locke-hearts · 4 years
starter @freedomxprincess​
             Saki had asked him to pick her up, and to bring a change of clothes. Her modeling job kept her busier than either of them had imagined, and Akane had somehow become her unofficial assistant. A routine had formed between them: Where Akane would pick her up with his Charizard and they’d have dinner after big jobs. To celebrate.
             But on that evening, she was running late. Akane was pacing around outside of the studio, paying more attention to his Holocaster than his surroundings. Waiting, not-so-patiently, for his last message to be marked ‘read.’
             In his inattentive pacing, Akane bumped into another model: One he hadn’t seen until now, who was also entering the studio.
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          “Watch it!” He growled at the stranger, “Pay attention, so people like me don’t have to. Dammit.”
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theyawatwins · 4 years
Birthday Gift [closed with Wyatt]
Ace Twins want to battle with @freedomxprincess​!
The twins had spent what felt like hours sorting through their presents. Plenty of useful items for their travels, new clothing and accessories, and one very curious little gift. 
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“Ah, jeez. This is a really great present, but this won’t fit with our style at all.” Hunter looked at the Incubator, playing idly with the shiny bow adorning the top. The two were laying on one of the beds in the hotel room, looking at the Egg that had been left behind with them, “I’d feel bad to send it back, though.”
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“I have an idea, it’s not much better than sending it back. But! If they want it, then we can just say someone was very interested,” Alice said, opening their messaging.
[Wyatt ❤] Hey, Wyatt!
[Wyatt ❤] If you’re free, why don’t we hang out? We’ve got something we want to give you! 😘
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spacial-tears · 4 years
open starter call | @freedomxprincess​
           Being eternally lost had its perks. Such as allowing you to wander to places you would not normally go and encountering people you might normally cross paths with. Or, in this case, seeing someone you recognized but would never purposefully week out.
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        “... Ah. Excuse me, miss?” Yuuto waved shyly to Sawyer, “Do I... know you from somewhere? A league card? Magazine? Wanted poster?” 
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flos-virent · 4 years
✌ ✿ ✍
✌ : Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
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((Online, one of my favorite RP memories would definitely be when Mio blew up a blender in a kitchen, and rather than call the fire department she texted Colby. I just remember laughing so hard that day! It was by far one of the funniest things I wrote.))
✿ : Fondest role-play memory, between muns?
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((HMMMM this is a tough question for me. I have a lot of fond memories of interactions between muns and muses here online. I think one of my favorites would be the time the dash was commenting that a muse (Ry) should wear a magical girl dress, and at lightning speed I drew and posted it. It was beautiful, and dash just went wild. I miss times like that.))
✍ : Offer 3-5 tips on how to get other role players started on interacting with your muse.
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((Honestly, the best way to get any sort of interaction with any of my muses is to message me, send an ask, or just be like “Hey do you wanna RP?” I personally can tend to be a tad shy with asking to RP with newer RP Partners, so sending that ask or message really is the best way to get something started. Mio is very friendly, almost to a fault sometimes, so don’t be afraid to just start talking with her. I can’t think of other specifics, but if you have any questions my inbox is open!))
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fieldknowledge · 4 years
📏 What’s your go-to canvas size?🙃 Which is easier: faces facing left, right, or front view?📚 How many layers do you typically use?
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     // `o` My canvas size is...  Big square that is enough to fit whatever I feel like drawing!  `u`”  Usually it’s in at least a multiple of 25px though...  Otherwise I’ll never forgive myself...
     // `u` Lefty is easy!  `o` Righty is detail-y!  `u`!  Middle-y is get to know-y your subject-y!
     //  `o` One!  `u` With colour, 2-4...  `u`”  With a background...  Sometimes 30 because I don’t label my layers and forget what was for what, even if I blinky the invisibility toggle thingy......
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geminixdreamer · 4 years
🍒 Dante
🍒  :    how much does my muse value companionship?  do they constantly keep people around them,  or do they prefer to be alone often?  do they have or desire to have many friends?  do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend?  
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Dante values companionship immensely. Having friends around of all kinds is something he enjoys even if it may not seem like it. Despite the small group he hangs with now ( Ashe, Night, Gladion, Cynthia, Laika, etc. ), he does enjoy having friends of all kinds so that he has a reason and excuse to ditch word on occasion and up and leave to just check in on them.
It’s true he did travel alone on journeys before for Kanto and Galar, but he counted his pokemon as companionship, so... really, he never felt alone ( just in case anyone was curious ).
Any chance he gets to encounter someone new, yes, he’ll see it as a chance to make a friend -- but now that he’s been made aware to the fact of the fate his ‘world line’ was combined with another and that there are other world lines out there with potentially the same kinds of people ( ie. Two Cynthia Seamarks ), he’s become a bit more guarded towards people, often referring to them as ‘doppelgangers’.
( Let’s just say this poor man has his work cut out for him trying to understand how fucked up the world line he’s from has become thanks to Palkia and Giratina’s shenanigans and now Dialga joining in... and not to mention Arceus being murdered only to be reborn as a child later on... )
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lovely-battlecafe · 4 years
Roleplay Wishlist Meme | Accepting
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         Uh, Kuroneko Clan shenanigans??? Maybe they should all go on a vacation somewhere, or have a group barbeque, or idek. It’s been implied that the clan is close, but I’d love to abuse that fact for silliness.
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roseicicles · 4 years
Were you ever supposed to do something productive but instead spent all that time doing replies on Tumblr?
Honestly, I’d say yea pretty much.
It’s stuff I gotta do, just gotta get round to it haha. Gotta build up my CV even further and further.
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unsociablemaster · 5 years
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“What on Earth is this place?”  Kakios couldn’t help but mutter aloud to himself.  As usual, people were pretty much going out of their way to avoid him while he stared up at this needlessly decorative building.  It wasn’t garish, but he’d certainly never see a building this brightly colored, at least not in the region he was from.  Finally, someone who didn’t really seem to be paying his unfortunate countenance much mind passed nearby him.  “Hey, you, whats this building for?”
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cynic-longevity · 6 years
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“No matter how good that smells, I can promise you: that does not do what you think it does.”
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locke-hearts · 4 years
@freedomxprincess​ | continued from
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“Hmmmmm….It’s a start, but you’ll have to try harder if you want to win me over,”Sawyer responded.”I’ve been great! Things are all coming up Sawyer!” They weren’t, but she wasn’t about to complain to someone she just met. “I think the job went well. I tried my best, and no one seemed upset. So until we see the results, I’m going to say it went well!”
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      “That’s the right attitude! Glad to hear it.” Akane said sincerely, only briefly removing the teasing tone from his voice. And then, only a second later, he was back at it. “I’d better hurry up with my Princely charms, then. As soon as that magazine prints, I’m going to have more competition for your affections.”
         He put a finger against his cheek, expression mock-thoughtful. “What does the Princess Sawyer want to do today, then? I’ve got a few hours before my next match.”
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theyawatwins · 4 years
💞 as wyatt
Send to get a kiss from my muse!
Alice gave Wyatt a spin as Hunter let him switch dance partners. The hotel room was so ridiculously big, making for plenty of room for little dance parties. As the song came to an end, Alice dipped Wyatt low and pressed a kiss to his lips.
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“I must admit, you’re very princess-like in this moment.”
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spacial-tears · 4 years
Yuuto's childhood, Dimitri's hobbies, both of their habits from being Palkia children/having space powers, Things Umeko wants to do
Yuuto's childhood
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I’m working on a really detailed page for Yuuto over here, which currently has an elaborate breakdown of his childhood. Key things are: 
That Yuuto has never had a stable home in the traditional sense. He always has a loving mother, a loving father, his siblings, and even his own bedroom, but his world hopping means they aren’t the “same.” 
Yuuto is a bad dragon boy, because he cannot hoard. He has no where to put stuff, since he travels!
He keeps his bedroom empty. It was eerie to come back to a room and not know where items came from, what was important, if they had sentimental value... So Yuuto started doing himself, and other Yuutos, a favor by never keeping presents.
He’s never had friends. This wasn’t a huge problem, because his family is h u g e and he had family friends, but Yuuto has never given himself permission to form strong connections. Like with items in his room, he finds it weird to have someone reminiscene about activities with an ‘other’ Yuuto. So he tries to avoid that uncomfortable situation all together.
Dimitri's hobbies
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He’s a major bibliophile. Reading is why he initially never cared to use his space powers: He had plenty of safe adventures in books.
Dimitri had to pick up a lot of domestic hobbies in order to take care of stupid Yuuto and Speck. He’s actually a great cook, he can sew, and he enjoys some degree of cleaning.
Because of his strained relationship with the Mikale of this world, Dimitri pretends he is an awful cook. He doesn’t want to have anything in common with ‘this’ Mikale.
Dimitri enjoys bird watching with Miami. They call it friend watching.
their habits from being Palkia children/having space powers
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Yuuto can’t walk in a straight line. He’s very clumsy. His feet rarely touch the ground, unless he’s pretending to be a normal person.
When Dimitri sweeps the floor, he sweeps the dust into the void.
Yuuto has Ghibli hair. Which is to say, when he’s emotional it will stand up on end like a Ghibli character. This is a subconscious use of his gravity powers, and influenced by the movies he watched as a kid.
The boys don’t actually know how old they are. Because time doesn’t flow the same between worlds and they were rarely in the same world for long, they’ve lost track of their ages. They picked ages that “seemed right.”
Yuuto had never celebrated his birthday before the current world.
They can balance very high stacks of objects and carry very heavy loads due to their power. Because this is so easy, they only make one trip when bringing in the groceries.
Things Umeko wants to do
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Umeko wanted to train under Sabrina.
She wants to visit Alola and enjoy the beach, without going insane.
She wants to take on a Pokemon League. She isn’t picky about which one.
Umeko wishes she could go to a shopping mall and window shop. As it stands, she has to order items from PokeAmazon.
She wants to work at the Lovely Battle Cafe to repay her debt to the family. Right now, it’s too dangerous for her to help customers.
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flos-virent · 4 years
Raspberry: Do you have a work-out routine?
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“If I am being completely honest, not really. I tend to walk around a lot, but I don’t lift weights or go to a fitness gym, or anything of that sort.”
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fieldknowledge · 4 years
🍇  :    how would my muse describe their childhood?  how much has it impacted the person they are now,  or will become as an adult?  around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why?  do they wish to go back to their days as a child,  or have they embraced adulthood?  
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     // `u`!!  Noland’s teen years were much more exciting!  Without his parents’ knowing, he would go out and learn about wild Pokemon, and even managed to catch some!  His first Pokemon was a Mawile, caught in Granite Cave north of Dewford Town.  Because it was quite the swim away...  Noland’s parents were worried sick, and you can bet that he was grounded pretty hard for that...  His Mawile was kept a secret though!  Nowadays, Noland knows better than to just go off the radar like that, and will tell Scott if he ever intends to leave the Battle Factory for whatever reason.  He’s still pretty reckless though, and will battle wild Pokemon with his own two hands to learn from them and communicate with them!  He was pretty fond of his teenage years, but was still a bit bitter about how much he was still being held back...  But hey!  Kids think that they’re invincible!  Noland was no different, and could’ve gotten himself into some pretty bad situations...  His parents were just concerned for his safety...  He wouldn’t change any of his past.
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lovely-battlecafe · 4 years
✂ for Satou but also for Shugo
✂-  For  one of the worst mischief they did.
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        “I had an enemy who was obsessed with killing me and turning me into a ghost. Like, obsessed. So I used Destiny Bond on him, and now he pays my health insurance.”
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        “I dunno if it’s mischief, but... I used to tell Chron that she needed to eat her carrots to keep her hair orange. It worked until she wanted her to hair to be ‘vanilla cake coloured.’”
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