#free Rick Tyler yall
nyikondlovu · 3 years
I want everyone who called Beth useless to beg for her forgiveness because EYE would hurt y’all feelings.
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Hournite Diaries always emotional yall I love it.
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(Rick needs to kick his abusive uncle outta that house as soon as he gets out of hospital and Rick gets out of jail.)
Beth’s journey is one that resonates with so many black women AND characters. From Anj taking her life experiences and things people said about Beth to Candice having to fight every damn day for a black woman to be treated as more than a diversity hire for Iris to Anna having to deal with all the comments that called her and Kory hookers to Azie having to write her own episode that reflects Kelly’s struggles, my sisters have been disrespected from day one and I’m proud of them and their fans for not taking fanboys shit and standing up and defending both the actresses and characters.
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The way Beth and Rick’s journeys during the episode are about identity? Beth’s started with her doubting her place in the world and in the JSA and ended with her wearing all those nasty thing Eclipso said about her (wrong gender, wrong colour) with pride while Rick started out knowing that while people expect the worst from him, he at least had the heart to forgive and even try to befriend Grundy, he had his father’s hourglass which on some level meant he had a good heart only for his security in his identity to be taken away and revealed by Eclipso.
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Self acceptance and identity was the theme for Hournite in 2x08 and I love it.
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Seeing a new, more confident Beth is definitely something I cannot wait for because while she didn’t need it, she got the seal of approval from not Chuck, but Charles McNider who didn’t spend months with her but saw her strength and determination and heart. Dr McNider and the JSA database acknowledging her as Dr Midnite was just the icing on top for someone who is now confident in HERSELF and her abilities and place on the team.
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Rick having to go through a more outward fight against his emotions and the situation around him was devastating but I’m here for watching him pick himself to be a hero again. Rick was chosen to join the JSA due to something that worked just because he had the right DNA. Him coming back to the JSA will be about HIM accepting that the title and worthiness didn’t come from the hourglass but from his heart (and sheer bullheadedness)
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Every time Beth Chapel and Rick Tyler get an episode, it’s always about them both because their stories run parallel to each other. Dr Midnite recruited Hourman by giving him peace over the mystery surrounding his parents passing the same way Rick Tyler always has Beth Chapel’s back
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I think going forward Rick will use his apparent talent in chemistry to figure out how to replicate his fathers hourglass as Beth finds out how to stop Eclipso for good and how to get Dr McNider out using her goggles.
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Beth Chapel bravest and only JSA member to successfully defeat Eclipso in a direct attack/vision yup yup yup
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(AND, her mom telling her about her struggles as a black female doctor and both her parents supporting her? Yes please. I love healthy black family dynamics; see the West family from The Flash)
(Also, Rick gotta use that white male privilege to get outta them cuffs #FreeRickTyler2021)
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