllederage-moved · 1 year
@freak1ish said: ღ
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attraction meme
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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heirofhermes · 11 months
"You are not going to hurt me are you?" He had only asked because he had seen from reading his aura while he was in the middle of painting. ( from Caleb )
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"Hurt you? Why would I?" Sebas asked in return, his voice as polite as always, although it carried the sound of his confusion with it. Granted, he didn't expect to walk into someone else at Lupin's apartment, but this was clearly not a robbery of any kind. Maybe one of the fox's friends?
"I come in peace," he added. "And it's not like you're threatening me yourself either."
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