#v:what if i change the world? if i lead the way?
heirofhermes · 10 months
@lcbcshcart liked this for a starter
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"Mr. Reinhart?" Sebastián greeted, poking his head through the door with a cup of coffee in his hand. It wasn't every day that he visited the FBI, but it always seemed to be memorable... Perhaps today wouldn't be the exception.
"I'm Sebastián Atehortúa, the Skadden lawyer who first came across the russian mob involvement with our mayor... I was told to come find you."
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heirofhermes · 5 months
Closed starter for @luposcainus
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"Thank you for granting me an audience, your majesty," Sebastián started, siguring this was the right way to address the man in front of him. "I understand these are... trying times."
How could he not? With the tensions rising between mages and werewolves, he knew they were one bad day away from a full scale conflict between their factions. All because some low ranking mages decided to be assholes...
But there he was, paying a visit alone to the leader of the wolves in hopes that some diplomacy could prevent a war. As much as his Order disliked contact with other kinds of supernatural beings, it's not like ignoring the problem will make it go away. Not when blood had already been spilled.
"-But let me start by extending an apology in the name of the Order of Hermes. I have personally looked into the incident and I firmly believe it was our fault. I hope we can discuss ways in which we make sure it never happens again."
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heirofhermes · 1 year
As prodigious as Sebastián was for a mage, alchemy had never truly been his strong suit. Arcanism, high ritual, psionics... Sure. But alchemy? Not really. And it certainly didn't help at all that his go-to supplier had been scared away by hunters... It was by chance that he came across another wiccan kind of shop, and boy was he in need of one.
So he walked in, confident steps taking him up to the counter to meet the man in charge. He had heard of the Winchester brothers, of course. Who hadn't? And yet, he had no idea that he was actually standing in front of one as he was about to expose himself.
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"Good evening," he greeted as politely as usual. "Do you have any wolfsbane lying around? I need... copious amounts."
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heirofhermes · 1 year
"I believe the gentleman said no," Sebastián cut in as he realized the situation was getting a little uncomfortable. "Please, leave."
It came off warm, gentle even, but his voice was powerful and coated with mind magic enough to get his point across. Compelled by his words, the man who was shamelessly insinuating himself to the bartender stood up and left. Sebastián, with a gentle smile but very tired eyes took his place on the bar instead, offering Brandon a nod.
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"Are they always this insistant?" he started the conversation with his favorite bartender. "Sorry to barge in like that, I thought I'd save you the trouble of dealing with the dude."
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heirofhermes · 10 months
@mythosisms liked this for a starter
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"I'm telling you, this is what I do. I identify mages who are violating our laws or have become a menace to society and I prosecute them. Yes, in court."
The amount of times he had explained the same thing in the past was clearly starting to weigh down on him. Alas, Sebastián was devoted and committed to his job.
"Yes, shocking to know we're not a lawless bunch."
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heirofhermes · 1 year
"I understand your aprehension, mr. Watson. This kind of legal parade is hardly what a logger like yourself is used to," Sebastián offered, calmly picking up the papers and pictures that had scattered all around the table during their conversation about a certain case he had been prosecuting.
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"Alas," he insisted with the warmest tone he could offer. "We are certain that this man is the murderer of my client's daughter and your testimony in court about what you saw and heard that day might be the one thing we need to shift the balance in our favor."
A bold statement, he knew. Almost a guilt trip, he also knew. However, as a lawyer, it was his job to look out for his client's best interests. And as a decent human being -self proclaimed- he couldn't just let a murderer walk out freely just because they could pay for good lawyers.
"I know I may be asking a lot, but perhaps we can turn this into a negotiation. Is there anything that I can do to convince you to testify in our favor?"
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heirofhermes · 1 year
@astremourante deserves the world too
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"Miss Sinclair, por el amor de dios, I need you to put the apple pie down and listen to me," the lawyer groaned, absolutely frustrated by the outcome of this crazy interaction.
How on earth did he end up as the legal representation of a criminal of this caliber? What was even more unbelievable, why was it so hard to talk to her?
"If I'm going to get you out of this mess, we need a solid alibi. Why the fuck can't you tell me where you were on the night of the 20th?"
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heirofhermes · 1 year
@angelicgilbert gets a starter
Truth be told, Sebastián wished he had a different reason to seek out Elena after a few months of not crossing words. Alas, in his line of business, he hardly ever reached out to people with good news. Such was the burden of a Quaesitor, he feared.
Not that he had the time to feel sorry for himself over something so insignificant, though. Instead, he focused on pouring their coffee to help Elena feel welcome in his office. Granted, it seemed to be little more than the office of a generally successful lawyer -which he was- but he only used it as a front to cover his real business.
Business which required him to invite Elena fucking Gilbert of all people to a cup of coffee.
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"I'll cut to the case, and pardon my bluntness," he started as he handed the cup of coffee over. "The Order of Hermes, which I'm part of, aprehended a rogue mage a few days ago-- Poking into his mind I found something deeeeeeeeeply worrisome that makes me think our good friend Klaus might have been brougt back."
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heirofhermes · 1 year
Closed starter for @coivi
Becoming a successful Quaesitor of the Order of Hermes hadn't been an easy feat, but Sebastián had managed to achieve it. Granted, he wasn't so egotistical as to take all the credit for it; he knew he had been blessed in meeting the right people that made his career that much easier. As his mother would say, it's best to have friends than money. And boy, was she right.
That's precisely why he had made his way to Banff, to visit one of said contacts who had helped him in the past, and who he had helped in return. It was a necessary step to take when dealing with cases that involved magical creatures. It wasn't odd to hire a consultant during human legal processes, so why would it be for the supernatural ones?
So he showed up at the fields of Banff, the randevous for their meeting. Naturally, Sebas wasn't that much of an asshole to show up unannounced, so he made sure to give Cyrus a heads up and ask politely for a few moments of his time. He killed the engine of his bike, a wine colored Honda Rebel, and took off his helmet to wait.
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"Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite expert in supernatural creatures," Sebastián greeted kindly as he finally caught a glimpse of the other, leaving his bike a few steps behind in order to offer a handshake.
"Thank you for agreeing to meet me in such short notice. I brought some premium colombian coffee as an apology of only showing up for business."
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heirofhermes · 1 year
"I sense magic in you.'' ( from Ariana)
He stopped immediately what he was doing, picking his teddy bear notebook back up and taking one step towards the woman. He studied every word carefully before he formulated a response. Sensing magic meant that whoever this woman was, clearly belonged to some shade of supernatural. That made the whole situation less alarming but still hardly reassuring.
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"That's not exactly the kind of thing to be saying out loud, though. Wouldn't you agree?" he asked politely, his attention now entirely placed on the woman who seemed oddly familiar. "Have we met?"
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heirofhermes · 1 year
@theimpalpable deserves everything.
Truth be told, Sebastián was ashamed it had come to this. He had spent his entire life trying to make the Order of Hermes a better place; a more accepting and approachable place... And yet there were old, more traditional mage supremacists who believed they could do whatever they want.
Like attempt to follow rumors of a fallen angel to harness their power.
So there he was, standing over the time-frozen body of this rogue mage as he looked at Lark with an apologetic look in his eyes. It was his job, of course, to reinforce the law... And they had strictly forbidden to mess with other kind of magical creatures. Especially try to kidnap them.
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"Please tell me I got here in time and this asshole didn't hurt you," Sebas offered with a gentle but urgent voice. "Do not worry, mister. I will see that he is taken to court and punished for this transgression. It is below us in the Order of Hermes to behave with such... such... idiocy."
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heirofhermes · 1 year
"You are not going to hurt me are you?" He had only asked because he had seen from reading his aura while he was in the middle of painting. ( from Caleb )
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"Hurt you? Why would I?" Sebas asked in return, his voice as polite as always, although it carried the sound of his confusion with it. Granted, he didn't expect to walk into someone else at Lupin's apartment, but this was clearly not a robbery of any kind. Maybe one of the fox's friends?
"I come in peace," he added. "And it's not like you're threatening me yourself either."
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heirofhermes · 1 year
tag dump
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heirofhermes · 1 year
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Age: 21 Location: New Jersey, or any major city in the U.S. / Canada Goals: to graduate with flying colors as a history major so he can go to Law School. Tag: v:look at my name in black and white; your son is doing something right
Sebastián gave up on México, knowing it wasn’t the place he had to be if he expected to bring a revolution to the Order of Hermes. He packed his bags and enrolled himself into a prestigious college where he managed to obtain a full scholarship (usually Princeton). He spends his days as a History student and his nights as a Quaesitor of the Order, trying to balance his academics with his mage responsibilities.
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Age: 34 Location: New York (or any major city) Goals: to become Primus of the Order of Hermes in the city. Tag: v:what if I change the world? If I lead the way?
Somehow he managed to live up to his own expectations. With time and training, Sebastián made a place for himself in the Order of Hermes. His diplomatic approach to relations with other factions helped strengthen his group and his never ending crusade to expose corruption led the Order to get rid of a few rotten apples that were contaminating the whole tree. As the leader of his circle is starting to consider her retirement, she’s expected to name a successor soon and Sebastián’s achievements and reputation are enough for him to be considered as a possible candidate for it.
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Age: 21 Location: New York Goals: to become a full fledged Avenger Tag: v:the problem is I gotta lot of brain but no polish
Sebas was a prodigy at magic, but his training was sadly interrupted because he was one of the victims of Thanos’ snap. After the ‘blip’ was reversed, he joined the Endgame battle and  his performance was remarkable enough to get Steve Roger’s attention. One of the leader’s final acts before disappearing in time was to recruit him to become a part of the new generation of heroes. Ever since, Sebas has spent his days trying to master his own power to finally earn the title of Avenger.
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Age: 33 Location: New York Goals: to become master and guardian of the New York Sanctum Tag: v:always gonna be an uphill battle
The world has seen enough chaos because of the irresponsible use of magic. As a prestigious sorcerer, Sebastián spends his days trying to reinstall some sense of structure within their magical society, and that starts by prosecuting those who have endangered the world by their irresponsible use of their power. Currently he’s building a case against dr. Stephen Strange for the calamity-level spell he casted during Spiderman: no way home and the poor way he handled the events of Multiverse of Madness. No mage as selfish and reckless should be the master of any Sanctum, let alone New York’s, and he’s going to prove it.
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Age: 21-34 Location: Markham Goals: to help his fellow mages by the design and reconstruction of a better kind of Circle of Magi Tag: v:been dealing with devils from the start of a young teenage age
The Circle of Magi is an institution that sparks a lot of debate. Sebastián believes Circles are necessary but need urgent restructuration. He believes and actively works on the creation of a Circle by mages and for mages, without templar or chantry intervention. He believes in a Circle that’s a school instead of a prison, which is exactly what he’s attempting to create at his hometown of Markham. However, his political crusade came to a halt with the assault of Corypheus, as he and another couple of mages from his circle were sent to help the Inquisition in the battle for Thedas’ future.
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Age: 21 Location: New Jersey (or any major city) Goals: to become a great lawyer Tag: v:I’m too busy loving my name up on that list
Sebastián’s life was never graced with magic, which means thriving has been twice as hard. Alas, his mind was bright enough for him to get a scholarship to Princeton (or any major college). He’s studying history and politics, trying to pave his way to Law School and fulfill his dreams of becoming a great lawyer. Most of his time is spent studying, but he also spends quite a few hours of his week working at a Starbucks for some extra cash to help him through the month.
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Age: 34 Location: New York (or any major city) Goals: to fight off corruption in his city’s political landscape Tag: v:not gonna be just a part of their game
Our little genius made all the right calls in life: he went to the right school, met the right people, bet on the right causes. He built a good reputation for himself and fought to prove his worth to this uncaring world. Now, in his adult years, he’s a senior lawyer for Skadden who works white collar cases. This proximity to high society made him aware of a chain of corruption sitting in the offices of Town Hall, and he’s determined to weed it out through legal action no matter if it endangers his very own employment.
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Age: 17-18 Location: any major city Goals: to earn a scholarship for a prestigious college Tag: v:no puedo ni respirar
Always be hustling is a life motto for this young Sebastián, who gives it his all both in class and in magical training. Everybody has high expectations of him, so he can’t let them down. Hopefully no turmoil will come to burst the fake image of the perfect kid who has it all together. His anxiety is, after all, still within manageable levels… But who knows for how long.
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