eurovision-facts · 1 month
Eurovision Fact #735:
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The 1994 Eurovision Song Contest saw the most new countries competing since the very first competition in 1956. Each nation also debuted their national language during this competition.
The seven nations that debuted were Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia.
"30 years on from the 1994 Contest and a Eurovision record that won’t be broken," Eurovision.tv.
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1994 Dublin - Number 2 - Friderika Bayer - "Kinek Mondjam El Vétkeimet"
And now for something completely different. What could possibly beat Russian punk? Why a religious song from Hungary, also in their first Eurovision. This is Kinek Mondjam El Vetkeimet (Whom Can I Tell My Sins?) sung almost perfectly by Friderika Bayer. It scraped home through Hungary's first ever selection competition against a huge field of widely varied songs by just two points from second place.
That sent Friderika to Dublin where she finished 4th - still the best result that Hungary has achieved. The song of loneliness, regret and existential dread in the middle of the night. She's upset by a multitude of potentially imagined sins, seeking forgiveness but there's no one there to unburden her of her guilt. It's a simple tune accompanied by an acoustic guitar and a multitude of orchestral strings and woodwind.
Friderika herself is unbearably sweet. Standing alone in the spotlight in a sleeveless dress she sings. And it's her voice that's the absolute star. Such a pure tone, almost without vibrato, but with huge amounts of power waiting to deliver her despair at the weight of her guilt. It's a closing your eyes on the big notes sort of performance. It's enough to make all us godless sinners cry - her voice is that perfect. In other years I think she might have had a chance at winning, but not only was 1994 a year of exceptionally strong female soloists, everyone got blown away in the Rock 'n' Roll kids tidal wave.
For a few years after this, Friderika was something of a celebrity in Hungary, recording hit albums and songs. Around the turn of the century she moved more towards religious music, recording gospel albums as well as albums of music for children.
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versinator · 1 month
Hiperboreákat emberszemek
Trombitálni ivell jázminág lépjetek Életemért alapot hóditója ráébredek Lepedőn lezárult vitába jubiláris Nyugalomnak kioszkban felhőiben louis Kakukkol sokból szimatolta heuréka Szablyává messzeségtől teremtésnek harmonika
Kászolódik ösvényét kesergés pengene Nyomorúságos késés hóditó hintne Puc pompát zárda ünneplőn Zálog okoznak ábráz jajveszékelőn Szankülott szekercéjével vetésem birka Ravasza csönded feledném cinka
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Napkelettel búsulni ágyékából mene Égrül lánglelket fám visszatérne Kifutott tájképek erdélyből bűvölőn Szenderét alamizsnát sugallva béketűrőn Dobolom égzengő ismerősi baka Ssi csillogtatta rakéták friderika
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Hackers Atacam Plugin Popular do WordPress
Se o seu website WordPress utiliza o plugin Modern Events Calendar, é imperativo que atualize imediatamente para evitar uma vulnerabilidade de alta gravidade que pode resultar na tomada completa do seu site. Investigadores de cibersegurança já confirmaram que hackers estão a explorar esta falha. A vulnerabilidade foi descoberta pela investigadora de cibersegurança Friderika Baranyai no […]
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horseweb-de · 6 months
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Remember that time where I wouldn't do another gif recap after song #101?
Well...I lied, and decided to do this one just before the top 50 instead. Here it is in its glory, with a plea to stop nuclear disaster, psychadelic chaos, and a lost musical number.
(I still might do one for my top ten of all-time, though--that's too important to miss out.)
In addition, in lieu of the usual "how are the countries are doing at this stage of the list" post, here's some stats for my top 50 ever.
By Country:
Italy: 7
France: 6
Greece, Norway, Turkey, Ukraine: 4 each
United Kingdom: 3
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ireland, Israel, Serbia*, Sweden: 2 each
Armenia, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Yugoslavia: 1 each
*I included Serbia-Montenegro 2004 (oops, spoilers!) as part of Serbia, as the country only participated twice.
By Decade:
1990s: 19
2000s and 2010s: 9 each
1970s and 1980s: 4 each
1960s: 3
2021: 2
--on an added note, 1991 has the most songs remaining, with 4. Next up are 1993, 1995, 1997, and 2009 with three songs each.
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eurovisionsongaday · 6 years
Welcome to the contest, Hungary!! Thanks for such a gorgeous tune!
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womenofesc · 7 years
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eurovisionopinions · 7 years
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Eurovision 1994: The actual result
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This is your spoiler warning for 1994. If you don't know now, well I'm going to tell you who won Eurovision.
And of course, even if Ireland had tried to tank their chances, it just wasn't going to work. They won for the third time in a row, the only country to do so before or since. Besides Ireland, other English language entries finished fifth and tenth - not quite as well as was expected. On the other hand, the new countries fared outstandingly. Poland, Hungary and Russia all finished in the top 10, with Poland second. Germany had a good year (and a party) and finished third.
The countries unluckily finishing at the bottom were Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia and Switzerland all of whom would have to take a year off in 1995. Lithuania scored the first nil points since Austria managed in in 1991.
Here then is the full result of the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest
Ireland - Paul Harrington & Charlie McGettigan - "Rock 'n' Roll Kids"
Poland - Edyta Górniak - "To Nie Ja!"
Germany - MeKaDo - "Wir Geben 'ne Party"
Hungary - Friderika Bayer - "Kinek Mondjam El Vétkeimet"
Malta - Moira Stafrace & Christopher Scicluna - "More Than Love"
Norway - Elisabeth Andreasson & Jan Werner Danielsen - "Duett"
France - Nina Morato - "Je Suis Un Vrai Garçon"
Portugal - Sara Tavares - "Chamar A Música"
Russia - Youddiph - "Vechni Stranik"
United Kingdom - Frances Ruffelle - "We Will Be Free (Lonely Symphony)"
Cyprus - Evridiki - "Ime Anthropos Ke Ego"
Iceland - Sigga - "Nætur"
Sweden - Marie Bergman & Roger Pontare - "Stjärnorna"
Greece - Costas Bigalis and the Sea Lovers - "To Trehantiri"
Bosnia & Herzegovina - Alma & Dejan - "Ostani Kraj Mene"
Croatia - Tony Cetinski - "Nek'ti Bude Ljubav Sva"
Austria - Petra Frey - "Für Den Frieden Der Welt"
Spain - Alejandro Abad - "Ella No Es Ella"
Switzerland - Duilio - "Sto Pregando"
Slovakia - Martin Ďurinda & Tublatanka - "Nekonečná pieseň"
Romania - Dan Bittman - "Dincolo De Nori"
Finland - CatCat - "Bye Bye Baby"
Netherlands - Willeke Alberti - "Waar Is De Zon"
Estonia - Silvi Vrait - "Nagu Merelaine"
Lithuania - Ovidijus Vyšniauskas - "Lopšinė mylimai"
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versinator · 1 month
Mecklenburg hiánya
Muskétások dobot rekettyésből csarnokába Töprenkedést műhelyébe üvegharangja betegszoba Utcában kísértetet vadrózsát kelenföld Nászdalt waterloo olajfáknak fölhasználd Pásztortüzeiket tömjénem szőjem kitagad Hidegbe nejét lóvonatra áthalad
Húgaim inteni végvári igéd Legőszibb népei világunalom pausáléd Zomotor terítsenek vállaiddal lárifári Veszélytől seregéből árkádok budavári Rengeted fagyokat fakóból rámragad Költőre sertéskivitelt városház átolvad
Burgundia hősszerelmes aljú napokba Foglalás szavaidban vértanúi siralomházba Szalay verekedve menyhért szégyelld Elízium becsül táncomat herold Cselédre mesekirályságának hallgatók kiszikkad Lepipálja boszorkányvarázslat vaskalap szökőkutad
Turris üdvözletét fölzeng eltörölnéd Fogásit rónája hangjukon ismeréd Gyöngyfüzérét nagyságra könyvtáras muri Goethét névnapod metzi kolibri Belevész kürtőhang fölvétel tovahalad Felgyöngyözik haladó friderika vérpad
Bajaink egykedvűt szenderegnek őshazámba Közönségnek királyhoz elbírállak holnapba Hulljatok levéből vergilius elküld Bérkaszárnya párolg venezia fanyarzöld Szürkülő tandari cenknek fontad Hivatás szárnyaljanak parázslik gyakoroltad
Tönkrementem viráguk nótával érezéd Avató suba ebekre zenéd Szabadságok kétségeink egyetlenért egri Csodalélek tütül robotolva téri Tékozolta kopottan nótára ébenhajad Nyárai elneveznek forrong itattad
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isabellaofparma · 7 years
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Hungary in Eurovision: 1994 // Bayer Friderika - Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet?
Result: 4th place in the Final
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cloudgirlsinfo · 4 years
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Three Minutes to Eternity: My ESC 250 (#58-57)
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#58: Friderika Bayer -- Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet? (Hungary 1994)
“Semmi sincs, csak fénytelen éj Csak szótlan bánat, hiú remény Nincsen hûség, nincs szerelem Nincs simitó kéz nekem”
“There is nothing, just the lightless night Just speechless sorrow, just illusive hope There is no loyalty, no love There's no caressing hand for me”
Seven countries debuted in the 1994 contest (including Russia--see #149 about that), and I thought this was the best of all of them. While To nie ja showcased Edyta's vocals and put her on the road to superstardom in Poland, Kinek mondjam el vetkimet does something more than that for me, as it creates a compelling soundscape and actually makes me feel something.
The song puts Friderika in a vulnerable situation, where she seeks somebody to talk to. It gets occasionally interpreted as a teenage pregnancy, because of the line "A meg sem született gyermekemnek"/"In spite of nobody dying and no children being born" and the English version suggesting that the narrator aborted the child. I didn't get that sense while I was listening to it, but I could relate to it a lot, because of the need to relieve oneself of the burdens that haunt them in life. I felt lonely at times, and need someone to talk to about life. (also, the title translates to "To whom I may confess my sins?", and the slight religious hints intrigues me again, haha)
The minimalistic instrumentation highlights that fragility; there's the guitarist playing that melody, the occasional tambourine, and the orchestra in the background. They create a little world for three minutes, filled with longing and the need to cry. It's almost like a prayer for understanding, because of the simplicity and sincerity of it. And it is just pure gold, deservingly getting Hungary’s best entry to date (for now, I hope).
P.S. A shout-out for @eurosong and @white-eyed-girl; both really love this song, but for the former, it's their favorite Eurovision song ever!
Personal ranking: 1st/25 Actual ranking: 4th/25 in Dublin
Final Impressions on:
--1994: It's known for having seven new countries come over (four that missed out on Kvalificacija za Millstreet in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, and Estonia, along with Poland, Russia, and Lithuania), along with being an especially ballad-heavy year. Several times in the running order, it seemed like all the songs blurred together, though I do think that the song quality was high enough to keep it from being bad. Most notably, Riverdance blew everyone out of the water with its use of Irish dance; it became more popular than the whole starting lineup. Basically, that was epic, along with the crowd in Point Theatre cheering for Ireland when they received multiple 12 points to get their third straight title.
--Hungary: Definitely one of the more unique countries in the contest, in terms of what they send. Looking back, they were more up-and-down in terms of quality, but they never leaned towards something more "basic". When they did deliver, they really did in spades; that helped with maintaining an eight-year qualification streak between 2011 and 2018. Sadly, they withdrew because of their increasingly authoritarian government, which is made even worse because they looked like they were going to win. Hopefully, they come back soon!
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#57: Minouche Barelli -- Boum Badaboum (Monaco 1967)
“Avant de faire tout sauter, boum boum Laissez-moi le temps d’aimer, badaboum Laissez-moi encore la vie, boum boum Au moins mille et une nuits, badaboum”
“Before blowing everything up, boom boom Leave me the time to love, badaboom Still leave me my life, boom boom At least a thousand and one nights, badaboom”
Another Serge Gainsbourg-penned song, I find it quite interesting. Whereas Poupée de cire, poupée de son (#179) and White and Black Blues (#74) deal with similar thoughtful issues with well-written lyrics, Boum Badaboum is a lot more straightforward.
Despite the silly title, it has a serious message about trying to enjoy what life is about before she gets killed in a nuclear explosion. The United States and the Soviet Union were just hours away from catalyzing a nuclear war five years ago, and yet amongst the negotiations and proxy wars of the Cold War, tension remains. These pleas are almost drowned out amongst the cacophony of the "bada-boums", which can be an acquired taste to some people.
Mincouche's voice is a bit shouty, which when combined with the instrumentation, makes me waver on whether or not I truly like the song. However, it does gets the message across the poppy soundscape, and she performs it with a bit of mischief amongst the despair. The orchestration for this makes it so cool and groovy, you wouldn't know that she's shouting for a little bit of peace!
Personal ranking: 1st/17 Actual ranking: 5th/17 in Vienna
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vintageurovision · 3 years
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Hungary in the Eurovision Song Contest: The 1990′s
1993 - Árva Reggel, Andrea Szulák (failed to qualify from the pre-selection round)
1994 - Kinek Mondjam El Vétkeimet, Friderika Bayer
1995 - Ùj Nèv Egy Règi Hàz Fàlan, Czaba Szigeti
1996 - Fortuna, Gjon Delhusa (failed to qualify from the pre-selection round)
1997 - Miert Kell, Hogy Elmenj?, V.I.P.
1998 - A Holnap Már Ném Lesz Szomorú, Charlie
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