#Beth chapel supremacy
nyikondlovu · 3 years
I want everyone who called Beth useless to beg for her forgiveness because EYE would hurt y’all feelings.
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Hournite Diaries always emotional yall I love it.
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(Rick needs to kick his abusive uncle outta that house as soon as he gets out of hospital and Rick gets out of jail.)
Beth’s journey is one that resonates with so many black women AND characters. From Anj taking her life experiences and things people said about Beth to Candice having to fight every damn day for a black woman to be treated as more than a diversity hire for Iris to Anna having to deal with all the comments that called her and Kory hookers to Azie having to write her own episode that reflects Kelly’s struggles, my sisters have been disrespected from day one and I’m proud of them and their fans for not taking fanboys shit and standing up and defending both the actresses and characters.
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The way Beth and Rick’s journeys during the episode are about identity? Beth’s started with her doubting her place in the world and in the JSA and ended with her wearing all those nasty thing Eclipso said about her (wrong gender, wrong colour) with pride while Rick started out knowing that while people expect the worst from him, he at least had the heart to forgive and even try to befriend Grundy, he had his father’s hourglass which on some level meant he had a good heart only for his security in his identity to be taken away and revealed by Eclipso.
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Self acceptance and identity was the theme for Hournite in 2x08 and I love it.
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Seeing a new, more confident Beth is definitely something I cannot wait for because while she didn’t need it, she got the seal of approval from not Chuck, but Charles McNider who didn’t spend months with her but saw her strength and determination and heart. Dr McNider and the JSA database acknowledging her as Dr Midnite was just the icing on top for someone who is now confident in HERSELF and her abilities and place on the team.
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Rick having to go through a more outward fight against his emotions and the situation around him was devastating but I’m here for watching him pick himself to be a hero again. Rick was chosen to join the JSA due to something that worked just because he had the right DNA. Him coming back to the JSA will be about HIM accepting that the title and worthiness didn’t come from the hourglass but from his heart (and sheer bullheadedness)
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Every time Beth Chapel and Rick Tyler get an episode, it’s always about them both because their stories run parallel to each other. Dr Midnite recruited Hourman by giving him peace over the mystery surrounding his parents passing the same way Rick Tyler always has Beth Chapel’s back
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I think going forward Rick will use his apparent talent in chemistry to figure out how to replicate his fathers hourglass as Beth finds out how to stop Eclipso for good and how to get Dr McNider out using her goggles.
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Beth Chapel bravest and only JSA member to successfully defeat Eclipso in a direct attack/vision yup yup yup
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(AND, her mom telling her about her struggles as a black female doctor and both her parents supporting her? Yes please. I love healthy black family dynamics; see the West family from The Flash)
(Also, Rick gotta use that white male privilege to get outta them cuffs #FreeRickTyler2021)
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alwaysher · 4 years
i think one of my favorite things abt beth is how content she is with herself. like she's really shameless about being who she is and she doesn't actually need anyone to back her up!! i really aspire to have that kind of mindset and it's nice to see it in a stereotypically nerdy girl character for once!
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gertstarlight · 4 years
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you are what you love
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saroia-blog · 4 years
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canary-warrior · 3 years
Worth Staying For
I hope you all enjoy this Shivnite fic, which takes place in episode 12 of season 2!
While waiting for their search to complete, Beth decided to check on Jennie and found herself in the Whitmore-Dugan’s kitchen, waiting for the kettle to finish brewing so she could bring her another cup of tea. She also decided to fix a platter of snacks to leave at Jennie’s bedside in case she was still asleep, so she could have them when she woke up. Charles was in another room with Barbara, talking about the Shade and the shadowlands. Beth felt giddy, despite their current situation- she finally met her predecessor, and he approved of her taking over the Dr. Mid-Nite mantle. Nothing could ruin her mood.
“Hey, Mid-Nite junior,” none other than Cindy Burman waltzed into the kitchen. How she maintained perfect hair and smooth clothes after spending all this time in the shadowlands, Beth will never know. That being said, she refused to let the former head cheerleader damper her mood.
“What do you want, Cindy?” Beth asked, annoyed, grabbing a light blue plate from the cabinet. A quick glance at the charred wall reminded her that her priority right now was making sure Jennie was okay, not dealing with whatever Cindy Burman had up her sleeve. 
Cindy shrugged and leaned against the counter, watching as Beth put some crackers on the plate. “Can’t I say hi to my new teammate?”
Beth’s eyes shot up at the taller girl. “We are not teammates, Cindy.”
Cindy let out a chuckle. “We are working together to take down Eclipso, so I think that makes us teammates, to an extent.”
“And after that? You’ll, what, stab us in the back?” Beth turned away, not wanting to focus on the evil girl who tried to kill them a week ago. 
“I wouldn’t stab you in the back, Beth,” Cindy sounded almost bored, “you’re the smartest person on this team, you would see it coming anyway. Where’s the fun in that?”
Beth didn’t need any compliments from anyone, especially not from Cindy, but it did feel nice to be called the smartest member of the JSA. At this point, Beth didn’t even know what was happening with the JSA- Yolanda had quit, Rick was in jail, Jennie was on their side but she did leave to find her brother, Mike was off tracking down the Thunderbolt who was probably with a stranger… and here she was, conversing with Cindy in a broken kitchen, who complimented her intelligence. It was something Beth did not expect at all.
“What will you do,” Beth started, “when we beat Eclipso?”
“Leave this awful town and never look back,” Cindy answered automatically, but there was something in her voice. Something, wistful, almost. “You won’t have to worry about me coming after you.”
“I find that hard to believe. You could’ve disappeared after we defeated the ISA, but you came back to Blue Valley,” Beth pointed out. 
“Well, I wanted revenge against you and your loser friends. Now, I just want revenge against that purple demon,” her voice hardened at the mention of Eclipso. 
“And after you get your revenge on him?” Beth asked, her voice softer now.
Cindy’s eyes matched Beth’s tone. “I’ll leave, but there will always be something good in this wretched town that’s worth coming back for.”
Beth felt like Cindy was looking straight at her soul. Her goggles were working overtime, and showed how Cindy’s voice, breathing, and heart rate changed. Beth didn’t need to be a genius to do the math.
Was Cindy willing to stay in the town she hates for Beth?
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sirius-xm · 3 years
Nobody asked for Hournite yet which is a crime
right?? hournite is literally just superior, and i think a lot of that is because they balance each other out in a lot of ways, in a sort of opposites attract way (i have opinions about “opposites attract” as a concept but that’s neither here nor there). i think it’s a relationship that would be mutually beneficial in a lot of ways, in how they care for each other, but also in the insecurities that they both have, and honestly like even this early you can just tell they care for each other so much, and it’s just adorable. i mean obviously i want them to become canon sooner rather than later, but i’m really hoping we get to see the development of their relationship because i think it’ll be really good
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zayns-gay-avocados · 4 years
Rick, lying on the ground: *sniff* Wh..where’s… where’s Beth?? *sniffs*
Courtney: she literally told us she was going to buy some waffles with Yolanda like 3 minutes ago...
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rinasred · 4 years
not me commenting “we stan siblings <3″ under every hourst*r edit on instagram 
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lisbonsteresa · 3 years
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bethchapel · 4 years
Beth chapel
character asks
Why I like them
uhhh this could honestly be its own post and i’m pretty sure i’ve made a post about it before but my favorite thing about beth is how content she seems to be with herself and her personality!! she’s obviously a very bubbly person and she knows that and i honestly really like that about her, and i’d like to see her be taken seriously and still get to be her happy-go-lucky self because it’s really refreshing to have a female character who doesn’t have to a be super stoic/serious person to have her opinions heard.
Why I don’t
there’s really nothing about her character that i don’t like! honestly i just want to see more of her and i want her to have her own character arc throughout s2, and i’d just like to see her become more powerful as dr midnite (mostly because i don’t just want her to be reduced to “surveillance” or a hacker sort of type where she’s never in the fights or really onscreen during dramatic scenes) 
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
i really loved beth in 1x08 to be honest. it was nice to see her put her foot down and have yolanda back her up and i just think it was a really great way to show off her abilities!
Favorite season/movie
obviously we only have s1 as of right now but i’m manifesting beth supremacy in s2!! so hopefully this answer changes for the better :)
Favorite line
1x10 “just... ignore us! like you usually do.”
1x13 “i volunteer every christmas for the american red cross. there are so many worth charities, why pick one?”
Favorite outfit
ok obviously hournite, but i’m also very in love with wildnite!! i just want her to be happy :’)
i really like her dynamic with yolanda because i feel like they’re morally very similar they just have different motivations and go about things in very different ways, and i really like that contrast!
Head Canon
this is mostly self projection but i think beth plays the flute :’)
Unpopular opinion
this definitely isn’t an unpopular opinion on tumblr, but a lot of the instagram fans have said she “stole” the goggles and i think that’s 100% bullshit and the jsa wouldn’t function without beth! i don’t think they could’ve gotten a better dr midnite if they tried <3
A wish
she deserves her own character arc in s2 above all else!!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
death </3
5 words to best describe them
genius, inspiring, kind, patient, and ✨ethereal✨
My nickname for them
i don’t really have a nickname for her but i do call her the light of my life a lot :’)
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gertstarlight · 4 years
beth chapel’s legal team getting ready to conquer tumblr
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nyikondlovu · 4 years
Beth to The Gambler: “thank you you racist looking hick, I’m about to use all your money to help those in need :)))”
Rick: “heart eyes motherfucker!!!”
Beth: *makes genius noises and figures out how to save everyone*
Beth: *is sad*
In conclusion, Richard Tyler loves Bethany Chapel🤧
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alwaysher · 4 years
if you can't figure out why you hate beth chapel i will give you a hint... you're racist ❤
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nyikondlovu · 4 years
Rick: I’m gonna do the thing
JSA: don’t do the thing
Rick: you don’t tell me what to do
Beth: ...
Rick: ohmygod you’re absolutely right Beth, I shouldn’t do the thing
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nyikondlovu · 3 years
No other thoughts other than the fact that:
Beth Chapel and Rick Tyler always run parallel to each other. in season one they also shared an episode of their origins as Doctor Midnite and Hourman II respectively. We saw in 1x05 how Rick relied so much on anger about how his parents died in order to avoid dealing with the pain so he emotionally isolated himself from everyone while Beth became the opposite as a people pleaser because she didn't have her best friends aka her parents by her side 24/7 and she points out that she ‘talks a lot but people don't like it’, that episode was about how they process their emotions while 2x08 was about identity for the two of them.
Rick was in pain regarding how cruel his uncle was and if a criminal was who he was destined to be but he had some comfort in that his father's hourglass worked for him meaning he had enough good in him to be a superhero while Beth on the other spectrum was quietly questioning HER identity as a daughter, as a superhero, as a young black woman. Rick had his cushion of superhero-ness taken from him by Eclipso when he convinced Rick enough that Grundy was bad and bad could never change so he used the one thing he believed confirmed he was a good person, his fathers hourglass. At the end of the episode Rick doesn't know who he is.
Beth started as someone who lost her best friend Chuck, her parents wouldn't talk to her about their divorce and barely spent time at home and she needed to be saved from physical attacks by Rick. She was questioning what she truly brings to the JSA and who she really is. Eclipso trying to use things that she's most probably been told or seen behind the bs of such as her gender and her race and her fighting abilities or lack thereof. He tried using the every new JSA member was chosen except you to break her but he didn't account for her finding strength within herself because (what I believe is) Beth is one of the strongest members of the team mentally. She ends the episode confident in herself and her abilities.
Now that we’ve come to the end of the season I felt it only right to look at the journey Beth has taken from season one to the end of season two (growth over 26 episodes)
Season one we see Beth from a spectator’s perspective because we are seeing her through Courtney’s eyes. Beth might have come off as annoying to some viewers because we didn’t know her and had no reason to love to hate her (Cindy) or just immediately like her (Yolanda). Even her origin story needs you to look past the ‘I saw your dog chewing on these and now I own them’ because that is not what happened. What happened was Beth was concerned about people who didn’t much care for her but because she saw Yolanda scaling up the hospital, she went to Courtney to find out what’s going on showing her compassion immediately.
Next she helped a group of people who kinda didn’t want her as a member of the team or didn’t care enough about her to officially let her join and even AFTER Courtney asked her for the goggles back she refused because she wanted to help the group anyway because she was best suited to use the goggles and she knew it. There is the stubbornness subtly put on show.
Finally, you have her rushing to protect Barbara in the finale even though she has no combat training but she still went through with her attempt. There is the courage and bravery she’s ALWAYS had.
Coming into season two we are now in HER perspective. How she feels like her parents marriage falling apart is something SHE needs to fix. There’s her people pleasing always have to take care of people coming back into play. She makes it HER job to fix her parents when it’s THEIR job because it’s THEIR relationship.
We see how she bottles everything up to the point where when Rick asks her what’s wrong she lashes out then bursts into tears. She’s someone who suffers in silence.
All of these traits come into play in Chapter eight of season two. All the insecurities and horrible things she’s been having thinking about herself and role in the JSA are fully realized.
She uses her courage to call Eclipso out on his racism
She uses her bravery to pull the goggles from him and tell him she chose herself to be Doctor Mid-Nite.
She uses her stubbornness to keep fighting against Eclipso instead of giving in like her other teammates have
She takes her compassion and people pleasing and turns it toward herself. SHE is Doctor Mid-Nite because she’s proud of all these things he tried attacking her with. She’s fully acknowledged her fears but doesn’t hide from them. She faces them head on. She emerges CONFIDENT in both herself and her abilities.
We see this confidence when she tells her parents how she feels at the end of the episode. We see it in chapter ten when she tells them no and she isn’t ready to talk about her jsa related missions. We see it when SHE walks out on the people she’s most wanted to pay attention to her because there’s something more important going on.
Beth evolves this season and I’m so glad she did because she is a wonderful character. I hope she continues growing while Rick continues on his journey of finding himself outside of the hourglass. While he learns that people love him and he’s worth caring about.
I really enjoyed season two and can’t wait for season three.
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canary-warrior · 3 years
hey nikki :) how are u... i'm taking a break from my law hw to ask u abt shivnite cuz shivnite supremacy 😌😌 k so shivnite + flirting under fire and almost kiss pls 😈
hi adeeba!! im taking a break from my math hw to do these asks!
flirting under fire and almost kiss
okay so in this story, the jsa and isa have to team up to stop a threat that is bigger than both teams. beth and cindy pair up to go to the school to investigate and then the villain appears. they take cover in the chemistry lab, where they both use their expertise to make their own weapons to fight back. during this, cindy says stuff like "I always knew we had chemistry ;)" and "youre hotter than the flame on this bunsen burner ;)" beth tries to ignore cindy's flirting because they are still technically enemies, but she can't help the smile and the feeling of her cheeks heating up each time cindy says something flirtatious. beth gives a few responses back, like "i always thought you were the prettiest girl i've ever met :)" and a simple "youre amazing." they both realize that there is something between them, a spark that is only getting bigger and bigger to the point where it simply cannot be ignored anymore, so they both decide to meet up secretly after they defeat the big bad.
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